Javascript Confirmation On if..else.. condition - c#

I have to show confirmation dialogue on particular condition.And then proceed according to YES or No clicked.I tried with the following.
In aspx:
<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowConfirmation() {
if (confirm("Employee Introduced already.Continue?") == true) {
document.getElementById("hdn_empname").value = 1;
<asp:HiddenField ID="hdn_empname" runat="server" />
in cs:
if (reader2.HasRows)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "showAl", "ShowConfirmation();", true);
hdn_empname.Value ="1";
if ((hdn_empname.Value)=="1")
//some code to execute
But hdn_empname shows value="" while debuging.
Can anyone help me doing this?
Thanks in advance.

Try it
You need to ClientID
document.getElementById('<%=hdn_empname.ClientID%>').value = 1;
I found out your main problems
The hidden field values will assign after the if condition call.
Edit :
So, You need to call your logic's in javascript side using ajax
if (confirm("Employee Introduced already.Continue?") == true) {
//some code to execute

Where is your break point? If reader2.HasRows returns true your javascript will be registered. But it set the value on client and you get the result after postback.

hdn_empname is server controls Id which is different from client sided id, to get client sided id you need to use ClientID
try this:
document.getElementById('<%=hdn_empname.ClientID%>').value = "1";
You dont need to compare
if (confirm("Employee Introduced already.Continue?") == true)
this will work:
if (confirm("Employee Introduced already.Continue?"))


Get ValidationSummary Error Text from Code Behind

and thank you for reading this!
I may be looking right past the answer for this, or it may be that it was never designed to happen since ValidationSummary is client-side logic, but is there any way to retrieve the error text of a validation summary field in ASP.NET from the C# code-behind? The goal here is to construct a message that includes various information entered by the user, plus any errors that might be preventing that user from completing an operation.
It's fine if it can't be done since I am not expecting client side validation to be much of an issue for users in this program, but it would be nice to include for the sake of completion. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Your trouble is probably that these often validate on the client side and not the server side, if they don't actually cause postback. You may be best trying to switch to a CustomValidator and do your checks there.
These happen on the server side and not the client side.
Take a look at the documentation on MSDN
I've never tried this, but here is a quick example of what may work.
Front end
<asp:TextBox id="Text1" runat="server" />
<asp:CustomValidator id="CustomValidator1" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="My default message."/>
Back End
protected void ServerValidation (object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
// default to valid
args.IsValid = true;
int i;
if (int.TryParse(Text1.Text.Trim(), out i) == false)
// validation failed, flag invalid
args.IsValid = false;
CustomValidator1.ErrorMessage = "The value " + Text1.Text.Trim() + " is not a valid integer";
protected string GetErrors()
string Errors = "";
bool isValidTest = false;
isValidTest = IsValid;
if (!isValidTest)
foreach (BaseValidator ctrl in this.Validators)
if (!ctrl.IsValid && ctrl.ValidationGroup == "myValidationGroup")
Errors += ctrl.ErrorMessage + "\n";
return Errors.Trim();

How to dynamically generate and send jQuery to the webpage from C# AND have it work

So, I am dynamically generating jQuery using C# and sending it to the webpage.
The problem is it appears to be generating correct jQuery according to the file and according to Js Fiddle but it does not actually work on the page.
The jsFiddle is here
Now I looked up how to send javacript to the website. It should work like this.
and my code which does that is this method
private void sendScript(string script)
const string someScript = "alertMe";
//send the built script to the website.
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), someScript, script, true);
This is super simple it has worked for other pieces of code calling. But it has not for this instance.
The code that calls it is this in my C#
private void populateGroups()
//this generates correct javascript according to the file and JS fiddle but unfortunately doees not work.
string splitme = "USE ACES SELECT GroupName, GroupID FROM PrimaryGroup ORDER BY GroupName";
DataTable dt = fillDataTable(splitme);
string script = "";
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
//add the locations to the <select> box
script += " $('#groupList').append('<option value=\" " + dr.ItemArray[1].ToString() + " \"> " + dr.ItemArray[0].ToString() + " </option>'); ";
JSErrorLog(script, "GROUPS");
The whole thing is being called on startup
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.IsPostBack == false)
The jQuery its generating also works in JSFiddle I am pulling this from a method that writes the javascript it generates in a method calling here is the fiddle JSErrorLog.
Oh and my html in my aspx file looks like this
<div class="row2">
<select id="groupList" multiple="multiple" onclick="setGroups()" class="normalsize">
I believe that is everything. I just want my stuff to work. I am willing to post any additional code, just ask. If you have an idea as to why its not working, let me know.
When does it actually execute that code? Before or after the element with id "groupList" exists in the DOM? My guess is before.
Solution? Wrap your code inside a document.ready handler.
jQuery(function($) {
$('#groupList').append('<option value=" 46 "> AC Units </option>');
// etc etc
Return simple string js code. And run it with eval()

