How do I fill a text box using a public string? - c#

I have this frustrating problem that I can't seem to solve.
I try to fill a TextBox with text from a public static string.
But when I run the program it just shows a blank text box with nothing in it.
I don't have any errors so it's hard for me to understand what I'm doing wrong.
Here is the code I have:
public ShowMp3()
OverzichttxtBox.Text = OverzichtMP3();
public static String OverzichtMP3()
String overzicht = "";
foreach (Mp3Player player in Mp3.GetPlayers())
overzicht = overzicht + "ID: " + Convert.ToString( + "\r\n" +
"Merk: " + player.make + "\r\n" + "Model: " + player.model +
"\r\n" + "MB-size: " + player.mBSize + "\r\n" + "Prijs: " +
player.price + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
return overzicht;
And Mp3.GetPlayers() is this:
private static ArrayList players = new ArrayList();
public static void Initialize()
Mp3Player player1 = new Mp3Player(1, "GET Technologies .inc", "HF 410", 4096, 129.95M, 500);
Mp3Player player2 = new Mp3Player(2, "Far & Loud", "XM 600", 8192, 224.95M, 500);
Mp3Player player3 = new Mp3Player(3, "Innotivative ", "Z3", 512, 79.95M, 500);
Mp3Player player4 = new Mp3Player(4, "Resistance S.A.", "3001", 4096, 124.95M, 500);
Mp3Player player5 = new Mp3Player(5, "CBA", "NXT Volume", 2048, 159.05M, 500);
public static ArrayList GetPlayers()
return players;

I suspect the problem is you're never calling Mp3.Initialize(). You could add this to a static constructor in the Mp3 class:
private static List<Mp3Player> players = new List<Mp3Player>();
static Mp3()
// This can be private now...
private static void Initialize()
Note that you may want to change the ArrayList to a List<Mp3Player>, as well.

Also, as an aside, you should give StringBuilder and String.Format a try. Instead of this...
overzicht = overzicht + "ID: " + Convert.ToString( + "\r\n" +
"Merk: " + player.make + "\r\n" + "Model: " + player.model +
"\r\n" + "MB-size: " + player.mBSize + "\r\n" + "Prijs: " +
player.price + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
You can do:
StringBuilder overzicht = new StringBuilder();
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("ID: {0}",;
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("Merk: {0}", player.make));
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("Model: {0}", player.model));
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("MB-size: {0}", player.mBSize));
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("Prijs: {0}", player.price));
return overzicht.ToString();
Much easier to read ;)
My String.Format isn't that compelling here... but if this was all on one line, it'd be much more useful:
return String.Format("ID:{0}, Merk:{1}, Model:{2}, MB-size:{3}, Prijs:{4}",, player.make, player.mode,
player.mBSize, player.price);


How I can switch to different users desktops from windows service

I am trying to record a video of a user desktop when he logged in via RDP, the monitoring is based on the windows service onSessionChange event, due the nature of it then I am facing what is so called Session 0 isolation, so what I am looking for is how to switch to the logged in user in order to be able record his session?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.ServiceProcess;
namespace RdpMonitoringService
struct RdpSession
public int sessionId;
public string userName;
public string ipAddress;
public string sessionDateTime;
public string recordFileName;
public Recorder sessionRecorder;
public string generateRecordFileName()
string dirName = "RecordedSessions";
string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + dirName;
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
string filepath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + dirName + "\\" + userName + " - " + sessionDateTime + ".mp4";
return filepath;
public override string ToString()
return "SessionId: " + sessionId + ", userName: " + userName;
public partial class RdpMonitoringService : ServiceBase
RdpSession onRdpSession;
Dictionary<int, RdpSession> rdpSessionList;
public RdpMonitoringService()
this.CanPauseAndContinue = true;
this.CanHandleSessionChangeEvent = true;
rdpSessionList = new Dictionary<int, RdpSession>();
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
WriteToFile("Service is started at: ============ " + DateTime.Now);
WriteToFile("this.CanHandleSessionChangeEvent: " + this.CanHandleSessionChangeEvent);
protected override void OnStop()
WriteToFile("Service is stopped at " + DateTime.Now);
protected override void OnSessionChange(SessionChangeDescription sessionChangeDescription)
try {
var userInfo = TermServicesManager.GetSessionInfo(Dns.GetHostEntry("").HostName, sessionChangeDescription.SessionId);
IPAddress ipAddress = new IPAddress(userInfo.ClientAddress.Address.Skip(2).Take(4).ToArray());
if (!rdpSessionList.ContainsKey(sessionChangeDescription.SessionId))
