Actually I have few question to be easier to understand what I'm asking about I have to show my code first.
public static void Main(string[] args)
CustomClass customClass = new CustomClass();
customClass.SomeMethod("asdas", true, 30.5);
public class CustomClass
public Boolean SomeMethod(String a, Boolean b, Double c)
return true;
public class MyAttribute : Attribute
public MyAttribute()
public void DoSomethingBeforeMethodexecutes()
public void DoSomethingAfterMethodExecutes()
public class SomeIntercepter
public static void InterceptEverything()
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace();
var method = stackTrace.GetFrame(2).GetMethod();
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
if (parameters.Length > 3)
String cacheKey = method.Name;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
cacheKey += "_" + parameters[i];
So what I try to do. I try to intercept method on each it call and do something based on the incomming data of the method which is marked with [MyAttribute]. So I access the method through the StackTrace and try to get all incomming data with GetParameters.
And here is my questions:
1) How to object[] of all incomming data of the SomeMethod in the InterceptEverything()
2) How to say to the MyAttribute to run before marked method with MyAttribute to run method DoSomethingBeforeMethodexecutes()
3) How to say to the MyAttribute to run after marked method with MyAttribute to run method DoSomethingAfterMethodexecutes()
Thanks for any advice.
You cannot get the values from any particular frame via ParameterInfo. This facility does not exist.
Also: attributes do not execute. Unless you are using something like postsharp, they are just information. To get them to execute you must explicitly write reflection code to do that.
I am using Mono.Cecil to edit my target method's IL code so that I can log that method's entry point, without editing the actual code.
I am able to insert a call instruction to a method which can perform logging operation.
But I don't know how to log my target method's input parameters.
In short i want to insert an instruction in the target method by changing it's IL code to do a log or say print operation to log the input parameter values passed to that method.
I tried a basic program as sample.
public class Target
// My target method.
public void Run(int arg0, string arg1)
Console.WriteLine("Run method body");
public static class Trace{
// This is my log method, which i want to call in begining of Run() method.
public void LogEntry(string methodName, object[] params)
System.Console.WriteLine("******Entered in "+ methodName+" method.***********")
// With params :......
Source program.
public class Sample
private readonly string _targetFileName;
private readonly ModuleDefinition _module;
public ModuleDefinition TargetModule { get { return _module; } }
public Sample(string targetFileName)
_targetFileName = targetFileName;
// Read the module with default parameters
_module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(_targetFileName);
public void Run(string type, string method)
// Retrive the target class.
var targetType = _module.Types.Single(t => t.Name == type);
// Retrieve the target method.
var runMethod = targetType.Methods.Single(m => m.Name == method);
// Get a ILProcessor for the Run method
var processor = runMethod.Body.GetILProcessor();
// get log entry method ref to create instruction
var logEntryMethodReference = targetType.Methods.Single(m => m.Name == "LogEntry");
// Import ..
var newInstruction = processor.Create(OpCodes.Call, logEntryMethodReference);
var firstInstruction = runMethod.Body.Instructions[0];
processor.InsertBefore(firstInstruction, newInstruction);
// Write the module with default parameters
Well, this was interesting :)
Here's my working sample (comments in the code, feel free to ask anything, if not clear):
Modified sample (to actually write out the parameters):
public class Target
// My target method.
public void Run(int arg0, string arg1)
Console.WriteLine("Run method body");
public static class Trace
// This is my log method, which i want to call in begining of Run() method.
public static void LogEntry(string methodName, object[] parameters)
Console.WriteLine("******Entered in " + methodName + " method.***********");
Source program to handle IL injection:
public class Sample
private readonly string _targetFileName;
private readonly ModuleDefinition _module;
public ModuleDefinition TargetModule { get { return _module; } }
public Sample(string targetFileName)
_targetFileName = targetFileName;
// Read the module with default parameters
_module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(_targetFileName);
public void Run(string type, string method)
// Retrive the target class.
