I need something like background worker in C# to use in matlab. fyi drawnow will not be useful because I don't want the background thread in GUI. I need it in processing.
so, Is there something like that in matlab?
No. Not really. Matlab is almost entirely a single threaded environment.
There are a few caveats associated with that.
Some aspects of worked threads can be accomplished by a clever use of Timer objects. One item is executing at a a time, either a timer object or the main execution activity. Timers will not interrupt each other, but they can interrupt the main execution thread. So you could put the expensive operation in the main activity and some maintenance activities in timers.
Determining what functions can be interrupted by Timers is tricky. My best effort to figure it out is in this answer to another question. I've worked with Mathworks on this and determined there is really no satisfying answer.
Java methods can be executing from the event dispatch thread. See javaMethodEDT. (This probably doesn't help you, but I'm trying to optimize my Matlab/threading speech.)
External programs, (e.g. Java, C, C# etc) can bring their own threads. These programs can be run from Matlab.
I found something completely like the back ground worker in C# ..
t = timer('TimerFcn',#(x,y)disp(clock),'StartDelay',5,'ExecutionMode','fixedSpacing');
The back ground thread will run after 5 seconds and displays the output of clock function.
'fixedSpacing' means that it will run automatically after it ends.
I have some code which interops with some COM dlls and ActiveX controls, and then fetches me some result. I am trying to run this code in the background in another thread.
But I have a problem, if I use UI thread to achieve this, the application gets blocked, but the time taken is about 5-6 seconds approximately for this operation.
If I move this code into a background thread, the UI remains responsive but the time taken almost doubles to 10-11 seconds. There is nothing different which I am doing, but is there any specific reason why this takes more time.
As of now not able to put any code. I tried increasing the thread priority too. It did not help.
You should probably profile this to see when the execution of that background thread actually starts, and what it's actual time-consumption is - start to finish. There're a number of pretty decent profilers that can do this for you. Remember, when you create a separate thread, that doesn't mean that it necessarily fires up right at that instant. And something might be interrupting it (such as something higher in priority). Plus, when you executed it on your UI thread, it had your UI thread's priority: what priority are you setting the background-thread to? As DeveloperGuo suggests - you should probably instantiate the COM object on that background thread: if that object doesn't have to hang around, then it is generally cleaner and more efficient to make that thread have full responsibility for the COM objects and other resources that it uses, and just provide a higher-level abstract API for the rest of your program-code to use. These are just generic suggestions - can't get more specific without seeing code.
In my C# project I have a form that is displayed which shows a progress bar.
Some processing is then done which involves communication over the internet.
While this processing is occurring the form says "Not Responding" when run in Win 7, in XP the form just goes white.
Either way, it is not acceptable.
Do I need to use threads to solve this problem?
What are some of the basics of threads that I would need to use in this scenario?
Your processing must be done within a thread.
Out of your thread you have to invoke your progress bar to show the progress.
progressBar1.Value = (int)((i / limit) * 100);
Yes you have to use threads to keep your UI responsive while something gets done in background. But this question cannot be just answered just like "use Threads to solve it", because there are a lot of forms in which you could use threads. (Backgroundworker, Threadpool, Asynch IO, Creating a Thread, Task Parallel Library, CCR, and a lot more you could imagine for every kind of parallelization scenarios).
As you said you are doing some processing which needs connecting to internet. Where does the most amount of time spent? is it IO over network which takes most time in that case probably Asynchronous IO makes a lot of sense. If time spent is in one huge processing operation then Background worker is perfect, but if this processing can be further broken down into smaller chunks of parallel processing tasks then TPL or ThreadPool is preferred. Till now I am talking only about some processing which happens on Windows forms event, and keep the UI responsive. But based on the scenario there are numerous other options you could use to make threading work for you.
Asynch IO doesnt look like you are doing threading but it more matches with eventing model of winforms. So you could look at that if you are very comfortable with event based programming.
