Custom OrderBy Due to Hundreds of Columns - c#

I have a table which has hundreds of columns (like FirstName and LastName).
All this data is displayed as a GridView with listing. I've made use of the SortCommand event which has the e.SortExpression, but I can't fathom how to use it in an OrderBy function since after inputting a lambda expression. IntelliSense shows me all the hundreds of columns instead of the one I need - which I only have at run-time.
How do I use the Func<TSource, TKey> selector the OrderBy functions expects from me to let it know that the string e.SortExpression is the column that needs to be sorted?
Example of what I essentially mean:
private void dataGrid_SortCommand(object source, DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e)
var users = new UsersEntities().UsersTable.OrderBy(x => "x."+e.SortExpression);
I've come to understand that the way in which I'm looking to accomplish this is using Expression trees, and I'm hoping someone can provide the exact solution.
Update 2:
I've found the solution here. Turns out my question was a duplicate and to add to that, badly worded. Thanks to everyone.
And I've also just noticed that ken's offered pretty damning evidence that I should use dynamic linq. I'll consider doing so in the future, but I couldn't help but notice how fun it is to experiment with Expression trees rather than rely on libraries to do them for me. At this stage, as I'm still new to Expression trees this is a perfect opportunity to utilize them.

You can use dynamic linq That would allow you to do an OrderBy based on a string.
See my comment. Using dynamic linq, your solution could be as easy as:
var users = new UsersEntities().UsersTable.OrderBy(e.SortExpression);

You can dynamically create LINQ expressions easily as long as only logical ANDs are involved in where clauses. Simply repeat the Where clause!
// Filter
var query = new UsersEntities().UsersTable.Select(x => x);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameFilter) {
query = query.Where(x => x.Name == nameFilter);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(zipFilter) {
query = query.Where(x => x.Zip == zipFilter);
// Sorting
switch (sortField)
case "Name":
query = query.OrderBy(x => x.Name);
case "Zip":
query = query.OrderBy(x => x.Zip);
You could also create an expression tree dynamically, but this is not very obvious.


C# and LINQ - arbitrary statement instead of let

Let's say I'm doing a LINQ query like this (this is LINQ to Objects, BTW):
var rows =
from t in totals
let name = Utilities.GetName(t)
orderby name
select t;
So the GetName method just calculates a display name from a Total object and is a decent use of the let keyword. But let's say I have another method, Utilities.Sum() that applies some math on a Total object and sets some properties on it. I can use let to achieve this, like so:
var rows =
from t in totals
let unused = Utilities.Sum(t)
select t;
The thing that is weird here, is that Utilities.Sum() has to return a value, even if I don't use it. Is there a way to use it inside a LINQ statement if it returns void? I obviously can't do something like this:
var rows =
from t in totals
select t;
PS - I know this is probably not good practice to call a method with side effects in a LINQ expression. Just trying to understand LINQ syntax completely.
No, there is no LINQ method that performs an Action on all of the items in the IEnumerable<T>. It was very specifically left out because the designers actively didn't want it to be in there.
Answering the question
No, but you could cheat by creating a Func which just calls the intended method and spits out a random return value, bool for example:
Func<Total, bool> dummy = (total) =>
return true;
var rows = from t in totals
let unused = dummy(t)
select t;
But this is not a good idea - it's not particularly readable.
The let statement behind the scenes
What the above query will translate to is something similar to this:
var rows = totals.Select(t => new { t, unused = dummy(t) })
.Select(x => x.t);
So another option if you want to use method-syntax instead of query-syntax, what you could do is:
var rows = totals.Select(t =>
return t;
A little better, but still abusing LINQ.
... but what you should do
But I really see no reason not to just simply loop around totals separately:
foreach (var t in totals)
You should download the "Interactive Extensions" (NuGet Ix-Main) from Microsoft's Reactive Extensions team. It has a load of useful extensions. It'll let you do this:
var rows =
from t in totals.Do(x => Utilities.Sum(x))
select t;
It's there to allow side-effects on a traversed enumerable.
Please, read my comment to the question. The simplest way to achieve such of functionality is to use query like this:
var rows = from t in totals
group t by into grp
select new
Name = t.Key,
Sum = grp.Sum()
Above query returns IEnumerable object.
For further information, please see: 101 LINQ Samples

