I am developing a component for Grasshopper 3D, which is a Rhino (architecture) plugin.
Using the Render() method, this draws a heatmap image onto the canvas. Isolating my other methods and constructors, I highly believe this method is causing my issue.
protected override void Render(Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_Canvas canvas, Graphics graphics, Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_CanvasChannel channel) {
// Render the default component.
base.Render(canvas, graphics, channel);
// Now render our bitmap if it exists.
if (channel == Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_CanvasChannel.Wires) {
KT_HeatmapComponent comp = Owner as KT_HeatmapComponent;
if (comp == null)
List<HeatMap> maps = comp.CachedHeatmaps;
if (maps == null)
if (maps.Count == 0)
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Bounds.X + Bounds.Width / 2);
int y = Convert.ToInt32(Bounds.Bottom + 10);
for (int i = 0; i < maps.Count; i++) {
Bitmap image = maps[i].Image;
if (image == null)
Rectangle mapBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, maps[i].Width * 10, maps[i].Height * 10);
mapBounds.X -= mapBounds.Width / 2;
Rectangle edgeBounds = mapBounds;
edgeBounds.Inflate(4, 4);
GH_Capsule capsule = GH_Capsule.CreateCapsule(edgeBounds, GH_Palette.Normal);
capsule.Render(graphics, Selected, false, false);
// Unnecessary graphics.xxxxxx methods and parameters
y = edgeBounds.Bottom + 10;
The error I receive when I attempt to render things onto my canvas is:
1. Solution exception:Parameter must be positive and < Height.
Parameter name: y
From my research, it appears to happen the most when you encounter array overflows.
My research links:
Exception on traveling through pixels BMP C#
However, the above examples apply mostly to multi-dimensional arrays, while I have a one-dimensional.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue before, and could give me some pointers and guidance?
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Bounds.X + Bounds.Width / 2);
int y = Convert.ToInt32(Bounds.Bottom + 10);
Your error is telling you that y must be less than the height, but you are setting it to 10 more than your height because you are adding to the Bounds.Bottom.
maps[i].Height * 10
You also need to make sure that your calculated Height is what you think it is and compare that y is valid against it.
My problem is:
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: 'Error creating window handle'.
I know I can solve this problem with Dispose(), but when I use it in the program, I'm displaying another error:
System.ObjectDisposedException: 'Can not access a disposed object.
Object name: 'PictureBox'. '
I use the following code:
private void SetUpPuzzle_Click(int parts)
Panel P = new Panel
Size = new Size(200, 200),
Location = new Point(394, 62),
Control board = P;
int total = parts * parts;
var PB = new PictureBox[total];
var imgarray = new Image[total];
var img = User_Image.Image;
int W = img.Width / (int.Parse(Math.Sqrt(double.Parse(parts.ToString())).ToString()));
int H = img.Height / (int.Parse(Math.Sqrt(double.Parse(parts.ToString())).ToString()));
int size = 200 / (int.Parse(Math.Sqrt(double.Parse(parts.ToString())).ToString()));
for (int x = 0; x < parts; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < parts; y++)
var index = x * parts + y;
imgarray[index] = new Bitmap(W, H);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(imgarray[index]))
graphics.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, W, H),
new Rectangle(x * W, y * H, W, H), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
PB[index] = new PictureBox
Name = "P" + index,
Size = new Size(size, size),
Location = new Point(x * size, y * size),
Image = imgarray[index],
SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
PB[index].MouseEnter += Images_M_E;
PB[index].MouseLeave += Images_M_L;
PB[index].MouseClick += Form_MouseClick;
When I want to create 10,000 objects
This error is displayed.
My problem is:
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: 'Error creating window handle'.
Indeed. You are creating way too many controls for a Winforms application.
And disposing of them doesn't really help because you can't use a disposed object any longer..
To have this kind of large puzzle (10k pieces) you need to change from using PictureBoxes (or any other Controls) to display the puzzle pieces to a different approach. This has been suggested in the original question but then you only wanted to have 100 pieces, remember?
The most common approach is this: Keep a list of images (when they are <= 256x256 pixels do put them into an ImageList!) and draw them in the board's Paint event. This will get rid of all the overhead involved with PictureBoxes.
(Aside: One may think this will not be performant with all the DrawImage calls. But all those PictureBoxes also need to draw all the pixels on all their surfaces, so that is no issue. But they also have to carry the overhead of being (under the hood) fully functional windows (see the error message!), which is why the system can only have a limited number of them; always try to keep the number of controls < 1k!)
