I know that document libraries in sharepoint have flag Hidden. Here you can find some documentation about it.
But i want to hide some libraries from libraries list in my application. So i want to set this flag to 'true'. How i can do that on my sharepoint team site? Maybe some permission changes?
Hiding from certain users? then you should go with the permission settings in that document lib.
I'm not sure if you can do that through UI but you can definitely do that using SharePoint Designer. Just open your web site in SharePoint Designer navigate to "Lists and libraries", select your library and in "General settings" set flag "Hide from browser" and press "Save".
If I understood question correctly, do the following:
string url = "https://contoso.com:666/sites/SiteName/WebName";
Guid listGuid = new Guid(...);
using(SPSite site = new SPSite(url))
using(SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPList list = web.Lists[listGuid];
list.Hidden = true;
web.AllowUnsafeUpadtes = false;
Haven't tested the code, but I believe this should work.
I've got a URL to a OneDrive folder (https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtXoQFW327DIyMwPjZhmauUCSSHXUA). Everyone with that link can access the folder via browser.
Now, my goal is to create an .NET application that, given that link, is able to get a list of the files/folders inside that folder.
Is that even possible?
The best way to do this is to use the OneDrive API exposed via Graph.
You can read the "Using Sharing Links" documentation for full details, but you'd essentially make a call to:
You can also use the .NET SDK to avoid making the calls to the API yourself, in which case your code would look something like:
Selenium Web Driver is good option for tasks like that.
Open Solution Explorer.
Right Click on your project.
Select Manage NuGet Packages..
Browse and install these two : Selenium.Chrome.WebDriver and Selenium.WebDriver.
You have just installed selenium to your project!
So now, we need to create a driver service, and find needed elements in our website.
As far as i see, filenames are stored as a span class named signalFieldValue_03700093.
But "Last Modified infos" are stored under this class too, i needed to skip "Last Modified infos" using the code below:
bool skip = false;
List<string> myFiles = new List<string>();
ChromeDriverService service = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
ChromeOptions option = new ChromeOptions();
var driver = new ChromeDriver(service, option);
driver.Url = "https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtXoQFW327DIyMwPjZhmauUCSSHXUA";
driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
foreach (IWebElement element in driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//span[#class='signalFieldValue_03700093']")))
if (!skip)
skip = true;
skip = false;
As a result, we have our filenames in string array named myFiles.
Hope this helps!
How can I add WebPart on Sharepoint WikiPage?
For example:
How can I add GettingStartedWebPart on Sharepoint 2013 home page (SitePages/Home.aspx)?
I used "Team Site" template for my Site Collection. And removed default
"Get started with your site" web part.
I am trying:
SPLimitedWebPartManager spLimitedWebPartManager = spFile.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared);
var gettingStartedWebPart = new GettingStartedWebPart();
spLimitedWebPartManager.AddWebPart(gettingStartedWebPart, "wpz", 0);
But it doesn't work. Do you have any idea how to do it? Thank you for your time :) and solutions.
I found the solution. First of all, you can use standard method for "Wiki Page" WikiEditPage.InsertWebPartIntoWikiPage. But, this method doesn't work correctly... More of this and one of the possible fix you can find if you read this article about SharePoint 2010 (The realization of WikiEditPage.InsertWebPartIntoWikiPage in SharePoint 2013 is the same as in SharePoint 2010): http://habaneroconsulting.com/insights/programmatically-change-content-on-a-wiki-page-in-sharepoint-2010#.VgAEAfmqpBd.
Also: http://maxshulga.blogspot.com/2010/06/wikieditpageinsertwebpartintowikipage.html
I've done something like this in the past with
private void AddWebPartToPage(SPWeb web, string filepath, string zoneidname, int zoneIndex)
SPLimitedWebPartManager wpm = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(filepath, System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared);
wpm.AddWebPart(wp, zoneidname, zoneIndex);
AddWebPartToPage(web, web.Url + "SitePages/Home.aspx", "CentreLeft", 0);
You will need to test this though.
Hope this helps.
I'm playing with SharePoint 2010 now and have a problem.
There is a feature that is responsible for webparts - it's scope is web. It's needed to update some properties of already created webparts, for example - title.
So I've overridden FeatureUpgrading event and added custom upgrade action into feature manifest - there is no problem here.
