I am using Awesomium in order to load a page, fill some textboxes and click a button. I am trying to fill a textbox using an example from this thread: http://answers.awesomium.com/questions/857/webcontrol-type-in-webbrowser.html
Here is my code (I am using WPF control):
private void WbAwsOnDocumentReady(object sender, UrlEventArgs urlEventArgs)
if (wbAws == null || !wbAws.IsLive)
dynamic document = (JSObject)wbAws.ExecuteJavascriptWithResult("document");
if (document == null)
using (document)
dynamic textbox = document.getElementById("email");
if (textbox == null)
using (textbox)
textbox.value = "gaaffa";
It works but only with Thread.Sleep for 0.1-0.5 sec. Otherwise document is empty (not null) and/or textbox is null.
What should I do? Why it is not ready in DocumentReadyEvent?
Here is how I solved it:
WbAws.LoadingFrameCompleted += OnLoadingFrameCompleted;
WbAws.Source = new Uri("http://google.com");
private void OnLoadingFrameCompleted(...)
if (webView == null || !webView.IsLive ||
webView.ParentView != null || !e.IsMainFrame)
LoadingFrameCompleted -= OnLoadingFrameCompleted;
// do something
LoadingFrameCompleted instead of DocumentReady and because it fires not only when I need it but also on app startup I subscribe to it just before navigating and unsubscribe after it. Also checking that it IsMainFrame.
edit: but with this solution it sometimes throws exception that document is not ready. So I am also waiting for it using Thread.Sleep.
Very old question. but for someone like me, who is facing this problem-
use LoadingFrameCompleted event with WebControl.IsNavigating == false and e.IsMainFrame == true condition.
if these conditions are true in this event then page is finished loading and you are ready to get HTML content.
I have couple of method in code behind on asp.net application. I would like to return messages to user in Label in case of something happen during execution and stop execution.
Code is just as sample what I'm trying to achieve.
I already tried:
Response.Redirect("to same page");
Example: (I don't want to execute unzipFile method. I would like to reload current page with updated label)
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
uploadFile(Server.MapPath("~/") + filename);
unzipFile(string newFile);
protected void uploadFile(string newFile) {
if (newFile != null)
Label.Text="This is not valid file!"
//stop processing load file with updated label
if (newFile.ContentType != "application/x-zip-compressed") {
Label.Text="This is not valid file!"
//stop processing load file with updated label
Just don't redirect. The postback is already to the current page and should render the current page unless anything tells is not to. Consider a simple case:
protected void Page_Load(/.../)
// set some values on the page
protected void btnClick(/.../)
label1.Text = "This is a test";
With only that code in the button click handler, the current page will reload after clicking the button and the only visible change will be that text output.
Your case isn't really different. Set the labels and don't redirect. For example:
if (newFile != null)
Label.Text = "This is not valid file!";
else if (newFile.ContentType != "application/x-zip-compressed")
Label.Text = "This is not valid file!";
// process the file
However you structure the logic, ultimately your goal is to not do any more processing once you have your error condition and just allow the event handler to complete and the page to re-render.
Note: I think you also meant == null, and you can simplify the conditions. Consider:
if (newFile == null || newFile.ContentType != "application/x-zip-compressed")
Label.Text = "This is not valid file!";
// process the file
If you don't want the else, you can accomplish the same with a return:
if (newFile == null || newFile.ContentType != "application/x-zip-compressed")
Label.Text = "This is not valid file!";
// process the file
When using C1RichTextBox in Silverlight 5 with IE 10, I am facing two major issues:
During a clipboard paste operation, how can I detect if the content was copied from another C1RichTextBox in my Silverlight application or from an external application? From external applications, only text should be pasted without formatting.
Copy/Pasting large inline images from one C1RichTextBox to another does not work. The <img> elements have the image content stored in their data URL. If the image becomes too large (approx 1MB), the src attribute is dropped when copied to the clipboard.
The solution should:
Not have side-effects on the global clipboard or on the editing behavior of the C1RichTextBox.
Be robust against changes to the C1RichTextBox implementation.
Not have to modify/parse/analyze the HTML document in the clipboard.
It took me a while to figure all this (an a lot more...) out and I am happy to share with anyone who has to deal with these issues.
I am using a derived class to solve the issues
public class C1RichTextBoxExt : C1RichTextBox
1. Pasting from external application with text-only
The solution is simple in theory: Get a hold of the HTML after text from within the RichTextBox was copied/cut to the clipboard. When pasting, compare the current HTML in the clipboard with what was last copied. Because the clipboard in ComponentOne is global, the content changes if a Copy/Cut was done in another application and thus the HTML will be different.
