write and update key to ini file c# - c#

i want write some setting to ini file with this code that search to find key and update it and if can't find the key add it to file . but it show this error :
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
i try this code :
internal class IniData
public string Key;
public string Value;
internal class IniSection : Dictionary<string, IniData>
public string Name { get; set; }
internal class IniFile : Dictionary<string, IniSection>
public string Path { get; set; }
public sealed class IniManager
private static readonly Dictionary<string, IniFile> IniFiles;
static IniManager()
IniFiles = new Dictionary<string, IniFile>();
public static void WriteIni(string fileName, string section, string key, string value)
/* Check if ini file exists in the ini collection */
var fileKey = fileName.ToLower();
if (!IniFiles.ContainsKey(fileKey))
if (!ImportIni(fileKey))
/* Add a new blank file */
var ini = new IniFile { Path = fileName };
IniFiles.Add(fileKey, ini);
/* Find section */
if (IniFiles[fileKey].ContainsKey(section.ToLower()))
/* Find key, if exists replace it */
if (IniFiles[fileKey][section.ToLower()].ContainsKey(key.ToLower()))
IniFiles[fileKey][section.ToLower()][key.ToLower()].Value = value;
var data = new IniData { Key = key, Value = value };
IniFiles[fileKey][section.ToLower()].Add(key.ToLower(), data);
/* Create new ini section */
var sec = new IniSection { Name = section };
var data = new IniData { Key = key, Value = value };
sec.Add(key.ToLower(), data);
IniFiles[fileKey].Add(section.ToLower(), sec);
private static bool ImportIni(string fileName)
if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { return false; }
string[] data;
using (var stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
data = reader.ReadToEnd().Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
catch (Exception) { return false; }
if (data.Length == 0) { return false; }
var file = new IniFile { Path = fileName };
var section = new IniSection();
foreach (var s in data)
if (s.StartsWith("[") && s.EndsWith("]"))
/* Section header */
if (section.Count > 0)
/* Add current section */
file.Add(section.Name.ToLower(), section);
section = new IniSection { Name = s.Replace("[", null).Replace("]", null) };
/* Using current section, parse ini keys/values */
var iniData = ParseIni(s);
section.Add(iniData.Key.ToLower(), iniData);
if (section.Count > 0)
/* Add current section */
//##################Erorr : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
file.Add(section.Name.ToLower(), section);
IniFiles.Add(fileName, file);
return true;
private static IniData ParseIni(string s)
var parts = s.Split('=');
return new IniData { Key = parts[0].Trim(), Value = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1].Trim() : string.Empty };
private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IniManager.WriteIni("seting.ini", "Sec", "key", "value");

Instead of implementing this yourself you should just use the API functions that Windows provide. Of course, if you need to run this on Mono or other platforms than Windows, you need to go back to a pure .NET implementation, but even so I would probably go look for an existing implementation instead of creating that wheel yourself.
Anywhere, here's the API functions:
Here's an example LINQPad program that uses them:
(hit F4 and paste the following two lines into the additional namespace tab):
Then try this program:
void Main()
var ini = new IniFile(#"d:\temp\test.ini");
ini.WriteValue("Section", "Key", "Value");
ini.ReadValue("Section", "Key").Dump();
ini["Main", "Key2"] = "Test";
ini["Main", "Key2"].Dump();
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
static extern uint GetPrivateProfileString(string lpAppName, string lpKeyName,string lpDefault, StringBuilder lpReturnedString, uint nSize,string lpFileName);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError=true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool WritePrivateProfileString(string lpAppName, string lpKeyName, string lpString, string lpFileName);
public class IniFile
const int MAX_SIZE = 1024;
private readonly string _FilePath;
public IniFile(string filePath)
if (filePath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");
_FilePath = filePath;
public string this[string section, string key]
return ReadValue(section, key);
WriteValue(section, key, value);
public string ReadValue(string section, string key, string defaultValue = null)
var result = new StringBuilder(MAX_SIZE);
if (GetPrivateProfileString(section, key, defaultValue ?? string.Empty, result, (uint)result.Capacity, _FilePath) > 0)
return result.ToString();
throw new Win32Exception();
public void WriteValue(string section, string key, string value)
if (!WritePrivateProfileString(section, key, value, _FilePath))
throw new Win32Exception();

