I have DataTable Like this
Thank you Bob Vale for your help
what is (Select(X,i) mean in your linq,
but as i made a mistake in my table
I have this
No | Size | Type | FB | FP
100 | 2 | typeA | FB1 | A1
101 | 3 | typeB | FB1 | A1
101 | 4 | typec | FB1 | A1
103 | 4 | typeC | FB2 | A2
103 | 5 | typeD | FB2 | A2
103 | 6 | typeE | FB2 | A2
I want to have some thing like that
No | Size | Type | FB | FP
100 | 2 | typeA | FB1 | A1
101 | 3 | typeB | FB1 | A1
| 4 | typec | |
103 | 4 | typeC | FB2 | A2
| 5 | typeD | |
| 6 | typeE | |
How can I make it? I can make Group By
var result = from row in cableDataTable.AsEnumerable()
group row by new
FB = row.Field<string>("FB"),
FP = row.Field<string>("FP"),
Size = row.Field<int>("Size"),
Type = row.Field<int>("Type"),
no= row.Field<int>("no"),
} into g
select new
FB = g.Key.FB,
FP = g.Key.FP,
Size = g.Key.Size,
Type = g.Key.Type
no= g.Key.no
but it that could't give the result
thank you for your attention
How about this:
// First declare a conversion from the DataTable to an anon type
var rows = cableDataTable.AsEnumerable()
.Select(x => new {
Size = x.Field<int>("Size"),
Type= x.Field<string>("Type"),
FB = x.Field<string>("FB"),
FP = x.Field<string>("FP")
// Now use group by, ordering and select many to select the rows
var result = rows.GroupBy (row => new {row.FB, row.FP} )
.OrderBy (g => g.Key.FB)
.ThenBy(g => g.Key.FP)
.SelectMany(g => g.OrderBy(row => row.Size)
.Select((x,i) =>
new {
Size = x.Size,
Type = x.Type,
FB = (i==0) ? x.FB : null,
FP= (i==0) ? x.FP : null
You can use linq query as
var result = cableDataTable.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(g => new { g.FB, g.FP}).Select(x => x);
| animalId | animal | typeId |
| 1 | snake | 1 |
| 2 | cat | 2 |
| typeId | type |
| 1 | reptile |
| 2 | mammal |
| bodyId | body | animalId |
| 1 | tail | 1 |
| 2 | eye | 1 |
| 3 | tail | 2 |
| 4 | eye | 2 |
| 5 | leg | 2 |
Table relation:
Animal.typeId = AnimalType.typeId
Animal.animalId = AnimalBody.animalId
I need to output them into JSON format as below:
animalId: 1,
animal: "snake",
type: "reptile",
body: {
"tail", "eye"
animalId: 2,
animal: "cat",
type: "mammal",
body: {
"tail", "eye", "leg"
How can I achieve this with pure LINQ clauses instead of method?
I have tried:
from animal in db.Animal
join animalType in db.AnimalType on animal.typeId equals animalType.typeId
select new
animalId = animal.animalId,
animal = animal.animal,
type = animalType.type,
body = ?
Assuming you want the body element to be an array of body parts, here's what you should do:
Join Animals with AnimalTypes:
var animalsWithType = db.Animals.Join(
animal => animal.typeId,
animalType => animalType.typeId,
(animal, type) => new { animal, type });
Afterwards, GroupJoin animalsWithType with AnimalBody elements:
var result = animalsWithType.GroupJoin(db.AnimalBodies,
animalWithType => animalWithType.animal.animalId,
body => body.animalId,
(animalWithType, bodyParts) => new
animalId = animalWithType.animal.animalId,
animal = animalWithType.animal.animal,
type = animalWithType.type.type,
body = bodyParts.Select(part => part.body)
Now, just export the result to JSON and you should be set.
