I would like to know if there is a better way or general rule to check null result before accessing property or calling method in C# Linq or lambda expressions. Thanks in advance.
At my understanding, to avoid exception like "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" or "Check null from Lambda result before accessing CSharp property or calling method", I should use "if" statement, or "try/catch" block like:
var product1 = _myProductRepository.FindOne(p => p.Id == -20301);
//1. use "if" statement to let code flow continue
if(product1 != null) // to prevent exception "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
int id1 = sh1.Id; // note: accessing property "Id" is safe here
Console.WriteLine("Product Id: {0}", id1);
//2. use "try/catch" block to let code flow continue
var product2 = _myProductRepository.FindOne(123);
var possibleItems = product2.Orders.Where(x => x.Id == -1);
List<Order> myOrderList = null;
myOrderList = possibleItems.ToList(); // note: ToList() method call is safe here
myOrderList = new List<Order>();
I should use "if" statement, or "try/catch" block like:
In general, I would prefer an explicit null check if the null return is something that is expected as part of the normal operation of your application.
In your case, this is likely true, as finding a product seems like an operation that very well could fail, as a product may not exist.
That being said, if the ID is a known element and really should always be in the DB, then null would not be an expected result. In this case, the FindOne method really shouldn't return a null instance, and that is truly an exceptional case, then exception handling may be preferred.
Some people decided to close my previous question, but the question they linked (What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?) did not have an answer. This question is fundamentally different since the enumerable is populated. It is not null. Just as the first answer stated, I placed "strategic breakpoints" and checked the variables.
I'm debugging a XUnit test and it turns out that in my business logic the iteration variable in the foreach loop is throws an exception "Object Reference not set to instance of object". However, the list over which the iteration is happening is NOT null. I can see that when I'm debugging. Here is the code:
Business logic:
List<string> regionArray = new List<string>();
if (someCondition)
regionArray = _utils.GetRegions(someParam); // this is not returning null
foreach (var region in regionArray)
var query = from dataSet in myDataSets
where dataSet.Location == region
select dataSet;
var queryResult = query.FirstOrDefault();
if (queryResult == null)
// do stuff
} else if (queryResult.State != States.Provisioned)
// do stuff
Here is how I am mocking the _utils.GetRegions call, but I dont think thats the problem.
private Mock<IUtils> _mockRegionUtils;
public void ItWorks()
// do stuff
_mockRegionUtils = new Mock<IUtils>();
_mockRegionUtils.Setup(utils => utils.GetRegions(It.IsAny<ISomeParam>())).Returns(new List<string>() {"america", "china"});
// call business logic
I have checked all the types in the debugger. regionArray.GetType() returns {System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]}. when I type region into the console however, i get:
'region' threw an exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException'
how is this possible?
EDIT: fixed a typo above, sorry about that. Something weird though, so if I reassign the value of regionArray to be an inline list, it still fails. But if I define a new inline list and iterate over that, the looping works fine.
List<string> regionArray = new List<string>();
if (someCondition)
regionArray = _utils.GetRegions(someParam); // this is not returning null
regionArray = new List<string>() {"china", "america"};
List<string> temp = new List<string>() {"foo", "bar"}
foreach (var region in regionArray)
// region still throws null reference exception
foreach (var tempVar in temp)
var c = tempVar; // this works. tempvar is never null.
var query = from dataSet in myDataSets
where dataSet.Location == region
select dataSet;
var queryResult = query.FirstOrDefault();
if (queryResult == null)
// do stuff
} else if (queryResult.State != States.Provisioned)
// do stuff
EDIT 2: So I tried iterating over the regionArray in the same way just before the logic above, and it worked fine.
List<string> regionArray = new List<string>();
if (someCondition)
regionArray = _utils.GetRegions(someParam); // this is not returning null
foreach (var region in regionArray)
var c = region; // this works
foreach (var region in regionArray)
// region throws null reference exception
var query = from dataSet in myDataSets
where dataSet.Location == region
select dataSet;
var queryResult = query.FirstOrDefault();
if (queryResult == null)
// do stuff
} else if (queryResult.State != States.Provisioned)
// do stuff
so most likely, it is not a problem with the moq object. based on #Iliar's suggestion, I will see if regionArray gets modified, but at first glance since regionArray is not used within the loop, my answer would be "no".