The problem here is that if the file starts with a key and not with a section, the foreach doesn't match the if (s.StartsWith("[") && s.EndsWith("]")) at all and so the Section.Name is never set, thus it is null when called in file.Add(section.Name.ToLower(), section);
BTW: your code seems quite buggy, try to redesign it at least in the main foreach of ImportIni


C# (NET6) - creating keypair (public cert/private key) FROM PFX

I'd like to export PFX (public + private part) to separate files (*.cer, *.key). PFX may (or may not) be password protected.
I've tried to achieve my goal, which is fine with certificate (public), but causes a problem with private key.
My bootastrap class is as below:
public class CertBootstrap
private readonly FileInfo CertificateFile;
private readonly SecureString CertificatePassword;
public bool HasPasswordBeenSet { get; private set; } = false;
public X509Certificate2 Certificate { get; private set; }
public CertBootstrap(FileInfo certificationFile, string password)
throw new FileNotFoundException(certificationFile.FullName);
CertificateFile = certificationFile;
HasPasswordBeenSet = true;
CertificatePassword = ConvertPassword(password);
public CertBootstrap(FileInfo certificationFile)
throw new FileNotFoundException(certificationFile.FullName);
CertificateFile = certificationFile;
HasPasswordBeenSet = false;
public CertBootstrap(string certificationFullFileName, string password)
var certificateFile = new FileInfo(certificationFullFileName);
if(certificateFile == null || !certificateFile.Exists)
throw new FileNotFoundException(certificationFullFileName);
CertificateFile = certificateFile;
HasPasswordBeenSet = true;
CertificatePassword = ConvertPassword(password);
public CertBootstrap(string certificationFullFileName)
var certificateFile = new FileInfo(certificationFullFileName);
if(certificateFile == null || !certificateFile.Exists)
throw new FileNotFoundException(certificationFullFileName);
CertificateFile = certificateFile;
HasPasswordBeenSet = false;
public bool VerifyPassword(string password)
byte[] fileContent = File.ReadAllBytes(CertificateFile.FullName);
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(fileContent, password);
catch(CryptographicException ex)
if((ex.HResult & 0xFFFF) == 0x56)
return false;
return true;
private static SecureString ConvertPassword(string password)
var secure = new SecureString();
foreach(char c in password)
return secure;
public void LoadBootstrap()
LoadBootstrap(X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet);
public void LoadBootstrap(X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags)
this.Certificate = this.HasPasswordBeenSet ? new X509Certificate2(this.CertificateFile.FullName, this.CertificatePassword, keyStorageFlags) : new X509Certificate2(this.CertificateFile.FullName);
private static RSA ExportPrivateKeyCoreNet5Net6(RSA privateKey)
var password = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
PbeParameters pPar = new PbeParameters(PbeEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256Cbc, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, 100_000);
byte[] tempG = privateKey.ExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey(password, pPar);
using(RSA exportRewriter = RSA.Create())
exportRewriter.ImportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey(password, tempG, out _);
return exportRewriter;
catch(Exception e)
//catch this error
string em = e.Message;
private static byte[] ExportPrivateKey(RSA privateKey)
return privateKey.ExportPkcs8PrivateKey();
return ExportPrivateKeyCoreNet5Net6(privateKey).ExportRSAPublicKey();
public byte[] GeneratePrivateKeyPem()
byte[] privateCertKeyBytes = ExportPrivateKey(this.Certificate.GetRSAPrivateKey());
char[] newPemData = PemEncoding.Write("PRIVATE KEY", privateCertKeyBytes);
return newPemData.Select(c => (byte)c).ToArray();
public byte[] GenerateCertificatePem()
var certData = Certificate.RawData;
var newPemData = PemEncoding.Write("CERTIFICATE", certData);
return newPemData.Select(c => (byte)c).ToArray();
public FileInfo SaveCertificate()
var newData = GenerateCertificatePem();
var oldFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CertificateFile.FullName);
var newCertPemFile = new FileInfo($#"{CertificateFile.DirectoryName}\{oldFile}.cer");
return SaveNewCertFile(newCertPemFile, newData);
public FileInfo SavePrivateKey()
var newData = GeneratePrivateKeyPem();
var oldFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CertificateFile.FullName);
var newPrivateKeyPemFile = new FileInfo($#"{CertificateFile.DirectoryName}\{oldFile}.key");
return SaveNewCertFile(newPrivateKeyPemFile, newData);
public FileInfo SaveNewCertFile(FileInfo newFile, byte[] data)
File.WriteAllBytes(newFile.FullName, data);
return newFile;
With it, I'm trying to save private part:
// (...)
CertBootstrap certBootstrap = new CertBootstrap("simple.pfx");
// (...)
and it all ends up with exception: "The requested operation it not supported".
I found similar thread: Cannot export RSA private key parameters, the requested operation is not supported and tried to do the same (Export -> Import with password). But did not help.
Can You point me propper direction? Most probably I'm missing something, but am out of ideas for now.
Thank You in advance.