onRdpSession.sessionId = sessionChangeDescription.SessionId;
onRdpSession.ipAddress = ipAddress.ToString();
onRdpSession.userName = userInfo.UserName;
onRdpSession.sessionDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH'-'mm'-'ss");
onRdpSession.recordFileName = onRdpSession.generateRecordFileName();
//onRdpSession.sessionRecorder = Recorder.CreateRecorder();
rdpSessionList.Add(sessionChangeDescription.SessionId, onRdpSession);
onRdpSession = rdpSessionList[sessionChangeDescription.SessionId];
WriteToFile("SessionChange event");
switch (sessionChangeDescription.Reason)
case SessionChangeReason.SessionLogon:
case SessionChangeReason.RemoteConnect:
case SessionChangeReason.SessionUnlock:
WriteToFile("SessionChange" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ", SessionUnlock|RemoteConnect|SessionLogon [" + sessionChangeDescription.SessionId.ToString() + "]" + ", User: " + userInfo.UserName + ", Connect state: " + userInfo.ConnectState.ToString() + ", Client address: " + ipAddress.ToString() + ", user: " + userInfo.UserName + ", WinStationName: " + userInfo.WinStationName.ToString());
// Currently the bellow line crash the service because there is no desktop
// onRdpSession.sessionRecorder = new Recorder(new RecorderParams(onRdpSession.generateRecordFileName(), 60, SharpAvi.KnownFourCCs.Codecs.MotionJpeg, 70));
// Switch to the user desktop based on his session id and start recording
case SessionChangeReason.SessionLock:
case SessionChangeReason.SessionLogoff:
case SessionChangeReason.RemoteDisconnect:
WriteToFile("SessionChange: " + onRdpSession.ToString() + ", " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " RemoteDisconnect|SessionLogoff|SessionLock [" + sessionChangeDescription.SessionId.ToString() + "]" + ", User: " + userInfo.UserName + ", Connect state: " + userInfo.ConnectState.ToString() + ", Client address: " + ipAddress.ToString() + ", user: " + userInfo.UserName + ", WinStationName: " + userInfo.WinStationName.ToString());
catch(Exception ex)
WriteToFile("SessionChange exception: " + ex.Message + " || " + sessionChangeDescription.SessionId.ToString() + " || " + onRdpSession.sessionId.ToString());
public void WriteToFile(string Message)
string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Logs";
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
string filepath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Logs\\ServiceLog_" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString().Replace('/', '_') + ".txt";
if (!File.Exists(filepath))
// Create a file to write to.
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filepath))
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(filepath))

how to efficiently simplify repetitive code {Objects/Strings}

First, I apologize for the length of this, but it's all I knew when I started. Now I'm experimenting with the foreach, List<t> and TreeView classes to avoid repetition as recmomended by SO community.
The form will collect information via text boxes, allow attachments of files with file dialogs and collate all info into a neat HTML bodied email. We sell slabs.. and my original code looked a little like this:
private void PrepareReturnEmailTwoSlabs()
string Fname = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorName;
string Facc = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorAccountNo;
string Fadd1 = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorAddress1;
string Fadd2 = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorAddress2;
string Ftown = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorTown;
string Fcounty = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorCounty;
string Fpostcode = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorPostcode;
string Fphoneno = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorPhone;
string Femail = Properties.Settings.Default.FabricatorEmail;
string Fclient = Properties.Settings.Default.ClientManagerEmail;
string Fcentre = Properties.Settings.Default.CentreEmail;
string FQt = Properties.Settings.Default.QTEmail;
string Dateofinv = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortDateString();
string Inv = textBox13.Text;
string Material1 = textBox14.Text;
string Thick1 = comboBox8.SelectedValue.ToString();
string Batch1 = textBox44.Text;
string Reason1 = comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString();
string Notes = textBox18.Text;
string Thick2 = comboBox7.SelectedValue.ToString();
string Material2 = textBox15.Text;
string Batch2 = textBox45.Text;
string Reason2 = comboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString();
if (Thick2 == null)
Thick2 = "not selected";
if (Material2 == null)
Material2 = "not selected ";
if (Batch2 == null)
Batch2 = "not selected ";
if (Reason2 == null)
Reason2 = "not selected ";
//construct email
var message = new MimeMessage();
message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("************", "***************"));
