Sort based on function - c#

I have a method that given 2 strings he returns a number (between 0 and 100) which represents is how alike they are, being 0 "not similar at all" and 100 "they are the same"
Now the thing is that i have a list of County (string name, GeoRef coordinates, string Mayor) which i would like to sort based on the return of my function...
im looking for something like myList.Sort(f=>MyScoreEvaluator("York",f.Name))
Can anyone tell me how to do so?
Edit1: I dont think that the method "Sort" is quite i want... Sort compare itens inside of the list... i want to compare the itens of the list against a external info and based on that result sort the items
The OrderBy and OrderByDescending are returning the same item order...
Edit2: Heres is the code of the OrderBy I'm using: aux.OrderBy(f => StringComparisonHelper.HowAlike(f.Name, countyNameSearched));

You can use OrderBy, and re-assign your list:
list = list.OrderBy(f => MyScoreEvaluator("York", f.Name))

You could just use OrderBy:
list.OrderBy(f => MyScoreEvaluator("York", f.Name))
Or Implement a custom Comparer:
public static int SortByName(County x, County y)
return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);
list.Sort(new Comparison<County>(SortByName))

There is an OrderBy in LINQ:
var sorted = myList.OrderBy(f => MyScoreEvaluator("York", f.Name))
Or to sort descendingly:
var sortedDesc = myList.OrderByDescending(f => MyScoreEvaluator("York", f.Name))

It's very easy to use the LINQ OrderBy extension (see others' answers).
If you want to use Sort, it would be:
myList.Sort((x, y) => MyScoreEvaluator("York", x.Name)
.CompareTo(MyScoreEvaluator("York", y.Name)));
This assumes that myList is a System.Collections.Generic.List<>.
If you want the other sort direction, swap x and y on one side of the lambda arrow =>, of course.
Remember .Sort method on List<> modifies the same instance. The return type of Sort method is void. On the other hand, OrderBy creates a new IEnumerable<> on which you can call .ToList() to get a new list object. The old object is unchanged. You might assign the new object to the variable that held the original list. Other variables that reference the old object won't be affected by that. Example:
myList = myList.OrderBy(f => MyScoreEvaluator("York", f.Name)).ToList();
If performance is an issue, it's not clear which of these two to use. The OrderBy method calls the MyScoreEvaluator only once per item in your original list. The Sort method as presented here, calls MyScoreEvaluator a lot more times, because it doesn't "remember" the result of each MyScoreEvaluator call (the Comparison<> delegate instance is a black box to the Sort algorithm). So if it wants to compare "Fork" and "Kork", it calls MyScoreEvaluator twice. Then afterwards if it wants to compare "Kork" and "Yorc", it does the "Kork" MyScoreEvaluator again. On the other hand, the sort algorithm of List<>.Sort is superior to that of OrderBy.


Distinct function on a list does not change the list [duplicate]

Having issues with the OrderBy clause not having any impact on the sort. I have walked through this in the debugger and insuring this is a case that the sort line of the code is being hit and reviewing the results after it the order by has not been applied.
public static IEnumerable<DDLOptions<TValueType>> GetDDLOptionsViewModel<TClass, TValueType>(
IEnumerable<TClass> list,
Func<TClass, TValueType> value,
Func<TClass, string> displayText,
bool sort = true
List<DDLOptions<TValueType>> ddlOptions;
ddlOptions = list.Select(
l => new DDLOptions<TValueType>
Value = value(l),
DisplayText = displayText(l)
).ToList(); <========== Works if I put the Order By here.
if (sort)
ddlOptions.OrderBy(l => l.DisplayText); <===== Does NOT work here.
return ddlOptions;
OrderBy returns a query that would perform the ordering: it does not modify the original list (whereas something like List<T>.Sort would modify the original)
Instead try something like:
ddlOptions = ddlOptions.OrderBy(l => l.DisplayText).ToList();
You might want to play around with the type of ddlOptions or where/how you return the data as we're doing an extra ToList than probably necessary, but that's probably a minor/non-issue for this case anyway.
Note that the same applies to other LINQ functions like GroupBy, Distinct, Concat - all return results rather than modifying the source collection.
if (sort)
ddlOptions = ddlOptions.OrderBy(l => l.DisplayText); <===== Should work now.
As others have said, you need to assign the result of OrderBy to something as it doesn't mutate the sequence it acts on. It's easiest to make ddlOptions an IEnumerable instead of a List, so that you can assign the result to that. The ToList call on the select is also not needed:
public static IEnumerable<DDLOptions<TValueType>> GetDDLOptionsViewModel<TClass, TValueType>(
IEnumerable<TClass> list,
Func<TClass, TValueType> value,
Func<TClass, string> displayText,
bool sort = true
IEnumerable<DDLOptions<TValueType>> ddlOptions;
ddlOptions = list.Select(
l => new DDLOptions<TValueType>
Value = value(l),
DisplayText = displayText(l)
if (sort)
ddlOptions = ddlOptions.OrderBy(l => l.DisplayText);
return ddlOptions;
Note that this version of the method will use deferred execution, and so won't actually perform the Select/OrderBy until the sequence is iterated. If you don't want to do that, you can add ToList on the return line.
You need to type:
ddlOptions = ddlOptions.OrderBy(l => l.DisplayText);
OrderBy doesn't sort a List<T> or any other IEnumerable<T>. It produces a new, sorted IEnumerable<T>. So calling ddlOptions.OrderBy(...) doesn't modify ddlOptions.
If you have a List<T> and wish to sort it, you can use the Sort method - in particular the overload that takes a Comparison<T> as a parameter. This actually sorts the list instead of returning a new IEnumerable.
Comparison<T> is a delegate representing a function that takes two of T and returns a negative number if the first is "less" than the second, a positive number if the first is "greater" than the second, and zero if one isn't sorted before or after the other.
In this case you don't have to remember that. Instead, you can just do this:
ddlOptions.Sort((x, y) => string.CompareOrdinal(x.DisplayText, y.DisplayText));
You're passing in a function that takes two items in the list and returns the comparison result of their DisplayText properties, which will be negative, 0, or positive.
Sometimes we use OrderBy because it doesn't modify the original list. But if modifying the list is what we want then we can use Sort.

