Recursive method resulting in infinite loop - c#

I am doing a migration tool for sharepoint sites. I migrate sites using XML files. In my method for generating my XML file, however, I get an infinite loop and I can't figure out the cause. I get no errors what so ever but the XML file gets understandably large.
How I create the root node of my XML file:
private void createRootXmlNodeFromRootSite()
if (rootsite != null)
//Add root-site to TreeView
XmlElement rootnode = document.CreateElement(strRoot);
rootnode.SetAttribute(strTitle, rootsite.Title);
rootnode.SetAttribute(strName, rootsite.SiteAdministrators[0].Name);
rootnode.SetAttribute(strEmail, rootsite.SiteAdministrators[0].Email);
XmlElement nodelists = document.CreateElement(strLists);
if (rootsite.Lists.Count > 0)
//Get all lists within root-site and put them under it's node.
foreach (SPList list in rootsite.Lists)
XmlElement nodelist = document.CreateElement(strList);
nodelist.SetAttribute(strTitle, list.Title);
if (!list.Hidden)
XmlElement nodects = document.CreateElement(strContentTypes);
if (list.ContentTypes.Count > 0)
//Get all content types within lists of root site and put them under it's node.
foreach (SPContentType ct in list.ContentTypes)
XmlElement nodect = document.CreateElement(strContentType);
nodect.SetAttribute(strTitle, ct.Name);
if (!ct.Hidden)
XmlElement nodefields = document.CreateElement(strFields);
if (ct.Fields.Count > 0)
foreach (SPField field in ct.Fields)
XmlElement nodefield = document.CreateElement(strField);
nodefield.SetAttribute(strTitle, field.Title);
if (!field.Hidden)
//Call recursive methods to get child-site-elements.
convertSiteCollectionToXml(rootnode, rootsite);
This method then calls a recursive method which creates child nodes from the subsites:
private void convertSiteCollectionToXml(XmlNode nodeElement, SPWeb site)
XmlElement nodesites = document.CreateElement("Sites");
if (site.Webs.Count > 0)
foreach (SPWeb childsite in site.Webs)
XmlElement child = document.CreateElement("Site");
child.SetAttribute("Title", childsite.Title);
XmlElement nodelists = document.CreateElement("Lists");
if (childsite.Lists.Count > 0)
foreach (SPList list in childsite.Lists)
XmlElement nodelist = document.CreateElement("List");
nodelist.SetAttribute("Title", list.Title);
if (!list.Hidden)
XmlElement nodects = document.CreateElement("ContentTypes");
if (list.ContentTypes.Count > 0)
foreach (SPContentType ct in list.ContentTypes)
XmlElement nodect = document.CreateElement("ContentType");
nodect.SetAttribute("Title", ct.Name);
if (!ct.Hidden)
XmlElement nodefields = document.CreateElement("Fields");
if (ct.Fields.Count > 0)
foreach (SPField field in ct.Fields)
XmlElement nodefield = document.CreateElement("Field");
nodefield.SetAttribute("Title", field.Title);
if (!field.Hidden)
convertSiteCollectionToXml(child, childsite);
The infinite loop happens in the second method. Anyone see the cause?


Not reading two values from XML nodes

I have this XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nfeProc xmlns="" versao="2.00">-<NFe>-<infNFe versao="2.00" Id="NFe35130649196462000115550010000036141000025758">
I read with this C# code :
private void leerarquivoN(string caminx)
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList ml = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("*");
XmlNode primer = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
tipo_arq = primer.Name;
if (xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Name == "nfeProc")
{ foreach (XmlNode xn in ml)
if (xn.Name == "infNFe")
chave_nota = xn.Attributes["Id"].Value;
versao = xn.Attributes["versao"].Value;
lblChaveNota.Text = chave_nota; lblversao.Text = versao;
XmlNodeList xnList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("ide");
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
if (xn.Name == "ide")
if (xn["nNF"] != null)
{ nnota = (xn["nNF"]).InnerText; label8.Text = nnota; }
if (xn["dEmi"] != null)
{ ndata = (xn["dEmi"]).InnerText; lblData.Text = ndata;}
if (xn["natOP"] != null)
{ natop = (xn["natOP"]).InnerText; lblNAtop.Text = natop ; }
XmlNodeList xnList2 = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("emit");
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList2)
{ if (xn["CNPJ"] != null)
{ ncnpj = (xn["CNPJ"]).InnerText; lblCNPJ.Text = ncnpj; }
XmlNodeList xnList3 = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("total");
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList3)
if (xn["vNF"] != null)
{ ntotal = (xn["vNF"]).InnerText; lblvNF.Text = ntotal ; }
I can not read VNF and natOP , what i m doing wrong???
The code you are using just gets the main nodes. To get the children associated with each node (natOp and vNF), you have to rely on a different code (MSDN reference). Sample for natOp (inside the xnList for loop):
if (xn.HasChildNodes)
for (int i=0; i<xn.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
//xn.ChildNodes[i].InnerText -> what you are after