message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("**********", "********"));
message.Subject = "Return" + " " + Returnid;
//different message bodies dependant on how many slabs are chosen
TextPart body2 = new TextPart("html")
Text = #"Please See Below Information" + "<br/>" +
"<h4>Return ID: " + " " + Returnid + "</h4>" + "<br/>" +
"<b>Fabricator Name:</b>" + " " + Fname + "<br/>" + Environment.NewLine +
"<b>Account Number:</b>" + " " + Facc + "<br/>" + Environment.NewLine +
"<b>Address Line 1:</b>" + " " + Fadd1 + "<br/>" + Environment.NewLine +
"<b>Address Line 2:</b>" + " " + Fadd2 + "<br/>" + Environment.NewLine +
"<b>Town:</b>" + " " + Ftown + "<br/> " + Environment.NewLine +
"<b>County:</b>" + " " + Fcounty + "<br/>" + Environment.NewLine +
"<b>Postcode:</b>" + " " + Fpostcode + "<br/>" + Environment.NewLine +
"<b>Phone:</b>" + " " + Fphoneno + "<br/>" + Environment.NewLine +
"<b>Email:</b>" + " " + Femail + "<br/>" + Environment.NewLine + "<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
"<b>Date Of Invoice: </b>" + " " + DoI + "<br/>" +
"<b>Invoice: </b>" + " " + Inv + "<br/>" +
"<b>Material Information:</b>" + "<br/>" +
//slab 1
"<b>Thickness: </b>" + " " + Thick1 + "mm" + "<br/>" +
"<b>Material Name: </b>" + " " + Material1 + "<br/>" +
"<b>Batch No: </b>" + " " + Batch1 + "<br/>" +
"<b>Reason for Return: </b>" + " " + Reason1 + "<br/>" + "<br/>" +
//slab 2
"<b>Thickness: </b>" + " " + Thick2 + "mm" + "<br/>" +
"<b>Material Name: </b>" + " " + Material2 + "<br/>" +
"<b>Batch No: </b>" + " " + Batch2 + "<br/>" +
"<b>Reason for Return: </b>" + " " + Reason2 + "<br/>" + "<br/>" +
"<br/>" +
"<b>Notes:" + " " + Notes
var builder = new BodyBuilder();
//check for return attachment and if found, assign attachment to message via bodybuilder
if (checkBox5.Checked)
builder.TextBody = body2.Text;
builder.HtmlBody = body2.Text;
message.Body = builder.ToMessageBody();
if (checkBox7.Checked)
builder.TextBody = body2.Text;
builder.HtmlBody = body2.Text;
message.Body = builder.ToMessageBody();
if (checkBox6.Checked)
builder.TextBody = body2.Text;
builder.HtmlBody = body2.Text;
message.Body = builder.ToMessageBody();
message.Body = body2;
//Connection to SMTP and Criteria to Send
using (var client = new SmtpClient())
// For demo-purposes, accept all SSL certificates (in case the server supports STARTTLS)
client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true;
client.Connect("", 587, false);
// Note: only needed if the SMTP server requires authentication
client.Authenticate("***************#********.com", "*********");
This code was repeated all the way up to five slabs. So now, I have a class:
public string Thickness { get; set; }
public string Material { get; set; }
public string Batch { get; set; }
public Slab(string Thick, string Mat, string Batchno)
Thickness = Thick;
Material = Mat;
Batch = Batchno;
A List that holds this object:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string t = comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString();
string m = comboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString();
string b = textBox6.Text;
Slab S = new Slab(t, m, b);
public void PaintTree()
int ParentIndex;
foreach (Slab slab in allSlabs)
TreeSlabs.Nodes.Add("Slab" + " " + (allSlabs.IndexOf(slab) + 1).ToString());
ParentIndex = allSlabs.IndexOf(slab);
TreeSlabs.Nodes[ParentIndex].Nodes.Add("Thickness: " + $"{slab.Thickness}");
TreeSlabs.Nodes[ParentIndex].Nodes.Add("Material: " + $"{slab.Material}");
TreeSlabs.Nodes[ParentIndex].Nodes.Add("Batch: " + $"{slab.Batch}");
Now i want to create a foreach.. that iterates through each node.. and collects the info from the parent and its children foreach node, and somehow instantiate new HTML methods for each node..
Foreach Node:
Compose HTML Line - new HTML
Slab 1:
Slab 2:... etc
If theres 8 nodes, it generates 8 of those bodies. i can think of ways.. but i KNOW they're defintely not the correct ways to go about it based on what ive read and seen out there.
Many Thanks
You don't need to iterate through the tree and try to reclaim the data you put into it from the List of Slabs; it would be simpler to enumerate the List:
By the way, some other tips:
don't beginupdate/endupdate inside the loop, do it outside
the Add method that adds a node to a tree returns the node it added; you don't have to find it again by index, just capture it var justAdded = rootnode.Add("parent node"); and then add your thickness etc to it justAdded.Nodes.Add("thickness..."). The only add command that doesn't return the added mode is the one that takes a treenode type object; it doesn't need to return it because you already have it
consider adding a method to your slab to return some html, to simplify things
you can tidy all that html up with some string interpolation like you did with your $"{slab.thickness}" etc

Is there any to shorten the code that needs variables?

