The situation:
Need to fetch a list of all subkeys of a particular registry key.
Need to access both 32bit and 64bit software keys, so I cannot use the Registry namespace.
Using CSharp in .Net 3.5, and registry functionality from advapi32.dll
I have most of the functionality working but I'm stuck on an error. When it reaches a key that contains values, it will either skip it or throw the following error:
"Unhandled exception at 0x00C819CD in xxxxx.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00720077."
If the error occurs, it does not land in either of my catch statements. It hard crashes the program. From what I've read on the forums, I believe it may be an issue with it writing to protected memory but all of the examples I see are for C++
My Declaration (from P/Invoke Interop Assistant):
[DllImportAttribute("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "RegEnumKeyExW")]
public static extern int RegEnumKeyExW(
[InAttribute()] IntPtr hKey,
uint dwIndex,
[OutAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder lpName,
ref uint lpcchName,
IntPtr lpReserved,
IntPtr lpClass,
IntPtr lpcchClass,
IntPtr lpftLastWriteTime);
My Function (obviously a work in progress so it's a bit messy):
static private List<string> GetSubKeys(UIntPtr inHive, String inKeyName, RegSAM in32or64key) {
int hkey = 0;
uint dwIndex = 0;
long enumStatus = 0;
List<string> keys = new List<string>();
try {
uint lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(
(int)RegSAM.QueryValue | (int)RegSAM.EnumerateSubKeys | (int)in32or64key,
out hkey);
if (lResult == 0) {
while (enumStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
StringBuilder lpName = new StringBuilder();
uint lpcchName = 256;
IntPtr lpReserved = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr lpClass = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr lpcchClass = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr lpftLastWriteTime = IntPtr.Zero;
enumStatus = RegEnumKeyExW(
ref lpcchName,
switch (enumStatus) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Key Found: {0}", lpName.ToString()));
string error = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception((int)enumStatus).Message;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RegEnumKeyEx Error: {0}", error));
} else {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RegOpenKey Error: {0}", lResult));
} catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("COM Error: {0}", ex.Message));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Managed Error: {0}", ex.Message));
} finally {
if (0 != hkey) RegCloseKey(hkey);
return keys;
StringBuilder lpName = new StringBuilder();
uint lpcchName = 256;
You are lying about the StringBuilder's capacity. It is 0, not 256. This will cause the pinvoke call to corrupt the GC heap. This eventually causes a hard crash, typically when a garbage collection takes place. Fix:
uint lpcchName = 256;
StringBuilder lpName = new StringBuilder(lpcchName);
Using the .NET RegistryKey.GetSubKeyNames() method instead would probably be wise.
Use the same way as. net4.0
static void Main(string[] args)
string displayName;
List<string> gInstalledSoftware = new List<string>();
using (var localMachine = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64))
var key = localMachine.OpenSubKey(#"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", false);
foreach (String keyName in key.GetSubKeyNames())
RegistryKey subkey = key.OpenSubKey(keyName);
displayName = subkey.GetValue("DisplayName") as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName))
You can try using. net source code to solve this problem. etc.
public class RegistryKey:
internal static readonly IntPtr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = new IntPtr(unchecked((int)0x80000000));
internal static readonly IntPtr HKEY_CURRENT_USER = new IntPtr(unchecked((int)0x80000001));
internal static readonly IntPtr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = new IntPtr(unchecked((int)0x80000002));
internal static readonly IntPtr HKEY_USERS = new IntPtr(unchecked((int)0x80000003));
internal static readonly IntPtr HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = new IntPtr(unchecked((int)0x80000004));
internal static readonly IntPtr HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = new IntPtr(unchecked((int)0x80000005));
private static readonly String[] hkeyNames = new String[] {
public Object GetValue(String name)
return InternalGetValue(name, null, false, true);
internal Object InternalGetValue(String name, Object defaultValue, bool doNotExpand, bool checkSecurity)
Object data = defaultValue;
int type = 0;
int datasize = 0;
int ret = Win32Native.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, null, ref type, (byte[])null, ref datasize);
if (ret != 0)
if (IsPerfDataKey())
int size = 65000;
int sizeInput = size;
int r;
byte[] blob = new byte[size];
while (Win32Native.ERROR_MORE_DATA == (r = Win32Native.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, null, ref type, blob, ref sizeInput)))
if (size == Int32.MaxValue)
// ERROR_MORE_DATA was returned however we cannot increase the buffer size beyond Int32.MaxValue
//Win32Error(r, name);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}] [{1}]", r,name));
else if (size > (Int32.MaxValue / 2))
// at this point in the loop "size * 2" would cause an overflow
size = Int32.MaxValue;
size *= 2;
sizeInput = size;
blob = new byte[size];
if (r != 0)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}] [{1}]", r, name));
return blob;
// For stuff like ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, we want to return null (data).
