How to make a deep copy Dictionary template - c#

I have the following method that makes a deep copy of a dictionary:
public static Dictionary<string, MyClass> deepCopyDic(Dictionary<string, MyClass> src)
//Copies a dictionary with all of its elements
// = Dictionary copy
Dictionary<string, MyClass> dic = new Dictionary<string, MyClass>();
for (int i = 0; i < src.Count; i++)
dic.Add(src.ElementAt(i).Key, new MyClass(src.ElementAt(i).Value));
return dic;
I was wondering, can I somehow make it into a template? I need MyClass to be a template.

You can use Generics with where TValue : ICloneable constraint:
public static Dictionary<TKey, TValue> deepCopyDic<TKey, TValue>(Dictionary<TKey, TValue> src)
where TValue : ICloneable
//Copies a dictionary with all of its elements
// = Dictionary copy
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dic = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>();
foreach (var item in src)
dic.Add(item.Key, (TValue)item.Value.Clone());
return dic;
You'll have to implement ICloneable interface in every class you'd like to pass into that method.
Or a bit improved version, with Key cloned as well:
public static Dictionary<TKey, TValue> deepCopyDic<TKey, TValue>(Dictionary<TKey, TValue> src)
where TValue : ICloneable
where TKey : ICloneable
return src.ToDictionary(i => (TKey)i.Key.Clone(), i => (TValue)i.Value.Clone());

You could use the copy constructor option:
Dictionary<string, int> copy = new Dictionary<string, int>(dictionary);
This way you make a deep copy of your dictionary.
Link to the original post.

The Serialized approach is the only way as noted above. ICloneable does not guarantee that all properties in the object being clone is not assigning references unless you have full control over the object which is never a good assumption, especially in a large team.
The only cavet of the Serialized approach is that all objects being passed in the dictionary are serializable. Also, serializing is not always very efficient because of the over use of Reflection that occurs, which shouldn't be used in high preformance areas of code.
I solved this problem using an approach known as fast serialization but it requires that all objects that you plan to clone support a specific interface. It's always speed vs. complexity.


How to make a method generic in c#?

I have couple of methods and it keeps on expanding. So, I am planning to make it generic. Can anyone please help me with that. Atleast the method definition.
private static Dictionary<string, class1> PToDictionary(MapField<string, class1Proto> keyValuePairs)
Dictionary<string, class1> keyValues = new();
foreach (var pair in keyValuePairs)
**keyValues[pair.Key] = pToR(pair.Value);**
return keyValues;
My another method is :
private static Dictionary<Uri, class2> PToDictionary1(MapField<string, class2Proto> keyValuePairs)
