Graphics.DrawImage alternatives for large images - c#

I am trying to draw a crosshair ("plus sign") with inverted colors over an image to show the location of a selected point within the image. This is how I do it:
private static void DrawInvertedCrosshair(Graphics g, Image img, PointF location, float length, float width)
float halfLength = length / 2f;
float halfWidth = width / 2f;
Rectangle absHorizRect = Rectangle.Round(new RectangleF(location.X - halfLength, location.Y - halfWidth, length, width));
Rectangle absVertRect = Rectangle.Round(new RectangleF(location.X - halfWidth, location.Y - halfLength, width, length));
ImageAttributes attributes = new ImageAttributes();
float[][] invertMatrix =
new float[] {-1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
new float[] { 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 },
new float[] { 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 },
new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 },
new float[] { 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 }
ColorMatrix matrix = new ColorMatrix(invertMatrix);
attributes.SetColorMatrix(matrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
g.DrawImage(img, absHorizRect, absHorizRect.X, absHorizRect.Y, absHorizRect.Width, absHorizRect.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attributes);
g.DrawImage(img, absVertRect, absVertRect.X, absVertRect.Y, absVertRect.Width, absVertRect.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attributes);
It works as expected, however, it is really slow. I want the user to be able to move the selected location around with their mouse by setting the location to the cursor's location whenever it moves. Unfortunately, on my computer, it can update only around once per second for big images.
So, I am looking for an alternative to using Graphics.DrawImage to invert a region of an image. Are there any ways to do this with speeds proportional to the selected region area rather than the entire image area?

Sounds to me you are focusing on the wrong problem. Painting the image is slow, not painting the "cross-hairs".
Large images can certainly be very expensive when you don't help. And System.Drawing makes it very easy to not help. Two basic things you want to do to make the image paint faster, getting it more than 20 times faster is quite achievable:
avoid forcing the image painting code to rescale the image. Instead do it just once so the image can be drawn directly one-to-one without any rescaling. Best time to do so is when you load the image. Possibly again in the control's Resize event handler.
pay attention to the pixel format of the image. The fastest one by a long shot is the pixel format that's directly compatible with the way the image needs to be stored in the video adapter. So the image data can be directly copied to video RAM without having to adjust each individual pixel. That format is PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb on 99% of all modern machines. Makes a huge difference, it is ten times faster than all the other ones.
A simple helper method that accomplishes both without otherwise dealing with the aspect ratio:
private static Bitmap Resample(Image img, Size size) {
var bmp = new Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);
using (var gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) {
gr.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, size));
return bmp;

Draw the image once on Graphics g, then draw the crosshair on Graphics g directly instead of the image. You can optionally keep track of the places the user clicked so as to save them either in the image or elsewhere as needed.