I've always wondered, are there ways to shorten this kind of code?
private void Update01()
item01.text = item01n + "\nCost: " + Math.Round(cost01, 2) + "\nYou have: " + n01;
private void Update02()
item02.text = item02n + "\nCost: " + Math.Round(cost02, 2) + "\nYou have: " + n02;
private void Update03()
item03.text = item03n + "\nCost: " + Math.Round(cost03, 2) + "\nYou have: " + n03;
Thanks for the help.
As 12seconds said, just return a string and pass in 3 variables:
private string GetUpdate(item, cost, n)
return item + "\nCost: " + Math.Round(cost, 2) + "\nYou have: " + n;
And then simply do:
item01.text = GetUpdate(item01n, cost01, n01);
item02.text = GetUpdate(item02n, cost02, n02);
item03.text = GetUpdate(item03n, cost03, n03);

Null Reference : Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I have a code for serial communication, with this code im sending values from textboxes to an device or when im testing to another PC. But when I press my "Program" button I get this error.
System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
And i can catch the exception with an try catch but then i wont send my values to the device connected to my port.
This is my code:
public partial class MainForm : Form
private Settings _settings;
private SettingsIniFile _settingsIniFile = new SettingsIniFile();
private StringList _baudratelist = new StringList();
private StringList _systemPorts = new StringList();
private StringList _comportList = new StringList();
private Timer _comtimer = new Timer();
private ComPort _comport;
public MainForm()
_comtimer.Tick += OnComtimerOnTick;
_comtimer.Interval = 2000;
var portname = GetCurrentComPort();
if (portname != null)
_comport = new ComPort("COM6", 9600);
//var portname = GetCurrentComPort();
private String GetCurrentComPort()
int index = _comPortComboBox.SelectedIndex;
if (index < 0)
return null;
return _comportList[index];
private void OnComtimerOnTick(object sender, EventArgs args)
foreach (var item in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
if (!_systemPorts.Contains(item))
//MessageBox.Show("The new device is connected to" + item);
private void LoadSettings(bool defaults)
SettingsIniFile iniFile = new SettingsIniFile();
_settings = iniFile.LoadSettings(defaults);
private void SaveSettings()
private void LoadTextBoxes()
_startRemovalTextBox.Text = _settings.AcrStartRemoval11;
_removalTimeTextBox.Text = _settings.AcrRemovalTime12;
_removalDelayTextBox.Text = _settings.AcrRemovalDelay13;
_durCleaningTextbox.Text = _settings.CleanDurCleaning21;
_timeValveOnTextbox.Text = _settings.CleanTimeValveOn22;
_timeValveOffTextBox.Text = _settings.CleanTimeValveOff23;
_contentLeftTextBox.Text = _settings.CalibrateContentLeft31;
_calibrateLeftTextBox.Text = _settings.CalibrateCalibrateLeft33;
_contentRightTextBox.Text = _settings.CalibrateContentRight32;
_calibrateRightTextBox.Text = _settings.CalibrateCalibrateRight34;
_factorLeftTextBox.Text = _settings.ConductFactorLeft41;
_offsetLeftTextBox.Text = _settings.ConductOffsetleft42;
_factorRightTextBox.Text = _settings.ConductFactorRight43;
_offsetRightTextBox.Text = _settings.ConductOffsetRight44;
_levelLeftTextBox.Text = _settings.ConductLevelLeft45;
_levelRightTextBox.Text = _settings.ConductLevelRight46;
_typeOfValveTextBox.Text = _settings.GeneralTypeOfValve51;
_indicatorTextBox.Text = _settings.GeneralIndicator52;
_inverseOutputTextBox.Text = _settings.GeneralInverseOutput53;
_restartTimeTextBox.Text = _settings.GeneralRestartTime54;
_waterTimeTextBox.Text = _settings.GeneralWaterTime55;
_gateDelayTextbox.Text = _settings.GeneralGateDelay56;
_pulsationTextBox.Text = _settings.PulsationPulsationPm61;
_ratioFrontTextBox.Text = _settings.PulsationSrRatioFront62;
_ratioBackTextBox.Text = _settings.PulsationSrRatioBack63;
_stimulationTextBox.Text = _settings.PulsationStimulationPm64;
_stimFrontTextBox.Text = _settings.PulsationSrStimFront65;
_stimBackTextBox.Text = _settings.PulsationSrStimBack66;
_stimulationDurTextBox.Text = _settings.PulsationStimulationDur67;
//return _settings;
private void SaveTextBoxes()
_settings.AcrStartRemoval11 = _startRemovalTextBox.Text;
