I am able to filter the data with the following two parameters id1 and id2, and get accurate result of 10 records, from which have 9 with a price_type=cs and other with price-type=ms.
However, if I add price_type to the parameters id1 and id2 (id1=23456,567890&id2=6782345&price_type=ms), I get 3000 records instead of getting one record.
Am I missing something in the code. Any help would be very much appreciated.
var data = db.database_BWICs.AsQueryable();
var filteredData = new List<IQueryable<database_Data>>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.name))
var ids = query.name.Split(',');
foreach (string i in ids)
filteredData.Add(data.Where(c => c.Name != null && c.Name.Contains(i)));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.id2))
var ids = query.id2.Split(',');
foreach (string i in ids)
filteredData.Add(data.Where(c => c.ID2!= null && c.ID2.Contains(i)));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.id1))
var ids = query.id1.Split(',');
foreach (string i in ids)
filteredData.Add(data.Where(c => c.ID1!= null && c.ID1.Contains(i)));
if (query.price_type != null)
var ids = query.price_type.Split(',');
foreach (string i in ids)
filteredData.Add(data.Where(c => c.Type.Contains(i)));
if (filteredData.Count != 0)
data = filteredData.Aggregate(Queryable.Union);
Updated Code:
var data = db.database_BWICs.AsQueryable();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.name))
var ids = query.name.Split(',');
data = data.Where(c => c.Name != null && ids.Contains(c.Name));
if (query.price_type != null)
var ids = query.price_type.Split(',');
data = data.Where(c => ids.Contains(c.Cover));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query.id1))
var ids = query.id1.Split(',');
data = data.Where(c => c.ID1!= null && ids.Contains(c.ID1));
Because you don't add filter to restrict, every filter adds datas to result.
It means you make OR between your filters, not AND.
And your usage of contains looks rather strange too : you're using String.Contains, while I would guess (maybe wrong) that you want to see if a value is in a list => Enumerable.Contains
You should rather go for something like this (withoud filteredData)
var data = db.database_BWICs.AsQueryable();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.name))
var ids = query.name.Split(',');
data = data.Where(c => c.Name != null && ids.Contains(c.Name)));
if (query.price_type != null)
var ids = query.price_type.Split(',');
data = data.Where(c => ids.Contains(c.Type));
Well, if you wanna mix and or conditions, you could go for PredicateBuilder
Then your code should look like that (to be tested).
//manage the queries with OR clause first
var innerOr = Predicate.True<database_BWICs>();//or the real type of your entity
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query.id1))
var ids = query.id1.Split(',');
innerOr = innerOr.Or(c => c.ID1!= null && ids.Contains(c.ID1));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query.id2))
var ids = query.id2.Split(',');
innerOr = innerOr.Or(c => c.ID2!= null && ids.Contains(c.ID2));
//now manage the queries with AND clauses
var innerAnd = Predicate.True<database_BWICs>();//or the real type of your entity
if (query.price_type != null)
var ids = query.price_type.Split(',');
innerAnd = innerAnd.And(c => ids.Contains(c.Type));
innerAnd = innerAnd.And(innerOr);
var data = db.database_BWICs.AsQueryable().Where(innerAnd);
What I'm doing wrong in this method below? I created a group with linq because I need to group the list by 2 columns and for this grouping I will have a list of files.
public IActionResult GetVersionsByPeriodId(int entityId, int periodId)
var versionsInvoiceBillet = db.RemittanceInvoiceBilletVersionsCompacts
.Where(x => x.LegalEntityId == entityId && x.PeriodId == periodId && x.IsCurrent && x.DownloadHash != null)
.GroupBy(x => new { x.LifePolicyNumber, x.LegalEntityGroupNumber },
i => new { i.DownloadHash, i.FileTypeEnum, i.DueDate }, (key, group) => new
LifePolicyNumber = key.LifePolicyNumber,
LegalEntityGroupNumber = key.LegalEntityGroupNumber,
Files = group.ToList()
return Ok(versionsInvoiceBillet.Select(x => new {
lifePolicyNumber = x.LifePolicyNumber,
legalEntityGroupNumber = x.LegalEntityGroupNumber,
invoiceAndBillet = x.Files.Select(f => new {
downloadHash = f.DownloadHash,
fileTypeEnum = f.FileTypeEnum,
dueDatet = f.DueDate
If I try to call this method with Postman, the body comes empty. The problem is in invoiceAndBillet information that is returned, if I change to below, the body comes filled.
