How to calculate the modular multiplicative inverse for the Affine Cipher - c#

I am trying to create a small software that does the Affine Cipher, which means that K1 and the amount of letters in the alphabet (using m for this number) must be coprime, that is gcd(k1, m) == 1.
Basically it's like this:
I have a plaintext: hey
I have K1: 7
I have K2: 5
Plaintext in numerical format is:
8 5 25
8 - from h (the position in the alphabet) and **
5 25** goes the same for e and y
Encrypted: 7 13 18
Which is the formula:
k1 * 8 + k2 mod 27 = 7
k1 * 5 + k2 mod 27 = 13
k1 * 25 + k2 mod 27 = 18
I have a function that crypts this but I don't know how to decrypt.
For example I have 7 for h. I want to get the number 8 back again, knowing 7, k1 and k2.
Do you guys have any ideas ?
Some function where you input k1, k2, result (7 for example, for h), and it gives me back 8, but I really don't know how to reverse this.
The function for encryption is this:
public List<int> get_crypted_char(string[] strr)
List<int> l = new List<int>();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < strr.Length; i++)
int ch = int.Parse(strr[i]);
int numberback = k1 * ch + 5;
numberback = (numberback % 27);
return l;
Where: string[] strr is a string that contains the plaintext.
Function example:
The result would be a list like this {"5","3","2"}
Here is a link from wikipedia about this encryption, and also decryption, but ... I don't really understand "how to"

It is not possible (in general case, for affine cipher, see update below). That's why module operation is so frequently used in security algorithms - it is not reversible. But, why don't we try?
result = (k1 * input + k2) % 27 (*1)
Let's take the first letter:
result = (7 * 8 + 5) % 27 = 7
That's cool. Now, because we said, that:
result = (k1 * input + k2) % 27
the following is also true:
k1 * input + k2 = 27 * div + result (*2)
div = (k1 * input + k2) / 27 (integral division)
It is quite obvious (if a % b = c, then a = b*n + c, where n is the result of integer division a/b).
You know the values of k1 (which is 7), k2 (5) and result (7). So, when we put these values to (*2), we get the following:
7 * input + 5 = 27 * div + 7 //You need to solve this
As you can see, it is impossible to solve this, because you would need to know also the result of the integral division - translating this to your function's language, you would need the value of
numberback / 27
which is unknown. So answer is: you cannot reverse your function's results, using only output it returns.
** UPDATE **
I focused too much on the question's title, so the answer above is not fully correct. I decided not to remove it, however, but write an update.
So, the answer for your particular case (affine cipher) is: YES, you can reverse it.
As you can see on the wiki, decryption function for affine cipher for the following encrytption function:
E(input) = a*input + b mod m
is defined as:
D(enc) = a^-1 * (enc - b) mod m
The only possible problem here can be computation of a^-1, which is modular multiplicative inverse.
Read about it on wiki, I will provide only example.
In your case a = k1 = 7 and m = 27. So:
7^-1 = p mod 27
7p = 1 mod 27
In other words, you need to find p, which satisfies the following: 7p % 27 = 1.
p can be computed using extended euclidean algorithm and I computed it to be 4 (4 * 7 = 28, 28 % 27 = 1).
Check, if can decipher your output now:
E(8) = 7*8 + 5 mod 27 = 7
D(7) = 4 * (7 - 5) mod 27 = 8
Hope that helps :)

Please note that the other answers do not take into account the the algorithm at hand is the Affine Cipher, ie there are some conditions at hand, the most important one the coprime status of k1 and m.
In your case it would be:
m = 27; // letters in your alphabet
k1 = 7; // coprime with m
k2 = 5; // no reqs here, just that a value above 27 is the same as mod 27 of that value
int Encrypt(int letter) {
return ((letter * k1) + k2) % m;
int Decrypt(int letter) {
return ((letter - k2) * modInverse(k1, m)) % m;
Tuple<int, Tuple<int, int>> extendedEuclid(int a, int b)
int x = 1, y = 0;
int xLast = 0, yLast = 1;
int q, r, m, n;
while (a != 0)
q = b / a;
r = b % a;
m = xLast - q * x;
n = yLast - q * y;
xLast = x; yLast = y;
x = m; y = n;
b = a; a = r;
return new Tuple<int, Tuple<int, int>>(b, new Tuple<int, int>(xLast, yLast));
int modInverse(int a, int m)
return (extendedEuclid(a, m).Item2.Item1 + m) % m;
ModInverse implementation taken from