Does LINQ know how to optimize "queries"?

Suppose I do something like
var Ordered = MyList.OrderBy(x => x.prop1).ThenBy(x => x.prop2);
Does MyList.OrderBy(x => x.prop1) return the filtered list, and then does it further filter that list by ThenBy(x => x.prop2)? In other words, is it equivalent to
var OrderedByProp1 = MyList.OrderBy(x => x.prop1);
var Ordered = OrderedByProp1.OrderBy(x => x.prop2);
Because obviously it's possible to optimize this by running a sorting algorithm with a comparator:
var Ordered = MyList.Sort( (x,y) => x.prop1 != y.prop1 ? x.prop1 < y.prop1 : ( x.prop2 < y.prop2 ) );
If it does do some sort of optimization and intermediate lists are not returned in the process, then how does it know how to do that? How do you write a class that optimizes chains of methods on itself? Makes no sense.
Does MyList.OrderBy(x => x.prop1) return the filtered list
No. LINQ methods (at least typically) return queries, not the results of executing those queries.
OrderBy just returns an object which, when you ask it for an item, will return the first item in the collection given a particular ordering. But until you actually ask it for a result it's not doing anything.
Note you can also get a decent idea as to what's going on by just looking at what OrderBy returns. It returns IOrderedEnumerable<T>. That interface has a method CreateOrderedEnumerable which:
Performs a subsequent ordering on the elements of an IOrderedEnumerable according to a key.
That method is what ThenBy uses to indicate that there is a subsequent ordering.
This means that you're building up all of the comparers that you want to be used, from the OrderBy and all ThenBy calls before you ever need to generate a single item in the result set.
For more specifics on exactly how you can go about creating this behavior, see Jon Skeet's blog series on the subject.

How do I use Linq with a HashSet of Integers to pull multiple items from a list of Objects?

I have a HashSet of ID numbers, stored as integers:
HashSet<int> IDList; // Assume that this is created with a new statement in the constructor.
I have a SortedList of objects, indexed by the integers found in the HashSet:
SortedList<int,myClass> masterListOfMyClass;
I want to use the HashSet to create a List as a subset of the masterListOfMyclass.
After wasting all day trying to figure out the Linq query, I eventually gave up and wrote the following, which works:
public List<myclass> SubSet {
get {
List<myClass> xList = new List<myClass>();
foreach (int x in IDList) {
if (masterListOfMyClass.ContainsKey(x)) {
return xList;
private set { }
So, I have two questions here:
What is the appropriate Linq query? I'm finding Linq extremely frustrating to try to figuere out. Just when I think I've got it, it turns around and "goes on strike".
Is a Linq query any better -- or worse -- than what I have written here?
var xList = IDList
.Select(x => masterListOfMyClass[x])
If your lists both have equally large numbers of items, you may wish to consider inverting the query (i.e. iterate through masterListOfMyClass and query IDList) since a HashSet is faster for random queries.
It's less neat, but you could save a lookup into masterListOfMyClass with the following query, which would be a bit faster:
var xList = IDList
.Select(x => { myClass y; masterListOfMyClass.TryGetValue(x, out y); return y; })
.Where(x => x != null)
foreach (int x in IDList.Where(x => masterListOfMyClass.ContainsKey(x)))
This is the appropriate linq query for your loop.
Here the linq query will not effective in my point of view..
Here is the Linq expression:
List<myClass> xList = masterListOfMyClass
.Where(x => IDList.Contains(x.Key))
.Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
There is no big difference in the performance in such a small example, Linq is slower in general, it actually uses iterations under the hood too. The thing you get with ling is, imho, clearer code and the execution is defered until it is needed. Not i my example though, when I call .ToList().
Another option would be (which is intentionally the same as Sankarann's first answer)
return (
from x in IDList
where masterListOfMyClass.ContainsKey(x)
select masterListOfMyClass[x]
However, are you sure you want a List to be returned? Usually, when working with IEnumerable<> you should chain your calls using IEnumerable<> until the point where you actually need the data. There you can decide to e.g. loop once (use the iterator) or actually pull the data in some sort of cache using the ToList(), ToArray() etc. methods.
Also, exposing a List<> to the public implies that modifying this list has an impact on the calling class. I would leave it to the user of the property to decide to make a local copy or continue using the IEnumerable<>.
Second, as your private setter is empty, setting the 'SubSet' has no impact on the functionality. This again is confusing and I would avoid it.
An alternate (an maybe less confusing) declaration of your property might look like this
public IEnumerable<myclass> SubSet {
get {
return from x in IDList
where masterListOfMyClass.ContainsKey(x)
select masterListOfMyClass[x]