To remember the last copied HTML, we use a static member inside C1RichTextBoxExt:
private static string _clipboardHtml;
The bad news is: The C1RichTextBox.ClipboardCopy() etc. methods are not virtual. The good news is: The keyboard shortcuts for Copy/Cut/Paste which call these methods can be disabled, e.g. in the constructor:
RemoveShortcut(ModifierKeys.Control, Key.C);
RemoveShortcut(ModifierKeys.Control, Key.Insert);
RemoveShortcut(ModifierKeys.Control, Key.V);
RemoveShortcut(ModifierKeys.Shift , Key.Insert);
RemoveShortcut(ModifierKeys.Control, Key.X);
RemoveShortcut(ModifierKeys.Shift , Key.Delete);
Now that the methods C1RichTextBox.ClipboardCopy() etc. are no longer called we can wire up our own version by overriding OnKeyDown:
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
if ((Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) && (e.Key == Key.C)) { ClipboardCopy(); }
else if ((Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) && (e.Key == Key.Insert)) { ClipboardCopy(); }
else if ((Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) && (e.Key == Key.V)) { ClipboardPaste(); }
else if ((Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) && (e.Key == Key.X)) { ClipboardCut(); }
else if ((Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Shift) && (e.Key == Key.Insert)) { ClipboardPaste(); }
else if ((Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Shift) && (e.Key == Key.Delete)) { ClipboardCut(); }
// default behaviour
e.Handled = true; // base class should not fire KeyDown event
To not accidentally call the base class methods, I am overwriting them (see below, using new modifier). The ClipboardCopy() method just calls the base class and afterwards stores the clipboard HTML. A small pitfall here was to use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() since the C1RichTextBox.ClipboardCopy() stores the selected text in the clipboard inside a Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() invocation. So the content will only be available after the dispatcher had a chance to run the action provided by C1RichTextBox.
new public void ClipboardCopy()
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
_clipboardHtml = C1.Silverlight.Clipboard.GetHtmlData();
The ClipboardCut method is very similar:
new public void ClipboardCut()
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
_clipboardHtml = C1.Silverlight.Clipboard.GetHtmlData();
The ClipboardPaste method can now detect if pasting external data. Pasting text only is no so straightforward. I came up with the idea to replace the current clipboard content with the text-only representation of the clipboard. After pasting is done, the clipboard should be restored so the content can be pasted again in other applications. This also has to be done within a Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() since the base class method C1RichTextBox.ClipboardPaste() performs the paste operation in a delayed action as well.
new public void ClipboardPaste()
// If the text in the global clipboard matches the text stored in _clipboardText it is
// assumed that the HTML in the C1 clipboard is still valid
// (no other Copy was made by the user).
string current = C1.Silverlight.Clipboard.GetHtmlData();
if(current == _clipboardHtml)
// text is the same -> Let base class paste HTML
// let base class paste text only
string text = C1.Silverlight.Clipboard.GetTextData();
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
// restore clipboard
2. Copy/Pasting large inline images
The idea here is similar: Remember the images when copied, put them back in during paste.
So first we need to store where which image is in the document:
private static List<C1TextElement> _clipboardImages;
private static int _imageCounter;
(The use of _imageCounter will be explained later...)
Then, before Copy/Cut is executed, we search for all images:
new public void ClipboardCopy()
_clipboardImages = FindImages(Selection);
// ... as posted above
and similar:
new public void ClipboardCut()
_clipboardImages = FindImages(Selection);
// ... as posted above
The methods to find the images are:
private List<BitmapImage> FindImages(C1TextRange selection = null)
var result = new List<BitmapImage>();
if (selection == null)
// Document Contains all elements at the document level.
foreach (C1TextElement elem in Document)
FindImagesRecursive(elem, result);
// Selection contains all (selected) elements -> no need to search recursively
foreach (C1TextElement elem in selection.ContainedElements)
if (elem is C1InlineUIContainer)
FindImage(elem as C1InlineUIContainer, result);
return result;
private void FindImagesRecursive(C1TextElement elem, List<BitmapImage> list)
if (elem is C1Paragraph)
var para = (C1Paragraph)elem;
foreach (C1Inline inl in para.Inlines)
FindImagesRecursive(inl, list);
else if (elem is C1Span)
var span = (C1Span)elem;
foreach (C1Inline child in span.Inlines)
FindImagesRecursive(child, list);
else if (elem is C1InlineUIContainer)
FindImage(elem as C1InlineUIContainer, list);
private void FindImage(C1InlineUIContainer container, List<BitmapImage> list)
if (container.Content is BitmapImage)
list.Add(container.Content as BitmapImage);
I won't go into details about the above methods, they are pretty straightforward if you analyze the structure of C1RichTextBox.Document.
