Find an ID through having a username? - c#

public partial class xamlAuditorDashboard : Window
cEvolve_SP sp = new cEvolve_SP(Properties.Settings.Default.AppConnectionString);
List<cAuditTasksEntity> _tasks;
cAuditUserEntity _loggedInUser;
public xamlAuditorDashboard(cAuditUserEntity loggedInUser)
_loggedInUser = loggedInUser;
_tasks = new List<cAuditTasksEntity>();
private void Refresh()
var _AuditUserId = _loggedInUser;
cAuditUserEntity user = _AuditUserId as cAuditUserEntity;
int userid = user.AuditUserId;
_tasks = sp.GetTasksByUser(userid).ToList();
var result = (from cAuditTasksEntity tasks in _tasks
select tasks.TaskId).ToList();
cmbToDoList.ItemsSource = result;
private void btnAudit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var Audit = cmbToDoList.SelectedItem;
var _TransactionId = Audit;
cAuditTransactionsEntity transaction = _TransactionId as cAuditTransactionsEntity;
string transactionid = transaction.TransactionId;
What I am trying to do is, from having a TaskId I want to find out the TransactionId.
From my code in my Refresh method I getting the LoggedOnUser and searching the TaskTable for it then to bring out any tasks that there ID is next to, then to display the `TaskIds' in a combobox on there page.
What i am looking to do is when they click on the TaskId in the combobox and click New Audit, another page will load up and display all different information.
This is the TaskTable, the TaskID is what shows up in there combobox.
When they select a new ID from there combobox and click next, I need it to find the transactionId next to the TaskId they clicked, then bring back:
all the information in the circle?
The cAuditTasksEntity:
namespace DAL
[Table(Name = "Audit_Tasks")]
public class cAuditTasksEntity
private int _TaskId;
private int _AuditUserId;
private string _TransactionId;
private string _TaskTypeId;
private DateTime _Date;
private string _AuditStatus;
[Column(DbType = "INT", IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true)]
public int TaskId
get { return _TaskId; }
set { _TaskId = value; }
[Column(DbType = "INT")]
public int AuditUserId
get { return _AuditUserId; }
set { _AuditUserId = value; }
[Column(DbType = "CHAR(32)")]
public string TransactionId
get { return _TransactionId; }
set { _TransactionId = value; }
[Column(DbType = "CHAR(32)")]
public string TaskTypeId
get { return _TaskTypeId; }
set { _TaskTypeId = value; }
[Column(DbType = "DATETIME")]
public DateTime Date
get { return _Date; }
set { _Date = value; }
[Column(DbType = "VARCHAR(255)")]
public string AuditStatus
get { return _AuditStatus; }
set { _AuditStatus = value; }
Also the properties i see are these 4 :
This is what Audit.GetType(); is showing but I don't understand?
I added this code:
var result = Audit.GetType();
and then this set result to be equal to:
{Name = "Int32" FullName = "System.Int32"

I think this is what you are looking for, getting transactionId given TaskId:
var _TransactionId = (from task transactionid in _tasks
where task.TaskId == (int)cmbToDoList.SelectedItem
select task.TransactionId).FirstOrDefault();