How to sort a list with two sorting rules?

I have a list that I want to sort using to parameters. That means it are all values and if for example I have
A 2/2
B 3/3
C 3/4
I want the sorting C B A
I tried to implement that the following way:
methods.Sort((y, x) => x.GetChangingMethodsCount().CompareTo(y.GetChangingMethodsCount()));
methods.Sort((y, x) => x.GetChangingClassesCount().CompareTo(y.GetChangingClassesCount()));
First sort the list with the second parameter and then sort it again with the first parameter. But the ordering isn0t correct. Any hints how to achieve that?
What you need to do is combine the two sort keys into a single function. If the first comparison returns 0, only then try the second one:
methods.Sort((y, x) =>
int sort = x.GetChangingClassesCount().CompareTo(y.GetChangingClassesCount());
if (sort == 0)
sort = x.GetChangingMethodsCount().CompareTo(y.GetChangingMethodsCount());
return sort;
Probably the easiest way is to use the OrderBy and ThenBy extension methods like that :
methods.OrderByDescending(x => x.GetChangingMethodCount()).
ThenByDescending(x => x.GetChangingClassesCount()).
It's not clear (to me at least) if this is what you want based on your example, but you could give this a try:
var sortedMethods = methods.OrderByDescending(m => m.GetChangingMethodsCount()).ThenByDescending(m => m.GetChangingClassesCount());

Sorting a list in C# (with various parameters)

I have a list of objects. That objects have various field, e.g. age and name
Now sometimes I'd like to sort the list by names and sometimes by age. Additional sometimes increasing order and sometimes decreasing order.
Now I understand that i should implement the Comparable interface in my object and override the CompareTo method.
But how can i do this when i want to support various sorting orders?
Do i have to set the sorting order in my object or is it somehow possible to pass the sorting order by the sort method call?
The method call can do everything; no need for a comparer:
list.Sort((x,y)=>y.Age.CompareTo(x.Age)); // desc
list.Sort((x,y)=>x.Age.CompareTo(y.Age)); // asc
Note the second is descending, by swapping x/y in the compare.
If you're using List<T> and you want to sort the list in place, then the Sort function provides an overload that accepts a Comparison<T>. You can use this to provide different comparisons for a list.
For example, to sort on Age:
list.Sort((x, y) => x.Age.CompareTo(y.Age));
To sort on Name:
list.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name));
To sort in descending order, simply reverse the parameters.
Alternatively, you could use LINQ to create various queries against your list that provide the results in whatever order you like, but this won't have any effect upon the underlying list (whether that's bad or good is up to you):
var byAge = list.OrderBy(x => x.Age);
var byName = list.OrderBy(x => x.Name);
To sort in descending order, use OrderByDescending in place of OrderBy.
You can also just use LINQ to handle this:
var sortedByAge = myList.OrderBy(i => i.Age);
var sortedByName = myList.OrderBy(i => i.Name);
If you want to handle sorting in place, you can use List<T>.Sort(Comparison<T>):
// Sort by Age
myList.Sort( (l, r) => l.Age.CompareTo(r.Age) );
// Sort by Name
myList.Sort( (l, r) => l.Name.CompareTo(r.Name) );
You can sort your objects data with linq
something like this
var query = from cust in customers
orderby cust.Age ascending
select cust;
You can also use
list.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age);
list.OrderByAscending(a => a.Age);

