I am writing a custom control derived from Component.
In this control I need to be able somehow to get OS messages WM_DEVICEDCHANGED to create some events from.
Usually I would just override WndProc directly in the applications Form, but it is really important that this functionallity lays directly in the control instead.
Even though the control will always be used on a Form it is important that the OS messages are received on the control that is derived from Component so when dropping the control on a form there is no need to add functionality for it manually IN the form.
I have seen some examples mentioning NativeWindow and other solutions, but I have not been able to find head or tail in any of it, so I hope someone here can help me out.
i want to receive the WM_DEVICECHANGED message
Okay, that just requires subclassing the window of the form on which you drop the component. Any top-level window gets that message. Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below. Build. Drop the new component from the top of the toolbox onto a form. Add an event handler for the DeviceChange event and add any code that's relevant to the kind of device change notification that you are interested in. You could also put that code in the OnDeviceChange() method to further specialize the notification and raise more specific events. It is up to you to take it from here.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class DeviceChangeNotifier : Component {
public delegate void DeviceChangeDelegate(Message msg);
public event DeviceChangeDelegate DeviceChange;
public DeviceChangeNotifier() {
// Add initialization here
public DeviceChangeNotifier(IContainer container) : this() {
// In case you need automatic disposal
public DeviceChangeNotifier(ContainerControl parentControl) : this() {
// In case you want to use it without the designer
this.ContainerControl = parentControl;
public ContainerControl ContainerControl {
// References the parent form
get { return this.parentControl; }
set {
this.parentControl = value;
this.parentControl.HandleCreated += parentControl_HandleCreated;
private void parentControl_HandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Subclass the form when its handle is created
snooper = new MessageSnooper(this, parentControl.Handle);
protected void OnDeviceChange(Message msg) {
// Raise the DeviceChange message
var handler = DeviceChange;
if (handler != null) handler(msg);
public override ISite Site {
// Runs at design time, ensures designer initializes ContainerControl
// so we'll have a reference to the parent form without it having to do any work
set {
base.Site = value;
if (value == null) return;
IDesignerHost service = value.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
if (service == null) return;
IComponent rootComponent = service.RootComponent;
this.ContainerControl = rootComponent as ContainerControl;
private ContainerControl parentControl;
private MessageSnooper snooper;
private const int WM_DESTROY = 0x0002;
private const int WM_DEVICECHANGE = 0x0219;
private class MessageSnooper : NativeWindow {
// Subclasses the parent window
public MessageSnooper(DeviceChangeNotifier owner, IntPtr handle) {
this.owner = owner;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
if (m.Msg == WM_DESTROY) this.ReleaseHandle();
if (m.Msg == WM_DEVICECHANGE) owner.OnDeviceChange(m);
base.WndProc(ref m);
private DeviceChangeNotifier owner;
I have multiple forms with the same method called "UpdateTheme" which changes the back colour of the form. I want to be able to call all of these methods from another form.
I tried to make a base form with the "UpdateTheme" method then have all other forms inherit from the base form, But I didnt know how/ if it was possible to then call every instance of the derived forms methods from a separate "Settings" form.
public abstract class CustomForm : Form
public void UpdateTheme(string theme)
if (theme == "dark")
this.BackColor = Color.Black;
else if (theme == "light")
this.BackColor = Color.White;
In the settings form I would have something like
public void btnSetThemeToDark_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (instance of derived form)
Whats the best way to do this?
You could create a singleton called StyleManager that contains the global style properties. This singleton has an event called style changed that can be handled by all forms, or a base form. So all of your forms get the information from one source.
public class StyleManager
#region singleton
public static StyleManager Instance { get; } = new StyleManager();
private StyleManager()
#region events
public event EventHandler StyleChanged;
private void OnStyleChanged()
this.StyleChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region properties
public Color BackColor { get; set; }
#region methods
public void UpdateBackColor(Color color)
this.BackColor = color;
and use it in your forms like this:
public Form()
//Attach to the event
StyleManager.Instance.StyleChanged += this.StyleChanged;
//Handle event
private void StyleChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
this.BackColor = StyleManager.Instance.BackColor;
//set backcolor of all forms
Assuming this forms are MdiChildren of the form, you would do it this way:
foreach (var form in this.MdiChildren)
var castedForm = form as CustomForm;
if (myObjRef != null)
This functionality works beyond themes to any common method of the child forms.
