What's a good global exception handling strategy for Unity3D? - c#

I'm looking into doing some Unity3D scripting stuff, and I'd like to set up global exception handling system. This is not for running in the release version of the game, the intention is to catch exceptions in user scripts and also in editor scripts and make sure they are forwarded to a database for analysis (and also to send email to relevant devs so they can fix their shizzle).
In a vanilla C# app I'd have a try-catch around the Main method. In WPF I'd hook one or more of the unhandled exception events. In Unity...?
So far the best I've been able to come up with is something like this:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public abstract class BehaviourBase : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
catch (System.Exception e)
public abstract void performUpdate();
In other scripts, I derive BehaviourBase instead of MonoBehavior and implement performUpdate() instead of Update(). I haven't implemented a parallel version for Editor clases but I assume I'd have to do the same thing there.
I don't like this strategy, however, because I'll have to backport it to any scripts we grab from the community (and I'll have to enforce it on the team). The Editor scripts don't have a single point of entry comparable to MonoBehavior either, so I assume I'd have to implement exception safe versions of wizards, editors and so on.
I've seen suggestions about catching log messages (as opposed to exceptions) using Application.RegisterLogCallback, but this makes me uncomfortable because I'd need to parse the debug log string rather than having access to the actual exceptions and stacktraces.
So... what's the right thing to do?

Create an empty GameObject in your scene and attach this script to it:
using UnityEngine;
public class ExceptionManager : MonoBehaviour
void Awake()
Application.logMessageReceived += HandleException;
void HandleException(string logString, string stackTrace, LogType type)
if (type == LogType.Exception)
//handle here
make sure there is one instance.
The rest is up to you. You can also store the logs in file system, web server or cloud storage.
Note that DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject) makes this GameObject persistent, by preventing it from being destroyed in case of scene change.

There is a working implementation of RegisterLogCallback that I found here: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/47659/callback-for-unhandled-exceptions.html
In my own implementation I use it to call my own MessageBox.Show instead of writing to a log file. I just call SetupExceptionHandling from each of my scenes.
static bool isExceptionHandlingSetup;
public static void SetupExceptionHandling()
if (!isExceptionHandlingSetup)
isExceptionHandlingSetup = true;
static void HandleException(string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type)
if (type == LogType.Exception)
MessageBox.Show(condition + "\n" + stackTrace);
I also now have the error handler email me via this routine, so I always know when my app crashes and get as much detail as possible.
internal static void ReportCrash(string message, string stack)
//Debug.Log("Report Crash");
var errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
errorMessage.AppendLine("FreeCell Quest " + Application.platform);
//if (exception.InnerException != null) {
// errorMessage.Append("\n\n ***INNER EXCEPTION*** \n");
// errorMessage.Append(exception.InnerException.ToString());
"{0} {1} {2} {3}\n{4}, {5}, {6}, {7}x {8}\n{9}x{10} {11}dpi FullScreen {12}, {13}, {14} vmem: {15} Fill: {16} Max Texture: {17}\n\nScene {18}, Unity Version {19}, Ads Disabled {18}",
//if (Main.Player != null) {
// errorMessage.Append("\n\n ***PLAYER*** \n");
// errorMessage.Append(XamlServices.Save(Main.Player));
try {
using (var client = new WebClient()) {
var arguments = new NameValueCollection();
//if (loginResult != null)
// arguments.Add("SessionId", loginResult.SessionId.ToString());
arguments.Add("report", errorMessage.ToString());
var result = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(client.UploadValues(serviceAddress + "/ReportCrash", arguments));
} catch (WebException e) {
Debug.Log("Report Crash: " + e.ToString());

