I've stored all URLs in my application with "http://" - I now need to go through and replace all of them with "https:". Right now I have:
foreach (var link in links)
if (link.Contains("http:"))
/// do something, slice or replace or what?
I'm just not sure what the best way to update the string would be. How can this be done?
If you're dealing with uris, you probably want to use UriBuilder since doing a string replace on structured data like URIs is not a good idea.
var builder = new UriBuilder(link);
builder.Scheme = "https";
Uri modified = builder.Uri;
It's not clear what the type of links is, but you can create a new collection with the modified uris using linq:
IEnumerable<string> updated = links.Select(link => {
var builder = new UriBuilder(link);
builder.Scheme = "https";
return builder.ToString();
The problem is your strings are in a collection, and since strings are immutable you can't change them directly. Since you didn't specify the type of links (List? Array?) the right answer will change slightly. The easiest way is to create a new list:
links = links.Select(link => link.Replace("http://","https://")).ToList();
However if you want to minimize the number of changes and can access the string by index you can just loop through the collection:
for(int i = 0; i < links.Length; i++ )
links[i] = links[i].Replace("http://","https://");
based on your current code, link will not be replace to anything you want because it is read only (see here: Why can't I modify the loop variable in a foreach?). instead use for
for(int a = 0; a < links.Length; a++ )
links[a] = links[a].Replace("http:/","https:/")
What about the urls having also url in the querystring part? I think we should also replace them. And because of the url encoding-escaping this is the hard part of the job.
private void BlaBla()
// call the replacing function
Uri myNewUrl = ConvertHttpToHttps(myOriginalUrl);
private Uri ConvertHttpToHttps(Uri originalUri)
Uri result = null;
int httpsPort = 443;// if needed assign your own value or implement it as parametric
string resultQuery = string.Empty;
NameValueCollection urlParameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(originalUri.Query);
if (urlParameters != null && urlParameters.Count > 0)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string key in urlParameters)
if (sb.Length > 0)
string value = urlParameters[key].Replace("http://", "https://");
string valuEscaped = Uri.EscapeDataString(value);// this is important
sb.Append(string.Concat(key, "=", valuEscaped));
resultQuery = sb.ToString();
UriBuilder resultBuilder = new UriBuilder("https", originalUri.Host, httpsPort, originalUri.AbsolutePath);
resultBuilder.Query = resultQuery;
result = resultBuilder.Uri;
return result;
Use string.Replace and some LINQ:
var httpsLinks = links.Select(l=>l.Replace("http://", "https://");
I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this.
In my SQL Database, have a data:
I want get a string:本科目镍铁中多元素样品前处理与本科目ICP测定法等预算科目的内容存在重复,核减2.50万元
You can use the helpful extension method from this question (second answer down) ReplaceFirst:
public static string ReplaceFirst(this string text, string search, string replace)
int pos = text.IndexOf(search);
if (pos < 0)
return text;
return $"{text.Substring(0, pos)}{replace}{text.Substring(pos + search.Length)}";
and then call it like this
var reason = "%s与%s等预算科目的内容存在重复,核减%d万元";
var results1 = "本科目镍铁中多元素样品前处理";
var results2 = "本科目ICP测定法";
var resultd = "2.50";
var final = reason
.ReplaceFirst("%s", results1)
.ReplaceFirst("%s", results2)
.ReplaceFirst("%d", resultd);
Where final is assigned
SELECT concat_ws('',ResultS1,'与',ResultS2,'等预算科目的内容存在重复,核减',ResultD,'万元') as Result
FROM `yourtable`
Follow the answer concatenate string in c#
string key = String.Join("", new String[] { ResultS1,'与',ResultS2,'等预算科目的内容存在重复,核减',ResultD,'万元'});
I found some solutions for my problem, which is quite simple:
I have a string, which is looking like this:
"\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"ctl00$cphMainContent$grid$ctl03$ucPicture$ctl00\""
My goal is to break it down, so I have a Dictionary of values, like:
Key = "name", value ? "ctl..."
My approach was: Split it by "\r\n" and then by the equal or the colon sign.
This worked fine, but then some funny Tester uploaded a file with all allowed charactes, which made the String looking like this:
"\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"ctl00_cphMainContent_grid_ctl03_ucPicture_btnUpload$fileUpload\"; filename=\"C:\\Users\\matthias.mueller\\Desktop\\- ie+![]{}_-´;,.$¨##ç %&()=~^`'.jpg\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg"
Of course, the simple splitting doesn't work anymore, since it splits now the filename.
I corrected this by reading out "filename=" and escaping the signs I'm looking to split, and then creating a regex.