I don't think this is the best way to do this. But, you can archive what you want by using this code.
CustomForm mainFrm = (CustomForm)Application.OpenForms["YouCustomFormNameHere"];
Replace 'YouCustomFormNameHere' with your CustomForm form name.
I have a form, on this form is a flowlayoutpanel with multiple custom made TextBoxes
The form overrides the base methode Refresh(), to do some other things also.
Now I'm digging into the parent to eventueally come on the form and do the refresh
I want to re-use the control on other forms, so is there another way to do this?
And I know a While(true) is possible:
Boolean diggToParent = true;
var parent = this.Parent;
while (diggToParent)
if (parent.Parent != null)
parent = parent.Parent;
But is there a cleaner way to do this?
You can solve this by creating and raising an event that is handled by the parent form:
public class MyUserControl : UserControl
// ...
public event EventHandler RequestRefresh;
// Call this method whenever you want the parent to refresh
private void OnRequestRefresh()
if (RequestRefresh != null)
RequestRefresh(this, EventArgs.Empty);
In the parent form (or the container that should be refreshed), you add an event handler, e.g.
public class MyParentForm : Form
public MyParentForm()
userCtrl.RequestRefresh += userCtrl_RequestRefresh;
// Do whatever the parent thinks is necessary to refresh.
public void userCtrl_RequestRefresh(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ...
This way the parent form can decide what to do when the user control requests a refresh. For details on events, see this link.
As the Form of System.Windows.Forms inherits from Control, I was wondering if there is a way to create a Custom Form and its Designer with some options (shortcuts) to create a title or somthings like that.
I tried this, but nothings happend, the Form I calles ManagedForm
public class ManagedForm : Form{
//code here
[PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]
public class ManagedFormDesigner : ControlDesigner {
private DesignerActionListCollection actionLists;
public override DesignerActionListCollection ActionLists {
get {
if (actionLists == null) {
actionLists = new DesignerActionListCollection();
actionLists.Add(new ManagedFormDesignerActionList(this.Component));
return actionLists;
public class ManagedFormDesignerActionList : DesignerActionList {
private ManagedForm managedForm = null;
private DesignerActionUIService designerActionUISvc = null;
public ManagedFormDesignerActionList(IComponent component) : base(component) {
this.managedForm = component as ManagedForm;
this.designerActionUISvc =
as DesignerActionUIService;
public override DesignerActionItemCollection GetSortedActionItems() {
DesignerActionItemCollection items = new DesignerActionItemCollection();
items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this, "CreateTitle", "Create Title", "Appearence", true));
return items;
public void CreateTitle() {
Panel pTitulo = new Panel();
pTitulo.Size= new Size(100,25);
pTitulo.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
(this.Component as ManagedForm).Controls.Add(pTitulo);
Action list are show when you click on the little arrow on the control inside a form (or on a component on the bottom of the designer if the object is a component).
Other things you can do is to manage verbs.
Verbs Handling is implemented on the ControlDesigner class (ManagedFormDesigner in your case).
You can see verbs clicking right mouse button or on the bottom of the properties (i.e. TabControl ha 2 verbs, add tab and remove tab).
You can implement verbs adding to ControlDesigner (or ComponentDesigner) class something like this
private DesignerVerbCollection _verbs;
public override DesignerVerbCollection Verbs
if (_verbs == null)
_verbs = new DesignerVerbCollection();
_verbs.Add(new DesignerVerb("Create Title", new EventHandler(MyCreateTitleHandler)));
return _verbs;
private void MyCreateTitleHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Do here something but take care to show things via IUIService service
IUIService uiService = GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService;
Can someone tell me how can I have a feature in my UserControl, that can let the host windowsform know what is the control is doing?