I have created a program that will tell the modular inverse of something. I will let you use it. It is posted below.
# Cryptomath Module
def gcf(a, b):
# Return the GCD of a & b using Euclid's Algorithm
while a != 0:
a, b = b % a, a
return b
def findModInverse(a, m):
# Return the modular inverse of a % m, which is
# the number x such that a*x % m = 1
if gcf(a, m) != 1:
return None # No mode inverese if a & m aren't relatively prime
# Calculate using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm:
u1, u2, u3 = 1, 0, a
v1, v2, v3 = 0, 1, m
while v3 != 0:
q = u3 // v3 # // is the integer division operator
v1, v2, v3, u1, u2, u3 = (u1 - q * v1), (u2 - q * v2), (u3 - q *
v3), v1, v2, v3
return u1 % m
Note: The modular inverse is found using the extended euclidean algorithm. Here is the Wikipedia entry for it:
Note: This needs to be imported as a module to be used. Hope it helps.


How to enumerate x^2 + y^2 = z^2 - 1 (with additional constraints)

Lets N be a number (10<=N<=10^5).
I have to break it into 3 numbers (x,y,z) such that it validates the following conditions.
1. x<=y<=z
2. x^2+y^2=z^2-1;
3. x+y+z<=N
I have to find how many combinations I can get from the given numbers in a method.
I have tried as follows but it's taking so much time for a higher number and resulting in a timeout..
int N= Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
List<String> res = new List<string>();
int mxSqrt = N - 2;
int a = 0, b = 0;
for (int z = 1; z <= mxSqrt; z++)
a = z * z;
for (int y = 1; y <= z; y++)
b = y * y;
for (int x = 1; x <= y; x++)
int x1 = b + x * x;
int y1 = a - 1;
if (x1 == y1 && ((x + y + z) <= N))
res.Add(x + "," + y + "," + z);
My question:
My solution is taking time for a bigger number (I think it's the
for loops), how can I improve it?
Is there any better approach for the same?
Here's a method that enumerates the triples, rather than exhaustively testing for them, using number theory as described here:
Since the math took me a while to comprehend and a while to implement (gathering some code that's credited above it), and since I don't feel much of an authority on the subject, I'll leave it for the reader to research. This is based on expressing numbers as Gaussian integer conjugates. (a + bi)*(a - bi) = a^2 + b^2. We first factor the number, z^2 - 1, into primes, decompose the primes into Gaussian conjugates and find different expressions that we expand and simplify to get a + bi, which can be then raised, a^2 + b^2.
A perk of reading about the Sum of Squares Function is discovering that we can rule out any candidate z^2 - 1 that contains a prime of form 4k + 3 with an odd power. Using that check alone, I was able to reduce Prune's loop on 10^5 from 214 seconds to 19 seconds (on using the Rosetta prime factoring code below.
The implementation here is just a demonstration. It does not have handling or optimisation for limiting x and y. Rather, it just enumerates as it goes. Play with it here.
Python code:
def mods(a, n):
if n <= 0:
return "negative modulus"
a = a % n
if (2 * a > n):
a -= n
return a
def powmods(a, r, n):
out = 1
while r > 0:
if (r % 2) == 1:
r -= 1
out = mods(out * a, n)
r /= 2
a = mods(a * a, n)
return out
def quos(a, n):
if n <= 0:
return "negative modulus"
return (a - mods(a, n))/n
def grem(w, z):
