Generating isochrone maps from road networks - c#

I wonder if there's any described algorithm that can convert isochrones into approximate area to show a range of some feature (in my problem this feature is a road network).
Example. I have something like on the image beneath:
It's a simple network (where I can arrive from the start point in X minutes or going Y kilometers). I have information of all the nodes and links. Now I need to create an isochrone map that show an approximate range where I can arrive.
Convex hull - sucks because of too general approximation,
I can create buffors on roads - so I will get some polygon that shows range, but I will also have the holes by roads that connect into circles.
What I need to obtain is something like this:
I've found some potentially useful information HERE, but there are only some ideas how it could be done. If anyone has any concept, please, help me to solve my problem.

Interesting problem, to get better answers you might want to define exactly what will this area that shows the range (isochrone map) be used for? For example is it illustrative? If you define what kind of approximation you want it could help you solve the problem.
Now here are some ideas.
1) Find all the cycles in the graph (see link), then eliminate edges that are shared between two cycles. Finally take the convex hull of the remaining cycles, this together with all the roads, so that the outliers that do not form cycles are included, will give a good approximation for an isochrome map.
2) A simpler solution is to define a thickness around each point of every road, this thickness should be inversely proportional to how long it takes to arrive at that point from the starting point. I.e. the longer it takes to arrive at the point the less thick. You can then scale the thickness of all points until all wholes are filled, and then you will have an approximate isochrome map. One possible way of implementing this is to run an algorithm that takes all possible routes simultaneously from the starting point, branching off at every new intersection, while tracking how long it took to arrive at each point. During its execution, at every instant of time all previously discovered route should be thickened. At the end you can scale this thickness so as to fill all wholes.
Hopefully this will be of some help. Good luck.

I have solved the problem (it's not so fast and robust, but has to be enough for now).
I generated my possible routes using A* (A-Star) algorithm.
I used #Artur Gower's idea from point one to eliminate cycles and simplify my geometry.
Later I decided to generate 2 types of gemetries (1st - like on the image, 2nd - simple buffers):
1st one:
3. Then I have removed the rest of unnecessary points using Douglas-Peucker algorithm (very fast!).
4. In the end I used Concave Hull algorithm (aka Alpha-Shapes or Non-Convex Hull).
2nd one:
3. Apply a buffer to the existing geometry and take the exterior ring (JTS library made that really easier:)).


Unity2D: move object along path - unevenly distributed waypoints - constant speed needed

I am currently facing a problem I cannot wrap my head around. In my 2D game which in the end should become some kind of virtual model railway, I can create a path, consisting of different railtypes. Each rail has it's own waypoints. Now the issue is as follows:
Straight rails don't need many waypoints, since they only need two to be defined; The start and the end point. Curves on the other hand need a lot more waypoints, so the objects movement on them is not all jaggy and unsmooth. The problem I am facing is, that the waypoints then are so unevenly distributed on the whole railway, it makes the speed which the object moves along the path very uneven.
I also already know the issue: The points are so cramped in the curve sections that the distribution looks like this:
See this picture for an example with red Gizmo.Spheres as waypoints
Now when I move an object along that said path, I do it like this:
wagon.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(wagon.transform.position, wagon.GetNextPosition(), wagon.GetSpeed());
The third parameter of the method Vector2.MoveTowards() is the maxDistanceDelta, so it can only move that amount into the direction of wagon.GetNextPosition(), which is constantly updated.
The twist is, that the densly packed points result in a way shorter distance than the maxDistanceDelta. So in those parts of the railway, the object moves way slower then wagon.GetSpeed() per frame.
I already have a solution to this, which sadly I cannot use: I took every waypoint and distributed them evenly on the path. I don't want that; I want the path to stay as is, but the speed to the eye to be uniform.
Thanks in advance for your help!
PS: I already looked in similar threads, but none of those solutions seems to work for me :( Namely:
This thread
And this one
I would comment this but unfortunately I don't have enough reputation, so here it is:
The best idea I can think of is to create 2 waypoints for your curve (at the start and finish) and use a parabolic function to define the movement between them. So in other words, your train follows a parabola instead of moving towards waypoints directly.
I found a useful answer on a unity forum about parabolic trajectories which you may find useful for your project (It is the first answer beneath the question at the time of writing).
How are you generating those waypoints?
Could you use bezier curves instead?
If yes, there it's typical to run into exactly this issue and solutions have been found. Not solutions with absolute accuracy, but usually sufficient for games (aka visualizations that in the end only need to be as accurate as the pixels you see).
There is this outstanding video about the topic:

What 3D rendering technic/algorithm is most effective to draw beams by edges?

