I am trying to Serialize/Deserialize a object, but I am getting an "ArgumentException" on deserialization.
My Object is this:
public class Findoc
public Findoc()
private string _ID = string.Empty;
public string ID
get { return this._ID; }
set { _ID = value; }
private int _lastindex;
public int lastindex
get { return this._lastindex; }
set { _lastindex = value; }
private string _SilogiDate;
public string SilogiDate
get { return this._SilogiDate; }
set { _SilogiDate = value; }
private Truck _TR;
public Truck TR
get { return this._TR; }
set { _TR = value; }
private Routing _RT;
public Routing RT
get { return this._RT; }
set { _RT = value; }
private KentroKostous _KK;
public KentroKostous KK
get { return this._KK; }
set { _KK = value; }
private Busunit _BU;
public Busunit BU
get { return this._BU; }
set { _BU = value; }
private string _FINCODE = string.Empty;
public string FINCODE
get { return this._FINCODE; }
set { _FINCODE = value; }
private string _FINSTATE = "";
public string FINSTATE
get { return this._FINSTATE; }
set { _FINSTATE = value; }
private string _STAGE = "";
public string STAGE
get { return this._STAGE; }
set { _STAGE = value; }
private string _SPCS = "";
public string SPCS
get { return this._SPCS; }
set { _SPCS = value; }
private string _SPCSCODE = "";
public string SPCSCODE
get { return this._SPCSCODE; }
set { _SPCSCODE = value; }
private string _MTRSTS = "";
public string MTRSTS
get { return this._MTRSTS; }
set { _MTRSTS = value; }
private string _PARAGOMENO = "";
public string PARAGOMENO
get { return this._PARAGOMENO; }
set { _PARAGOMENO = value; }
private double _PARAGOMENOQTY1;
public double PARAGOMENOQTY1
get { return this._PARAGOMENOQTY1; }
set { _PARAGOMENOQTY1 = value; }
private double _PARAGOMENOQTY2;
public double PARAGOMENOQTY2
get { return this._PARAGOMENOQTY2; }
set { _PARAGOMENOQTY2 = value; }
private Boolean _PARAGOMENOUSESN;
get { return this._PARAGOMENOUSESN; }
set { _PARAGOMENOUSESN = value; }
private Boolean _EDITABLE = true;
public Boolean EDITABLE
get { return this._EDITABLE; }
set { _EDITABLE = value; }
private Boolean _ISPRINT;
public Boolean ISPRINT
get { return this._ISPRINT; }
set { _ISPRINT = value; }
private Boolean _ISCANCELED;
public Boolean ISCANCELED
get { return this._ISCANCELED; }
set { _ISCANCELED = value; }
private int _SOSOURCE;
public int SOSOURCE
get { return this._SOSOURCE; }
set { _SOSOURCE = value; }
private Series _series;
public Series Series
get { return this._series; }
set { _series = value; }
private string _TICK = string.Empty;
public string TICK
get { return this._TICK; }
set { _TICK = value; }
private string _COMMENTS = "";
public string COMMEMTS
get { return this._COMMENTS; }
set { _COMMENTS = value; }
private string _COMMENTS1 = "";
public string COMMEMTS1
get { return this._COMMENTS1; }
set { _COMMENTS1 = value; }
private string _COMMENTS2 = "";
public string COMMEMTS2
get { return this._COMMENTS2; }
set { _COMMENTS2 = value; }
private string _karfoto_fincode = "";//gia tis eisprakseis
public string Karfoto_fincode
get { return this._karfoto_fincode; }
set { _karfoto_fincode = value; }
private List<Mtrline> _Mtrlines;
public List<Mtrline> Mtrlines
get { return this._Mtrlines; }
set { _Mtrlines = value; }
public class SnLine
private string _TICK;
public string TICK
get { return this._TICK; }
set { _TICK = value; }
private string _sn;
public string sn
get { return this._sn; }
set { _sn = value; }
public class Mtrline
public Mtrline(Findoc findoc)
private List<SnLine> _SnLines;
public List<SnLine> SnLines
get { return this._SnLines; }
set { _SnLines = value; }
private int _position;
public int position
get { return this._position; }
set { _position = value; }
private string _guid;
public string guid
get { return this._guid; }
set { _guid = value; }
private WhouseObj _Whouse1;
public WhouseObj Whouse1
get { return this._Whouse1; }
set { _Whouse1 = value; }
private WhouseObj _Whouse2;
public WhouseObj Whouse2
get { return this._Whouse2; }
set { _Whouse2 = value; }
private string _WHOUSE = "";
public string WHOUSE
get { return this._WHOUSE; }
set { _WHOUSE = value; }
private string _WHOUSESEC = "";
public string WHOUSESEC
get { return this._WHOUSESEC; }
set { _WHOUSESEC = value; }
private string _SPCS;
public string SPCS
get { return this._SPCS; }
set { _SPCS = value; }
private string _MPKCODE;
public string MPKCODE
get { return this._MPKCODE; }
set { _MPKCODE = value; }
private string _whousebin1remain;
public string Whousebin1remain
get { return this._whousebin1remain; }
set { _whousebin1remain = value; }
private string _whousebin2remain;
public string Whousebin2remain
get { return this._whousebin2remain; }
set { _whousebin2remain = value; }
private int _NEWLINE;
public int NEWLINE
get { return this._NEWLINE; }
set { _NEWLINE = value; }
private string _CCCPACK1;
public string CCCPACK1
get {
if (_CCCPACK1 == null)
return "";
return this._CCCPACK1;
set { _CCCPACK1 = value; }
public string _CCCPACK2;
public string CCCPACK2
if (_CCCPACK2 == null)
return "";
return this._CCCPACK2;
set { _CCCPACK2 = value; }
private string _PAKETO = "";
public string PAKETO
get { return this._PAKETO; }
set { _PAKETO = value; }
private string _TICK;
public string TICK
get { return this._TICK; }
set { _TICK = value; }
private string _AAA;
public string AAA
get { return this._AAA; }
set { _AAA = value; }
private MtrlModel _MTRL_Object;
public MtrlModel MTRL_Object
get { return this._MTRL_Object; }
set { _MTRL_Object = value; }
private double _SUMQTY; // SUMQTY ana eidos