read only particular instance using xmlreader

I have a xml file that looks like
I am reading all the values of elements using xmlreader in C# 3.0. But now i have to change by reading only the values within particular start and end tage. For the xml file mentioned above, i need to read <Name>, <Age> by default and then i have a function that returns the value "I1" or "I2" which is basically the element names. If it returns "I1" then i should read only the elements between <I1> and </I1> and should not read <I2> and vice versa. So the code structure would be (just the logic please ignore the syntax errors) like
/******function that returns element name I1 or I2*********/
string elementName = func(a,b);
xmlreader reader = reader.create("test.xml");
case xmlnodetype.element:
string nodeName =
case xmlnodetype.text
/*************Read default name and age values*******/
case "Name":
string personName = reader.value
case "Age":
string personAge = reader.value;
/*******End of reading default values**************/
/*** read only elements between the value returned by function name above
If function returns I1 then i need to read only values between <I1> </I1> else read </I2> and </I2>**/
So assuming, since we dont have any other tags to go off, that your file would look something such as this from beginning to end
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
and then to call it
System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader("test.xml");
String xmlText = sr.ReadToEnd();
List<UserInfo> finalList = readXMLDoc(xmlText);
if(finalList != null)
//do something
private List<UserInfo> readXMLDoc(String fileText)
//create a list of Strings to hold our user information
List<UserInfo> userList = new List<UserInfo>();
//create a XmlDocument Object
XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
//load the text of the file into the XmlDocument Object
//Create a XmlNode object to hold the root node of the XmlDocument
XmlNode rootNode = null;
//get the root element in the xml document
for (int i = 0; i < xDoc.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
//check to see if we hit the root element
if (xDoc.ChildNodes[i].Name == "RootElement")
//assign the root node
rootNode = xDoc.ChildNodes[i];
//Loop through each of the child nodes of the root node
for (int j = 0; j < rootNode.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
//check for the UserInformation tag
if (rootNode.ChildNodes[j].Name == "UserInformation")
//assign the item node
XmlNode userNode = rootNode.ChildNodes[j];
//create userInfo object to hold results
UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo();
//loop through each if the user tag's elements
foreach (XmlNode subNode in userNode.ChildNodes)
//check for the name tag
if (subNode.Name == "Name")
userInfo._name = subNode.InnerText;
//check for the age tag
if (subNode.Name == "Age")
userInfo._age = subNode.InnerText;
String tagToLookFor = "CallTheMethodThatReturnsTheCorrectTag";
//check for the tag
if (subNode.Name == tagToLookFor)
foreach (XmlNode elementNode in subNode.ChildNodes)
//check for the element1 tag
if (elementNode.Name == "Element1")
userInfo._element1 = elementNode.InnerText;
//check for the element2 tag
if (elementNode.Name == "Element2")
userInfo._element2 = elementNode.InnerText;
//check for the element3 tag
if (elementNode.Name == "Element3")
userInfo._element3 = elementNode.InnerText;
//add the userInfo to the list
catch (Exception e)
return null;
//return the list
return userList;
//struct to hold information
struct UserInfo
public String _name;
public String _age;
public String _element1;
public String _element2;
public String _element3;

C# How do I determine childnode level in xml

I need to remove elements in some xml files. How do I correctly ensure that I transverse through all childnodes to remove all element with a matching name. I have code such as:
string strFilename = #"D:\sample.xml";
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode parentNode;
parentNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
foreach (XmlNode node1 in parentNode.ChildNodes)
foreach (XmlNode node2 in node1.ChildNodes)
if (node2.Name == "ElementNodeToDelete")
foreach (XmlNode node3 in node2.ChildNodes)
if (node3.Name == "ElementNodeToDelete")
foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3.ChildNodes)
if (node4.Name == "ElementNodeToDelete")
Is this a valid solution? How do I determine how many foreach loops to perform to ensure that all children are checked?
Thanks for your time in advance.
Recursion is your friend.
void DeleteNodes(XmlNode root, string deleteName)
foreach(XmlNode node in root.ChildNodes)
if (node.Name == deleteName)