I'm trying to construct a program in C# that generates a 3D model of a structure composed of beams, and then creates some views of the object (front, side, top and isometric).
As I don't need to draw surfaces (the edges are enough), I've been calculating each line to draw, and then do it with
GraphicObject.DrawLine(myPen, x1, y1, x2, y2)
This worked fine so far, but as I get adding parts to the structure, the refresh of GraphicObject takes too much time. So I'm getting into line visibility check to reduce the amount of lines to draw.
I've searched Wikipedia and some PDFs on the subject, but all I found is oriented by surfaces. So my question: Is there a simplified algorithm to check visibility of object edges, or should i go for a different approach, like considering surfaces?
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks for your help.
Additional notes/questions:
My current approach:
calculate every beam in a local axis (all vertices)
=> move them to their global position
=> create a list with pairs of points (projected and scaled to the view)
=> GraphicObject.DrawLine the list of point pairs)
would the whole thing be faster if I'd calculate the view by pixels rather than using the DrawLine method?
Screenshots follow with the type of structure it's going to do (not fully complete yet):
Structure view
Structure detail
There are 2 solutions to improve the performance.
a) switch the computation to the graphics card.
b) Use a kd-tree or some other similar data structure to quickly remove the non visible edges.
Here's more details:
For a), a lot of you computations are multiplying many vertices (vectors of length 3) by some matrix. The CPUs are slow because they only do a couple of these operations at a time. Switch to a GPU, for example using CUDA, which will allow you to do them more in parallel, with better memory access infrastructure. You can also use OpenGL/DirectX/Vulkan or whatever to render the lines themselves to skip having to get the results back from the graphics card and whatever other hiccups get introduced by windows code/libraries. This will help in almost all cases to improve performance.
For b), it only helps when you are not looking at the entire scene (in that case you really need to draw everything). In this cases you can store you scene in a kd-tree or some other data structure and use it to quickly remove things that are for sure outside of the view area. You usually need to intersect some cuboid with a pyramid/fustrum so there's more math involved.
As a compromise that should help in a large scenes where you want to see everything you can consider adjusting the level of detail. From your example, the read beans across are composed of 8 or so components. If you are far enough you are not going to be able to distinguish the 8, so just draw one. This will work great if you have a large number of rounded edges as you can simplify a lot of them.

Procedurally Generated Structures over large quantitys of chunks in 3D Terrain Generator

I am creating large scale worlds using 16*16*16 voxel chunks which are stacked up to 32*32*32 in dimensions and I have hit a bit of a Bump in the road so to speak.
I want to create large structures that span 20+*20+*20+ chunks in volume which are created from procedurally generated structures as well as using templates for some of the content. Now I have an issue. The visual render range is up to 32*32*32 chunks and while I have up to maybe 40*40*40 chunks held in memory at a time when possible.
The structures can be anything like towns, dungeons and roads. I was thinking something like perlin worms for roads and just lay them over the terrain in the x,z and then analyze the path for bridges etc..
The structures and collection of structures need to be pre-generated before the player is within visual range or work more like perlin noise does for heightmaps (best solution). (to avoid the players seeing the generator at work). They also need to be consistent with the world seed every time.
I have thought about this a bit and have 2 possible solutions.
1) Generate the structures based on a point of origin for the structure generator.
This causes several issues though as even if I generate from the center of the structure, the structures can easily cross into the potential visual range of the player.
2) Pre-Generate "unreachable" chunks and then page them in and out in order to generate the structures using the above method.
This also seems rather unnecessary.
Both methods need to analyze the terrain in large quantities for a valid location to spawn the structures.
I was hoping somebody might have a more organic solution or even just a simpler solution that doesn't require me to "Look" so far ahead.
Thank you in advance.
I had an idea for dungeon generation in which I generate point clouds/nodes for rooms.
1) When the generator finds a "node" it creates an x, y and z size to create a box basing it from the originator point of the room** (centre or corner of the room) and the room type.
**x,y,z relative to 0,0,0 worldspace calculated like so new Vector3((chunkX*16)+voxelX,(chunkY*16)+voxelY,(chunkZ*16)+voxelZ)
2) Once a room size is calculated, check for overlaps and if one is found do one of several things.
If the room overlap is high up lower it down till either the roof or the floor are flush. If the roof is flush build a stairs up to the room and remove the walls that intersect.
3) Look Down, North and East for a room maybe with a small cone and attempt to create a hallway between them.
This would probably work somewhat, especially if the center of the dungeon is the main hall/boss room.
This would be different for towns, cities, and surface dungeons. Still seems a little choppy though. Any ideas?
I faced a similar problem for a Minecraft mod I am writing. I want to have a number of overlapping "empires" which each create structures. But I don't want the structures to step on each other.
So, for this, I broke the world into arbitrary sized tiles. (Compare to your 32x32x32 regions.) I also came up with a "radius of influence". This is how far from the center point that it could create structures. Each tile had an instance of a provider class assigned to it with a unique seed.
Two methods on this class were provided for structure generation.
First, was a function that would return where it wanted to create structures. But only to the resolution of chunks. (Compare to your 16x16x16 block sets.) Each provider class instance had a priority, so in the case of two providers trying to rezz a structure in the same chunks, the higher priority one would win.
The second function would be passed a world instance, and one of the data items returned by the first function and would be asked to actually create it.
Everything pieces together like this:
We get a request to resolve a certain chunk of the world. We work out the provider for the tile the chunk is in, and then all the providers for all the tiles that are within the maximum radius of that tile. We now have every provider that could influence this chunk. We call the first function on each of them, if they haven't been called already, and register what chunks each of them has claimed into a global map.
At this point, we've consulted everything that could have an influence on this chunk. We then ask that registry if someone has claimed this chunk. If so, we call back into that provider (method #2) with the chunk and the world instance and get it to draw the bits for this part of its structure.
Does that give you enough of an idea for a general approach to your problem?

