Why prerequisites doesn't show framework 2.0? [duplicate] - c#

When setting up a Setup Project in Visual Studio 2010 and even to I removing all the prerequistes .NET 4.0 is still required on the computer that runs the Installation. Deploying with ClickOnce works but is not an option, but at least it doesn't ask for .NET 4.0.
Is there a way to create a Setup Project in Visual Studio 2010 that doesn't require .NET 4.0 on installation?
This is one of the test configurations i've tested
And this is what it looks like when I run setup.exe or the .msi

Right click on the setup project in the solution explorer -> View -> Launch Conditions and set the appropriate .NET framework version:


Create installer for WindowsApplication C#

I try to create an installer for my WindowsApplication. I use the Publish and it work.
I use Visual Studio 2019 and .NET Framework 4.7.2.
The problem is when i run the installer the application also run.
I want (if possible) avoid this behavior..I want to run only the installer not also the application after install.
there is some settings to define?

Setup Wizard tries to install to wrong framework version

I've created simple one line Console application for the 3.5 framework and was attempting to try out the "Visual Studio Installer" setup wizard project to install on a server. Both Console and "Setup Wizard"are for the .net 3.5 framework however when I try the setup.exe on the target server I get a message regarding 4.5 framework pre-requisites.
Visual Studio 2013
C# Console application
.net 3.5
Windows Server 2003 R2
Any ideas where this reference to 4.5 is likely to be coming from?
As in the MSDN Forum answer:
"If this the installer project extension that generated an MSI setup and a setup.exe, then in the setup project go to View => Editor=>Launch conditions, right-click the NET launch condition, Properties window, and choose the relevant one from the drop down in Version. "

Error trying to debug winforms application in visual studio 2008

I have a solution working at VS 2008. It contains lots of projects. I installed VS 2010 and it converted all projects to work in .NET Framework 4. After I've found that there is no profit to use VS 2010, I decided to move back to 2008. After that debugging is totally broken.
When I select project and select "Debug -> Start New Instance" It says me:
Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.
The remote computer does not have a CLR version which is compatible with the remote debugging components. To install a compatible CLR version, see instructions in the 'Remote Component Setup' page on Visual Studio CD.
I tried to remove both VSs and install 2008, removed .NET Frameworks and installed 3.5.
I don't understand why it wants remote debugger while I'm trying just to run winforms application on local machine. The same happens for Console applications.
Appreciate any help.
Is your issue with Visual Studio or with the 4.0 Framework?
If it is with just the framework. I would change your projects Target Framework back to your former framework and continue to use VS2010.
If it is with VS2010, I would do the same thing as above before trying to run it in VS2008 again. You will probably have to edit the project files to the proper VS Version.
See this CodeProject Article for an example what needs to be done.
or better yet if you have source control just restore your Solution from there.

setup installer vs 2010 64 bit changed platform

I created a setup installer in vs 2010 and it is in .net Platform 3.0. Because my app is 64 bit , I also made the setup installer x64 (solution explorer-> target platform). it compiled and build fine.
when I am ready to use it, I copied this installer file to another box and run it. It complains that I need .net platform 4.0. How is it possible? How to changed it back to 3.0? How to fix this?
Sometimes Visual Studio setup automatically adds a .NET Framework launch condition to the package. So you can try this:
select your setup project in Solution Explorer
click "Launch Conditions Editor" button in Solution Explorer top pane
modify or remove the .NET Framework launch condition

Visual studio setup project which installs prerequisites but does not contain them

I'm using Visual Studio 2010, .NET 3.5 for my project.
I'm trying to create a setup project which will also install .NET Framework 3.5 and a custom app (WinPcap) as prerequisites for my application.
I don't want to include .NET + WinPcap in setup.exe as a standalone installer.
Instead, I want to specify a local relative path for each prerequisite (like \Prerequisites\DotNet.exe) in which the installations will be contained.
This way I can still distribute my app in a 'standalone' if I wish and a minimal setup.
I've tried searching through this site and the web but I couldn't figure how to get the behavior I want.
Some guidance would be great, thanks.
This is not supported by Visual Studio. The package either has prerequisites or it doesn't have them.
A solution would be to create custom prerequisites which are downloaded from an URL. This way you can distribute a smaller installer and the prerequisites are downloaded only when needed.
Perhaps this will help you configure the prerequisites: Adding Custom prerequsites to visual studio setup project
Another solution is to build 2 separate packages: one with prerequisites and one without them.