LINQ query does not return child fields

I think I'm getting stupid because I can't get my LINQ query to work as I expect. I have one class that has 3 relationships to other classes.
This is the main class
[Table(Name = "scanResult")]
public class SniffResult
public SniffResult()
public SniffResult(Address address)
this.address = address;
private int _pk_SniffResult;
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, Storage = "_pk_SniffResult", Name ="pk_scanResult")]
public int pk_SniffResult { get { return _pk_SniffResult; } set { this._pk_SniffResult = value; } }
private int _fk_scan;
[Column(Storage = "_fk_scan", Name = "scan")]
public int fk_scan { get { return _fk_scan; } set { this._fk_scan = value; } }
private Scan _scan;
[Association(Storage = "_scan", IsForeignKey = true, ThisKey = "fk_scan", OtherKey = "pk_scan")]
public Scan scan { get { return _scan; } set { this._scan = value; } }
private int _fk_address;
[Column(Storage = "_fk_address", Name = "address")]
public int fk_adress { get { return _fk_address; } set { this._fk_address = value; } }
private Address _address;
[Association(Storage ="_address", IsForeignKey = true, ThisKey = "fk_adress", OtherKey = "pk_address")]
public Address address { get { return _address; } set { this._address = value; } }
private string _rawResult;
[Column(Storage = "_rawResult", Name = "raw")]
public string rawResult { get { return _rawResult; } set { this._rawResult = value; } }
private int _code = -5;
[Column(Storage = "_code")]
public int code { get { return _code; } set { this._code = value; } }
private DateTime _scanDate = DateTime.Now;
[Column(Storage = "_scanDate")]
public DateTime scanDate { get { return _scanDate; } set { this._scanDate = value; } }
private int? _fk_proxy;
[Column(Storage = "_fk_proxy", Name = "usedProxy", CanBeNull = true)]
public int? fk_proxy { get { return _fk_proxy; } set { this._fk_proxy = value; } }
private ProxyData _usedProxy;
[Association(Storage = "_usedProxy", IsForeignKey = true, ThisKey = "fk_proxy", OtherKey = "pk_proxy")]
public ProxyData usedProxy { get { return _usedProxy; } set { this._usedProxy = value; } }
public string message { get; set; } = "";
public bool availability { get; set; }
public int planCode { get; set; }
public string planning { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("availability={0}, code={1}, message={2}", availability, code, message);
This is one of the child classes
[Table(Name = "address")]
public class Address
private int _pk_address;
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, Storage = "_pk_address")]
public int pk_address { get { return _pk_address; } set { this._pk_address = value; } }
private string _provId;
[Column(Storage = "_provId")]
public string provId { get { return _provId; } set { this._provId = value; } }
private string _zipcode;
[Column(Storage = "_zipcode")]
public string zipcode { get { return _zipcode; } set { this._zipcode = value; } }
private int _houseNumber;
[Column(Storage = "_houseNumber")]
public int houseNumber { get { return _houseNumber; } set { this._houseNumber = value; } }
private string _addressAddition;
[Column(Storage = "_addressAddition")]
public string addressAddition { get { return _addressAddition; } set { this._addressAddition = value; } }
public string ToAddresString()
return string.Format("{0} {1}{2}", this.provId, zipcode, houseNumber, addressAddition);
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}:\t{1}\t{2}{3}", this.provId, zipcode, houseNumber, addressAddition);
I want to get SniffResult including the associated fields. But they are all null. This is the code I use:
SniffDAO dao = new SniffDAO();
var test = from sr in dao.SniffResults
where sr.fk_scan == 3
select sr;
foreach (var one in test)
one.address gives me a null, what am I doing wrong?
This is the Dao class
public class SniffDAO
private string currentDir;
private DataContext db;
public Table<Scan> Scans { get; set; }
public Table<SniffResult> SniffResults { get; set; }
public Table<Address> Addresses { get; set; }
public SniffDAO()
db = new DataContext(#"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=********;Integrated Security=True;Asynchronous Processing=True");
db.ObjectTrackingEnabled = true;
Scans = db.GetTable<Scan>();
SniffResults = db.GetTable<SniffResult>();
Addresses = db.GetTable<Address>();
currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
public void save()
You need to Include related entities like this:
SniffDAO dao = new SniffDAO();
var test = dao.SniffResults.Include(x=>x.address).Where(sr.fk_scan == 3);
foreach (var one in test)
I found the solution thanks to #Kris. I now use:
DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.LoadWith<SniffResult>(sr => sr.address);
dlo.LoadWith<SniffResult>(sr => sr.usedProxy);
dlo.LoadWith<SniffResult>(sr => sr.scan);
db.LoadOptions = dlo; //db is the DataContext
See for more info

