I'm working on custom UI for company's directory based on Lync. Using Lync 2013 I execute this search:
ContactsAndGroupsCallback, SearchQuery);
For each of matching contacts I try to access their endpoints to display phone number:
var cit = ContactInformationType.ContactEndpoints;
var endpoints = contact.GetContactInformation(cit) as List<object>;
If found contact is in the contact list of account I'm using to connect Lync, then I get access to full details (5 endpoints). However if he is not in contact list, I get access to only 1 endpoint.
Any ideas why is it happening like that? Is there a global privacy setting I need to turn off or something?
How can I get access to all endpoints at all times?
Thank you.
PS: I tried to load each contact in the result set individually and still get the same behavior.
I encountered a similar problem when trying to write a program to obtain the status of all users on Lync SDK 2010. Chose all users and read it's status (online / offline etc.). But it's working out well with only those contacts that were in the list of client contacts. I do not know why, but the solutions are not found.A little later I use UCMA 4 (with Application endpoint), though the list received from AD and only able to get the current status.
Maybe it makes sense to use the search by AD? Find phone number by user sip? If so, try to use this filter for DirectorySearcher:
searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress=*))"; //put sip instead of *
P.S. what sdk are you using?
Answer from Microsoft Support:
The behavior you are seeing is due to presence subscription optimization to the Lync client so that the subscription is delayed until the necessary contact information is required by the Lync client. Photo is an example for this optimization. Another example is ContactEndpoints. Please take a look at Contact presence subscription changes section of the Migration doc for Lync 2013 page in MSDN docs.
Specifically you must create and maintain your own ContactSubscription for the contacts that you need all the ContactEndpoints.
I have been facing the same issue. You can try loading the person's ContactCard before calling the GetContactInformation function explicitly
Microsoft.Lync.Controls.ContactCard objContactCard = new Microsoft.Lync.Controls.ContactCard();
ContactSubscription _contactSubscription = lyncObj.ContactManager.CreateSubscription();
_contactSubscription.Subscribe(ContactSubscriptionRefreshRate.High, _ContactInformationList);
However, you still might get some delay in getting the information (phone numbers). You can choose to use Thread.Sleep or might just want to retry.
Hope this helps.
Problematic is relying on contact information even for the lync client user. In our solution we are doing something like this:
Contact user = LyncClient.GetClient().Self.Contact;
string email = user.GetContactInformation(ContactInformationType.PrimaryEmailAddress) as string;
I would expect that the current lync user contact always is filled properly. And if it wasn't, I'd expect the code to throw an exception or at least return null or an empty string.
Instead it sometimes returns the sip-uri of the contact without the leading "sip:" prefix. Oddly enough this is not always reproducable: Most of the time the code above returns the primary email address (according to active directory) correctly, sometimes it behaves as mentioned above.
I'm trying to figure out how to let a user redeem a discount/ promo code in Stripe.
Looking at the documentation I think should retrieve the code using PromotionCodeService() so I can then get the discount amount to apply to the subscription, something like
var service = new PromotionCodeService();
But I cannot seem to get access to that service as I can the ProductService(), CouponService() etc.
Can anyone point me to any example code on where this has been done before, I'm sure it's a common enough thing.
Thanks in advance
Generally the integration would be
you accept some input from the user for the user-facing code they entered
use https://stripe.com/docs/api/promotion_codes/list#list_promotion_code-code to look up the promo code objects related
create the user's subscription and pass PromotionCode in the SubscriptionCreateOptions with the ID of one of the objects(https://stripe.com/docs/billing/subscriptions/discounts/codes#applying-promotion-codes)
But I cannot seem to get access to that service as I can the ProductService(), CouponService() etc
That almost certainly means you're using an old version of the stripe-dotnet library from before when that service was added, so upgrading should fix that. https://github.com/stripe/stripe-dotnet/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#37290---2020-08-05
Long shot, but I'd like to fiddle with ViaGogo API (C# library more precisely). ViaGogo has a well documented public API, documentation is avaliable here.
Problem is, you need to authenticated as it usually happens with this kind of APIs: usually, you find a section of the website, maybe in your profile section, where you can obtain keys, secrets and so on (this happens for example on Facebook or Amazon).
As for ViaGogo, I only found a link that points to a Google Form: this form asks for info about advertising and affiliation on a complete different level of what I need, I won't publish anything read via API. Furthermore, there's no field to leave an e-mail address.
Their C# library seems pretty popular as far as I can tell from downloads from NuGet; I wonder how all these thousands of devs succesfully called that API.
Has anyone succesfully obtained authentication info from ViaGogo?
According to note in registration form, you have to wait for 30 days for their reply.
For more help you can contact them on following contacts:
E-mail: affiliate#viagogo.com
Telephone: +442075532777
There doesn't seem to be any way around this registration according to their website and the api itself -- an appID and password is required. You may try your luck emailing them at Affiliate.Team#viagogo.com -- see this issue on github where the possibility of getting an account via email is discussed: https://github.com/viagogo/developer.viagogo.net/issues/24
I use the .Net API for managing my organization's users within Google Apps. Within the directory API you can "RetrieveUser". This returns a User object that has a date property of "LastLoginTime".