How to shortcut a variable in C#?

I'm accessing a value object as follows: accounts[accountNum]
I want to do some minor manipulation on this object, ie: increase it by something, etc. Rather than typing "accounts[accountNum] += something" I'd rather do something like this:
MemberData account = accounts[accountNum];
account.balance += something;
Ie: "account" should be a direct pointer, reference, or somehow "be equivalent to" typing "accounts[accountNum]". But since this is a value type and not a reference type, it makes a copy and I cannot manipulate that object directly.
All my research on using "ref" seems to talk about using it within method parameters and return types, not in variables. Is there a simple way to shortcut a long variable name whilst still referencing the same object?
Full source code - Please see specifically Line 46 & 51
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
/* * Description of the project:
* To implement an ATM machine which accepts deposits, withdrawals
* Account, Amount, Timestamp, TransactionID, Location
* Keep record of all accounts in TXT file, which is updated after each transaction. Of course in live system DB would be used.
* Keep another file that logs all transactions. Make it possible to LINQ the log associated with account, to show transaction history.
* TXT Accounts in form of:
* Account #, Name, Balance
* */
namespace ATMProject
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Globals.DisplayAccounts();
// Deposit.MakeDeposit(1000009, 500, "sydney");
static class Deposit
//TODO Deposit: * Account #, Amount, Timestamp, TransactionID, Location
public static void MakeDeposit(long accountNum, long amount, string location)
string timestamp;
string transactionID;
timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm");
transactionID = Globals.GenerateValidTransactionID();
using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(Globals.transactions, true))
string transactString = $"DEPOSIT| {accountNum}| {amount}| {timestamp}| {transactionID}| {location}";
Dictionary<long, MemberData> accounts = Globals.GenerateAccounts();
MemberData account = accounts[accountNum];
account.balance += amount;
accounts[accountNum] = account;
//ref MemberData account = ref accounts[accountNum];
catch (KeyNotFoundException)
Console.WriteLine("Deposit failed, selected account number does not exist in accounts.txt");
static class Withdraw
static class CreateAccount
public static void Create(string name, long StartDeposit)
long accountNumber;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Globals.accountIter))
accountNumber = Convert.ToInt64(sr.ReadLine());
using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(Globals.accounts, true))
string accountAdd = $"{accountNumber}| {name}| {StartDeposit}";
Console.WriteLine("Successfully created account #" + accountNumber);
struct MemberData
public long accountNum;
public string name;
public long balance;
public MemberData(long accountNum, string name, long balance)
this.accountNum = accountNum;
this.name = name;
this.balance = balance;
public override string ToString()