public double SUMQTY
get { return this._SUMQTY; }
set { _SUMQTY = value; }
private double _SUMQTY2; // SUMQTY ana eidos
public double SUMQTY2
get { return this._SUMQTY2; }
set { _SUMQTY2 = value; }
private double _QTY; // posotita T
public double QTY
get { return this._QTY; }
set { _QTY = value; }
private double _QTY1;
public double QTY1
get { return this._QTY1; }
set { _QTY1 = value; }
private double _QTY2;
public double QTY2
get { return this._QTY2; }
set { _QTY2 = value; }
private double _QTYP;
public double QTYP
get { return this._QTYP; }
set { _QTYP = value; }
private string _FIELDS = "";
public string FIELDS
get { return this._FIELDS; }
set { _FIELDS = value; }
private string _COMMENTS = "";
public string COMMENTS
get { return this._COMMENTS; }
set { _COMMENTS = value; }
private string _COMMENTS1 = "";
public string COMMENTS1
get { return this._COMMENTS1; }
set { _COMMENTS1 = value; }
private string _COMMENTS2 = "";
public string COMMENTS2
get { return this._COMMENTS2; }
set { _COMMENTS2 = value; }
private CDIMLINE _CDIMNO1_Object;
public CDIMLINE CDIMNO1_Object
get { return this._CDIMNO1_Object; }
set { _CDIMNO1_Object = value; }
private string _CDIMNO1;
public string CDIMNO1
if (this._CDIMNO1_Object != null)
return this._CDIMNO1_Object.NAME;
return "";
set { _CDIMNO1 = value; }
private CDIMLINE _CDIMNO2_Object;
public CDIMLINE CDIMNO2_Object
get { return this._CDIMNO2_Object; }
set { _CDIMNO2_Object = value; }
private string _CDIMNO2;
public string CDIMNO2
if (this._CDIMNO2_Object != null)
return this._CDIMNO2_Object.NAME;
return "";
set { _CDIMNO2 = value; }
private CDIMLINE _CDIMNO3_Object;
public CDIMLINE CDIMNO3_Object
get { return this._CDIMNO3_Object; }
set { _CDIMNO3_Object = value; }
private string _CDIMNO3;
public string CDIMNO3
if (this._CDIMNO3_Object != null)
return this._CDIMNO3_Object.NAME;
return "";
set { _CDIMNO3 = value; }
private Lot _LOT;
public Lot LOT
get { return this._LOT; }
set { _LOT = value; }
private string _CODE = "";
public string CODE
get { return this._MTRL_Object.CODE; }
set { _CODE = value; }
private string _MTRPLACE = "";
public string MTRPLACE
get { return this._MTRL_Object.MTRPLACE; }
set { _MTRPLACE = value; }
private double _SUMWHOUSE;
public double SUMWHOUSE
get { return this._MTRL_Object.REMAIN; }
set { _SUMWHOUSE = value; }
private double _WHOUSE_SERIES;
public double WHOUSE_SERIES
get { return this._MTRL_Object.WHOUSE_SERIES_REMAIN; }
set { _WHOUSE_SERIES = value; }
private string _CODE1 = "";
public string CODE1
get { return this._MTRL_Object.CODE1; }
set { _CODE1 = value; }
private string _CODE2 = "";
public string CODE2
get { return this._MTRL_Object.CODE2; }
set { _CODE2 = value; }
private string _NAME = "";
public string NAME
get { return this._MTRL_Object.NAME; }
set { _NAME = value; }
private string _MTRL = "";
public string MTRL
get { return this._MTRL_Object.MTRL; }
set { _MTRL = value; }
private string _MTRUNIT1 = "";
public string MTRUNIT1
if (this._MTRL_Object.MTRUNIT1 != null)
return this._MTRL_Object.MTRUNIT1.name;
return "";
set { _MTRUNIT1 = value; }
private string _MTRUNIT2 = "";
public string MTRUNIT2
if (this._MTRL_Object.MTRUNIT2 != null)
return this._MTRL_Object.MTRUNIT2.name;
return "";
set { _MTRUNIT2 = value; }
private string _MTRUNIT3 = "";
public string MTRUNIT3
if (this._MTRL_Object.MTRUNIT3 != null)
return this._MTRL_Object.MTRUNIT3.name;
return "";
set { _MTRUNIT3 = value; }
private string _MTRUNIT4 = "";
public string MTRUNIT4
if (this._MTRL_Object.MTRUNIT4 != null)
return this._MTRL_Object.MTRUNIT4.name;
return "";
set { _MTRUNIT4 = value; }
private string _CRLOTCODE = "";
public string CRLOTCODE
get { return this._CRLOTCODE; }
set { _CRLOTCODE = value; }
private string _CRLOTCODE1 = "";
public string CRLOTCODE1
get { return this._CRLOTCODE1; }
set { _CRLOTCODE1 = value; }
private string _CRLOTCODE2 = "";
public string CRLOTCODE2
get { return this._CRLOTCODE2; }
set { _CRLOTCODE2 = value; }
private string _CRLOTFDATE = "";
public string CRLOTFDATE
get { return this._CRLOTFDATE; }
set { _CRLOTFDATE = value; }
private string _SCANEDCODE = "";
public string SCANEDCODE
get { return this._SCANEDCODE; }
set { _SCANEDCODE = value; }
private Thesi _WHOUSEBIN1_Object;
public Thesi WHOUSEBIN1_Object
get { return this._WHOUSEBIN1_Object; }
set { _WHOUSEBIN1_Object = value; }
private string _WHOUSEBIN1;
public string WHOUSEBIN1
if (this._WHOUSEBIN1_Object != null)
return this._WHOUSEBIN1_Object.name;
return "";
set { _WHOUSEBIN1 = value; }
private Thesi _WHOUSEBIN2_Object;
public Thesi WHOUSEBIN2_Object
get { return this._WHOUSEBIN2_Object; }
set { _WHOUSEBIN2_Object = value; }
private string _WHOUSEBIN2;
public string WHOUSEBIN2
if (this._WHOUSEBIN2_Object != null)
return this._WHOUSEBIN2_Object.name;
return "";
set { _WHOUSEBIN2 = value; }
private double _ANAMENOMENA;
public double ANAMENOMENA
get { return this._ANAMENOMENA; }
set { _ANAMENOMENA = value; }
private string _FINCODE = "";
public string FINCODE
get { return this._FINCODE; }
set { _FINCODE = value; }
private string _FINDOC = "";
public string FINDOC
get { return this._FINDOC; }
set { _FINDOC = value; }
private string _SODTYPE = "";
public string SODTYPE
get { return this._SODTYPE; }
set { _SODTYPE = value; }
private string _STATUS = "";
public string STATUS
get { return this._STATUS; }
set { _STATUS = value; }
private string _AA = "";
public string AA
get { return this._AA; }
set { _AA = value; }
private string _GUARANTY_SNCODE = "";
public string GUARANTY_SNCODE