Unity devs just do not provide us with tools like that. They catch exceptions internally in framework here and there and log them as strings, giving us Application.logMessageReceived[Threaded]. So, if you need exceptions to happen or be logged with your own processing (not unity's) I can think of:
do not use framework mechanics, but use your own so exception is not caught by framework
make your own class implementing UnityEngine.ILogHandler:
public interface ILogHandler
void LogFormat(LogType logType, Object context, string format, params object[] args);
void LogException(Exception exception, Object context);
And use it as said in official docs to log your exceptions. But that way you do not receive unhandled exceptions and exceptions logged from plugins (yes, someone do log exceptions in frameworks instead of throwing them)
Or you can make a suggestion/request to unity to make Debug.unityLogger (Debug.logger is deprecated in Unity 2017) have setter or other mechanism so we can pass our own.
Just set it with reflection. But it's temporary hack and will not work when unity change code.
var field = typeof(UnityEngine.Debug)
.GetField("s_Logger", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
field.SetValue(null, your_debug_logger);
Note: To get correct stacktraces you need to set StackTraceLogType in editor settings/code to ScriptOnly (most times it's what you need, I wrote an article on how it work) And, when building for iOS, it is said that Script call optimization must be set to slow and safe
If interested, you can read how popular crash analytics tool works. If you look into crashlytics (crash report tool for android/ios), than you'll find out that it internally uses Application.logMessageReceived and AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException events to log managed C# exceptions.
If interested in examples on unity framework catching exceptions, you may look at ExecuteEvents.Update And another article from me with testing it catching exception in button click listener can be found here.
Some summary on official ways to log unhandled exception:
I. Application.logMessageReceived is fired when exception happens on main thread. There are ways for it to happen:
exception caught in c# code and logged through Debug.LogException
exception caught in native code (probably c++ code when using il2cpp). In that case native code calls Application.CallLogCallback which results in firing Application.logMessageReceived
Note: StackTrace string will contain "rethrow" when original exception have inner exceptions
II. Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded is fired when exception happens on any thread, including main (it's said in docs) Note: it must be thread-safe
III. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException for example is fired when:
You call the following code in editor:
new Thread(() =>
object o = null;
But it causes crash on android 4.4.2 release build when using Unity 5.5.1f1
Note: I reproduced some bugs with unity missing stackframes when logging exceptions and assertions. I submited one of them.

You mentioned Application.RegisterLogCallback, have you tried implementing it? Because the logging callback passes back a stack trace, an error, and an error type (warning, error, etc).
The strategy you outline above would be tough to implement because MonoBehaviours don't just have a single entry point. You'd have to handle OnTriggerEvent, OnCollisionEvent, OnGUI, and so on. Each one wrapping its logic in an exception handler.
IMHO, exception handling is a bad idea here. If you don't immediately re-throw the exception, you'll end up propagating those errors in weird ways. Maybe Foo relies on Bar, and Bar on Baz. Say Baz throws an exception that is caught and logged. Then Bar throws an exception because the value it needs from Baz is incorrect. Finally Foo throws an exception because the value it was getting from Bar is invalid.

You can use a plugin called Reporter to receive an email of Debug Logs, Stack trace and screen capture on the moment of unhandled Error. Screen capture and stack trace are usually enough to figure out the reason of the Error. For stubborn sneaky Errors you should log more of suspicious data, build and wait again for the error.I Hope this helps.


Catch all exception in Unity

I've got a Unity mobile game in the app stores and I've got a function that sends emails from the players to my server, to notify me that stuff happened, that is not supposed to happen. If e.g. a try that I wrote fails, I send myself an email to see, that there must be a bug.
Is it possible, to build something like an OnException handler, that sends me an email on every exception that occurs, including code I didn't write? Some exceptions may come from plugins that I use, so I would like to have some sort of Listener, that does stuff whenever any sort of exception get's called.
Is that possible?
You can't catch all other exceptions in other plugins. Unity does that in the background and Unity gives you API to receive the exceptions it caught:
Newer version of Unity:
void OnEnable()
Application.logMessageReceived += LogCallback;
//Called when there is an exception
void LogCallback(string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type)
//Send Email
void OnDisable()
Application.logMessageReceived -= LogCallback;
Older version of Unity:
void OnEnable()
//Called when there is an exception
void LogCallback(string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type)
//Send Email
void OnDisable()
There is also logMessageReceivedThreaded.
Stacktrace issue:
If the stackTrace parameter is empty then you can use the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to manually retrieve the stacktrace yourself while still inside the LogCallback function. For example,
void LogCallback(string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type)
//Send Email
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace sTrace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();
Try this solution, should work for your case:
Check out Hockey App. Really nice tool, has Unity sdk and does exactly what you need. Every Debug.LogError or Debug.LogException is getting reported there. So you can be notified not only about code exceptions but also some data missing or anything you would like to report as error.
I tried to answer a question that was marked as a duplicate to this one ( How to detect if there is an error in unity c# when running without see the console? ), however it's been closed, so i'm adding an answer here.
I wanted to print a message directly to the screen as using the debug log wasn't going to work in my case. This was the elegant solution I found (which uses Android's default ShowDialog):
using (AndroidJavaClass androidJavaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.cattlecall.unityandroidaccessor.UnityAndroidDialog"))
androidJavaClass.CallStatic("ShowDialog", new object[]