Dictionary<string, class2> keyValues = new();
foreach (var pair in keyValuePairs)
**keyValues[new Uri(pair.Key)] = pToR1(pair.Value);**
return keyValues;
How can I make this generic so that when more methods are added, I dont need to add code.
I was thinking something like this, but errors are :
// Not sure how to call this method after Func is there
private static Dictionary<TKey, TValue> PToDictionary<TKey, TValue, TKeyProto, TValueProto>(MapField<TKeyProto, TValueProto> keyValuePairs, Func<TKeyProto, TKey> keyFunc, Func<TValueProto, TValue> valueFunc)
//How can I generalize my above method ?
Can someone help me complete the method ?
You don't need an extra method at all. LINQ already provides everything you need, combined with the fact that MapField implements IDictionary<TKey, TValue> (and therefore IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.
You'd just call:
var dictionary = repeatedField.ToDictionary(
pair => ConvertKey(pair.Key), pair => ConvertValue(pair.Value));
(where ConvertKey would be whatever code you want to convert the repeated field key into the dictionary key, and likewise for ConvertValue).
Sample calls:
var d1 = repeatedField1.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pToR(pair.Value));
var d2 = repeatedField2.ToDictionary(
pair => new Uri(pair.Key), pair => pToR1(pair.Value));
... but you may be able to remove the pToR and pToR1 methods anyway. (It's hard to tell without information about what they're doing...)
You can use the following method to convert MapField<TKeyProto, TValueProto> to Dictionary<TKey, TValue>:
public static Dictionary<TKey, TValue> PToDictionary<TKey, TValue, TKeyProto, TValueProto>(
MapField<TKeyProto, TValueProto> keyValuePairs,
Func<TKeyProto, TKey> mapKey,
Func<TValueProto, TValue> mapValue
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> keyValues = new();
foreach (var pair in keyValuePairs)
keyValues[mapKey(pair.Key)] = mapValue(pair.Value);
return keyValues;
Here, mapKey is a function that converts MapField's key to a dictionary key. Similarly, mapValue converts MapField's value to a dictionary value.
Another way is to make usage of LINQ ToDictionary extension method:
public static Dictionary<TKey, TValue> PToDictionary<TKey, TValue, TKeyProto, TValueProto>(
MapField<TKeyProto, TValueProto> keyValuePairs,
Func<TKeyProto, TKey> mapKey,
Func<TValueProto, TValue> mapValue
// this is possible because MapField<TKey, TValue> implements IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>
return keyValuePairs.ToDictionary(
(KeyValuePair<TKeyProto, TValueProto> kvp) => mapKey(kvp.Key),
(KeyValuePair<TKeyProto, TValueProto> kvp) => mapValue(kvp.Value));
For example, if you want to convert MapField<string, string> to Dictionary<Uri, int> you can use the following code:
Dictionary<Uri, int> dictionary = PToDictionary(
key => new Uri(key),
val => int.Parse(val));

