How to retrieve the Outlook folder of a mail item (Outlook.MailItem)? - c#

I am getting my default inbox folder via inboxFolder = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox
Elsewhere in my code, I begin doing a foreach loop to extract specific information I want from these MailItems
foreach (var item in this.inboxFolder.Items)
Outlook.MailItem mailItem = (Outlook.MailItem)item;
//.... doing stuff here
string SenderEmail = mailItem.SenderEmailAddress;
string SenderName = mailItem.SenderName;
string FolderLocation = mailItem.???; //how to retrieve folder location?
//.... more stuff here
For example: A user may have created a subfolder called 'Test' shown below.

Thank you for the pointer guys. However I was having some trouble implementing the same initially. Here is how I solved it, just in case if some one faces the same issue.
Outlook.MAPIFolder parentFolder = mailItemToDelete.Parent as Outlook.MAPIFolder;
string FolderLocation = parentFolder.FolderPath;
The Parent object is dynamic and hence was causing issue.

Do you mean folder path? Use MAPIFolder.FullFolderPath. Or MAPIFoldert.Name if you only need the name.
Also keep in mind that the value will be the same for all items in the folder, so there is no reason to evaluate it on each step of the loop.


Accessing Shared Contacts with EWS Managed API (Exchange 2010)

I'm currently working on a project where I need to get Information from shared contacts (name, mailadress, etc) to compare multiple shared folders and find duplicate entries.
I'm coding in Visual Studio 2015. The program is just a console Application that creates an excel sheet, where the duplicate contacts are marked.
The Exchange Server is 2010 SP1.
The contacts are shared via E-Mail.
I have no problem to get acces to my own contacts. But I can't get to the folders that are shared to me.
I tried to follow this Guide.
But unfortunately this line gives me a nullpointer exception.
NameResolutionCollection ncCol = service.ResolveName(lnLegDN, ResolveNameSearchLocation.DirectoryOnly, true);
if (ncCol.Count > 0)
And further on I don't really understand what this part is supposed to to anyways, so I can't really fix it. It's my first time working with the EWS Managed API.
After changing the code I am able to get acces to the contacts folder from another mailbox. But that is not the folder that is shared to me.
So my question is, how can I get a contactsfolder that is named "CheckForDuplicates" for example. Is there a way?
Here is the code I changed in the above example. I'm getting the name of the mail box owner and than look for their contacts. After that I call a routine that gets the needed information from all contacts within that folder.
foreach (Item itItem in fiResults.Items)
object WlinkStoreEntryId = null;
if (itItem.TryGetProperty(PidTagWlinkStoreEntryId, out WlinkStoreEntryId))
string lookup = itItem.Subject;
string[] lookupArr = lookup.Trim().Split(new Char[] {'-'});
NameResolutionCollection ncCol = service.ResolveName(lookupArr[0], ResolveNameSearchLocation.DirectoryOnly, true);
if (ncCol.Count > 0)
FolderId SharedContactsId = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Contacts, ncCol[0].Mailbox.Address);
Folder SharedContactFolder = Folder.Bind(service, SharedContactsId);
rtList.Add(ncCol[0].Mailbox.Address, SharedContactFolder);
catch (Exception exception)
I found the solution.
And it's way easier than expected.
I realized that I should look for Folders in the WellKnownFolderName.Root and not in WellKnownFolderName.Contacts.
Because the WellKnownFolderName.Contacts is reserved for the Contacts-Folder. And not like I thought for all contactfolders.
FolderId sharedRootFolderid = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Root, ncCol[0].Mailbox.Address);
FolderView sharedFolderView = new FolderView(1000);
sharedFolderView .PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly);
sharedFolderView .PropertySet.Add(FolderSchema.DisplayName);
sharedFolderView .Traversal = FolderTraversal.Deep;
SearchFilter testSearchFilter = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.DisplayName, "CheckForDuplicates");
FindFoldersResults sharedContacts = service.FindFolders(sharedRootFolderid , testSearchFilter, sharedFolderView);
And that's already it.

