Open specific files with my Windows Store application - c#

I'm developing a Media Player Windows Store app, I need to make this app be suggested by Windows when the user tries to open a media file, I never tried to do this on other platforms (WPF, WindowsForms) I know that there are answers around here explaining how to do that in those technologies, but I'm new to this and I'm not sure if it works the same, I appreciate your help.

You need to specify the file types you support in the manifest (you can do this in VS) and then add a handler for when your app is launched this way.
See here for the details:


How to allow a C# UWP app manage another UWP app?

I want to do some things, which I feel are very simple, but I cannot do. I have looked at numerous websites and StackOverflow questions. One question has helped me a bit by pointing me in the right direction, but I feel I need more than just that.
Here is what I want to do (basically):
I would like to make a UWP app that can be managed by another app.
By "managed" I mean:
Should be able to install the app.
Should be able to uninstall the app.
Should be able to check for updates and update the app.
It should also be able to launch the app.
Optional requirements:
While launching the app, I would like to have it set the page of a panel to a certain page. Also fine with it clicking on the navbar and change the panel's page
This would be an example of my app would be like (the one with the panel/nav): Question
I would also like an installer (something like a .exe file or .msi file) for the installing app. Not the .appinstaller that visual studio 19 produces. Something like Inno Setup produces.
Is any of this possible?
If so, please give me some sample code/instructions/links. I would be very thankful for any advice/points in the right direction as well!
If not, please suggest what other language/framework I should use to accomplish these tasks (Is "tasks" the right word?). I don't mind learning anything and have unlimited time. Don't care about the learning curve either. (If I need C++, I will do it. ONLY IF I NEED IT!!!)
Thanks all!
P.S. I know about WPF or WinForms. I don't want to use them because of their age.
As the Rob Caplan said, PackManager class doesn’t support uwp app, it is suitable for desktop app. So maybe you need to create a wpf app and use Desktop bridge to package it into uwp app so that you could use this api. In addition, you could find the sample here about installing appx package, its parent directory Windows-classic-samples/Samples/ also contains other samples you need, such as PackageManagerRemovePackage, etc, please check it.

Filepicker for Hololens: List available filepickers?

So HoloLens is stupid in that it only recognizes one FilePicker at a time (no matter how many may be installed). I don't believe the developers are going to try making multiple filepickers work.
So, I'm trying to figure out my own filepicker in an attempt to be a proxy-select for other filepickers.
In essence, I want to make a filepicker chooser that appears as a typical filepicker (if that makes sense).
Trouble is, it doesn't appear possible to get a list of pickers installed!
Am I experiencing a pipe dream, or is there a way to invoke a picker from a list of pickers?
For the moment this is a pipe dream, but I sure hope they fix this. Per the Windows Holographic FAQ:
Note: HoloLens will always use the first app you've installed to handle file storage and this can't be changed. That means if you install Box and then OneDrive, all apps will use the Box file picker app.

Windows 8 Store Import

Reading the following (and skimming other areas of the site):
It seems as though I have to re-write a program I've been writing in VC# 2010, to be able to put it on Windows Store. Is this true? Can I simply import my project into VC# 2013 and then put it out there? Is there a reason I shouldn't do that even if I could (i.e. it looks different than other Windows 8 apps and users will be off-put by it)?
If I can't import and release my project into Windows Store directly, and this is a little bit of a tangent, but, can I at least import it into Visual Studio 2013, and then begin rewriting/adding the parts I need to to be able to make it compatible with Windows Store? I've never used app stores before, so please be gentle.
In most cases, opening a VS2010 project in VS2013 is not a pain.
You can find 2 kind of apps in the Windows Store :
Modern UI apps (aka Metro)
Desktops Apps
If you want to create a Modern UI app you need to target the .Net 4.5 framework. To do so you need to upgrade to VS2013.
But most of your work will be to rewrite a huge part of your program as the modern UI is not compabible with WPF (and you will need to manage touch devices). Other assemblies also doesn't have all the features of the desktop ones, so you will probably have a little bit of work in that area too.
Here is a link that explain the process of publishing an app in the Windows Store :
If you want to publish a desktop application it seems to me that you only need to provide an URL to download your package. Be careful it is not possible to submit that kind of app with a personal account, you need a company account to do so. You can find more information about that process on MSDN:

Windows Embedded wpf application

I have build a WPF media player application in c# .Net 4.0. I would like to take this WPF application and put it on a Windows Embedded operating system. This would take out all the things I don't need and just make a simple power on and my application loads. I know there will be a lot of work in order to make this happen and I'm just wondering if someone can point me to a good starting location. I've looked around a lot but haven't found a good tutorial on how to go about doing this or what version of windows embedded I would need etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
if you are using Windows Embedded 8, it's basically full windows with lockdown features, thus any application that can run on normal windows will be able to run on it

How to create a launcher application for two Air desktop aplications

I know that my question is very general and I don't expect very detailed answer either, just a lead would be great.
Here is what I want to achieve.
I have build two desktop applications using Adobe Air from Flash AS3 files. Both applications are parts of the same project. They're displaying over two screens, each app on one screen, and whatever you do in one it reflects the other, because they are communication each other through local connection class (AS3).
In fact those two applications are One Multi-screen Application. However to install them on the desktop computer you have to first install one Air app and after that the second Air app. The procedure with launching the apps is the same. You have to click on one icon for the first app to open , and than you click on the other icon for the second app to open, and only then you have whole application up and working.
So I'm looking for some solution which would allowed me to "pack" two installation Air files into one package. The user would have to click only on one "instal.exe" icon to fire up installation of those two air apps.
Maybe it needs to be use some external small C++ scrip, or application launcher - I have no Idea
Pease help me with this case, as I couldn't find it anywhere. I would be very grateful even far the smallest lead.
Thanks in advance
Not real sure but could this help ?
Depending how large / complicated your applications are maybe you could redactor it into one application and use Native window to then launch two windows each one containing the separate app logic.
This may even offer advantages over using the local connection class, and of course help ease development and maintenance of two separate apps.