How does the console obtain the stack trace of an exception?

In C# I'm trying to modify the StackTrace property of a custom exception I created. For this, I just override the StackTrace getter and it seems to be working (Exception has it as a virtual method, so it should work). This is my custom exception:
class CustomTimeoutException : Exception
private string oldStack;
public CustomTimeoutException(string message, String stack)
: base(message)
oldStack = stack;
public override string StackTrace
return oldStack;
public override string Message
return "lalalala2";
public override System.Collections.IDictionary Data
return null;
I'm using this class the following way:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
catch(TimeoutException e)
CustomTimeoutException tor = new CustomTimeoutException(e.Message + "with more", e.StackTrace);
throw tor;
public void throwTimeout2()
public void throwTimeout()
throw new TimeoutException("this is a message ");
When I write the property StackTrace to the console, it prints the StackTrace of the TimeoutException, which means it's in fact overriding it. But, when the console shows the error, the StackTrace is not the one it gets from my property, yet the Message is the one it gets from the Message property I'm also overriding.
So, where does the console get the StackTrace of the exception from? I'm using Visual Studio for running.
(Note: one thing I still really don't understand about your question is that, while you seem to be asking for a way to affect how an exception is reported to the console, you also say that you have some "tool" that apparently has access to the Exception object itself and is reporting on the inner-most exception, i.e. following the InnerException property chain until it reaches the last one. These two statements seem to be in contradiction with each other, so I'm not really sure I completely understand the question. Still, I spent some time looking into it, and will share what I have regardless. :) .)
IMHO, there is not a good way to do what you want. There is an ugly way (see below), but I don't recommend it. Especially since your main limitation is the "tool that uses the message"; it is IMHO a very bad idea to go changing production code just to suit some tool. That path leads to big maintenance headaches, if not outright buggy code.
If you really must change the exception message, you should just bite the bullet and toss the entire stack trace text you want to preserve into the message as well. Trying to mess around with the stack trace of the eventually-thrown exception itself is bad news.
That said…
If you were to add diagnostic calls to Console.WriteLine() to your method overrides, you would confirm (as you've probably already guessed) that the StackTrace property is not called when the exception is re-thrown and reported by the CLR to the console. Overriding the property is not going to help.
There are at least two problems with trying that strategy:
The StackTrace property is just a string containing formatted information about the stack trace. The Exception object does actually contain a private field _stackTrace. When you execute the throw statement with an Exception object, the CLR stores the current stack trace information into this field. You would have to find some way to overwrite this field after the fact, to fake a throw site different from the actual one.
The CLR exception handling leverages existing Windows exception handling infrastructure. One of the first things that happens when an exception is thrown is the exception handling code attempts to find a handler up the stack. If it fails to find one, then you get the "Unhandled Exception:" message. But note that in the process, the stack has not been unwound. Thus, the exception handling code does not even need to inspect the Exception object at all to determine the throw site; the stack is still there, and its state can be reported directly. There is literally nothing you can do with the Exception object that would affect reporting, if indeed the exception handling code is looking directly at the stack state.
Now, as it happens, for the version of .NET I'm running on my Windows 8.1 machine, it appears that the CLR is reporting the stack trace as stored in the Exception object and not directly inspecting the stack, per option #2 above. So something like this actually works:
ExceptionWrapper class
class ExceptionWrapper : Exception
private readonly string _trace;
private readonly string _message;
private readonly string _toString;
private readonly object _stackTrace;
public ExceptionWrapper(Exception e)
_trace = e.StackTrace;
_message = e.Message + ", wrapped";
_toString = e.ToString();
_stackTrace = typeof(Exception).GetField("_stackTrace",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(e);
public override string StackTrace { get { return _trace; } }
public override string Message
.GetField("_stackTrace", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
.SetValue(this, _stackTrace);
return _message;
public override string ToString() { return _toString; }
Test program
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
catch (Exception e)
private static void M1()
catch (Exception e)
throw new ExceptionWrapper(e);
static void M()
throw new Exception("test exception");
There is a very significant caveat though. This works only because of two specific facts:
The CLR is not taking advantage of the current stack state, but instead is trusting the Exception object to contain correct stack information in the _stackTrace field.
The CLR calls the Message getter of the Exception object before retrieving the stack trace. This gives the object an opportunity to overwrite the _stackTrace field before the CLR accesses it for the purpose of reporting the stack trace.
Both of these are, as near as I can tell, completely undocumented implementation details. The second one in particular is very fragile; while I can see why the CLR might always have to stick with the first detail, I see no reason at all that Microsoft (never mind other implementors of the CLS) should feel compelled to preserve the behavior in the second point.
Writing code that relies on these implementation details is just asking for trouble. Whatever the broader goal here is, I simply cannot imagine it would be worthwhile to suffer the risk of breaking your project for this need. IMHO, it would be much more reasonable to simply rewrite this "tool" you are trying to accommodate.
Tools are (or at least should be) inherently simple in nature, and not only would rewriting it allow you to produce the results you want without mucking around with private implementation details in third-party code, it would also give you the chance to a) add new features, such as providing options for controlling how to process exception data (e.g. looking at something other than the inner-most exception), and b) have a tool for which you do have the source code, with which you can make further improvements in the future.
I strongly advise that you not paint yourself into this particular corner. :)