var targetType = _module.Types.Single(t => t.Name == type);
// Retrieve the target method.
var runMethod = targetType.Methods.Single(m => m.Name == method);
// Get a ILProcessor for the Run method
// get log entry method ref to create instruction
var logEntryMethodReference = _module.Types.Single(t => t.Name == "Trace").Methods.Single(m => m.Name == "LogEntry");
List<Instruction> newInstructions = new List<Instruction>();
var arrayDef = new VariableDefinition(new ArrayType(_module.TypeSystem.Object)); // create variable to hold the array to be passed to the LogEntry() method
runMethod.Body.Variables.Add(arrayDef); // add variable to the method
var processor = runMethod.Body.GetILProcessor();
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, runMethod.Parameters.Count)); // load to the stack the number of parameters
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Newarr, _module.TypeSystem.Object)); // create a new object[] with the number loaded to the stack
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Stloc, arrayDef)); // store the array in the local variable
// loop through the parameters of the method to run
for (int i = 0; i < runMethod.Parameters.Count; i++)
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, arrayDef)); // load the array from the local variable
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i)); // load the index
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg, i+1)); // load the argument of the original method (note that parameter 0 is 'this', that's omitted)
if (runMethod.Parameters[i].ParameterType.IsValueType)
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Box, runMethod.Parameters[i].ParameterType)); // boxing is needed for value types
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Castclass, _module.TypeSystem.Object)); // casting for reference types
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref)); // store in the array
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, method)); // load the method name to the stack
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, arrayDef)); // load the array to the stack
newInstructions.Add(processor.Create(OpCodes.Call, logEntryMethodReference)); // call the LogEntry() method
foreach (var newInstruction in newInstructions.Reverse<Instruction>()) // add the new instructions in referse order
var firstInstruction = runMethod.Body.Instructions[0];
processor.InsertBefore(firstInstruction, newInstruction);
// Write the module with default parameters
Is there a way know which class has called a function in another class.
public class A
public static string Aa = "test";
public void test()
public class B
public static void testB()
string Bb = A.Aa;
In the above example, i know the class A function has called the function in class B. But if there are many classes which will call the function in class B and all of those classes will have variable Aa in common, so how can i read its value and assign it to Bb. So in simple
string Bb = CalledClassName.Aa;
You could use the CallerMemberNameAttribute that was added with .NET 4.5. This will only get you the member name though:
public void SomeMethod ()
public void OtherMethod ([CallerMemberName] string memberName = null)
The attribute will fill the optional parameter at compile time, so it will actually call OtherMethod("SomeMethod").
You could also use a combination of accessing the stack trace and using reflection to read the Aa property of the type of the calling method. Note that this accesses debugging information, and is very vulnerable to changes in your code. It also has a bad performance, so you should avoid it. But just to show you how to use it:
public static void testB()
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace();
Type callingType = stackTrace.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().DeclaringType;
FieldInfo field = callingType.GetField("Aa", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
string Bb = (string) field.GetValue(null);
Use an interface, pass that in:
public interface AaInterface {
public string GetAa();
public class A : AaInterface
public static string Aa = "test";
public GetAa() { return Aa; }
public void test()
public class B
public static void testB(AaInterface pAa)
string Bb = pAa.GetAa();
I guess you are looking for something different than you are asking.
You should pass the instance of A to your method. All calling methods should pass the instance based on an interface. In that interface you put the properties and methods you want to share. In that way you can call the 'same' method for every passed instance.
public interface ISomeInterface
string Aa {get;}
public class A : ISomeInterface
public string Aa {get { return "a"; } }
Then you can pass it to this method:
public static void testB(ISomeInterface something)
string Bb = something.Aa;
Note that in this case, Aa is not allowed to be static. You could wrap that static in an instance property though.