Now comes my problem: I found two Regex-samples, which could do the work for the equal sign, the semicolon and the colon. one is:
The other one I found was:
The problem is, the first one doesn't only split, but it splits the equal sign and one character before this sign, which means my key in the Dictionary is "nam" instead of "name"
The second one works fine on this matter, but it still splits the escaped equal sign in the filename.
Is my approach for this problem even working? Would there be a better solution for this? And why is the first Regex cutting a character?
Edit: To avoid confusion, my escaped String looks like this:
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"ctl00_cphMainContent_grid_ctl03_ucPicture_btnUpload$fileUpload\"; filename=\"C\:\Users\matthias.mueller\Desktop\- ie+![]{}_-´\;,.$¨##ç %&()\=~^`'.jpg\""
So I want basically: Split by equal Sign EXCEPT the escaped ones. By the way: The string here shows only one \, but there are 2.
Edit 2: OK seems like I have a working solution, but it's so ugly:
Dictionary<string, string> ParseHeader(byte[] bytes, int pos)
Dictionary<string, string> items;
string header;
string[] headerLines;
int start;
int end;
string input = _encoding.GetString(bytes, pos, bytes.Length - pos);
start = input.IndexOf("\r\n", 0);
if (start < 0) return null;
end = input.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n", start);
if (end < 0) return null;
WriteBytes(false, bytes, pos, end + 4 - 0); // Write the header to the form content
header = input.Substring(start, end - start);
items = new Dictionary<string, string>();
headerLines = Regex.Split(header, "\r\n");
Regex regLineParts = new Regex(#"(?<!\\\\);");
Regex regColon = new Regex(#"(?<!\\\\):");
Regex regEqualSign = new Regex(#"(?<!\\\\)=");
foreach (string hl in headerLines)
string workString = hl;
//Escape the Semicolon in filename
if (hl.Contains("filename"))
String orig = hl.Substring(hl.IndexOf("filename=\"") + 10);
orig = orig.Substring(0, orig.IndexOf('"'));
string toReplace = orig;
toReplace = toReplace.Replace(toReplace, toReplace.Replace(";", #"\\;"));
toReplace = toReplace.Replace(toReplace, toReplace.Replace(":", #"\\:"));
toReplace = toReplace.Replace(toReplace, toReplace.Replace("=", #"\\="));
workString = hl.Replace(orig, toReplace);
string[] lineParts = regLineParts.Split(workString);
for (int i = 0; i < lineParts.Length; i++)
string[] p;
if (i == 0)
p = regColon.Split(lineParts[i]);
p = regEqualSign.Split(lineParts[i]);
if (p.Length == 2)
string orig = p[0];
orig = orig.Replace(#"\\;", ";");
orig = orig.Replace(#"\\:", ":");
orig = orig.Replace(#"\\=", "=");
p[0] = orig;
orig = p[1];
orig = orig.Replace(#"\\;", ";");
orig = orig.Replace(#"\\:", ":");
orig = orig.Replace(#"\\=", "=");
p[1] = orig;
items.Add(p[0].Trim(), p[1].Trim());
return items;
Needs some further testing.
I had a go at writing a parser for you. It handles literal strings, like "here is a string", as the values in name-value pairs. I've also written a few tests, and the last shows an '=' character inside a literal string. It also handles escaping quotes (") inside literal strings by escaping as \" -- I'm not sure if this is right, but you could change it.
A quick explanation. I first find anything that looks like a literal string and replace it with a value like PLACEHOLDER8230498234098230498. This means the whole thing is now literal name-value pairs; eg
The original string value is stored off in the literalStrings dictionary for later.
So now we split on semicolons (to get key=value strings) and then on equals, to get the proper key/value pairs.
Then I substitute the placeholder values back in before returning the result.
public class HttpHeaderParser
public NameValueCollection Parse(string header)
var result = new NameValueCollection();
// 'register' any string values;
var stringLiteralRx = new Regex(#"""(?<content>(\\""|[^\""])+?)""", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
var equalsRx = new Regex("=", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
var semiRx = new Regex(";", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
Dictionary<string, string> literalStrings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var cleanedHeader = stringLiteralRx.Replace(header, m =>
var replacement = "PLACEHOLDER" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
var stringLiteral = m.Groups["content"].Value.Replace("\\\"", "\"");
literalStrings.Add(replacement, stringLiteral);
return replacement;
// now it's safe to split on semicolons to get name-value pairs
var nameValuePairs = semiRx.Split(cleanedHeader);
foreach(var nameValuePair in nameValuePairs)
var nameAndValuePieces = equalsRx.Split(nameValuePair);
var name = nameAndValuePieces[0].Trim();
var value = nameAndValuePieces[1];
string replacementValue;
if (literalStrings.TryGetValue(value, out replacementValue))
value = replacementValue;
result.Add(name, value);
return result;
There's every chance there are some proper bugs in it.