Convert Dictionary<int, List<string>> to IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IEnumerable<string>> [duplicate]

I am trying to give out a IReadOnly-references to internal Collection objects.
This works well in most cases, but does not if i want to convert a dictionary containing a collection into an IReadOnlyDictionary containing a IReadOnlyCollection.
Here a code example:
var list = new List<int>();
IReadOnlyList<int> listReference = list; //works;
var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>();
IReadOnlyDictionary<int, int> dictionaryReference = dictionary; //works
var nestedList = new List<List<int>>();
IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyListReference = nestedList; //works
var nestedDictionary = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
//IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyDictionaryReference = nestedDictionary; //does not work, can not implicitly convert
//current workaround
var nestedDictionaryReferenceHelper = new Dictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>();
foreach (var kvpNestedDictionary in nestedDictionary)
nestedDictionaryReferenceHelper.Add(kvpNestedDictionary.Key, (IReadOnlyList<int>)kvpNestedDictionary.Value);
IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyDictionaryReference = nestedDictionaryReferenceHelper; //works, but is only a reference to the internal List, not to the dictionary itself
The workaround is pretty ugly as it needs additional memory and needs manual updating every time the values of nestedDictionary change.
Is there any simple way to convert such nested dictionaries?
In this SO question you can find a very good explanation why casting dictionary values is not supported. Please see the accepted answer of Eric Lippert.
Although i would not recommend this, you could use the following LINQ expression to cast the values of the dictionary to a read only list:
IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyDictionaryReference = nestedDictionary.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value as IReadOnlyList<int>);
It is a shorter version of your workaround and it is lazy evaluated, but i would not recommend this due to the following reasons:
This solution still creates a copy of the dictionary and does not update any new/deleted entries from the original dictionary.
The values of the dictionary, i.e. the readonly lists, refer to the original lists and changes there are updated in the read only versions in the dictionary too.
This is inconsistent behavior and therefore a bad practice!
Unless it is not possible to cast the values of a dictionary, i would not recommend doing this. You should either deep copy the entire dictionary including the nested lists, or use an other container that supports casting.
In my opinion the point is the you're missing the opportunity to introduce a proper new type with its own dignity. If you're using Dictionary<int, List<int>> then you will see yourself with code like this every time you need to insert a value:
if (!_dictionary.ContainsKey(key)) {
var list = new List<int>();
_dictionary.Add(key, list);
} else {
And even worse with code like this when you want to search for a value:
_dictionary.ContainsKey(key) && _dictionary[key].Contains(value);
And variation of those examples. What's worse you're exposing this implementation detail to your class users. If this detail will change then you will break all code. What, for example, if you want to replace List<int> with HashSet<int>?
How it should be?
_multimap.Add(key, value);
With a proper interface (here I show just few methods):
public interface IMultiMap<TKey, TValue> {
void Add(TKey key, TValue value);
bool ContainsKey(TKey key);
And its implementation:
public sealed class MultiMap<TKey, TValue> : IMultiMap<TKey, TValue> {
// ...
private Dictionary<int, List<int>> _items;
You can introduce IReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue>:
public interface IReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> {
bool ContainsKey(TKey key);
Just implement IReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> in MultiMap<TKey, TValue> and to return a read-only collection you have nothing to do (fictional example):
IReadOnlyMultiMap<int, int> MakeReadOnly(MultiMap<int, int> map) {
return map; // Nothing to do!
Note that you may want to introduce a new ReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> to tunnel read calls to underlying live collection (to avoid callers to simply cast to MultiMap<TKey, TValue> to circumvent read-only limitation). Proof of concept:
public sealed class ReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> : IReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> {
public ReadOnlyMultiMap(IMultiMap<TKey, TValue> collection) {
_collection = collection;
public bool ContainsKey(TKey key) {
return _collection.ContainsKey(key);
private readonly IMultiMap<TKey, TValue> _collection;
To return a read-only view you do:
IReadOnlyMultiMap<int, int> MakeReadOnly(MultiMap<int, int> map) {
return new ReadOnlyMultiMap<int, int>(map);
Note that I talked about implementation detail. You're still exposing an implementation detail (you're using a multimap) then if such code is for a public API you should introduce a new (properly named) type to describe what it contains, not how storage is implemented. It may be MeasureCollection, SoccerScoreCollection or whatever your model is talking about, storage may vary but content won't.
Problem for conversion failing is the KeyValuePair:
Although class Derived inheriting class Base, KeyValuePair is not a sub class of KeyValuePair; see definitions(Dictionary, IReadOnlyDictionary).
So you always will need some kind of workaround (MultiMap approach appears to me as one, too...). If nestedDictionary is private, so you have complete control over it from your class, you might get away with this:
var nestedDictionary = new Dictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>();
IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyDictionaryReference = nestedDictionary;
and whenever modifying a list within the dictionary applying a cast to List<int>. Another ugly workaround, I admit, but saves you extra memory and redundancy management and retains the (asumed...) public interface of IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>.
Edit: just an idea, haven't tested, but it might work: Have your own dictionary adding the missing interfaces to be assignable to the read-only dictionary:
public class MyDictionary
: Dictionary<int, List<int>>,
ICollection<KeyValuePair<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>,
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>,
IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>
I might yet have missed an interface to be implemented, and you might have to implement some members yet. If it works, possibly the cleanest solution...