# remainder in Gaussian integers when dividing w by z
(w0, w1) = w
(z0, z1) = z
n = z0 * z0 + z1 * z1
if n == 0:
return "division by zero"
u0 = quos(w0 * z0 + w1 * z1, n)
u1 = quos(w1 * z0 - w0 * z1, n)
return(w0 - z0 * u0 + z1 * u1,
w1 - z0 * u1 - z1 * u0)
def ggcd(w, z):
while z != (0,0):
w, z = z, grem(w, z)
return w
def root4(p):
# 4th root of 1 modulo p
if p <= 1:
return "too small"
if (p % 4) != 1:
return "not congruent to 1"
k = p/4
j = 2
while True:
a = powmods(j, k, p)
b = mods(a * a, p)
if b == -1:
return a
if b != 1:
return "not prime"
j += 1
def sq2(p):
if p % 4 != 1:
return "not congruent to 1 modulo 4"
a = root4(p)
return ggcd((p,0),(a,1))
from math import floor, sqrt
def fac(n):
step = lambda x: 1 + (x<<2) - ((x>>1)<<1)
maxq = long(floor(sqrt(n)))
d = 1
q = n % 2 == 0 and 2 or 3
while q <= maxq and n % q != 0:
q = step(d)
d += 1
return q <= maxq and [q] + fac(n//q) or [n]
# My code...
# An answer for
from collections import Counter
from itertools import product
from sympy import I, expand, Add
def valid(ps):
for (p, e) in ps.items():
if (p % 4 == 3) and (e & 1):
return False
return True
def get_sq2(p, e):
if p == 2:
if e & 1:
return [2**(e / 2), 2**(e / 2)]
return [2**(e / 2), 0]
elif p % 4 == 3:
return [p, 0]
a,b = sq2(p)
return [abs(a), abs(b)]
def get_terms(cs, e):
if e == 1:
return [Add(cs[0], cs[1] * I)]
res = [Add(cs[0], cs[1] * I)**e]
for t in xrange(1, e / 2 + 1):
Add(cs[0] + cs[1]*I)**(e-t) * Add(cs[0] - cs[1]*I)**t)
return res
def get_lists(ps):
items = ps.items()
lists = []
for (p, e) in items:
if p == 2:
a,b = get_sq2(2, e)
lists.append([Add(a, b*I)])
elif p % 4 == 3:
a,b = get_sq2(p, e)
lists.append([Add(a, b*I)**(e / 2)])
lists.append(get_terms(get_sq2(p, e), e))
return lists
def f(n):
for z in xrange(2, n / 2):
zz = (z + 1) * (z - 1)
ps = Counter(fac(zz))
is_valid = valid(ps)
if is_valid:
print "valid (does not contain a prime of form\n4k + 3 with an odd power)"
print "z: %s, primes: %s" % (z, dict(ps))
lists = get_lists(ps)
cartesian = product(*lists)
for element in cartesian:
print "prime square decomposition: %s" % list(element)
p = 1
for item in element:
p *= item
print "complex conjugates: %s" % p
vals = p.expand(complex=True, evaluate=True).as_coefficients_dict().values()
x, y = vals[0], vals[1] if len(vals) > 1 else 0
print "x, y, z: %s, %s, %s" % (x, y, z)
print "x^2 + y^2, z^2-1: %s, %s" % (x**2 + y**2, z**2 - 1)
print ''
if __name__ == "__main__":
print f(100)
valid (does not contain a prime of form
4k + 3 with an odd power)
z: 3, primes: {2: 3}
prime square decomposition: [2 + 2*I]
complex conjugates: 2 + 2*I
x, y, z: 2, 2, 3
x^2 + y^2, z^2-1: 8, 8
valid (does not contain a prime of form
4k + 3 with an odd power)
z: 9, primes: {2: 4, 5: 1}
prime square decomposition: [4, 2 + I]
complex conjugates: 8 + 4*I
x, y, z: 8, 4, 9
x^2 + y^2, z^2-1: 80, 80
valid (does not contain a prime of form
4k + 3 with an odd power)
z: 17, primes: {2: 5, 3: 2}
prime square decomposition: [4 + 4*I, 3]
complex conjugates: 12 + 12*I
x, y, z: 12, 12, 17
x^2 + y^2, z^2-1: 288, 288
valid (does not contain a prime of form
4k + 3 with an odd power)
z: 19, primes: {2: 3, 3: 2, 5: 1}
prime square decomposition: [2 + 2*I, 3, 2 + I]
complex conjugates: (2 + I)*(6 + 6*I)
x, y, z: 6, 18, 19
x^2 + y^2, z^2-1: 360, 360
valid (does not contain a prime of form
