Easy way to select more than one field using LINQ - c#

Take a look of this sample object,
public class Demo
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public int Code1 { get; set; }
public int Code2 { get; set; }
and lets say I want to put all codes (Code1, Code2) in one list (IEnumerable)... one way is this one:
var codes = demoList.Select(item => item.Code1).ToList();
codes.AddRange(demoList.Select(item => item.Code2));
//var uniqueCodes = codes.Distinct(); // optional
I know this is not a nice neither optimal solution, so I am curious to know what will be a better approach / (best practice)?

How about with SelectMany:
var codes = demoList.SelectMany(item => new[] { item.Code1, item.Code2 });
By the way, the idiomatic way of doing a concatenation in LINQ is with Concat:
var codes = demoList.Select(item => item.Code1)
.Concat(demoList.Select(item => item.Code2));

Linq is not a silver bullet to kill everything
For your intent i'd propose the following
var codes = new List<int>(demoList.Count * 2);
foreach(var demo in demoList)
I did a benchmark iterating a list of 1 million and 1 thousand instances with my solution and Ani's
Amount: 1 million
Mine : 2ms
Ani's: 20ms
Amount 1000 items
Mine : 1ms
Ani's: 12ms
the sample code
List<MyClass> list = new List<MyClass>(1000);
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
list.Add(new MyClass
Code1 = i,
Code2 = i * 2,
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer1 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
var resultLinq = list.SelectMany(item => new[] { item.Code1, item.Code2 }).ToList();
Console.WriteLine("Ani's: {0}", timer1.ElapsedMilliseconds);
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer2 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
var codes = new List<int>(list.Count * 2);
foreach (var item in list)
Console.WriteLine("Mine : {0}", timer2.ElapsedMilliseconds);

// this won't return duplicates so no need to use Distinct.
var codes = demoList.Select(i=> i.Code1)
Edited just for completeness (see #Ani answer) after some comments:
// Optionally use .Distinct()
var codes = demoList.Select(i=>i.Code1)

Even the code you have written is perfect,i am just giving you another option
Try this
var output = Enumerable.Concat(demoList.Select(item => item.Code1).ToList(), demoList.Select(item => item.Code2).ToList()).ToList();

The Luis' answer is good enough for me. but I did re-factored it, using extension methods for any numbers of fields... and the optimal result still Luis's answer. (example of 100000 records)
Ani's: 21
Luis: 4
Jaider's: 15
Here my extension method.
public static IEnumerable<T> SelectExt<R, T>(this IEnumerable<R> list, params Func<R, T>[] GetValueList)
var result = new List<T>(list.Count() * GetValueList.Length);
foreach (var item in list)
foreach (var getValue in GetValueList)
var value = getValue(item);
return result;
The usage, will be:
var codes = demoList.SelectExt(item => item.Code1, item => item.Code2).ToList();


Counting and accessing items in a list of lists ie: invoice with line items

I am trying to wrap my head around C# Lists, coming from a strong PHP background and thinking of things in PHP Array terms, but I have a class that includes a list and I am trying to count distint items within it. Is there a simple linq way to do this or would I use some sort of nested foreach?
Thank you in advance
public void main() {
List<invoice> inv = new List<invoice>();
// I do something that populates inv with, say 100 invoices
// Count distinct inv.lines.rowtype ?? to get:
Type A 34
Type B 3
Type X 21 ...etc
class invoice {
int invoicenumber;
int customernumber;
List<lineitem> lines;
struct lineitem {
string rowtype;
string somethingelse;
int whatever;
public invoice {
lines = new List<lineitem>;
Something like this?
inv.SelectMany(i => i.lines).GroupBy(l => l.rowtype).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count())
You could probably use some LINQ for this, however for the sake of simplicity and readability, I would recommend using for loops
// Keep a dictionary for count
var lineItemDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (var inv in invoices)
foreach (var line in inv.lines)
// If the rowtype already exists, increment the count
if (lineItemDict.ContainsKey(line.rowtype))
lineItemDict.TryGetValue(line.rowtype, out count);
lineItemDict[line.rowtype] = count + 1;
// Else add a new entry
lineItemDict.Add(line.rowtype, 1);
With LINQ:
// Keep a dictionary for count
var lineItemDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
invoices.ForEach(inv => {
inv.lines.ForEach(line => {
// If the rowtype already exists, increment the count
if (lineItemDict.ContainsKey(line.rowtype))
lineItemDict.TryGetValue(line.rowtype, out count);
lineItemDict[line.rowtype] = count + 1;
// Else add a new entry
lineItemDict.Add(line.rowtype, 1);
Both of these will leave you with a dictionary (lineItemDict) that looks like this:
<rowtype> : <count>
For example,
'A' : 34
'B' : 3
'X' : 21