Make dictionary read only in C#

I have a Dictionary<string, List<string>> and would like to expose the member as read only. I see that I can return it as a IReadOnlyDictionary<string, List<string>>, but I can't figure out how to return it as an IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>.
Is there a way to do this? In c++ I'd just be using const, but C# doesn't have that.
Note that simply using a IReadOnlyDictionary does not help in this case, because I want the values to be read only as well. It appears the only way to do this is build another IReadOnlyDictionary, and add IReadOnlyList to them.
Another option, which I wouldn't be thrilled with, would be to create wrapper which implements the interface IReadOnlyDictionary>, and have it hold a copy of the original instance, but that seems overkill.
It would be as easy as casting the whole dictionary reference to IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>> because Dictionary<TKey, TValue> implements IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>.
BTW, you can't do that because you want the List<string> values as IReadOnlyList<string>.
So you need something like this:
var readOnlyDict = (IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>)dict
.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value.AsReadOnly());
Immutable dictionaries
This is just a suggestion, but if you're looking for immutable dictionaries, add System.Collections.Immutable NuGet package to your solution and you'll be able to use them:
// ImmutableDictionary<string, ImmutableList<string>>
var immutableDict = dict
.ToImmutableDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value.ToImmutableList());
Learn more about Immutable Collections here.
Given the fact that you're specifically looking for a read-only Dictionary<string, List<string>>, you're basically looking exactly for a Lookup.
The Dictionary object has a ToLookup() extension.
First, you'll have to create a new dictionary with the desired content types:
var dicWithReadOnlyList = dic.ToDictionary(
kv => kv.Key,
kv => kv.Value.AsReadOnly());
Then you can just return the new dictionary, since IReadOnlyDictionary is a supertype of Dictionary.
Why do you need to do that? Because Dictionary<T, A> is not a supertype of Dictionary<T, B>, even if A is a supertype of B. Why? Consider the following example:
var dic = new Dictionary<T, B>();
Dictionary<T, A> dic2 = dic; // Imagine this were possible...
dic2.Add(someT, someA); // ...then we'd have a type violation here, since
// dic2 = dic requires some B as the value.
In other words, TValue in Dictionary is not covariant. From an object-orientied point of view, covariance should be possible in the read-only version of the dictionary, but there are legacy issues in the .NET framework which prevent this (see the part starting with "UPDATE" in this question for details).
I run into the same problem. I solved it on the following way.
List<string> list = new List<string>();
Dictionary<string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>> dic = new Dictionary<string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>>();
IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>> dicRo = new ReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>>(dic);
dic["T"] = list.AsReadOnly();
This has the positiv effekt, that you
can still add items to the list
can still add items to the dictionary
can't edit the ReadOnlyDictionary
can't edit the ReadOnlyCollection
can't cast it into a Dictionary
can't cast it into a List
have your ReadOnlyDictionary always up to date
Maybe this will help someone.
If you want to return a read only dictionary but still be able to mutate the dictionary and list in your class you could use casting to get back the list type.
This example is a bit contrived, but shows how it could work.
public class MyClass
Dictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>> _dictionary;
public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>> Dictionary { get { return _dictionary; } }
public MyClass()
_dictionary = new Dictionary<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>();
public void AddItem(string item)
IReadOnlyList<string> readOnlyList = null;
List<string> list = null;
if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(item, out readOnlyList))
list = new List<string>();
_dictionary.Add(item, list);
list = readOnlyList as List<string>;
If you goal is to have the property be immutable, then using a ReadOnlyDictionary would be the best option.
You can use this to expose the object as readonly.
You could also use properties get; set; and only allow the get to be public.
But Matias answer seems to be more fitting.