Threadpool looks more like a queue of workers to which you could keep throwing all the work needs to be done, and the framework figures out how many threads to run based on the kind of machine you are using (dual core, quad core etc) and it would get your work items doen in optimal way.
Bottom line its not one answer to use one over other, instead based on the kind of problem you are solving threading model needs to be decided on.
A cheaper option is to add the line Application.DoEvents() inside whatever loops your app is running, which will cause it to process messages each time it gets there.
If you use System.Net.WebClient, you can use DownloadDataAsync() to communicate in a non blocking way.
The System.Net.Sockets.Socket class proviede non blocking communication, too.
Sockets example
WebClient example
Yes, better way is use BackGroundWorker component. It is wrapper over threads, so you don't need to manage threads. You can get more info from Background worker on MSDN
As long as the program remain in the function to process something, the UI will not update. That is why you may need to start a background thread, so that your UI can continue functioning while your background thread can do the work. An alternatively is to use asynchronous functions.
example of background thread
From your description I'll assume that all your work is currently being done on a single thread, the main thread which is also used for your GUI.
The progress bar can only update when that main thread gets a chance to check its state and apply any expected changes.
Therefore it is important that your processing work does not occupy the main thread for extended periods of time.
There are two main approaches to handling this:
Stepping the processing activity.
Break down the processing step into a number of serial tasks - each short in nature.
Progressively call each of these serial tasks in the OnIdle event on your main thread.
Using a background thread.
See other answers giving more detail on how this would work.
The stepping approach can be useful if you want to avoid the sublties of thread synchronisation. The threading approach is probably better but only essential if it is impossible to guarantee serial short steps.
We have C# application that crawling and executing code. But some time system stolp responding becouse code executing too long. How can we stop executing code after 10s that application will not stop responding any more.
The approaches taken to tackle this problem are dependent on the way you've designed your long running operation. So, without further details, I can only provide general pointers.
If your code takes to long to execute because you're not getting a response from a remote system (ie. db, website, etc) in time, then consider timeouts. If the API you use for making those remote calls, doesn't support timeouts, consider something like the CircuitBreaker pattern:
If it's simply that your application is doing a lot of work, make sure you do that work on a thread other than the UI thread, as Twitch said, to keep the UI responsive.
If you're using a very long loop doing internal work, then it could be worth checking repeatedly in that loop for a cancelation condition being met (this could be a flag set from a different thread or even elapsed time). This approach is called cooperative cancellation.
This article on the .Net 4.0 cancellation framework gives some good background, along with this article which it references.
You have to add some sort of way for the program to tell windows "no, it's not frozen, it's working", either by making all the processing and crawling in another thread, or by doing some form of notice, like printing something every few frames.
You can call Application.DoEvents to perform events while performing a long task in a GUI thread. That way it won't block the GUI.
You should consider running the long task in a thread itself though, since you get a lot more direct control then.
is it a bad idea to load everything in from the background worker??
Current code is Executed on Form_load. we are pulling a lot of data from webservice. some long running works are in background worker.
would it be a bad idea to load everything from background worker no matter how small or big the code is??
every function to run in background worker?
or is this going to make this code messy and treading nightmare.
Thank you.
The size of the code is not a metric you should use to determine whether to perform work on a separate thread. Worst case length of execution is.
First, there aren't many UI designs where firing off a bunch of work on Form_Load is really desirable. If it's possible, I typically either:
Initiate that work prior to opening the form directly in response to a user action.
Move all of the work into the background and asynchronously update (bind?) the results to the form.
Delay the work until the user specifically performs some action which requires it.
Your users will want/expect your forms to be extremely fast and responsive regardless of how much work is being done. Executing potentially long-running operations during Form_Load is always going to result in a bad user experience.
BackgroundWorker is only one mechanism for performing work asynchronously, there are many others. You should choose the one that is most appropriate for each situation.
BackgroundWorker is normally used to make a Winforms UI more responsive. You can use it for background processing in a web application, but I don't; I use a ThreadPool in a Windows Service.
