Finish the service and stop the thread - c#

I have several services and use threads to implement each one. The services are executed sequentially. Let me just pick up one for demo purpose.
services[1] = new RProcessing() { ConsoleInfoColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan };
success = services[1].Start();
if (success)
OutputUtils.WriteLogInfo("Service " + services[1].Name + " started...");
OutputUtils.WriteLogInfo("Service " + services[1].Name + " failed to start...");
previousStartup = false;
Inside RProcessing.
public RProcessing()
worker = new Thread[1]; // Only one thread
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
worker[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ServiceLoop));
worker[i].Name = "R Thread_" + i.ToString();
// processing
public bool Start()
foreach (Thread t in worker)
return (true);
public bool Stop()
if (_isRunning)
_isRunning = false;
_isRunning = false;
WriteLogInfo("Shutdown of R Processor complete");
return (true);
public void ServiceLoop()
_isRunning = true;
WriteLogInfo("Starting ServiceLoop() for: " + Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(RProcessing)).FullName);
string s;
while (_isRunning)
s = null;
WriteLogInfo(" processing "+s);
Thread.Sleep(864);// 24 hours.
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLogError("Thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " " + ex.ToString());
if (this._isRunning)
WriteLogInfo("Restarting thread due to failure...");
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLogError("Error restarting thread... " + ex.ToString());
Only there is one thread, I want to finish it then go back the next service. However it is always inside the ServiceLoop. How can break it? Just call Stop()?

Well, comment is misleading. Thread will sleep for 864 milliseconds, and not 24 hours.
Thread.Sleep(864);// 24 hours.
If you really intend to sleep that long in a loop, then use ManualResetEvent so that you could abort the wait at any time.
ManualResetEvent cancelEvent;
in loop:
and, in Stop method:
Also remove that:
if (this._isRunning)
WriteLogInfo("Restarting thread due to failure...");
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLogError("Error restarting thread... " + ex.ToString());
And make sure that _isRunning is volatile, otherwise it may be cached and not updated in another thread. Your service will exit peacefully when you call Stop().


Synchronous Socket: ReceiveTimeout

I have a socket thread that blocks on read. I set the receivetimeout on the socket to 30 seconds; if no byte is read, the read goes into IO exception(inner exception: error code: 10060). I end the process and close the streams and set the thread to null. For some reason, I can't seem to close the socket connection. I am not sure where the error is. Below is my code:
public class SampleClientSocket
private Socket cltSocket = null;
private volatile bool readyToRecv = false;
NetworkStream ns;
BinaryReader br;
BinaryWriter wr;
private string _caller = "SampleSocketClient";
Thread workerThread;
static void Main(string[] args)
public void BeginWork()
IPEndPoint ipe = new IPEndPoint("", 5000);
cltSocket = new Socket(ipe.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
cltSocket.ReceiveTimeout = 30000;
cltSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true);
workerThread = new Thread(doWork_01);
readyToRecv = true;
catch (Exception f)
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + f.StackTrace);
private void doWork_01()
this.ns = new NetworkStream(this.cltSocket); = new BinaryReader(this.ns);
this.wr = new BinaryWriter(this.ns);
readyToRecv = true;
this._lastSocketRead = toUnixTime(DateTime.Now);
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "ERROR OPENING STREAMS.");
readyToRecv = false;
while (this.readyToRecv)
bool _etxEncountered = false;
MemoryStream currentMessage = new MemoryStream();
byte buf = (byte)0;
while (!_etxEncountered)
buf =;
catch (EndOfStreamException)
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "ERROR: END OF STREAM");
readyToRecv = false;
_etxEncountered = true;
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "ERROR: Stream is closed!");
readyToRecv = false;
_etxEncountered = true;
catch (IOException i)
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "ERRORSTACK: IOException!" + i.StackTrace);
//if the ReeceiveTimeout is reached an IOException will be raised...
/// with an InnerException of type SocketException an ErrorCode 10060
var socketExpert = i.InnerException as SocketException;
if (socketExpert.ErrorCode != 10060)
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "ERROR: IOException!" + socketExpert.ErrorCode);
readyToRecv = false;
_etxEncountered = true;
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "Read: IOException for timeout! NOT DISCONNECTING");
readyToRecv = false;
_etxEncountered = true;
catch (Exception f)
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "Unknown exception" + f.StackTrace);
var socketExpert = f.InnerException as SocketException;
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "Error code number: " + socketExpert.ErrorCode);
readyToRecv = false;
_etxEncountered = true;
if (buf.Equals(0x03) == true)
_etxEncountered = true;
else if (buf.Equals(0x02) == false)
catch (Exception)
try { Thread.Sleep(10); }
catch { }
} // end while
public void EndWork()
readyToRecv = false;
//close streams;;;
this.cltSocket = null;
Console.WriteLine(this._caller + "GOODBYE...");
if (this.workerThread.IsAlive)
catch { }
this.workerThread = null;
this.readyToRecv = false;
this.workerThread = null;
Any help is appreciated.
There seem to be numerous problems with this code.
I think the reason for the problems is that you are trying to join the worker thread on the worker thread. doWork_01 is run on a worker thread, and therefore EndWork will also run on the worker thread. this would be equivalent to calling Thread.CurrentThread.Join(), and will just deadlock. This deadlock will probably keep your process alive and might cause issues like not releasing the socket.
I see little reason for trying to use multiple threads here. The original thread just starts the worker and does nothing else. I would recommend removing all threading and just use local variables for the socket, and use using to ensure it is disposed.
To properly exit the process, use Environment.Exit(0);, Application.Exit or just return from Main.
I had a thread that wasn't hitting the Socket.Shutdown and socket.close. Thank you jdweng for pointing this to me.

