Is there any way to get computer's mac address when there is no internet connection in c#?
I'am able to get when I have connection but not able to get when I am offline. But strongly I need the mac address for my work.
My online code;
var macAddr =
(from nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
where nic.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up
select nic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
From WMI:
public static string GetMACAddress1()
ManagementObjectSearcher objMOS = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMOS.Get();
string macAddress = String.Empty;
foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC)
object tempMacAddrObj = objMO["MacAddress"];
if (tempMacAddrObj == null) //Skip objects without a MACAddress
if (macAddress == String.Empty) // only return MAC Address from first card that has a MAC Address
macAddress = tempMacAddrObj.ToString();
macAddress = macAddress.Replace(":", "");
return macAddress;
From System.Net namespace:
public static string GetMACAddress2()
NetworkInterface[] nics = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
String sMacAddress = string.Empty;
foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in nics)
if (sMacAddress == String.Empty)// only return MAC Address from first card
//IPInterfaceProperties properties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); Line is not required
sMacAddress = adapter.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
} return sMacAddress;
Slightly modified from How to get the MAC address of system - C-Sharp Corner
You can use WMI in C# (System.Management) to get a list of Win32_NetworkAdapter's which contains a MACAddress property.
I'm totally out of C# hence hanging a little here. I stole the code from to read out all adapter settings available on the pc. So far so good.
What I need now is a way to check, which of the adapters are able to connect to an attached device with a given ip address.
I'd like to have a function like "bool CheckIfValidIP(IPAddress adapter, IPAddress IPv4Mask, IPAddress address)".
Can you help me here? I know it's pretty trivial :-/
public static class IPAddressExtensions
public static IPAddress GetNetworkAddress(this IPAddress address, IPAddress subnetMask)
byte[] ipAdressBytes = address.GetAddressBytes();
byte[] subnetMaskBytes = subnetMask.GetAddressBytes();
if (ipAdressBytes.Length != subnetMaskBytes.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Lengths of IP address and subnet mask do not match.");
byte[] broadcastAddress = new byte[ipAdressBytes.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < broadcastAddress.Length; i++)
broadcastAddress[i] = (byte)(ipAdressBytes[i] & (subnetMaskBytes[i]));
return new IPAddress(broadcastAddress);
public static bool IsInSameSubnet(IPAddress address2, IPAddress address, IPAddress subnetMask)
IPAddress network1 = address.GetNetworkAddress(subnetMask);
IPAddress network2 = address2.GetNetworkAddress(subnetMask);
return network1.Equals(network2);
This code shall do it. Is it safe to use?
A very simple example to get you in the right direction, this is created in .Net core 6:
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Net.Sockets;
NetworkInterface[] interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
var adaptertList = new List<NetworkInterface>();
const string IpAddressToValidate = ""; //Both of these values can be retrieved from appsetting.json file
const string IpV4MaskToValidate = "";
adaptertList = GetValidAdapterList(interfaces);
List<NetworkInterface> GetValidAdapterList(NetworkInterface[] interfaces) {
var adaptertList = new List<NetworkInterface>();
foreach (var adapter in interfaces) {
var ipProps = adapter.GetIPProperties();
foreach (var ip in ipProps.UnicastAddresses) {
if ((adapter.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up)//Check for any conditions appropriate to your case
&& (ip.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)) {
if (CheckIsValidIP(ip.Address.ToString(), ip.IPv4Mask.ToString(), IpAddressToValidate, IpV4MaskToValidate)) {
continue;//If IP found exit the loop, as the adapter is already added
return adaptertList;
bool CheckIsValidIP(string ipAddress, string ipV4Mask, string validIpAddress, string validIpV4Mask) {
return (ipAddress == validIpAddress && ipV4Mask == validIpV4Mask);
This code will return a list of all the adapter in the machine that meet the Ip address and ipv4mask criteria.
I am using visual studio for mac using c#. I have tried but it gives me blank string.
foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
if (nic.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up)
mac += nic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
This is what i am using to get mac address. It works fine in windows desktop application but not working in os x. I am trying to get mac address of mac desktop for its unique identification.
Below function gives exact mac addresses which i need.
public static string GetMacAddress()
System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType Type = 0;
string MacAddress = string.Empty;
System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface[] theNetworkInterfaces = System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
foreach (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface currentInterface in theNetworkInterfaces)
Type = currentInterface.NetworkInterfaceType;
if (Type == System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet || Type == System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType.GigabitEthernet || Type == System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType.FastEthernetFx)
MacAddress = currentInterface.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
return MacAddress;
// your code goes here
I need to get the Local IP address of PC but if pc is connected to multiple network the ip is not correct.
