Is there a code to check if a character is a vowel or consonant? Some thing like char = IsVowel? Or need to hard code?
case ‘a’:
case ‘e’:
case ‘i’:
case ‘o’:
case ‘u’:
case ‘A’:
case ‘E’:
case ‘I’:
case ‘O’:
case ‘U’:
You could do this:
char c = ...
bool isVowel = "aeiouAEIOU".IndexOf(c) >= 0;
or this:
char c = ...
bool isVowel = "aeiou".IndexOf(c.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0;
Once you add international support for things like éèe̋ȅëêĕe̊æøи etc. this string will get long, but the basic solution is the same.
Here's a function that works:
public static class CharacterExtentions
public static bool IsVowel(this char c)
long x = (long)(char.ToUpper(c)) - 64;
if (x*x*x*x*x - 51*x*x*x*x + 914*x*x*x - 6894*x*x + 20205*x - 14175 == 0) return true;
else return false;
Use it like:
char c = 'a';
if (c.IsVowel()) { // it's a Vowel!!! }
(Yes, it really works, but obviously, this is a joke answer. Don't downvote me. or whatever.)
No. You need to define first what you regard as a vowel and as a consonant. For example, in English, “y” could be a consonant (as in “yes”) or a vowel (as in “by”). Letters like “é” and “ü” are probably vowels in all languages in which they are used, but it seems that you did not consider them at all. Primarily, you should define why you wish to classify letters as consonants and vowels.
Console.WriteLine("Please input a word or phrase:");
string userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
for (int i = 0; i < userInput.Length; i++)
//c stores the index of userinput and converts it to string so it is readable and the program wont bomb out.[i]means position of the character.
string c = userInput[i].ToString();
if ("aeiou".Contains(c))
The other methods given work. Here I am concerned with performance. For the two approaches I tested - using LINQ's Any method and using bit arithmetic, the use of bit arithmetic was more than ten times faster. Results:
Time for LINQ = 117 msec
Time for Bit masks = 8 msec
public static bool IsVowelLinq(char c)
char[] vowels = new[] { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U' };
return vowels.Any(ch => ch == c);
private static int VowelMask = (1 << 1) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 15) | (1 << 21);
public static bool IsVowelBitArithmetic(char c)
// The OR with 0x20 lowercases the letters
// The test c > 64 rules out punctuation, digits, and control characters.
// An additional test would be required to eliminate characters above ASCII 127.
return (c > 64) && ((VowelMask & (1 << ((c | 0x20) % 32))) != 0);
See for the code in a test with timings.
The key idea with the bit mask is that the second bit is set for 'a', the sixth bit is set for 'e', etc. Then you take the letter, shift left by its ASCII value as an integer, and see if that bit in the mask is set. One bit is set in the mask for each vowel, and the OR operation performs the lowercasing of the letter first.
You can use "IsVowel" as you wanted. However the only thing is there is likely no default C# library or function that already does this out of the box, well if this is what you wanted. You will need to write a util method for this.
bool a = isVowel('A');//example method call
public bool isVowel(char charValue){
char[] vowelList = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'};
char casedChar = char.ToLower(charValue);//handle simple and capital vowels
foreach(char vowel in vowelList){
if(vowel == casedChar){
return true;
return false;
This works just fine.
public static void Main(string[] args)
int vowelsInString = 0;
int consonants = 0;
int lengthOfString;
char[] vowels = new char[5] { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' };
string ourString;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a sentence or a word");
ourString = Console.ReadLine();
ourString = ourString.ToLower();
foreach (char character in ourString)
for (int i = 0; i < vowels.Length; i++)
if (vowels[i] == character)
lengthOfString = ourString.Count(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c)); //gets the length of the string without any whitespaces
consonants = lengthOfString - vowelsInString; //Well, you get the idea.
Console.WriteLine("Vowels in our string: " + vowelsInString);
Console.WriteLine("Consonants in our string " + consonants);
Why not create an array of the vowels/consonants and check if the value is in the array?