Resizing a Bitmap used as watermark the result shows dark borders

I have a watermark that I want to print on an Image. The Image varies in size so sometimes the watermark is too big and sometimes it's too small. In order to fix this I calculate the size of the image and resize the watermark. However, after resizing the Image, black borders appear around its margins.
I am on a Mac using .NET Core3.1 and I am using two NuGet packages that helps to draw images / bitmaps. One is System.Drawing.Common and the other one, because I am on macOS is, runtime.osx.10.10x64.CoreCompat.System.Drawing.
The code that I use to resize the watermark founded here:
Bitmap watermarkNew = new Bitmap(watermark, new Size(image.Width / 10 * 3, image.Height / 10 * 3));
I have to use / 10 * 3 because the Bitmap constructor doesn't accept floats values, so I cannot multiply by * 0.3.
watermark before watermark after
To superimpose an Image on another, it's preferable to use an unscaled Image than generate a new Bitmap based on the desired size beforehand.
▶ The two Image are meant to blend, thus the scaling of one of the Images, in this case the Watermark Image, should be performed while the Image to scale is painted over the other with a SourceOver operation.
This way, the internal GDI+ (well, the GDI+ replica here) functions have means to calculate the blending procedure correctly.
This also prevents the copy to show imperfect semi-transparent pixels (similar to a dark halo) generated when a smaller Image is created using the new Bitmap() method.
▶ Also, we need to be sure that all operations are performed on a 32BitArgb Bitmaps.
It's better to create a 32BitArgb copy of the destination Image and draw the watermark on this copy. This can also ensure a better result. GDI+ function work better on this kind of Images.
Here, the CopyToArgb32() method takes care of this aspect, also applying the DPI resolution of the original Image to the copy.
▶ Furthermore, this produces a distorted Image (unless that's the expected result, that is):
Bitmap watermarkNew = new Bitmap(watermark, new Size(image.Width / 10 * 3, image.Height / 10 * 3));
The watermark Image dimensions should be resized calculating a scale factor that is a desired fraction (a percentage or a fixed measure) or the destination Image.
For example, to occupy a maximum size equals to one third of the destination Bitmap minimum dimension.
In other words, if the destination Bitmap size is 1500x600 px, the watermark Bitmap will be scaled proportionally to have a maximum Height of 200px:
float scale = (Math.Min(original.Width, original.Height) * .33f) /
Math.Min(watermark.Width, watermark.Height);
SizeF watermarkSize = new SizeF(watermark.Width * scale, watermark.Height * scale);
To further improve the blending, the Watermark could be made less opaque (or, more transparent, as you want to see it).
This can be simply achieved using as ColorMatrix as shown here:
How to apply a fade transition effect to Images
All combined in a class object that exposes a Watermark([Bitmap], [Bitmap], [Imageformat]) static method.
In the sample code, the Watermark is scaled to 1/3 of the maximum dimension of destination image and centered (just a generic placement, since the position of the watermark is not specified):
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
public class BitmapOperations
public static Bitmap Watermark(Bitmap watermark, Bitmap original, ImageFormat format)
var units = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
float scale = (Math.Max(original.Width, original.Height) * .33f) /
Math.Max(watermark.Width, watermark.Height);
var watermarkSize = new SizeF(watermark.Width * scale, watermark.Height * scale);
var watermarkBounds = CenterRectangleOnRectangle(
new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, watermarkSize), original.GetBounds(ref units));
var workImage = CopyToArgb32(original);
// Using the SetOpacity() extension method described in the linked question
// watermark = watermark.SetOpacity(.5f, 1.05f);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(workImage)) {
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half;
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
g.DrawImage(watermark, watermarkBounds);
return workImage;
private static Bitmap CopyToArgb32(Bitmap source)
var bitmap = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
bitmap.SetResolution(source.HorizontalResolution, source.VerticalResolution);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) {
g.DrawImage(source, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height),
new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return bitmap;
private static RectangleF CenterRectangleOnRectangle(RectangleF source, RectangleF destination)
source.Location = new PointF((destination.Width - source.Width) / 2,
(destination.Height - source.Height) / 2);
return source;
Applying an opacity level of 50% and small correction in gamma:

Get Rectangle's color after FillRectangles

How can I get the color of a Rectangle after creating it?
I'm using this code to create them :
SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
Graphics g = panel1.CreateGraphics();
Rectangle[] rects = { new Rectangle(0, 0, 15, 15), new Rectangle(16, 16, 15, 15), new Rectangle(16, 0, 15, 15), new Rectangle(0, 16, 15, 15) };
And now I want to get the color of the 3rd rectangle
rects[2] = ....
Is it possible to get this? And it should return Color.Red.
You can find the position of center pixel of your rectangle, then you can use GetPixel method to get information about such as color.
Color pixelColor = myBitmap.GetPixel(50, 50);
The FillRectangles draws the rectangles with the brush (color) you passed. There is no reference from any rectangle to any color. It just executes a drawing command to a Graphics object.
A Rectangle doesn't have a color. So, nope, you cannot. If you explain why you would need it, there might be other solutions to get the desired results.
If you store the image, you only store the result (i.e. the grid of pixels). There is no information on how you created this image.
E.g. based on the bitmap image alone, you cannot differentiate between two adjacent squares (new Rectangle(0, 0, 15, 15), new Rectangle(15, 0, 15, 15) and a single rectangle that has twice the width (new Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 15)).
So the short answer to your question is no, you cannot do that.
Unless you store your information (the rectangles you drew) separately and then use that to find the appropriate pixel on the image (and this only works in simple cases - if you overlapped an earlier rectangle, it's going to be impossible)
But if you're going to store the rectangle information anyway, you might as well store its color and then you don't need to reverse engineer the image anymore. So the answer remains that you cannot do this based on an image alone.
You could write a new Class, for example:
class ColorRectangles
public Color color;
public Rectangle[] rects;
public ColorRectangle(Rectangle[] rects, Color color) : base(x, y, width, height)
this.color = color
this.rects = rects;
and then set the Rectangles Color with g.FillRectangles(new SolidBrush(Rectangle.color), Rectangle.rects);

Remove the black background color of a bitmap

I need to remove the black background color of a bitmap in C# VS2013.
It is just like that I draw some points on a canvas. The canvas is black and I just need to change the canvas to be transparent meanwhile keeping colorful points on it without any changes.
I got the solution at:
How to remove white background color from Bitmap
Bitmap capcha = new Bitmap(#"C:/image.png");
But, the background still have a gray color like a fog covering the points on the image.
How to remove it ?
I used the code:
ImageAttribute imageAttribute = new ImageAttribute();
imageAttribute.SetGamma(0.5f, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
gr.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height),
0, 0, img.Width, img.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttribute );
I got same thing.
More update of C# code to draw an image :
System.Drawing.Bitmap canvasImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(xSize, ySize, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(canvasImage);
System.Drawing.Bitmap tempImage = myDrawImageFunction(myPoints);
g.Clear(Color.Transparent); // this only give me an empty image without any points on it. But, if I uncomment it, I will have an image with black background.
// my understanding about g.DrawImage() is to draw points on tempImage
// after clearing the background. But, the image still have a foggy covering on the image.
g.DrawImage(tempImage, new System.Drawing.PointF(x_position, y_position));
I want to have a transparent background for "tempImage" before any points are drawn on it.
The example image has a back ground that needs to be removed but the colorful points on the image need to be kept without any changes.
This will do the job:
public Color MakeTransparent(Color c, int threshold)
{ // calculate the weighed brightness:
byte val = (byte)((c.R * 0.299f + c.G * 0.587f + c.B * 0.114f));
return val < threshold ? Color.FromArgb(0, c.R, c.G, c.B) : c;
You could use it in a double loop over the pixels, but for fast results you should call it from the code in this post (second part!) which uses LockBits.
Change this
ModifyHue hueChanger = new ModifyHue(MaxChannel);
to the new function:
ModifyHue hueChanger = new ModifyHue(MakeTransparent);
and call it with a suitable threshold, maybe 10 or 20..:
c = hueChanger(c, 20);
The function skips the call to the system's MakeTransparent function and directly sets the alpha channel of each pixel to 0.
If you want to create a uniform color instead of a transparent one it should be easy to modify (e.g. by returning Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0) for solid black)
Do note that, while the code in the linked post takes both 24 and 32 bbp formats you should definitely not save as JPG, as this will re-introduce artifacts and the result will not work well with e.g. a TransparencyKey color..
Instead do save it as PNG, as Hans suggests!
I hope you can modify the button code to a function :-)

Drawing image with additive blending

Question was answered. For more information, check out EDIT #4 at the end of this text.
We are currently working on a gamemaking engine which is going pretty well. I am working on the Animation Creator and was wondering if it was possible to draw an image with additive blending.
Let me explain.
We use System.Drawing library of C# and we work with Windows Forms. For now, the user is able to create his animation by importing a framed animation image (an image containing every frame of the animation) and the user is able to drag and drop these frames wherever he wants.
The actual problem is that we can't figure out how to draw a frame with the additive blending.
Here's an exemple of what Additive Blending is if you don't quite get it. I won't blame you, I have a hard time writing in english.
We are using the following method to draw on a Panel or directly on the form. For exemple here's the code to draw a tiled map for the map editor. Since the AnimationManager code is a mess, it'll be clearer with this exemple.
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(MapBuffer as Image))
using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White))
using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), 1))
g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(CurrentMap.MapSize.Width * TileSize, CurrentMap.MapSize.Height * TileSize)));
Tile tile = CurrentMap.Tiles[l, x, y];
if (tile.Background != null) g.DrawImage(tile.Background, new Point(tile.X * TileSize, tile.Y * TileSize));
g.DrawRectangle(pen, x * TileSize, y * TileSize, TileSize, TileSize);
Is there a possible way of drawing an image with an additive drawing and if so, I'd be forever grateful if someone could point me out how. Thank you.
EDIT #1 :
For drawing images, we are using a color matrix to set hue and alph (opacity) like this:
ColorMatrix matrix = new ColorMatrix
new Single[][]
new Single[] {r, 0, 0, 0, 0},
new Single[] {0, g, 0, 0, 0},
new Single[] {0, 0, b, 0, 0},
new Single[] {0, 0, 0, a, 0},
new Single[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
Maybe the color matrix can be used for additive blending?
EDIT #2 :
Just found this article by Mahesh Chand.
After further browsing, it may not be possible with a color matrix even though it can accomplish a lot regarding color transformations.
I will answer my own question if solution found.
Thank you for you help.
EDIT #3 :
XNA has a lot of documentation here about blending. I found the formula used to accomplish additive blending on each pixels of an image.
PixelColor = (source * [1, 1, 1, 1]) + (destination * [1, 1, 1, 1])
Maybe there's a way of using this formula in the current context?
I will start a 50 bounty on next edit, we really need this to work.
Thank you again for your time.
Thanks to axon, now the problem is solved. Using XNA and its Spritebatch, you can accomplish Additive blending doing so :
First of all you create a GraphicsDevice and a SpriteBatch
// In the following example, we want to draw inside a Panel called PN_Canvas.
// If you want to draw directly on the form, simply use "this" if you
// write the following code in your form class
PresentationParameters pp = new PresentationParameters();
// Replace PN_Canvas with the control to be drawn on
pp.BackBufferHeight = PN_Canvas.Height;
pp.BackBufferWidth = PN_Canvas.Width;
pp.DeviceWindowHandle = PN_Canvas.Handle;
pp.IsFullScreen = false;
device = new GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter, GraphicsProfile.Reach, pp);
batch = new SpriteBatch(device);
Then, when it's time to draw on the control or on the form (with the OnPaint event for example), you can use the following code block
// You should always clear the GraphicsDevice first
// Note the last parameter of Begin method
batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.Additive);
batch.draw( /* Things you want to draw, positions and other infos */ );
// The Present method will draw buffer onto control or form
Either use 1) XNA (recommended for speed), or 2) use pixel-operations in C#. There may be other methods, but either of these work (I'm using each of them for 3D effects and image analysis apps (respectively) that I maintain).
Pixel Operations in C#:
Using 3 bitmaps; bmpA, bmpB, bmpC, where you want to store bmpA+bmpB in bmpC.
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++)
Color cA = bmpA.GetPixel(x,y);
Color cB = bmpB.GetPixel(x,y);
Color cC = Color.FromArgb(cA.A, cA.R + cB.R, cA.G + cB.G, cA.B + cB.B);
bmpC.SetPixel(x, y, cC);
The above code is very slow. A faster solution in C# could use pointers like this:
// Assumes all bitmaps are the same size and same pixel format
BitmapData bmpDataA = bmpA.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpA.Width, bmpA.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmpA.PixelFormat);
BitmapData bmpDataB = bmpB.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpA.Width, bmpA.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmpA.PixelFormat);
BitmapData bmpDataC = bmpC.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpA.Width, bmpA.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bmpA.PixelFormat);
void* pBmpA = bmpDataA.Scan0.ToPointer();
void* pBmpB = bmpDataB.Scan0.ToPointer();
void* pBmpC = bmpDataC.Scan0.ToPointer();
int bytesPerPix = bmpDataA.Stride / bmpA.Width;
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++, pBmpA += bytesPerPix, pBmpB += bytesPerPix, pBmpC += bytesPerPix)
*(byte*)(pBmpC) = *(byte*)(pBmpA) + *(byte*)(pBmpB); // R
*(byte*)(pBmpC + 1) = *(byte*)(pBmpA + 1) + *(byte*)(pBmpB + 1); // G
*(byte*)(pBmpC + 2) = *(byte*)(pBmpA + 2) + *(byte*)(pBmpB + 2); // B
The above method requires pointers and hence must be compiled with the "unsafe" directive. Also assumes 1-byte for each of R,G, and B. Change the code to suit your pixel format.
Using XNA is a lot faster (performance) since it is hardware accelerated (by the GPU). It basically consists of the following:
1. Create the geometry needed to draw the image (a rectangle, most likely a full-screen quad).
2. Write a vertex-shader and pixel-shader. The vertex-shader can simply pass-through the geometry unmodified. Or you can apply an orthogonal projection (depending on what coordinates you want to work with for the quad). The pixel shader will have the following lines (HLSL):
float4 ps(vertexOutput IN) : COLOR
float3 a = tex2D(ColorSampler,IN.UV).rgb;
float3 b = tex2D(ColorSampler2,IN.UV).rgb;
return float4(a + b,1.0f);
There are different methods available for accessing textures. The following will also work (depending on how you want the XNA code to bind to the shader parameters):
float4 ps(vertexOutput IN) : COLOR
float3 a = texA.Sample(samplerState, IN.UV).xyz;
float3 b = texB.Sample(samplerState, IN.UV).xyz;
return float4(a + b,1.0f);
Which of the above shaders you use will depend on whether you want to use the "sampler2D" or "texture" HLSL interfaces to access the textures.
You should also be careful to use an appropriate sampler setting to ensure that no sampling (e.g. linear interpolation) is used when looking up colour values unless that's something you want (in which case use something higher-quality/higher-order).
XNA also has built-in BlendStates you can use to specify how overlapped textures will be combined. I.e. BlendState.Additive (see updated original post).

Cropping a cross rectangle from image using c#

What I want to do is basically cropping a rectangle from an image. However, it should satisfy some special cases:
I want to crop an angled rectangle on image.
I don't want to rotate the image and crop a rectangle :)
If cropping exceeds the image size, I don't want to crop an empty background color.
I want to crop from back of the starting point, that will end at starting point when rectangle size completed. I know I couldn't explain well so if I show what I want visually:
The blue dot is the starting point there, and the arrow shows cropping direction. When cropping exceeds image borders, it will go back to the back of the starting point as much as, when the rectangle width and height finished the end of the rectangle will be at starting point.
Besides this is the previous question I asked:
How to crop a cross rectangle from an image using c#?
In this question, I couldn't predict that a problem can occur about image dimensions so I didn't ask for it. But now there is case 3. Except case three, this is exactly same question. How can I do this, any suggestions?
What needs to be done is to add offsets to the matrix alignment. In this case I am taking one extra length of the rectangle from each side (total 9 rectangles) and offsetting the matrix each time.
Notice that it is necessary to place offset 0 (the original crop) last, otherwise you will get the wrong result.
Also note that if you specify a rectangle that is bigger than the rotated picture you will still get empty areas.
public static Bitmap CropRotatedRect(Bitmap source, Rectangle rect, float angle, bool HighQuality)
int[] offsets = { -1, 1, 0 }; //place 0 last!
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(result))
g.InterpolationMode = HighQuality ? InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic : InterpolationMode.Default;
foreach (int x in offsets)
foreach (int y in offsets)
using (Matrix mat = new Matrix())
//create the appropriate filler offset according to x,y
//resulting in offsets (-1,-1), (-1, 0), (-1,1) ... (0,0)
mat.Translate(-rect.Location.X - rect.Width * x, -rect.Location.Y - rect.Height * y);
mat.RotateAt(angle, rect.Location);
g.Transform = mat;
g.DrawImage(source, new Point(0, 0));
return result;
To recreate your example:
Bitmap source = new Bitmap("C:\\mjexample.jpg");
Bitmap dest = CropRotatedRect(source, new Rectangle(86, 182, 87, 228), -45, true);