get { return this._GUARANTY_SNCODE; }
set { _GUARANTY_SNCODE = value; }
I serialize it with the following code:
string data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(UniversalModel.Parastatiko,Formatting.None , new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore });
When I try to deserialize back to the object I get the exception error: ArgumentException.
The code to deserialize is this.
Findoc FFF = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Findoc>(data, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore });
Any tips on what I am doing wrong?
It may just be a typo in the question but separating the Serializer arguments on to their own lines shows you are passing a UniversalModel.Parastatiko in as the first argument...which I don't think is correct.
string data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
new JsonSerializerSettings {
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
I have this functional query where I only used fictive tables names for security concerns :
FROM dbo.TableOne h
INNER JOIN dbo.Tabletwoo d
INNER JOIN dbo.tableThree v
LEFT JOIN dbo.TableFour t
And I made a class in order to bind every fields
public class Batch :BaseRepository ,IList<Batch>
public Batch()
private string cendid;
private string bmhfmc;
private double bmhdonemidasstep1;
private double bmhdonemidasstep2;
private double lmiid;
private double bmhhold;
private double bmhbatchmidas;
private DateTime headervaluedateordinal;
private double sunid; //
private string bradid; //
private double bmhid;
private string bmdrubirique; //
private string bmdclient;
private string bmdsequence;
private DateTime bmddate;
private string bmddevise;
private double bmdmontant;
private string bmdtype;
private string bmdnote;
private string bmdentrynbre; //
private double devdecimalordinal;
private double typverifcomptemidasordinal;
public Batch(string cendid, string bmhfmc, double bmhdonemidasstep1, double bmhdonemidasstep2, double lmiid, double bmhhold, double bmhbatchmidas, DateTime headervaluedateordinal, double sunid, string bradid, double bmhid, string bmdrubirique, string bmdclient, string bmdsequence, DateTime bmddate, string bmddevise, double bmdmontant, string bmdtype, string bmdnote, string bmdentrynbre, double devdecimalordinal, double typverifcomptemidasordinal)
this.cendid = cendid;
this.bmhfmc = bmhfmc;
this.bmhdonemidasstep1 = bmhdonemidasstep1;
this.bmhdonemidasstep2 = bmhdonemidasstep2;
this.lmiid = lmiid;
this.bmhhold = bmhhold;
this.bmhbatchmidas = bmhbatchmidas;
this.headervaluedateordinal = headervaluedateordinal;
this.sunid = sunid;
this.bradid = bradid;
this.bmhid = bmhid;
this.bmdrubirique = bmdrubirique;
this.bmdclient = bmdclient;
this.bmdsequence = bmdsequence;
this.bmddate = bmddate;
this.bmddevise = bmddevise;
this.bmdmontant = bmdmontant;
this.bmdtype = bmdtype;
this.bmdnote = bmdnote;
this.bmdentrynbre = bmdentrynbre;
this.devdecimalordinal = devdecimalordinal;
this.typverifcomptemidasordinal = typverifcomptemidasordinal;
public string Cendid
get { return cendid; }
set { cendid = value; }
public string Bmhfmc
get { return bmhfmc; }
set { bmhfmc = value; }
public double Bmhdonemidasstep1
get { return bmhdonemidasstep1; }
set { bmhdonemidasstep1 = value; }
public double Bmhdonemidasstep2
get { return bmhdonemidasstep2; }
set { bmhdonemidasstep2 = value; }
public double Lmiid
get { return lmiid; }
set { lmiid = value; }
public double Bmhhold
get { return bmhhold; }
set { bmhhold = value; }
public double Bmhbatchmidas
get { return bmhbatchmidas; }
set { bmhbatchmidas = value; }
public DateTime Headervaluedateordinal
get { return headervaluedateordinal; }
set { headervaluedateordinal = value; }
public double Sunid
get { return sunid; }
set { sunid = value; }
public string Bradid
get { return bradid; }
set { bradid = value; }
public double Bmhid
get { return bmhid; }
set { bmhid = value; }
public string Bmdrubirique
get { return bmdrubirique; }
set { bmdrubirique = value; }
public string Bmdclient
get { return bmdclient; }
set { bmdclient = value; }
public string Bmdsequence
get { return bmdsequence; }
set { bmdsequence = value; }
public DateTime Bmddate
get { return bmddate; }
set { bmddate = value; }
public string Bmddevise
get { return bmddevise; }
set { bmddevise = value; }
public double Bmdmontant
get { return bmdmontant; }
set { bmdmontant = value; }
public string Bmdtype
get { return bmdtype; }
set { bmdtype = value; }
public string Bmdnote
get { return bmdnote; }
set { bmdnote = value; }
public string Bmdentrynbre
get { return bmdentrynbre; }
set { bmdentrynbre = value; }
public double Devdecimalordinal
get { return devdecimalordinal; }
set { devdecimalordinal = value; }
public double Typverifcomptemidasordinal
get { return typverifcomptemidasordinal; }
set { typverifcomptemidasordinal = value; }
Now when I execute the query into a list using dapper
Connection conn = new Connection();
OracleConnection connection = conn.GetDBConnection();
myList= connection.Query<Batch>(querySql).ToList();
Now,while debugging, all fields returns the expected values .But, I noticed those fields below are null in myList not empty but really null , but the problem is they aren't null in the database
Bmdrubirique , Sunid, Bmdentrynbre, Bradid ,Cenid
In oracle database those fields are like the following :
Bmhid is VARCHAR2(3 BYTE)
Sunid is NUMBER(38,0)
Bradid is VARCHAR2(3 BYTE)
I don't get it , where did it go wrong? why other fields are properly loaded while those returns null value ?