_settings.AcrRemovalTime12 = _removalTimeTextBox.Text;
_settings.AcrRemovalDelay13 = _removalDelayTextBox.Text;
_settings.CleanDurCleaning21 = _durCleaningTextbox.Text;
_settings.CleanTimeValveOn22 = _timeValveOnTextbox.Text;
_settings.CleanTimeValveOff23 = _timeValveOffTextBox.Text;
_settings.CalibrateContentLeft31 = _contentLeftTextBox.Text;
_settings.CalibrateCalibrateLeft33 = _calibrateLeftTextBox.Text;
_settings.CalibrateContentRight32 = _contentRightTextBox.Text;
_settings.CalibrateCalibrateRight34 = _calibrateRightTextBox.Text;
_settings.ConductFactorLeft41 = _factorLeftTextBox.Text;
_settings.ConductOffsetleft42 = _offsetLeftTextBox.Text;
_settings.ConductFactorRight43 = _factorRightTextBox.Text;
_settings.ConductOffsetRight44 = _offsetRightTextBox.Text;
_settings.ConductLevelLeft45 = _levelLeftTextBox.Text;
_settings.ConductLevelRight46 = _levelRightTextBox.Text;
_settings.GeneralTypeOfValve51 = _typeOfValveTextBox.Text;
_settings.GeneralIndicator52 = _indicatorTextBox.Text;
_settings.GeneralInverseOutput53 = _inverseOutputTextBox.Text;
_settings.GeneralRestartTime54 = _restartTimeTextBox.Text;
_settings.GeneralWaterTime55 = _waterTimeTextBox.Text;
_settings.GeneralGateDelay56 = _gateDelayTextbox.Text;
_settings.PulsationPulsationPm61 = _pulsationTextBox.Text;
_settings.PulsationSrRatioFront62 = _ratioFrontTextBox.Text;
_settings.PulsationSrRatioBack63 = _ratioBackTextBox.Text;
_settings.PulsationStimulationPm64 = _stimulationTextBox.Text;
_settings.PulsationSrStimFront65 = _stimFrontTextBox.Text;
_settings.PulsationSrStimBack66 = _stimBackTextBox.Text;
_settings.PulsationStimulationDur67 = _stimulationDurTextBox.Text;
private void DefaultSettingButtonClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
private void SendSettingsButtonClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var availablePorts = _systemPorts;
if (availablePorts != null && availablePorts.Any())
_comPortComboBox.Text = "No Ports are available";
private void LoadComportName()
var availablePorts = _systemPorts;
_comPortComboBox.DataSource = null;
if (availablePorts != null && availablePorts.Any())
_comPortComboBox.DataSource = availablePorts;
_comPortComboBox.Text = "No Ports are available";
private void SetBaudrate()
private void SendMessageTest()
var Acrcontent = "[" + _acrNameLabel.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _acrIdLabel11.Text + _startRemovalTextBox.Text + "\r\n"
+ _acrIdLabel12.Text + _removalTimeTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _acrIdLabel13.Text +
_removalDelayTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
var Cleaningcontent ="["+ _cleaningNamelLabel.Text+"]" +"\r\n"+_cleaningIdLabel21.Text+
_durCleaningTextbox.Text + "\r\n"+ _cleaningLabelId22.Text+
_timeValveOnTextbox.Text + "\r\n"+ _cleaningLabelId23.Text+_timeValveOffTextBox.Text+"\r\n";
var Calibratecontent = "[" +_calibrateNameLabel.Text+ "]"+"\r\n"+_calibrateIDLabel31.Text+_contentLeftTextBox.Text+
"\r\n"+ _calibrateIDLabel32.Text+_calibrateLeftTextBox.Text+"\r\n"+_calibrateIDLabel33.Text+_contentRightTextBox.Text+
"\r\n" + _calibrateIDLabel34.Text + _calibrateRightTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
var Conductcontent = "[" + _conductName.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _conductIdLabel41.Text + _factorLeftTextBox.Text +
+ _conductIdLabel42.Text + _offsetLeftTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _conductIdLabel43.Text +
_factorRightTextBox.Text + "\r\n"
+ _conductIdLabel44.Text + _offsetRightTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _conductIdLabel45.Text +
_levelLeftTextBox.Text + "\r\n"
+ _conductIdLabel46.Text + _levelRightTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
var Generalcontent = "[" + _generalName.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _generalIdLabel51.Text + _typeOfValveTextBox.Text +
"\r\n" +
_generalIdLabel52.Text + _indicatorTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _generalIdLabel53.Text +
_inverseOutputTextBox.Text +
"\r\n" + _generalIdLabel54.Text + _restartTimeTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_generalIdLabel55.Text + _waterTimeTextBox.Text +