Its good to stick potentailly long-running code into a background worker so that your application remains responsive, but there is no need to put everything as a background worker.
If your code calls a web service (or any sort of external system that might time out), or does something that it likely to take longer than a few seconds, then that would be a good candidate for putting into a background worker, however if anything consistently takes less than a second or so to execute I proabably wouldn't bother.
A Background Worker will take extra time to create and destroy the thread for the background worker. If it is a small piece of code (processing-wise) it may be faster to use the main UI thread.
If maintainability is the key, perhaps using Background workers for processing may be the solution. A custom framework of sorts that automatically dealt with the detail may make the code even more maintainable.
It depends on several factors:
The number of small/large pieces of code - this will effect the number of threads running at the same time.
The importance of responsiveness and performance for the application
The importance of maintainability/scalability for the application.
Whether it is a good idea or not depends very much on the specifics of your problem. Do you have to pull all the data in one call or can you do it in independent chunks?
If it is one big long running web service call, then putting it on a thread won't do anything for you. Your best case would be several independent, long running chunks that take approximately the same amount of time to return.
Also, in webforms (since you mention Page_Load) IIRC you will be sharing the thread pool with asp.net, and you may cause your app to become less responsive overall at some threshold of concurrent requests/users.
Personally, I wouldn't put code into a worker thread unless the code comprised a specific process was interfering with UI responsiveness. There's no reason I can think put everything on a worker thread. Generally you only have responsiveness issues when you're waiting for an external resource like a web service (unless you are calculating prime numbers on Form_Load :-).
If you haven't explored asynchronous web service calls, I would recommend taking a look. The asynchronous calls will handle your threading for you - always a good thing.
It sounds like, from your reference to "Page_Load", that you are implementing this in a ASP.NET web form. If that is the case and you are trying invoke a web service asynchronously then you should use the Begin and End invoke functions of the service. This works especially well if you need to call multiple web service at the same time instead of calling them one at a time synonymously.
I've been working on the same project now since Christmas 2008. I've been asked to take it from a Console Application (which just prints out trace statements), to a full Windows App. Sure, that's fine. The only thing is there are parts of the App that can take several minutes to almost an hour to run. I need to multithread it to show the user status, or errors. But I have no idea where to begin.
I've aready built a little UI in WPF. It's very basic, but I'd like to expand it as I need to. The app works by selecting a source, choosing a destination, and clicking start. I would like a listbox to update as the process goes along. Much in the same way SQL Server Installs, each step has a green check mark by its name as it completes.
How does a newbie start multithreading? What libraries should I check out? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. I'm currently reading about this library, http://www.codeplex.com/smartthreadpool
#Martin: Here is how my app is constructed:
Engine: Runs all major components in pre-defined order
Excel: Library I wrote to wrap COM to open/read/close/save Workbooks
Library: Library which understands different types of workbook formats (5 total)
Business Classes: Classes I've written to translate Excel data and prep it for Access
Db Library: A Library I've written which uses ADO.NET to read in Access data
AppSettings: you get the idea
Serialier: Save data in-case of app crash
I use everything from LINQ to ADO.NET to get data, transform it, and then output it.
My main requirement is that I want to update my UI to indicate progress
#Frank: What happens if something in the Background Worker throws an Exception (handled or otherwise)? How does my application recieve notice?
#Eric Lippert: Yes, I'm investigating that right now. Before I complicate things.
Let me know if you need more info. Currently I've running this application from a Unit Test, so I guess callig it a Console Application isn't true. I use Resharper to do this. I'm the only person right now who uses the app, but I'd like a more attractive interface
I don't think you specify the version of the CLR you are using, but you might check out the "BackgroundWorker" control. It is a simple way to implemented multiple threads.
The best part, is that it is a part of the CLR 2.0 and up
Update in response to your update: If you want to be able to update the progress in the UI -- for example in a progress bar -- the background worker is perfect. It uses an event that I think is called: ProgressChanged to report the status. It is very elegant. Also, keep in mind that you can have as many instances that you need and can execute all the instances at the same time (if needed).