Filtering mongodb data

I have the following model:
Base class:
public abstract class Identifiable{
private ObjectId id;
private string name;
protected Identifiable(){
id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId();
public ObjectId Id{
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
public string Name{
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
The name is unique.
A channel class
public class Channel : Identifiable{
private DateTime creationDate;
private string url;
private DailyPrograming dailyPrograming;
public DailyPrograming DailyPrograming{
get { return dailyPrograming; }
set { dailyPrograming = value; }
public DateTime CreationDate{
get { return creationDate; }
set { creationDate = value; }
public string Url{
get { return url; }
set { url = value; }
Daily programs. The name property is the date stored as ddMMyyyy:
public class DailyPrograming : Identifiable{
public DailyPrograming(){
DailyPrograms = new List<Program>(30);
public IList<Program> DailyPrograms { get; set; }
The programs:
public class Program : Identifiable{
private DateTime programDate;
private string category;
private string description;
public DateTime ProgramDate{
get { return programDate; }
set { programDate = value; }
public string Category{
get { return category; }
set { category = value; }
public string Description{
get { return description; }
set { description = value; }
Now, I want to filter the program of certain channel for specific date using:
public DailyPrograming GetProgramsForDate(string channelId, string prgDate){
ObjectId id = new ObjectId(channelId);
IMongoQuery query = Query.And(Query<Channel>.EQ(c => c.Id, id),
Query<DailyPrograming>.EQ(dp => dp.Name, prgDate));
var result = Database.GetCollection<DailyPrograming>(CollectionName).Find(query).FirstOrDefault();
return result;
But it never returns the existing data. How to retrieve the programings of a channel for a date?
var builder = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter;
var filt = builder.Eq("Price", "9.20")
& builder.Eq("ProductName", "WH-208");
var list = await collection.Find(filt).ToListAsync();
We can use & instead of $and. See this post, for another example.
According to your sample I used id = "54c00c65c215161c7ce2a77c" and prgDate = "2212015"
then I changed the query to this:
var collection = database.GetCollection<Channel>("test6");
var id = new ObjectId("54c00c65c215161c7ce2a77c");
var query = Query.And(Query<Channel>.EQ(c => c.Id, id), Query<Channel>.EQ(c => c.DailyPrograming.Name, "2212015"));
var result = collection.Find(query).FirstOrDefault();
this query works fine
Some point:
Your collection type is Chanel not DailyPrograming
When your collection is Chanel you have to use Query<Channel> and query nested DailyPrograming via Query<Channel>.EQ(c => c.DailyPrograming.Name, "2212015")

RestSharp and WP7 Not returning correct data?

Please forgive the poor code and ignorance this is just a late night hack to test something.
Anyways I'm trying to use RESTSharp with WP7 but I'm hitting a hurdle which I unable to figure out.
Could someone please take a look?
namespace McMyAdmin.Data
public class Status
private bool isRunning;
private bool isReady;
private int ram;
private int maxRam;
private int users;
private int maxusers;
private DateTime startDateTime;
private int cpuUsage;
[DataMember(Name = "running")]
public bool IsRunning { get { return isRunning; } set { isRunning = value; } }
[DataMember(Name = "ready")]
public bool IsReady { get { return isReady; } set { isReady = value; } }
[DataMember(Name = "ram")]
public int Ram { get { return ram; } set { ram = value; } }
[DataMember(Name = "maxram")]
public int MaxRam { get { return maxRam; } set { maxRam = value; } }
[DataMember(Name = "users")]
public int Users { get { return users; } set { users = value; } }
[DataMember(Name = "maxusers")]
public int MaxUsers { get { return maxusers; } set { maxusers = value; } }
[DataMember(Name = "starttime")]
public DateTime StartDateTime { get { return startDateTime; } set { startDateTime = value; } }
[DataMember(Name = "cpuusage")]
public int CPUUsage { get { return cpuUsage; } set { cpuUsage = value; } }
public Status GetStatus()
var webclient = new RestClient
BaseUrl = "http://localhost:8080",
Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator("admin","xxxxxxxx")
var request = new RestRequest("data.json", Method.GET);
request.AddParameter("req", "status");
Status test = new Status();
var sd = webclient.ExecuteAsync<Status>(request, (response) =>
test.isRunning = response.Data.isRunning;
test.isReady = response.Data.isReady;
test.Ram = response.Data.Ram;
test.MaxRam = response.Data.MaxRam;
test.Users = response.Data.Users;
test.MaxUsers = response.Data.MaxUsers;
test.StartDateTime = response.Data.StartDateTime;
test.CPUUsage = response.Data.CPUUsage;
return test;
This does not produce any errors but instead rubbish data which is the following
CPUUsage 0 int
IsReady false bool
IsRunning false bool
MaxRam 0 int
MaxUsers 0 int
Ram 0 int
startDateTime {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM} System.DateTime
Users 0 int
but compare this to the acutally Json this is completly wrong
{"status":200,"running":true,"ready":true,"stopping":false,"failed":false,"failmsg":"","maxram":1024,"users":0,"maxusers":8,"userinfo":{},"time":"2011-12-03 23:46:54","ram":"241","starttime":"12/03/2011 17:32:04","cpuusage":0}
Thanks in advance
DataMember attributes are ignored. Check out the Deserialization docs, or try Hammock.