Here's some unit tests you should incorporate, too;
public void TestMethod1()
var tests = new[] {
new { input=#"foo=bar; baz=quux", expected = #"foo|bar^baz|quux"},
new { input=#"foo=bar;baz=""quux""", expected = #"foo|bar^baz|quux"},
new { input=#"foo=""bar"";baz=""quux""", expected = #"foo|bar^baz|quux"},
new { input=#"foo=""b,a,r"";baz=""quux""", expected = #"foo|b,a,r^baz|quux"},
new { input=#"foo=""b;r"";baz=""quux""", expected = #"foo|b;r^baz|quux"},
new { input=#"foo=""b\""r"";baz=""quux""", expected = #"foo|b""r^baz|quux"},
new { input=#"foo=""b=r"";baz=""quux""", expected = #"foo|b=r^baz|quux"},
var parser = new HttpHeaderParser();
foreach(var test in tests)
var actual = parser.Parse(test.input);
var actualAsString = String.Join("^", actual.Keys.Cast<string>().Select(k => string.Format("{0}|{1}", k, actual[k])));
Assert.AreEqual(test.expected, actualAsString);
Looks to me like you'll need a bit more of a solid parser for this than a regex split. According to this page the name/value pairs can either be 'raw';
or quoted;
x="foo bar baz"
So you'll need to look for a solution that not only splits on the equals, but ignores any equals inside;
It might be that there is a better or more managed way for you to access this info. If you are using a classic ASP.NET WebForms FileUpload control, you can access the filename using the properties of the control, like
If you're using MVC, you can use the HttpPostedFileBase class as a parameter to the action method. See this answer
public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)
// Verify that the user selected a file
if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
// extract only the fielname
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
// store the file inside ~/App_Data/uploads folder
var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/uploads"), fileName);
// redirect back to the index action to show the form once again
return RedirectToAction("Index");
matches = not preceded by \\.
It should be:
(Make sure you use # (verbatim) strings for the regex, to avoid confusion)
I'm posting data to a service that requires that I submit duplicate query string keys (ugly and not specified in any standards).
I'm using WebClient object to build the request. I'd like to keep using it since it is used frequently elsewhere in the project.
When I do this
foreach(var f in formats)
client.QueryString.Add("formats", f);
I get a list &formats=format_1,format_2,format_3 which the service does not support.
Is there a better alternative than this old-school ugliness:
var extraQueryString = string.Empty;
extraQueryString += "?apiKey=" + TRANSCODE_KEY;
extraQueryString += "&fileKey=" + fileKey;
foreach (var f in formats)
extraQueryString += "&formats=" + f;
var response = client.UploadData(TRANSCODE_URI + "task" + extraQueryString , new byte[] { });
The reason for this is because the NameValueCollection separates duplicate keys with commas. You could extend the NameValueCollection and override the Get method and have it return the format you want.
public class DupeNVC: NameValueCollection
private string _duplicateKey;
public DupeNVC(string duplicateKey = null)
_duplicateKey = duplicateKey;
public override string Get(int index)
//check if duplicate key has been specified
//if not, then call the default Get implementation
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_duplicateKey))
ArrayList list = (ArrayList)base.BaseGet(index);
int num = (list != null) ? list.Count : 0;
if (num == 1)
return (string)list[0];
if (num > 1)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder((string)list[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++)
//format our string and append the duplicate key specified
stringBuilder.AppendFormat("&{0}=", _duplicateKey);
return stringBuilder.ToString();
return null;
return base.Get(index);
You can use it like a normal NameValueCollection but if you pass in a duplicate strning in the constructor, it will look for that duplicate key and run the modified code above (otherwise it will just use the default base.Get method.
DupeNVC dnvc = new DupeNVC("formats");
foreach(var f in formats)
dnvc.Add("formats", f);
webClient.QueryString = dnvc;
This hasn't been fully tested but it should output the querystring format you want. Of course, this could be extended further by taking a collection of duplicate keys but this was just to give you an idea for your current problem.
Here's my take on this. WebClient essentially works like the ToString method of this class; it gets all the keys and then retrieves the values one at a time, doing a concatenate. So I override the AllKeys to return an array with repeated elements..
For example if a particular key has multiple values:
nvc["hello"] = { "a", "b", "c" }
Then my AllKeys will return an array with "hello" 3 times. WebClient will naively request it 3 times. A Dictionary tracks how many times a "hello" has been requested, and returns a different one each time (pseudo enumerator)
public class ParrotingNameValueCollection : NameValueCollection
Dictionary<string, int> _indexTracker = new Dictionary<string, int>();
public override string[] AllKeys
var l = new List<string>();
foreach (var k in base.AllKeys)
foreach (var x in (ArrayList)base.BaseGet(k))
_indexTracker[k] = 0;
return l.ToArray();
public override string Get(string name)
var list = (ArrayList)base.BaseGet(name);
var toReturn = (string)list[_indexTracker[name]];
return toReturn;
public override string ToString()
string delimiter = String.Empty;
StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string name in this.AllKeys)
delimiter = "&";
return values.ToString();
I have a javascript function that returns an array.