My default assumption would be that there is a typo in the real code and the constructor is assigning a value from a field to itself. However, frankly: since you have a public Batch() {} constructor, I'm not sure what the benefit of the second one is - it just adds risk of errors. Likewise with the fields and manual properties.
So if this as me, where you currently have (simplified to two properties):
public class Batch
private string cendid;
private string bmhfmc;
public Batch() {}
public Batch(string cendid, string bmhfmc)
this.cendid = cendid;
this.bmhfmc = bmhfmc;
public string Cendid
get { return cendid; }
set { cendid = value; }
public string Bmhfmc
get { return bmhfmc; }
set { bmhfmc = value; }
I would have literally just:
public class Batch
public string Cendid {get;set;}
public string Bmhfmc {get;set;}
All of the rest of the code is just opportunities to make coding errors.
Now: the reason that Cendid is null is because: the column is CENID - only one d. This means that dapper isn't even using your custom constructor, because it isn't a perfect match between the constructor and the columns. Ditto the other fields like BRAID vs BRADID.
So the next thing to do is to fix the typos.
public class AMCOMDB : DataContext
public Table<student> allStudents;
public Table<aClass> allClasses;
public AMCOMDB(string connection) : base(connection) { }
[Table(Name = "student")]
public class student
private string _studentName;
[Column(IsPrimaryKey =true,Storage ="_studentName")]
public string studentName
get { return this._studentName; }
set { this._studentName = value; }
private string _LARType;
[Column(Storage ="_LARType")]
public string LARType
get { return this._LARType; }
set { this._LARType = value; }
private string _studentType;
[Column(Storage = "_studentType")]
public string studentType
get { return this._studentType; }
set { this._studentType = value; }
private string _aviationLevel;
[Column(Storage = "_aviationLevel")]
public string aviationLevel
get { return this._aviationLevel; }
set { this._aviationLevel = value; }
private string _airDefenseLevel;
[Column(Storage = "_airDefenseLevel")]
public string airDefenseLevel
return this._airDefenseLevel;
this._airDefenseLevel = value;
private string _emergencyContact;
[Column(Storage = "_emergencyContact")]
public string emergencyContact
return this._emergencyContact;
this._emergencyContact = value;
[Table(Name = "grades")]
public class grades
private string _studentName;
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage = "_studentName")]
public string studentName
return this._studentName;
this._studentName = value;
private int _ET;
[Column(Storage = "_ET")]
public int ET
return this._ET;
this._ET = value;
private int _CP;
[Column(Storage = "_CP")]
public int CP
return this._CP;
this._CP = value;
private int _SB;
[Column(Storage = "_SB")]
public int SB
return this._SB;
this._SB = value;
private int _EC;
[Column(Storage = "_EC")]
public int EC
return this._EC;
this._EC = value;
private int _finalGrade;
[Column(Storage = "_finalGrade")]
public int finalGrade
return this._finalGrade;
this._finalGrade = value;
[Table(Name = "classes")]
public class aClass
private string _classNumber;
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage = "_classNumber")]
public string classNumber
return this._classNumber;
this._classNumber = value;
private string _courseSeries;
[Column(Storage = "_courseSeries")]
public string courseSeries
return this._courseSeries;
this._courseSeries = value;
private string _courseNumber;
[Column(Storage = "_courseNumber")]
public string courseNumber
return this._courseNumber;
this._courseNumber = value;
private string _distanceLearning;
[Column(Storage = "_distanceLearning")]
public string distanceLearning
return this._distanceLearning;
this._distanceLearning = value;
private string _classStartDate;
[Column(Storage = "_classStartDate")]
public string classStartDate
return this._classStartDate;
this._classStartDate = value;
private string _classEndDate;
[Column(Storage = "_classEndDate")]
public string classEndDate
return this._classEndDate;
this._classEndDate = value;
private string _primaryInstructor;
[Column(Storage = "_primaryInstructor")]
public string primaryInstructor
return this._primaryInstructor;
this._primaryInstructor = value;
private string _secondaryInstructor;
[Column(Storage = "_secondaryInstructor")]
public string secondaryInstructor
return this._secondaryInstructor;
this._secondaryInstructor = value;
private string _location;
[Column(Storage = "_location")]
public string location
return this._location;
this._location = value;
private string _TDYCosts;
[Column(Storage = "_TDYCosts")]
public string TDYCosts
return this._TDYCosts;
this._TDYCosts = value;
private string _studentCount;
[Column(Storage = "_studentCount")]
public string studentCount
return this._studentCount;
this._studentCount = value;
private List<grades> _classGrades;
[Column(Storage = "_classGrades")]
public List<grades> classGrades
return this._classGrades;
this._classGrades = value;
AMCOMDB ADB = new AMCOMDB(connectionString);
if (ADB.DatabaseExists())
var stud = ADB.GetTable<student>();
var clas = ADB.GetTable<aClass>();
IQueryable<string> query = from c in stud
where c.studentName.Length > 5
orderby c.studentName.Length
select c.studentName.ToUpper();
foreach (string name in query)
//var q = from a in ADB.GetTable<student>()
// select a;
//dtStudents = LinqQuerytoDataTable(q);
//var q1 = from a in ADB.GetTable<aClass>()
// select a;
//aClass c = new aClass();
//dtClasses = reformatDataTable(q1);
I receive the following when I try to get information from the database at (foreach (string name in query))
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll
Additional information: Invalid object name 'student'.