If i understood your question correctly then you can pass a reference to a class instance in method as parameter then use 'is' operator to check its type:
public class A
public static string Aa = "test";
public void test(object calledClass)
if(calledClass is B) Aa = calledClass.Bb;
When you call this static method from class B just put :
This is just an example of logic that you can use to achieve what you want
I geuss you can do something like this:
public class A {
public void test() {
public class B {
public static void testB(object sender) {
String className = sender.GetType().Name;
//To call
A a = new A();
I am trying to use generics with specialization. See the code below. What I want to do is make runtime engine understand that specialization of the function is available based on type and it should use that instead of generic method. Is it possible without using keyword dynamic?
public interface IUnknown
void PrintName<T>(T someT);
public interface IUnknown<DerivedT> : IUnknown
//***** I am trying to make runtime engine understand that method below is
//***** specialization of void PrintName<T>(T someT);
void PrintName(DerivedT derivedT);
public class SoAndSo<DerivedT> : IUnknown<DerivedT>
public void PrintName<T>(T someT) { Console.WriteLine("PrintName<T>(T someT)"); }
public void PrintName(DerivedT derivedT) { Console.WriteLine("PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"); }
public class Test
public static void TestIt()
List<IUnknown> unknowns = new List<IUnknown>();
unknowns.Add(new SoAndSo<int>());
unknowns.Add(new SoAndSo<string>());
//*** statement below should print "PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"
//*** statement below should print "PrintName<T>(T someT)"
//********** code snippet below works exactly as expected ************
dynamic d;
d = unknowns[0];
d.PrintName(10); // <=== prints "PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"
d.PrintName("abc"); // <=== prints "PrintName<T>(T someT)"
If there isn't any way to achieve what I want without use of keyword dynamic, could there be any elegant way to achieve casting to concrete type without huge enum\flag\switch-case?
I wanted to post this as an answer but this is not really based on polymorphism or overloading so decided to put as an edit instead. Let me know if this makes sense.
public abstract class IUnknown
public abstract void PrintName<T>(T someT);
public abstract class IUnknown<DerivedT /*, DerivedType*/> : IUnknown //where DerivedType : IUnknown<DerivedT, DerivedType>
MethodInfo _method = null;
//***** I am trying to make runtime engine understand that method below is
//***** specialization of void PrintName<T>(T someT);
public override sealed void PrintName<T>(T derivedT)
bool isSameType = typeof(T) == typeof(DerivedT);
if (isSameType && null == _method)
//str = typeof(DerivedT).FullName;
Type t = GetType();
_method = t.GetMethod("PrintName", BindingFlags.Public |
new Type[] { typeof(T) },
if (isSameType && null != _method)
_method.Invoke(this, new object[] { derivedT });
public virtual void PrintNameT<T>(T derivedT)
public virtual void PrintName(DerivedT derivedT) { Console.WriteLine("PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"); }
//public static DerivedType _unknownDerivedInstance = default(DerivedType);
public class SoAndSo<DerivedT> : IUnknown<DerivedT> //, SoAndSo<DerivedT>>
//static SoAndSo() { _unknownDerivedInstance = new SoAndSo<DerivedT>(); }
public override void PrintNameT<T>(T someT) { /*Console.WriteLine("PrintNameT<T>(T someT)");*/ }
public override void PrintName(DerivedT derivedT) { /*Console.WriteLine("PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)");*/ }
public static class Test
public static void TestIt()
List<IUnknown> unknowns = new List<IUnknown>();
unknowns.Add(new SoAndSo<int>());
unknowns.Add(new SoAndSo<float>());
//*** statement below should print "PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"
//*** statement below should print "PrintName<T>(T someT)"
//*** statement below should print "PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"
//*** statement below should print "PrintName<T>(T someT)"
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("Milliseconds: {0}", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
//********** code snippet below works exactly as expected ************
dynamic d;
d = unknowns[0];
d.PrintName(10); // <=== prints "PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"
d.PrintName("abc"); // <=== prints "PrintName<T>(T someT)"
Thanks in advance,
I don't believe there's any way of doing this. It's simply not part of the execution-time dispatch mechanism which the CLR supports. You could write this, of course:
public void PrintName<T>(T someT)
// This is assuming you want it based on the type of T,
// not the type of the value of someT
if (typeof(DerivedT).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T))
PrintName((DerivedT)(object) someT);
Console.WriteLine("PrintName<T>(T someT)");
... but that's not terribly pleasant.