Chaining OR conditions in EF 5.0

I will preface this with I'm actively searching for the solution to this problem but figured I might short cut some research and development time if someone here on stack has already figured this out. (I have found nothing online so here goes)
We have a case in an application framework we are building where we need the capability to take in a set of Predicates (List<Expression<Func<T,bool>>>) and parse it in a search framework.
Right now we have the capability to filter in this way being that:
//Assume predicates is passed as a method argument.
// of List<Expression<Func<T,bool>>>
//Assume user is passed in as a method argument.
//Assume FilterToUserAccess is a custom extension method that restricts the dataset
// to access restrictions.
var query = _dbContext.Set<EntityType>()
foreach(var p in predicates){
query = query.Where(p);
return p.ToList();
The reason we need to do this is for scale-ability of filterable objects. However for a quick search this is not possible given the built in capabilities of EF. What I need to be able to do is:
Object A (lets pretend it's a race car) and we want to search make, model, team, and driver in a quick search box. So if I enter "Earnhardt", it would search all race car entity properties being make, model, team, and driver. I would end up with all the DEI cars as well as Dale Jr. I would like to use the same approach so we can configure a searchable entity and reflect the search configuration on application start. I would ideally like to make some way of having the query look similar to this:
//Assume predicates is passed as a method argument.
// of List<Expression<Func<T,bool>>>
//Assume user is passed in as a method argument.
//Assume FilterToUserAccess is a custom extension method that restricts the dataset
// to access restrictions.
var query = _dbContext.Set<EntityType>()
foreach(var p in predicates){
query = query.Or(p);
return p.ToList();
I realize I can do:
_dbContext.Set<EntityType>().Where(predicate1 || predicate2 || predicate3)
However this will not work for the approach we want to take to solve this problem. Ideally an admin for one of our client sites would be able to go in and configure an additional search term with a single click to be included in any and all quick searches for that entity type like we can currently pull off with Filters which use the standard .Where(...) "and" chaining logic.
First solution was a bust, however with some more digging there is an incredibly simple solution, verified and works.
Step 1: install the NuGet package for LinqKit.
Step 2: Enjoy the code below
using (ISampleRepository repo = new SampleRepository())
var predicates = new List<Expression<Func<Customer,bool>>>(){
(x => x.FirstName.Contains(searchValue)),
(x => x.LastName.Contains(searchValue))
var lambda = PredicateBuilder.False<Customer>();
lambda = predicates.Aggregate(lambda, (current, p) => current.Or(p).Expand());
var query = repo.QueryCustomers().AsExpandable().Include(x => x.Phones).Where(lambda);
return query.Take(500)
.Select(x => x.ToDTO())
This is just the spike sample but doing the same thing with a method taking in ->
List<T> QuickSearch<T>(string input) ...
Will be able to use the same approach. You have a collection of predicates still in Expression form passed in, then you use the predicate builder tricks to pull the query off. Then using the AsExpandable() allows you to execute the combined predicate created using the predicate builder.
Hopefully this is helpful to more than just me, but this is the solution I'm going with as it's quite a bit less code. Allows you to build your predicates elsewhere... and still combine them in an "OR" statement after the fact.
As Ladislav says, you will need to dynamically generate your LINQ expressions. Here is a simple example of a program that dynamically builds a predicate for a collection of integers:
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
// Retreive your data source
List<int> numbers = new List<int>() { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 };
// Create a collection of predicates that you would like to chain together.
ParameterExpression parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "x");
List<Expression> predicates = new List<Expression>();
// x >= 50
predicates.Add(Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(parameterExpression, Expression.Constant(50)));
// x <= 20
predicates.Add(Expression.LessThanOrEqual(parameterExpression, Expression.Constant(20)));
// Build a single predicate by chaining individual predicates together in an OR fashion
Expression whereFilter = Expression.Constant(false); // Use false a base expression in OR statements
foreach (var predicate in predicates) {
whereFilter = Expression.OrElse(whereFilter, predicate);
// Once the expressions have been chained, create a lambda to represent the whole predicate
// x => (x >= 50) || (x <= 20)
Expression<Func<int, bool>> whereLambda =
(Expression<Func<int, bool>>)Expression.Lambda(whereFilter,
new List<ParameterExpression>() { parameterExpression });
// To use an expression directly, the datasource must be an IQueryable
// Since I am using List<T> I must call AsQueryable. This is not necessary
// if your collection is already IQueryable, like in Entity Framework.
var results = numbers.AsQueryable().Where(whereLambda);
Essentially all I do here is create several boolean statments (x >= 50) and (x <= 20) and place them in a collection. Then by looping through that collection, I take each statement and OR it to the last one. The result is a series of boolean statements all linked together by OR. I then wrap that statement in a Lambda expression so that it can be consumed by IQueryable.Where and pass it to my queryable collection. The results are a filtered set of integers from my full set.
LINQ Expressions can be confusing to say the least, but they are incredibly powerful and worthwhile to know. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help make more sense of this example.