I also get this when I first create the database:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Data.Linq.dll
Additional information: Unable to determine SQL type for 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[WindowsFormsApplication1.Form1+grades]'.
remove the word Name that is what worked for me
public class student
private static int DefaultApiClientTimeout = 30;
public WorkItemDetail GetWorkItemDetail(
int userNumber, int userNumberExternal, string applicationId,
short computerNumber, DateTime wiDate, int wiSequence,
int wiDetailSequence, bool includeImage)
string uri = string.Format("api/work-item-detail?userNumber={0}&userNumberExternal={1}&applicationId={2}&computerNumber={3}&wiDate={4}&wiSequence={5}&wiDetailSequence={6}&includeImage={7}", userNumber, userNumberExternal, applicationId, computerNumber, wiDate, wiSequence, wiDetailSequence, includeImage);
WorkItemDetail result = ProcessRequest<object, WorkItemDetail>(uri, "GET", null);
return result;
public ResponseType ProcessRequest<RequestType, ResponseType>(
string uri,
string method = "GET",
RequestType reqtype = default(RequestType))
where RequestType : new()
var result = ProcessRequest<RequestType>(uri, method, reqtype);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseType>(result);
public string ProcessRequest<RequestType>(
string uri,
string method = "GET",
RequestType reqtype = default(RequestType))
where RequestType : new()
var request = CreateWebRequest(uri, method);
var x = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); //the exception :(
var strResult = new StreamReader(x.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
return strResult;
public WebRequest CreateWebRequest(string uri, string method = "GET")
string url = "http://localhost:3144/" + uri;
var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
request.Method = method;
//Convert minutes to milliseconds.
request.Timeout = DefaultApiClientTimeout * 60000;
return request;
above is my entire code.
I have a problem in deserialzing jsondata. from my web api method data is returning correctly but when coming to client result i.e., above code while deserializing jsondata ImageInBytes property is getting null.
public class WorkItemDetail : IWorkItemKey
private byte[] thumbnailImage;
private byte[] image;
private short wiDetailSequence;
private string workItemDetailType;
private int networkShare;
private string networkSharePath;
private string filePath;
private string displayImageFileName;
private string imagePath;
private DateTime workItemDate;
private string documentOcr;
#region Work Item Members
/// <summary>
/// This will actually be a ShortDate from the database
/// </summary>
public DateTime WorkItemDate
get { return workItemDate; }
set { workItemDate = value; }
private int wiSequence;
public int WISequence
get { return wiSequence; }
set { wiSequence = value; }
public short WIDetailSequence
get { return wiDetailSequence; }
set { wiDetailSequence = value; }
private short _otherSideWIDetailSequence;
public short OtherSideWIDetailSequence
get { return _otherSideWIDetailSequence; }
set { _otherSideWIDetailSequence = value; }
private string sourceType;
public string SourceType
get { return sourceType; }
set { sourceType = value; }
private string sourceIdentifier;
public string SourceIdentifier
get { return sourceIdentifier; }
set { sourceIdentifier = value; }
private int _reason;
public int Reason
get { return _reason; }
set { _reason = value; }
private short _computerNumber;
public short ComputerNumber
get { return _computerNumber; }
set { _computerNumber = value; }
private string _computerName;
public string ComputerName
get { return _computerName; }
set { _computerName = value; }
private DateTime? _WIDateDest;
public DateTime? WIDateDest
get { return _WIDateDest; }
set { _WIDateDest = value; }
private int? _WISequenceDest;
public int? WISequenceDest
get { return _WISequenceDest; }
set { _WISequenceDest = value; }
private short? _WIDetailSequenceDest;
public short? WIDetailSequenceDest
get { return _WIDetailSequenceDest; }
set { _WIDetailSequenceDest = value; }
private short? _OtherSideWIDetailSequenceDest;
public short? OtherSideWIDetailSequenceDest
get { return _OtherSideWIDetailSequenceDest; }
set { _OtherSideWIDetailSequenceDest = value; }
public string WorkItemDetailType
get { return workItemDetailType; }
set { workItemDetailType = value; }
public int NetworkShare
get { return networkShare; }
set { networkShare = value; }
public string NetworkSharePath
get { return networkSharePath; }
set { networkSharePath = value; }
public string FilePath
get { return filePath; }
set { filePath = value; }
public string DisplayImageFileName
get { return displayImageFileName; }
set { displayImageFileName = value; }
public string ImagePath
get { return imagePath; }
set { imagePath = value; }
public byte[] ImageInBytes
get { return image; }
set { image = value; }
public byte[] ThumbnailImage
get { return thumbnailImage; }
set { thumbnailImage = value; }
private string ocrData;
public string OCRData
get { return ocrData; }
set { ocrData = value; }
private string _userName;
public string UserName
get { return _userName; }
set { _userName = value; }
private bool? _isCorrespondence;
public bool? IsCorrespondence
get { return _isCorrespondence; }
set { _isCorrespondence = value; }
private bool? isCorrespondenceDBValue;
public bool? IsCorrespondenceDBValue
get { return isCorrespondenceDBValue; }
set { isCorrespondenceDBValue = value; }
private Guid? wfInstanceId;