You can do something like this in.
private bool IsCharacterAVowel(char c)
string vowels = "aeiou";
return vowels.IndexOf(c.ToString(),StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0;
You can use the following extension method:
using System;
using System.Linq;
public static class CharExtentions
public static bool IsVowel(this char character)
return new[] {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}.Contains(char.ToLower(character));
Use it like:
'c'.IsVowel(); // Returns false
'a'.IsVowel(); // Returns true
return "aeiou".Any( c => c.Equals( Char.ToLowerInvariant( myChar ) ) );
Try this out:
char[] inputChars = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();
int vowels = 0;
int consonants = 0;
foreach (char c in inputChars)
if ("aeiou".Contains(c) || "AEIOU".Contains(c))
Console.WriteLine("Vowel count: {0} - Consonant count: {1}", vowels, consonants);
Look at this code to check for both Vowel and Consonant , C#
private static void Vowel(string value)
int vowel = 0;
foreach (var x in value.ToLower())
if (x.Equals('a') || x.Equals('e') || x.Equals('i') || x.Equals('o') || x.Equals('u'))
vowel += 1;
Console.WriteLine( vowel + " number of vowels");
private static void Consonant(string value)
int cont = 0;
foreach (var x in value.ToLower())
if (x > 'a' && x <= 'd' || x > 'e' && x < 'i' || x > 'j' && x < 'o' || x >= 'p' && x < 'u' || x > 'v' && x < 'z')
cont += 1;
Console.WriteLine(cont + " number of consonant");
How do I convert numbers to its equivalent alphabet character and convert alphabet character to its numeric values from a string (except 0, 0 should stay 0 for obvious reasons)
So basically if there is a string
string content="D93AK0F5I";
How can I convert it to ?
string new_content="4IC11106E9";
I'm assuming you're aware this is not reversible, and that you're only using upper case and digits. Here you go...
private string Transpose(string input)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var character in input)
if (character == '0')
else if (character >= '1' && character <= '9')
int offset = character - '1';
char replacement = (char)('A' + offset);
else if (character >= 'A' && character <= 'Z') // I'm assuming upper case only; feel free to duplicate for lower case
int offset = character - 'A' + 1;
throw new ApplicationException($"Unexpected character: {character}");
return result.ToString();
Well, if you are only going to need a one way translation, here is quite a simple way to do it, using linq:
string convert(string input)
var chars = "0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
return string.Join("",
c => char.IsDigit(c) ?
chars[int.Parse(c.ToString())].ToString() :
You can see a live demo on rextester.
You can use ArrayList of Albhabets. For example
ArrayList albhabets = new ArrayList();
and so on.
And now parse your string character by character.
string s = "1BC34D";
char[] characters = s.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < characters.Length; i++)
if (Char.IsNumber(characters[0]))
var index = characters[0];
var stringAlbhabet = albhabets[index];
var digitCharacter = albhabets.IndexOf(characters[0]);
This way you can get "Alphabet" representation of number & numeric representation of "Alphabet".
I am trying to code the following example.
If user types in A it will output Z. It has to go past 25 characters to reach Z. So I am guessing a while loop will be needed, then if B it has to go through 23 times, so – 2 and so on until it reaches M as it will skip though 1 to reach N, then start again at 25.
Any suggestion on how to approach this?
Capital ASCII characters range according to the ASCII-table from 65 (0x41, 'A') to 90 (0x5A, 'Z').