For example my usercontrol has a filebrowser, and if user uses this file browser to open a file I want in the statusstrip bar of my form to write "Loading file(s)".
Will this require using events? if so, how can I have a single event inside usercontrol to report anything it does (then I guess I have to call this event in all methods in the usercontrol).
Yes, expose an event on the user control that the Form can subscribe to. You should use the standard event pattern:
class MyUserControl : UserControl
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> FileOpened;
protected virtual void OnFileOpened(EventArgs e)
EventHandler<EventArgs> handler = FileOpened;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, e);
Then when the file is opened you call OnFileOpened(EventArgs.Empty) which fires the event.
With custom EventArgs
Now the Form probably needs to know what file was opened. You could expose a property on the user control that the Form can use to find out, or you can provide that information in your event like so:
public class FileOpenedEventArgs : EventArgs
private string filename;
public FileOpenedEventArgs(string filename)
this.filename = filename;
public string Filename { get { return filename; } }
class MyUserControl : UserControl
public event EventHandler<FileOpenedEventArgs> FileOpened;
protected virtual void OnFileOpened(FileOpenedEventArgs e)
EventHandler<FileOpenedEventArgs> handler = FileOpened;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, e);
Then you fire the event with OnFileOpened(new FileOpenedEventArgs(filename)).
When you create an event handler public event delegate Name;, you are allocating storage for the delegate on your object. Objects (especially Controls) often have a huge number of events that are never subscribed to. That's a whole lot of allocated storage not being used. There's an optimization built into the framework in the form of a EventHandlerList. This handy object stores event handlers only when they are actually used. All System.Windows.Forms.Control objects derive from System.ComponentModel.Component and it already provides an (protected) EventHandlerList that you can access in your derived Control.
To use it, you first create a static object that uniquely identifies your event, and then you provide the add {} and remove {} methods manually. Like so:
class MyUserControl : UserControl
private static readonly object FileOpenedKey = new Object();
public event EventHandler<FileOpenedEventArgs> FileOpened
add { Events.AddHandler(FileOpenedKey, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler(FileOpenedKey, value); }
protected virtual void OnFileOpened(FileOpenedEventArgs e)
var handler = (EventHandler<FileOpenedEventArgs>)Events[FileOpenedKey];
if (handler != null)
handler(this, e);
Yes, you will need to create an event and subscribe to it. One suggestion following the standard pattern for events:
enum ControlStatus {Idle, LoadingFile, ...}
class StatusChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
public ControlStatus Status {get; private set;}
public StatusChangedEventArgs(ControlStatus status)
: base()
this.Status = status;
partial class MyControl : UserControl
public ControlStatus Status {get; private set;}
public event EventHandler<StatusChangedEventArgs> StatusChanged;
protected virtual void OnStatusChanged(StatusChangedEventArgs e)
var hand = StatusChanged;
if(hand != null) hand(this, e);
void LoadFiles()
Status = ControlStatus.LoadingFiles;
OnStatusChanged(new StatusChangedEventArgs(this.Status));
Status = ControlStatus.Idle;
OnStatusChanged(new StatusChangedEventArgs(this.Status));
partial class MyHostWindowsForm : Form
public MyHostWindowsForm()
var ctl = new MyControl();
ctl.StatusChanged += ctl_StatusChanged;
void ctl_StatusChanged(object sender, StatusChangedEventArgs e)
case ControlStatus.Idle:
statusStripBar.Text = null;
case ControlStatus.LoadingFiles:
statusStripBar.Text = "Loading file(s)";
I lately had the problem of creating add and edit dialogs for my wpf app.