Update: I got around this issue by renaming the region looping variable to a different name. As it turns out, I was doing another foreach (var region ...) loop earlier in my code. I spoke to some senior colleagues as to why these 2 names would conflict with each other, and they said maybe it was some issue with symbols in VSCode and not really with my actual code. Thank you all for your help!
There was a lot of info in this thread, so just to summarize here are a few bulletpoints in case it is helpful to someone else in the future:
When debugging an XUnit test, I was seeing my looping variable in my foreach displaying the following info in the tooltip 'region' threw an exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' Data [IDictionary]:{System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal} HResult [int]:-2147467261 HelpLink [string]:null InnerException [Exception]:null Message [string]:"Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Source [string]:"9dd66c33104045bba27ad3fc9fb95185" StackTrace [string]:" at <>x.<>m0(<IngestEvents>d__13 <>4__this)" TargetSite [MethodBase]:{System.String <>m0(<IngestEvents>d__13)} Static members ....
even as I stepped INTO the loop, the tooltip for region was still showing the above, and when I typed region into the console, I got 'region' threw an exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException'.
The above 2 points led me to believe region was null. However, through #IVSoftware 's help, I verified that region was not actually null, because the assertion was passing.
I then looked at the rest of my code, and as a random guess, I tried renaming the looping variable region to something else. When I did, region was correctly set to the elements of the list.
Hi I really hope to be helpful. First I will answer your question "how is this possible?" and I think I can explain why your edited question with the inline list works. True, the GetRegions method returns a list that is not null. Sure, if you call GetType() on this it correctly identifies it as a "list of strings". I believe however, that the GetRegions method is returning a list that contains at least one null value. And you prove it out yourself when you added the edit, because you say this works:
regionArray = new List<string>() {"china", "america"};
But try making a list with three values like this where one of them is null and probably the loop will fail again.
regionArray = new List<string>() {"china", null, "america"};
This suggests a bug inside the GetRegions method is putting a null value into the list that it is returning. Adding these two lines at the beginning of your loop might go a long way to identifying the issue:
foreach (var region in regionArray)
// Look for this in the Visual Studio 'Output' window
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(region == null ? "Null" : region);
// You believe that region is not null. So 'assert' that
// this evaluates to True and if it doesn't the debugger will break here.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(region != null, "Break on this line if region is null");
From what I can tell, I would look inside your GetRegions(someParam) method and see if it's inserting a null into the list somewhere. Good luck!
List<string> regionArray = new List<string>();
if (someCondition)
regionArray = _utils.GetRegions(someParam); // this is not returning null
this will override the regionArray instance, to the GetRegions instance, so creating new List<string> instance is useless.
What you want is :
List<string> regionArray = new List<string>();
if (someCondition)
which is using this new instance, and add the resulted elements inside it.
If _utils.GetRegions(someParam) returns empty set, then regionArray will not be null, but it'll be empty regionArray.Count == 0.
this is also can be done using ToList as well:
var regionArray = _utils.GetRegions(someParam).ToList();
now , you need to check regionArray after that :
if(regionArray.Count == 0)
// do something
Or using Linq
// do something
if the collection is not empty then you can iterate through the list and validate each string inside this list before you process it:
foreach (var region in regionArray)
// check if the element is null or empty
// if true, will skip this element and go to the next one
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(region)) { continue; } // go to the next iteration
// get the results
var queryResult = myDataSets.FirstOrDefault(x=> x.Location == region);
if (queryResult == null)
// do stuff
else if (queryResult.State != States.Provisioned)
// do stuff
I have an asynchronous method which will look for a jobId for a job scheduling service through an Api.
if it finds no results is it better to return an empty task or null?
As i understand when returning a collection it is better to return an empty collection rather than null and using objects its better to return null than an empty object; but with tasks i am unsure which is best.
See attached method.
Thank you
public virtual Task<int> GetJobRunIdAsync(int jobId)
var jobMonRequest = new jobmonRequest(true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
true, true, true, DateTime.Today, jobId, null, 0, null, null,
null, null, 0, 0);
var jobMonResponseTask = Client.jobmonAsync(jobMonRequest);
var jobTask = jobMonResponseTask.ContinueWith(task =>
if (jobMonResponseTask.Result == null )
var empty = new Task<int>(() => 0); // as i understand creating a task with a predefined result will reduce overhead.
return empty.Result; // || is it better to just return null?
if (jobMonResponseTask.Result.jobrun.Length > 1)
throw new Exception("More than one job found, Wizards are abound.");
return jobMonResponseTask.Result.jobrun.Single().id;
return jobTask;
if it finds no results is it better to return an empty task or null?