This is the algorithm:
// inputChar is a char holding your character
char inputChar = getCharFromUser();
int inputVal = inputChar - 65; // e.g. 0 for 'A', 1 for 'B'
char outputChar = 90 - inputVal; // e.g. 90 - 1 = 89 = 'Y'
And this is how you might implement it in C#:
while (true)
var key = Console.ReadKey(intercept: true);
var inputChar = char.ToUpper(key.KeyChar);
var outputChar = (char)('Z' - inputChar + 'A');
Console.Write("{0}={1} ", inputChar, outputChar);
You could use two dictionaries which enable to lookup the char from index and vice-versa:
var indexLookup = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
.Select((chr, index) => new { chr, index })
.ToDictionary(x => x.chr, x => x.index);
var charLookup = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
.Select((chr, index) => new { chr, index })
.ToDictionary(x => x.index, x => x.chr);
Now it's simple, the essential part is charLookup[25 - indexOfChar]:
string userInput = "B";
bool isUpper = char.IsUpper(userInput[0]);
char inputChar = Char.ToLowerInvariant(userInput[0]);
int indexOfChar = indexLookup[inputChar];
char oppositeChar = charLookup[25 - indexOfChar];
string result = isUpper ? Char.ToUpperInvariant(oppositeChar).ToString() : oppositeChar.ToString();
Console.Write(result); // Y
Actually you don't need two dictionaries but only one since the string can already be used to lookup a char by index. Here is a class which provides the logic:
public class CharSwap
private string alphabet;
private Dictionary<char, int> indexLookup;
public CharSwap() : this("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") { }
public CharSwap(string alphabet)
if(alphabet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("alphabet");
this.alphabet = alphabet;
indexLookup = alphabet.Select((chr, index) => new { chr, index }).ToDictionary(x => x.chr, x => x.index);
public char? OppositeChar(char input)
char lowerChar = Char.ToLowerInvariant(input);
if (!indexLookup.ContainsKey(lowerChar))
return null;
int indexOfChar = indexLookup[lowerChar];
int indexOpposite = alphabet.Length - 1 - indexOfChar;
return Char.IsUpper(input)
? Char.ToUpperInvariant(alphabet[indexOpposite])
: alphabet[indexOpposite];
CharSwap cw = new CharSwap();
char? oppositeChar = cw.OppositeChar('B');
char input = 'B';
char result = Range[Range.Length - 1 - Range.IndexOf(input)]; //Y
or maybe another approach
char input = 'B';
char result = Range.Reverse().ElementAt(Range.IndexOf(input)); //Y
How about something like this?
char[] alphabet = {'A','B', 'C'} // and so on
char[] mapsTo = {'Z', 'Y', 'X'} // and so on, excluded for brevity
public function string changeLetter(char input)
int i = 0;
foreach (char c in alphabet) {
if (c == input) {
return mapsTo[i];
return '';
Converted to c#:
char[] alphabet = {'A','B', 'C'}; // and so on
char[] mapsTo = {'Z', 'Y', 'X'}; // and so on, excluded for brevity
public string changeLetter(char input)
int i = 0;
foreach (char c in alphabet) {
if (c == input) {
return mapsTo[i].ToString();
return default(char).ToString();
You would call this function like this (for instance):
public static void RunProgram()
Console.WriteLine("Please type in character");
input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
Console.WriteLine("You typed in " + input + ". This results in: " + ChangeInput(input));
... where "ChangeInput" is the function defined earlier.
The easy way to solve this is to use a Dictionary<char, char>:
public class Atbash {
static string source = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
static List<char> keys = source.ToList();
static List<char> values = source.Reverse().ToList();
static Dictionary<char, char> Converter = keys.ToDictionary(x => x, x => values[keys.IndexOf(x)]);
public static char Convert(char input)
char output;
bool isUpper = char.IsUpper(input);
input = char.ToLowerInvariant(input);
if(Converter.ContainsKey(input)) {
output = Converter[input];
return (isUpper) ? char.ToUpperInvariant(output) : output;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Input char is unknown");
// of course, it can return default(char) instead of throwing an exception.
Why Atbash? read about it here.
Take input of 1 character from user. It can be the vowel or consonant.
After the user gives input so it will ask do you want to input the character again for Yes press Y and for No press N.
When the user says No, you have to show how much vowel and how much consonant use has input.
Please do this question using For loop. I think array must be use. I did this code it counting vowel and consonant and spacing. But I cant take the input multiple times.
My code doesnn't run multiple times. I can only write sentence or a character in a line so it will only count that. But I want to ask the user to enter a character again.
