Calling C# web service exposed on (soap.tcp) from Java - c#

I found it is quite easy to create a .Net client to invoke a service with soap.tcp protocol.
Uri destinationUri = new Uri("soap.tcp://SomeHostName/SomePath");
Uri destinationUri = new Uri("http://SomeHostName/SomePath");
EndpointReference destination = new EndpointReference(destinationUri);
SoapSender sender = new SoapSender(destination);
But I need to create a Java client instead of a .Net client to the same URI (soap.tcp://SomeHostName/SomePath). Is it possible with Java with this protocol (soap.tcp) to invoke a web service.
Also I found the same question is asked

Basically you can do that by implementing the "soap.tcp"-protocol as described by MS:
I don't know of anyone having done that... so it will be a major undertaking... "soap.tcp" is NOT made for interoperability... SOAP over HTTP is interoperable and should be used in cases like yours...


Getting started with soap web service client c#

My boss asked how long it would take to build a client to access a web service that will send and receive some basic data and embedded documents. Just starting playing with it to see what's involved. I have been doing web and desktop development for about 20 years but have literally never touched a web service so with that I'm at the extreme newb level.
So far I used the wsdl to create the ServiceReference1 and I can see the methods in intellisense but I don't have the first clue where to start with calling the methods, passing parameters and consuming the response. I feel stupid because I'm sure it's pretty simple but just flailing at the code and looking for on point examples has gotten me nowhere. Usually I can find something through google in minutes that is exactly on point but not having luck here. Would appreciate a push in the right direction.
So basic questions. Proper way to make the calls. How and where to land the returned data. How to add parameters.
Here is my first attempt. This gets a simple list and has no parameters. The result in fiddler returns data but there is a runtime type mismatch error which I think is caused by some stray characters leading the response which appear to be caused by chucking, what ever that is. The response starts with 1ffs every time then contains the remainder of the xml. Secondarily I need to get the list into a dataset or some other container but I was hoping to just be able to step into the code and see a result
ServiceReference1.FilingInfoClient webservice = new FilingInfoClient();
ServiceReference1.courtListRequest cr = new ServiceReference1.courtListRequest();
ServiceReference1.courtListResponse lr = new ServiceReference1.courtListResponse();
lr = webservice .getCourtList(cr);
This is essentially the same but takes a date param. When I run this fiddler shows the parameter is not being sent. No other errors but I'm sure only because it exploded immediately.
ServiceReference1.FilingInfoClient webservice = new FilingInfoClient();
ServiceReference1.messageListRequest mr = new ServiceReference1.messageListRequest();
ServiceReference1.MessageListResponse mlr = new ServiceReference1.MessageListResponse();
mr.latestMessagePullTimestamp = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5);
mr.endTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
mlr.latestMessagePullTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
mlr = webservice.getMessageList(mr);
This is the info provided by the web service host
<x:Envelope xmlns:x=""
<x:Envelope xmlns:x=""
we've got request and response pairs for each operation in the webservice. think like request => input, response => output, operation => method.
the webservice is an API. things that consume APIs are clients. the WSDL describes the API's operations and their requests and responses. tools like visual studio know how to read WSDLs and build C# code to perform those (SOAP) operations under-the-hood. this is the client (here FilingInfoClient). visual studio'll also generate classes representing each request and response.
this allows for a familiar programming experience. you call a method, give it some input, and it returns some output.
using (var client = new FilingInfoClient())
var request = new courtListRequest
//TODO fill in relevant properties
var response = client.getCourtList(request);

How to get information about all LexChatBots under a server with using AWSSDKCore.dll and AWSSDKLex.dll in C#

Recently when working with Lex in C#, I have referenced AWSCore.dll and AWSLex.dll and still trying to get a method that exposes all available Lexchatbots that I created in the Aamazon server.
var amazonPostRequest = new Amazon.Lex.Model.PostContentRequest();
var amazonPostResponse = new Amazon.Lex.Model.PostContentResponse();
used both methods to get all other information. Methods in request for bot name and alias is for setting and there is no method in response for getting available Lexchatbots in the server.
I don't believe that the Lex SDK supports this call directly.
Use the AWS Lex REST API to get a list of bots:
GET https://<your aws region endpoint>/bots/
After a long research I found the answer to my problem, It may help others.
First we need to add the AWSSDK.LexModelBuildingService through Nuget. This will add reference to the DLL.
From that all methods already exposed. We need to create both GetBotsRequest and GetBotsResponse methods.
var botRequest = new Amazon.LexModelBuildingService.Model.GetBotsRequest();
var botResponse = new Amazon.LexModelBuildingService.Model.GetBotsResponse();
Then we need to call lex model building service client
var amazonmodel = new AmazonLexModelBuildingServiceClient("YourAccesKeyId","YourSecretAccessKey",Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
After that we can get the response of inbuilt method of GetBots()
botResponse = amazonmodel.GetBots(botRequest);
We will get the list of bots metadata
List<Amazon.LexModelBuildingService.Model.BotMetadata> bots = botResponse.Bots;
Every details about each bot created will be available in the array of list of bots
There is almost all methods in getting details from Lex configuration in LexModelBuildingService dll
In IAM (Identity Access Management) in AWS we need to give Access to have Lex components in Policy section. AWSLexFullAccess
atleast arn:aws:lex:region:account-id:bot:* access in policy