Dealing with imprecision in CAD drawing

I have a CAD application, that allows user to draw lines and polygons and all that.
One thorny problem that I face is user drawing can be highly imprecise, for example, a user might want to draw two rectangles that are connected to each other. Hence there should be one line shared by two rectangles. However, it's easy for user to, instead of draw a line, draw two lines that are very close to each other, so close to each other that when look from the screen, you would be mistaken that they are the same line, except that they aren't when you zoom in a little bit.
My application would require user to properly draw the lines ( or my preprocessing must be able to do auto correction), or else my internal algorithm (let's call it The Algorithm) would not be able to process the inputs correctly.
What is the best strategy to combat this kind of problem? I am thinking about rounding the point coordinates to a certain degree of precision, but although I can't exactly pinpoint the problem of this approach, but I feel that this is not the correct way of doing things, that this will introduce a new set of problem.
Edit: For the sake of argument the snapping isn't an available option. For the matter, all sorts of "input-side" guidance are not available. The correction must be done via preprocessing on my code, when the drawing is finished, but just before I submit it to my algorithm.
Crazy restriction, you say. But a user can construct their input either in my application, or they can construct their input in other CAD software and then submit to my engine to do the calculation. I can't control how they input in other CAD software.
Edit 2:I can let user to specify the "cluster radius" to occur, but the important point is, I would need to make sure that my preprocessing algorithm is consistent and won't really introduce a new set of problem.
Any idea?
One problem I see is that your clustering/snapping algorithm would have to decide on its own which point to move onto which other point.
During live input snapping is simple: the first point stays put, the second point is snapped onto the first. If in offline mode you get a bunch of points that you know should be snapped together, you have no idea where the resulting point should lie. Calculate the average, possibly resulting in a completely new point? Choose the most central point out of all the candidates? Pick one at random? Try to align your point with some other points on the x/y/z-axis?
If your program allows any user interaction at all, you could detect point clusters that might be candidates for merging, and present the user with different merge target points to choose from.
Otherwise, you could make this kind of behaviour configurable: take a merge radius ("if two or more poins are within n units of one another...") and a merging algorithm ("... merge them into the most central of the points given") as parameters and read them from a config file.
Snapping points. User should be able to snap to end points (and many more) then, when you detect a snap, just change the point user clicked to snap point point. Check AutoCAD, functions line End, Middle and so on.
EDIT: If you want offline snapping then you just need to check every pair of points if they are near each other. The problem is that this in NP-problem so it will take a lot of time as you can't really get under O(n^2) time complexity. This algorithm you need should be under "clustering".
EDIT2: I think you shouldn't consider that input data is bad. But if you reallllllly want to do this, simples way is to take each point, check if there are other points in users defined radius, if yes find whole group that should merge into one point, find avg of coordinates of points and point all of them to that specific point. But remember - most designers KNOW what are snap points for and if they don't use them they have valid idea for that.
Your basic problem seems to me (I hope I understood correctly) to determine if two lines are the "same" line.
Out of my own experience your feeling is correct, rounding the coordinates in the input might prove not to be a good idea.
Maybe you should leave the coordinates in the input as they are but implement your function let's name it IsSameLine That you use in "The Algorithm" (who among others determines if two rectangles are connected if i understood your description correctly).
IsSameLine could transform the endpoints of the input lines from source coordinates to screen coordinates considering a certain (possibly configurable) screen resolution and check if they are the same in screen coordinates.
I.e. let's say you have an input file with the following extent (lowerleft) (upperRight) ((10,10), (24,53)). The question would be how far apart would be points (11,15) and (11.1, 15.1) if drawn at "zoom to extents" level on a 1600x1200 pixels screen. So you can determine a transform from source coordinates to "screen coordinates". You use then this transformation in IsSameLine as described above.
I'm not sure however this would be actually a good solution for you.
Another (maybe better?) possibility is to implement IsSameLine to return true if the points of the two lines are at maximum epsilon distance apart. The epsilon could have a default value computed based on the extent of the input vector data and probably it would be a good idea to give the user the possibility to give another value for it.

