I'm trying to invoke a Form method from a different thread. In the form class, I have:
delegate int ReplaceMessageCallback(string msg, int key);
public int ReplaceMessage(string msg, int key)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
ReplaceMessageCallback amc = new ReplaceMessageCallback(ReplaceMessage);
object[] o = new object[] { msg, key };
return (int)this.Invoke(amc, o);
bool found = false;
int rv;
lock (this)
if (key != 0)
found = RemoveMessage(key);
if (found)
rv = AddMessage(msg, key);
rv = AddMessage(msg);
? EventLogEntryType.Information
: EventLogEntryType.Warning,
String.Format("MessageForm::ReplaceMessage(({2},{0}) returns {1}.\n\n(The message {3} exist to be replaced.)",
? "did"
: "did not"));
return rv;
When I run this, I get an exception "FormatException was unhandled" "Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list." on the call to Invoke.
Essentially this same code fragment works fine on class methods that only take a single parameter, so I assume I'm doing something wrong with the object array but I have no idea what.
An easier way to handle this is:
if (this.InvokeRequired)
int rslt;
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
rslt = ReplaceMessage(msg, key);
return rslt;
It turns out that the invoke call will pass along exceptions within the function it calls, and you can't step (F11 in debugger) into it. I assumed that it would step into the called code, so when it failed I thought it was the actual Invoke call.
I messed up a String.Format in the body of the function, and Invoke passed that exception to me with no indication of where in the code the problem actually happened.
This question already has answers here:
What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?
(27 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have an SSIS package which calls a Data Flow Task as part of a loop which iterates different end-point addresses (out of scope).
The Data Flow Task has a source Script Component responsible for calling a REST API and creating a row for each result.
There are 3 output buffers;
1. actual data row
2. error row
3. monitoring
The monitoring buffer used for telemetry and is populated through an event (EventHander) that is fired every time the API makes a request.
During the first iteration of the ForEach int the Control Flow loop, everything runs as expected, all the buffers produce the correct rows.
However, during the next iterations, the monitoring buffer which is populated within the event throws;
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.PrimeOutput(Int32 outputs, Int32[] outputIDs, PipelineBuffer[] buffers)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostPrimeOutput(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper, Int32 outputs, Int32[] outputIDs, IDTSBuffer100[] buffers, IntPtr ppBufferWirePacket)
I don't understand why the MonitoringBuffer is not initialised in the proceeding iterations.
The exception occurs while calling MonitoringBuffer.AddRow();.
Here's the whole Script Component simplified for readability:
public class ScriptMain : UserComponent
private string ClientCode { get { return Variables.ErplyClientCode; } }
private string Username { get { return Variables.ErplyUsername; } }
private string Password { get { return Variables.ErplyPassword; } }
private bool IsTest { get { return Variables.IsTest; } }
private int ErplyRecordsPerPage { get { return Variables.ErplyRecordsPerPage; } }
private string ErplyDebugOutputPath { get { return Variables.ErplyDebugOutputPath; } }
private DateTime ChangeSince { get { return Variables.ChangeSince; } }
private int records { get; set; }
private int errors { get; set; }
private string rawFolder { get; set; }
public override void PreExecute()
public override void PostExecute()
public override void CreateNewOutputRows()
ErplyAPI.OnPreRequestEvent += new EventHandler<EAPIEvent>(ErplyAPI_OnPreRequestEvent);
var staff = ErplyAPI.getStaff(ClientCode, Username, Password, ChangeSince, ErplyRecordsPerPage, IsTest);
foreach (var p in staff.List)
if (!p.IsError)
EmployeeBuffer.employeeID = p.employeeID;
ErrorBuffer.employeeID = p.employeeID;
ErrorBuffer.Error = p.Error.Message.Trim() + "\n" + p.Error.StackTrace;
catch (Exception ex)
this.ComponentMetaData.FireWarning(0, "Script", ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace, string.Empty, 0);
private void ErplyAPI_OnPreRequestEvent(object sender, EAPIEvent e)
var request = string.Empty;
var sessionKey = string.Empty;
bool fireAgain = true;