start method within new thread

I have method PatchUpdates which calls CheckConnection method to check the connection to remote pc if true then it will get back to first method to user interface and do some other stuff
I searched and found that I need to use threading so I am creating new thread
but my application hung and stops and nothing happen
please what I have done incorrect ?
public void PatchUpdates()
foreach (DataGridViewRow OfficeListRow in DGV_OfficeList.Rows)
string vIPAddress;
string vSoruceFilePath;
int RowNum;
foreach (DataGridViewRow FileListRow in DGV_FileList.Rows)
Thread thrd = new Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(PatchUpdates));
vIPAddress = OfficeListRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString();
vSoruceFilePath = FileListRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString();
RowNum = OfficeListRow.Index;
///Check the connection to pc
if (CheckConnection(vIPAddress) == true)
//MessageBox.Show(vIPAddress + " Pingable ");
DGV_OfficeList[2, RowNum].Value = "Online";
OfficeListRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
//MessageBox.Show(vIPAddress + " Not Pingable ");
DGV_OfficeList[2, RowNum].Value = "Offline";
OfficeListRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightCyan;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
public static bool CheckConnection(string IPAddress)
bool vPingable = false;
Ping png = new Ping();
PingReply PngReply = png.Send(IPAddress);
vPingable = PngReply.Status == IPStatus.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return false;
return vPingable;
You are passing PatchUpdates to the ThreadStart delegate from within the PatchUpdates() method.
Thread thrd = new Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(PatchUpdates));
This means that PatchUpdates() method starts itself over again on a new second thread, where it will start itself over again on a new third thread, where it will start itself over again on a new fourth thread, an so on...
Basically you are starting infinite new threads (as long as there are items in DGV_FileList.Rows), which will consume all your resources eventually.