You will have to move the placement logic to the board's Paint event and will also have to change the event model..:
Instead of having each PictureBox respond to its own events you will have to find a way to do all the work in the board's events. This will have to be diffenrent, depending on the event.
Since we don't know which event you have and what they do and which data they need for their work, it is hard to give all the necessary details, so I'll just point out a few things..:
There will not be a Enter or Leave event you can use. Instead you need to detect entering an area of a piece by testing for it in the MouseMove event. If you keep a List<Rectangle> you can use Rectangle.Contains(e.Location) for this test.
You can detect a MouseClick but then will have to find out which area was clicked. If your Enter and Leave logic from the MouseMove is working you can use its result to know where the Click went.
Similar ideas can be used for all other events; some are simple, some need a little calculation but they will all be fast and pretty easy to implement..
To optimize performance try to make the image n the right size and use Format32bppPArgb as the pixel format, because it is faster to display.
Another option is to pull the pixel data right from the original image in the Paint event with the same calculations you use now to create them. (There is a DrawImage overlay that uses two Rectangles, one to determine the target and one for the source area..) This saves GDI handles, at least if you can't use an ImageList.
Always plan for growth! For a better implementation do create a Piece class. It should hold a Rectangle and an integer index into the ImageList's Images collection. It could also have a method Switch(Piece otherPiece) which would either switch the Rectangles or the indices.
Good luck :-)
I met this exception because endless loop creating new UI control and set its properties. After looped many times, this excption was thrown when change control visible property. I found both User Object and GDI Object (From Task Manager) are quite large.
I guess your issue is similar reason that system resources are exhaust by those UI controls.
I comment PB[index].Dispose(); and it's work.
private void SetUpPuzzle(int parts)
// Comment ***********
//Panel P = new Panel
// Size = new Size(200, 200),
// Location = new Point(394, 62),
//Control board = P; ***********
int total = parts * parts;
var PB = new PictureBox[total];
var imgarray = new Image[total];
var img = User_Image.Image;
int W =Convert.ToInt32(img.Width / Math.Sqrt(parts));
int H = Convert.ToInt32(img.Height / Math.Sqrt(parts));
int size = Convert.ToInt32(200 / Math.Sqrt(parts));
for (int x = 0; x < parts; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < parts; y++)
var index = x * parts + y;
imgarray[index] = new Bitmap(W, H);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(imgarray[index]))
graphics.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, W, H),
new Rectangle(x * W, y * H, W, H), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
PB[index] = new PictureBox
Name = "P" + index,
Size = new Size(size, size),
Location = new Point(x * size, y * size),
Image = imgarray[index],
SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
PB[index].MouseEnter += Form1_MouseEnter;
PB[index].MouseLeave += Form1_MouseLeave;
PB[index].MouseClick += Form1_MouseClick;
//PB[index].Dispose(); < -----------------
// Add PB in Panel in form
// after add all refresh panel
private void Form1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();
private void Form1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();
private void Form1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Then Call the SetUpPuzzle method in your button like :
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have a chart on which I want to plot a heat map; the only data I have is humidity and temperature, which represent a point in the chart.
How do I get the rectangular type of heat map on the chart in c#?
What I want is similar to picture below :
What I really want is a rectangular region in the chart which is plotted in different color based on the point that i get from the list of points and form the colorful section in the chart.
You have a choice of at least three ways to create a chart with colored rectangles that make up a heat map.
Here is one example
that uses/abuses a DataGridView. While I would not suggest this, the post contains a useful function that creates nice color lists to use in your task.
Then there is the option to draw the chart using GDI+ methods, namely Graphics.FillRectangle. This not hard at all but once you want to get those nice extras a Chart control offers, like scaling, axes, tooltips etc the work adds up.. See below!
So let's have a look at option three: Using the Chart control from the DataVisualization namespace.
Let's first assume that you have created a list of colors:
List<Color> colorList = new List<Color>();
And that you have managed to project your data onto a 2D array of int indices that point into the color list:
int[,] coloredData = null;
Next you have to pick a ChartType for your Series S1 There really is only one I can think of that will help:
S1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point;
Points are displayed by Markers. We want the DataPoints not really displayed as one of the standard MarkerTypes.
Square would be ok, if we wanted to display squares; but for rectangles it will not work well: Even if we let them overlap there will still be points at the borders that have a different size because they don't fully overlap..
So we use a custom marker by setting the MarkerImage of each point to a bitmap of a suitable size and color.