if (e == null)
ComponentMetaData.FireWarning(0, "SC_ERPLY_API", string.Format("EAPIEvent is NULL in ErplyAPI_OnPreRequestEvent. Amonit did not log the Erply request."), string.Empty, 0);
if (e.eAPI == null)
ComponentMetaData.FireWarning(0, "SC_ERPLY_API", string.Format("EAPIEvent.eAPI is NULL in ErplyAPI_OnPreRequestEvent. Amonit did not log the Erply request."), string.Empty, 0);
if (e.Parameters != null && e.Parameters.ContainsKey("request"))
request = e.Parameters["request"].ToString();
if (request != "verifyUser" && e.Parameters != null && e.Parameters.ContainsKey("sessionKey"))
sessionKey = e.Parameters["sessionKey"].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
ComponentMetaData.FireWarning(0, "SC_ERPLY_API", string.Format("Error occurred assigning variables from EAPIEvent parameters in ErplyAPI_OnPreRequestEvent. {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace), string.Empty, 0);
MonitoringBuffer.AddRow(); // Exception occurs here
MonitoringBuffer.Request = ResizeString(request, 255);
MonitoringBuffer.SessionKey = ResizeString(sessionKey, 128);
catch (Exception ex)
var message = string.Format("Error occurred outputting Erply request in ErplyAPI_OnPreRequestEvent. {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
MonitoringBuffer.ErrorMessage = ResizeString(message, 8000);
ComponentMetaData.FireWarning(0, "SC_ERPLY_API", message, string.Empty, 0);
I sorted the problem out.
The exception was being raised when the variable dispenser was being accessed from the Event. For some reason the GetValueWithContext(ScriptComponent.EvaluatorContext) is being dropped during the second call. Why this happens is beyond me.
The solution is simple, assign the variables from the variables dispenser to a local property or variable in the OnPreExecute function.
It's also good practice to not call the variable dispenser in the CreateNewOutputRows as it cause variable locking.
I ran into this issue too, but my solution was a little different -- moving the variable assignments into PreExecute() didn't help.
Instead, what I'd done is that I wanted to parse three different files, and read each of them with a Script Component. Their columns were kinda similar, so I created one Data Flow task, made sure it worked, then copied it and modified each copy to reflect the differences in the files. Running each individual Data Flow task was successful, but when I tried to run two of them, one after the other in a loop, I got a NullReferenceException from HostPrimeOutput() after calling the OutputBuffer.AddRow() method in my Script Component.
It turns out that when I copied each Data Flow task, the Script Components all kept the same namespace, and I guess it doesn't like that. So, I created brand new Script Components, set up all the output columns again (ugh!), copied the body of the script over, and it's happy.
I want my code to keep trying a method until no exception is thrown, however, unlike this question, I would like it to be written as a generic method capable of running any input delegate/method. Here is what I've had in mind, but I am not sure how to pass the arguments or generic methods through it:
public void tryLoop(Delegate anyMethod, T[] arguments) {
while (true) {
// Could be replaced by timer timeout
try {
catch {
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); // wait 2 seconds
Is this possible?
EDIT: For the academics of it, I would also be curious to know if it's possible to return the result as well.
If you can settle for using closures, you won't need to have to pass parameters to this method all (or have multiple overloads). The result can be returned using a Func.
public T tryLoop<T>(Func<T> anyMethod)
while (true)
return anyMethod();
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); // *
return default(T);
void SomeMethod(int param)
var someLocal = "Hi";
var anotherLocal = 0;
var result = tryLoop(() =>
return param + anotherLocal;
To be honest, I wouldn't set an infinite retry, however - at best, if certain types of retryable error were returned, such as a database deadlock, or a timeout calling an erratic web service, then possibly 3 or 4 retries might be in order. Exceptions such DivideByZero or FileNotFound aren't likely to go away by running them indefinitely :-)
*** especially with deadlocks, sleeping for a random period is recommended, just in case other threads are also simultaneously deadlocking on exactly the same data - you don't want the same deadlock recurrence happening in 2000ms :-).
