Restoring scroll position on a GridView at the right time - c#

I need to restore the scroll position of a GridView in my windows app. I'm trying to find the right time to call ScrollViewer.ScrollToHorizontalOffset() and have it succeed.
If I call it in the OnNavigatedTo override, it has no effect:
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
DataContext = LoadModel();
If I call it in the Loaded handler for the page, it has no effect.
private void onPageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DataContext = LoadModel();
If I do something like the following, then it works but it is jarring because the GridView is first drawn at scroll position 0 and then snaps to the new scroll position.
var dontAwaitHere =
If I try to repro this behavior from the default visual studio GridView project, it seems to work most of the time, but I did see it not work once. I believe there is some sort of race condition, and I suspect I am putting it in the wrong place.
QUESTION = Where should I call RestoreScrollPos() Or where should I look to debug this?
private void RestoreScrollPos()
var scrollViewer = findScrollViewer(itemGridView);
if (scrollViewer != null)
scrollViewer.ScrollToHorizontalOffset(100000.0); // TODO test
public static ScrollViewer findScrollViewer(DependencyObject el)
ScrollViewer retValue = findDescendant<ScrollViewer>(el);
return retValue;
public static tType findDescendant<tType>(DependencyObject el)
where tType : DependencyObject
tType retValue = null;
int childrenCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(el);
for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(el, i);
if (child is tType)
retValue = (tType)child;
retValue = findDescendant<tType>(child);
if (retValue != null)
return retValue;

You should call RestoreScrollPos only after the grid has finished loading:
public MyPageConstructor()
this.itemGridView.Loaded += (s,e) => itemGridView_Loaded(s, e);
private void itemGridView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
As to where to load the data, you should try in LoadState:
protected override void LoadState(Object navigationParameter, Dictionary<String, Object> pageState)
DataContext = LoadModel();
base.LoadState(navigationParameter, pageState);


Multi UI-threading and databinding issues

I'm having issues updating the UI threads. Application is running 1 UI thread for each form, meaning just using SyncronizationContext with the UI thread doesn't work. I'm doing this for looping update performance as well as modal popup possibilities like select value before you can use the form.
How I'm creating it in ApplicationContext:
public AppContext()
foreach(var form in activeForms)
form.Load += Form_Load;
form.FormClosed += Form_FormClosed;
private void StartFormInSeparateThread(Form form)
Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
thread.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA;
There are controls on each for that are databound and updating with values from the same databound object. Controls being Labels and DataGridview (bound to a bindinglist).
What would be ideal is having the Bindinglist threadsafe and execute on these multiple UI threads. Found some examples that I attempted like this:
List<SynchronizationContext> listctx = new();
public ThreadSafeBindingList2()
//SynchronizationContext ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current;
public void SyncContxt()
SynchronizationContext ctx = SynchronizationContext.Current;
protected override void OnAddingNew(AddingNewEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < listctx.Count; i++)
if (listctx[i] == null)
}, null);
void BaseAddingNew(AddingNewEventArgs e)
protected override void OnListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < listctx.Count; i++)
if (listctx[i] == null)
}, null);
void BaseListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs e)
I'm also using a static class as a data property change hub for all controls so I don't change the databinding source more than once (again due to performance), where I have a background worker "ticking" every 1-3 seconds depending on system load:
private static void BackgroundWorker_DoWork(object? sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
if (timerStart is false)
timerStart = true;
while (DisplayTimerUpdateBGW.CancellationPending is false)
//UIThread.Post((object stat) => //Send
threadSleepTimer = OrderList.Where(x => x.Status != OrderOrderlineStatus.Claimed).ToList().Count > 20 ? 2000 : 1000;
if (OrderList.Count > 40)
threadSleepTimer = 3000;
//}, null);
private static void UpdateDisplayTimer()
var displayLoopStartTimer = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan displayLoopEndTimer = new();
Span<int> orderID = CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(OrderList.Select(x => x.ID).ToList());
for (int i = 0; i < orderID.Length; i++)
OrderModel order = OrderList[i];
order.OrderInfo = "Ble";
Span<int> OrderLineID = CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(order.Orderlines.Select(x => x.Id).ToList());
for (int j = 0; j < OrderLineID.Length; j++)
OrderlineModel ol = order.Orderlines[j];
TimeSpan TotalElapsedTime = ol.OrderlineCompletedTimeStamp != null ? (TimeSpan)(ol.OrderlineCompletedTimeStamp - ol.OrderlineReceivedTimeStamp) : DateTime.Now - ol.OrderlineReceivedTimeStamp;
string displaytimerValue = "";
if (ol.OrderlineCompletedTimeStamp == null)
displaytimerValue = TotalElapsedTime.ToString(#"mm\:ss");
displaytimerValue = $" {(DateTime.Now - ol.OrderlineCompletedTimeStamp)?.ToString(#"mm\:ss")} \n({TotalElapsedTime.ToString(#"mm\:ss")})";
ol.DisplayTimer = displaytimerValue;
Ideally I want to have the labels and datagridview properties databindings so that I can have INotifyPropertyChanged just updating these relevant properties in all UI threads.