In that feature receiver I plan to have a code that should get the file with needed page, check it out, iterate through all the web parts on it, change property and then check in page back.
The problem is that all my webparts appear as ErrorWebPart with empty title.
By the way, if I use the same code in FeatureDeactivating event - everything works good.
The only difference I've noticed - in featureupgrading HttpContext.Current was null. So I've populated it manually but it didn't help.
While googling, the only two advices were: populate HttpContext and ensure that libs with webparts are in GAC. Both conditions are done in my situation.
The sample code from FeatureUpgrading is as proper:
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
var request = new HttpRequest("", web.Url, "");
HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(request, new HttpResponse(new StringWriter()));
HttpContext.Current.Items["HttpHandlerSPWeb"] = web;
var fileUrl = web.Url + "/pages/sample.aspx";
var file = web.GetFile(fileUrl);
if (file.CheckOutType == SPFile.SPCheckOutType.None)
using (var webPartsManager = file.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared))
foreach (WebPart webPart in webPartsManager.WebParts)
file.CheckIn("System update");
Would appreciate any help. Maybe there is something I'm missing or there is another variant to accomplish described task?
Since it is working on Deactivating(), I think the order in which the features are activated is the problem.
You may have to ensure the below:
1. First activate the Feature that adds the webparts
2. Then activate the new feature.
You can change this in package. Or better add a dependency to your new feature.
Hopefully you can help. I am working on a Browser Enabled InfoPath 2010 form that lives in a Document Library on a SharePoint site (2007 and 2010). In this form there is a repeating table with data that needs to be captured for reporting purposes. The solution I have chosen is to use the built in SharePoint lists.asmx Web Service to write the lines in the repeating table to a separate list on the sane SharePoint site, in the same site collection. I used the steps here, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc162745(v=office.12).aspx, as my baseline.
I have gotten everything set up and working when run directly from the InfoPath form client site. The form opens and, on submit, the rows in the repeating table are written to the SharePoint list without any problems. However, once I deploy the form through Central Admin and test, none of the rows in the repeating table are getting written to the list. There are no errors or anything to indicate a problem with the code, and a boolean field used to indicate whether or not a row has been uploaded is set to true.
My first thought is that there is a problem with the permissions somewhere. Maybe when the service is called from client side it passes my credentials but when run from the server through the Document Library it's using something different? Shouldn't it use the credentials that are used to gain access to the SharePoint (which are also my AD credentials)? Is there a way to specify the use of the current users AD credentials when calling the lists.asmx web service in the code?
Anyway, not really sure where else to go with this. Any searching I do comes up with the same how two documentation on submitting to a SharePoint list in general. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is the code I am using to accomplish this.
if (MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:ShippingInformation/my:ShipDate", NamespaceManager).Value != "")
// If Ship Date is not blank, upload items in Material used to SP List where ForQuote is False
// Quote Number, RMA Number, Ship Date, Unit S/N,
// Create a WebServiceConnection object for submitting
// to the Lists Web service data connection.
WebServiceConnection wsSubmit =
(WebServiceConnection)this.DataConnections["Material Web Service Submit"];
//Create XPathNodeIterator object for the new Material Lines
XPathNodeIterator MaterialLines = this.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().Select("/my:myFields/my:RepairQuote/my:QuoteLines/my:QuoteLine", NamespaceManager);
int lineCount = 0;
foreach (XPathNavigator NewLines in MaterialLines)
lineCount += 1;
if (NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:ForQuote", NamespaceManager).Value == "false" && NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:LineSubmitted", NamespaceManager).Value == "false")
// Set the values in the Add List Item Template
// XML file using the values in the new row.
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/Field[#Name='Title']", NamespaceManager).SetValue(NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:lineItem", NamespaceManager).Value);
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/Field[#Name='RMANumber']", NamespaceManager).SetValue(MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:EntitlementContainer/my:RMANumber", NamespaceManager).Value);
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/Field[#Name='UnitSerialNumber']", NamespaceManager).SetValue(MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:EntitlementContainer/my:serialNumber", NamespaceManager).Value);
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/Field[#Name='ShipDate']", NamespaceManager).SetValue(MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:ShippingInformation/my:ShipDate", NamespaceManager).Value);
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/Field[#Name='OrderType']", NamespaceManager).SetValue(MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:RepairQuote/my:orderType", NamespaceManager).Value);
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/Field[#Name='QuoteNumber']", NamespaceManager).SetValue(MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:RepairQuote/my:quoteNumber", NamespaceManager).Value);
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/Field[#Name='LineQuantity']", NamespaceManager).SetValue(NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:lineQuantity", NamespaceManager).Value);
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/Field[#Name='LineNumber']", NamespaceManager).SetValue(lineCount.ToString());
// Set the value of Cmd attribute to "New".