"\r\n" + _generalIdLabel56.Text + _gateDelayTextbox.Text + "\r\n";
var Pulsationcontent = "[" + _pulsationName.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _pulsationIdLabel61.Text +
_pulsationTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel62.Text + _ratioFrontTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel63.Text + _ratioBackTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel64.Text + _stimulationTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel65.Text + _stimFrontTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel66.Text + _stimBackTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _pulsationIdLabel67.Text +
_stimulationDurTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
byte[] array = ComPort.StringToBytes(2+"\r\n"+Acrcontent+"\r\n"+Cleaningcontent + "\r\n" + Calibratecontent+"\r\n"+Conductcontent+"\r\n"+Generalcontent+"\r\n"+Pulsationcontent+3);
catch(Exception exc)
MessageBox.Show("Error {1}: "+ exc);
_comport.ReadBytes(array, array.Length, 1000);
catch(Exception exc)
MessageBox.Show("Error {2}" + exc);
//string result = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(array);
This is my code for the communication:
namespace Communication
public class ComPort
private readonly SerialPort _serialPort;
public ComPort(string portname, int baudRate)
_serialPort = new SerialPort();
_serialPort.PortName = portname; <-----
_serialPort.BaudRate = baudRate;
_serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
_serialPort.DataBits = 8;
_serialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
_serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
// _serialPort.WriteBufferSize = 1;
_serialPort.DtrEnable = true;
_serialPort.RtsEnable = true;
_serialPort.ReadTimeout = 20000;
_serialPort.WriteTimeout = 20000;
public void Clear()
while (ReadByte() != -1)
private byte[] _array = new byte[] {0};
public void WriteByte(byte value)
_array[0] = value;
_serialPort.Write(_array, 0, 1);
// _serialPort.BaseStream.WriteByte(value);
public void WriteBytes(byte[] array)
_serialPort.Write(array, 0, array.Length);
public void WriteBytes(byte[] array, int index, int length )
_serialPort.Write(array, index, length);
private int _readTimeOut = -1;
public int ReadByte(int timeOut = 200)
if (timeOut != _readTimeOut)
_serialPort.ReadTimeout = _readTimeOut = timeOut;
//return _serialPort.BaseStream.ReadByte();
return _serialPort.ReadByte();
// _serialPort.Read(array, 0, 1);
// return array[0];
catch (TimeoutException)
return -1;
public int ReadBytes(byte[] array, int length, int timeOut = 200)
if (timeOut != _readTimeOut)
_serialPort.ReadTimeout = _readTimeOut = timeOut;
//return _serialPort.BaseStream.ReadByte();
int bytesRead = 0;
while ( bytesRead < length )
bytesRead += _serialPort.Read(array, bytesRead, length - bytesRead);
// _serialPort.Read(array, 0, 1);
// return array[0];
return bytesRead;
catch (TimeoutException)
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// sends string followed by CR - LF
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line"></param>
public void WriteLine(String line)
WriteBytes(StringToBytes(line + "\r\n"));
public static byte[] StringToBytes(string input)
return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
public void Close()
_serialPort.DtrEnable = false;
_serialPort.RtsEnable = false;
public bool Dtr
get { return _serialPort.DtrEnable; }
set { _serialPort.DtrEnable = value; }
public bool Rts
get { return _serialPort.RtsEnable; }
set { _serialPort.RtsEnable = value; }
Can someone explain to me what the problem is?
Thanks in advance
Possible anwser:
_comtimer.Tick += OnComtimerOnTick;
_comtimer.Interval = 2000;
var portname = GetCurrentComPort();
_comport = new ComPort("COM6", 9600);
But when i do this another error comes around the corner:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: PortName
This comes in the second piece of code where the arrow is.
Probably there is not comport selected at startup, so the _comport never gets created, you should check if the comport is created before you use is: if (_comport != null) ...
