press Enter key instead of clicking on a button in c# - c#

as you can understand from the title that how to when you press Enter key the button automatically work, how to write code in c# for pressing Enter key instead of clicking on button?
Thank you!!

Is this WinForms? If so, you can set the AcceptButton of the form to be the button in question. Doing so will make pressing Enter behave exactly like clicking the button with the mouse, but it will only have that effect if the currently focused element isn't something else that will also capture the keypress.

I had been trying to solve the same problem. When a button had focus, hitting the enter key did not result in the KeyDown or KeyPress event firing. However, the KeyUp event fired. Problem solved.
private void CmdNoP_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {
// I do not understand why this works
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Return) {
cmdNoP_MouseClick(sender, null);

I believe, [space] is default key, which would "click" active button (or check checkbox and so on). You can always write method for events like OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp or similar. In these events you can check pushed key and do, whats clicking button is doing if this key is [enter].

For WPF set IsDefault="True" in XAML or use the button properties to set IsDefault checkbox.


How to change button click event into enter event?

I'm new on C#, I made a button which makes appear another button and I want to remove the click event of this new one and change it into an enter(key) event.
When the button appears it only works when I click it but no when I press Enter.
As to your question,
The enter event is for when keyboard or mouse enter the control (button in this case).
From the sounds of your question, you are wanting to click the button when the 'Enter' key is pressed.
If this is WinForms, then you might actually want a property on the parent form called 'AcceptButton' ( This will make it so anytime the Enter key is hit (with the exception of controls such as a RichTextBox that accepts the return key) that button will be clicked (course you still need the button click event for the button).
Although you seem to be doing something weird in your example code image, so I'm not sure that's the correct solution for it. Instead, you need to look at maybe the Keyboard events, such as KeyPress ( There are several: KeyDown, KeyPress, KeyUp, and PreviewKeyDown.
Note these events require Keyboard focus on the control in question. So if add them to the button you are creating in your example code, then that button will need keyboard focus to receive the keyboard events.
Also, just FYI, if a button has keyboard focus, by default the SpaceBar will click that button for you, while the Enter key is generally reserved for clicking the Form's AcceptButton.

Assign a Keyboard key to a button click WINFORM

I am developing a small application with some buttons and textbox. What I am having problem is assigning a keyboard key (e.g. F3) to a button click.
For example if the user click the button Cash the code I wanted it's executed fine, but I want to make more easier instead clicking the button with mouse, I want the user be able to press the key on keyboard. I used the keydown event, also keypress event of that button, but still nothing.
I tried this keydown event
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
But still nothing
Do not use F3 function button it's used by OS for activating search. Enter key is fairs click event on focused control so do not use this also. Implement as suggested below.
In your Main form
Set KeyPreview to True in form load event.
Add KeyDown event handler with the following code
private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender,
KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.H)
//btncash_Click(null, null);

Omit action when pressing Enter on button

Is there a way to omit the (whatever) performed action on a button when the key is pressed? I already got some good inputs from SO and tried to catch the event via OnKeyPress or OnKeyDown - but I could not omit the Enter-action. I also liked the idea of disabling the Tabstop property, but as soon as I click the button the problem reoccurs.
OnKeyDown only seems to fire when "casual" keys (like a or z) are pressed, but not when Enter is hit. How can I detect it - when Enter is hit - on the button itself?
When you press ENTER inside a non-multiline field on a form with a default button set, the click event for this button is fired, like a click, not like a keyevent (keypress, keyup, keydown, etc).
Gets or sets the button on the form that is clicked when the user
presses the ENTER key.
If you don't want this behaviour (or want to prevent it), maybe you should remove it as the default button.
But if you need it to be default only in certain situations, you can bind/unbind it programatically:
form1.AcceptButton = btnSave;
form1.AcceptButton = null;
You can use : if(e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter){}
Check the Button.IsDefault property
Well, the fact that
When you press ENTER [...] the click event for this button is fired
made me think about the use of the OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) method instead of OnClick(EventArgs e). I gave it a shot and it totally fits my requirements - plus: it gives me the opportunity to only exclude the wrapped buttons from said issue, not involving any other controls in my application (like Form.AcceptButton).
Thanks for all your input, which made me think about the issue from another perspective!

Windows Phone Keyboard Back-key press event?

I am working on a windows phone application.
I noticed that after I show up a textbox and a keyboard, if I press physical "back" key, the keyboard will hide, and press again it will go back to previous page.
But I want the page to navigate to previous page when the "back" key is press the first time. So its like the keyboard is up, when I press back key, it directly go back to the previous page.
I tried to implement the BackKeyPressed event handler of the page but it does not seem work, since it is not called when the first time back key is pressed.
Anyone has any good idea with this? thank you
You can implement a KeyUp eventhandler on the inputbox and then detect for Escape key event before calling NavigationService.GoBack(). Here is a piece of code to illustrate my point and the effect you are describing above:
The XAML (SecondPage.xaml):
<TextBox x:Name="SomeTextBox" KeyUp="SomeTextBox_KeyUp"/>
The C# Code-behind:
private void SomeTextBox_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Escape)
you can implement the LostFoucs event handler of theTextBox,navigate to the page which you want in the handler.

create textbox one by one on enter keypress event

am using c# vs-2005
am on project to create textbox one by one on form1 and am success on button click event my code is below.
// declare location point of textbox on Global Area.
private point txtboxstartpoint=new point(10,10);
private void button_click (Object sender,EventArgs)
Textbox tbx = new TextBox();
tbx.Location= txtboxstartpoint;
tbx.size=new size (200,20);
txtboxstartpoint.y += 25;
this works fine on button click event but problem is on keypress event like on enter
i wants to create textbox on enter one by one. and for that i assume that any method have
to create and call enter keypress event on newly created control like textbox to create
another new textbox below the previous one.
Kindly help me. suggest proper code for the same.
It's very hard to understand your question, but let's try some guessing:
You have a form, and if a user presses some specific key, you'd like to create a new TextBox and show it on your form regardless which control has currently the focus in your form.
If this statement is true, you can set Form.KeyPreview to true. And add an event handler to Form.KeyDown.
Due to the fact, that you set the preview to true you'll get every keyboard hit before it will be give further to the control that has currently the focus. So here you can check if the key that was pressed is the one you're listening for. And if yes, just call your TextBoxFactory and set the e.Handled to true to prevent that this key stroke will additionally reach the currently focused control.
I use the KeyDown event, to intercept the 'F1' key to provide my small help in a very small programm. Here is the code:
private void MainForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F1)
//Your Code here