return Ok(versionsInvoiceBillet.Select(x => new {
lifePolicyNumber = x.LifePolicyNumber,
legalEntityGroupNumber = x.LegalEntityGroupNumber,
invoiceAndBillet = x.Files.Select
If I try to debug the selection that I'm trying to return, I get this message below:
I want to display data using datatable so my hard coded System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem value and text collect and make a list using linq but get error System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectListIterator`2[System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem,System.String]
var parentkeylist = clsDataCache.GetPriorityList().ToList();
var parentkeylist = clsDataCache.GetPriorityList().ToList();//this is SelectListItem
List data = this.GetAllStpOrganizationEntityData(input);
foreach (stp_organizationentityEntity obj in data)
if (obj.parentkey != null)
obj.priotytext = parentkeylist.Where(x => x.Value == obj.parentkey.ToString()).Select(x => x.Text).Cast<string>().ToString();//not cast Text value get error System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectListIterator`2[System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem,System.String]
obj.priotytext = "Root";
if (data != null && data.Count > 0)
long totalRecords = data.FirstOrDefault().RETURN_KEY;
var tut = (from t in data
select new
// t.entitycpde,
ex_nvarchar1 = objSecPanel.genButtonPanel(t.entitykey.GetValueOrDefault(-99), "entitykey", this.HttpContext.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity,
"StpOrganizationEntity/StpOrganizationEntityUpdate", "EditStpOrganizationEntity", "StpOrganizationEntity/StpOrganizationEntityDelete", "DeleteStpOrganizationEntity",
"StpOrganizationEntity/StpOrganizationEntityDetails", "StpOrganizationEntityDetails")
var parentkeylist = clsDataCache.GetPriorityList().ToList();
var parentkeylist = clsDataCache.GetPriorityList().ToList();//this is SelectListItem
List data = this.GetAllStpOrganizationEntityData(input);
foreach (stp_organizationentityEntity obj in data)
if (obj.parentkey != null)
obj.priotytext = parentkeylist.Where(x => x.Value == obj.parentkey.ToString()).Select(x => x.Text).Cast<string>().ToString();//not cast Text value get error System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectListIterator`2[System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem,System.String]
obj.priotytext = "Root";
if (data != null && data.Count > 0)
long totalRecords = data.FirstOrDefault().RETURN_KEY;
var tut = (from t in data
select new
// t.entitycpde,
ex_nvarchar1 = objSecPanel.genButtonPanel(t.entitykey.GetValueOrDefault(-99), "entitykey", this.HttpContext.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity,
"StpOrganizationEntity/StpOrganizationEntityUpdate", "EditStpOrganizationEntity", "StpOrganizationEntity/StpOrganizationEntityDelete", "DeleteStpOrganizationEntity",
"StpOrganizationEntity/StpOrganizationEntityDetails", "StpOrganizationEntityDetails")
}enter image description here
Below is my code
var dbClaimLink = this.Context.Set<ClaimLink>();
var claims = await DbSet
.Include(claim => claim.Parent)
.Include(link => link.ParentLinks)
var newClaimLink = await dbClaimLink.ToListAsync();
var processedClaims = claims.Select(x =>
var claimLinks = x.ParentLinks;
if (!claimLinks.Any())
return x;
var hiddenParents = claimLinks.Select(p => claims.Find(t => t.Id == p.ClaimLinkId));
x.HiddenParents = hiddenParents;
return x;
foreach (var objClaim in processedClaims)
if (objClaim.Children == null)
objClaim.Children = new List<Claim>();
var lst = newClaimLink.Where(k=> k.ClaimLinkId == objClaim.Id).ToList();
if (lst.Any())
foreach (var item in lst)
IEnumerable<Claim> newChildren = claims.Where(p => p.Id == item.ClaimId);
it always return old children set without concatenate with new children. I want to those old and new children set concatenate in side of foreach loop
the Concat method returns a new collection with both values and does not alter the original.