Faster way of finding all indices of specific string in an array

Below code is used to find all indices of a string that might occur only once in an array but the code isn't very fast. Does somebody know a faster and more efficient way to find unique strings in an array?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public static class EM
// Extension method, using Linq to find indices.
public static int[] FindAllIndicesOf<T>(this IEnumerable<T> values, T val)
return values.Select((b,i) => Equals(b, val) ? i : -1).Where(i => i != -1).ToArray();
public class Program
public static string FindFirstUniqueName(string[] names)
var results = new List<string>();
for (var i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
var matchedIndices = names.FindAllIndicesOf(names[i]);
if (matchedIndices.Length == 1)
return results.Count > 0 ? results[0] : null;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Found: " + FindFirstUniqueName(new[]
Your solution has O(n^2) complexity. You can improve it to O(n) by using Hash-Map.
Consider a Hash-Map with which in each name has it number of recurrences in your original list. Now all you have to do is check all key in the dictionary (aka hash-map) and return all that equal to 1. Notice that check all key in this dictionary is less then o(n) because it can not hold more then n names.
To implement this dictionary in C# you do as follow:
List<string> stuff = new List<string>();
var groups = stuff.GroupBy(s => s).Select(
s => new { Stuff = s.Key, Count = s.Count() });
var dictionary = groups.ToDictionary(g => g.Stuff, g => g.Count);
Taken from here or as suggested by juharr
O(n) is the minimum require as you will have to go over all names at least once.

Generate all possible coverage options

Suppose I have 2 lists: one containing strings, one containing integers, they differ in length. The application I am building will use these lists to generate combinations of vehicle and coverage areas. Strings represent area names and ints represent vehicle ID's.
My goal is to generate a list of all possible unique combinations used for further investigation. One vehicle can service many areas, but one area can't be served by multiple vehicles. Every area must receive service, and every vehicle must be used.
So to conclude the constraints:
Every area is used only once
Every vehicle is used at least once
No area can be left out.
No vehicle can be left out
Here is an example:
public class record = {
public string areaId string{get;set;}
public int vehicleId int {get;set;}
List<string> areas = new List<string>{ "A","B","C","D"};
List<int> vehicles = new List<int>{ 1,2};
List<List<record>> uniqueCombinationLists = retrieveUniqueCombinations(areas,vehicles);
I just have no clue how to make the retrieveUniqueCombinations function. Maybe I am just looking wrong or thinking too hard. I am stuck thinking about massive loops and other brute force approaches. An explanation of a better approach would be much appreciated.
The results should resemble something like this, I think this contains all possibilities for this example.
Here's something I threw together that may or may not work. Borrowing heavily from dtb's work on this answer.
Basically, I generate them all, then remove the ones that don't meet the requirements.
List<string> areas = new List<string> { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
List<int> vehicles = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
var result = retrieveUniqueCombinations(areas, vehicles);
result.ToList().ForEach((recordList) => {
recordList.ToList().ForEach((record) =>
Console.Write("{0}{1};", record.areaId, record.vehicleId));
public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<record>> retrieveUniqueCombinations(IEnumerable<string> areas, IEnumerable<int> vehicles)
var items = from a in areas
from v in vehicles
select new record { areaId = a, vehicleId = v };
var result = items.GroupBy(i => i.areaId).CartesianProduct().ToList();
result.RemoveAll((records) =>
records.All(record =>
record.vehicleId == records.First().vehicleId));
return result;
public class record
public string areaId { get; set; }
public int vehicleId { get; set; }
static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> CartesianProduct<T>(
this IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> sequences)
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> emptyProduct = new[] { Enumerable.Empty<T>() };
return sequences.Aggregate(
(accumulator, sequence) =>
from accseq in accumulator
from item in sequence
select accseq.Concat(new[] { item }));
This produces the following:
Note that these are not in the same order as yours, but I'll leave the verification to you. Also, there's likely a better way of doing this (for instance, by putting the logic in the RemoveAll step in the CartesianProduct function), but hey, you get what you pay for ;).
So lets use some helper classes to convert numbers to IEnumerable<int> enumerations in different bases. It may be more efficient to use List<> but since we are trying to use LINQ:
public static IEnumerable<int> LeadingZeros(this IEnumerable<int> digits, int minLength) {
var dc = digits.Count();
if (dc < minLength) {
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < minLength - dc; ++j1)
yield return 0;
foreach (var j2 in digits)
yield return j2;
public static IEnumerable<int> ToBase(this int num, int numBase) {
IEnumerable<int> ToBaseRev(int n, int nb) {
do {
yield return n % nb;
n /= nb;
} while (n > 0);
foreach (var n in ToBaseRev(num, numBase).Reverse())
yield return n;
Now we can create an enumeration that lists all the possible answers (and a few extras). I converted the Lists to Arrays for indexing efficiency.
var areas = new List<string> { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
var vehicles = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
var areasArray = areas.ToArray();
var vehiclesArray = vehicles.ToArray();
var numVehicles = vehiclesArray.Length;
var numAreas = areasArray.Length;
var NumberOfCombos = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(numVehicles, numAreas));
var ansMap = Enumerable.Range(0, NumberOfCombos).Select(n => new { n, nd = n.ToBase(numVehicles).LeadingZeros(numAreas)});
Given the enumeration of the possible combinations, we can convert into areas and vehicles and exclude the ones that don't use all vehicles.
var ans = ansMap.Select(nnd => nnd.nd).Select(m => m.Select((d, i) => new { a = areasArray[i], v = vehiclesArray[d] })).Where(avc => avc.Select(av => av.v).Distinct().Count() == numVehicles);