Azure Topics worker role stops processing message after 60 seconds

We have a cloud service using a worker role to process messages it receives from a Topic set up on Azure Service Bus.
The message itself seems to arrive intact and is usually received and processed correctly. In some instances however, the message seems to stop processing (Logging abruptly ends and no more references to the message being processed are seen in our WadLogsTable). From my research, this might be happening due to the worker role keeping its connection open and idle for longer than seconds. How would I go about preventing these long-to-process messages from being abandoned?
The code for our worker role is below.
public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint
private static StandardKernel _kernel;
private readonly ManualResetEvent _completedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private BaseRepository<CallData> _callDataRepository;
private BaseRepository<CallLog> _callLogRepository;
private SubscriptionClient _client;
private NamespaceManager _nManager;
private OnMessageOptions _options;
private BaseRepository<Site> _siteRepository;
public override void Run()
List<CallInformation> callInfo;
Trace.WriteLine("Starting processing of messages");
// Initiates the message pump and callback is invoked for each message that is received, calling close on the client will stop the pump.
_client.OnMessage(message =>
// Process message from subscription.
Trace.TraceInformation("Call Received. Ready to process message ");
callInfo = message.GetBody<List<CallInformation>>();
Trace.TraceInformation("Call Processed. Clearing from topic.");
}, _options);
catch (Exception e)
Trace.TraceInformation("Error: " + e.Message + "---" + e.StackTrace);
private void writeCallData(List<CallInformation> callList)
Trace.TraceInformation("Calls received: " + callList.Count);
foreach (var callInfo in callList)
Trace.TraceInformation("Unwrapping call...");
var call = callInfo.CallLog.Unwrap();
Trace.TraceInformation("Begin Processing: Local Call " + call.ID + " with " + callInfo.DataPoints.Length + " datapoints");
Trace.TraceInformation("Inserting Call...");
_callLogRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand(/*SNIP: Insert call*/);
Trace.TraceInformation("Call entry written. Now building datapoint list...");
var datapoints = callInfo.DataPoints.Select(datapoint => datapoint.Unwrap()).ToList();
Trace.TraceInformation("datapoint list constructed. Processing datapoints...");
foreach (var data in datapoints)
/*SNIP: Long running code. Insert our datapoints one at a time. Sometimes our messages die in the middle of this foreach. */
Trace.TraceInformation("All datapoints written for call with dependable ID " + call.Call_ID);
Trace.TraceInformation("Call Processed successfully.");
catch (Exception e)
Trace.TraceInformation("Call Processing Failed. " + e.Message);
public override bool OnStart()
var connectionString = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString");
_nManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
_nManager.Settings.OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,10,0);
var topic = new TopicDescription("MyTopic")
DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0),
DefaultMessageTimeToLive = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0),
RequiresDuplicateDetection = true,
if (!_nManager.TopicExists("MyTopic"))
if (!_nManager.SubscriptionExists("MyTopic", "AllMessages"))
_nManager.CreateSubscription("MyTopic", "AllMessages");
_client = SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, "MyTopic", "AllMessages",
_options = new OnMessageOptions
AutoRenewTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
_options.ExceptionReceived += LogErrors;
_callLogRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand(/*SNIP: Background processing*/);
catch (Exception e)
Trace.TraceInformation("Error on roleStart:" + e.Message + "---" + e.StackTrace);
return base.OnStart();
public override void OnStop()
// Close the connection to Service Bus Queue
void LogErrors(object sender, ExceptionReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.Exception != null)
Trace.TraceInformation("Error: " + e.Exception.Message + "---" + e.Exception.StackTrace);
public IKernel CreateKernel()
_kernel = new StandardKernel();
/*SNIP: Bind NInjectable repositories */
return _kernel;
Your Run method does not go on indefinitely. It should look like this:
public override void Run()
Trace.WriteLine("WorkerRole entrypoint called", "Information");
while (true)
// Add code here that runs in the role instance
catch (Exception e)
Trace.WriteLine("Exception during Run: " + e.ToString());
// Take other action as needed.
Taken from the docs:
The Run is considered the Main method for your application. Overriding
the Run method is not required; the default implementation never
returns. If you do override the Run method, your code should block
indefinitely. If the Run method returns, the role is automatically
recycled by raising the Stopping event and calling the OnStop method
so that your shutdown sequences may be executed before the role is
taken offline.
TheDude's response is very close to the correct answer! It turns out he's right that the run method needs to stay alive instead of returning immediately. With Azure Service Bus's message pump mechanism though, you can't place the _client.onMessage(...) inside a while loop, as this results in an error (The message pump has already been initialized).
What actually needs to happen is a a manual reset event needs to be created before the worker role begins executing, and then waited after the message pump code is executed. For documentation on ManualResetEvent, see Additionally, the process is described here:
My final worker role class looks like this:
public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint
private static StandardKernel _kernel;
private readonly ManualResetEvent _completedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private BaseRepository<CallLog> _callLogRepository;
private SubscriptionClient _client;
private MessagingFactory _mFact;
private NamespaceManager _nManager;
private OnMessageOptions _options;
public override void Run()
ManualResetEvent CompletedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
CallInformation callInfo;
// Initiates the message pump and callback is invoked for each message that is received, calling close on the client will stop the pump.
_client.OnMessage(message =>
// Process message from subscription.
Trace.TraceInformation("Call Received. Ready to process message " + message.MessageId);
callInfo = message.GetBody<CallInformation>();
Trace.TraceInformation("Call Processed. Clearing from topic.");
}, _options);
catch (Exception e)
Trace.TraceInformation("Error: " + e.Message + "---" + e.StackTrace);
private void writeCallData(List<CallInformation> callList)
Trace.TraceInformation("Calls received: " + callList.Count);
foreach (var callInfo in callList)
Trace.TraceInformation("Unwrapping call...");
var call = callInfo.CallLog.Unwrap();
Trace.TraceInformation("Begin Processing: Local Call " + call.ID + " with " + callInfo.DataPoints.Length + " datapoints");
Trace.TraceInformation("Inserting Call...");
_callLogRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand(/*SNIP: Insert call*/);
Trace.TraceInformation("Call entry written. Now building datapoint list...");
var datapoints = callInfo.DataPoints.Select(datapoint => datapoint.Unwrap()).ToList();
Trace.TraceInformation("datapoint list constructed. Processing datapoints...");
foreach (var data in datapoints)
/*SNIP: Long running code. Insert our datapoints one at a time. Sometimes our messages die in the middle of this foreach. */
Trace.TraceInformation("All datapoints written for call with dependable ID " + call.Call_ID);
Trace.TraceInformation("Call Processed successfully.");
catch (Exception e)
Trace.TraceInformation("Call Processing Failed. " + e.Message);
public override bool OnStart()
var connectionString = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString");
_nManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
_nManager.Settings.OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,10,0);
var topic = new TopicDescription("MyTopic")
DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0),
DefaultMessageTimeToLive = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, 0),
RequiresDuplicateDetection = true,
if (!_nManager.TopicExists("MyTopic"))
if (!_nManager.SubscriptionExists("MyTopic", "AllMessages"))
_nManager.CreateSubscription("MyTopic", "AllMessages");
_client = SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, "MyTopic", "AllMessages",
_options = new OnMessageOptions
AutoRenewTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
_options.ExceptionReceived += LogErrors;
_callLogRepository.ExecuteSqlCommand(/*SNIP: Background processing*/);
catch (Exception e)
Trace.TraceInformation("Error on roleStart:" + e.Message + "---" + e.StackTrace);
return base.OnStart();
public override void OnStop()
// Close the connection to Service Bus Queue
void LogErrors(object sender, ExceptionReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.Exception != null)
Trace.TraceInformation("Error: " + e.Exception.Message + "---" + e.Exception.StackTrace);
public IKernel CreateKernel()
_kernel = new StandardKernel();
/*SNIP: Bind NInjectable repositories */
return _kernel;
You'll notice the presence of the ManualResetEvent and the invocation of WaitOne() at the end of my Run method. I hope someone finds this helpful!