A way to do this is by using an Action, and remove the arguments parameter:
public void tryLoop(Action anyMethod) {
while ( true ) {
// Could be replaced by timer timeout
try {
catch {
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); // wait 2 seconds
This gives you ultimate freedom in how to use it:
tryLoop(() => string.Reverse("abc"));
or like this:
String s1 = "A";
String s2 = "b";
tryLoop(() => string.Concat(s1, s2));
As you can see in the second example, you can directly take the arguments from the context of the tryLoop method being called. You can invoke anything there.
The good thing for this approach is that you will not have to use Invoke or DynamicInvoke as with a Delegate instead of Action, because these introduce a performance penalty.
If you need the result, you can re-write the above with a Func<T> instead of Action, like this:
public T tryLoop<T>(Func<T> anyMethod) {
while ( true ) {
// Could be replaced by timer timeout
try {
return anyMethod();
catch {
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); // wait 2 seconds
and use it like this:
var reversed = tryLoop(() => string.Reverse("abc"));
String s1 = "A";
String s2 = "b";
var concatenated = tryLoop(() => string.Concat(s1, s2));
Check if this suit your needs. If not then please comment. Also not sure how it will be performance wise.
Also the DynamicInvoke method has an object return type. This you can use to return the result of the delegate. You can change the return type of method from void to object.
public void tryLoop<T>(Delegate anyMethod, T[] arguments)
while (true)
{ // Could be replaced by timer timeout
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); // wait 2 seconds
Hope this helps
Please ignore whether a pattern like this is actually a good idea or not. The rationale was that I wanted to catch an error that was thrown, or a mismatch in the number of records inserted / updated / deleted. I didn't want to repeat this logic, and at the time this customisation felt like it was going to apply to no more than about four long "script" methods.
My first step was to use an anonymous function.
public void DoSqlAction(Func<bool> f, string task, string ctx, ref bool cont, List<ResultInfo> resultInfo) {
if (cont) {
bool ret = false;
try {
if (f.Invoke()) {
resultInfo.Add(new ResultInfo(seq, task, "Success", ctx, true));
cont = true;
} else {
resultInfo.Add(new ResultInfo(seq, task, "Fail", ctx, false));
cont = false;
} catch (Exception ex) {
resultInfo.Add(new ResultInfo(seq, task, "Error: " + ex.Message, ctx, false));
cont = false;
if I try to use this:
DoSqlAction(() => 1 == cx.Execute(someSql, anonymousTypeWithClassInstanceInside), "add item", refinfo.ToString(),ref cont, resultInfo);
anonymousTypeWithClassInstanceInside <-- source of the error
The error comes up:
Cannot use ref or out parameter 'abc' inside an anonymous method, lambda expression, or query expression
The solution is to get rid of the delegate Func<bool> f. I'm writing this entry (perhaps it should be a blog post?) because it felt that the compile-time error gets generated is a bit of a road block.
In this post, I discovered a link to Eric's article:
C# Cannot use ref or out parameter inside an anonymous method body
After seeing how foreach gets implemented, I was lead to think... hmmm... maybe I'm reaching for customisable syntactic sugar.
Is this possible now in C#4? Will it be possible in C#5? It makes me consider looking into http://nemerle.org at some point in the future, but I'd really like to stay within C#.
In isolation, a way better way to write this code would be:
public ResultInfo DoSqlAction(Func<bool> f, string task, string ctx) {
try {
if (f.Invoke()) {
return new ResultInfo(seq, task, "Success", ctx, true);
} else {
return new ResultInfo(seq, task, "Fail", ctx, false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return new ResultInfo(seq, task, "Error: " + ex.Message, ctx, false);
And on the outside:
while (/* there's stuff to do */) {
var result = DoSqlAction(/* the next stuff */);
if (!result.Succeeded)
or the equivalent. This eliminates the odd side-effectful function, the ref parameter, etc. And it's shorter.