All I want to do in my code was something like this. (I mostly use viewmodel first approach with mvvm)
ViewModel which calls a dialog window:
var result = this.uiDialogService.ShowDialog("Dialogwindow Title", dialogwindowVM);
// Do anything with the dialog result
How does it work?
First, I created a dialog service:
public interface IUIWindowDialogService
bool? ShowDialog(string title, object datacontext);
public class WpfUIWindowDialogService : IUIWindowDialogService
public bool? ShowDialog(string title, object datacontext)
var win = new WindowDialog();
win.Title = title;
win.DataContext = datacontext;
return win.ShowDialog();
WindowDialog is a special but simple window. I need it to hold my content:
<Window x:Class="WindowDialog"
WindowStartupLocation="CenterOwner" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight">
<ContentPresenter x:Name="DialogPresenter" Content="{Binding .}">
A problem with dialogs in wpf is the dialogresult = true can only be achieved in code. That's why I created an interface for my dialogviewmodel to implement it.
public class RequestCloseDialogEventArgs : EventArgs
public bool DialogResult { get; set; }
public RequestCloseDialogEventArgs(bool dialogresult)
this.DialogResult = dialogresult;
public interface IDialogResultVMHelper
event EventHandler<RequestCloseDialogEventArgs> RequestCloseDialog;
Whenever my ViewModel thinks it's time for dialogresult = true, then raise this event.
public partial class DialogWindow : Window
// Note: If the window is closed, it has no DialogResult
private bool _isClosed = false;
public DialogWindow()
this.DialogPresenter.DataContextChanged += DialogPresenterDataContextChanged;
this.Closed += DialogWindowClosed;
void DialogWindowClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
this._isClosed = true;
private void DialogPresenterDataContextChanged(object sender,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var d = e.NewValue as IDialogResultVMHelper;
if (d == null)
d.RequestCloseDialog += new EventHandler<RequestCloseDialogEventArgs>
eh => d.RequestCloseDialog -= eh;);
private void DialogResultTrueEvent(object sender,
RequestCloseDialogEventArgs eventargs)
// Important: Do not set DialogResult for a closed window
// GC clears windows anyways and with MakeWeak it
// closes out with IDialogResultVMHelper
if(_isClosed) return;
this.DialogResult = eventargs.DialogResult;
Now at least I have to create a DataTemplate in my resource file(app.xaml or something):
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DialogViewModel:EditOrNewAuswahlItemVM}" >
Well thats all, I can now call dialogs from my viewmodels:
var result = this.uiDialogService.ShowDialog("Dialogwindow Title", dialogwindowVM);
Now my question, do you see any problems with this solution?
Edit: for completeness. The ViewModel should implement IDialogResultVMHelper and then it can raise it within a OkCommand or something like this:
public class MyViewmodel : IDialogResultVMHelper
private readonly Lazy<DelegateCommand> _okCommand;
public MyViewmodel()
this._okCommand = new Lazy<DelegateCommand>(() =>
new DelegateCommand(() =>
new RequestCloseDialogEventArgs(true)), () =>
YourConditionsGoesHere = true));
public ICommand OkCommand
get { return this._okCommand.Value; }
public event EventHandler<RequestCloseDialogEventArgs> RequestCloseDialog;
private void InvokeRequestCloseDialog(RequestCloseDialogEventArgs e)
var handler = RequestCloseDialog;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, e);
EDIT 2: I used the code from here to make my EventHandler register weak:
(Website no longer exists, WebArchive Mirror)
public delegate void UnregisterCallback<TE>(EventHandler<TE> eventHandler)
where TE : EventArgs;
public interface IWeakEventHandler<TE>
where TE : EventArgs
EventHandler<TE> Handler { get; }
public class WeakEventHandler<T, TE> : IWeakEventHandler<TE>
where T : class
where TE : EventArgs
private delegate void OpenEventHandler(T #this, object sender, TE e);
private readonly WeakReference mTargetRef;
private readonly OpenEventHandler mOpenHandler;
private readonly EventHandler<TE> mHandler;
private UnregisterCallback<TE> mUnregister;
public WeakEventHandler(EventHandler<TE> eventHandler,