I think you should create a button instead of default connecting on a combobox selection change.
public void buttonConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// check if the comport is created, else show a message and return,
var portname = GetCurrentComPort();
if (portname == null)
_comport = new ComPort(portname, 9600);
catch(Exception exception)
// try to create a better message here :-)
MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong....");
public void buttonDisconnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void TryDisconnect()
if( _comport != null)
_comport = null;
Also for this:
private void SendSettingsButtonClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// check the _comPort instance first, if not assigned, leave a message..
if(_comPort == null)
MessageBox.Show("The comport is not initialized");
var availablePorts = _systemPorts;
if (availablePorts != null && availablePorts.Any())
_comPortComboBox.Text = "No Ports are available";
I got a tip for you, try to separate the markup/construction of the message, here how you could do.
I did not change all the code, only some examples:
I would create a struct/class to hold all information
public struct AcrContentInfo
public string AcrName;
public string AcrId11;
public string StartRemoval;
public string AcrId12;
public string RemovalTime;
public string AcrId13;
public string RemovalDelay;
// markup the information:
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(
AcrId11, StartRemoval,
AcrId12, RemovalTime,
AcrId13, RemovalDelay);
private void SendMessageTest()
// Instead of:
//var Acrcontent = "[" + _acrNameLabel.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _acrIdLabel11.Text + _startRemovalTextBox.Text + "\r\n"
// + _acrIdLabel12.Text + _removalTimeTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _acrIdLabel13.Text +
// _removalDelayTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
// I would use this instead, this way it wil be easier to maintain different versions.
// The code using the struct isn't responsible for markup
// Create the struct and fillin the fields.
AcrContentInfo acrContentInfo = new AcrContentInfo
AcrName = _acrNameLabel.Text,
AcrId11 = _acrIdLabel11.Text,
StartRemoval = _startRemovalTextBox.Text,
AcrId12 = _acrIdLabel12.Text,
RemovalTime = _removalTimeTextBox.Text,
AcrId13 = _acrIdLabel13.Text,
RemovalDelay = _removalDelayTextBox.Text
// if there is a new version of the protocol, you can create something like this
// AcrContentInfoV2 acrContentInfo = new AcrContentInfoV2
// call the tostring, (create a markup)
var Acrcontent = acrContentInfo.ToString();
// --- old code ---
var Cleaningcontent = "[" + _cleaningNamelLabel.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _cleaningIdLabel21.Text +
_durCleaningTextbox.Text + "\r\n" + _cleaningLabelId22.Text +
_timeValveOnTextbox.Text + "\r\n" + _cleaningLabelId23.Text + _timeValveOffTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
var Calibratecontent = "[" + _calibrateNameLabel.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _calibrateIDLabel31.Text + _contentLeftTextBox.Text +
"\r\n" + _calibrateIDLabel32.Text + _calibrateLeftTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _calibrateIDLabel33.Text + _contentRightTextBox.Text +
"\r\n" + _calibrateIDLabel34.Text + _calibrateRightTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
var Conductcontent = "[" + _conductName.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _conductIdLabel41.Text + _factorLeftTextBox.Text +
+ _conductIdLabel42.Text + _offsetLeftTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _conductIdLabel43.Text +
_factorRightTextBox.Text + "\r\n"
+ _conductIdLabel44.Text + _offsetRightTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _conductIdLabel45.Text +
_levelLeftTextBox.Text + "\r\n"
+ _conductIdLabel46.Text + _levelRightTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
var Generalcontent = "[" + _generalName.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _generalIdLabel51.Text + _typeOfValveTextBox.Text +
"\r\n" +
_generalIdLabel52.Text + _indicatorTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _generalIdLabel53.Text +
_inverseOutputTextBox.Text +
"\r\n" + _generalIdLabel54.Text + _restartTimeTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_generalIdLabel55.Text + _waterTimeTextBox.Text +
"\r\n" + _generalIdLabel56.Text + _gateDelayTextbox.Text + "\r\n";
var Pulsationcontent = "[" + _pulsationName.Text + "]" + "\r\n" + _pulsationIdLabel61.Text +
_pulsationTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel62.Text + _ratioFrontTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel63.Text + _ratioBackTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel64.Text + _stimulationTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel65.Text + _stimFrontTextBox.Text + "\r\n" +
_pulsationIdLabel66.Text + _stimBackTextBox.Text + "\r\n" + _pulsationIdLabel67.Text +
_stimulationDurTextBox.Text + "\r\n";
// instad of:
//byte[] array = ComPort.StringToBytes(2+"\r\n"+Acrcontent+"\r\n"+Cleaningcontent + "\r\n" + Calibratecontent+"\r\n"+Conductcontent+"\r\n"+Generalcontent+"\r\n"+Pulsationcontent+3);
// I always try not to make very long lines of code.
// A stringbuilder is much more efficient building strings.