Now, how do we restore the images? The best I found is to use the ConvertingHtmlNode event of the C1RichTextBox.HtmlFilter. This event is fired every time a HTML node is converted into a C1TextElement. We subscribe to it in the constructor:
HtmlFilter.ConvertingHtmlNode += new EventHandler<ConvertingHtmlNodeEventArgs>(HtmlFilter_ConvertingHtmlNode);
and implement it like this:
void HtmlFilter_ConvertingHtmlNode(object sender, ConvertingHtmlNodeEventArgs e)
if (e.HtmlNode is C1HtmlElement)
var elem = e.HtmlNode as C1HtmlElement;
if (elem.Name.ToLower() == "img" && _clipboardImages != null && _clipboardImages.Count > _imageCounter)
if (!elem.Attributes.ContainsKey("src")) // key comparison is not case sensitive
e.Handled = true;
So for each HTML element node with the name "img" we check if the "src" attribute is missing. If so, we add the next stored image instead and tell the event source that the event is now handled (for this HTML node) by setting e.Handled = true;
Which image is the "next" image is determined by the _imageCounter field which is incremented for each visited "img" element.
The _imageCounter field must be reset when ClipboardPaste() is invoked, so we do:
new public void ClipboardPaste()
_imageCounter = 0;
string current = C1.Silverlight.Clipboard.GetHtmlData();
// ... as posted above
If you copy/paste (no pun intended...) all code blocks posted above together, you should end up with a solution which has no side-effects (at least none known to the author as of today), is robust against changes and does almost no HTML processing.
Hey so I have all my code working and it's fine. But I'd like to clean it up a little.
At the moment I just have a message box show if there is an error in the input, so it would show "Please check your input", however I'd like it to show something like "Please check the following: firstname, secondname etc."
if ((FirstnameText.Text.Trim().Length == 0) || (SurnameText.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
|| (DateOfBirthText.Text.Trim().Length == 0) || (CourseText.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
|| (MatricNoText.Text.Trim().Length == 0) || (YearMarkText.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
|| (int.Parse(MatricNoText.Text) < 10000 || int.Parse(MatricNoText.Text) > 99999)
|| (int.Parse(YearMarkText.Text) < 0 || int.Parse(YearMarkText.Text) > 100))
public void errorMessage()
MessageBox.Show("Please check your input");
I know it's messy, but hey it works
Currently it just outputs that message, is there a simple way to output the specific textbox which has the error?
The built-in ErrorProvider component will work wonders for your situation. Drag it from the toolbox onto the designer for your form. It will appear at the bottom, where NotificationIcons and ContextMenuStrips appear. The great thing about the ErrorProvider is it give a visual feedback icon with a mouse over tooltip next to the control.
You can then use the "Validating" event of the control to check what you need:
private void FirstnameText_Validating (object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
string error = null;
if (FirstnameText.Text.Length == 0)
error = "You must enter a First Name";
e.Cancel = true; // This is important to keep focus in the box until the error is resolved.
ErrorProvider.SetError((Control)sender, error); // FirstnameText instead of sender to avoid unboxing the object if you care that much
You can also stick it in the Save button instead of raising it on the "Validating" event. To clean your code up even more, make a class that validates the input to keep non-UI stuff out of the UI.
Splitting up your code would be a start:
if ((FirstnameText.Text.Trim().Length == 0){
errorMessage("firstname is empty");
if (SurnameText.Text.Trim().Length == 0){
errorMessage("surname is empty");
Get the idea?
I often use Fluent Validation. The WithMessage method lets you specify an error message. The validator then returns you an enumerable of all error messages. There might also be a better fitting method for your specific problem.
If possible you re-write your code like below
Control errorControl =null;
foreach (Control ctrl in this.Controls)
if (ctrl is TextBox)
if (ctrl.Name == "MatricNoText")
if ((int.Parse(MatricNoText.Text) < 10000 || int.Parse(MatricNoText.Text) > 99999))
errorControl = ctrl;
else if (ctrl.Name == "MatricNoText")
if (int.Parse(YearMarkText.Text) < 0 || int.Parse(YearMarkText.Text) > 100)
errorControl = ctrl;
if (ctrl.Text.Length == 0)
errorControl = ctrl;
MessageBox.Show("Please check your input." + errorControl.Focus());
i've a problem with windows phone shakegesture library.