UnregisterCallback<TE> unregister)
mTargetRef = new WeakReference(eventHandler.Target);
mOpenHandler = (OpenEventHandler)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
typeof(OpenEventHandler),null, eventHandler.Method);
mHandler = Invoke;
mUnregister = unregister;
public void Invoke(object sender, TE e)
T target = (T)mTargetRef.Target;
if (target != null)
mOpenHandler.Invoke(target, sender, e);
else if (mUnregister != null)
mUnregister = null;
public EventHandler<TE> Handler
get { return mHandler; }
public static implicit operator EventHandler<TE>(WeakEventHandler<T, TE> weh)
return weh.mHandler;
public static class EventHandlerUtils
public static EventHandler<TE> MakeWeak<TE>(this EventHandler<TE> eventHandler,
UnregisterCallback<TE> unregister)
where TE : EventArgs
if (eventHandler == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("eventHandler");
if (eventHandler.Method.IsStatic || eventHandler.Target == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Only instance methods are supported.",
var wehType = typeof(WeakEventHandler<,>).MakeGenericType(
eventHandler.Method.DeclaringType, typeof(TE));
var wehConstructor = wehType.GetConstructor(new Type[]
typeof(EventHandler<TE>), typeof(UnregisterCallback<TE>)
IWeakEventHandler<TE> weh = (IWeakEventHandler<TE>)wehConstructor.Invoke(
new object[] { eventHandler, unregister });
return weh.Handler;
This is a good approach and I used similar ones in the past. Go for it!
One minor thing I'd definitely do is make the event receive a boolean for when you need to set "false" in the DialogResult.
event EventHandler<RequestCloseEventArgs> RequestCloseDialog;
and the EventArgs class:
public class RequestCloseEventArgs : EventArgs
public RequestCloseEventArgs(bool dialogResult)
this.DialogResult = dialogResult;
public bool DialogResult { get; private set; }
I've been using an almost identical approach for several months now, and I'm very happy with it (i.e. I haven't yet felt the urge to rewrite it completely...)
In my implementation, I use a IDialogViewModel that exposes things such as the title, the standad buttons to show (in order to have a consistent apparence across all dialogs), a RequestClose event, and a few other things to be able to control the window size and behavior
If you are talking about dialogue windows and not just about the pop-up message boxes, please consider my approach below. The key points are:
I pass a reference to Module Controller into the constructor of each ViewModel (you can use injection).
That Module Controller has public/internal methods for creating dialogue windows (just creating, without returning a result). Hence to open a dialogue window in ViewModel I write: controller.OpenDialogEntity(bla, bla...)
Each dialogue window notifies about its result (like OK, Save, Cancel, etc.) via Weak Events. If you use PRISM, then it's easier to publish notifications using this EventAggregator.
To handle dialogue results, I'm using subscription to notifications (again Weak Events and EventAggregator in case of PRISM). To reduce dependency on such notifications, use independent classes with standard notifications.
Less code. I don't mind using interfaces, but I've seen too many projects where excessiveness of using interfaces and abstraction layers cause more trouble than help.
Open dialogue windows through Module Controller is a simple way to avoid strong references and still allows to use mock-ups for testing.
Notification through weak events reduce number of potential memory leaks.
Not easy to distinguish required notification from others in the handler. Two solutions:
send a unique token on opening a dialogue window and check that token in the subscription
use generic notification classes <T> where T is enumeration of entities (or for simplicity it can be type of ViewModel).
For a project should be an agreement about using notification classes to prevent duplicating them.
For enormously large projects the Module Controller can be overwhelmed by methods for creating windows. In this case it's better to split it up in several modules.
P.S. I have been using this approach for quite a long time now and ready to defend its eligibility in comments and provide some examples if required.