IEnumerable<Object> Data Specific Ordering

I've an object that is include property ID with values between 101 and 199. How to order it like 199,101,102 ... 198?
In result I want to put last item to first.
The desired ordering makes no sense (some reasoning would be helpful), but this should do the trick:
int maxID = items.Max(x => x.ID); // If you want the Last item instead of the one
// with the greatest ID, you can use
// items.Last().ID instead.
var strangelyOrderedItems = items
.OrderBy(x => x.ID == maxID ? 0 : 1)
.ThenBy(x => x.ID);
Depending whether you are interested in the largest item in the list, or the last item in the list:
internal sealed class Object : IComparable<Object>
private readonly int mID;
public int ID { get { return mID; } }
public Object(int pID) { mID = pID; }
public static implicit operator int(Object pObject) { return pObject.mID; }
public static implicit operator Object(int pInt) { return new Object(pInt); }
public int CompareTo(Object pOther) { return mID - pOther.mID; }
public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0}", mID); }
List<Object> myList = new List<Object> { 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3 };
// the last item first
List<Object> last = new List<Object> { myList.Last() };
List<Object> lastFirst =
last.Concat(myList.Except(last).OrderBy(x => x)).ToList();
// outputs: 312456
// or
// the largest item first
List<Object> max = new List<Object> { myList.Max() };
List<Object> maxFirst =
max.Concat(myList.Except(max).OrderBy(x => x)).ToList();
// outputs: 612345
Edit: missed the part about you wanting the last item first. You could do it like this :
var objectList = new List<DataObject>();
var lastob = objectList.Last();
var newList = new List<DataObject>();
newList.AddRange(objectList.OrderBy(o => o.Id).ToList());
If you are talking about a normal sorting you could use linq's order by method like this :
objectList = objectList.OrderBy(ob => ob.ID).ToList();
In result I want to put last item to first
first sort the list
List<int> values = new List<int>{100, 56, 89..};
var result = values.OrderBy(x=>x);
add an extension method for swaping an elements in the List<T>
static void Swap<T>(this List<T> list, int index1, int index2)
T temp = list[index1];
list[index1] = list[index2];
list[index2] = temp;
after use it
result .Swap(0, result.Count -1);
You can acheive this using a single Linq statment.
var ordering = testData
.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id)
.Union(testData.OrderBy(t => t.Id).Take(testData.Count() - 1));
Order it in reverse direction and take the top 1, then order it the "right way round" and take all but the last and union these together. There are quite a few variants of this approach, but the above should work.
This approach should work for arbitrary lists too, without the need to know the max number.
How about
var orderedItems = items.OrderBy(x => x.Id)
var orderedItemsLastFirst =
This will iterate the list several times so perhaps could be more efficient but doesn't use much code.
If more speed is important you could write a specialised IEnumerable extension that would allow you to sort and return without converting to an intermediate IEnumerable.
var myList = new List<MyObject>();
//initialize the list
var ordered = myList.OrderBy(c => c.Id); //or use OrderByDescending if you want reverse order