4k + 3 with an odd power)
z: 33, primes: {17: 1, 2: 6}
prime square decomposition: [4 + I, 8]
complex conjugates: 32 + 8*I
x, y, z: 32, 8, 33
x^2 + y^2, z^2-1: 1088, 1088
valid (does not contain a prime of form
4k + 3 with an odd power)
z: 35, primes: {17: 1, 2: 3, 3: 2}
prime square decomposition: [4 + I, 2 + 2*I, 3]
complex conjugates: 3*(2 + 2*I)*(4 + I)
x, y, z: 18, 30, 35
x^2 + y^2, z^2-1: 1224, 1224
Here is a simple improvement in Python (converting to the faster equivalent in C-based code is left as an exercise for the reader). To get accurate timing for the computation, I removed printing the solutions themselves (after validating them in a previous run).
Use an outer loop for one free variable (I chose z), constrained only by its relation to N.
Use an inner loop (I chose y) constrained by the outer loop index.
The third variable is directly computed per requirement 2.
Timing results:
-------------------- 10
1 solutions found in 2.3365020751953125e-05 sec.
-------------------- 100
6 solutions found in 0.00040078163146972656 sec.
-------------------- 1000
55 solutions found in 0.030081748962402344 sec.
-------------------- 10000
543 solutions found in 2.2078349590301514 sec.
-------------------- 100000
5512 solutions found in 214.93411707878113 sec.
That's 3:35 for the large case, plus your time to collate and/or print the results.
If you need faster code (this is still pretty brute-force), look into Diophantine equations and parameterizations to generate (y, x) pairs, given the target value of z^2 - 1.
import math
import time
def break3(N):
10 <= N <= 10^5
return x, y, z triples such that:
x <= y <= z
x^2 + y^2 = z^2 - 1
x + y + z <= N
z <= x + y
z < N/2
count = 0
z_limit = N // 2
for z in range(3, z_limit):
# Since y >= x, there's a lower bound on y
target = z*z - 1
ymin = int(math.sqrt(target/2))
for y in range(ymin, z):
# Given y and z, compute x.
# That's a solution iff x is integer.
x_target = target - y*y
x = int(math.sqrt(x_target))
if x*x == x_target and x+y+z <= N:
# print("solution", x, y, z)
count += 1
return count
test = [10, 100, 1000, 10**4, 10**5]
border = "-"*20
for case in test:
print(border, case)
start = time.time()
print(break3(case), "solutions found in", time.time() - start, "sec.")
The bounds of x and y are an important part of the problem. I personally went with this Wolfram Alpha query and checked the exact forms of the variables.
Thanks to #Bleep-Bloop and comments, a very elegant bound optimization was found, which is x < n and x <= y < n - x. The results are the same and the times are nearly identical.
Also, since the only possible values for x and y are positive even integers, we can reduce the amount of loop iterations by half.
To optimize even further, since we compute the upper bound of x, we build a list of all possible values for x and make the computation parallel. That saves a massive amount of time on higher values of N but it's a bit slower for smaller values because of the overhead of the parallelization.
Here's the final code:
Non-parallel version, with int values:
List<string> res = new List<string>();
int n2 = n * n;
double maxX = 0.5 * (2.0 * n - Math.Sqrt(2) * Math.Sqrt(n2 + 1));
for (int x = 2; x < maxX; x += 2)
int maxY = (int)Math.Floor((n2 - 2.0 * n * x - 1.0) / (2.0 * n - 2.0 * x));