I build an application which its shaking the sound will go out and its work nicely but strange bug make me confused. I've two page of it. This is my seperated code :
void Instance_ShakeGesture1(object sender, ShakeGestureEventArgs e)
Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("Sounds/C.wav");
effect = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream);
effectInstance = effect.CreateInstance();
if (effectInstance.State != SoundState.Playing || effectInstance == null)
else if (effectInstance.State == SoundState.Playing || effectInstance != null)
void Instance_ShakeGesture2(object sender, ShakeGestureEventArgs e)
Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("Sounds/D.wav");
effect = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream);
effectInstance = effect.CreateInstance();
if (effectInstance.State == SoundState.Stopped || effectInstance == null)
else if (effectInstance.State == SoundState.Playing || effectInstance != null)
Instance_ShakeGesture1 is my procedure to play a music when its shaking in Page 1 and Instance_ShakeGesture2 in Page 2.
Strange bug was come when its shaking, if i shake page 1 Instance_ShakeGesture1 will executed after that I try move to page 2 and i shake it will execute Instance_ShakeGesture1 first and than Instance_ShakeGesture2.
The Problem was come same when i try to shake Page 2 first and than Page 1, Instance_ShakeGesture2 will execute first and Instance_ShakeGesture2 in the second.
I know this bug when i use breakpoint.
Anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks before :)
Possibly the event Instance_ShakeGesture1 is still active when you navigate to the second page. try
Instance.ShakeEvent -= new EventHandler(Instance_ShakeGesture1);
inside the Instance_ShakeGesture1 method.
try this, it worked for me,
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = false;
ShakeGesturesHelper.Instance.ShakeGesture -= new EventHandler<ShakeGestureEventArgs>(Instance_ShakeGesture1);
Because you should delete the events when you leaving first page. So you can clean hakeGestureEventArgs when back key button is pressed.
Okay my bad. Didn't know that you needed it to work multiple times.
Try this and let me know if it works good:
Write the same line of code that you've added, inside the OnNavigatedFrom method and delete it from your current method('Instance_ShakeGesture2')
I'm developing a Windows Forms application in C# with an embedded WebBrowser control to "dummy-proof" (i.e. disable context menus, back button, free navigation, etc.) access to a third-party web application.
Right now I'm trying to add the Zoom feature to my custom browser. I have the keyboard combos working for it (CTRL + and CTRL - make the correct OLE calls to the underlying ActiveX WebBrowser object), but among the other frustrating things about WebBrowser I've had to deal with, I can't seem to figure out how to capture CTRL-Mouse wheel to simulate the Zoom function like IE does. I've looked everywhere to find a solution to this but to no avail.
To try to figure it out, I created an empty form with just the WebBrowser control in it, and found the following:
CTRL-MouseWheel always fires the MouseWheel event when the parent form has focus and the mouse cursor is hovering over the top of the window (e.g. over the title of the application), or when the mouse cursor is hovering over the WebBrowser control when it does not appear to have focus even though the parent form has focus.
CTRL-MouseWheel never fires the MouseWheel event when the mouse cursor is hovering over the WebBrowser control and WebBrowser has focus, and there seems to be no effect.
Using the mouse wheel without CTRL scrolls the window contents of WebBrowser but does not fire the MouseWheel event until the vertical scroll bar has fully reached either the top or the bottom.
Intercepting the Message for WM_MOUSEWHEEL by overriding WndProc and DefWndProc both for a sample class inherited from WebBrowser and for the parent form applies only for the above conditions (with wParam properly denoting MK_CONTROL).
The PreviewKeyDown event fires when CTRL is pressed, as expected, but still does nothing in unison with the mouse wheel.
So I guess the Message is being processed below the parent form and the managed control level and does not bubble up to where I can intercept or even handle it. Is there a way to do this, or some other way to simulate zooming in and out using CTRL-MouseWheel?
Thanks for reading!
First cast the WebBrowser.Document.DomDocument to the right interface in the mshtml namespace, like mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event, then you can handle (and cancel) mousewheel events. I'm not sure, but I think you need to wire up the event handler anytime the document is changed, so I do it on the WebBrowser.DocumentCompleted event. I'm also not sure if you need to release any COM objects.
This was frustrating enough that I got it to work and stopped caring...