I would like to know
(a) how to call the Javascript function in OnInit or Onload
(b) The javascript function returns an array and I want it to be stored within an array in my c# code.
Please suggest.
Update1: Javascript function is something like below.
function RenderUrl()
var url = "http://myurl.com/mypage?Id=420&Width=30"; //this is a dummy url.
var qsBegin = url.indexOf("?");
var qsPattern = new RegExp("[?&]([^=]*)=([^&]*)", "ig");
var match = qsPattern.exec(url);
var params = new Array();
while (match != null)
var matchID = match[1];
if ( matchID.charAt(0) == "&" )
matchID = matchID.substr(1);
if ( params[match[1]] != null && !(params[match[1]] instanceof Array) )
var subArray = new Array();
params[match[1]] = subArray;
else if ( params[match[1]] != null && params[match[1]] instanceof Array )
match = qsPattern.exec(url);
return params;
Update 2: My c# code so far (not working as expected but I am checking currently)
private void ParseUrl(string Url)
int WhereToBegin = Url.IndexOf("?");
string pattern = #"[?&]([^=]*)=([^&]*)";
Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
MatchCollection matches = rgx.Matches(Url);
while (matches != null)
string matchID = matches[0].ToString();
if (matchID.Substring(0, 1) == "&")
matchID = matchID.Substring(1);
//Push to the new array named PARAMS here (under construction)
//End array construction.
matches = rgx.Matches(Url);
//Finally return the array once it is working fine.
The javascript that you posted just extracts the parameters from the URL of the page. You don't need to use javascript to get that information in ASP.NET, you can get it from C# directly by looking at Request.QueryString (among other ways)
Last time I checked, you cannot call client side code from server side code.
First of all, i'm using the function below to read data from a pdf file.
public string ReadPdfFile(string fileName)
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
if (File.Exists(fileName))
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(fileName);
for (int page = 1; page <= pdfReader.NumberOfPages; page++)
ITextExtractionStrategy strategy = new SimpleTextExtractionStrategy();
string currentText = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(pdfReader, page, strategy);
currentText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ASCIIEncoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(currentText)));
return text.ToString();
As you can see , all data is saved in a string. The string looks like this:
label1: data1;
label2: data2;
label3: data3;
labeln: datan;
My question: How can i get the data from string based on labels ?
I've tried this , but i'm getting stuck:
if ( string.Contains("label1"))
extracted_data1 = string.Substring(string.IndexOf(':') , string.IndexOf(';') - string.IndexOf(':') - 1);
if ( string.Contains("label2"))
extracted_data2 = string.Substring(string.IndexOf("label2") + string.IndexOf(':') , string.IndexOf(';') - string.IndexOf(':') - 1);
Have a look at the String.Split() function, it tokenises a string based on an array of characters supplied.
string[] lines = text.Split(new[] {';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
now loop through that array and split each one again
foreach(string line in lines) {
string[] pair = line.Split(new[] {':'});
string key = pair[0].Trim();
string val = pair[1].Trim();
Obviously check for empty lines, and use .Trim() where needed...
Or alternatively as a nice Linq statement...
var result = from line in text.Split(new[] {';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
let tokens = line.Split(new[] {':'})
select tokens;
Dictionary<string, string> =
result.ToDictionary (key => key[0].Trim(), value => value[1].Trim());
It's pretty hard-coded, but you could use something like this (with a little bit of trimming to your needs):
string input = "label1: data1;" // Example of your input
string data = input.Split(':')[1].Replace(";","").Trim();
You can do this by using Dictionary<string,string>,
Dictionary<string, string> dicLabelData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
List<string> listStrSplit = new List<string>();
listStrSplit = strBig.Split(';').ToList<string>();//strBig is big string which you want to parse
foreach (string strSplit in listStrSplit)
if (strSplit.Split(':').ToList<string>().Count > 1)
List<string> listLable = new List<string>();
listLable = strSplit.Split(':').ToList<string>();
dicLabelData contains data of all label....
i think you can use regex to solve this problem. Just split the string on the break line and use a regex to get the right number.
You can use a regex to do it:
Regex rx = new Regex("label([0-9]+): ([^;]*);");
var matches = rx.Matches("label1: a string; label2: another string; label100: a third string;");
foreach (Match match in matches) {
var id = match.Groups[1].ToString();
var data = match.Groups[2].ToString();
var idAsNumber = int.Parse(id);
// Here you use an array or a dictionary to save id/data