How can I get the XPath from a clicked HtmlElement in the WebBrowserControl?
This is how I retrieve the clicked HtmlElement:
System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument document = this.webBrowser1.Document;
document.MouseUp += new HtmlElementEventHandler(this.htmlDocument_Click);
private void htmlDocument_Click(object sender, HtmlElementEventArgs e)
HtmlElement element = this.webBrowser1.Document.GetElementFromPoint(e.ClientMousePosition);
I want to click specific elements (price, article number, description, etc) on a website and get their XPath expressions.
Thank you!
XPath expression is not a standard feature of HTML (unlike with XML). If you're looking to get an element XPath which you can later use with Html Agility Pack, you have at least two options:
Walk up the element's DOM ancestry tree using HtmlElement.Parent and construct
the XPath manually.
Use Html Agility Pack itself and do something like this (untested):
HtmlElement element = this.webBrowser1.Document.GetElementFromPoint(e.ClientMousePosition);
var savedId = element.Id;
var uniqueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
element.Id = uniqueId;
var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
element.Id = savedId;
var node = doc.GetElementbyId(uniqueId);
var xpath = node.XPath;
I am using Htmlagilitypack in c#. But when i want to select images in a div at the url bottom, there are nothing found in selector. But i think i write right selector.
Codes are in fiddle. Thanks.
var url = "";
//I will get the images src values in .col-big div at this url.
var web = new HtmlWeb();
var doc = web.Load(url);
var htmlNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[#class='col-big']//*/img");
//i am selecting all images in div.col-big. But there is nothing.
foreach (var node in htmlNodes)
Your xpath is wrong because there is no div-tag that has class-attribtue with the value 'col-big'. There is however a div-tag that has a class attribute with the value 'col-big pull-left'. So try.
var htmlNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[#class='col-big pull-left']//*/img");
How to parse complete HTML web page not specific nodes using HTML Agility Pack or any other technique?
I am using this code, but this code only parse specific node, but I need complete page to parse with neat and clear contents
List<string> list = new List<string>();
string url = "";
HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = web.Load(url);
foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a"))
To get all descendant text nodes use something like
var textNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//text()").
To get all non empty descendant text nodes
var textNodes = doc.DocumentNode.
Do SelectNodes("*") . '*' (asterisk) Is the wild card selector and will get every node on the page.
Here is the google chrome dev tool to get the elment im looking for.
Here are all the different ways I have tried to get the nodes..
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
// HtmlNode footer = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants().SingleOrDefault(y => y. == "boardPickerInner");
// "//div[#class='boardPickerInner']"
//var y = (from HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//")
// where node.InnerText == "boardPickerInner"
// select node.InnerHtml);
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode bodyNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//nameAndIcons");
var xq = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//td[#class='nameAndIcons']");
var x = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("");
HtmlNode nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//[#class='nameAndIcons']");
var boards = nodes.SelectNodes("//*[#class='nameAndIcons']");
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong..?
It looks like you have multiple span elements with class="nameAndIcons". So in order to get them all you could use the SelectNodes function:
var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[#class='nameAndIcons'"])
How can I get List() from this text:
For the iPhone do the following:<ul><li>Go to AppStore</li><li>Search by him</li><li>Download</li></ul>
that should consist :Go to AppStore,
Search by him,
Load the string up into the HTML Agility Pack then select all li elements inner text.
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
doc.LoadHtml("following:<ul><li>Go to AppStore</li><li>Search by him</li><li>Download</li></ul>");
var uls = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("li").Select(d => d.InnerText);
foreach (var ul in uls)
Wrap in an XML root element and use LINQ to XML:
var xml = "For the iPhone do the following:<ul><li>Go to AppStore</li><li>Search by him</li><li>Download</li></ul>";
xml = "<r>"+xml+"</r>";
var ele = XElement.Parse(xml);
var lists = ele.Descendants("li").Select(e => e.Value).ToList();
Returns in lists:
Go to AppStore
Search by him
I want to parse a html page to get some data.
First, I convert it to XML document using SgmlReader.
Then, I load the result to XMLDocument and then navigate through XPath:
//contains html document
var loadedFile = LoadWebPage();
Sgml.SgmlReader sgmlReader = new Sgml.SgmlReader();
sgmlReader.DocType = "HTML";
sgmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All;
sgmlReader.CaseFolding = Sgml.CaseFolding.ToLower;
sgmlReader.InputStream = new StringReader(loadedFile);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
doc.XmlResolver = null;
This code works fine for most cases, except on this site - (try to search something like OP295GS). I can get a table with result using the following XPath:
var node = doc.SelectSingleNode(".//*[#id='results-table']");
This gives me a node with several child nodes:
[0] {Element, Name="thead"}
[1] {Element, Name="tbody"}
[2] {Element, Name="tbody"}
FirstChild {Element, Name="thead"}
Ok, let's try to get some child nodes using XPath. But this doesn't work:
var childNodes = node.SelectNodes("tbody");
//childnodes.Count = 0
This also:
var childNode = node.SelectSingleNode("thead");
// childNode = null
And even this:
var childNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(".//*[#id='results-table']/thead")
What can be wrong in Xpath queries?
I've just tried to parse that HTML page with Html Agility Pack and my XPath queries work good. But my application use XmlDocument inside, Html Agility Pack doesn't suit me.
I even tried the following trick with Html Agility Pack, but Xpath queries doesn't work also:
//let's parse and convert HTML document using HTML Agility Pack and then load
//the result to XmlDocument
HtmlDocument xmlDocument = new HtmlDocument();
xmlDocument.OptionOutputAsXml = true;
xmlDocument.Load(new StringReader(webPage));
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
Perhaps, web page contains errors (not all tags are closed and so on), but in spite of this I can see child nodes (through Quick Watch in Visual Studio), but cannot access them through XPath.
My XPath queries works correctly in Firefox + FirePath + XPather plugins, but don't work in .net XmlDocument :(
I have not used SqmlReader, but every time I have seen this problem it has been due to namespaces. A quick look at the HTML on shows that this node has a namespace (note the xmlns:javaurlencoder):
<form name="CatSearchForm" method="post" action="" xmlns:javaurlencoder="">
This code is how I loop through all nodes in a document to see which ones have namespaces and which don't. If the node you are looking for or any of its parents have namespaces, you must create a XmlNamespaceManager and pass it along with your call to SelectNodes().
This is kind of annoying, so another idea might be to strip all the xmlns: attributes out of the XML before loading it into a XmlDocument. Then, you won't need to fool with XmlNamespaceManager!
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
Dictionary<string, string> namespaces = new Dictionary<string, string>();
XmlNodeList nlAllNodes = doc.SelectNodes("//*");
foreach (XmlNode n in nlAllNodes)
if (n.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(n.NamespaceURI) && !namespaces.ContainsKey(n.Name))
namespaces.Add(n.Name, n.NamespaceURI);
// Inspect the namespaces dictionary to write the code below
XmlNamespaceManager nMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
// Sometimes this works
nMgr.AddNamespace("ns1", doc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
// You can make the first param whatever you want, it just must match in XPath queries
nMgr.AddNamespace("javaurlencoder", "");
XmlNodeList iter = doc.SelectNodes("//ns1:TestProfile", nMgr);
foreach (XmlNode n in iter)
// Do stuff
To be honest when I am trying to get information from a website I use regex.
Ok Kore Nordmann (in his php blog) thinks, this is not good. But some of the comments tell differently.
But it is in php, so sorry for this =) Hope it helps anyway.