Animation Between activities Android c# Xamarin - c#

I am doing this to do simple animation between my activities:
android:toYDelta="0" />
And this to call it:
StartActivity (typeof(detalheVinho));
OverridePendingTransition (Resource.Animator.animRight, Resource.Animator.animRight2);
But i need to animate like it was being read like a book i need to make the activities roll like pages in a book and not just sliding.
I serched the entire google for libraries or a way so does anyone knows a way?

I notice xamarin does have the viewflipper in layout toolbox. I will try attempt this myself and edit my post if i manage. Link below seems like a good place to start.


Change TextMeshProText to TextMeshProText UI

I am searching how can I change my code so it will work my script.
I have wrote a script but but on my panel doesn't seem anything because I use TextMeshProText and I want to use TextMeshProText UI.
My line which I have this issue is this
I am using this library using TMPro;
public TextMeshProText lT;
I must replace on that code TextMeshProText with something reffer to TextMeshProText UI so it will seemed on the Panel..but I didn't find anything on this issue.Any idea how can I do this thing?
I have been trying alone to do this in unity with different ways but it needs to change this. If it is not TextMeshProTextUI at least Text(Legacy). I wasn't able to do this that's why I came here for help
I find the solution it is TextMeshProUGUI .Let the answer for the other persons who search for it

UWP play a YouTube video

I am trying to find a resource that would explain how to retrieve a YouTube video URL to play in an external player. Of course, I have taken a look at the YouTube Data API, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this.
However, I know it is possible, given that there exist YouTube client applications that are able to stream video (MetroTube is one example).
I saw the related post (How to play a YouTube video in WPF using C#), but it was posted a long time ago. I would like to avoid having to use a WebBrowser control (or WebView in UWP).
Can someone suggest an approach or point to a resource that allows this?
I have used MyToolKit.Extended in the past to integrate Youtube Videos in one of my App.
Install Nuget Package from Here
Once done, you need to call this method
internal async Task<Uri> GetYoutubeUri(string VideoID)
YouTubeUri uri = await YouTube.GetVideoUriAsync(VideoID, YouTubeQuality.Quality1080P);
return uri.Uri;
Make sure you are passing only VideoID. i.e, If your URL is
you need to pass only UO-8CMdeSHA.
Once done, you will receive the actual Media Uri. You can now set this as a source to MediaPlayer. Something like below.
Uri _videoUri = await GetYoutubeUri("UO-8CMdeSHA");
if (_videoUri != null)
player.Source = _videoUri;
To ensure you see basic Play/Pause button and few others, Use Below in your XAML.
MediaElement x:Name="player" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" AreTransportControlsEnabled="True" />
And you should be able to play YouTube Videos.
Good Luck.

uwp youtube player stream mvvm

Solution at the end.
I have a hard time finding informations about a youtubeplayer in uwp following the MVVM pattern.
What are the differences between <MediaElement> and <WebView> in this context and what would be better/easier to use?
How do I handle the events of the Player in my VM?
VS2017 tells me that i can't use the MediaPlayerElement
Error Message
I tried other versions/builds of VS2017 but get the same error.
Are there other ways to do this?
<WebView> seems to be pretty easy. Are there any downsides using it?
<WebView x:Name="webView" Width="300"
Height="225" Source=""
Thanks to Aditya Sharma I got on the right Track and found this Question
So I ended up with the following:
<MediaElement x:Name="ytPlayer"
Source="{Binding Test1, Mode=OneWay}"
public void doSomething()
test1 = new Uri(convertLink(currentMovie.TrailerSource));
private string convertLink(string link)
IEnumerable<VideoInfo> videoInfos = DownloadUrlResolver.GetDownloadUrls(link, false);
VideoInfo video = videoInfos
.First(info => info.VideoType == VideoType.Mp4 && info.Resolution == 720
return video.DownloadUrl;
Where Test1 is of Type Uri and currentMovie.TrailerSource is a string
For this to work I had to get the NuGet YouTubeExtractor.
Hope this Helps somebody get it done MVVM.
So here is the thing, We have 1. WebView and 2. MediaElement
Let's take up a deep dive into these:
WebView: is basically a phone in app browser. you can give it a link and it'll navigate to the webPage. You can use it for your youtube screening but there will be downsides:
You won't be able to use native controls like pause/play/seek locally. All the controls will be handled by the website rendered in a WebView.
You have no control on the UI as well. You'll see the basic embedded youtube UI in your app WebView that might just break your UI and might also just provide a pixelated view when scaled.
MediaElement on the other hand is quite convenient, it has a source property that takes a Uri datatype as well so the great thing is that you can pass in your Uri as the embedded link for the youtube vid, the MediaElement will handle everything for you plus, it'll give you some additional advantages like control over your UI, Play/Pause or even custom styling and autoplay/playRate options.
So In my opinion, I would say use a MediaElement over the webView as it'll provide you with more control over whats happening and also provide a native experience to the user.
You can find some more information on it here
in this question and in it's comments section.
Also, since you'll be using mvvm on windows 10, I would recommend you x:bind the Source property of the MediaElement to a Uri DataType property in a oneWay Mode in your ViewModel