C# Outlook ; After creating folder can't move emails

My application is supposed to send some emails to some destination. After that operation I would like to automatically move sent mails to specific folder ( based on the document type that is in the mail attachment ). If the folder doesn't exist then the program has to create it and then move the mail to the newly created folder. The issue is that after I create a new folder and succcesfully move the mail to it for the first time, then when i sent anothe mails that are supposed to be moved to the said folder the program doesn't see the folder. In fact the Folders method doesn't return any folders at all.
frankly, im out of ideas whats wrong.
when checking in the debugger it says that parentFolder.Folders "Enumeration yielded no results"
I am not sure if I should do anything more after creating the folder in the method createFolder ( ie. something like, update folders list... )
here is my code:
public void moveEmails(string itemType, Boolean itemSent, Outlook.MailItem objMail)
Outlook.MAPIFolder folderParent = objMail.Parent as Outlook.MAPIFolder;
Outlook.Folders folders;
Boolean notMoved = true;
objMail.UserProperties.Add("TransferredBy", Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText, true, Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText);
objMail.UserProperties["TransferredBy"].Value = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
if (folderParent.Name != "Inbox")
folderParent = digForInbox(folderParent);
folders = folderParent.Folders;
if (!itemSent)
itemType = "NOT DELIVERED";
foreach (Outlook.MAPIFolder folder in folders)
if (folder.Name == itemType)
notMoved = false;
if (notMoved)
createFolder(itemType,objMail, folderParent);
public void createFolder(string itemType, Outlook.MailItem objMail, Outlook.MAPIFolder folderParent)
Outlook.MAPIFolder folderNew;
folderNew = folderParent.Folders.Add( itemType, Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox ) as Outlook.MAPIFolder;
private Outlook.MAPIFolder digForInbox(Outlook.MAPIFolder folder)
Boolean isNotInbox = true;
if(folder.Name != "Inbox")
folder = folder.Parent as Outlook.MAPIFolder;
isNotInbox = false;
return folder;
I have found the answer to my question:
the issue was similar to the one in the link. I didnt imagine that because my mailboxes are mainly shared ones that would affect it in any other way than performance (due to connecting to the exchange server )
Posting this as an answer
I'd suggest using the SaveSentMessageFolder property of the MailItem class. It allows to set a Folder object that represents the folder in which a copy of the e-mail message will be saved after being sent. Also you may find the following articles helpful:
How To: Change an Outlook e-mail message before sending using C# or VB.NET
How To: Create a new folder in Outlook

Create/Open existing msg from path to new Outlook.MailItem in c#

Hello I'd like to create a Outlook.MailItem ( I believe ) from an existing one located on disk. I have the path stored in a string, and would like to access to save the body and attachments from it.
I can't seem to figure out how to open it in c# and access it.
currently I have something along the lines of
where fl evaluates out to something like "C:\users\msgs\email.msg"
Thanks for the time
Outlook.Application app = new Outlook.Application();
foreach (String fl in Directory.GetFiles(docInfo.LocalPath + _preprocessorDirectory))
if (Regex.IsMatch(fl.Trim(), _regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
Outlook.MailItem email = new Outlook.MailItem(fl);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error("Error in Process for document " + docInfo.OriginalPath, ex);
callback.Invoke(docInfo, false);
return false;
To open an item in outlook try:
var email = (Outlook.MailItem)app.Session.OpenSharedItem(fl)
From there, you can access the Attachments property and Body property as well.
Also, as I mentioned in my comment if the Regex.IsMatch is to determing the file extension, use Path.GetExtension() instead
I used this NuGet package:
Seems to work fine. I prefer it to the MS OutlookApi library because it doesn't require Outlook to be installed.
I appreciate that it won't create instances of MailItem, as you have asked for in your question - but it will enable you to extract save the individual attachments and the body...

How do i obtain the conversation history folder from office365?

I am using EWS and wish to obtain the conversation history folder from Office365 Exchange Online.
It was possible to achieve it by the method of judging the folder with DisplayName by the acquisition of the child folder from the root folder.
However, the user can change the name to this folder.
Is there a method that judges from ExtendedProperty to solve this problem?
Moreover, is there an another way?
-code sample-
Folder folder = Folder.Bind(this._exchange, WellKnownFolderName.Root);
//acquire the total number of cases including the subfolder.
FolderView view = new FolderView(1);
view.Traversal = FolderTraversal.Deep;
FindFoldersResults result = folder.FindFolders(view);
//acquire All folders.
view.PageSize = result.TotalCount;
result = folder.FindFolders(view);
FindFoldersResults folders = folder.FindFolders(view);
foreach (var f in folders.Folders)
//I want to judge the history folder of the conversation here excluding the DisplayName property.
Please anyone provide a good idea ,samples.
To check if folder contains items from some conversation you can use something like that:
var filter = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(EmailMessageSchema.ConversationId, convId);
var itemView = new ItemView();
foreach (var f in folders.Folders)
var findResult = f.FindItems(filter, itemView);
Filter should restrict find results only to items that has property ConversationId equal to conversation you are interested in.

Programmatically changing name of SPFolder

I was wondering whether it is possible to programmatically change the name of an SPFolder after it has been created?
foreach (SPFolder folder in list.RootFolder.SubFolders)
if (folder.Name.Equals("blah"))
// set the name of the folder to something else
folder.Name = "blah 2.0";
Googling so far suggested that MoveTo is the only way of doing so. There are a lot of items inside the folder so I'm reluctant to moving it unless there is absolutely no other ways.
I ended up using MoveTo as there was no other ways of doing this.
In a Document Library the field Name of an item (folder) has StaticName = FileLeafRef. So what really worked for me is
folder.Item[SPBuiltInFieldId.FileLeafRef] = "The new name";
when you have an SPFolder object, you can do it like this:
folder.item["Title"] = "blah 2.0";