Any help would be appreciated!
One of many ways to look at this is that there's only one display area (albeit which might consist of many screens) and only one element of it can change at any given moment. To my way of thinking, this means that having more than one UI thread can often be self defeating (unless your UI is testing another UI). And since the machine has some finite number of cores, having a very large number of threads (whether of the UI or worker variety) means you can start to have a lot of overhead marshalling the context as threads switch off.
If we wanted to make a Minimal Reproducible Example that has 10 Form objects executing continuous "mock update" tasks in parallel, what we could do instead of the "data property change hub" you mentioned is to implement INotifyPropertyChanged in those form classes with static PropertyChanged event that gets fired when the update occurs. To mock data binding where FormWithLongRunningTask is the binding source, the main form subscribes to the PropertyChanged event and adds a new Record to the BindingList<Record> by identifying the sender and inspecting e to determine which property has changed. In this case, if the property is TimeStamp, the received data is marshalled onto the one-and-only UI thread to display the result in the DataGridView.
public partial class MainForm : Form
public MainForm() => InitializeComponent();
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// Subscribe to the static event here.
FormWithLongRunningTask.PropertyChanged += onAnyFWLRTPropertyChanged;
// Start up the 10 forms which will do "popcorn" updates.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
new FormWithLongRunningTask { Name = $"Form{i}" }.Show(this);
private void onAnyFWLRTPropertyChanged(object? sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (sender is FormWithLongRunningTask form)
BeginInvoke(() =>
switch (e.PropertyName)
case nameof(FormWithLongRunningTask.TimeStamp):
dataGridViewEx.DataSource.Add(new Record
Sender = form.Name,
TimeStamp = form.TimeStamp,
The DataGridView on the main form uses this custom class:
class DataGridViewEx : DataGridView
public new BindingList<Record> DataSource { get; } = new BindingList<Record>();
protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
if (!DesignMode)
base.DataSource = this.DataSource;
AllowUserToAddRows = false;
#region F O R M A T C O L U M N S
DataSource.Add(new Record());
Columns[nameof(Record.Sender)].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
var col = Columns[nameof(Record.TimeStamp)];
col.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;
col.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "hh:mm:ss tt";
#endregion F O R M A T C O L U M N S
protected override void OnCellPainting(DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e)
if ((e.RowIndex > -1) && (e.RowIndex < DataSource.Count))
var record = DataSource[e.RowIndex];
var color = _colors[int.Parse(record.Sender.Replace("Form", string.Empty))];
e.CellStyle.ForeColor = color;
if (e.ColumnIndex > 0)
CurrentCell = this[0, e.RowIndex];
Color[] _colors = new Color[]
Color.Black, Color.Blue, Color.Green, Color.LightSalmon, Color.SeaGreen,
Color.BlueViolet, Color.DarkCyan, Color.Maroon, Color.Chocolate, Color.DarkKhaki
class Record
public string Sender { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public DateTime TimeStamp { get; set; }
The 'other' 10 forms use this class which mocks a binding source like this:
public partial class FormWithLongRunningTask : Form, INotifyPropertyChanged
static Random _rando = new Random(8);
public FormWithLongRunningTask() => InitializeComponent();
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
_ = runRandomDelayLoop();
private async Task runRandomDelayLoop()
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_rando.NextDouble() * 10));
TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
Text = $"# {TimeStamp.ToLongTimeString()}";
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
DateTime _timeStamp = DateTime.Now;
public DateTime TimeStamp
get => _timeStamp;
if (!Equals(_timeStamp, value))
_timeStamp = value;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
event PropertyChangedEventHandler? INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
add => PropertyChanged += value;
remove => PropertyChanged -= value;
public static event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
I believe that there's no 'right' answer to your question but I hope there's something here that might move things forward for you.