There's a couple things to consider here:
First, you should never return a null Task. In the async world, a null task just doesn't make sense. Task represents the execution of the asynchronous method, so for an asynchronous method to return a null task is like telling the calling code "you didn't really just call this method" when of course it did.
So, a Task/Task<T> returned from a method should never, ever be null. However, you still have the option of returning a null value inside a regular task. That is up to you.
with tasks i am unsure which is best.
The task is just a wrapper. The underlying logic is still the same. Think of how this method would look if it were synchronous; would your return type be int and return 0 if nothing was found, or would your return type be int? and return null if nothing was found? After making that choice for a synchronous method, then wrap it in Task<T> for the asynchronous method.
As a final note, I must say:
Do not ever, ever use the Task constructor.
Avoid Task<T>.Result; use await instead.
Do not use ContinueWith; use await instead.
Your method can be drastically simplified:
public virtual async Task<int> GetJobRunIdAsync(int jobId)
var jobMonRequest = ...;
var jobMonResponse = await Client.jobmonAsync(jobMonRequest);
if (jobMonResponse == null)
return 0;
if (jobMonResponse.jobrun.Length > 1)
throw new Exception("More than one job found, Wizards are abound.");
return jobMonResponse.jobrun.Single().id;
Or, if you want to return a value (not task) of null:
public virtual async Task<int?> GetJobRunIdAsync(int jobId)
var jobMonRequest = ...;
var jobMonResponse = await Client.jobmonAsync(jobMonRequest);
if (jobMonResponse == null)
return null;
if (jobMonResponse.jobrun.Length > 1)
throw new Exception("More than one job found, Wizards are abound.");
return jobMonResponse.jobrun.Single().id;
If you really want to return null from async method, you can use Task.FromResult(null)
For example:
public async Task<FileInfo> GetInfo()
return await Task.FromResult<FileInfo>(null);
The answer from Stephen Cleary explains it perfectly: do never return null, or you'll provoke null reference exceptions but I want to add something:
if your function returns a Task, return a completed task, which can be done by returning Task.CompletedTask
if your function returns a Task<T> return a completed task of T, which can be done with Task.FromResult<TResult>(TResult)
If you return null instead of a completed task, this code will throw a null reference exception:
await FunctionThatShouldRetunrTaskButReturnsNull();
and it's a bit difficult to understand what's going on even when you see it in the debugger.
So, never, never, return a null from a non-async function that returns a Task.
in a non-async function, that returns a Task or Task<T>, you need to create the task explicitly, and there is the danger of returning null instead of a task.
in an async function that returns a Task or Task<T>, you simply return or return a value, and the result of the function is implicitly converted to a task, so there is no danger of returning null.
My personal preference is to avoid null whenever possible. This forces the caller to implement checking for the return value and reduces unintentional NullReferenceException.
The only time I would use null is for a value-type return. Nullable value types provide the HasValue and Value properties so the caller can do:
var jobId = api.GetJobRunIdAsync(1234).Result; //note: highly recommend using async/await here instead of just returning a task
var result = DoSomethingWithId(jobId);
//continue processing...
I think this would work well in the example you have provided, since you are returning int.
When returning a collection, I would prefer an empty collection instead of a null object. This requires less branching, which makes the code easier to read and test - if a null collection is returned, you end up with something like:
var results = await GetResultsForJobId(1234);
if(results != null) {}
// or results?.SomeLinqOperation();
With an empty collection this is simply
var results = await GetResultsForJobId(1234);
For other non-collection reference types, I would suggest implementing a Maybe<T> or Optional<T>, which can be used with reference types in a similar way to Nullable<T>. An example of one such implementation can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/nlkl/Optional. A simpler version could be:
public struct Optional<T>
private static readonly Optional<T> _readOnlyEmpty = new Optional<T>();
public static Optional<T> Empty => _readOnlyEmpty;
public T Value { get; }
public bool HasValue { get; private set; }
public Optional(T value)
: this()
Value = value;
HasValue = true;
public static implicit operator Optional<T>(T value)
return new Optional<T>(value);
public static implicit operator T(Optional<T> optional)
return optional.Value;
There are two points here. First the return value where there is no valid result. I would change the return type to int? and return null for the jobRun Id to indicate to the caller that there is no valid value.