I have a class that tries to get information from web service few times:
public TResult Try(Func<TResult> func, int maxRetries)
TResult returnValue = default(TResult);
int numTries = 0;
bool succeeded = false;
while (numTries < maxRetries)
returnValue = func();
succeeded = true;
catch (Exception ex)
if (succeeded)
return returnValue;
if (numTries == maxRetries)
//ask user what to do
Now after 'if (numTries == maxRetries)' user will be able to chose if he wants to continue trying to get data from web service or cancel.
I want to just open new form when user cancels and stop executing method that called above method. I can't just return null or new object because the method that run this retrier will continue to work and in many cases cause problems.
So basically this looks like this:
someValue = retry.Try(() => webService.method(),maxRetries));
//if user canceled after app wasn't able to get data stop execution as already another form is opened
I could of course check if returned value was null like:
someValue = retry.Try(()=>webService.method(),maxRetries));
if (someValue == null)
But this would mean a lot of changes in the code and I want to avoid it and it would be best if I could do it from Try method.
I can think of two things. You could make sure that TResult is of an Interface type that has a Boolean field that represents a successful request (IsSuccessful or IsValid, etc). If you cannot modify TResult, the other option is to use an Out parameter on your try method to pass another value out.
There is no way to just stop the execution of a method. The first thing that comes to mind though is to throw an exception and catch it from the calling method.
Keep in mind though that you shouldn't ever rely on exceptions to control flow like that.. but if you really can't rewrite the calling method, this may be your only option.
The other option is perhaps having your returned result set a flag (via an interface) to notify the caller that it completed successfully.
At the risk of sounding like a total noob, how do I implement ISynchronizeInvoke on a System.Timers.Timer?
I have a class (no UI) that is making calls to mciSendString. I have a timer that is supposed to poll for the current status. All of the calls from the class work, but not the ones coming from the timers elapsed event. I've tracked it down to being on a different thread, but I've not gotten any further than that. I think I need to invoke a delegate on the same thread as the class, but I haven't had any luck accomplishing it yet.
Code Sample:
private static extern Int32 mciSendString(string command, StringBuilder buffer, Int32 bufferSize, IntPtr hwndCallback);
public cPlayer()
tmrPoll = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
tmrPoll.Enabled = false;
tmrPoll.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(tmrPoll_tick);
public void tmrPoll_tick(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
private void Poll()
int res = 0;
res = mciSendString("status MediaFile position", _sbBuffer, _sbBuffer.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);
if (res == 0) _position = int.Parse(_sbBuffer.ToString());
if (res == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Position = " + _sbBuffer.ToString());
} else {
Console.WriteLine("Failed: Error " + res.ToString());
res = mciSendString("status MediaFile length", _sbBuffer, _sbBuffer.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);
if (res == 0) Console.WriteLine("Length = " + _sbBuffer.ToString());
if (res == 0) _length = int.Parse(_sbBuffer.ToString());
res = mciSendString("status MediaFile mode", _sbBuffer, _sbBuffer.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);
if (res == 0) Console.WriteLine("Mode = " + _sbBuffer.ToString());
private void SendCommand(string cmd)
mciSendString(cmd, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
For clarification, if I call from SendCommand (whatever it may be, Play, Stop, etc.) it works and the result of Poll() is what I'd expect. When the timer fires, the result (res) is 263 which is MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME. The threadID on the failed call is different from the one that succeeds, that's why I figured I needed to use ISynchronizeInvoke.
I got an answer over at the msdn forum. Someone left me a message with a link to codeplex (nito.async). I used the GenericSynchronizingObject to get the job done.
What is the error code that you are getting? I imagine part of it has to do with the hwndCallback parameter, but without seeing any code samples, it's hard to tell.
However, you don't need to implement ISynchronizeInvoke here. You might have to call it if you are passing a window handle for the callback. In that case, you will need to call the Invoke method on the managed representation that implements ISynchronizeInvoke. In other words, the control/form that you got the handle from.