Concat will return new object - result of concatination, so you need to save it somewhere: var result = objClaim.Children.Concat(newChildren);
Where is lazy operation, it does not execute in place, only after materialization (ToArray, or foreach call): claims.Where(p => p.Id == item.ClaimId).ToArray()
I have a piece of Linq that queries an EntityFramework context in my web controller and returns the result, as follows:
public IActionResult GetRoutingRules()
var query = (from rr in _context.RoutingRules
join dest in _context.RoutingZones on rr.DestinationZoneId equals dest.ZoneId
join origin in _context.RoutingZones on rr.OriginZoneId equals origin.ZoneId
join hub in _context.RoutingHub on rr.HubId equals hub.HubId
select new RoutingRulesDto(rr) { DestinationZoneName = dest.ZoneName, OriginZoneName = origin.ZoneName, HubName = hub.HubName });
return Ok(query);
I want a new method that will take a "filter" object, where I can narrow down the results of the above. My filter object looks like this:
public class RoutingSearchFilterDto
public int BrandId { get; set; }
public int? ServiceType { get; set; }
public long? OriginZoneId { get; set; }
public long? DestinationZoneId { get; set; }
public int? RuleRanking { get; set; }
public bool? IsRuleActive { get; set; }
The minimum info that needs to be set in this class is BrandId. All other properties are options in the filter.
I need to write a new controller method that will utilise this, something like:
public IActionResult GetFilteredRoutingRules([FromBody] RoutingSearchFilterDto filter)
How do I linq query on properties that could potentially be null? Essentially, a dynamic query depending on the properties set in the filter object.
NOTE: I want this to affect the select statement that the EF runs, not just let EF get all the data, then filter the data set - the point of this is to make the db call more efficient.
Filter object might be sent where BrandId = 1, IsRuleActive = 1. Equally, it could be BrandId = 1, ServiceType = 3 (and therefore IsRuleActive is null so shouldn't be in the linq where clause).
I've tried this:
var param = (Expression.Parameter(typeof(RoutingRules), "rr"));
Expression combinedExpr = null;
if (filter.BrandId != null)
var exp = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, "BrandId"), Expression.Constant(filter.BrandId));
combinedExpr = exp;
if (filter.DestinationZoneId != null)
var exp = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, "DestinationZoneId"), Expression.Constant(filter.DestinationZoneId));
combinedExpr = (combinedExpr == null ? exp : Expression.AndAlso(combinedExpr, exp));
if (filter.OriginZoneId != null)
var exp = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, "OriginZoneId"), Expression.Constant(filter.OriginZoneId));
combinedExpr = (combinedExpr == null ? exp : Expression.AndAlso(combinedExpr, exp));
if (filter.EshopServiceType != null)
var exp = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, "EshopServiceType"), Expression.Constant(filter.EshopServiceType));
combinedExpr = (combinedExpr == null ? exp : Expression.AndAlso(combinedExpr, exp));
if (filter.IsRuleActive != null)
var exp = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, "IsRuleActive"), Expression.Constant(filter.IsRuleActive, typeof(bool?)));
combinedExpr = (combinedExpr == null ? exp : Expression.AndAlso(combinedExpr, exp));
if (filter.RuleRanking != null)
var exp = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, "RuleRanking"), Expression.Constant(filter.RuleRanking));
combinedExpr = (combinedExpr == null ? exp : Expression.AndAlso(combinedExpr, exp));
if (combinedExpr == null)
combinedExpr = Expression.Default(typeof(bool));
var compiled = Expression.Lambda<Func<RoutingRules, bool>>(combinedExpr, param).Compile();
var results = (from rr in _context.RoutingRules.Where(compiled)
join dest in _context.RoutingZones on rr.DestinationZoneId equals dest.ZoneId
join origin in _context.RoutingZones on rr.OriginZoneId equals origin.ZoneId
join hub in _context.RoutingHub on rr.HubId equals hub.HubId
where rr.BrandId == 21
select new RoutingRulesDto(rr) { DestinationZoneName = dest.ZoneName, OriginZoneName = origin.ZoneName, HubName = hub.HubName });
But the Where clause isn't applied to the generated Sql, it seems to pull back all records, then apply the where in memory, which isn't what I need.
Thanks in advance for any pointers!!
You can build an expression tree for this, but have you considered:
IQueryable<...> query = ...;
if (routingSearchFilter.ServiceType != null)
query = query.Where(e => e.ServiceType == routingSearchFilter.ServiceType);
if (...)
query = query.Where(....);
The EF engine is smart enough to combine the Where clauses (with AND of course).
It wasn't clear if you wanted to filter on the joined result or only on the first table. In that case it would continue like
var result = (from rr in query
join dest in _context.RoutingZones on rr.DestinationZoneId equals dest.ZoneId
join ...
select new RoutingRulesDto(rr) .... ).ToSometing();
But I'm a little wary about that RoutingRulesDto(rr) constructor parameter.