public Guid? WFInstanceId
get { return wfInstanceId; }
set { wfInstanceId = value; }
private DateTime _transactionTime;
public DateTime TransactionTime
get { return _transactionTime; }
set { _transactionTime = value; }
private DateTime _endTime;
public DateTime EndTime
get { return _endTime; }
set { _endTime = value; }
private string _transactionType;
public string TransactionType
get { return _transactionType; }
set { _transactionType = value; }
private string _applicationId;
public string ApplicationId
get { return _applicationId; }
set { _applicationId = value; }
private string _applicationName;
public string ApplicationName
get { return _applicationName; }
set { _applicationName = value; }
private bool isFront;
public bool IsFront
get { return isFront; }
set { isFront = value; }
private int _userNumber;
public int UserNumber
get { return _userNumber; }
set { _userNumber = value; }
private string barcode1;
public string BarCode1
get { return barcode1; }
set { barcode1 = value; }
private string barcode2;
public string BarCode2
get { return barcode2; }
set { barcode2 = value; }
private string barcode3;
public string BarCode3
get { return barcode3; }
set { barcode3 = value; }
private string barcode4;
public string BarCode4
get { return barcode4; }
set { barcode4 = value; }
private string barcode5;
public string BarCode5
get { return barcode5; }
set { barcode5 = value; }
private bool? markSense1;
public bool? MarkSense1
get { return markSense1; }
set { markSense1 = value; }
private bool? markSense2;
public bool? MarkSense2
get { return markSense2; }
set { markSense2 = value; }
private bool? markSense3;
public bool? MarkSense3
get { return markSense3; }
set { markSense3 = value; }
private bool? markSense4;
public bool? MarkSense4
get { return markSense4; }
set { markSense4 = value; }
private bool? markSense5;
public bool? MarkSense5
get { return markSense5; }
set { markSense5 = value; }
private bool? markSense6;
public bool? MarkSense6
get { return markSense6; }
set { markSense6 = value; }
private bool? markSense7;
public bool? MarkSense7
get { return markSense7; }
set { markSense7 = value; }
private bool? markSense8;
public bool? MarkSense8
get { return markSense8; }
set { markSense8 = value; }
private bool? markSense9;
public bool? MarkSense9
get { return markSense9; }
set { markSense9 = value; }
private bool? markSense10;
public bool? MarkSense10
get { return markSense10; }
set { markSense10 = value; }
private string data;
public string Data
get { return data; }
set { data = value; }
private string auditTrail;
public string AuditTrail
get { return auditTrail; }
set { auditTrail = value; }
private short? displayImageHorizontalPixels;
public short? DisplayImageHorizontalPixels
get { return displayImageHorizontalPixels; }
set { displayImageHorizontalPixels = value; }
private short? displayImageVerticalPixels;
public short? DisplayImageVerticalPixels
get { return displayImageVerticalPixels; }
set { displayImageVerticalPixels = value; }
private short? displayImageHorizontalResolution;
public short? DisplayImageHorizontalResolution
get { return displayImageHorizontalResolution; }
set { displayImageHorizontalResolution = value; }
private short? displayImageVerticalResolution;
public short? DisplayImageVerticalResolution
get { return displayImageVerticalResolution; }
set { displayImageVerticalResolution = value; }
private byte? displayImageColorDepth;
public byte? DisplayImageColorDepth
get { return displayImageColorDepth; }
set { displayImageColorDepth = value; }
private int displayImageBytes;
public int DisplayImageBytes
get { return displayImageBytes; }
set { displayImageBytes = value; }
private byte[] displayImageMD5Hash;
public byte[] DisplayImageMD5Hash
get { return displayImageMD5Hash; }
set { displayImageMD5Hash = value; }
private string iclImageFileName;
public string ICLImageFileName
get { return iclImageFileName; }
set { iclImageFileName = value; }
private short? iCLImageHorizontalPixels;
public short? ICLImageHorizontalPixels
get { return iCLImageHorizontalPixels; }
set { iCLImageHorizontalPixels = value; }
private short? iCLImageVerticalPixels;
public short? ICLImageVerticalPixels
get { return iCLImageVerticalPixels; }
set { iCLImageVerticalPixels = value; }
private short? iCLImageHorizontalResolution;
public short? ICLImageHorizontalResolution
get { return iCLImageHorizontalResolution; }
set { iCLImageHorizontalResolution = value; }
private short? iCLImageVerticalResolution;
public short? ICLImageVerticalResolution
get { return iCLImageVerticalResolution; }
set { iCLImageVerticalResolution = value; }
private byte? iCLImageColorDepth;
public byte? ICLImageColorDepth
get { return iCLImageColorDepth; }
set { iCLImageColorDepth = value; }
private int iCLImageBytes;
public int ICLImageBytes
get { return iCLImageBytes; }
set { iCLImageBytes = value; }
private byte[] iCLImageMD5Hash;
public byte[] ICLImageMD5Hash
get { return iCLImageMD5Hash; }
set { iCLImageMD5Hash = value; }
private string preparedFilePath;
public string PreparedFilePath
get { return preparedFilePath; }
set { preparedFilePath = value; }
private string displayImageFullPath;
public string DisplayImageFullPath
get { return displayImageFullPath; }
set { displayImageFullPath = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The results of full page OCR for this image, if available. This field may
/// not always be populated depending on the service method invoked and/or configuration
/// of document OCR for the particular site.