You could achieve this with an explicit implementation of IUnknown<DerivedT>. However, I'm not sure this is what you are looking for.
public class SoAndSo<DerivedT> : IUnknown<DerivedT>
public void PrintName<T>(T someT) { Console.WriteLine("PrintName<T>(T someT)"); }
void IUnknown<DerivedT>.PrintName(DerivedT derivedT) { Console.WriteLine("PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"); }
public class Test
public static void TestIt()
List<IUnknown> unknowns = new List<IUnknown>();
unknowns.Add(new SoAndSo<int>());
unknowns.Add(new SoAndSo<string>());
//*** statement below should print "PrintName(DerivedT derivedT)"
(unknowns[0] as IUnknown<int>).PrintName(10);
//*** statement below should print "PrintName<T>(T someT)"
I would suggest defining a generic static class NamePrinter<T>, with an Action<T> called PrintName, which initially points to a private method that checks whether T is a special type and either sets PrintName to either a specialized version or the non-specialized version (the non-specialized version could throw an exception if desired), and then invokes the PrintName delegate. If one does that, the first time one calls NamePrinter<T>.PrintName(T param) for any particular T, code will have to inspect type T to determine which "real" method to use, but future calls will be dispatched directly to the proper routine.
I want to write a rule that will fail if an object allocation is made within any method called by a method marked with a particular attribute.
I've got this working so far, by iterating up all methods calling my method to check using CallGraph.CallersFor(), to see if any of those parent methods have the attribute.
This works for checking parent methods within the same assembly as the method to be checked, however reading online, it appears that at one time CallGraph.CallersFor() did look at all assemblies, however now it does not.
Question: Is there a way of getting a list of methods that call a given method, including those in a different assembly?
Alternative Answer: If the above is not possible, how do i loop through every method that is called by a given method, including those in a different assembly.
-----In Assembly A
public class ClassA
public MethodA()
public MethodB()
object o = new object(); // Allocation i want to break the rule
// Currently my rule walks up the call tree,
// checking for a calling method with the NoAllocationsAllowed attribute.
// Problem is, because of the different assemblies,
// it can't go from ClassA.MethodA to ClassB.MethodB.
----In Assembly B
public var ClassAInstance = new ClassA();
public class ClassB
[NoAllocationsAllowed] // Attribute that kicks off the rule-checking.
public MethodA()
public MethodB()
I don't really mind where the rule reports the error, at this stage getting the error is enough.
I got round this issue by adding all referenced dlls in my FxCop project, and using the code below, which builds a call tree manually (it also adds calls for derived classes to work round another problem i encountered, here.