No Collapse/Expand icon in TreeView when using ASP.NET and C#

I have a trouble with Expand / Collapse icon in TreeView
What I get :
What I did :
C# code :
public static void TreeLoad(TreeView tree, string #source)
XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
//TreeView tree = new TreeView();
if (File.Exists(source))
XmlNodeList category = document.SelectNodes("/parent/Categories");
//XmlNodeList links = document.SelectNodes("/parent/Categories/link");
foreach (XmlNode node in category)
TreeNode t1 = new TreeNode(node.Attributes["Name"].Value);
//t1.ShowCheckBox = true;
if (node.HasChildNodes)
//foreach (XmlNode nod in links)
foreach (XmlNode nod in node.ChildNodes)
TreeNode t2 = new TreeNode(nod.Attributes["name"].Value);
messages = NOTFOUND;
catch (Exception ect)
//exist.InnerText = ect.Message;
messages = ect.Message;
// document.Save(source);
//return tree;
URLStorageCtrl.TreeLoad(tree, "example.xml");
ASP.NET code
<asp:TreeView ID="tree" runat="server"></asp:TreeView>
I'm using 4-tier architecture so please do not redirect me to design page, I use only coding.
yeah, of course. you added all nodes to tree as its root.
this code:
change to :

Xml node reading for each loop

I am trying to loop through an Xml file and display the value for account in a message.
XmlNodeList nodeList = testDoc.SelectNodes("/details/row/var");
foreach (XmlNode no in nodeList)
XmlNode node = testDoc.SelectSingleNode("/details/row/var[#name='account']");
test.actual = node.Attributes["value"].Value;
The message box is currently displaying the first record repeatidly, how can I get to the next record?
Thanks for your input in advance.
You are repeatedly assigning node with the same element from testDoc. It is not clear what test.account is (perhaps a mistype for test.actual)?
no is the variable which will iterate the contents of nodeList - I imagine you intended to use that.
EDIT following edit of OP
Now you've shown us what nodeList is, I suspect you want to do something like this instead :
XmlNodeList nodeList = testDoc.SelectNodes("/details/row/var[#name='account']");
foreach (XmlNode no in nodeList)
test.actual = no.Attributes["value"].Value;
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList node = doc.GetElementsByTagName("w:r");
foreach (XmlNode xn in node)
if (xn["w:t"].InnerText != null)
if (xn["w:t"].InnerText == "#")
string placeHolder = xn["w:t"].InnerText;
foreach (XmlNode a in node)
if (a["w:t"].InnerText != "#")
string placeHolder1 = a["w:t"].InnerText;
catch (Exception e)
Here is the sample for parent node value to get information of the child i am using the ReportItems ParentNode and Print only image child nodes.
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
XmlNode node = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("ReportItems")[0];
XmlNodeList list = node.ChildNodes;
atributes=new string[node.ChildNodes.Count];
int l = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < node.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
if (list[j].Name == "Image")
XmlAttributeCollection att = list[j].Attributes;
atributes[l] = att[0].Value.ToUpper();
for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
if (searchText.Text.ToUpper() == atributes[i])
XmlNodeList lastlist = node.ChildNodes;
XmlNodeList endlist = lastlist[i].ChildNodes;
for (int k = 0; k < endlist.Count; k++)
sb.Append(endlist[k].Name+" - "+ endlist[k].InnerText);
let me know if you have doubt..
Try this,
XmlDocument xdoc = new XDocument();
string xmlcontents = xdoc.InnerXml;
var xpath = "(/details/row/var[#name='account'])";
XmlNodeList lists = xdoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(xpath);
foreach (XmlNode _node in lists)
string _nodeValue = _node.InnerText;
Try the following:
//Create an xml reader;
XmlDocument _xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
_xmlDocument.Load(/*File Name here*/);
//Select the element with in the xml you wish to extract;
XmlNodeList _nodeList = _xmlDocument.SelectNodes("/details/row/var[#name='account']");
//Display the values in the node list to the screen;
foreach (XmlNode _node in _nodeList)
String _nodeValue = _node.InnerText.ToString();
I'm not 100% sure, but you may need to use recursion. If not, it should just look like this:
XmlDocument doc = //etc..
foreach(XmlNode node in doc.ChildNodes)
if(node.Name == "account")
You shouldn't spend time with reading the xml node by node. Try Deserialization:

