We are building a highly concurrent web application, and recently we have started using asynchronous programming extensively (using TPL and async/await).
We have a distributed environment, in which apps communicate with each other through REST APIs (built on top of ASP.NET Web API). In one specific app, we have a DelegatingHandler that after calling base.SendAsync (i.e., after calculating the response) logs the response to a file. We include the response's basic information in the log (status code, headers and content):
public static string SerializeResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
var content = ReadContentAsString(response.Content);
builder.AppendFormat("HTTP/{0} {1:d} {1}", response.Version.ToString(2), response.StatusCode);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
return builder.ToString();
private static string ReadContentAsString(HttpContent content)
return content == null ? null : content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
The problem is this: when the code reaches content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result under heavy server load, the request sometimes hangs on IIS. When it does, it sometimes returns a response -- but hangs on IIS as if it didn't -- or in other times it never returns.
I have also tried reading the content using ReadAsByteArrayAsync and then converting it to String, with no luck.
When I convert the code to use async throughout I get even weirder results:
public static async Task<string> SerializeResponseAsync(HttpResponseMessage response)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
var content = await ReadContentAsStringAsync(response.Content);
builder.AppendFormat("HTTP/{0} {1:d} {1}", response.Version.ToString(2), response.StatusCode);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content))
return builder.ToString();
private static Task<string> ReadContentAsStringAsync(HttpContent content)
return content == null ? Task.FromResult<string>(null) : content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Now HttpContext.Current is null after the call to content.ReadAsStringAsync(), and it keeps being null for all the subsequent requests! I know this sounds unbelievable -- and it took me some time and the presence of three coworkers to accept that this was really happening.
Is this some kind of expected behavior? Am I doing something wrong here?
I had this problem. Although, I haven't fully tested yet, using CopyToAsync instead of ReadAsStringAsync seems to fix the problem:
var ms = new MemoryStream();
await response.Content.CopyToAsync(ms);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var sr = new StreamReader(ms);
responseContent = sr.ReadToEnd();
With regards to your second issue, the async/await is syntactic sugar for the compiler building a state machine where the call to to a function preceded by "await" returns immediately on the current thread...one that contains HttpContext.Current in its thread local storage. The completion of that async call can occur on a different thread...one that does NOT have HttpContext.Current in its thread local storage.
If you want the completion to execute on the same thread (thus having the same objects in thread local storage like HttpContext.Current), then you need to be aware of this behavior. This is especially important on calls from the main UI thread (if you're building a Windows application) or in ASP.NET, calls from an ASP.NET request thread where you are dependent on HttpContext.Current.
See reference docs on ConfigureAwait(false). Also, view some Channel 9 tutorials on TPL. Once the "easy" stuff is grokked, the presenter will invariably talk about this issue as it causes subtle problems that are not easily understood unless you know what the TPL is doing underneath the covers.
Good luck.
With regards to your first problem, if the caller gets a result, I'm not convinced that IIS has not completed the request. How are you determining that the ASP.NET request thread initiated by this caller is hung in IIS?
In the previous day I am looking for a way to make my code fully asynchronous. So that when called by a rest API, I' ll get an immediate response meanwhile the process is running in the background.
To do that I simply used
tasks.Add(Task<bool>.Run( () => WholeProcessFunc(parameter) ))
where WholeProcessFunc is the function that make all the calculations(it may be computationally intensive).
It works as expected however I read that it is not optimal to wrap the whole process in a Task.Run.
My code need to compute different entity framework query which result depends on the previous one and contains also foreach loop.
For instance I can' t understand which is the best practice to make async a function like this:
public async Task<List<float>> func()
List<float> acsi = new List<float>();
using (var db = new EFContext())
long[] ids = await db.table1.Join(db.table2 /*,...*/)
foreach (long id in ids)
var all = db.table1.Join(/*...*/)
float acsi_temp = await all.OrderByDescending(/*...*/)
if (acsi_temp < 0) { break; }
return acsi;
In particular I have difficulties with the foreach loop and the fact that the result of a query is used in the next .
Finally with the break statement which I don't get how to translate it. I read about cancellation token, could it be the way ?
Is wrapping up all this function in a Task.Run a solid solution ?
In the previous day I am looking for a way to make my code fully asynchronous. So that when called by a rest api, I' ll get an immediate response meanwhile the process is running in the background.
Well, that's one meaning of the word "asynchronous". Unfortunately, it's completely different than the kind of "asynchronous" that async/await does. async yields to the thread pool, not the client (browser).
It works as expected however I read that it is not optimal to wrap the whole process in a Task.Run.
It only seems to work as expected. It's likely that once your web site gets higher load, it will start to fail. It's definite that once your web site gets busier and you do things like rolling upgrades, it will start to fail.
Is wrapping up all this function in a Task.Run a solid solution ?
Not at all. Fire-and-forget is inherently dangerous.
A proper solution should be a basic distributed architecture:
A durable queue, such as an Azure Queue or Rabbit (if properly configured to be durable).
An independent processor, such as an Azure Function or Win32 Service.
Then the ASP.NET app will encode the work to be done into a queue message, enqueue that to the durable queue, and then return. Some time later, the processor will retrieve the message from that queue and do the actual work.
You can translate your code to return an IAsyncEnumerable<...>, that way the caller can process the results as they are obtained. In an asp.net 5 MVC endpoint, this includes writing serialised json to the browser;
public async IAsyncEnumerable<float> func()
using (var db = new EFContext())
foreach (long id in ids)
if(acsi_temp<0) { yield break; }
yield return acsi_temp;
public async Task<IActionResult> ControllerAction(){
if (...)
return NotFound();
return Ok(func());
Note that if your endpoint is an async IAsyncEnumerable coroutine. In asp.net 5, your headers would be flushed before your action even started. Giving you no way to return any http error codes.
Though for performance, you should try rework your queries so you can fetch all the data up front.
I had a diagnostics middleware component that pulled out responses into a trace file. That was the culprit. So, if you find this because you have the same problem I had: check your middleware!
So at the call of a Web API endpoint, I'm gathering huge amounts of data (> 100 MB) from various data sources in a streaming asynchronous fashion. I want to forward that data to the client in a streaming fashion.
For this purpose I have built my own IActionResultExecutor<T> to generalize this as we have a few of these endpoints.
I have however noticed that the entire response is cached in memory before it's actually sent to the client. Not good. Obviously, I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot understand what I'm doing wrong!
The executor's ExecuteAsync looks like this:
public async Task ExecuteAsync(ActionContext context, AsyncStreamResult result)
var bufferingFeature = context.HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpResponseBodyFeature>();
if (bufferingFeature != null)
context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status200OK;
context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
var cancellationToken = context.HttpContext.RequestAborted;
await context.HttpContext.Response.StartAsync(cancellationToken);
await context.HttpContext.Response.WriteAsync("[", cancellationToken);
bool seenFirstItem = false;
await foreach (var item in result.Data) {
if (seenFirstItem)
await context.HttpContext.Response.WriteAsync(",", cancellationToken);
await context.HttpContext.Response.BodyWriter.WriteAsync(item.JsonBytes, cancellationToken);
seenFirstItem = true;
await context.HttpContext.Response.WriteAsync("]", cancellationToken);
I can see how the entire process allocates a lot of memory in a linear fashion in Visual Studio. I can also see curl not getting any data, until the request is finished. Then everything comes in one go. The irony is that curl reports that the data's transfer encoding is chunked. That's one big chunk! Some of the data streams are in excess of 100 MB, and I can't afford beefy pods in my k8s cluster for that reason alone. The way I see it, this operation should generate a bunch of Gen 0 objects, but nothing that the GC shouldn't be able to handle. Referenced objects should be counted in kilobytes!
I've tried sprinkle in some await context.HttpContext.Response.BodyWriter.FlushAsync(cancellationToken), but nothing appears to make any difference.
What am I doing wrong?
Problem solved: I had some debug logging middleware in the pipeline that turned on buffering to trace responses sent to clients. DOH!
Ok, I have some code to present. Here is extension method for NetworkStream object.
public async static Task<byte[]> ReadDataAsync(this NetworkStream clientStream)
byte[] data = {};
var buffer = new byte[1024];
if (clientStream.CanRead)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
int bytesRead;
while (clientStream.DataAvailable &&
(bytesRead = await clientStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
await ms.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
catch (Exception ex)
return data;
data = ms.ToArray();
Console.WriteLine("Closing clientStream.");
return data;
And the code where I am trying to call this method.
public async static Task Preform(Socket client)
var stream = new NetworkStream(client);
var data = await stream.ReadDataAsync();
var message = await MessageFabrique.DeserializeMessage(data);
ServerCollections.Instance.ServerIssueQueue.Add(new ServerIssue
Message = message,
ClientStream = stream
ReadDataAsync method always returns me to an empty array. And at the moment when i'm trying to deserialize data there is an exception - because data[0]. Please help me. Why is this happening, if await guarantees me the result, when it needed?
clientStream.DataAvailable does not mean data might show up in the future. It means data is available right now for reading. Get rid of it and just read, the read will block till data shows up or will return 0 when the stream hits it's end.
Scott's answer is right, but .Net already takes care of you...
You might consider Stream.CopyToAsync
await clientStream.CopyToAsync(ms)
for code with considerably less places to go wrong.
In addition to the other answers, you might also want to create a synchronization context. See this article for details.
The summary is that async/await works differently in console applications than it does in a UI application. WPF and WebForms applications have a synchronization context by default but console applications don't. The result (which is actually remarkably "poorly advertised" in the documentation) is that the behavior of async/await is much less predictable in a console application than it is in a UI application, and that this might make it not work "as advertised" under certain circumstances.
For example, in a UI application "async" doesn't necessarily mean that the code runs on a background thread. It's the equivalent of "come back to me later when I'm ready." As an analogy, consider going out to eat with 10 people: when the waiter comes by, the first person he asks to order isn't ready. Two bad solutions here would be to a) bring in a second waiter to either wait for the first guy to become ready or take the other 9 people's orders) or b) wait until the first guy's ready to start taking orders. The optimal thing is to take the other 9 people's orders and then come back to the first guy hoping he'll be ready by that time. At risk of oversimplifying this is basically how async works in a UI (unless you're explicitly putting the code on a background thread with something like Task.Run). However, in a console application when you use async there's no guarantee as to where the code will actually run.
If, however, you add a synchronization context as described in the the article I link to it'll behave in a much more predictable manner.
Using Visual studio 2012, C#.net 4.5 , SQL Server 2008, Feefo, Nopcommerce
Hey guys I have Recently implemented a new review service into a current site we have.
When the change went live the first day all worked fine.
Since then though the sending of sales to Feefo hasnt been working, There are no logs either of anything going wrong.
In the OrderProcessingService.cs in Nop Commerce's Service, i call a HttpWebrequest when an order has been confirmed as completed. Here is the code.
var email = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(order.Customer.Email.ToString());
var name = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(order.Customer.GetFullName().ToString());
var description = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(productVariant.ProductVariant.Product.MetaDescription != null ? productVariant.ProductVariant.Product.MetaDescription.ToString() : "product");
var orderRef = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(order.Id.ToString());
var productLink = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(string.Format("myurl/p/{0}/{1}", productVariant.ProductVariant.ProductId, productVariant.ProductVariant.Name.Replace(" ", "-")));
string itemRef = "";
itemRef = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(productVariant.ProductVariant.ProductId.ToString());
itemRef = "0";
var url = string.Format("feefo Url",
login, password,email,name,description,orderRef,productLink,itemRef);
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.KeepAlive = false;
request.Timeout = 5000;
request.Proxy = null;
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
if (response.StatusDescription == "OK")
var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
if(stream != null)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
So as you can see its a simple webrequest that is processed on an order, and all product variants are sent to feefo.
this hasnt been happening all week since the 15th (day of the
the site has been grinding to a halt recently.
The stream and reader in the the var content is there for debugging.
Im wondering does the code redflag anything to you that could relate to the process of website?
Also note i have run some SQL statements to see if there is any deadlocks or large escalations, so far seems fine, Logs have also been fine just the usual logging of Bots.
Any help would be much appreciated!
EDIT: also note that this code is in a method that is called and wrapped in A try catch
UPDATE: well forget about the "not sending", thats because i was just told my code was rolled back last week
A call to another web site while processing the order can degrade performance, as you are calling to a site that you do not control. You don't know how much time it is going to take. Furthermore, the GetResponse method can throw an exception, if you don't log anything in your outer try/catch block then you won't be able to know what's happening.
The best way to perform such a task is to implement something like the "Send Emails" scheduled task, and send data when you can afford to wait for the remote service. It is easy if you try. It is more resilient and easier to maintain if you upgrade the nopCommerce code base.
This is how I do similar things:
Avoid modifying the OrderProcessingService: Create a custom service or plugin that consumes the OrderPlacedEvent or the OrderPaidEvent (just implement the IConsumer<OrderPaidEvent> or IConsumer<OrderPlacedEvent> interface).
Do not call to a third party service directly while processing the request if you don't need the response at that moment. It will only delay your process. At the service created in step 1, store data and send it to Feefo later. You can store data to database or use an static collection if you don't mind losing pending data when restarting the site (that could be ok for statistical data for instance).
Best way to implement point #2 is to add a new scheduled task implementing ITask (remember to add a record to the ScheduleTask table). Just recover the stored data do your processing.
Add some logging. It is easy, just get an ILogger instance and call Insert.
As far as I can see, you are making a blocking synchronous call to other websites, which will definitely slow down your site in between the request-response process. What Marco has suggested is valid, try to do it in an ITask. Or you can use an asynchronous web request to potentially remove the block, if you need things done immediately instead of scheduled. :)
I have an API made in a portable class library which needs to reach out to platform specific APIs for sending HTTP requests. Here is the method I wrote to do an HTTP POST on WinRT:
public bool Post(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers, string data)
bool success = false;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler {AllowAutoRedirect = false});
foreach (var header in headers)
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(header.Key, header.Value);
var task=client.PostAsync(endpoint, new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml")).ContinueWith( postTask =>
postTask.Wait(client.Timeout); //Don't wait longer than the client timeout.
success = postTask.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode;
}catch {}
}, TaskContinuationOptions.LongRunning);
success = false;
return success;
This exhibits an interesting problem though when put under any kind of stress though. It appears to deadlock internally. Like if I create 5 threads and send POST requests out of them, this method will get to where it will do nothing but timeout. Content never reaches the server, and the .Continue code is never executed. However, if I run it serially or maybe even with 2 or 3 threads it will work OK. It seems that the more threads thrown at it though make the performance exponentially worse
Exactly what am I doing wrong here?
I don't think this is where you problem is but it could be and it's really easy to implement and test it out. By default Windows sets the Max Network connections to 2 and with more than 2 threads you could be locking on the connection pool. You can add this to your app config
<add address="*" maxconnection="300" />
or in code you can do this
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 300
I'd also consider commenting out the wait in the continue with. I don't think it's necessary.
//Comment this line out your handling it in the outside task already
//postTask.Wait(client.Timeout); //Don't wait longer than the client timeout.
success = postTask.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode;
}catch {}
And finally if the 2 things above don't work I'd try commenting out the this code.
It could be that the combination of Task.Wait plus setting Task.ConfigureAwait(false) is causing some kind of deadlock but I'm no expert on why. I just know that I have some really similar code that runs multi-threaded just fine and I don't have Task.ConfigureAwait(false) in my code, mostly because I tried out the HttpClient library but didn't upgrade to .NET 4.5 so await isn't available.
Here's some things that stick out to me with the current code:
ContinueWith queues a delegate to run when the task is complete. So there's no need to wait for it.
LongRunning is not needed here; it will decrease performance because your continuation is very fast, not long running at all.
ConfigureAwait is meaningless because there's no await (and the return value is discarded anyway).
The timeout doesn't need to be passed to Task.Wait because the task will already completed after that timeout anyway.
I have an API made in a portable class library which needs to reach out to platform specific APIs for sending HTTP requests.
I recommend making your API asynchronous since it's doing HTTP. You can use Microsoft.Bcl.Async if you want full async/await support in PCLs.
public async Task<bool> Post(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers, string data)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler {AllowAutoRedirect = false});
foreach (var header in headers)
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(header.Key, header.Value);
var result = await client.PostAsync(endpoint, new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "text/xml")).ConfigureAwait(false);
return result.IsSuccessStatusCode;
return false;
I have observed this HttpClientHandler issue as well when multiple requests are issued concurrently. (.NET Framework 4.7.2)
I was able to resolve the issue by backporting the .NET Core 2.1 SocketsHttpHandler to .NET Framework and the backported implementation significantly improved performance when dozens of multiple requests are issued concurrently.