If you use the fluent API for LINQ, you can conditionally add Where clauses.
var query = _content.RoutingRules.Where(r => r.BrandId == filter.BrandId);
if (filter.OriginZoneId != null) {
query = query.Where(r => r.OriginZoneId == filter.OriginZoneId);
if (filter.EshopServiceType != null) {
query = query.Where(r => r.EshopServiceType == filter.EshopServiceType);
// etc...
var result = query.ToArray();
Just to have my final solution in black and white, here's what I had in the end:
public IActionResult GetFilteredRoutingRules([FromBody] RoutingSearchFilterDto filter)
// Query to be build on the routing rules table.
IQueryable<RoutingRules> query = _context.RoutingRules;
// Populate the linked foreign key entities.
query.Include(x => x.Hub).Include(y => y.DestinationZone).Include(z => z.OriginZone);
// Build dynamic where statements.
if (filter.BrandId != null)
query = query.Where(r => r.BrandId == filter.BrandId);
if (filter.OriginZoneId != null)
query = query.Where(r => r.OriginZoneId == filter.OriginZoneId);
if (filter.DestinationZoneId != null)
query = query.Where(r => r.DestinationZoneId == filter.DestinationZoneId);
if (filter.IsRuleActive != null)
query = query.Where(r => r.IsRuleActive == filter.IsRuleActive);
if (filter.RuleRanking != null)
query = query.Where(r => r.RuleRanking == filter.RuleRanking);
// If you want to add paging:
query = query.Skip(filter.PageSize * filter.PageNumber).Take(filter.PageSize);
// Perform select on the table and map the results.
var result = query.Select(r => new RoutingRulesDto
RoutingRuleId = r.RoutingRuleId,
BrandId = r.BrandId,
LastMileCarrierCode = r.LastMileCarrierCode,
CashOnDelivery = r.CashOnDelivery,
CreationTime = r.CreationTime,
CurrencyCode = r.CurrencyCode,
CurrencyDescription = Enum.Parse(typeof(Enumerations.CurrencyCode), r.CurrencyCode),
DestinationZoneId = r.DestinationZoneId,
EddFromDay = r.EddFromDay,
EddToDay = r.EddToDay,
ServiceType = r.ServiceType,
ServiceTypeName = Enum.Parse(typeof(Enumerations.ServiceType), r.EshopServiceType),
IsPickUpAvailable = r.IsPickUpAvailable,
LastUpdateTime = r.LastUpdateTime,
LastUpdateUser = r.LastUpdateUser,
OriginZoneId = r.OriginZoneId,
RuleRanking = r.RuleRanking,
SignOnDelivery = r.SignOnDelivery,
TermsOfDelivery = r.TermsOfDelivery,
TermsOfDeliveryName = Enum.Parse(typeof(Enumerations.TermsOfDelivery), r.TermsOfDelivery),
ValueOfGoods = r.ValueOfGoods,
WeightLowerLimit = r.WeightLowerLimit,
WeightUpperLimit = r.WeightUpperLimit,
FirstMileCarrierCode = r.FirstMileCarrierCode,
HubId = r.HubId,
IsInsuranceAvailable = r.IsInsuranceAvailable,
IsRuleActive = r.IsRuleActive,
HubName = r.Hub.HubName,
DestinationZoneName = r.DestinationZone.ZoneName,
OriginZoneName = r.OriginZone.ZoneName,
// The SQL produced includes the joins and where clauses as well as only
// selecting the column names that are required in the flattened return object.
return Ok(result);
Thanks for the help guys!
I have a function returning a report object, but currently i am going through a foreach look and then using the asQueryable method.
I would like to do it in one query and not have to use the AsQueryable function.
var query = from item in context.Dealers
where item.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId
select item;
IList<DealerReport> list = new List<DealerReport>();
foreach (var deal in query)
foreach (var bodyshop in deal.Bodyshops1.Where(x => x.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(s => s.ManufacturerId).Contains(manufacturerId)))
DealerReport report = new DealerReport();
report.Dealer = deal.Name;
report.Bodyshop = bodyshop.Name;
short stat = bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId).ComplianceStatus;
report.StatusShort = stat;
return list.OrderBy(x => x.Dealer).AsQueryable();
I think you want something like this:
var query = from deal in context.Dealers
where deal.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId
from bodyshop in deal.Bodyshops1
where bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.Select(s => s.ManufacturerId).Contains(manufacturerId)
let stat = bodyshop.Manufacturer2Bodyshop.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId)
orderby deal.Name
select new DealerReport
Dealer = deal.Name,
Bodyshop = bodyshop.Name,
StatusShort = stat != null ? stat.ComplianceStatus : 0, // or some other default
return query;