I'm using:
public static string GetIPAddress()
IPHostEntry host;
string localIP = "?";
host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
foreach (IPAddress ip in host.AddressList)
if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
localIP = ip.ToString();
return localIP;
I need get the local ip of adapter with internet or all local ip address.
I can see 2 options:
option 1
loop trough all interfaces using System.Net.NetworkInformation:
static List<IPAddress> GetIpAddress()
List<IPAddress> AllIps = new List<IPAddress>();
foreach (NetworkInterface netif in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
IPInterfaceProperties properties = netif.GetIPProperties();
foreach (IPAddressInformation unicast in properties.UnicastAddresses)
return AllIps;
option 2
find the default gateway to the internet, then match the default gateway address to the interface addresses you found:
public static IPAddress GetDefaultGateway()
IPAddress result = null;
var cards = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces().ToList();
if (cards.Any())
foreach (var card in cards)
var props = card.GetIPProperties();
if (props == null)
var gateways = props.GatewayAddresses;
if (!gateways.Any())
var gateway =
gateways.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Address.AddressFamily.ToString() == "InterNetwork");
if (gateway == null)
result = gateway.Address;
return result;
now you can combine the 2 options in order to find the interface that is connected to the internet. here is my suggestion to match the default gateway to the correct adapter address. you can also determine the IP address classes
using the IpClass Enumeration that is written in the code i have added:
static void Main(string[] args)
// find all interfaces ip adressess
var allAdaptersIp = GetIpAddress();
// find the default gateway
var dg = GetDefaultGateway();
// match the default gateway to the host address => the interface that is connected to the internet => that print host address
Console.WriteLine("ip address that will route you to the world: " + GetInterNetworkHostIp(ref allAdaptersIp, dg, IpClass.ClassC));
enum IpClass
static string GetInterNetworkHostIp(ref List<IPAddress> adapters, IPAddress dg, IpClass ipclassenum)
string networkAddress = "";
var result = "" ;
switch (ipclassenum)
case IpClass.ClassA:
networkAddress = dg.ToString().Substring(0, dg.ToString().Length - dg.ToString().LastIndexOf(".") );
case IpClass.ClassB:
networkAddress = dg.ToString().Substring(0, dg.ToString().Length - dg.ToString().IndexOf(".",3));
case IpClass.ClassC:
networkAddress = dg.ToString().Substring(0, dg.ToString().Length- dg.ToString().IndexOf(".") );
foreach (IPAddress ip in adapters)
if (ip.ToString().Contains(networkAddress))
result = ip.ToString();
if (result == "")
result = "no ip was found";
return result;
How do I get COM port where my mobile device connected through a bluetooth stick? I can already get the name of the device eg. 'Nokia C2-01' with device.DeviceName using the 32feet library but how can I make it look like this? "Nokia c2-01 connected through COM7"?
First, you will need to get the device address using:
string comPort = GetBluetoothPort(device.DeviceAddress.ToString());
// enter desired output here
The GetBluetoothPort() method will look something like this:
using System.Management;
private string GetBluetoothPort(string deviceAddress)
const string Win32_SerialPort = "Win32_SerialPort";
SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery(Win32_SerialPort);
ManagementObjectSearcher s = new ManagementObjectSearcher(q);
foreach (object cur in s.Get())
ManagementObject mo = (ManagementObject)cur;
string pnpId = mo.GetPropertyValue("PNPDeviceID").ToString();
if (pnpId.Contains(deviceAddress))
object captionObject = mo.GetPropertyValue("Caption");
string caption = captionObject.ToString();
int index = caption.LastIndexOf("(COM");
if (index > 0)
string portString = caption.Substring(index);
string comPort = portString.
Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
return comPort;
return null;
This will return the port name i.e. COM7
I am building a C# application and I want to fetch the MAC ID of the system. I have found many code snippets, but they either give wrong answers or throw exceptions. I am not sure which code snippet is giving the right answer. Can someone provide me the exact code snippet that fetches the MAC ID?
This will help you.
public string FetchMacId()
string macAddresses = "";
foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces())
if (nic.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up)
macAddresses += nic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
return macAddresses;
and iterate through each interface, getting the MAC address for each one.
Another way would be to use management object:
ManagementScope theScope = new ManagementScope("\\\\computerName\\root\\cimv2");
StringBuilder theQueryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
theQueryBuilder.Append("SELECT MACAddress FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter");
ObjectQuery theQuery = new ObjectQuery(theQueryBuilder.ToString());
ManagementObjectSearcher theSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(theScope, theQuery);
ManagementObjectCollection theCollectionOfResults = theSearcher.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject theCurrentObject in theCollectionOfResults)
string macAdd = "MAC Address: " + theCurrentObject["MACAddress"].ToString();