How to effeciently spread objects on a 2D surface in a "natural" way?

i would like to effeciently generate positions for objects on a given surface. As you probably guessed this is for a game. The surface is actually a 3D terrain, but the third dimension does not matter as it is determined by terrain height.
The problem is i would like to do this in the most effecient and easy way, but still get good results. What i mean by "natural" is something like mentoined in this article about Perlin noise. (trees forming forests, large to small groups spread out on the land) The approach is nice, but too complicated. I need to do this quite often and prefferably without any more textures involved, even at the cost of worse performance (so the results won't be as pretty, but still good enough to give a nice natural terrain with vegetation).
The amount of objects placed varies, but generally is around 50. A nice enhancement would be to somehow restrict placement of objects at areas with very high altitude (mountains) but i guess it could be done by placing a bit more objects and deleting those placed above a given altitude.
This might not be the answer you are looking for, but I believe that Perlin Noise is the solution to your problem.
Perlin Noise itself involves no textures; I do believe that you have a misunderstanding about what it is. It's basically, for your purposes, a 2D index of, for each point, a value between 0 and 1. You don't need to generate any textures. See this description of it for more information and an elegant explanation. The basics of Perlin Noise involves making a few random noise maps, starting with one with very few points, and each new one having twice as many points of randomness (and lower amplitude), and adding them together.
Especially, if your map is discretely tiled, you don't even have to generate the noise at a high resolution :)
How "often" are you planning to do this? If you're going to be doing it 10+ times every single frame, then Perlin Noise might not be your answer. However, if you're doing it once every few seconds (or less), then I don't think that you should have any worries about speed impact -- at least, for 2D Perlin Noise.
Establishing that, you could look at this question and my personal answer to it, which is trying to do something very similar to what you are trying to do. The basic steps involve this:
Generate perlin noise; higher turbulence = less clumping and more isolated features.
Set a "threshold" (ie, 0.5) -- anything above this threshold is considered "on" and anything above it is considered "off". Higher threshold = more frequent, lower threshold = less frequent.
Populate "on" tiles with whatever you are making.
Here are some samples of Perlin Noise to generate 50x50 tile based map. Note that the only difference between the nature of the two are the "threshold". Bigger clumps means lower threshold, smaller clumps means a higher one.
A forest, with blue trees and brown undergrowth
A marsh, with deep areas surrounded by shallower areas
Note you'll have to tweak the constants a bit, but you could do something like this
First, pick a random point. (say 24,50).
Next, identify points of interest for this object. If it's a rock, your points might be the two mountains at 15,13 or 50,42. If it was a forest, it would maybe do some metrics to find the "center" of a couple local forests.
Next, calculate the distance vectors between the the point and the points of interest, and scale them by some constant.
Now, add all those vectors to the point.
Next determine if the object is in a legal position. If it is, move to the next object. If it's not, repeat the process.
Adapt as necessary. :-)
One thing: If you want to reject things like trees on mountains you don't add extra tries, you keep trying to place an object until you find a suitable location or you've tried it a bunch of times and you need to bail out because it doesn't look placeable.