public class CallGraphBuilder : BinaryReadOnlyVisitor
public Dictionary<TypeNode, List<TypeNode>> ChildTypes;
public Dictionary<Method, List<Method>> CallersOfMethod;
private Method _CurrentMethod;
public CallGraphBuilder()
: base()
CallersOfMethod = new Dictionary<Method, List<Method>>();
ChildTypes = new Dictionary<TypeNode, List<TypeNode>>();
public override void VisitMethod(Method method)
_CurrentMethod = method;
public void CreateTypesTree(AssemblyNode Assy)
foreach (var Type in Assy.Types)
if (Type.FullName != "System.Object")
TypeNode BaseType = Type.BaseType;
if (BaseType != null && BaseType.FullName != "System.Object")
if (!ChildTypes.ContainsKey(BaseType))
ChildTypes.Add(BaseType, new List<TypeNode>());
if (!ChildTypes[BaseType].Contains(Type))
public override void VisitMethodCall(MethodCall call)
Method CalledMethod = (call.Callee as MemberBinding).BoundMember as Method;
AddCallerOfMethod(CalledMethod, _CurrentMethod);
Queue<Method> MethodsToCheck = new Queue<Method>();
while (MethodsToCheck.Count != 0)
Method CurrentMethod = MethodsToCheck.Dequeue();
if (ChildTypes.ContainsKey(CurrentMethod.DeclaringType))
foreach (var DerivedType in ChildTypes[CurrentMethod.DeclaringType])
var DerivedCalledMethod = DerivedType.Members.OfType<Method>().Where(M => MethodHidesMethod(M, CurrentMethod)).SingleOrDefault();
if (DerivedCalledMethod != null)
AddCallerOfMethod(DerivedCalledMethod, CurrentMethod);
private void AddCallerOfMethod(Method CalledMethod, Method CallingMethod)
if (!CallersOfMethod.ContainsKey(CalledMethod))
CallersOfMethod.Add(CalledMethod, new List<Method>());
if (!CallersOfMethod[CalledMethod].Contains(CallingMethod))
private bool MethodHidesMethod(Method ChildMethod, Method BaseMethod)
while (ChildMethod != null)
if (ChildMethod == BaseMethod)
return true;
ChildMethod = ChildMethod.OverriddenMethod ?? ChildMethod.HiddenMethod;
return false;
Did you give it a try in this way,
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace();
MethodBase methodBase = stackTrace.GetFrame(1).GetMethod();
object [] items = methodBase.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (NoAllocationsAllowed));
if(items.Length > 0)
//do whatever you want!
I just started reading on Moq framework and thought of applying it to my existing code. I could come up with a test case to verify basic function calls. But now stuck at applying it to delegates and static classes.
Below is the system under test (SUT)
public class SUT : ISUT
private IInterface1 i1;,
private IInterface2 i2;
public SUT(IInterface1 i1, IInterface2 i2)
this.i1 = i1;
this.i2 = i2;
public void FunctionToTest(Action<string> someDelegate, Action otherDelegate)
var list = i2.GetList();
foreach(var r in list)
if(someDelegate != null)
if(otherDelegate != null)
I have setup my test as below
public class when_list_contains_atleast_one_item
ISUT sut;
Mock<IInterface1> mockI1;
Mock<IInterface2> mockI2;
public SUT_Tester()
mockI1 = new Mock<IInterface1>();
mockI2 = new Mock<IInterface2>();
sut = new SUT(mockI1.Object, mockI2.Object);
public void it_should_call_somefunction_calldelegates_and_log_data()
var dummyList = new List<string> { "string1", "string2" };
mockI2.Setup(m2 => m2.GetList()).Returns(dummyList).Verifiable();
sut.FunctionToTest(It.IsAny<Action<string>>(), It.IsAny<Action>());
// How to verify delegates were raised
// How to verify SomeHelper.LogData was called
mockI1.Verify(m => m.SomeFunction(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Exactly(2));
How to verify that someDelegate and otherDelegate were raised ?
SomeHelper is a static class and LogData is a static function. How to verify that LogData was called?
Below is the SomeHelper class
public static class SomeHelper
static ILogger logger = LoggerManager.GetLogger("Something");
public static void LogData(string input)
You cannot verify static methods since they cannot be mocked by Moq.
In order to verify calls on the delegates, create them so that they call a local function and you keep the state and verify:
string localString = string.Empty;
Action<string> action = (string s) => localString = s;
// ... pass it to the test
Assert.(localString == "TheStringItMustbe");
OK to check an action that has no in params, increment a local variable and assert if it has been incremented (or something similar):
int localVar = 0;
Action action = () => localVar++;
// ... pass it to the test
Assert.(localVar == 1);
You might want to consider changing the IInterface1/2 interfaces so that they either take an ILogger as a parameter into SomeFunction, or have a settable ILogger property.
Then you could pass a mocked ILogger into SomeFunction.