How to use common base class from System.Windows.Controls.Control for the different superclasses like Button, TextBox,TextBlock

I have a base class from System.Windows.Controls.Control that changes Visibility, Enabled , Background, Foreground properties according to data from outside.
when I use the class like below
public class RsdDesignBase : Button
It works for Button Control. I want to use same class for other controls like TextBox, Image, TextBlock but if I use like this I neet copy paste same code for all other controls.
Is there a way to use my RsdDesignBase class as base class for others controls ? Or any other way to do this.
I will paste whole class below. What it does is waits for changes in DataTag objects when they change it changes to some properties. For example if _enabledTag.Value is 0 it disables the control.
public class RsdDesignButtonBase : Button
private DataTag _visibilityTag;
private DataTag _enabledTag;
private DataTag _appearanceTag;
public TagScriptObject TagScriptObject { get; set; }
private readonly Timer _timer;
protected RsdDesignButtonBase()
Loaded += RSD_ButtonBase_Loaded;
Unloaded += OnUnloaded;
_timer = new Timer(1000);
_timer.Elapsed += TimerOnElapsed;
private void TimerOnElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
var background = Background;
var foreground = Foreground;
Background = foreground;
Foreground = background;
}), DispatcherPriority.Render);
private void OnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (_enabledTag != null) _enabledTag.DataChanged -= EnabledTagOnDataChanged;
if (_visibilityTag != null) _visibilityTag.DataChanged -= VisibilityTagOnDataChanged;
if (_appearanceTag != null) _appearanceTag.DataChanged -= AppearanceTagOnDataChanged;
private void RSD_ButtonBase_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DependencyPropertyDescriptor desc =
DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(FrameworkElement.TagProperty, typeof(FrameworkElement));
desc.AddValueChanged(this, TagPropertyChanged);
TagPropertyChanged(null, null);
private void TagPropertyChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Tag == null) return;
TagScriptObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TagScriptObject>(Tag.ToString());
if (TagScriptObject?.VisibilityProperty?.TagId > 0)
_visibilityTag =
GlobalVars.AllDataTagList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty?.TagId);
if (_visibilityTag != null)
_visibilityTag.DataChanged += VisibilityTagOnDataChanged;
VisibilityTagOnDataChanged(null, null);
if (TagScriptObject?.EnableProperty?.TagId > 0)
_enabledTag =
GlobalVars.AllDataTagList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == TagScriptObject.EnableProperty?.TagId);
if (_enabledTag != null)
_enabledTag.DataChanged += EnabledTagOnDataChanged;
EnabledTagOnDataChanged(null, null);
if (TagScriptObject?.AppearanceProperty?.TagId > 0)
_appearanceTag =
GlobalVars.AllDataTagList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == TagScriptObject.AppearanceProperty?.TagId);
if (_appearanceTag != null && !_appearanceTag.IsEventHandlerRegistered(null))
_appearanceTag.DataChanged += AppearanceTagOnDataChanged;
AppearanceTagOnDataChanged(null, null);
private void AppearanceTagOnDataChanged(object source, EventArgs args)
_timer.Enabled = false;
_ = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
double tagValue;
bool result = true;
if (_appearanceTag.VarType == VarType.Bit)
tagValue = _appearanceTag.TagValue ? 1 : 0;
result = double.TryParse(_appearanceTag.TagValue.ToString(), out tagValue);
if (result)
foreach (var controlColor in TagScriptObject.AppearanceProperty.ControlColors)