Better TypeInitializationException (innerException is also null)

When an user creates a mistake in the configuration of NLog (like invalid XML), We (NLog) throw a NLogConfigurationException. The exception contains the description what is wrong.
But sometimes this NLogConfigurationException is "eaten" by a System.TypeInitializationException if the first call to NLog is from a static field/property.
E.g. if the user has this program:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NLog;
namespace TypeInitializationExceptionTest
class Program
//this throws a NLogConfigurationException because of bad config. (like invalid XML)
private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Press any key");
and there is a mistake in the config, NLog throws:
throw new NLogConfigurationException("Exception occurred when loading configuration from " + fileName, exception);
But the user will see:
"Copy exception details to the clipboard":
System.TypeInitializationException was unhandled
Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: The type initializer for 'TypeInitializationExceptionTest.Program' threw an exception.
So the message is gone!
Why is innerException not visible? (tested in Visual Studio 2013).
Can I send more info to the TypeInitializationException? Like a message? We already sending an innerException.
Can we use another exception or are there properties on Exception so that more info is reported?
Is there another way to give (more) feedback to the user?
of course we have no influence on the program written by the user.
I'm one of the maintainers of NLog.
Do you like to test it by yourself? Checkout https://github.com/NLog/NLog/tree/TypeInitializationException-tester and start NLog/src/NLog.netfx45.sln
please note that I'm the library maintainer, not the user of the library. I cannot change the calling code!
I'll just point out the underlying problem you are dealing with here. You are fighting a bug in the debugger, it has a very simple workaround. Use Tools > Options > Debugging > General > tick the "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" checkbox. Also untick Just My Code for the most informative debugging report:
If Just My Code is ticked then the exception report is less informative but still can be drilled down easily by clicking the "View Detail" link.
The option name is unnecessarily cryptic. What it really does is tell Visual Studio to use an older version of the debugging engine. Anybody that uses VS2013 or VS2015 will have this trouble with the new engine, possibly VS2012. Also the basic reason that this issue did not have be addressed in NLog before.
While this is a very good workaround, it is not exactly easy to discover. Nor would programmers particularly like to use the old engine, shiny new features like return value debugging and E+C for 64-bit code are not supported by the old engine. Whether this is a truly a bug, an oversight or a technical limitation in the new engine is hard to guess. This is excessively ugly so don't hesitate to label it "bug", I strongly recommend you take this to connect.microsoft.com. Everybody will be ahead when it gets fixed, I scratched my head over this at least once that I remember. Drilled it down by using Debug > Windows > Exceptions > ticked CLR Exceptions at the time.
A workaround for this very unfortunate behavior is sure to be ugly. You do have to delay raising the exception until program execution has progressed far enough. I don't know your codebase well enough, but delaying parsing the config until the first logging command ought to take care of it. Or store the exception object and throw it on the first log command, probably easier.
The reason I see is because the Type initialization of Entry point class is failed. Since no type was initialized, so the Type loader has nothing to report about the failed type in TypeInitializationException.
But if you change the Static initializer of logger to other class and then refer that class in Entry method. you'll get the InnerException on TypeInitialization exception.
static class TestClass
public static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var logger = TestClass.logger;
Console.WriteLine("Press any key");
Now you'll get the InnerException because the Entry type was loaded to report the TypeInitializationException.
Hope now you get the idea to keep the Entry point clean and Bootstrap the application from Main() instead of static property of Entry point class.
Update 1
You can also utilize the Lazy<> to avoid the execution of configuration initialization at declaration.
class Program
private static Lazy<Logger> logger = new Lazy<Logger>(() => LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger());
static void Main(string[] args)
//this will throw TypeInitialization with InnerException as a NLogConfigurationException because of bad config. (like invalid XML)
Console.WriteLine("Press any key");
Alternatively, try Lazy<> in the LogManager for logger instantiation so that the configuration initialization happens when actually the first log statement occurs.
Update 2
I analyzed the source code of NLog and seems like it's already implemented and It make sense. According to the comments on property "NLog should not throw exception unless specified by property LogManager.ThrowExceptions in LogManager.cs".
Fix - In the LogFactory class the private method GetLogger() has the initialization statement which is causing the exception to happen. If you introduce a try catch with the check of property ThrowExceptions then you can prevent the initialization exception.
if (cacheKey.ConcreteType != null)