NHibernate 3 LINQ - how to create a valid parameter for Average()

Say I have a very simple entity like this:
public class TestGuy
public virtual long Id {get;set;}
public virtual string City {get;set;}
public virtual int InterestingValue {get;set;}
public virtual int OtherValue {get;set;}
This contrived example object is mapped with NHibernate (using Fluent) and works fine.
Time to do some reporting. In this example, "testGuys" is an IQueryable with some criteria already applied.
var byCity = testGuys
.GroupBy(c => c.City)
.Select(g => new { City = g.Key, Avg = g.Average(tg => tg.InterestingValue) });
This works just fine. In NHibernate Profiler I can see the correct SQL being generated, and the results are as expected.
Inspired by my success, I want to make it more flexible. I want to make it configurable so that the user can get the average of OtherValue as well as InterestingValue. Shouldn't be too hard, the argument to Average() seems to be a Func (since the values are ints in this case). Easy peasy. Can't I just create a method that returns a Func based on some condition and use that as an argument?
var fieldToAverageBy = GetAverageField(SomeEnum.Other);
private Func<TestGuy,int> GetAverageField(SomeEnum someCondition)
case SomeEnum.Interesting:
return tg => tg.InterestingValue;
case SomeEnum.Other:
return tg => tg.OtherValue;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not in my example!");
And then, elsewhere, I could just do this:
var byCity = testGuys
.GroupBy(c => c.City)
.Select(g => new { City = g.Key, Avg = g.Average(fieldToAverageBy) });
Well, I thought I could do that. However, when I do enumerate this, NHibernate throws a fit:
Object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression' cannot be converted to type 'System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression'.
So I am guessing that behind the scenes, some conversion or casting or some such thing is going on that in the first case accepts my lambda, but in the second case makes into something NHibernate can't convert to SQL.
My question is hopefully simple - how can my GetAverageField function return something that will work as a parameter to Average() when NHibernate 3.0 LINQ support (the .Query() method) translates this to SQL?
Any suggestions welcome, thanks!
Based on the comments from David B in his answer, I took a closer look at this. My assumption that Func would be the right return type was based on the intellisense I got for the Average() method. It seems to be based on the Enumerable type, not the Queryable one. That's strange.. Need to look a bit closer at stuff.
The GroupBy method has the following return signature:
That means it should give me an IQueryable, all right. However, I then move on to the next line:
.Select(g => new { City = g.Key, Avg = g.Average(tg => tg.InterestingValue) });
If I check the intellisense for the g variable inside the new { } object definition, it is actually listed as being of type IGrouping - NOT IQueryable>. This is why the Average() method called is the Enumerable one, and why it won't accept the Expression parameter suggested by David B.
So somehow my group value has apparently lost it's status as an IQueryable somewhere.
Slightly interesting note:
I can change the Select to the following:
.Select(g => new { City = g.Key, Avg = g.AsQueryable<TestGuy>().Average(fieldToAverageBy) });
And now it compiles! Black magic! However, that doesn't solve the issue, as NHibernate now doesn't love me anymore and gives the following exception:
Could not parse expression '[-1].AsQueryable()': This overload of the method 'System.Linq.Queryable.AsQueryable' is currently not supported, but you can register your own parser if needed.
What baffles me is that this works when I give the lambda expression to the Average() method, but that I can't find a simple way to represent the same expression as an argument. I am obviously doing something wrong, but can't see what...!?
I am at my wits end. Help me, Jon Skeet, you're my only hope! ;)
You won't be able to call a "local" method within your lambda expression. If this were a simple non-nested clause, it would be relatively simple - you'd just need to change this:
private Func<TestGuy,int> GetAverageField(SomeEnum someCondition)
to this:
private Expression<Func<TestGuy,int>> GetAverageField(SomeEnum someCondition)
and then pass the result of the call into the relevant query method, e.g.
var results = query.Select(GetAverageField(fieldToAverageBy));
In this case, however, you'll need to build the whole expression tree up for the Select clause - the anonymous type creation expression, the extraction of the Key, and the extraction of the average field part. It's not going to be fun, to be honest. In particular, by the time you've built up your expression tree, that's not going to be statically typed in the same way as a normal query expression would be, due to the inability to express the anonymous type in a declaration.
If you're using .NET 4, dynamic typing may help you, although you'd pay the price of not having static typing any more, of course.
One option (horrible though it may be) would be try to use a sort of "template" of the anonymous type projection expression tree (e.g. always using a single property), and then build a copy of that expression tree, inserting the right expression instead. Again, it's not going to be fun.
Marc Gravell may be able to help more on this - it does sound like the kind of thing which should be possible, but I'm at a loss as to how to do it elegantly at the moment.
Eh? the parameter to Queryable.Average is not Func<T, U>. It's Expression<Func<T, U>>
The way to do this is:
private Expression<Func<TestGuy,int>> GetAverageExpr(SomeEnum someCondition)
case SomeEnum.Interesting:
return tg => tg.InterestingValue;
case SomeEnum.Other:
return tg => tg.OtherValue;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not in my example!");
Followed by:
Expression<Func<TestGuy, int>> averageExpr = GetAverageExpr(someCondition);
var byCity = testGuys
.GroupBy(c => c.City)
.Select(g => new { City = g.Key, Avg = g.Average(averageExpr) });