string thisStr = $"Account #: {accountNum}, Name: {name}, Balance: {balance}";
return thisStr;
static class Globals
public static string basepath = "C:\\Users\\root\\RiderProjects\\ConsoleApp1\\ATMProject\\";
public static string accounts = basepath + "accounts.txt"; //path to all accounts
public static string transactions = basepath + "transactions.txt"; //path to all accounts
public static string accountIter = basepath + "accountIter.txt"; //path to the current account iter
public static string transactIter = basepath + "transactIter.txt"; //path to the current account iter
//class values
public static long GetNextAccountNumber() //returns the next available account #
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(accountIter))
long currAccountIter = Convert.ToInt64(sr.ReadLine());
return currAccountIter;
catch (IOException e)
return -1;
public static void SetNextAccountNumber() //increments the account #
long currAccountIter = GetNextAccountNumber();
if (currAccountIter == -1)
Console.WriteLine("Could not SetNextAccountNumber");
using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(accountIter, false))
currAccountIter += 1;
public static Dictionary<long, MemberData> GenerateAccounts() //Returns Dictionary in form of <Account Number, MemberData>
Dictionary<long, MemberData> memberList = new Dictionary<long, MemberData>();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(accounts))
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
var memberSplit = sr.ReadLine().Split("| ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
long accountNum = Convert.ToInt64(memberSplit[0]);
string name = memberSplit[1];
long balance = Convert.ToInt64(memberSplit[2]);
MemberData member = new MemberData(accountNum, name, balance);
memberList.Add(accountNum, member);
return memberList;
public static void DisplayAccounts()
Console.WriteLine("List of all Accounts:\n===========");
foreach (var member in GenerateAccounts())
public static string GetTimestamp()
string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
return timestamp;
private static string GetTransactionIter()
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(transactIter))
string transactionID = sr.ReadLine();
return transactionID;
public static string GenerateValidTransactionID()
string IDPart;
string timestamp = GetTimestamp();
string transactionID = GetTransactionIter();
string numberSlice = transactionID.Substring(14);
string timestampSlice = transactionID.Substring(0, 14);
if (timestamp == timestampSlice)
IDPart = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt64(numberSlice) + 1);
transactionID = timestamp + IDPart;
transactionID = timestamp + 0;
return transactionID;
public static void WriteTransactionID(string transactionID) //overwrite and write current transactionID to iter
using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(transactIter, false))
public static void GenereateAndWriteTransactionID()
Since C# 7 you can use local ref variables:
ref int niceName = ref localVariable.Values.SubArray.Here;
niceName += 20;
Note that you can not use this in async methods. And it does neither work with properties nor indexers (except for arrays).