Google used to separate out their Last Login Time for an account into three categories using the previous api.
last_login_time - the last time you directly logged into a google service using a UI
last_web_mail_time - the last time you logged into gmail.com webmail
last_pop_time - the last time you popped or imap'ed from their server. (indirect login)
In the new SDK, I don't see a specific "How we populate this" comment within their documentation. I'm wondering, and having trouble testing to figure out the rules myself:
How this is populated?
If it is not all encompassing usage that updates this date (usage meaning ANY interaction between the user and their account), how do I get other dates?
I use the last usage date to recycle idle users. Thus I need an accurate representation of what this date is. I've tested, and it appears popping from a google account is not represented within the SDK LastLoggedIn property, even though you need to log in to pop. Thus, any user that pops from the account and doesn't "Log In" could be deleted by accident.
API Reference
Appreciate any help.
These three (And more) properties still exist, just not attached to the "LastLoginTime". If you want to know if an account is truly idle, you'll need to use the Google.Apis.Admin.Reports.reports_v1 API. You can install via NuGet.
After you make your service object (Many stack answers can show you how to do this), usage is below:
UserUsageReportResource resource = _service.UserUsageReport;
UserUsageReportResource.GetRequest request = resource.Get("User#domain.ca", "yyyy-mm-dd");
UsageReports report = request.Execute();
All the interaction dates will need to be searched through, including LastLoginTime, and then take the latest. Each application has different dates all pertaining to when the last time the user did X action.
LastLoginTime appears to be simply the last time a user directly, or indirectly (via device), logged into the Gmail service. This does not include logging in for pop etc.
I know this has been posted before, but never really answered, I'm using the DotNetOpenAuth to try and do GoogleID login, and every time I do details = OResponse.GetExtension<ClaimsResponse>(); I always, always, always get back null, I don't get whats the point of the GoogleID if I can't get back any information, I would think at the very least I would get an email address, so I could associate it other login information in my databse. I just don't understand could really use some help, Im probably just looking at openID in the wrong way.
I'm using ASP.NET and looking to use openID/Facebook as my sole means of logging in users, I really don't want to mess with membership roles, or extra junk that ASP.NET likes to add.
Yes, this has been asked and answered many times. Google does support AX. But it ignores any attributes marked as "optional". So if you want the email address, you have to say that email address is a required attribute.
The ClaimsResponse extension you're checking for isn't AX -- it's Simple Registration. But if you have AXFetchAsSregTransform behavior turned on (highly recommended) then it allows you to just use ClaimsRequest and ClaimsResponse exclusively, and DotNetOpenAuth will automatically translate to and from AX behind-the-scenes for you.
Alternatively, you can use FetchReqest and FetchResponse to speak AX directly to Google.
But (and I can't hammer this hard enough), do not use the email address as the user's unique identifier!!! Instead, use the IAuthenticationResponse.ClaimedIdentifier string as the unique identifier. Email address should generally be considered just a helpful hint that can be used to prefill a registration form. You shouldn't even trust that the email address you get is really under the user's control (that's one reason why it shouldn't be considered their unique id) since the Provider can lie to you. Google and Yahoo are two providers that promise (if you choose to trust them) that the email addresses have been verified, so you can skip the email validation step for users from them if you wish.
It doesn't appear that Google's OpenID server supports AX or sreg.
I would like to identify if an email address comes from a public provider or is from an established business. I consider public email addresses to be things such as:
Open email service providers, such as
gmail, hotmail and yahoo.
Anonymization services, such as mailinator or dispostable.
I'm aware that there is no foolproof way to do this, and obviously any list based solution would require constant updates.
Is there a public listing or .NET library that can do this for me?
Are there really that many free webmail providers out there? I would go with a 'blacklisting' style solution.
For example, flag everything in this wikipedia list as free (heck I would think covering gmail/hotmail/yahoo/aol would cover a huge % of users anyway). Then if you get more than 2 (or higher number if your site has high throughput) registrations from the same email domain, it notifies the admin to check the domain to see if it needs to be added to the 'blacklist'.
I would imagine there are much more reliable ways to detect business customers though. For example in Australia you could just ask for an ABN and then check that it's valid. Are you willing to punish small business who don't have email providing and just use a generic #gmail account?
Here is a link to SpamAssasin's freemail list: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/trunk/rules/20_freemail_domains.cf.
I suppose, checking against this list is a good start.
You might want to talk to the Better-Business-Bureau ( http://www.bbb.org ) and see if they provide some kind of a feed or API. I had a quick look at their site and couldn't see anything obvious, but it would be this kind of organisation I would head to first if I wanted to find out domain names belonging to established businesses. They do have a form on their site to search by email address ( http://www.bbb.org/us/Find-Business-Reviews/ )
Consider using HubSpot blocked domains list. It is not a guarantee that it is 100% accurate or complete.
They also provide a CSV file that you can download and parse programmatically. Link to CSV file is in the linked page.
I am guessing the ultimate goal is to clean your database from unwanted contacts that will increase the monthly bill. What you can do is the following:
Create a webhook that is triggered whenever a new contact is added.
In that webhook (which can be written in any language), check if the contact is in a blacklist (which is gmail/etc...).
Remove the contact if it is in a blacklist using an API call (you will need to first get the contact ID, which can be easily retrieved using API).