Open a new window/tab

I am working on a donations website. In my page, I have a textbox which accepts a numeric value from the user (that is, money to be donated).
In my code-behind, I have a method which checks whether the value in the textbox is numeric. The method generates an error message if the number is invalid.
I also have a JavaScript which, after checking that the value in the textbox is numeric, opens a new tab to the website confirmation page, thanking the user for his donation. Here is the code of the javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function Open_Window()
var textbox = document.getElementById('DonationTextBox');
if (textbox.value != "")
if (isNan(textbox) == false)
The problem is that the tab is NEVER opened, even if the number is valid. Can you please help me solve this problem? Thank you.
Here is the code of the button that initiates the validation:
<asp:ImageButton ID="PayPalButton2" runat="server" ImageAlign="Middle"
onclick="PayPalButton2_Click" OnClientClick="Open_Window()"/>
The function name is isNaN. Note: The final 'N' is capital. That should solve your problem.
<script type="text/javascript">
function Open_Window()
var textbox = document.getElementById('<%=DonationTextBox.ClientID%>');
if (textbox.value != "" && !isNaN(textbox.value)) {"DonationConfirmation.aspx");
instead of isNan should be isNaN (javascript is casesensitive)
Shouldn't this line...
if (isNan(textbox) == false)
be this instead...
if (isNan(textbox.value) == false)
First, I would recommend explicitly parsing the number, not relying on the implicit ToNumber operation that will be applied when you pass a string into isNaN. Presumably your users are inputting decimal, so if it's meant to be a whole number (e.g., 10), use:
var num = parseInt(textbox.value, 10);
If it's meant to be a number with a fractional component (e.g., 10.5), use:
var num = parseFloat(textbox.value);
You probably want parseFloat for a currency value.
Then your if condition becomes isNaN (note that the final N is capped) on num:
<script type="text/javascript">
function Open_Window()
var textbox = document.getElementById('DonationTextBox');
var num = parseInt(textbox.value, 10);
if (!isNaN(num))
And lastly, are you sure that the client-side ID of the textbox really is 'DonationTextBox'? ASP auto-generates client-side IDs, you may need to use ClientID instead, e.g.:
var textbox = document.getElementById('<%=DonationTextBox.ClientID%>');
Here is a stripped down working jsFiddle example:
The html:
<textarea id="donationTextBox">1</textarea>​
And the js:
function openWindow() {
if($('#donationTextBox').val() && isNaN($('#donationTextBox').val()) === false)"", "mywindow");
$(document).ready(function() {

Is there a way to drop static declaration from page method?

For a site I'm developing I have two html buttons, not ASP because I do not want them to postback. For the submit button I am calling a javascript function that implements PageMethods to call a C# method from the codebehind. Here is the code for the buttons and the javascript.
<fieldset id="Fieldset">
<button onclick="SendForm();">Send</button>
<button onclick="CancelForm();">Cancel</button>
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" EnablePageMethods="true" EnablePartialRendering="true" runat="server" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function SendForm() {
var email = $get("txtEmail").value;
PageMethods.SendForm(email, OnSucceeded, OnFailed);
function OnSucceeded() {
$get("Fieldset").innerHTML = "<p>Thank you!</p>";
function OnFailed(error) {
The codebehind method shown here:
public static void SendForm(string email)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
throw new Exception("You must supply an email address.");
if (IsValidEmailAddress(email))
bool[] desc = new bool[14];
bool[] local = new bool[14];
bool[] other = new bool[14];
for (int i = 1; i <= 14; i++)
desc[i] = ((CheckBox)Page.FindControl("chkDesc" + i.ToString())).Checked;
local[i] = ((CheckBox)Page.FindControl("chkLocal" + i.ToString())).Checked;
other[i] = ((CheckBox)Page.FindControl("chkOther" + i.ToString())).Checked;
/* Do stuff here */
throw new Exception("You must supply a valid email address.");
does not work unless it is declared as static. Declaring it as static blocks me from checking the checkboxes on the page because it generates a "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property" error. So my problem can be fixed from either of two directions. A) Is there a way I can have this method work without declaring it as static? B) How do I check the checkboxes if the method is static.
It has to be static, no way around that; But you can access the Page like this
Page page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
and do FindControl on this page instance.
desc[i] = ((CheckBox)page.FindControl("chkDesc" + i.ToString())).Checked;
Page Methods are a special case of the legacy ASMX web service technology. They allow you to place the service in the codebehind class for the page, and keep you from needing a separate project for the service.
But they will never be able to access anything on the page itself. You'll have to do that from the client side, and pass the values of the check boxes to the service.
If you need to check the checkboxes, then you need to either use an UpdatePanel to do your AJAX stuff, or return something from your page method (ideally a string) and check the checkboxes based on what's returned in javascript on client.

Calling Pagemethod

Hi i have the following pagemethod, however it dues not seem to be working, i tried debugging it and it does not hit the method. Here is what my method looks like;
function InsertStatus() {
var fStatus = document.getElementById('<%=txtStatus.ClientID %>').value;
PageMethods.InsertStatusUpdate(fStatus, onSucess, onError);
function onSucess(result) {
function onError(result) {
alert('Cannot process your request at the moment, please try later.');
And my codebehind;
public static string InsertStatusUpdate(string fStatus)
string Result = "";
int intUserID = -1;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name))
intUserID = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fStatus))
return Result = "Please enter a status";
//send data back to database
return Result = "Done";
When i click my button it goes straight through the onError Method. Can anyone see what i am doing wrong?
I found the problem i needed a [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] above the method, due to the fact it is being called by a script. Thanks for all the suggestions.
If I were to guess, I would focus on this:
intUserID = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
The best way to solve this is set a breakpoint and start walking through the code. When you run a line and are redirected to the error page, you have found your problem.
The reason I picked that line, is the user is a string. Now, it may be your users are numbers, but it could also be including a domain user == "mydomain/12345", which is not an integer, even if the user part of the string is.
As far as I know, you can't Response.Redirect in a PageMethod.
Return a string of the redirect URL and then use JavaScript document.location.href to handle the redirection.
EDIT: I've just seen that you tried debugging and the method isn't hit: ensure your ScriptManager has EnablePageMethods set to true:
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true"/>