I want my code to run multiple times so the user can give input multiple times as I explain my question.
using System;
public class vowelConsonant
public static void Main()
int vowels = 0;
int consonant = 0;
int space = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Sentence or a Character");
string v = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++)
if (v[i] == 'a' || v[i] == 'e' || v[i] == 'i' || v[i] == 'o' || v[i] == 'u')
else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(v[i]))
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of vowels is: {0}", vowels);
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of constant is: {0}", consonant);
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of space is: {0}", space);
Just put an infinite loop around the whole thing.
using System;
public class vowelConsonant
public static void Main()
// Infinite loop.
while (true)
int vowels = 0;
int consonant = 0;
int space = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Sentence or a Character");
string v = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++)
if (v[i] == 'a' || v[i] == 'e' || v[i] == 'i' || v[i] == 'o' || v[i] == 'u')
else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(v[i]))
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of vowels is: {0}", vowels);
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of constant is: {0}", consonant);
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of space is: {0}", space);
This application to count vowels and consonants letters in a sentence.
This is another solution with less line of codes with understanding idea of using loop and nested loop with char arrays.
Application interface with controls names
namespace Program8_4
public partial class Form1 : Form
// declare the counter variables in field
int iNumberOfVowels = 0;
int iNumberOfConsonants = 0;
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// call the methods in this event
// show the result in a label
lblOutput.Text = "The number of vowels : " + iNumberOfVowels.ToString() + Environment.NewLine+
"The number of consonants : " + iNumberOfConsonants.ToString();
// assign zero the counters to not add the previous number to new number, and start counting from zero again
iNumberOfVowels = 0;
iNumberOfConsonants = 0;
private int GetConsonants(string strFindConsonants)
// Declare char array to contain consonants letters
char[] chrConsonants = { 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'V', 'X',
'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'x' };
// loop to get each letter from sentence
foreach (char Consonants in strFindConsonants)
// another nested loop to compare each letter with all letters contains in chrConsonants array
for (int index = 0; index < chrConsonants.Length; index++)
// compare each letter with each element in charConsonants array
if (Consonants == chrConsonants[index])
// If it is true add one to the counter iNumberOfConsonants
// return the value of iNumberOfConsonants
return iNumberOfConsonants;
private int GetVowels(string strFindVowels)
// Declare char array to contain vowels letters
char[] chrVowels = { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O','U' };
// loop to get each letter from sentence
foreach (char Vowels in strFindVowels)
// another nested loop to compare each letter with all letters contains in chrVowels array
for (int index = 0; index < chrVowels.Length; index++)
// compare each letter with each element in chrVowels array
if (Vowels == chrVowels[index])
// If it is true add one to the counter iNumberOfVowels
iNumberOfVowels = iNumberOfVowels+1;
// return the value of iNumberOfVowels
return iNumberOfVowels;
We can simply find the required vowels and consonant counts using Regex.Matches() function.
Below is the working code snippet:
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Sentence or a Character");
string input = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
string vowels = #"[aeiouAEIOU]+"; //regular expression to match vowels
string consonants = #"[^aeiouAEIOU]+"; //regular expression to match consonants
string space = #"[\S]+";
int vowLength = new Regex(vowels).Matches(input).Count;
int conLength = new Regex(consonants).Matches(input).Count;;
int spLength = new Regex(space).Matches(input).Count;;
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of vowels is: {0}", vowLength);
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of constant is: {0}", conLength);
Console.WriteLine("Your total number of space is: {0}", spLength);
How can I implement a function in c# that return the immediate text character of a given text character. The characters should be in alphabetic order.
Example: given the character "C" the method should return the character "D".
char c = 'C';
char i = (char)(c + 1);
It will output 'D' to the Debug Output window.
Here's a method that should do what you want. There is no checking for non-alpha characters though.
public static string ToNextAlpha(string str)
if (str == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("str");
// Or you can just return "a";
var end = new StringBuilder();
for (int index = str.Length - 1; index >= 0; index--)
char c = str[index];
bool isZed = c == 'z' || c == 'Z';
c = (char)(isZed ? c - 25 : c + 1);
end.Insert(0, c);
if (!isZed)
return str.Substring(0, index) + end;
return "a" + end;
Note: This will turn "zz" into "aaa" and "ZZ" into "aAA". If you want to prepend an upper case "A" just change the last line with whatever logic you need.