Choosing between accessing WCF via API Endpoint or via Dll reference

I have been contemplating on a dilemma for hours. I have a Visual Studio Solution that contains a WCF, WebForms, UWP, Xamarin and a SharedLibrary Projects.
I intend to use the WCF project as the backend which talks to the database and process Email and SMS integration and feed the other apps.
Currently, The WCF is hosted on an Azure App Service which makes it accessible via POST, GET, etc from the url which is:
With such arrangements, I can perform a POST request to get data from the apps:
string response = string.Empty;
string url = "";
var values = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "data", Encryption.EncryptString(dat.ToString()) } //dat is incoming method param
string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(values);
var cli = new WebClient();
cli.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json";
response = cli.UploadString($"{url}", jsonString);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(response);
topic.InnerText = Encryption.DecryptString(result.ToString());
catch (Exception)
return string.Empty;
The method above is a simple one as I have other ones where I Deserialize with Models/Classes.
I equally have access to the methods defined in service1 by adding the project reference to my WebForms which surprisingly is also compatible with xamarin but not with UWP. Nevertheless, I am interested in the WebForms scenario. Below is an example method:
using BackEnd;
//Service1 service1 = new Service1();
//var send = service1.GetUsers(dat.ToString()); //dat is incoming method param
//topic.InnerText = send;
Obviously, using the Option B would eliminate the need to encrypt, decrypt, serialize or deserialize the data being sent. However, I have serious performance concerns.
I need to know the better option and if there is yet another alternative (probably an Azure Resource), you can share with me.
If you decide to use https endpoint of the Azure website, option A is secure because of SSL encryption. So you don't have to encrypt/decrypt it by yourself. The only tip is to create a proper authorization mechanism. For example use TransportWithMessageCredential. An example is provided in below article

How can I test if the DataContractSerializer was effectively replaced by XmlProtoSerializer?

I have a series of self-hosted WCF services (using netTcpBinding) that I want to enhance by using the fantastic protobuf-net serializer.
I configured both the client and the service endpoints with the custom behavior extensions as instructed in the documentation of the ProtoEndpointBehavior class (see here). My tests ran fine from the very first try, however, I'm very skeptical of WCF-stuff running fine at the very first try ;)
Is there a simple way in which I can assert that the default DataContractSerializer was replaced by the XmlProtoSerializer?
I would really favor a test that can be also coded as part of a unit test. I wouldn't like the protobuf-net library to be inadvertently disabled by careless tampering of the .config file.
If you call your service in wcf test client, you will see < proto/> tag in the body of response
If you configure your client to use proto behaviour and call service with "inadvertently disabled protobuf", your answer will be null because of different serializers. You can check it in your test
var address = new EndpointAddress( url );
var binding = GetBinding( address.Uri );
var factory = new ChannelFactory<TService>( binding, address );
factory.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add( CreateProtobufEndpointBehavior() );
var client = factory.CreateChannel();
var answer = client.GetSomeInt();

How to increase the file size limit in WCF console application

I've having a very simple WCF service (a console application for file upload). I keep getting error (400) bad request. It works when I upload small files (4kb) but failing for 700kb.
From the readings I've done from stack overflow and other, I'll have to increase the MaxReceivedMessageSize. This was implemented using a custom class and overriding the OnOpening method but it still didn't work.
I'm testing with a console application using the webclient
outputBytes = webClient.UploadData(baseUrl + "/uploads/2." + filenameOnly, File.ReadAllBytes(filename));
Also, I'm using the WebServiceHost as in
var uri = new Uri("http://localhost:8000");
var svc = new WebServiceHost(typeof (UploadService), uri);
How do I solve this issue?
PS: Application does not have a config file so I'll looking at how to set this in code. If not and a config file is needed, then what should be the content.
I found this link Bad Request Error 400 - WCF Client where it was explained that those properties are only valid for soap based services. He suggested updating the web.config. Since this is a console application, I'm wondering how this can be done'
You can set the maximumreceivedmessage programatically like this:
var binding = new wsHttpBinding(); // or whatever binding you are using
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue;
var wcfClient = new WCFServiceTestClient(binding, strServiceURL);
Hopefully this will be enough to solve your problem, but you might also want to consider chopping up the file into bits (batching) before sending it to the server. Sending very large chunks of data can incurr a huge memory penalty as the client has to serialize the entire thing up front before sending it to the server (and then the same to deserialize it on the server side).
Edit: Based on your additional comment (below), the code on the application hosting the service might look something like this:
WebServiceHost webServiceHost = new WebServiceHost(typeof(UploadService), uri);
WebHttpBinding binding = new WebHttpBinding();
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue;
webServiceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IUploadService), binding, "WebServiceHost");
Did you have a look at the documentation?
It covers both code and configuration.