Here is at least one document explaining the basics: How to handle document events in a Visual C# .NET application
For your specific case, just conditionally squash the onmousewheel event, based on whether or not the CTRL key is pressed.
private void webBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender,
WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
if (webBrowser.Url.ToString() == "about:blank")
var docEvents = (mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)webBrowser.Document.DomDocument;
docEvents.onmousewheel -= docEvents_onmousewheel; //may not be necessary?
docEvents.onmousewheel += docEvents_onmousewheel;
bool docEvents_onmousewheel(mshtml.IHTMLEventObj pEvtObj)
if (pEvtObj.ctrlKey)
pEvtObj.cancelBubble = true; //not sure what this does really
pEvtObj.returnValue = false; //this cancels the event
return false; //not sure what this does really
return true; //again not sure what this does
Now if you need to know the Wheel Delta (scroll amount), you'll want to cast the events object to yet another interface.
bool docEvents_onmousewheel(mshtml.IHTMLEventObj pEvtObj)
var wheelEventObj = (mshtml.IHTMLEventObj4)pEvtObj;
var delta = wheelEventObj.wheelDelta;
Perhaps using SetWindowsHookEx to look for these events may work for you. This is what I've used to get scroll wheel events on top of the ActiveX MapPoint control.
Be aware there are some quirks with this on Windows 7 that may require some tinkering. For more details do a search for SetWindowsHookEx on Windows 7 on the MSDN forums.
To solve this problem you have to listen for and handle these messages:
They're dispatched by Internet Explorer. See the remarks on MSDN.
This is the code I used to disable ctrl+shift: You need to change the behavior of WndProc in the deepest control "Internet Explorer_Server",
Do this after your web browser is ready:
IntPtr wbHandle = Win32.FindWindowEx(this.wbMain.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, "Shell Embedding", String.Empty);
wbHandle = Win32.FindWindowEx(wbHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "Shell DocObject View", String.Empty);
wbHandle = Win32.FindWindowEx(wbHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "Internet Explorer_Server", String.Empty);
WbInternal wb = new WbInternal(wbHandle);
class WbInternal : NativeWindow
public WbInternal(IntPtr handle)
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL)
if (((int)m.WParam & 0x00FF) == MK_SHIFT)
base.WndProc(ref m);
You can find more message about WM_MOUSEWHEEL from MSDN.
I find this from MSDN. But I forgot the link, Once find, will append it here.
I couldn't get any of these to work reliably so after some (frustrating) experimentation, I came up with a derivative of the answer posted by TCC. My webbrowser control is hosted in a usercontrol. The main differences are I use a class-level variable for the HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event so I can unsubscribe successfully, and I set the mshtml.IHTMLEventObj pEvtObj.Returnvalue to true.. seems to work well now..
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
_wbData = (WebBrowser)FindElement("DataBrowser");
_horzScroll = (ScrollBar)FindElement("HorizontalScroll");
_vertScroll = (ScrollBar)FindElement("VerticalScroll");
_wbData.LoadCompleted += new System.Windows.Navigation.LoadCompletedEventHandler(OnLoadCompleted);
_horzScroll.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(OnHorizontalScroll);
_vertScroll.Scroll += new ScrollEventHandler(OnVerticalScroll);
private void OnHorizontalScroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e)
// _wbData.Handle
mshtml.HTMLDocument htmlDoc = _wbData.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument;
_horzPosition = (int)e.NewValue;
if (htmlDoc != null && htmlDoc.body != null)
htmlDoc.parentWindow.scroll(_horzPosition, _vertPosition);
private void OnVerticalScroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e)
mshtml.HTMLDocument htmlDoc = _wbData.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument;
_vertPosition = (int)e.NewValue;
if (htmlDoc != null && htmlDoc.body != null)
htmlDoc.parentWindow.scroll(_horzPosition, _vertPosition);
private void OnLoadCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
mshtml.HTMLDocument htmlDoc = _wbData.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument;
if (htmlDoc != null && htmlDoc.body != null)
mshtml.IHTMLElement2 body = (mshtml.IHTMLElement2)htmlDoc.body;
_horzScroll.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
if (body.scrollHeight > _wbData.ActualHeight)
_vertScroll.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
_vertScroll.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
_vertScroll.ViewportSize = _wbData.ActualHeight;
_vertScroll.Maximum = body.scrollHeight - (_wbData.ActualHeight - 8);
_eventHelper = (HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)_wbData.Document;
_eventHelper.onmousewheel -= OnMouseWheel;
_eventHelper.onmousewheel += new HTMLDocumentEvents2_onmousewheelEventHandler(OnMouseWheel);
private bool OnMouseWheel(mshtml.IHTMLEventObj pEvtObj)
mshtml.HTMLDocument htmlDoc = _wbData.Document as mshtml.HTMLDocument;
var wheelEventObj = (mshtml.IHTMLEventObj4)pEvtObj;
var delta = wheelEventObj.wheelDelta;
if (htmlDoc != null && htmlDoc.body != null && wheelEventObj != null)
_vertPosition += (int)wheelEventObj.wheelDelta;
htmlDoc.parentWindow.scroll(_horzPosition, _vertPosition);
pEvtObj.returnValue = true;
return true;