for (int y = x; y <= maxY; y += 2)
int z2 = x * x + y * y + 1;
int z = (int)Math.Sqrt(z2);
if (z * z == z2 && x + y + z <= n)
res.Add(x + "," + y + "," + z);
Parallel version, with long values:
using System.Linq;
// Use ConcurrentBag for thread safety
ConcurrentBag<string> res = new ConcurrentBag<string>();
long n2 = n * n;
double maxX = 0.5 * (2.0 * n - Math.Sqrt(2) * Math.Sqrt(n2 + 1L));
// Build list to parallelize
int nbX = Convert.ToInt32(maxX);
List<int> xList = new List<int>();
for (int x = 2; x < maxX; x += 2)
Parallel.ForEach(xList, x =>
int maxY = (int)Math.Floor((n2 - 2.0 * n * x - 1.0) / (2.0 * n - 2.0 * x));
for (long y = x; y <= maxY; y += 2)
long z2 = x * x + y * y + 1L;
long z = (long)Math.Sqrt(z2);
if (z * z == z2 && x + y + z <= n)
res.Add(x + "," + y + "," + z);
When ran individually on a i5-8400 CPU, I get these results:
N: 10; Solutions: 1;
Time elapsed: 0.03 ms (Not parallel, int)
N: 100; Solutions: 6;
Time elapsed: 0.05 ms (Not parallel, int)
N: 1000; Solutions: 55;
Time elapsed: 0.3 ms (Not parallel, int)
N: 10000; Solutions: 543;
Time elapsed: 13.1 ms (Not parallel, int)
N: 100000; Solutions: 5512;
Time elapsed: 849.4 ms (Parallel, long)
You must use long when N is greater than 36340, because when it's squared, it overflows an int's max value. Finally, the parallel version starts to get better than the simple one when N is around 23000, with ints.
No time to properly test it, but seemed to yield the same results as your code (at 100 -> 6 results and at 1000 -> 55 results).
With N=1000 a time of 2ms vs your 144ms also without List
and N=10000 a time of 28ms
var N = 1000;
var c = 0;
for (int x = 2; x < N; x+=2)
for (int y = x; y < (N - x); y+=2)
long z2 = x * x + y * y + 1;
int z = (int) Math.Sqrt(z2);
if (x + y + z > N)
if (z * z == z2)
int main()
int N = 10000;
int c = 0;
for (int x = 2; x < N; x+=2)
for (int y = x; y < (N - x); y+=2)
auto z = sqrt(x * x + y * y + 1);
if (z - (int) z == 0)
This is my solution. On testing the previous solutions for this problem I found that x,y are always even and z is odd. I dont know the mathematical nature behind this, I am currently trying to figure that out.
I want to get it done in C# and it should be covering all the test
cases based on condition provided in the question.
The basic code, converted to long to process the N <= 100000 upper limit, with every optimizaion thrown in I could. I used alternate forms from #Mat's (+1) Wolfram Alpha query to precompute as much as possible. I also did a minimal perfect square test to avoid millions of sqrt() calls at the upper limit:
public static void Main()
int c = 0;
long N = long.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
long N_squared = N * N;
double half_N_squared = N_squared / 2.0 - 0.5;
double x_limit = N - Math.Sqrt(2) / 2.0 * Math.Sqrt(N_squared + 1);
for (long x = 2; x < x_limit; x += 2)
long x_squared = x * x + 1;
double y_limit = (half_N_squared - N * x) / (N - x);
for (long y = x; y < y_limit; y += 2)
long z_squared = x_squared + y * y;
int digit = (int) z_squared % 10;
if (digit == 3 || digit == 7)
continue; // minimalist non-perfect square elimination
long z = (long) Math.Sqrt(z_squared);
if (z * z == z_squared)
I followed the trend and left out "the degenerate solution" as implied by the OP's code but not explicitly stated.