I think I have found the solution:
public static string GetNextLetter(string letter = null)
if (IsStringNullOrEmpty(letter))
return "A";
char lastLetter = letter.Last();
if (lastLetter.ToString() == "Z")
return GetNextLetter(RemoveLastCharacter(letter)) + "A";
return RemoveLastCharacter(letter) + (char)(lastLetter + 1);
Any better solutions are welcome.
The question is complicated but I will explain it in details.
The goal is to make a function which will return next "step" of the given string.
For example
String.Step("a"); // = "b"
String.Step("b"); // = "c"
String.Step("g"); // = "h"
String.Step("z"); // = "A"
String.Step("A"); // = "B"
String.Step("B"); // = "C"
String.Step("G"); // = "H"
Until here its quite easy, But taking in mind that input IS string it can contain more than 1 characters and the function must behave like this.
String.Step("Z"); // = "aa";
String.Step("aa"); // = "ab";
String.Step("ag"); // = "ah";
String.Step("az"); // = "aA";
String.Step("aA"); // = "aB";
String.Step("aZ"); // = "ba";
String.Step("ZZ"); // = "aaa";
and so on...
This doesn't exactly need to extend the base String class.
I tried to work it out by each characters ASCII values but got stuck with strings containing 2 characters.
I would really appreciate if someone can provide full code of the function.
Thanks in advance.
*I'm sorry I forgot to mention earlier that the function "reparse" the self generated string when its length reaches n.
continuation of this function will be smth like this. for example n = 3
String.Step("aaa"); // = "aab";
String.Step("aaZ"); // = "aba";
String.Step("aba"); // = "abb";
String.Step("abb"); // = "abc";
String.Step("abZ"); // = "aca";
String.Step("zzZ"); // = "zAa";
String.Step("zAa"); // = "zAb";
I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier, after reading some answers I realised that the problem was in question.
Without this the function will always produce character "a" n times after the end of the step.
NOTE: This answer is incorrect, as "aa" should follow after "Z"... (see comments below)
Here is an algorithm that might work:
each "string" represents a number to a given base (here: twice the count of letters in the alphabet).
The next step can thus be computed by parsing the "number"-string back into a int, adding 1 and then formatting it back to the base.
"a" == 1 -> step("a") == step(1) == 1 + 1 == 2 == "b"
Now your problem is reduced to parsing the string as a number to a given base and reformatting it. A quick googling suggests this page:
How to implement this?
a lookup table for letters to their corresponding number: a=1, b=2, c=3, ... Y = ?, Z = 0
to parse a string to number, read the characters in reverse order, looking up the numbers and adding them up:
"ab" -> 2*BASE^0 + 1*BASE^1
with BASE being the number of "digits" (2 count of letters in alphabet, is that 48?)
EDIT: This link looks even more promising:
Quite collection of approaches, here is mine:-
The Function:
private static string IncrementString(string s)
byte[] vals = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s);
for (var i = vals.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (vals[i] < 90)
vals[i] += 1;
if (vals[i] == 90)
if (i != 0)
vals[i] = 97;
return new String('a', vals.Length + 1);
if (vals[i] < 122)
vals[i] += 1;
vals[i] = 65;
return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(vals);
The Tests
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("a") == "b");
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("z") == "A");
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("Z") == "aa");
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("aa") == "ab");
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("az") == "aA");
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("aZ") == "ba");
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("zZ") == "Aa");
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("Za") == "Zb");
Console.WriteLine(IncrementString("ZZ") == "aaa");
public static class StringStep
public static string Next(string str)
string result = String.Empty;
int index = str.Length - 1;
bool carry;
result = Increment(str[index--], out carry) + result;
while (carry && index >= 0);
if (index >= 0) result = str.Substring(0, index+1) + result;
if (carry) result = "a" + result;
return result;
private static char Increment(char value, out bool carry)
carry = false;
if (value >= 'a' && value < 'z' || value >= 'A' && value < 'Z')
return (char)((int)value + 1);
if (value == 'z') return 'A';
if (value == 'Z')
carry = true;
return 'a';
throw new Exception(String.Format("Invalid character value: {0}", value));
Split the input string into columns and process each, right-to-left, like you would if it was basic arithmetic. Apply whatever code you've got that works with a single column to each column. When you get a Z, you 'increment' the next-left column using the same algorithm. If there's no next-left column, stick in an 'a'.