How to merge multi sets in LinQ

I have 3 sets in Linq, like this:
struct Index
string code;
int indexValue;
List<Index> reviews
List<Index> products
List<Index> pages
These lists have different code.
I want to merge these sets as following:
Take the first in reviews
Take the first in products
Take the first in pages
Take the second in reviews
-... and so on, note that these lists are not same-size.
How can I do this in Linq?
EDIT: Wait, is there a change to do this without .NET 4.0?
Thank you very much
You could use Zip to do your bidding.
var trios = reviews
.Zip(products, (r, p) => new { Review = r, Product = p })
.Zip(pages, (rp, p) => new { rp.Review, rp.Product, Page = p });
For .NET 3.5, it's possible to implement Zip quite easily: but there are a few gotcha s. Jon Skeet has a great post series on how to implement LINQ to objects operators (for educational purposes), including this post, on Zip. The source code of the whole series, edulinq, can be found on Google Code.
The simple answer
To merge them into a common list without any common data, using the order they appear this, you can use the Zip method:
var rows = reviews
.Zip(products, (r, p) => new { Review = r, Product = p })
.Zip(pages, (rp, page) => new { rp.Review, rp.Product, Page = page });
The problem with this solution is that the lists must be identical length, or your result will be chopped to the shortest list of those original three.
If you can't use .Net 4, check out Jon Skeet's blog posts on a clean-room implementation of Linq and His article on Zip in particular.
If you're using .Net 2, then try his library (possibly) or try LinqBridge
How to deal with different-lengthed lists
You can pre-pad the list to the desired length. I couldn't find an existing method to do this, so I'd use an extension method:
public static class EnumerableExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T> Pad<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
int desiredCount, T padWith = default(T))
// Note: Not using source.Count() to avoid double-enumeration
int counter = 0;
var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
while(counter < desiredCount)
yield return enumerator.MoveNext()
? enumerator.Current
: padWith;
You can use it like this:
var paddedReviews = reviews.Pad(desiredLength);
var paddedProducts = products.Pad(desiredLength,
new Product { Value2 = DateTime.Now }
Full compiling sample and corresponding output
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Review
public string Value1;
class Product
public DateTime Value2;
class Page
public int Value3;
public static class EnumerableExtensions
public static IEnumerable<T> Pad<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
int desiredCount, T padWith = default(T))
int counter = 0;
var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
while(counter < desiredCount)
yield return enumerator.MoveNext()
? enumerator.Current
: padWith;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var reviews = new List<Review>
new Review { Value1 = "123" },
new Review { Value1 = "456" },
new Review { Value1 = "789" },
var products = new List<Product>()
new Product { Value2 = DateTime.Now },
new Product { Value2 = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) },
var pages = new List<Page>()
new Page { Value3 = 123 },
int maxCount = Math.Max(Math.Max(reviews.Count, products.Count), pages.Count);
var rows = reviews.Pad(maxCount)
.Zip(products.Pad(maxCount), (r, p) => new { Review = r, Product = p })
.Zip(pages.Pad(maxCount), (rp, page) => new { rp.Review, rp.Product, Page = page });
foreach (var row in rows)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} - {2}"
, row.Review != null ? row.Review.Value1 : "(null)"
, row.Product != null ? row.Product.Value2.ToString() : "(null)"
, row.Page != null ? row.Page.Value3.ToString() : "(null)"
123 - 9/7/2011 10:02:22 PM - 123
456 - 9/7/2011 10:02:17 PM - (null)
789 - (null) - (null)
On use of the Join tag
This operation isn't a logical Join. This is because you're matching on index, not on any data out of each object. Each object would have to have other data in common (besides their position in the lists) to be joined in the sense of a Join that you would find in a relational database.