/// </summary>
public string DocumentOcr
get { return documentOcr; }
set { documentOcr = value; }
private OcrDataRecord _ocrrecord;
/// <summary>
/// Fully parsed ocr data.
/// </summary>
public OcrDataRecord OcrRecord
get { return _ocrrecord; }
set { _ocrrecord = value; }
private string _workItemLogNote;
public string WorkItemLogNote
get { return _workItemLogNote; }
set { _workItemLogNote = value; }
private bool _isDeleted;
public bool IsDeleted
get { return _isDeleted; }
set { _isDeleted = value; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("WIDate: {0} ,WISequence: {1}, WIDetailSequence: {2}, WIDetailType: {3}",
WorkItemDate.ToShortDateString(), WISequence, WIDetailSequence, WorkItemDetailType);
private DateTime? _batchStartDate;
public DateTime? BatchStartDate
get { return _batchStartDate; }
set { _batchStartDate = value; }
private short? _batchSeqNum;
public short? BatchSeqNum
get { return _batchSeqNum; }
set { _batchSeqNum = value; }
private short? _envelopeSequence;
public short? EnvelopeSequence
get { return _envelopeSequence; }
set { _envelopeSequence = value; }
other code to return
public async Task<WorkItemDetail> GetWorkItemDetailAsync(int userNumber, int userNumberExternal, string applicationId, short computerNumber, DateTime wiDate, int wiSequence, int wiDetailSequence, bool includeImage)
using (HttpClient client = base.CreateHttpClient())
WorkItemDetail workitemdetail = new WorkItemDetail();
var service_result = await client.GetAsync(string.Format("api/work-item-detail?userNumber={0}&userNumberExternal={1}&applicationId={2}&computerNumber={3}&wiDate={4}&wiSequence={5}&wiDetailSequence={6}&includeImage={7}", userNumber, userNumberExternal, applicationId, computerNumber, wiDate, wiSequence, wiDetailSequence, includeImage));
await ValidateResponseAsync(service_result);
workitemdetail = await service_result.Content.ReadAsAsync<WorkItemDetail>();
return workitemdetail;
I have this Business Layer/ Contactentry.ascx page which calls a stored prcoedure to insert data into sql database and then the page below calls this business layer method. the issue is this method
aspdotnet.BusinessLogicLayer.ContactEntry AddEntry =
new ContactEntry(Convert.ToInt32(Session["ContactID"].ToString())
throws an error saying object refernece not set to an instance of an object although I have entered all values for the text fields.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using aspdotnet.DataAccessLayer;
namespace aspdotnet.BusinessLogicLayer
public class ContactEntry
private int _ContactID;
private string _Title;
private string _FirstName;
private string _MiddleName;
private string _LastName;
private string _JobTitle;
private string _Company;
private string _Website;
private string _OfficePhone;
private string _HomePhone;
private string _Mobile;
private string _Fax;
private string _OEmail;
private string _PEmail;
private string _OAStreet;
private string _OACity;
private string _OAState;
private string _OACountry;
private string _OAZipCode;
private string _PAStreet;
private string _PACity;
private string _PAState;
private string _PACountry;
private string _PAZipCode;
public int ContactID
get { return _ContactID; }
set { _ContactID = value; }
public string Title
get { return _Title; }
set { _Title = value; }
public string FirstName
get { return _FirstName; }
set { _FirstName = value; }
public string MiddleName
get { return _MiddleName; }
set { _MiddleName = value; }
public string LastName
get { return _LastName; }
set { _LastName = value; }
public string JobTitle
get { return _JobTitle; }
set { _JobTitle = value; }
public string Company
get { return _Company; }
set { _Company = value; }
public string Website
get { return _Website; }
set { _Website = value; }
public string OfficePhone
get { return _OfficePhone; }
set { _OfficePhone = value; }
public string HomePhone
get { return _HomePhone; }
set { _HomePhone = value; }
public string Mobile
get { return _Mobile; }
set { _Mobile = value; }
public string Fax
get { return _Fax; }
set { _Fax = value; }
public string OEmail
get { return _OEmail; }
set { _OEmail = value; }
public string PEmail
get { return _PEmail; }
set { _PEmail = value; }
public string OAStreet
get { return _OAStreet; }
set { _OAStreet = value; }
public string OACity
get { return _OACity; }
set { _OACity = value; }
public string OAState
get { return _OAState; }
set { _OAState = value; }
public string OACountry
get { return _OACountry; }
set { _OACountry = value; }
public string OAZipCode
get { return _OAZipCode; }
set { _OAZipCode = value; }
public string PAStreet
get { return _PAStreet; }
set { _PAStreet = value; }
public string PACity
get { return _PACity; }
set { _PACity = value; }
public string PAState
get { return _PAState; }
set { _PAState = value; }
public string PACountry
get { return _PACountry; }
set { _PACountry = value; }
public string PAZipCode
get { return _PAZipCode; }
set { _PAZipCode = value; }
public ContactEntry()
public ContactEntry(int ContactID, string Title, string FirstName, string MiddleName, string LastName, string JobTitle, string Company, string Website, string OfficePhone, string HomePhone, string Mobile, string Fax, string OEmail, string PEmail, string OAStreet, string OACity, string OAState, string OACountry, string OAZipCode, string PAStreet, string PACity, string PAState, string PACountry, string PAZipCode)