How to keep a thread on hold in a method untill another therad Ends in C#

I have 2 Methods, One method call the other. thread is declared inside the 2nd method and that method will return a boolean output. so when i call the 2nd method i cant control the output, and 1st method returns the success message before the thread ends. I want the boolean output after when the thread ends. How can i control this?
1st Method
private void AccessElements()
TaxoProcess Taxo = new TaxoProcess();
if (Taxo.AccessEntity())
MessageBox.Show("Succesfully Extracted Data", "Extract Application", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
2nd Method,
public bool AccessEntity()
bool Status = true;
Thread MainThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
Thread backgroundThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
Dispatcher.FromThread(MainThread).BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
int PercentageValue = (int)(0.5f + ((100f * i) / Entities.Count));
StaticDataProperties.ProgBar.Value = PercentageValue;
return Status;
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorException = ex.Message;
return false;
To fix your problem you could use Thread.Join and do this, place this logic before return statement..
backgroundThread.Join(); // blocks calling thread.
There's two general directions you can attempt to take:
Dirty approach:
Add a temprary boole that is true while the "inner" thread is still running and handle the logic that should be handled after this after a "while"-statement on that boole.
(the while-statement would keep the code looping/"paused" untill the boole's value is falsey)
Neat approach:
Using async tasks and a callback function.
Instead of using threads which use too much memory you can use Tasks and async/await like Charles Mager suggested
private async void AccessElements()
TaxoProcess Taxo = new TaxoProcess();
if (await Taxo.AccessEntity())
MessageBox.Show("Succesfully Extracted Data", "Extract Application", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
public async Task<bool> AccessEntity()
return Task.Run(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
await Task.Delay(100);
int PercentageValue = (int)(0.5f + ((100f * i) / Entities.Count));
StaticDataProperties.ProgBar.Value = PercentageValue;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorException = ex.Message;
return false;
This is shorter and does all the thread managements in the background