DataBind a list which is inside another list

Below is the class file
public class BillDetails
private string chargecategory;
public string ChargeCategory
get { return chargecategory; }
set { chargecategory = value; }
private string customername;
public string CustomerName
get { return customername; }
set { customername = value; }
private List<Details> details;
// public List<Details> details = new List<Details>();
public List<Details> Details
get { return details; }
set { details = value; }
now in my code I need to databind only the properties which belong to List
List<BillDetails> billlist = new List<BillDetails>();
public int x;
List<Details> newdetails = new List<Details>();
public void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsValidPost())
if (Session["BillList"] == null)
newdetails.Add(new Details() { ChargeCode = ChargeCode.Text, MaterialCode = MaterialCode.Text, GLAccount = GLAccount.Text, CostCenter = CostCenter.Text, Price = Convert.ToDecimal(Price.Text), Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(Quantity.Text), UOM = UOM.Text, Total = Convert.ToDecimal(Price.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(Quantity.Text) });
billlist.Add(new BillDetails() { ChargeCategory = ChargeCategory.Text, Details = newdetails.ToList(), CustomerName = CustomerName.Text });
GridView1.DataSource = newdetails *---works ...but if I give the datasource as billlist it does not ...but I want get down to newdetails from billlist.
//Session["BillList"] = newdetails;
Session["BillList"] = billlist;
how do i achieve this...also in the ascx file how do I databind the columns to the properties which are in details
I would assume DataMember = "Details"; would do this (but I don't personally use webforms data-binding, so my apologies if this fails).

Linq doesn't insert associated entity on insert

I have simple mapping:
public class Person
private int id;
private int state_id;
private EntityRef<PersonState> state = new EntityRef<PersonState>();
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage = "id", Name="id",
IsDbGenerated = true, CanBeNull = false)]
public int ID
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
[Column(Storage="state_id", Name="state_id")]
public int StateID
get{ return state_id;}
set{ state_id = value;}
[Association( Storage = "state", ThisKey = "StateID", IsForeignKey=true)]
public PersonState State
get { return state.Entity; }
set { state.Entity = value; }
[Table(Name = "PersonState")]
public class PersonState
private int id;
private State state;
[Column(Name="id", Storage="id", IsDbGenerated=true, IsPrimaryKey=true)]
public int ID
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
[Column(Name = "date", Storage = "date")]
public DateTime Date
get { return date; }
set { date = value; }
[Column(Name = "type", Storage = "state")]
public State State
get { return state; }
set { state = value; }
I use this code to insert new person with default state:
private static Person NewPerson()
Person p = new Person();
p.State = DefaultState(p);
return p;
private static PersonState DefaultState()
PersonState state = new PersonState();
state.Date = DateTime.Now;
state.State = State.NotNotified;
state.Comment = "Default State!";
return state;
Leater in code:
In database(sqlite) I have all new persons, but state_id of all persons is set to 0, and PersonState table is empty. Why Linq did not insert any State object to database?
It's because you aren't telling it to insert the changes to the PersonState table. I would think that having your entities linked together would make this happen automatically but you may have to trying something like this:
Person p = NewPerson();
if (p.State != null)