if (tagValue >= controlColor.RangeMin &&
tagValue <= controlColor.RangeMax)
Background =
new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString(controlColor.Background) as SolidColorBrush;
Foreground =
new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString(controlColor.Foreground) as SolidColorBrush;
_timer.Enabled = controlColor.Flashing == ConfirmEnum.Yes;
}), DispatcherPriority.Render);
private void EnabledTagOnDataChanged(object source, EventArgs args)
_ = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
if (_enabledTag != null)
if (TagScriptObject.EnableProperty.IsRangeSelected)
double tagValue;
bool result = true;
if (_enabledTag.VarType == VarType.Bit)
tagValue = _enabledTag.TagValue ? 1 : 0;
result = double.TryParse(_enabledTag.TagValue.ToString(), out tagValue);
if (result)
if (tagValue >= TagScriptObject.EnableProperty.RangeFrom &&
tagValue <= TagScriptObject.EnableProperty.RangeTo)
IsEnabled = TagScriptObject.EnableProperty.DefaultValue;
IsEnabled = !TagScriptObject.EnableProperty.DefaultValue;
if (_enabledTag.IsNumeric || _enabledTag.VarType == VarType.Bit)
var bitArray = _enabledTag.GetBitArray();
var singleBit = TagScriptObject.EnableProperty.SingleBit;
if (bitArray.Count > singleBit)
if (bitArray[singleBit])
IsEnabled = TagScriptObject.EnableProperty.DefaultValue;
IsEnabled = !TagScriptObject.EnableProperty.DefaultValue;
}), DispatcherPriority.Render);
private void VisibilityTagOnDataChanged(object source, EventArgs args)
_ = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
if (_visibilityTag != null)
if (TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty.IsRangeSelected)
double tagValue;
bool result = true;
if (_visibilityTag.VarType == VarType.Bit)
tagValue = _visibilityTag.TagValue ? 1 : 0;
result = double.TryParse(_visibilityTag.TagValue.ToString(), out tagValue);
if (result)
if (tagValue >= TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty.RangeFrom &&
tagValue <= TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty.RangeTo)
Visibility = TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty.DefaultValue
? Visibility.Visible
: Visibility.Hidden;
Visibility = TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty.DefaultValue
? Visibility.Collapsed
: Visibility.Visible;
if (_visibilityTag.IsNumeric || _visibilityTag.VarType == VarType.Bit)
var bitArray = _visibilityTag.GetBitArray();
var singleBit = TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty.SingleBit;
if (bitArray.Count > singleBit)
if (bitArray[singleBit])
Visibility = TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty.DefaultValue
? Visibility.Visible
: Visibility.Hidden;
Visibility = TagScriptObject.VisibilityProperty.DefaultValue
? Visibility.Hidden
: Visibility.Visible;
}), DispatcherPriority.Render);
If I understand you correctly, you want to add some feature to Button, TextBox, Image and TextBlock (and possibly more) and reuse that code for all classes, right?
What you're doing right now is adding a Base at the bottom of the inheritance tree. That way you can't share it with other classes. Ideally, you would want to change the System.Windows.Controls.Control, but that's part of the .NET Framework, so you can't change that...
This is the downside of inheritance...
The only possibility I see is to use composition:
Create a class containing the logic you want. Let's call it RsdDesign. No superclass needed. It will look a lot like your RsdDesignButtonBase.
Create a descendant for every Control you want to add this feature to
Give those descendants a private member of type ``RsdDesign````.