Using .resx file in Azure Function App

I am creating a new webhook C# function in Azure that I wish to return fixed content in different translations depending on either an incoming lang query parameter or the Accept-Language header.
For storing the different translations I naturally think of .resx files. Is there a way to utilize .resx files in Azure Function Apps?
It doesn't look like resource files are supported properly yet.
I worked around by reading the embedded resource file(s) into a resource set.
var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
var resourceName = $"FunctionApp.Properties.Resources.{culture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName}.resources";
var cultureResourceSet = new ResourceSet(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName));
var localizedString = cultureResourceSet.GetString(resourceKey);
// fallback to default language if not found
Provided answer did not help me so I've done small wrapper
public static class ResourceWrapper
private static Dictionary<string, ResourceSet> _resourceSets = new Dictionary<string, ResourceSet>();
static ResourceWrapper()
_resourceSets.Add("uk", Load("uk"));
_resourceSets.Add("ru", Load("ru"));
_resourceSets.Add("en", Emails.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, false, false));
private static ResourceSet Load(string lang)
var asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "bin", lang, "Function.App.resources.dll"));
var resourceName = $"Function.App.Resources.Emails.{lang}.resources";
var tt = asm.GetManifestResourceNames();
return new ResourceSet(asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName));
public static string GetString(string key)
return _resourceSets[CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName].GetString(key);
this was my solution:
First i do this:
public void SetLanguage(FunctionRequestDTO data)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.LanguageSetting))
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(data.LanguageSetting);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(data.LanguageSetting);
public static class ResourceWrapper
private static Dictionary<string, ResourceSet> ResourceSets = new Dictionary<string, ResourceSet>();
private const string DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_VALUE = "default";
static ResourceWrapper()
ResourceSets.Add(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_VALUE, new ResourceSet(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Function.Logic.Resources.Resource.resources")));
catch { }
public static void Load(string lang)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang) || ResourceSets.ContainsKey(lang))
lock (new object())
if (ResourceSets.ContainsKey(lang))
string rootPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME")))
rootPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") + "\\site\\wwwroot\\";
var asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(rootPath, "bin", lang, "Function.Logic.resources.dll"));
var resourceName = $"Function.Logic.Resources.Resource.{lang}.resources";
ResourceSets.Add(lang, new ResourceSet(asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)));
catch { }
public static string GetString(string key)
string value = "";
string language = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name.ToLower();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(language))
if (ResourceSets.ContainsKey(language))
value = ResourceSets[language].GetString(key);
catch { }
return value ?? "";

c# How to write to a ini file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Reading/writing an INI file
(17 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I would like to know how i should write text to a ini file. The reading of the file is already done. Now i just have to know how to write to the file.
It should look like this when its in the INI file:
Description=H83048 processor mode 7
If you would like to see how i read from the file ask me for the source code please because i could not figure out how i should do this.
I write it like this:
namespace Flashloader
class Controllerlist : List<Controller>
public Controllerlist FromIniFile()
StringList input = new StringList().FromFile("Controllers.ini");
Controller controller = null;
foreach (var item in input)
String line = item.Trim();
if (line.StartsWith("[") && line.EndsWith("]"))
String name = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2);
controller = new Controller(name);
else if (controller != null)
int index = line.IndexOf('=');
if (index < 0)
String key = line.Substring(0, index).Trim();
String value = line.Substring(index + 1).Trim();
if (Utils.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, "Description"))
controller.Description = value;
else if (Utils.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, "Bootfile"))
controller.Bootfile = value;
else if (Utils.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, "Extension"))
controller.Extension = value;
return this;
public Controller FindByName(String name)
foreach (var item in this)
if (Utils.EqualsIgnoreCase(item.Name, name))
return item;
return null;
Try this class:
public class IniFile
public string path;
private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(string section,
string key,string val,string filePath);
private static extern int GetPrivateProfileString(string section,
string key,string def, StringBuilder retVal,
int size,string filePath);
public IniFile(string INIPath)
path = INIPath;
public void IniWriteValue(string Section,string Key,string Value)
public string IniReadValue(string Section,string Key)
StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(255);
int i = GetPrivateProfileString(Section,Key,"",temp,255, this.path);
return temp.ToString();
This is the best solution to write/read INi file. http://www.blackwasp.co.uk/IniFile.aspx