DataSources["AddListItemTemplate"].CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/Batch/Method/#Cmd", NamespaceManager).SetValue("New");
// Submit the new row.
NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:LineSubmitted", NamespaceManager).SetValue("true");
I'm unsure why the code doesn't work when you deploy and call the lists web service in code. However I would suggest you to try debugging it to get to the root of the problem:
Step by Step – Debug InfoPath 2010 Forms Deployed on SharePoint 2010 Using Visual Studio 2010
Please try this out and step through it to see if it goes through the code as expected.
Well, I am not sure if it is the answer per se, but I believe the problem was related to security on the site. I got around this by using the SharePoint Object Model instead of the web service to create the list items (See http://www.bizsupportonline.net/browserforms/how-to-use-sharepoint-object-model-submit-data-infopath-browser-form-sharepoint-list.htm). With the SharePoint Object Model I am able to use AllowUnsafeUpdates. Also, where it took me quite a bit of time to get the web service set up, including the data connections, CAML file, etc. This way, however, only took a few minutes. Lesson learned, use the SharePoint Object Model if at all possible.
foreach (XPathNavigator NewLines in MaterialLines)
lineCount += 1;
if (NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:ForQuote", NamespaceManager).Value == "false" && NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:LineSubmitted", NamespaceManager).Value == "false")
using (SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site)
if (site != null)
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
// Turn on AllowUnsafeUpdates on the site
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
// Update the SharePoint list based on the values
// from the InfoPath form
SPList list = web.GetList("/Lists/InfoPathRtpItems");
if (list != null)
SPListItem item = list.Items.Add();
item["Title"] = NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:lineItem", NamespaceManager).Value;
item["RMANumber"] = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:EntitlementContainer/my:RMANumber", NamespaceManager).Value;
item["UnitSerialNumber"] = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:EntitlementContainer/my:serialNumber", NamespaceManager).Value;
item["ShipDate"] = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:ShippingInformation/my:ShipDate", NamespaceManager).Value;
item["OrderType"] = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:RepairQuote/my:orderType", NamespaceManager).Value;
item["QuoteNumber"] = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("./my:myFields/my:RepairQuote/my:quoteNumber", NamespaceManager).Value;
item["LineQuantity"] = NewLines.SelectSingleNode(".//my:lineQuantity", NamespaceManager).Value;
item["LineNumber"] = lineCount.ToString();
// Turn off AllowUnsafeUpdates on the site
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
// Close the connection to the site
// Close the connection to the site collection
I am using SharePiont Server 2007 Enterprise with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, and I am using publishing portal template. I am developing using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5. I want to know how to add a WebPart to all pages of a SharePoint Site? Any reference samples?
I want to use this WebPart to display some common information (but the information may change dynamically, and it is why I choose a WebPart) on all pages.
There are two ways to do this depending on your situation.
If the sites exist already, you need to iterate over the sites, adding the web part:
If the sites do not exist then you can add the web part to the site template:
How to add a web part page to a site definition?
Here's the code from Shiraz's first link worked out a bit more:
(Note: This code is not optimized, for instance, looping through a List's Items collection is not something you should normally do, but seeing as this is probably a one time action there's no problem)
private void AddCustomWebPartToAllPages()
using(SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sharepoint"))
private void GetWebsRecursively(SPWeb web)
//loop through all pages in the SPWeb's Pages library
foreach(var item in web.Lists["Pages"].Items)
SPFile f = item.File;
SPLimitedWebPartManager wpm = f.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared);
YourCustomWebPart wp = new YourCustomWebPart();
wp.YourCustomWebPartProperty = propertyValue;
wpm.AddWebPart(wp, "ZONEID", 1);
f.Publish("Added Web Part");
f.Approve("Web Part addition approved");
// now do this recursively
foreach(var subWeb in web.Webs)