Connect all applicable methods of the Control to the member.
public class RsdDesign
private DataTag _visibilityTag;
private DataTag _enabledTag;
private DataTag _appearanceTag;
public TagScriptObject TagScriptObject { get; set; }
private readonly Timer _timer;
private System.Windows.Controls.Control _parentControl
protected RsdDesign(System.Windows.Controls.Control parentControl)
_parentControl = parentControl;
_parentControl.Loaded += RSD_ButtonBase_Loaded;
_parentControl.Unloaded += OnUnloaded;
_timer = new Timer(1000);
_timer.Elapsed += TimerOnElapsed;
// The rest of your RsdDesignButtonBase implementation
// ...
public class RsdDesignButton: Button
private RsdDesign _design;
public RsdDesignButton(...)
_design = new RsdDesign(this);
// You may need to hook some of the methods explicitly like this:
private void EnabledTagOnDataChanged(object source, EventArgs args)
_design.EnabledTagOnDataChanged(source, args);
I haven't tried this, but maybe the idea helps you to find a solution.
If you derive from your RsdDesignButtonBase class from FrameworkElement:
public class RsdDesignBase : FrameworkElement
} should be able to extend and customize it for TextBox, Image, TextBlock and any other FrameworkElement, e.g.:
public class TextBlock : RsdDesignBase {}
As far as I can see your control does two(three) things:
It sets a certain layout to the control (visibility, background etc)
it deals a lot with (de)serializing and processing JSON data.
Some of the processing in return modifies UI properties (e.g. Hide/Show) if certain data is available or not.
Following the helpful principal of "separation of concerns" - not because it sound academic or is 'awesome', but because you don't get into a mess of too tightly coupled code - I would much rather recommend to put all of this logic into an Attached Property or a set of Attached properties. And to pass the control as the first argument.
You would not have to change a lot of the implementation and you could use it for virtually all WPF elements that derive from Control or even FrameworkElement

Differentiate items loading to list vs scroll event Xamarin forms listview

This is my code that can successfully detect scroll up or down:
MyListView.ItemAppearing += async (object sender, ItemVisibilityEventArgs e) =>
var currentIdx = CurrentList.IndexOf((MyClass)e.Item);
if (currentIdx > _lastItemAppearedIdx)
_lastItemAppearedIdx = CurrentList.IndexOf((MyClass)e.Item);
What is working is the following: Items get added to the list, then once i start scrolling it works fine where ShowChoppedand ShowFull are methods with animations that just makes a simple animation to either half the size of an object or make it full. This works fine, but if i however click a new category that changes the content in the list, ItemAppearing gets triggered of course and ShowChoppedand ShowFull are called even though i only want it called during a scrollevent.
How would i be able to differentiate a scroll to a item collection change? I have only tried this on iOS.
Updated code:
public class ListView_iOS : ListViewRenderer
private IDisposable _offsetObserver;
private double _prevYOffset;
private IListView _myListView;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.ListView> e)
if (e.NewElement is IListView)
_offsetObserver = Control.AddObserver("contentOffset",
Foundation.NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, HandleAction);
private static bool CloseTo(double x, double y)
return Math.Abs(x - y) < 0.1;
private void HandleAction(Foundation.NSObservedChange obj)
var effectiveY = Math.Max(Control.ContentOffset.Y, 0);
if (!CloseTo(effectiveY, _prevYOffset) && Element is IListView)
var myList = Element as IListView;
myList.IsScrolling = true;
You can differentiate items loading from list scrolling by
1 adding the code if (EmployeeView.IsScrolling) within ItemAppearing method.
2 adding the code EmployeeView.IsScrolling = false; within any function you write to change the appearing of items without scrolling action, for example, when you add items or change category.
And the EmployeeView.IsScrolling value is set from listview renderer.