.NET binary XML with pre-shared dictionary

I'm using XmlDictionaryWriter to serialize objects to a database with data contract serializer.
It works great, both size and speed are 2 times better then using text/xml.
However, I'll have to deal with enormous count of records in my database, where any extra bytes are directly translated into the gigabytes of the DB size.
That's why I'd love to reduce the size further, by using an XML dictionary.
How do I do that?
I see that XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter static method accepts the 2-nd parameter of type IXmlDictionary. The MSDN says "The XmlDictionary to use as the shared dictionary".
First I've tried to use the system-supplied implementation:
XmlDictionary dict = new XmlDictionary();
string[] dictEntries = new string[]
foreach ( string s in dictEntries )
dict.Add( s );
The result is .NET framework completely ignores the dictionary, and still inserts the above strings as plain text instead of just referencing a corresponding dictionary entry.
Then I've created my own implementation of IXmlDictionary:
class MyDictionary : IXmlDictionary
Dictionary<int, string> values = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Dictionary<string, int> keys = new Dictionary<string, int>();
string[] dictEntries = new string[]
foreach ( var s in dictEntries )
this.Add( s );
static IXmlDictionary s_instance = new MyDictionary();
public static IXmlDictionary instance { get { return s_instance; } }
void Add( string val )
if ( keys.ContainsKey( val ) )
int id = values.Count + 1;
values.Add( id, val );
keys.Add( val, id );
bool IXmlDictionary.TryLookup( XmlDictionaryString value, out XmlDictionaryString result )
if ( value.Dictionary == this )
result = value;
return true;
return this.TryLookup( value.Value, out result );
bool IXmlDictionary.TryLookup( int key, out XmlDictionaryString result )
string res;
if ( !values.TryGetValue( key, out res ) )
result = null;
return false;
result = new XmlDictionaryString( this, res, key );
return true;
public bool /* IXmlDictionary. */ TryLookup( string value, out XmlDictionaryString result )
int key;
if ( !keys.TryGetValue( value, out key ) )
result = null;
return false;
result = new XmlDictionaryString( this, value, key );
return true;
The result is - my TryLookup methods are called OK, however DataContractSerializer.WriteObject produces an empty document.
How do I use a pre-shared dictionary?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. I don't want to mess with XmlBinaryReaderSession/XmlBinaryWriterSession: I don't have "sessions", instead I have a 10 GB+ database accessed by many threads at once. What I want is just static pre-defined dictionary.
Update: OK I've figured out that I just need to call "XmlDictionaryWriter.Flush". The only remaining question is - why doesn't the system-supplied IXmlDictionary implementation work as expected?
for the XmlDictionaryWriter you need to use session.
private static Stream SerializeBinaryWithDictionary(Person person,DataContractSerializer serializer)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var dictionary = new XmlDictionary();
var session = new XmlBinaryWriterSession();
var key = 0;
session.TryAdd(dictionary.Add("FirstName"), out key);
session.TryAdd(dictionary.Add("LastName"), out key);
session.TryAdd(dictionary.Add("Birthday"), out key);
session.TryAdd(dictionary.Add("Person"), out key);
session.TryAdd(dictionary.Add("http://www.friseton.com/Name/2010/06"),out key);
session.TryAdd(dictionary.Add("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"),out key);
var writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter(stream, dictionary, session);
serializer.WriteObject(writer, person);
return stream;
The only way I way able to replicate the issue with the IXmlDictionary not being used was when my class wasn't decorated with a DataContract attribute. The following app displays the difference in sizes with decorated and undecorated classes.
using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Xml;
namespace XmlPresharedDictionary
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Serialized sizes");
TestSerialization<MyXmlClassUndecorated>("Undecorated: ");
TestSerialization<MyXmlClassDecorated>("Decorated: ");
private static void TestSerialization<T>(string lineComment) where T : new()
XmlDictionary xmlDict = new XmlDictionary();
DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));
using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
using (var writer = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter(stream, xmlDict))
serializer.WriteObject(writer, new T());
Console.WriteLine(lineComment + stream.Length.ToString());
public class MyXmlClassUndecorated
public MyElementName1[] MyElementName1 { get; set; }
public MyXmlClassUndecorated()
MyElementName1 = new MyElementName1[] { new MyElementName1("A A A A A"), new MyElementName1("A A A A A") };
public class MyXmlClassDecorated
public MyElementName1[] MyElementName1 { get; set; }
public MyXmlClassDecorated()
MyElementName1 = new MyElementName1[] { new MyElementName1("A A A A A"), new MyElementName1("A A A A A") };
public class MyElementName1
public string Value { get; set; }
public MyElementName1(string value) { Value = value; }