newLogger.Initialize(cacheKey.Name, this.GetConfigurationForLogger(cacheKey.Name, this.Configuration), this);
catch (Exception ex)
if(ThrowExceptions && ex.MustBeRethrown())
Also it would be great to have these exceptions/errors stored somewhere so that It can be traced why Logger initialization failed because the they were ignored due to ThrowException.
I said in an earlier comment that I'm unable to reproduce your issue. Then it occurred to me you were only looking for it in the popup exception dialog, which doesn't display a show details link.
So here's how you can get at the InnerException anyway, because it definitely is there, except Visual Studio doesn't report it for some reason (probably because it's in the entry point type as vendettamit figured out).
So, when you run the tester branch, you get the following dialog:
And it doesn't show the View Details link.
The Copy exception detail to the clipboard isn't particularly helpful either:
System.TypeInitializationException was unhandled
Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: The type initializer for 'TypeInitializationExceptionTest.Program' threw an exception.
Now, dismiss the dialog with the OK button and head towards the Locals debug window. Here's what you'll see:
See? The InnerException definitely is there, and you found a VS quirk :-)
Problem is the static initialization happens when the class is first referenced. In your Program it happens even before the Main() method. So as rule of thumb - avoid any code that can fail in static initialization method. As for your particular problem - use lazy approach instead:
private static Lazy<Logger> logger =
new Lazy<Logger>(() => LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger());
static void Main() {
So the initialization of logger will happen (and possibly fail) when you'll first access the logger - not in some crazy static context.
It is ultimately burden of user of your library to stick to the best practices. So if it were me I'd keep it as it is. There are few options though if you really have to solve it on your end:
1) Don't throw exception - ever - this is valid approach in logging engine, and how log4net works - i.e.
static Logger GetCurrentClassLogger() {
try {
var logger = ...; // current implementation
} catch(Exception e) {
// let the poor guy now something is wrong - provided he is debugging
// null logger - every single method will do nothing
return new NullLogger();
2) wrap the lazy approach around the implementation of Logger class (I know your Logger class is much more complex, for sake of this problem let's assume it has just one method Log and it takes string className to construct Logger instance.
class LoggerProxy : Logger {
private Lazy<Logger> m_Logger;
// add all arguments you need to construct the logger instance
public LoggerProxy(string className) {
m_Logger = new Lazy<Logger>(() => return new Logger(className));
public void Log(string message) {
static Logger GetCurrentClassLogger() {
var className = GetClassName();
return new LoggerProxy(className);
You'll get rid of this problem (the real initialization will happen while first log method is called and it is backward-compatible approach); only problem is you've added another layer (I don't expect any drastic downgrade of performance, but some logging engines are really into micro-optimization).
The only solution I see now is:
move the static initializes (fields) to a static constructor with a try catch
System.TypeInitializationException is always or almost always occurred from not correct initialisation the static members of a class.
You have to check LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger() via debugger. I'm sure the error is occurred inside that part of code.
//go into LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger() method
private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
Also i suggest you double check your app.config and make sure you haven't included anything wrong.
System.TypeInitializationException is thrown whenever a static constructor throws an exception, or whenever you attempt to access a class where the static constructor threw an exception.
When .NET loads the type, it must prepare all it's static fields before the first time that you use the type. Sometimes, initialization requires running code. It is when that code fails that you get a System.TypeInitializationException.
According the docs
When a class initializer fails to initialize a type, a TypeInitializationException is created and passed a reference to the exception thrown by the type's class initializer. The InnerException property of TypeInitializationException holds the underlying exception.
TypeInitializationException uses the HRESULT COR_E_TYPEINITIALIZATION, that has the value 0x80131534.
For a list of initial property values for an instance of TypeInitializationException, see the TypeInitializationException constructors.
1) The InnerException is not visible it is very typical for this type of Exception. The version of Visual Studio doesn't matter (ensure that the "Enable the exception assistant" option is checked - Tools> Options>Debugging>General)
2) Usually the TypeInitializationException hides the real exception which can be viewed via InnerException. But the test example below shows how you can populate inner exception info:
public class Test {
static Test() {
throw new Exception("InnerExc of TypeInitializationExc");
static void Main(string[] args) {
But sometimes this NLogConfigurationException is "eaten" by an
System.TypeInitializationException if the first call to NLog is from a
static field/property.
Nothing strange. Someone missed the try catch block somewhere.