Converting a nested dictionary to IReadOnlyDictionary

I am trying to give out a IReadOnly-references to internal Collection objects.
This works well in most cases, but does not if i want to convert a dictionary containing a collection into an IReadOnlyDictionary containing a IReadOnlyCollection.
Here a code example:
var list = new List<int>();
IReadOnlyList<int> listReference = list; //works;
var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>();
IReadOnlyDictionary<int, int> dictionaryReference = dictionary; //works
var nestedList = new List<List<int>>();
IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyListReference = nestedList; //works
var nestedDictionary = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
//IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyDictionaryReference = nestedDictionary; //does not work, can not implicitly convert
//current workaround
var nestedDictionaryReferenceHelper = new Dictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>();
foreach (var kvpNestedDictionary in nestedDictionary)
nestedDictionaryReferenceHelper.Add(kvpNestedDictionary.Key, (IReadOnlyList<int>)kvpNestedDictionary.Value);
IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyDictionaryReference = nestedDictionaryReferenceHelper; //works, but is only a reference to the internal List, not to the dictionary itself
The workaround is pretty ugly as it needs additional memory and needs manual updating every time the values of nestedDictionary change.
Is there any simple way to convert such nested dictionaries?
In this SO question you can find a very good explanation why casting dictionary values is not supported. Please see the accepted answer of Eric Lippert.
Although i would not recommend this, you could use the following LINQ expression to cast the values of the dictionary to a read only list:
IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyDictionaryReference = nestedDictionary.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value as IReadOnlyList<int>);
It is a shorter version of your workaround and it is lazy evaluated, but i would not recommend this due to the following reasons:
This solution still creates a copy of the dictionary and does not update any new/deleted entries from the original dictionary.
The values of the dictionary, i.e. the readonly lists, refer to the original lists and changes there are updated in the read only versions in the dictionary too.
This is inconsistent behavior and therefore a bad practice!
Unless it is not possible to cast the values of a dictionary, i would not recommend doing this. You should either deep copy the entire dictionary including the nested lists, or use an other container that supports casting.
In my opinion the point is the you're missing the opportunity to introduce a proper new type with its own dignity. If you're using Dictionary<int, List<int>> then you will see yourself with code like this every time you need to insert a value:
if (!_dictionary.ContainsKey(key)) {
var list = new List<int>();
_dictionary.Add(key, list);
} else {
And even worse with code like this when you want to search for a value:
_dictionary.ContainsKey(key) && _dictionary[key].Contains(value);
And variation of those examples. What's worse you're exposing this implementation detail to your class users. If this detail will change then you will break all code. What, for example, if you want to replace List<int> with HashSet<int>?
How it should be?
_multimap.Add(key, value);
With a proper interface (here I show just few methods):
public interface IMultiMap<TKey, TValue> {
void Add(TKey key, TValue value);
bool ContainsKey(TKey key);
And its implementation:
public sealed class MultiMap<TKey, TValue> : IMultiMap<TKey, TValue> {
// ...
private Dictionary<int, List<int>> _items;
You can introduce IReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue>:
public interface IReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> {
bool ContainsKey(TKey key);
Just implement IReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> in MultiMap<TKey, TValue> and to return a read-only collection you have nothing to do (fictional example):
IReadOnlyMultiMap<int, int> MakeReadOnly(MultiMap<int, int> map) {
return map; // Nothing to do!
Note that you may want to introduce a new ReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> to tunnel read calls to underlying live collection (to avoid callers to simply cast to MultiMap<TKey, TValue> to circumvent read-only limitation). Proof of concept:
public sealed class ReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> : IReadOnlyMultiMap<TKey, TValue> {
public ReadOnlyMultiMap(IMultiMap<TKey, TValue> collection) {
_collection = collection;
public bool ContainsKey(TKey key) {
return _collection.ContainsKey(key);
private readonly IMultiMap<TKey, TValue> _collection;
To return a read-only view you do:
IReadOnlyMultiMap<int, int> MakeReadOnly(MultiMap<int, int> map) {
return new ReadOnlyMultiMap<int, int>(map);
Note that I talked about implementation detail. You're still exposing an implementation detail (you're using a multimap) then if such code is for a public API you should introduce a new (properly named) type to describe what it contains, not how storage is implemented. It may be MeasureCollection, SoccerScoreCollection or whatever your model is talking about, storage may vary but content won't.
Problem for conversion failing is the KeyValuePair:
Although class Derived inheriting class Base, KeyValuePair is not a sub class of KeyValuePair; see definitions(Dictionary, IReadOnlyDictionary).
So you always will need some kind of workaround (MultiMap approach appears to me as one, too...). If nestedDictionary is private, so you have complete control over it from your class, you might get away with this:
var nestedDictionary = new Dictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>();
IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>> nestedReadOnlyDictionaryReference = nestedDictionary;
and whenever modifying a list within the dictionary applying a cast to List<int>. Another ugly workaround, I admit, but saves you extra memory and redundancy management and retains the (asumed...) public interface of IReadOnlyDictionary<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>.
Edit: just an idea, haven't tested, but it might work: Have your own dictionary adding the missing interfaces to be assignable to the read-only dictionary:
public class MyDictionary
: Dictionary<int, List<int>>,
ICollection<KeyValuePair<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>,
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>,
IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<int, IReadOnlyList<int>>
I might yet have missed an interface to be implemented, and you might have to implement some members yet. If it works, possibly the cleanest solution...

How to insert element in first index in dictionary?