The other part of how to return a Task is detailed here If my interface must return Task what is the best way to have a no-operation implementation?
It is better to return an empty collection than null because collections will often implement IEnumerable and as such will be iterated through via foreach(var item in collection).
Foreach will run into a NullReferenceException if the collection object is null instead of an empty collection. Returning an empty collection will just avoid program crashes due to forgetting a null reference check in that case and is simply more intuitive.
Also a collection's objects on occasion can be created only moment they are needed for example via the yield statement. Before that, the result would simply not exist yet and thus null might be problematic here, so returning an empty collection instead of null makes sense here.
If you return a single object however, returning null is perfectly valid if it is possible that the entity the object represents does not exist and might be different from an empty object (which might have properties intialized to default values etc.). If it might fail, you will need to check if it did fail anyways, so null in this case is not a problem and in fact the desired result if there is nothing there that the reference could represent.
As for the Task. The Task itself is necessary to check or wait for its completion. If you need to be sure the Task has completed, then return an empty Task. If you do not need to check for the Task completion and just fire and forget about it, then what is the purpose of retuning anything?
I cam across this line while going through some not that old code and don't understand why anyone would ever do it:
return dbStudents.MethodToReturnAllStudents()?.Select(x => new dtoStudent(x));
MethodToReturnAllStudents returns an IEnumerable<SQLDomain.Student> (dtoStudent) is in a different namespace -- all the SQLDomain.Student has been mapped from an IDataRecord.
Why would there be a ? in the middle of this statement. Will the LINQ Select try to do anything if MethodToReturnAllStudents returns null?
Is this just terrible code all around?
Side note: Either way, I am refactoring it to follow some alternative standards and to be much more readable.
This is not "old code", since this is a C#6 feature, the Null Conditional Operator. When used, it checks if the immediately preceding value is null before allowing property/method usage on that instance. If it is null, it returns null.
In this scenario, you can translate this code to:
var students = dbStudents.MethodToReturnAllStudents();
if (students == null) return null;
return students.Select(x => new dtoStudent(x));
However, there is actually a larger potential issue with this code than the unfamiliar operator.
The general consensus is that IEnumerable<T> should never return null and, as such, should never need to be null checked. It should always return a sequence that is either hydrated or empty.
That said, if this were in fact List<T> (or a null IEnumerable, although less common), this could be a real scenario (although I would still advocate for never returning null but rather an empty list).
You will have to decide as a development team if the Null Conditional Operator is more succinct and readable. Personally, I'm a fan of it, just not in this context since it is indicative of a larger design smell.
It's not "terrible" code, but it's non-intuitive if you're not familiar with the syntax. I personally enjoy the less-verbose options. LINQ will stop if MethodToReturnAllStudents() returns null and just return that null. It's basically saying
var retVal = dbstudents.MethodToReturnAllStudents();
if(retVal == null) {
return retVal;
} else {
return retVal.Select(x => new dtoStudent(x));
Now as users have pointed out, it shouldn't return null as the caller is expecting an IEnumerable.
var retVal = dbstudents.MethodToReturnAllStudents();
if(retVal == null) {
return new List<student>();
} else {
return retVal.Select(x => new dtoStudent(x));
Using a null coalescing operator makes the code even more concise and still properly handles return types so it doesn't return null:
return dbStudents.MethodToReturnAllStudents()?.Select(x => new dtoStudent(x)) ?? new List<student>();
It is the Null Conditional Operator
MSDN Documentation
If dbStudents.MethodToReturnAllStudents() is null, it will return null instead of executing .Select(x => new dtoStudent(x)) which would result in a NullReferenceException.
I have an interesting scenario in which I've built a validation checking system that maintains a series of requirements in the form List<Tuple<Func<bool>, string>> where the Func should return true if validation failed and false otherwise. The string is a corresponding rejection description that describes the condition should the test fail.
In more simple tests like the following the validation system is quite simple:
validationChecks.Add(Tuple.Create<Func<bool>, string>(() =>
value1 == requiredValue, "value 1 did not have the required value"));
I'm struggling to understand the scope of variables within the lambda for the Func in a more advanced scenario in which the rejection string is calculated in a call to another part of the system. The scenario looks something like this:
string rejectionString = null;
validationChecks.Add(Tuple.Create<Func<bool>, string>(() => {
rejectionString = CallToAnotherMethodThatReturnsString(parameter);
if (rejectionString != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
}, rejectionString));
EDIT: As observed through testing, when this check fails the rejectionString from the Tuple is still null. I want the rejectionString that was generated by the CallToAnotherMethod to be used instead, is there any way I can do this using ref or otherwise? I need the Func's code to be able to affect the value of the string inside Item2 of the Tuple.