Is it possible to not break execution flow on certain exceptions but break on others - and if so, how?

I need to call several methods from an external framework - or rather I am writing a wrapper around it for other users to call methods from this framework in a non-predetermined order. Now some methods of the framework will throw exceptions, even though no "real" error occured. Basically they are supposed to be internal exceptions just to notify whoever that the action to be performed has already been performed before. For example: that a file has been loaded. It wont hurt to load the file another time, so for all I care this "error" is no error at all. So I need to continue on this exception, but I also need to catch other, real exceptions, such as when the framework, which connects to clients and stuff, cannot do so.
Below I have some (extremely simplified) example code. Obviously that code wont compile because the code for the custom exceptions is missing. Also in real life the code is spread over three assemblies. This means, that I cannot wrap the exception handler around those framework methods which will throw InternalFrameworkException() only. I can only wrap it around the whole SomeMethod(). As I wrote, this is an extremely simplified example.
Is there any way to handle the RealException()s but continue the InternalFrameworkException()s without using PostSharp as mentioned here? Note that this is not about letting the InternalFrameworkException() fall through, but they should actually not break out of the try{} block at all.
namespace ExceptionTest
using System;
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
catch (InternalFrameworkException exception)
// Do not actually catch it - but also dont break the
// execution of "SomeMethod()".
// Actually I never want to end up here...
catch (RealException exception)
// Break the execution of SomeMethod() as usual.
catch (Exception exception)
// Again, break the execution of SomeMethod() as usual.
// Clean up.
#region == Method is actually contained in another assembly referencing this assembly ===
private static void SomeMethod()
// Should break if uncommented.
// MethodThrowingProperException();
// Should not break.
// Should execute, even if previously an internal framework error happened.
#region ===== Framework methods, they are contained in a foreign dll =====
private static void MethodThrowingProperException()
// Something happened which should break execution of the
// application using the framework
throw new RealException();
private static void MethodThrowingInternalExceptionOrRatherContinuableError()
// Perform some stuff which might lead to a resumable error,
// or rather an error which should not break the continuation
// of the application. I.e. initializing a value which is
// already initialized. The point is to tell the application using
// this framework that the value is already initialized, but
// as this wont influence the execution at all. So its rather
// a notification.
throw new InternalFrameworkException();
private static void MethodNotThrowingException()
// Well, just do some stuff.
Edit: I did try the example in the post I already linked above, and it works like a charm ... when using it in SomeMethod() only. I could theoretically implement this as I am wrapping all the methods that are called in SomeMethod() before exposing them to the final assembly, but I dislike this approach, because it will give my code unnessessary complexity.
When an exception is thrown, the execution flow is broken. You can catch the exception or not but you cannot "continue" after the exception is thrown.
You can split your logic into parts and continue to the next part when one throws an exception, though.
I'm not sure of a way apart from an AOP approach in this case. Given that you are unable to change SomeMethod() or any of the methods it calls, you will need to look at adorning the called methods like MethodThrowingInternalExceptionOrRatherContinuableError() with an aspect that catches the 'continuable' exceptions.
The aspect would effectively wrap the method call in a try{...} catch(InternalFrameworkException) (or similar catchable exception) block.
As you have already noted, you are unable to drop back into a method once it has thrown an exception, even if the caller catches the exception in a catch() block, so you need to inject into the methods you are calling, which an AOP framework like PostSharp will allow you to do.
I have solved similar problem by wrapping the calls to InternalFrameworkMethod() in try-catch(InternalFrameworkException) blocks and calling it somethig like InternalFrameworkMethodSafe() and then in SomeMethod call the treated InternalFrameworkMethodSafe().
void InternalFrameworkMethodSafe()
catch(InternalFrameworkException e)
Trace.Write("error in internal method" + e);
void SomeMethod()
It may not work in your case if the internal framework is in wrong state and not able to continue.