private double always returning 0

I have this function:
private double getTotal(string str)
double total = 0;
byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
foreach(int c in asciiBytes)
total = total + c;
total = total * (5 * (c ^ 2) / (c*6));
return Math.Round(total);
This is used to get a total of a strings ASCII values but does some math along the way rather than just adding. I need this to return the total, but is currently returning 0. How can I make it return the correct value? (PS: It needs to return an integer, but this can be in the datatype of a double for conversion later. Basically just need it to return a whole number.) (PSPS: I don't know what the string will be, it's up to the end user)
You probably misunderstood the ^ sign. It stands for a bitwise exclusive or, rather than an exponentiation. If you want to use the latter, use this:
total = total * (5 * (Math.Pow (c, 2) / (c * 6));
However, you could write it shorter/more beautiful/more efficient as well:
total *= (5 * (c * c) / (6 * c));
I replaced the Pow, as it is slower than a simple multiplication and used an assignment-operator.
Furthermore, the equation itself can be simplified:
total *= c * (5 / 6);
However, you should still mark the numbers as doubles, as 5/6 would result in 0 otherwise:
total *= c * (5.0 / 6.0)
For more information on exponentiation in C#, have a look at this.
By the way, the ^ sign takes every bit of the numbers and compares them. The new value will be 1 if the first bit or the second bit, but not both bits are 1.
So for example 0101 xor 1110 would result in 1011.
You have casting problem. The c variable is integer. Your problem is in the total = total * (5 * (c ^ 2) / (c*6)); expression.
Because the internal results (c ^ 2) and (c*6) aren't double, when the division result has floating point such as 0.nnnnn, the final result isn't double and you get only the 0 which is the real part of the number. And the result expression (5 * (c ^ 2) / (c*6)) as an Integer is 0. Finally the expression is as total=total * (0);
Use internal castings in your code
Replace your code with the following :
total = total * (5 * ((double)(c ^ 2)) / ((double)(c * 6)));
Please run the following code
static private double getTotal(string str)
double total = 0;
byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
foreach (int c in asciiBytes)
double dC = c;
total = total + c;
double cXor2 = c ^ 2;
double c6 = c * 6;
double fiveCXor2 = 5 * cXor2;
double semiFinal = fiveCXor2 / c6;
double final = total * semiFinal;
Console.WriteLine("c = " + (c).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("c ^ 2 = " + (cXor2).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("c * 6 = " + (c6).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("5 * (c ^ 2) = " + (fiveCXor2).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("semi final = " + semiFinal);
Console.WriteLine("final = " + final);
total = total * (5 * (c ^ 2) / (c * 6));
Console.WriteLine("TOTAL = " + total);
return Math.Round(total);
Sample result is :
c = 97
c ^ 2 = 99
c * 6 = 582
5 * (c ^ 2) = 495
semi final = 0.850515463917526
final = 82.5
c = 98
c ^ 2 = 96
c * 6 = 588
5 * (c ^ 2) = 480
semi final = 0.816326530612245
final = 80
As you can see the problem is casting
Because the c variable is int the casting procedure is :
step 1
[double] = [double] * ([int] * ([int] ^ [int] ) / ([int] * [int] ))
total = total * (5 * (c ^ 2 ) / (c * 6 ));
step 2
[double] = [double] * ([int] * ([int]) / ([int] ))
total = total * (5 * (X) / (Y) );
step 3
[double] = [double] * ([int] * [int]))
total = total * (5 * XdivY );
**CASTING PROBLEM : In this step the XdivY is integer and when the result is 0.1234 the INT result is 0**
step 4
[double] = [double] * ([double]))
total = total * (5mulXdivY );
here c# casting the 5mulXdivY 0 to double but the result is zero
step 5
[double] = [double]
total = 0
Problem is with the this line in your code
total = total * (5 * (c ^ 2) / (c*6));
c ^ 2 returns a smaller value than c*6. Now the operator / is integer division so the result of a smallnumber/largenumber will always return zero. This will make the value of variable total zero in every iteration of the loop. Change the code like this and it will give you the result you expect.
private double getTotal(string str)
double total = 0;
byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
foreach (int c in asciiBytes)
total = total + c;
total = total * (5 * (double)(c ^ 2) / (double)(c * 6));
return Math.Round(total);
Hope it helps.
Add double to one of the ints
private double getTotal(string str)
double total = 0;
byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
foreach (int c in asciiBytes)
total = total + c;
total = total * ((double)5 * (c ^ 2) / (c * 6));
return Math.Round(total);

Is there a way to designate X in y = (k1 + k2 × x) mod (s)?

I'm writting program in c# that needs to find X where greatest common divisor of k2 and s is 1, x is smaller than s and k1,k2,y,s are constants. Right now, I'm doing it by tring every value of X and checking if they are right, but that is very time consumig when I have like 40000+ values in it. Or if it's easier for you, you can try to designate X from y=x mod(s).
There is code I'm using right now to solve it:
if (GCD(k2, k) == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
n1 = 0;
n = 0;
while(n < 1)
if(i == (k1 + k2 * n1) % k){
s1[n1] = s[i];
Thanks in advance.
P.S. If something is unclear, then let me know, it's kind of hard for me to explain all this :P
Let's go through a sample problem:
Solve for X:
17395 = (100 + 43 * X ) % 633424
Start by eliminating the addition:
17395 - 100 = (43 * X) % 633424
17294 = (43 * X) % 633424
Now, suppose there exists a number Y such that
1 = ( Y * 43 ) % 633424
(Aside: How do we know that Y exists? It exists iff 43 and 633424 are coprime, which they are. This is a particular case of Bézout's identity.)
Y is the multiplicative inverse of 43 with respect to 633424.
How does this help? We can multiply both sides by 17294:
17294 = ( Y * 43 * 17294 ) % 633424
And now we can read off our solution: X is Y * 17294.
So the problem reduces to computing the multiplicative inverse. Can you see how to find a number Y such that 1 = ( Y * 43 ) % 633424 ? If you can find that number then you can find X.
You can use Euclid's Algorithm to quickly find the multiplicative inverse. See or my page on the subject

How do I determine if adding 2 numbers will involve regourping / carryover or subracting 2 numbers will involve borrowing?