I'm sorry the question is stated partly.
I edited the question so that it meets the requirements, without the edit the function would end up with a n times by step by step increasing each word from lowercase a to uppercase z without "re-parsing" it.
Please consider re-reading the question, including the edited part
This is what I came up with. I'm not relying on ASCII int conversion, and am rather using an array of characters. This should do precisely what you're looking for.
public static string Step(this string s)
char[] stepChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray();
char[] str = s.ToCharArray();
int idx = s.Length - 1;
char lastChar = str[idx];
for (int i=0; i<stepChars.Length; i++)
if (stepChars[i] == lastChar)
if (i == stepChars.Length - 1)
str[idx] = stepChars[0];
if (str.Length > 1)
string tmp = Step(new string(str.Take(str.Length - 1).ToArray()));
str = (tmp + str[idx]).ToCharArray();
str = new char[] { stepChars[0], str[idx] };
str[idx] = stepChars[i + 1];
return new string(str);
This is a special case of a numeral system. It has the base of 52. If you write some parser and output logic you can do any kind of arithmetics an obviously the +1 (++) here.
The digits are "a"-"z" and "A" to "Z" where "a" is zero and "Z" is 51
So you have to write a parser who takes the string and builds an int or long from it. This function is called StringToInt() and is implemented straight forward (transform char to number (0..51) multiply with 52 and take the next char)
And you need the reverse function IntToString which is also implementet straight forward (modulo the int with 52 and transform result to digit, divide the int by 52 and repeat this until int is null)
With this functions you can do stuff like this:
IntToString( StringToInt("ZZ") +1 ) // Will be "aaa"
You need to account for A) the fact that capital letters have a lower decimal value in the Ascii table than lower case ones. B) The table is not continuous A-Z-a-z - there are characters inbetween Z and a.
public static string stepChar(string str)
return stepChar(str, str.Length - 1);
public static string stepChar(string str, int charPos)
return stepChar(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str), charPos);
public static string stepChar(byte[] strBytes, int charPos)
//Escape case
if (charPos < 0)
//just prepend with a and return
return "a" + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strBytes);
if (strBytes[charPos] == 91)
//Z -> a plus increment previous char
strBytes[charPos] = 97;
return stepChar(strBytes, charPos - 1); }
if (strBytes[charPos] == 123)
//z -> A
strBytes[charPos] = 65;
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strBytes);
You'll probably want some checking in place to ensure that the input string only contains chars A-Za-z
Edit Tidied up code and added new overload to remove redundant byte[] -> string -> byte[] conversion
This is a lot like how Excel columns would work if they were unbounded. You could change 52 to reference chars.Length for easier modification.
static class AlphaInt {
private static string chars =
public static string StepNext(string input) {
return IntToAlpha(AlphaToInt(input) + 1);
public static string IntToAlpha(int num) {
if(num-- <= 0) return "a";
if(num % 52 == num) return chars.Substring(num, 1);
return IntToAlpha(num / 52) + IntToAlpha(num % 52 + 1);
public static int AlphaToInt(string str) {
int num = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) {
num += (chars.IndexOf(str.Substring(i, 1)) + 1)
* (int)Math.Pow(52, str.Length - i - 1);
return num;
LetterToNum should be be a Function that maps "a" to 0 and "Z" to 51.
NumToLetter the inverse.
long x = "aazeiZa".Aggregate((x,y) => (x*52) + LetterToNum(y)) + 1;
string s = "";
do { // assertion: x > 0
var c = x % 52;
s = NumToLetter() + s;
x = (x - c) / 52;
} while (x > 0)
// s now should contain the result