Easy way to catch all unhandled exceptions in C#.NET

I have a website built in C#.NET that tends to produce a fairly steady stream of SQL timeouts from various user controls and I want to easily pop some code in to catch all unhandled exceptions and send them to something that can log them and display a friendly message to the user.
How do I, through minimal effort, catch all unhandled exceptions?
this question seems to say it's impossible, but that doesn't make sense to me (and it's about .NET 1.1 in windows apps):
All unhandled exceptions finally passed through Application_Error in global.asax. So, to give general exception message or do logging operations, see Application_Error.
If you need to catch exeptions in all threads the best aproach is to implement UnhandledExceptionModule and add it to you application look here
for an example
Use the Application_Error method in your Global.asax file. Inside your Application_Error method implementation call Server.GetLastError(), log the details of the exception returned by Server.GetLastError() however you wish.
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs
log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(object));
using (log4net.NDC.Push(this.User.Identity.Name))
log.Fatal("Unhandled Exception", Server.GetLastError());
Don't pay too much attention to the log4net stuff, Server.GetLastError() is the most useful bit, log the details however you prefer.
The ELMAH project sounds worth a try, its list of features include:
ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and
Handlers) is an application-wide error
logging facility that is completely
pluggable. It can be dynamically added
to a running ASP.NET web application,
or even all ASP.NET web applications
on a machine, without any need for
re-compilation or re-deployment.
Logging of nearly all unhandled exceptions.
A web page to remotely view the entire log of recoded exceptions.
A web page to remotely view the full details of any one logged
In many cases, you can review the original yellow screen of death that
ASP.NET generated for a given
exception, even with customErrors mode
turned off.
An e-mail notification of each error at the time it occurs.
An RSS feed of the last 15 errors from the log.
A number of backing storage implementations for the log
More on using ELMAH from dotnetslackers
You can subscribe to the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException event.
It's probably important to note that you are not supposed to catch unhandled exceptions. If you are having SQL timeout issues, you should specifically catch those.
Do you mean handling it in all threads, including ones created by third-party code? Within "known" threads just catch Exception at the top of the stack.
I'd recommend looking at log4net and seeing if that's suitable for the logging part of the question.
If using .net 2.0 framework, I use the built in Health Monitoring services. There's a nice article describing this method here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210305134220/https://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/031407-1.aspx
If you're stuck with the 1.0 framework, I would use ELMAH:
hope this helps
There are 2 parts to this problem handling & identifying.
This is what you do when the exception is finally caught, not necessarily where it is thrown. So the exception at that stage must have enough context information for you to idenitfy what the problem was
For handling, you can
a) add a HttpModeule. See
I would suggest this approach only when there is absolutely no context informaatn available and there might be issuus wiih IIS/aspnet, In short for catastrophic situations
b) Create a abstract class called AbstractBasePage which derives from Page class and have all your codebehind classes derive from AbstractBasePage
The AbstractBasePage can implement that Page.Error delegate so that all exceptions which percolate up through the n-tier architecture can be caught here(and possibly logged)