How dynamic can I make my LINQ To SQL Statements?

I have the need to construct a LINQ To SQL statement at runtime based on input from a user and I can't seem to figure out how to dynamically build the WHERE clause.
I have no problem with the following:
string Filters = "<value>FOO</value>";
But what I really need is to make the entire WHERE clause dynamic. This way I can add multiple conditions at runtime like this (rough idea):
foreach (Filter filter in filterlist)
whereclause = whereclause + "&& formattedmessage.contains(filter)";
I don't know what data types are being used here, but why don't you try to use general query?
var query = context.Messages
foreach (Filter filter in filterlist)
query = query
.Where(m => m.Contains(filter));
this will concatenate all the conditions using AND (as is in your question).
You may also consider using the PredicateBuilder class. Using that will allow you to dynamically add AND/OR conditions to your tree.
Refer to

LINQ, Large filter on a query

I am building a section of an application that revolves around pulling information about transactions out of the database. Due to the nature of the data, there are many columns in the table that I want to filter on. I have a filter selection box with 15 fields that I want to be able to build up a where clause for the LINQ statement. The interesting part comes when I want certain fields to be null. For example I want to be able to filter on any or all of:
Transaction Type
Response Code
Transaction Amount
Many more
I can build up a predicate that looks like
Func<Transaction, bool> pred = t => t.ResponseCode == ResponseCode && t.TransactionType == TransactionType && t.TransactionAmount > 100.00;
But in order to be able to choose which fields to include in the predicate I am concatenating the predicates together:
Func<Transaction, bool> pred = t => true;
if(ResponseCode != null)
pred.AndAlso(t => t.ResponseCode == ResponseCode);
// Rinse and repeat
And then passing that predicate to the where clause of the LINQ statement.
This works exactly the way I want it, but is rather complicated. Are there any other ways of doing this?
Thanks Justice for the comments. I'm not using LINQ to SQL, I'm using LINQ on a collection of objects from a repository. How would you programatically build an Expression filter?
In dynamic SQL... Since you only have one WHERE clause - you must concatenate predicates with AND.
In linq query construction... you get as many WHERE clauses as you want. Linq will AND them together for you when it translates the query.
IQueryable<Transaction> query = db.Transactions;
if (filterByTransactionType)
query = query.Where(t => t.TransactionType == theTransactionType);
if (filterByResponseCode)
query = query.Where(t => t.ResponseCode == theResponseCode);
if (filterByAmount)
query = query.Where(t => t.TransactionAmount > theAmount);
Another Example:
List<Expression<Func<Transaction, bool>>> filters = GetFilterExpressions();
IQueryable<Transaction> query = db.Transactions;
filters.ForEach(f => query = query.Where(f));
First, you would need to use Expression<Func<Transaction, bool>> for LINQ-to-SQL (that's what you're trying to use, and it's not the same thing as LINQ).
Second, you can programmatically build up an Expression<Func<Transaction, bool>> using the System.Linq.Expression namespace.
You will not be able to use LINQ per se to query the database using programmatically built-up expressions. Instead of using the query operators, you will need to use the query extension methods: for example, instead of from p in db.People where p.Age > 50 select p.Name you will need to use db.People.Where(p => p.Age > 50). You can use this style to add filters: db.People.Where(myFilter), where myFilter = new Expression<Func<Person, bool>>(p => p.Age > 50). In your case, myFilter would be your programmatically built-up filter, not one created using lambda-expression syntax.