_FirstName = FirstName;
_MiddleName = MiddleName;
_LastName = LastName;
_JobTitle = JobTitle;
_Company = Company;
_Website = Website;
_OfficePhone = OfficePhone;
_HomePhone = HomePhone;
_Mobile = Mobile;
_Fax = Fax;
_OAStreet = OAStreet;
_OACity = OACity;
_OAState = OAState;
_OACountry =OACountry;
_OAZipCode = OAZipCode;
_PAStreet = PAStreet;
_PACity = PACity;
_PAState = PAState;
_PACountry = PACountry;
_PAZipCode = PAZipCode;
public bool Save()
if (_ContactID == 0)
return Insert();
return Update();
private bool Insert()
_ContactID = Convert.ToInt32(DBTask.ExecuteScalar(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Web.Global.CfgKeyConnString], "ContactInfo_Insert", _Title, _FirstName, _MiddleName, _LastName, _JobTitle, _Company, _Website, _OfficePhone, _HomePhone, _Mobile, _Fax, _OEmail, _PEmail, _OAStreet, _OACity, _OAState, _OACountry, _OAZipCode, _PAStreet, _PACity, _PAState, _PACountry, _PAZipCode));
return (0 < _ContactID);
public static void Remove(int ContactID)
DBTask.ExecuteNonQuery(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Web.Global.CfgKeyConnString], "ContactInfo_Delete", ContactID);
private bool Update()
DBTask.ExecuteNonQuery(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Web.Global.CfgKeyConnString], "ContactInfo_Update", _ContactID, _Title, _FirstName, _MiddleName, _LastName, _JobTitle, _Company, _Website, _OfficePhone, _HomePhone, _Mobile, _Fax, _OEmail, _PEmail, _OAStreet, _OACity, _OAState, _OACountry, _OAZipCode, _PAStreet, _PACity, _PAState, _PACountry, _PAZipCode);
return true;
return false;
public void LoadContact(int ContactID)
DataSet ds = DBTask.ExecuteDataset(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Web.Global.CfgKeyConnString], "ContactInfo_GetContact", ContactID);
DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
_FirstName = row["FirstName"].ToString();
_MiddleName = row["MiddleName"].ToString();
_LastName = row["LastName"].ToString();
_JobTitle = row["JobTitle"].ToString();
_Company = row["Company"].ToString();
_Website = row["Website"].ToString();
_OfficePhone = row["OfficePhone"].ToString();
_HomePhone = row["HomePhone"].ToString();
_Mobile = row["Mobile"].ToString();
_Fax = row["Fax"].ToString();
_OAStreet = row["OAStreet"].ToString();
_OACity = row["OACity"].ToString();
_OAState = row["OAState"].ToString();
_OACountry =row["OACountry"].ToString();
_OAZipCode = row["OAZip"].ToString();
_PAStreet = row["PAStreet"].ToString();
_PACity = row["PACity"].ToString();
_PAState = row["PAState"].ToString();
_PACountry = row["PACountry"].ToString();
_PAZipCode = row["PAZip"].ToString();
Insert form calling above function from Business Layer:
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string Title = drplstTitle.SelectedItem.Text;
string FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
string MiddleName = txtMiddleName.Text;
string LastName = txtLastName.Text;
string JobTitle = this.txtJobTitle.Text;
string Company = this.txtCompany.Text;
string Website = this.txtWebSite.Text;
string OfficePhone = this.txtOfficePhone.Text;
string HomePhone = this.txtHomePhone.Text;
string Mobile = this.txtMobile.Text;
string Fax = this.txtFax.Text;
string OEmail = this.txtOfficialEmail.Text;
string PEmail = this.txtPersonalEmail.Text;
string OAStreet = this.txtOAStreet.Text;
string OACity = this.txtOACity.Text ;
string OAState = this.txtOAState.Text;
string OACountry = this.txtOACountry.Text;
string OAZipCode = this.txtOAZipCode.Text;
string PAStreet = this.txtPAStreet.Text;
string PACity = this.txtPACity.Text;
string PAState = this.txtPAState.Text;
string PACountry = this.txtPACountry.Text;
string PAZipCode = this.txtPAZipCode.Text;
aspdotnet.BusinessLogicLayer.ContactEntry AddEntry =
new ContactEntry(Convert.ToInt32(Session["ContactID"].ToString()),Title,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,JobTitle,Company,Website,OfficePhone,HomePhone,Mobile,Fax,OEmail,PEmail,OAStreet,OACity,OAState,OACountry,OAZipCode,PAStreet,PACity,PAState,PACountry,PAZipCode);
I get object reference not set to an insance of object right after above method aspdotnet.BusinessLogicLayer.ContactEntry above. I see all values are being passed when I am debugging. I entered all values when entering values above but it still errors out. Not sure what I am missing. Please help , appreciate your time.
This line is suspicious:
Session["ContactID"] may return null and calling ToString() on null blows up. Convert.ToInt32(null) wouldn't throw an error - it would return 0, not NULL.
You to handle Session["ContactID"] for nulls and Empty before Converting it to Int32
Example :
ContactEntry cEntry = null;
if(Session["ContactID"] != null)
cEntry = new ContactEntry(Convert.ToInt32(Session["ContactID"].ToString());
Check your Session["ContactID"].
Consider changing your code to something like this...
string PAState = this.txtPAState.Text;
string PACountry = this.txtPACountry.Text;
string PAZipCode = this.txtPAZipCode.Text;
string contactIDstr = Session["ContactID"] as string;
int contactID = 0;
Int32.TryParse(contactIDStr, out contactID);
aspdotnet.BusinessLogicLayer.ContactEntry AddEntry = new ContactEntry(