I would suggest this cause for the kind of exceptions you are talking about (SQlException) there is enough context information for you to identify that it was a timeout and take possible action. This action might include redirecting user to a custom error page with appropriate message for each different kind of exception (Sql, webservice, async call timeouts etc).
One short answer is to use (Anonymous) delegate methods with common handling code when the delegate is invoked.
Background: If you have targeted the weak points, or have some boilerplate error handling code you need to universally apply to a particular class of problem, and you don't want to write the same try..catch for every invocation location, (such as updating a specific control on every page, etc).
Case study: A pain point is web forms and saving data to the database. We have a control that displays the saved status to the user, and we wanted to have common error handling code as well as common display without copy-pasting-reuse in every page. Also, each page did it's own thing in it's own way, so the only really common part of the code was the error handling and display.
Now, before being slammed, this is no replacement for a data-access layer and data access code. That's all still assumed to exist, good n-tier separation, etc. This code is UI-layer specific to allow us to write clean UI code and not repeat ourselves. We're big believers in not quashing exceptions, but certain exceptions shouldn't necessitate the user getting a generic error page and losing their work. There will be sql timeouts, servers go down, deadlocks, etc.
A Solution: The way we did it was to pass an anonymous delegate to a method on a custom control and essentially inject the try block using anonymous delegates.
// normal form code.
private void Save()
// you can do stuff before and after. normal scoping rules apply
// everywhere the save control is used, this code is different
// but the class of errors and the stage we are catching them at
// is the same
The SaveControl itself has the method like:
public delegate void SaveControlDelegate();
public void InvokeSave(SaveControlDelegate saveControlDelegate)
// I've changed the code from our code.
// You'll have to make up your own logic.
// this just gives an idea of common handling.
retryButton.Visible = false;
catch (SqlTimeoutException ex)
// perform other logic here.
statusLabel.Text = "The server took too long to respond.";
retryButton.Visible = true;
// catch other exceptions as necessary. i.e.
// detect deadlocks
catch (Exception ex)
statusLabel.Text = "An unknown Error occurred";
There are other ways to achieve this (e.g. common base class, intefaces), but in our case this had the best fit.
This isn't a replacement to a great tool such as Elmah for logging all unhandled exceptions. This is a targeted approach to handling certain exceptions in a standard manner.
Timeout errors typically occur if you are not forcefully closing your sqlconnections.
so if you had a
try {
} catch (SqlException ex) {
//do whatever
If anything goes wrong with that ExecuteReader your connection will not be closed. Always add a finally block.
try {
} catch (SqlException ex) {
//do whatever
} finally {
if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
This is old question, but the best method (for me) is not listed here. So here we are:
ExceptionFilterAttribute is nice and easy solution for me. Source: http://weblogs.asp.net/fredriknormen/asp-net-web-api-exception-handling.
public class ExceptionHandlingAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute
public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext context)
var exception = context.Exception;
if(exception is SqlTimeoutException)
//do some handling for this type of exception
And attach it to f.e. HomeController:
public class HomeController: Controller

