Stackoverflow style URL (customising outgoing URL) - c#

If I navigate to the following stackoverflow URL it is automatically appended with the title of the question like so:
That is, I can type the URL into my browser without the question title and it is appended automatically.
How would I go about achieving the same result in my application? (Note: I am aware that the question title doesn't affect the page that is rendered).
I have a controller called Users with an action method called Details. I have the following route defined:
new { controller = "User", action = "Details" },
new { action = "^Details$" });
As this is an intranet application the user is authenticated against their Windows account. I want to append the domain and user name to the URL.
If I generate the URL in the view like so:
#Html.ActionLink("Model.UserName", "Details", "User", new { domain = Model.Identity.Replace("\\", "/") })
I get a URL that look like this:
However, if the user navigates to the URL Domain/Users/ by using the browsers navigation bar it matches the route and the user is taken to the user details page. I would like to append the ACME/jsmith/ onto the URL in this case.
The research I have done so far indicates I might have to implement a custom route object by deriving from RouteBase and implementing the GetRouteData and GetVirtualPath methods but I do not know where to start with this (the msdn documentaiton is very thin).
So what I would like to know is:
Is there a way of achieving this without implementing a custom route?
If not, does anyone know of any good resources to get me started implementing a custom route?
If a custom route implementation is required, how does it get at the information which presumably has to be loaded from the database? Is it OK to have a service make database calls in a route (which seems wrong to me) or can the information be passed to the route by the MVC framework?

It's actually pretty simple. Since the title is just there for SEO reasons you do not need to get to the actual question, so the Question controller (in SO case) will load the correct question based on the id (in the URL) and redirect the user with a 301 status code.
You can see this behavior with any web inspector

You could do it client-side with Javascript:
history.pushState({}, /* Title Here */, /* URL Here */ );
Only downside is not all browsers support it.


Routing Issue want to display domain name even index.aspx is called

routes.MapPageRoute("Main", "", "~/index.aspx");
thats the route I mapped on index page..
when I call the url with index.aspx it displays like
but I want it to show
even when index.aspx is called
Regarding my comment, URL Rewrite is also available in IIS and So you can potentially use it.
Another solution would be to redirect to your route. The route alone doesn't change the URL, it just allows you to access the resource via the defined route.
You can redirect to the route though, which will rewrite the URL on the client
For example like this:
if (Request.Path != "/")
This is very simplified and might not work in all scenarios, so please be very careful.

How to change url for MVC4 WebSite?

I need to change the URL on my address bar.
I looked for URL Rewrite but as far as I've seen it works for a request like this:
and transforms that into:
That's not my scope. I already have MVC Routes working with The problem is that when I type that URL I am redirected (that's the behavior I want) to The problem is that I still want the address bar to show Will URL Rewrite work for that?
I am asking because I don't know if it will work since it's an internal redirect (RedirectToAction) instead of a 'regular' access.
In case someone wonders why I can't make a route for that, as explained in my question I alread have one rule for that that redirects to a 'router' which decides what action to call.
I've seen some questions, but I don't think they cover my specific problem:
MVC3 change the url
C# - How to Rewrite a URL in MVC3
This is my route:
"Profile", // Route name
"{urlParam}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Profile", action = "Router" } // Parameter defaults
Inside Router action I redirect to the correct action according to some validation done on urlParam. I need this behavior since each action returns a different View.
Updated my tags since I am now using MVC4
I once had to run a php site on a windows box. On the linux box it originally ran, it had a rewrite defined to make site process all request in only one php file (index.php).
I've installed and configured URL Rewrite with following parameters
Name : all to index.php
Match URL ------------------------------
Requested URL : Matches the Pattern
Using : Regular Expressions
Pattern : (.*)
Ignore Case : Checked
Conditions -----------------------------
Logical Grouping : Match All
Type : Is Not a File
Action ---------------------------------
Action Type : Rewrite
Action Properties:
Rewrite Url : /index.php?$1
Append Query String : Checked
Log Rewritten URL : Checked
this makes all requests to site (except files like css and js files) to be processed by index.php
so is processed on server side as
since it works on server side client url stays same.
using this as you base you can build a rewrite (not a redirect).
Server.Transfer is exactly what you need, but that is not available on MVC.
On the MVC world you can use the TransferResult class defined in this thread.
With that... you add code to your ROUTE action that process the urlParam as always and instead of "redirecting" (RedirectToAction) the user to a new URL, you just "transfer" him/her to a new action method without changing the URL.
But there it a catch (I think, I have not tested it)... if that new page postbacks something... it will NOT use your router's action URL (, but the real ACTION (
Hope it helps.
In my opinion,you can try following things:
Return EmptyResult or RedirectResult from your Action method.
Also,you need to setup and construct outbound route for URL that you required.
Secondly, if these didn't work,the crude way to handle this situation is with Div tag and replacing the contents of Div with whatever HTML emitted by Action method. I am assuming here that in your problem context, you can call up jquery ajax call.
Hope this Helps.
The problem you have is that you redirect the user ( using 302 http code) to a new location, so browser ,reloads the page. you need to modify the routes to point directly to your controller. The route registration should be routes.MapRoute("specific", "my page", new { controller = "otherpage", action="actions", param="value"}).
This route should be registered first

i have a project where i need to make special routing how i can make my own rule?