Is there a method or technique that allows you to insert an element into a
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> guaranteeing that the item is in the first index of that dictionary's KeyCollection.
For example:
Dictionary<String, String> dic = foo.GetOutput();
// `dic` is something like:
// {"foo", "baa"},
// {"a", "b"}
I need something like:
dic.Add("key", "value", 0);
// where `0` is the index that `key` to be inserted.
foreach(KeyValuePair<String, String> key in dic)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", key.Key, key.Value);
key = value
foo = baa
a = b
By not using a dictionary.
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is implemented as a hash-table. The position of keys internal to the dictionary depends upon the hash-code, the means by which that hash-code was reduced further to provide an index into its internal structure, and the order of insertion in an entirely implementation-dependant way.
This isn't the only way to implement a dictionary. SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> uses a tree structure internally and so always keeps keys in an order. In this case we still can't insert something in the beginning, rather we insert something and it gets put in the appropriate place.
If ordering is what you care about most, then you don't want a puredictionary at all. Rather you want either a List<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> or you want a structure that offers both the functionality of a list and of a dictionary, which is provided by OrderedDictionary. This isn't generic, but you can easily create a generic wrapper around it (doesn't give the performance benefits of internally using generics, but does give type-safety in use).
I know it is a three years old question. But found a workaround of this problem. It may help someone
Dictionary<String, String> dic = foo.GetOutput();
dic = (new Dictionary<string, string> {{"key","value"}}).Concat(dic).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
This will insert the element in the beginning of dictionary :)
Dictionaries are unordered; elements are meant to be retrieved with a key, whose hash points to its value's location.
What you might want is a List <KeyValuePair>, whose elements can be inserted into a specific index.
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> list = dic.ToList();
list.Insert(0, new KeyValuePair<string, string>("a", "b"));
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in list)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value);
This is not possible with Dictionary<TKey, TValue> as it presents it's values in an unordered fashion when enumerated. There is SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> which provides ordering but it does so by using an IComparer<TKey> against the key value directly. Here you want the key to be a String and have ordering based on an int. That is not possible with either of these types.
I think you'll need to implement a new type with these very specific semantics in them. For example.
class OrderedMap<TKey, TValue> {
private readonly Dictionary<TKey, TValue> _map = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>();
private readonly List<TKey> _list = new List<TKey>();
public void Add(TKey key, TValue value) {
if (!_map.ContainsKey(key)) {
_map[key] = value;
public void Add(TKey key, TValue value, int index) {
if (_map.ContainsKey(key)) {
_map[key] = value;
_list.Insert(index, key);
public TValue GetValue(TKey key) {
return _map[key];
public IEnumerabe<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> GetItems() {
foreach (var key in _list) {
var value = _map[key];
yield return new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(key, value);
Note this does come with some non-trivial performance differences over a traditional Dictionary<TKey, TValue>. For example Add and Remove are slower.
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> is inherently unordered (or rather, the ordering is unpredictable and shouldn't be relied upon). If you want some sort of ordering, you need to use a different type. It's hard to recommend any particular type without knowing more about your requirements.
The Dictionary<TKey, TValue> can't be ordered.
You can try SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue> instead, but that one is ordered by the Key, not by a separate index.
The Dictionary<TKey,TValue> class does not hold items in an ordered manner, so there is no "first" item.
There is a SortedDictionary<Tkey,TValue> (.NET 4.0+), which sorts by the key, but again, this is a very vague idea of "first".
this is my solution, maybe not the best solution but it works. =)
public static ComboBox FillDropDownList(Dictionary<String, String> dictionary, ComboBox dropDown, String selecione)
var d = new SortedDictionary<String, String>();
d.Add("0", selecione);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in dictionary)
d.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
dropDown.DataSource = new BindingSource(d, null);
dropDown.DisplayMember = "Value";
dropDown.ValueMember = "Key";
dropDown.SelectedIndex = 0;
return dropDown;
A Dictionary is an un-ordered collection. You could try OrderedDictionary - - which has an Insert() method which is what you're after.