how to assign colour to duplicate values in a list
This my table
| user_id | account_no | zip | date |
| 1 | 123 | 55555 | 12-DEC-09 |
| 1 | 123 | 66666 | 12-DEC-09 |
| 1 | 123 | 55555 | 13-DEC-09 |
| 2 | 456 | 77777 | 14-DEC-09 |
| 2 | 456 | 77777 | 14-DEC-09 |
| 2 | 789 | 77777 | 14-DEC-09 |
| 2 | 789 | 77777 | 14-DEC-09 |
You can assign a color in this way:
var userIdGroups = db.TableName.GroupBy(x => x.user_id).AsEnumerable();
var itemsWithColors = userIdGroups
.SelectMany(g => g.Select((x, index) => index == 0
? new { Item = x, Color = Color.Black }
: new { Item = x, Color = Color.Red }));
Now use a foreach loop to process this query and add these items to your UI control.
I have a collection like this:
Order //Collection
|-OrderDetails //Collection
| |-ItemName
| |-Quantity
| |-Rate
| |-Amount
|-Dispatch //Collection
| |-InvoiceNo
| |-DateOfDispatch
| |-DispatchDetails //Collection
| | |-ItemName
| | |-Quantity
| | |-Rate
| | |-Amount
Now I want to flatten this collection, so that I can show data in below mentioned pattern:
OrderId | DateOfOrder | PartyName | InvoiceNo | DateOfDispatch | Dispatch ItemName | Dispatch Quantity | Dispatch Rate | Dispatch Amount
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
I have tried:
Orders = new ObservableCollection<Order>(orderService.GetAllOrders()
.SelectMany(x => x.Dispatches)
.SelectMany(x => x.DispatchDetails)
The relation between OrderDetails and DispatchDetails is not clear to me, and DispatchItemTransactions seems to be missing from your data structure. Anyway, I hope you find this simple approach useful:
foreach(var order in Orders)
foreach(var dispatch in order.Dispatches)
foreach(var dispatchDetail in dispatch.DispatchDetails)
// now construct your record object from order.OrderId, order.DateOfOrder, ... , dispatchDetail.Amount
For this to work you'll need to construct new Order and Dispatch objects. Also query syntax will make this much easier to read.
Orders = new ObservableCollection<Order>(
from o in orderService.GetAllOrders
from d in o.Dispatches
from dd in d.DispathDetails
select new Order
OrderId = o.OrderId,
DateOfOrder = o.DateOfOrder,
PartyName = o.PartyName,
Dispatches = new List<Dispatch>
new Dispatch
InvoiceNo = d.InvoiceNo
DateOfDispatch = d.DateOfDispatch
DispatchDetails = new List<DispatchDetail> { dd }
Though instead of a collection of Order you might want to just use an anonymous class instead
from o in orderService.GetAllOrders
from d in o.Dispatches
from dd in d.DispathDetails
select new
OrderId = o.OrderId,
DateOfOrder = o.DateOfOrder,
PartyName = o.PartyName,
InvoiceNo = d.InvoiceNo
DateOfDispatch = d.DateOfDispatch,
DispatchItemName = dd.ItemName,
DispatchQuantity = dd.Quantity,
DispatchRate = dd.Rate,
DispatchAmount = dd.Amount
I have a list with complex data
public class CAR
public int ID {get ; set ; }
public string Name { get ; set ; }
public string EngineType { get ; set ; }
public List<string> Months { get; set; }
Note that Months data is List<string> its max count is 150
List<CAR> A = new List<CAR>();
List<CAR> B = new List<CAR>();
A has follwoing data
ID | Name | EngineType | Months[0] | Months[1] | Months[2] | Months[3] .. | Months[149] |
1 | Zen | 1001 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 5 .. | 6 |
2 | Benz | 2002 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 6 .. | 2 |
3 | Zen | 1001 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 5 .. | 0 |
4 | Zen | 1001 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 5 .. | 6 |
5 | Zen | 2002 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 5 .. | 6 |
6 | Benz | 2002 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 .. | 1 |
IF EngineType and Name are same we add those rows and store the result in a single row
Eg : adding rows
row 1 in B = 1 + 3 + 4
row 2 in B = 2 + 6
row 3 in B = 5
B should contain the following op
ID | Name | EngineType | Months[0] | Months[1] | Months[2] | Months[3] ... | Months[149] |
- | Zen | Petrol | 6 | 4 | 15 | 15 .. | 12 |
- | Benz | Diesel | 7 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 3 |
- | Zen | Diesel | 2 | 2 | 4 | 5 .. | 6 |
had months data been separate entity of type integer something else i could have done this
B = from val in A
group val by new val.EngineType into g
select new CAR{
EngineType = g.Key,
Name = g.Name,
Month0 = g.Sum(p => p.Month0),
Month1 = g.Sum(p => p.Month1),
Month2 = g.Sum(p => p.Month2),
Month148 = g.Sum(p => p.Month148),
Month149 = g.Sum(p => p.Month149)
But since its of type List<string> is there a way to get this done?