in my own site i need a thing that page are known by #topic.
it's need to look like [are this possible i need to pass google as parameter]
OR [if first can not be done then how i can use it]
how i can apply this thing in my website. the thing i need to done that
if anyone open the site that the content genrate dynamically through [passing google as parameter]
can anyone show how i can make routing for this
You can't use routing for this. The value that follows the # sign in an URL is NEVER sent to the server by the client browser. So for example if you request the server can never fetch the value google simply because the browser never sends it. The only way is to use javascript (window.location.hash) and maybe send an AJAX request to the server by rewriting the url :
You have the route table at Global.asax. Add this on the method RegisterRoutes. I am not so sure if it will work as I didn't test but that can give you a good start.
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", page = "" } // Parameter defaults

Using HTML.RoutLink to add onto the existing url

Is there a way to use HTML.RouteLink() to add onto the existing url. For example I have
<%: Html.RouteLink(link.Text, link.RouteValues) %>
My controller is Pages, and my action is somestring. So the generated url would be
This is fine. However I would link the generated url when I visit http://localhost:1241/Admin/ section to be
Instead of
This localhost/Page/somestring url is setup in my global.asx file to route to view a page, and the localhost/Admin/Page/somestring url is routed to edit the page.
I hope this is making sense and thank you all for your help!
Here Are my two routes which could give you some idea
routes.MapRoute(null,"Pages/{page}", new { controller = "Pages", action = "Page" });
routes.MapRoute("Edit Pages", "Admin/Page/{page}",new { controller = "Admin", action = "EditPage", id =UrlParameter.Optional });
You haven't really given enough information to answer this question thoroughly. As I understand it, you have a partial that uses the same code whether you're in the admin or not to generate the URL. But you want the same code to generate different URLs depending on whether you're in the admin or not.
The trick here is that you need the route values to match the defaults of the route you want to match.
In this case, to link to the non-admin:
Html.RouteLink(linkText, new {controller="Pages", action="Page", page = thePage})
But to link to the admin version
Html.RouteLink(linkText, new {controller="Admin", action="EditPage", page = thePage})
So what you need to do is make sure the partial gets the right values depending on which context it's being used in.

MVC Routes - How to get a URL?

In my current project we have a notification system. When an oject is added to another objects collection, an email is sent to those who are subscibed to the parent object. This happens on the object layer and not in the View or Controller.
Here's the problem:
Although we can say who created what with what information in the email, we cannot embed links to those objects in the email because in the object layer there is no access to a UrlHelper. To construct a UrlHelper you need a RequestContext, which again does not exist on the object layer.
I want to make a helper class to create the url's for me. How can I create an object that will generate these urls without a request context? Is it possible?
The problem is compounded by the fact that you don't want a relative URL in an email, you want an absolute email so you need to hard-code the domain too because there is no request to grab it from.
Another factor is that emails can outlive the current site structure by months or years so you need a kind of permalink, and thus a way to associate multiple Urls with a single action (additional routes). This latter issue is also a factor in SEO where you don't want to leave any page behind.
For now a static method on your controller UrlToActionX(params) sitting next to the method ActionX seems like the simplest workaround. All it does is the appropriate string.Format(...) on the id's of the strongly-typed parameters to generate the permanent Url. Add a static domain on the front, or a domain from the user object (since you know which domain they visit when they come to your site) and you have your email link.
It's not ideal but at least you now have only one place to maintain the Url generation.
IMHO: When it comes to permanent links to a changing web site sometimes it's better to rely on "configuration over convention". :-)
I'm not aware of a way to do this, you MUST have access to the routes at the very least to make your own helper. Unless your business objects know about the registered routes, you can't get away from doing some hard-coding.
Here is how you might limit the hard-coding of urls though...
Code in a url with all the relevant bits in your object's methods..
class Event
public void SendEmail()
var url = string.Format("{0}", EventId);
//send emails...
Note the /r/Event piece of the url. This would be a map to a RController that would be responsible for taking arbitrary, made-up links and sending a 301 Permanent Redirect and going through the route engine to create a real url using the current routes. This way you are only hard-coding a utility controller url and not to the ever evolving controller actions of your real pages.
class RController : Controller
public ActionResult Event(int eventId)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently;
Response.RedirectLocation = Url.Action("Details", "Event", new { eventId = eventId });
return null;
public ActionResult Register(int eventId)
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently;
Response.RedirectLocation = Url.Action("Register", "Event", new { eventId = eventId });
return null;
It just feels a bit better than hard-coding a bunch of different controllers/actions that you might decide to rename later. Think of it as your own little TinyUrl like service.
You could define an interface with a method that takes whatever information is necessary to create a URL (object ids or whatever) and returns a URL. Write an implementation of that interface that uses the UrlHelper to do this work, and then supply this to your object layer (ideally with an IoC container).
You could use:
VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(string.Format("~/r/Event?eventId={0}", id))
to resolve the url. Still not nice though.