// I would:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// why make the comport class responsible for the encoding type. _ComPort.StringToBytes_
byte[] array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
// only read when write was succeed?
_comport.ReadBytes(array, array.Length, 1000);
catch (Exception exc)
MessageBox.Show("Error {1}: " + exc);
These are only my ideas, and meant to be constructive. (other point of view) Happy codeing..
You have to instantiate _comport before calling a method or accessing a property on it.
maybe in
var portname = GetCurrentComPort();
if (portname != null)
_comport = new ComPort("COM6", 9600);
portname is null then _comport not instantiated. you can trace it and check that if it has a value or not.
Yes assign a value to _comport like

Can only display array by iterating through a for loop

Hello I am trying to make a C# program that downloads files but I am having trouble with the array.
I have it split up the text for downloading and put it into a 2 level jagged array (string[][]).
Now I split up the rows up text by the | char so each line will be formatted like so:
when I use short test text to put it into a text box it displays fine in the text box.
IE: a string like test|test|test|test|test|test
but if I put in a real string that I would actually be using for the program to DL files the only way I get the string to display is to iterate through it with a for or foreach loop. If I try to access the data with the index I get an index missing error. (IE array[0])
So this is the code that gets the array to display:
public Form2(string[][] textList, string path)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + path + Environment.NewLine;
WebClient downloader = new WebClient();
foreach (string[] i in textList)
for(int j=0;j<i.Length;j++)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[j] + Environment.NewLine + #"\\newline" + Environment.NewLine;
And then this is the code that gives an index missing error:
public Form2(string[][] textList, string path)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + path + Environment.NewLine;
WebClient downloader = new WebClient();
foreach (string[] i in textList)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[0] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[1] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[2] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[3] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[4] + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[5] + Environment.NewLine;
Any help is this is apreciated I don't see why I can access they data through a for loop but not directly it just doesn't make any sense to me.
Also, here is the code that generates the array:
public String[][] finalList(string[] FileList)
String[][] FinalArray = new String[FileList.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i<FinalArray.Length;i++)
string[] fileStuff = FileList[i].Split(new char[] {'|'});
FinalArray[i] = fileStuff;
return FinalArray;
In your first example you are using the actual length of each inner array to do the concatenation. In your second example you are hard coded to the same length yet you said in the intro it was a jagged array.
Can you show what your input text looks like?
you are not doing the same concatenation in first and second example so the resulting stings are very different.
first = "\r\n Crazy Video\r\n\\\\newline\r\nThis Video is absolutly crazy!\r\n\\\\newline\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake/vidfolder/video.flv\r\n\\\\newline\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake/imgfolder/img.j‌​pg\r\n\\\\newline\r\n300\r\n\\\\newline\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake \r\n\\\\newline\r\n"
second = "\r\n Crazy Video\r\nThis Video is absolutly crazy!\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake/vidfolder/video.flv\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake/imgfolder/img.j‌​pg\r\n300\r\nhtt://fakeurl.fake \r\n"
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace ClassLibrary5
public class Class1
public void test()
var temp = new[]
" Crazy Video|This Video is absolutly crazy!|htt://fakeurl.fake/vidfolder/video.flv|htt://fakeurl.fake/imgfolder/img.j‌​pg|300|htt://fakeurl.fake "
var final = finalList(temp);
var first = Form1(final, "path");
var second = Form2(final, "path");
Assert.IsTrue(first.CompareTo(second) == 0);
public string Form1(string[][] textList, string path)
string textString = path + Environment.NewLine;
foreach (string[] i in textList)
for (int j = 0; j < i.Length; j++)
textString = textString + i[j] + Environment.NewLine + #"\\newline" + Environment.NewLine;
return textString;
public string Form2(string[][] textList, string path)
string textString = path + Environment.NewLine;
foreach (string[] i in textList)
textString = textString + i[0] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[1] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[2] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[3] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[4] + Environment.NewLine;
textString = textString + i[5] + Environment.NewLine;
return textString;
public String[][] finalList(string[] FileList)
String[][] FinalArray = new String[FileList.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < FinalArray.Length; i++)
string[] fileStuff = FileList[i].Split(new char[] {'|'});
FinalArray[i] = fileStuff;
return FinalArray;
Are you sure each String[] in string[][] textList has 6 elements?
Try to replace:
for(int j=0;j<i.Length;j++)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[j] + Environment.NewLine + #"\\newline" + Environment.NewLine;
for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + i[j] + Environment.NewLine + #"\\newline" + Environment.NewLine;
And see if you get the same result. Your middle one has different logic than your first one. To troubleshoot, first make the logic the same, and then continue troubleshooting from there.