I need to create a function that will generate 2 random numbers between x and y (e.g. x = 1, y = 20) which when added will not involve regrouping / carryover or which when subracted will not involve borrowing.
For example,
18 + 1 = good
14 + 5 = good
18-7 = good
29 - 8 = good
15 + 6 = bad
6 + 7 = bad
21 - 3 = bad
36 - 8 = bad etc.
I want to create a simple worksheet generator that will generate sample problems using the requirements above.
I guess I could always convert the number to string, get the right most digit for each of the 2 numbers, convert them back to integer, and test if one is greater than the other. Repeat for all the digit. Only thing is, that is so damn ugly (read inefficient). I am sure that there is a better way. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
Generate them one digit at a time. e.g
a1 = rand(9)
a2 = rand(9 - a1)
b1 = rand(9)
b2 = rand(9 - b1)
x = b1*10 + a1
y = b2*10 + a2
From the construction you know that x+y will not involve any carry, because a1+a2 <= 9 and b1 + b2 <= 9.
You can do similar for subtraction.
If you want to restrict the overall range to be [1..20] instead of [1..99], just adjust the range for the leftmost digit:
b1 = rand(1)
b2 = rand(1 - b1)
using System;
class Sample {
static void Main() {
var rnd = new Random();
var x = 1;
var y = 20;
var a = rnd.Next(x, y);
var b = rnd.Next(x, y);
var op = '+';
Console.WriteLine("{0} {2} {1} = {3}", a, b, op , isValid(a, b, op)? "good":"bad");
op = '-';
Console.WriteLine("{0} {2} {1} = {3}", a, b, op , isValid(a, b, op)? "good":"bad");
static bool isValid(int x, int y, char op){
int a = x % 10;
int b = y % 10;
switch (op){
case '+':
return a + b < 10;
case '-':
return x >= y && a - b >= 0;
throw new Exception(String.Format("unknown operator '{0}'", op));
Breaking up the numbers into digits is indeed exactly what you need to do. It does not matter whether you do that by arithmetic manipulation (division and modulus by 10) or by converting the numbers into strings, but fundamentally your question is precisely about the individual digits of the numbers.
For the subtraction x − y, no borrows are required if and only if none of the digits in y are greater than the corresponding digit in x.
For the addition x + y, there will be no carries if and only if the sum of each pair of corresponding digits is less than 10.
Here's some pseudo-C# for checking these conditions:
bool CanSubtractWithoutBorrow (uint x, uint y) {
while (y > 0) {
if ((x % 10) < (y % 10)) return False;
x /= 10; y /= 10;
return True;
bool CanAddWithoutCarry (uint x, uint y) {
while (x > 0 && y > 0) {
if ((x % 10) + (y % 10) >= 10) return False;
x /= 10; y /= 10;
return True;
You need to look at each pair digit in turn, and see if adding or subtracting them involves carries.
You can get the rightmost digit by taking the value modulo 10, x%10, and you can erase the right most digit by dividing by 10.
No string conversions are necessary.

Convert decimal to byte array

assume I have decimal X
I want to calculate 3 byte as a,b,c where a.bc Gig is near X.
I want it to be clean and as short as it possible.
I've already implement it but it is very bad but works.
for example X = 2972117368, I want a = 2, b = 7, c = 6 . how?
2972117368/(1024*1024*1024) = 2.76799999922514
X will be always lesser than 9.99 gigabyte.
Is seems like you're most of the way there:
decimal x = 2972117368;
double gig = Convert.ToDouble(x) / 1073741824.0;
byte a = (byte)Math.Floor(gig); // works for up to 127 gig - actually up to 256
byte b = (byte)(Math.Floor(gig * 10) % 10);
byte c = (byte)(Math.Floor(gig * 100) % 10);
Edited: For some typos & logical errors
Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((double.Parse((X / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024)).ToString("0.00")) * 100).ToString())