Here is a loop that adds the DataPoints to our Series and sets each to have a MarkerImage:
for (int x = 1; x < coloredData.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 1; y < coloredData.GetLength(1); y++)
int pt = S1.Points.AddXY(x, y);
S1.Points[pt].MarkerImage = "NI" + coloredData[x,y];
This takes some explaining: To set a MarkerImage that is not at a path on the disk, it has to reside in the Chart's Images collection. This means is needs to be of type NamedImage. Any image will do, but it has to have a unique name string added to identify it in the NamedImagesCollection . I chose the names to be 'NI1', 'NI2'..
Obviously we need to create all those images; here is a function to do that:
void createMarkers(Chart chart, int count)
// rough calculation:
int sw = chart.ClientSize.Width / coloredData.GetLength(0);
int sh = chart.ClientSize.Height / coloredData.GetLength(1);
// clean up previous images:
foreach(NamedImage ni in chart1.Images) ni.Dispose();
// now create count images:
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(sw, sh);
using (Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
chart.Images.Add(new NamedImage("NI" + i, bmp));
We want all markers to have at least roughly the right size; so whenever that size changes we set it again:
void setMarkerSize(Chart chart)
int sx = chart1.ClientSize.Width / coloredData.GetLength(0);
int sy = chart1.ClientSize.Height / coloredData.GetLength(1);
chart1.Series["S1"].MarkerSize = (int)Math.Max(sx, sy);
This doesn't care much about details like the InnerPlotPosition, i.e. the actual area to draw to; so here is some room for refinement..!
We call this when we set up the chart but also upon resizing:
private void chart1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
createMarkers(chart1, 100);
Let's have a look at the result using some cheap testdata:
As you can see resizing works ok..
Here is the full code that set up my example:
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<Color> stopColors = new List<Color>()
{ Color.Blue, Color.Cyan, Color.YellowGreen, Color.Orange, Color.Red };
colorList = interpolateColors(stopColors, 100);
coloredData = getCData(32, 24);
// basic setup..
ChartArea CA = chart1.ChartAreas.Add("CA");
Series S1 = chart1.Series.Add("S1");
// we choose a charttype that lets us add points freely:
S1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point;
Size sz = chart1.ClientSize;
// we need to make the markers large enough to fill the area completely:
createMarkers(chart1, 100);
// now we fill in the datapoints
for (int x = 1; x < coloredData.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 1; y < coloredData.GetLength(1); y++)
int pt = S1.Points.AddXY(x, y);
// S1.Points[pt].Color = coloredData[x, y];
S1.Points[pt].MarkerImage = "NI" + coloredData[x,y];
A few notes on limitations:
The point will always sit on top of any gridlines. If you really needs those you will have to draw them on top in one of the the Paint events.
The labels as shown are referring to the integers indices of the data array. If you want to show the original data, one way would be to add CustomLabels to the axes.. See here for an example!
This should give you an idea of what you can do with a Chart control; to complete your confusion here is how to draw those rectangles in GDI+ using the same colors and data:
Bitmap getChartImg(float[,] data, Size sz, Padding pad)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(sz.Width , sz.Height);
using (Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
float w = 1f * (sz.Width - pad.Left - pad.Right) / coloredData.GetLength(0);
float h = 1f * (sz.Height - pad.Top - pad.Bottom) / coloredData.GetLength(1);
for (int x = 0; x < coloredData.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < coloredData.GetLength(1); y++)
using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(colorList[coloredData[x,y]]))
G.FillRectangle(brush, pad.Left + x * w, y * h - pad.Bottom, w, h);
return bmp;
The resulting Bitmap looks familiar:
That was simple; but to add all the extras into the space reserved by the padding will not be so easy..
I am drawing ECG graphs using C# Graphics. I draw the curve using drawlines method. however line joints look broken. I tried all available options of smoothing mode and capstyle, none helps. here is sample graph1 and sample graph2
code is below:
private void DrawCurve(Graphics g, cPoint[] data)
List<Point> ps = new List<Point>();
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length - 1; i++)
int x = data[i].x;
int y = data[i].y;
if (x > 0 && x < (Width))
ps.Add(new Point(x, y));
else if (x > Width)
using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.Yellow))
if (ps.Count > 0)
g.DrawLines(p, ps.ToArray());
To avoid broken lines especially when the lines are drawn at sharp angles you need to choose the right values for these Properties:
p.MiterLimit = p.Width * 1.25f;
p.LineJoin = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineJoin.Round;
The MiterLimit has a default of 10f, which is way to big for thin lines!
The LineJoin also has a default (Miter) that does not help.
You should also experiment a little with the MiterLimit value (keep in the range of the Pen's width) and maybe also with your Pen's width itself; do note that Pen.Width is a float so you could raise it to 1.25 or so..