So the code is like:
public class NativeListView : ListView
public static readonly BindableProperty
IsScrollingProperty =
typeof(bool), typeof(NativeListView), false);
public bool IsScrolling
get { return (bool)GetValue(IsScrollingProperty); }
set { SetValue(IsScrollingProperty, value); }
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(NativeListView), typeof(NativeAndroidListViewRenderer))]
namespace App2.Droid
public class NativeAndroidListViewRenderer : ListViewRenderer
public NativeAndroidListViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.ListView> e)
if (e.NewElement is NativeListView)
Control.Scroll += Control_Scroll;
private void Control_Scroll(object sender, AbsListView.ScrollEventArgs e)
var myList = Element as NativeListView;
myList.IsScrolling = true;
private IDisposable _offsetObserver;
private double _prevYOffset;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.ListView> e)
if (e.NewElement is NativeListView)
_offsetObserver = Control.AddObserver("contentOffset",
Foundation.NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, HandleAction);
private void HandleAction(Foundation.NSObservedChange obj)
var effectiveY = Math.Max(Control.ContentOffset.Y, 0);
if (!CloseTo(effectiveY, _prevYOffset) && Element is NativeListView)
var myList = Element as NativeListView;
myList.IsScrolling = true;
_prevYOffset = effectiveY;
private static bool CloseTo(double x, double y)
return Math.Abs(x - y) < 0.1;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && _offsetObserver != null)
_offsetObserver = null;
namespace App2
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
ObservableCollection<String> employeeList = new ObservableCollection<String>();
int count = 0;
public MainPage()
AddButtion.Clicked += AddButtion_Clicked;
DelButtion.Clicked += DelButtion_Clicked;
EmployeeView.ItemsSource = employeeList;
EmployeeView.ItemAppearing += async (object sender, ItemVisibilityEventArgs e) =>
if (EmployeeView.IsScrolling) {
await DisplayAlert("ItemAppearing", e.Item + " row is appearing", "OK");
private void AddButtion_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
employeeList.Add("Mr. Mono"+ count++);
EmployeeView.IsScrolling = false;
private void DelButtion_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (employeeList.Count > 0) {
EmployeeView.IsScrolling = false;

Need know which element get focus when another element lost focus

I have many controls in a window. Requirement is to know which control gets the focus from the lost focus event of a control.
Say, A Text box and it has the focus. Now I am clicking a button. while doing this, need to know that i am moving the focus to button from the Text box lost focus event.
So how could i achieve this..
This is what I did and its working for me
protected override void OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
lostFocusControl = e.OldFocus;
private void PauseBttn_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
/**invoke OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus handller**/
Hope it will help
You can use FocusManager to handle this,
In your LostFocusEvent, Use FocusManager.GetFocusedElement()
var foo=FocusManager.GetFocusedElement();
The following class watches the FocusManager for changes in focus, it's a looped thread so you have to put up with the fact that it's running but when focus changes it will just raise an event letting you know what changed.
Just add these two classes to your project.
public class FocusNotifierEventArgs : EventArgs
public object OldObject { get; set; }
public object NewObject { get; set; }
public class FocusNotifier : IDisposable
public event EventHandler<FocusNotifierEventArgs> OnFocusChanged;
bool isDisposed;
Thread focusWatcher;
Dispatcher dispatcher;
DependencyObject inputScope;
int tickInterval;
public FocusNotifier(DependencyObject inputScope, int tickInterval = 10)
this.dispatcher = inputScope.Dispatcher;
this.inputScope = inputScope;
this.tickInterval = tickInterval;
focusWatcher = new Thread(new ThreadStart(FocusWatcherLoop))
Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal,
Name = "FocusWatcher"
IInputElement getCurrentFocus()
IInputElement results = null;
dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
results = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(inputScope);
return results;
void FocusWatcherLoop()
object oldObject = null;
while (!isDisposed)
var currentFocus = getCurrentFocus();
if (currentFocus != null)
if (OnFocusChanged != null)
dispatcher.BeginInvoke(OnFocusChanged, new object[]{ this, new FocusNotifierEventArgs()
OldObject = oldObject,
NewObject = currentFocus
oldObject = currentFocus;
public void Dispose()
if (!isDisposed)
isDisposed = true;
Then in your code behind, create a new instance of the Focus Notifier class and hook on to it's OnFocusChanged event, remember to dispose it at the end or the thread will keep your app open.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
FocusNotifier focusNotifier;
public MainWindow()
focusNotifier = new FocusNotifier(this);
focusNotifier.OnFocusChanged += focusNotifier_OnFocusChanged;
void focusNotifier_OnFocusChanged(object sender, FocusNotifierEventArgs e)
protected override void OnClosing(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
have you tried to register your controls to Control.LostFocus event and there you can check for Form.ActiveControl, to determine which control currently has the focus

How to add validation to PropertyGrid's CollectionEditor?