Xamarin Monodroid: WP7 => Android and Custom Control?

i am in the process of porting some of my Windows Phone Applications to Android using Xamarin Monodroid.
I am pretty new with the Xamarin stuff, just bought a license actually.
So far so good as far as recreating the XAML UI in AXML but i am facing a problem with Custom Controls.
Here is what i mean by custom controls:
In .NET, i created a bunch of controls by creating class that inherit from the 'UserControl' class, i created the logic and set the Content. Then i just create new instance with 'new my_control()', etc...
Some of my controls are not created this way but instead i created the UserControl by defining the XAML, where there is no specific logics but when i need to combine 2 or more controls(for example, a colored square with text beside it, so Rectangle + TextBlock) and again i just need to do 'new my_control()' and add it somewhere in the XAML UI(Grid, ListBox, StackPanel, etc...).
How can i achieve something similar with Monodroid?
Thanks in advance!
You can make your own custom view by inheriting the View class. This allows you to do anything. Then you can reference it in your AXML with:
Just make sure your namespace name in the AXML is all lower case, otherwise it won't pick it up.
But if you just need a very simple AXML layout that you are going to use a lot, you can create a new AXML file and use the include tag to put it in there.
There is some more general info on some Layout Tricks for Android which will work for Mono for Android as well here:
You can do "custom controls" in Mono for Android too - and once you've written them, then you can include them in your axml files.
I'm afraid I don't have any perfectly simple examples to hand, but there's a complicated example in:
If you declare a class MyControl in MyNamespace and inherit that control from an Android View and you can then setup your custom control - including pulling in attributes from the XML - using a constructor like:
public MyControl(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs) { /* ... */ }
and using XML like:
<mynamespace.MyControl android:layout_height='wrap_content' />
One example of this could be the control from - which could be used from xml using xml like
Any reason why it won't enter the constructor? Here is my constructor:
protected CropImageView(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer)
: base(javaReference, transfer)
The Init method causes the circular dependency when I inflate the crop_image_view xml
I have tried with public, private but no luck... here is my code:

Popup on mouse hover the word

I am doing a website using C# and I would like to popup a small window with information as soon as mouse hover a particular word. I know that I have to use jquery but I don't know exactly how to do it.
Any suggestions please?
There are many plugins out there that will help you achieve what you are looking for. However it is also very possible to implement this functionality yourself. I wouldn't be surprised either if some of the plugins you come across also use similar code.
The following is my attempt to demystify tooltip/popup plugin behaviour.
You could wrap the desired word in a <span> element and give it a .hover class.
This is some text with a <span class="hover">special</span>
word that has hovercraft capabilities.
Your jQuery (ver 1.7+) would look something like this :
// The popup must be shown here (mouse is over element).
// The popup must be hidden here (mouse has left element).
I should add here that I am using a great and yet sometimes forgotten capability of jQuery called "chaining". The on() function actually returns the object that it was attached to. In this case $(".hover") - so if I want to call another function on that object I can just add it as another function at the end. Another example of this would be :
$("#myElement").text("An error has occured!").css("color","#FF0000");
That line of code would also at the text to #myElement and also turn the colour red.
With regard to your actual popup - I would suggest two things :
Have an element at the bottom of your markup (written last so highest index - or manually set the highest z-index)
You could also have the popup in a hidden element right next to the element that is supposed to trigger the popup.
What you're after sounds like a 'tool tip'.
The solutions using jQuery are somewhat involved - so I'll just direct you to external resources.
Possible solutions:
ToolTip Plugin for jQuery
Build a Better Tooltip with jQuery Awesomeness