If you are actually talking about the smudgy look at some spots, this is due to anti-aliasing; usually a good thing, but for crisper lines turn it off for your Graphics object:
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.None
The LineCaps are only for the start- and the end-point of the lines-sequence, so they do not matter much for your graph.
You are drawing short lines. This is why you are getting that result. Instead of DrawLines(), try to use DrawCurve().
g.DrawCurve(p, ps.ToArray());
I want to create a simple program that you open any given image and select 2 colors: BackgroundColor and OutlineColor. Then make an outline around the "object".
Here is my code so far:
for (int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++) //iterate trough every pixel
{ //in my bitmap
for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
//i want to put a pixel only if the the curent pixel is background
if (bitmap.GetPixel(x, y) != BackgroundColor)
var right = bitmap.GetPixel(x + 1, y);
var down = bitmap.GetPixel(x, y + 1);
var up = bitmap.GetPixel(x, y - 1);
var left = bitmap.GetPixel(x - 1, y);
//get the nearby pixels
var neibours = new List<Color> {up, down, left, right};
var nonBackgroundPix = 0;
//then count how many are not outline nor background color
foreach (Color neibour in neibours)
if (neibour != BackgroundColor && neibour != OutlineColor)
//finaly put an outline pixel only if there are 1,2 or 3 non bg pixels
if (nonBackgroundPix > 0 && nonBackgroundPix < 4)
bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, OutlineColor);
And here comes the problem when I run my code and input
I get
And what I want is
If you find a problem in my code, know better algorithm for doing this or manage to do it in some way just tell me. Thanks in advance guys!
The problem: You are changing the background color into a non-background color which is then being picked up by subsequent pixel checks.
The solution:
I'd suggest storing a new array with pixels "to be changed later" and then once the full image is mapped go back and set those. (Also, you can change it immediately and then add a flag to the pixel you can check for, but this is more logic you'd need to implement such as checking against a boolean array)
I'm working on Generator of cellular automata in .NET 3.5. I decided to use WPF because I wanted to learn something new in WPF.
I draw OneDimensional automata like Rule 30 and TwoDimensional like Life.
I need something to draw many images quick.
For example, dimensions of mesh is 64 x 64 and size of cell is 12px. So I draw 64*64 = 4096 images in one step. And interval between one step is about 100 ms.
I rewrite my application to the WinForms and there is everything ok. But in WPF is slow and I don't know why.
My example of drawing in WPF:
I have a class derived from Image. In this class I draw a bitmap and I use it in Source property.
public void DrawAll()
DrawingGroup dg = new DrawingGroup();
for (byte i = 0; i < this.DimensionX; ++i)
for (byte j = 0; j < this.DimensionY; ++j)
Piece p = this.Mesh[i][j];
Rect rect = new Rect(j * this.CellSize + (j + 1), i * this.CellSize + (i + 1),
this.CellSize, this.CellSize);
ImageDrawing id = new ImageDrawing();
id.Rect = rect;
if (p == null)
id.ImageSource = this._undefinedPiece.Image.Source;
id.ImageSource = p.Image.Source;
DrawingImage di = new DrawingImage(dg);
this.Source = di;
Second example of drawing in WPF:
I have derived class from Canvas and override OnRender function. Based on this article: http://sachabarber.net/?p=675
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
for (byte i = 0; i < this.DimensionX; ++i)
for (byte j = 0; j < this.DimensionY; ++j)
Rect rect = new Rect(j * this.CellSize + (j + 1), i * this.CellSize + (i + 1),
this.CellSize, this.CellSize);
BitmapImage bi;
int counter = i + j + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
if (counter % 3 == 0)
bi = this.bundefined;
else if (counter % 3 == 1)
bi = this.bwhite;
bi = this.bred;
dc.DrawImage(bi, rect);
Thanks for all replies
As written in this article, the fastest way to draw 2D in wpf is the StreamGeomerty.
I'm sure you're able to accomodate your pattern generation logic to the needs of this class.
WPF real power is in rendering vector. Is there a way that instead of using Image, you can create rectangle objects of a predetermined size assign color and then assign location? Bitmap is pretty resource intensive to work with vs vector. Even though WPF pushes the rendering off to the video card, it is still a lot of processing.
You can create an 'Icon Font' which would contain your images instead of typical characters. Displaying images through the font has no difference from using it for regular text.
<TextBlock Text="" FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets" Foreground="Red"/>
Glyphs scale losslessly
Different colors can be set
Better performance then Shapes / Paths