The problem is that the code inside of CallToAnotherMethodThatReturnsString might be code that I only want executed ONCE. However should the check fail I want to use the string that would have been returned from it as my rejection description in the Tuple. I'm unable to tell at this point what the effect of my use of rejectionString in this second example will accomplish? Will rejectionString inside the Tuple always be null? Or if CallToAnotherMethodThatReturnsString returns a different value will it be updated?
Just an idea that might work. I think if you change your second Tuple parameter to a Func that returns string instead of string value, you could come close to what you need.
string rejectionString = null;
validationChecks.Add(Tuple.Create<Func<bool>, Func<string>>(() =>
rejectionString = CallToAnotherMethodThatReturnsString(parameter);
if (rejectionString != null) {
return true;
} else {return false;}
In the first case your validation check would be set as
validationChecks.Add(Tuple.Create<Func<bool>, Func<string>>(() => value1 == requiredValue, ()=>"value 1 did not have the required value"));
And your validation is logic is then
var error = validationChecks[0].Item2();
Have a look at the following code:
private void DeDuplicateOrganisations()
var profileOrgs = _organisations.Where(o => o.ExistsInProfile).ToList();
var kvkOrgs = _organisations.Where(o => !o.ExistsInProfile).ToList();
profileOrgs.ForEach(o =>
var duplicate = kvkOrgs.FirstOrDefault(k => k.KvK == o.KvK || k.Title == o.Title);
if (duplicate != null)
o.CompanyInfoOrganisation = duplicate.CompanyInfoOrganisation;
o.ExistsInBoth = true;
_organisations = profileOrgs.Concat(kvkOrgs).OrderBy(o => o.Title).ToList();
In this example the property CompanyInfoOrganisation (simply a get; set; property) is copied when an organisation is considered a duplicate. This all works as expected, duplicates are nicely deduplicated.
Also this is true inside this message:
_organisations.First(o => o.ExistsInBoth).CompanyInfoOrganisation != null;
Now I bind the _organisations list to a listbox
lbxCompanies.DataSource = null;
lbxCompanies.DataSource = _organisations;
lbxCompanies.DisplayMember = "Title";
lbxCompanies.SelectedIndex = -1;
and later on get the selected value:
var org = lbxCompanies.SelectedValue as Organisation;
gbxCompanyInfo.Visible = org != null;
if (gbxCompanyInfo.Visible)
if (org.CompanyInfoOrganisation != null)
// NEVER GETS HERE (but gbxComanpyInfo is visible)
If I try to read the CompanyInfoOrganisation property I always get null while I know the property was set.
What is happening here? How come the property reference is destroyed? How can I prevent this from happening?
The reference you're using only has immediate scope and as soon as the query ends it exits scope and your reference disappears. So when you bind later, the reference is exactly right -- null.
profileOrgs.ForEach(o =>
// Right here -- var duplicate has scope ONLY within your query.
// As soon as the query is executed it leaves scope and the reference
// pointer will be null
var duplicate = kvkOrgs.FirstOrDefault(k => k.KvK == o.KvK || k.Title == o.Title);
if (duplicate != null)
o.CompanyInfoOrganisation = duplicate.CompanyInfoOrganisation;
o.ExistsInBoth = true;
Because you're using a class, you need to perform a deep MemberwiseClone on it to get a NEW copy of the object:
o.CompanyInfoOrganisation = (YourInfoType)duplicate.CompanyInfoOrganisation.MemberwiseClone();
When you load the data, load the CompanyInfoOrganisation property along with the root entity; that way it will be already loaded into memory. If using LINQ to SQL, you load via DataLoadOptions, and pass this to the context. If using Entity Framework, you use the Include method in the LINQ query.
It might have to do with capturing of variables inside the lambda. Try substituting the .ForEach to a regular foreach().
Or maybe the CompanyInfoOrganisation in duplicate was null to begin with.
The problem was I used string.Join() to show the values, and the first value to join was null (which is really annoying), resulting in an empty string, leaving me thinking the property was null. However it turned out the property was not null, but has a perfectly valid reference to the object needed. Using the debugger with a little more care would have saved me an hour or so...