c# BlockingCollection causing out of memory

I am coding a Forex Trading robot, and I am running an outOfMemory exception after some time (around 2 hours) using BlockingCollection.
I basically have 1 queue pair Trade chart, that are added into a dict:
private Dictionary<string, BlockingCollection<tick>> tickQueues = new Dictionary<string, BlockingCollection<tick>>();
I check the memory dump after one hour, and I can see the following items are piling up:
Count Size(bytes) Inclusive Size
ThreadPoolWorkQueue+QueueSegment 22,951 24,236,256 40,316,868
QueueUserWorkItemCallback 689,838 13,796,760 16,081,272
TimerQueueTimer 11,160 713,772 2,355,736
I have a timer that is responsible to add data to the Queue:
private void TickTimer_tick(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) {
if (Monitor.TryEnter(LockTimerTick, GlobalSettings.APISleepDelayMSTick)) {
updateLockFailCount = 0;
try {
tick t = new tick(DateTime.Now,, d.ask);
lastBid =;
lastAsk = d.ask;
t.pair = Inst.pair;
if (!myTickQueue.TryAdd(t)) {
functions.Logger.log("Error when adding Tick on Queue for " + Inst.pair+ " Maybe Queue is full", "SHMAPI", LOGLEVEL.WARN);
} catch (Exception E) {
functions.Logger.log("Error happened when refreshing tick data: " + E.Message, "SHMAPI", LOGLEVEL.ERROR);
} finally {
} else {
if (updateLockFailCount == 10) { sev = LOGLEVEL.DEBUG; }
if (updateLockFailCount==50) { sev = LOGLEVEL.WARN; }
if (updateLockFailCount % 100 == 0 && updateLockFailCount>=100) { sev = LOGLEVEL.ERROR; }
functions.Logger.log("Could not get lock to refresh tick data for symbol "+Symbol, "SHMAPI", sev);
And finally, my task that checks the Q:
public void startQueueTask(string Pair) {
if (!tickQueues.ContainsKey(Pair.ToUpper())) {
tickQueues.Add(Pair.ToUpper(), new BlockingCollection<tick>(GlobalSettings.tickQueueSize));
if (!MTAPIs.ContainsKey(Pair.ToUpper())) {
throw new Exception("API for pair " + Pair + " Should be initialized !!");
functions.Logger.log("Starting " + Pair + " Queue Task", "TICKPROCESSING", LOGLEVEL.DEBUG);
Task.Run(() => {
foreach (tick tick in tickQueues[Pair.ToUpper()].GetConsumingEnumerable()) {
try {
} catch (Exception E) {
functions.Logger.log("Error processing tick for symbol " + tick.pair + " " + E.Message, "TICKPROCESSING", LOGLEVEL.ERROR);
functions.Logger.log("Exiting Queue Task", "TICKPROCESSING", LOGLEVEL.ERROR);
} else {
functions.Logger.log("Skipping " + Pair + " Queue Task because already exists", "TICKPROCESSING", LOGLEVEL.DEBUG);
I am not really sure why I am getting OOM, but it looks similar to:
But I am not using parallel here... My Queues are empty though since week end market is closed.
Would using another timer with TryDequeue a better approach ?
Any advice would be welcome !
I switched timer to manual like this:
private void TickTimer_tick(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) {
try {
} finally {
And it seemed to have resolved my issue.
I am also making sure to send ticks in the Q, and they are filtered by duplicates by the Receiver, just so the Queing thread is never pending for too long as well.
Thanks for the pointer !