Thanks a lot!
Use the power of LINQ:
var B = A.GroupBy(x => new { x.Name, x.EngineType })
.Select(g => new Car
Name = g.Key.Name,
EngineType = g.Key.EngineType,
Months = g.SelectMany(x => x.Months.Select((y,i) => new { i, y = int.Parse(y) }))
.GroupBy(x => x.i)
.OrderBy(g2 => g2.Key)
.Select(g2 => g2.Sum(x => x.y).ToString()).ToList()
foreach (CAR c in A)
bool blnadded = false;
if (B.Count == 0)
blnadded = true;
foreach (CAR d in B)
if (d.Name == c.Name && d.EngineType == c.EngineType)
for (int i = 0; i < d.Months.Count; i++)
d.Months[i] = (Convert.ToInt32(d.Months[i]) + Convert.ToInt32(c.Months[i])).ToString();
blnadded = true;
if (blnadded==false)
I have an class which contains the following properties:
public class SomeClass()
public Int32 ObjectId1 {get;set;}
public Int32 ObjectId2 {get;set;}
public Int32 ActiveThickeness {get;set;}
public Int32 ActiveFilterThickness {get;set;}
I also have 2 lists:
List<SomeClass> A
List<SomeClass> B
List A has data:
| ObjectId1 | ObjectId2 | ActiveThickness | ActiveFilterThickness |
| 1 | 3 | 50 | 0 |
| 1 | 2 | 400 | 0 |
| 4 | 603 | 27 | 0 |
List B has data:
| ObjectId1 | ObjectId2 | ActiveThickness | ActiveFilterThickness |
| 1 | 3 | 0 | 13671 |
| 1 | 2 | 0 | 572 |
| 29 | 11 | 0 | 4283 |
I want to merge A and B (using LINQ if possible) into List C of SomeCalss which contains data as followed:
| ObjectId1 | ObjectId2 | ActiveThickness | ActiveFilterThickness |
| 1 | 3 | 50 | 13671 |
| 1 | 2 | 400 | 572 |
| 29 | 11 | 0 | 4283 |
| 4 | 603 | 27 | 0 |
How can I achieve that?
Use GroupBy to group common objects and Sum to sum required properties
var ab = A.Concat(B).GroupBy(x => new
var result = ab.Select(x => new SomeClass
ObjectId1 = x.Key.ObjectId1,
ObjectId2 = x.Key.ObjectId2,
ActiveFilterThickness = x.Sum(i => i.ActiveFilterThickness),
ActiveThickeness = x.Sum(i => i.ActiveThickeness)
See LINQ - Full Outer Join (SO).
By doing a left outer join and a right outer join, and then taking the union of those two, you should get what you're looking for.
var leftOuterJoin = from someclass1 in A
join someclass2 in B
on someclass1.ObjectID2 equals someclass2.ObjectID2
into temp
from item in temp.DefaultIfEmpty(new SomeClass(){ objectID1 = someclass1.objectID1, ... })
select new SomeClass()
var rightOuterJoin = from someclass2 in B
join someclass1 in A
on someclass1.ObjectID2 equals someclass2.ObjectID2
into temp
from item in temp.DefaultIfEmpty(new SomeClass(){ objectID1 = someclass1.objectID1, ... })
select new SomeClass()
var fullOuterJoin = leftOuterJoin.Union(rightOuterJoin);