In response to your question: You could easily setup an example project and test for your question. I did find the following, here (under remarks, 2nd paragraph from the caution):
If the operation raises an exception
that your code does not handle, the
BackgroundWorker catches the exception
and passes it into the
RunWorkerCompleted event handler,
where it is exposed as the Error
property of
Threading in C# from Joseph Albahari is quite good.
This page is quite a good summary of threading.
By the sound of it you probably don't need anything very complex - if you just start the task and then want to know when it has finished, you only need a few lines of code to create a new thread and get it to run your task. Then your UI thread can bumble along and check periodically if the task has completed.
Concurrent Programming on Windows is THE best book in the existence on the subject. Written by Joe Duffy, famous Microsoft Guru of multithreading. Everything you ever need to know and more, from the way Windows thread scheduler works to .NET Parallels Extensions Library.
Remember to create your delegates to update the UI so you don't get cross-threading issues and the UI doesn't appear to freeze/lockup
Also if you need a lot of notes/power points/etc etc
Might I suggest all the lecture notes from my undergrad
The best way for a total newcomer to threading is probably the threadpool. We'll probably need to know a little more about these parts to make more in depth recommendations
Since we now have a little more info, I'm going to stick with my previous answer, it looks like you have a loads of tasks which need doing, the best way to do a load of tasks is to add them to the threadpool and then just keep checking if they're done, if tasks need to be done in a specific order then you can simply add the next one as the previous one finishes. The threadpool really is rather good for this kind of thing and I see no reason not to use it in this case
Jason's link is a good article. Things you need to be aware of are that the UI can only be updated by the main UI thread, you will get cross threading exceptions if you try to do it in the worker thread. The BackgroundWorker control can help you there with the events, but you should also know about Control.Invoke (or Control.Begin/EndInvoke). This can be used to execute delegates in the context of the UI thread.
Also you should read up on the gotchas of accessing the same code/variables from different threads, some of these issues can lead to bugs that are intermittent and tricky to track down.
One point to note is that the volatile keyword only guarantees 'freshness' of variable access, for example, it guarantees that each read and write of the variable will be from main memory, and not from a thread or processor cache or other 'feature' of the memory model. It doesnt stop issues like a thread being interrupted by another thread during its read-update-write process (e.g. changing the variables value). This causes errors where the 2 threads have different (or the same) values for the variable, and can lead to things like values being lost, 2 threads having the same value for the variable when they should have different values, etc. You should use a lock/monitor (or other thread sync method, wait handles, interlockedincrement/decrement etc) to prevent these types of problems, which guarantee only one thread can access the variable. (Monitor also has the advantage that it implicitly performs volatile read/write)
And as someone else has noted, you also should try to avoid blocking your UI thread whilst waiting for background threads to complete, otherwise your UI will become unresponsive. You can do this by having your worker threads raise events that your UI subscribes to that indicate progress or completion.
Typemock have a new tool called Racer for helping with Multithreading issues. It’s a bit advanced but you can get help on their forum and in other online forums (one that strangely comes to mind is stackoverflow :-) )
I'm a newbie to multithreading as well, but I agree with Frank that a background worker is probably your best options. It works through event subscriptions. Here's the basics of how you used it.
First Instantiate a new background worker
Subscribed methods in your code to the background workers major events:
DoWork: This should contain whatever code that takes a long time to process
ProgressChanged: This is envoked whenever you call ReportProgress() from inside the method subscribed to DoWork
RunWorkerCompleted: Envoked when the DoWork method has completed
When you are ready to run your time consuming process you call the RunAsync() method of the background worker. This starts DoWork method on a separate thread, which can then report it's progress back through the ProgressChanged event. Once it completed RunWorkerComplete will be evoked.
The DoWork event method can also check if the user somehow requested that the process be canceled (CanceLAsync() was called)) by checking the value of the CancelPending property.