I'm using PropertyGrid to edit an object containing a collection.
Collection is edited using the CollectionEditor.
I have to make sure elements in collection are unique.
How can I add validation to CollectionEditor:
By either overloading CollectionEditor's OnFormClosing
Or adding validation for creating/editing items?
You can create your own collection editor, and hook into events on the default editor's controls. You can use these events to, say, disable the OK button. Something like:
public class MyCollectionEditor : CollectionEditor
private static Dictionary<CollectionForm, Button> okayButtons
= new Dictionary<CollectionForm, Button>();
// Inherit the default constructor from CollectionEditor
public MyCollectionEditor(Type type)
: base(type)
// Override this method in order to access the containing user controls
// from the default Collection Editor form or to add new ones...
protected override CollectionForm CreateCollectionForm()
CollectionForm collectionForm = base.CreateCollectionForm();
collectionForm.FormClosed +=
new FormClosedEventHandler(collectionForm_FormClosed);
collectionForm.Load += new EventHandler(collectionForm_Load);
if (collectionForm.Controls.Count > 0)
TableLayoutPanel mainPanel = collectionForm.Controls[0]
as TableLayoutPanel;
if ((mainPanel != null) && (mainPanel.Controls.Count > 7))
// Get a reference to the inner PropertyGrid and hook
// an event handler to it.
PropertyGrid propertyGrid = mainPanel.Controls[5]
as PropertyGrid;
if (propertyGrid != null)
propertyGrid.PropertyValueChanged +=
new PropertyValueChangedEventHandler(
// Also hook to the Add/Remove
TableLayoutPanel buttonPanel = mainPanel.Controls[1]
as TableLayoutPanel;
if ((buttonPanel != null) && (buttonPanel.Controls.Count > 1))
Button addButton = buttonPanel.Controls[0] as Button;
if (addButton != null)
addButton.Click += new EventHandler(addButton_Click);
Button removeButton = buttonPanel.Controls[1] as Button;
if (removeButton != null)
removeButton.Click +=
new EventHandler(removeButton_Click);
// Find the OK button, and hold onto it.
buttonPanel = mainPanel.Controls[6] as TableLayoutPanel;
if ((buttonPanel != null) && (buttonPanel.Controls.Count > 1))
Button okayButton = buttonPanel.Controls[0] as Button;
if (okayButton != null)
okayButtons[collectionForm] = okayButton;
return collectionForm;
private static void collectionForm_FormClosed(object sender,
FormClosedEventArgs e)
CollectionForm collectionForm = (CollectionForm)sender;
if (okayButtons.ContainsKey(collectionForm))
private static void collectionForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private static void propertyGrid_PropertyValueChanged(object sender,
PropertyValueChangedEventArgs e)
private static void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button addButton = (Button)sender;
private static void removeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button removeButton = (Button)sender;
private static void ValidateEditValue(CollectionForm collectionForm)
if (okayButtons.ContainsKey(collectionForm))
Button okayButton = okayButtons[collectionForm];
IList<MyClass> items = collectionForm.EditValue as IList<MyClass>;
okayButton.Enabled = MyCollectionIsValid(items);
private static bool MyCollectionIsValid(IList<MyClass> items)
// Perform validation here.
return (items.Count == 2);
You will also need to add an Editor attribute to you collection:
class MyClass
List<Foo> MyCollection
get; set;
NOTE: I found that the value of items in removeButton_Click was not correct - so some tweaking may need to take place.
Try collectionForm.Context.Instance and typecast it to your data type this should do the trick.