// Some OS's returned ERROR_MORE_DATA even in success cases, so we
// want to continue on through the function.
if (ret != Win32Native.ERROR_MORE_DATA)
return data;
if (datasize < 0)
// unexpected code path
//BCLDebug.Assert(false, "[InternalGetValue] RegQueryValue returned ERROR_SUCCESS but gave a negative datasize");
datasize = 0;
switch (type)
case Win32Native.REG_NONE:
case Win32Native.REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN:
case Win32Native.REG_BINARY:
byte[] blob = new byte[datasize];
ret = Win32Native.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, null, ref type, blob, ref datasize);
data = blob;
case Win32Native.REG_QWORD:
if (datasize > 8)
// prevent an AV in the edge case that datasize is larger than sizeof(long)
goto case Win32Native.REG_BINARY;
long blob = 0;
//BCLDebug.Assert(datasize==8, "datasize==8");
// Here, datasize must be 8 when calling this
ret = Win32Native.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, null, ref type, ref blob, ref datasize);
data = blob;
case Win32Native.REG_DWORD:
if (datasize > 4)
// prevent an AV in the edge case that datasize is larger than sizeof(int)
goto case Win32Native.REG_QWORD;
int blob = 0;
// Here, datasize must be four when calling this
ret = Win32Native.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, null, ref type, ref blob, ref datasize);
data = blob;
case Win32Native.REG_SZ:
if (datasize % 2 == 1)
// handle the case where the registry contains an odd-byte length (corrupt data?)
datasize = checked(datasize + 1);
catch (OverflowException e)
throw new IOException(("Arg_RegGetOverflowBug"), e);
char[] blob = new char[datasize / 2];
ret = Win32Native.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, null, ref type, blob, ref datasize);
if (blob.Length > 0 && blob[blob.Length - 1] == (char)0)
data = new String(blob, 0, blob.Length - 1);
// in the very unlikely case the data is missing null termination,
// pass in the whole char[] to prevent truncating a character
data = new String(blob);
case Win32Native.REG_EXPAND_SZ:
if (datasize % 2 == 1)
// handle the case where the registry contains an odd-byte length (corrupt data?)
datasize = checked(datasize + 1);
catch (OverflowException e)
throw new IOException(("Arg_RegGetOverflowBug"), e);
char[] blob = new char[datasize / 2];
ret = Win32Native.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, null, ref type, blob, ref datasize);
if (blob.Length > 0 && blob[blob.Length - 1] == (char)0)
data = new String(blob, 0, blob.Length - 1);
// in the very unlikely case the data is missing null termination,
// pass in the whole char[] to prevent truncating a character
data = new String(blob);
if (!doNotExpand)
data = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables((String)data);
case Win32Native.REG_MULTI_SZ:
if (datasize % 2 == 1)
// handle the case where the registry contains an odd-byte length (corrupt data?)
datasize = checked(datasize + 1);
catch (OverflowException e)
throw new IOException(("Arg_RegGetOverflowBug"), e);
char[] blob = new char[datasize / 2];
ret = Win32Native.RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, null, ref type, blob, ref datasize);
// make sure the string is null terminated before processing the data
if (blob.Length > 0 && blob[blob.Length - 1] != (char)0)
char[] newBlob = new char[checked(blob.Length + 1)];
for (int i = 0; i < blob.Length; i++)
newBlob[i] = blob[i];
newBlob[newBlob.Length - 1] = (char)0;
blob = newBlob;
catch (OverflowException e)
throw new IOException(("Arg_RegGetOverflowBug"), e);
blob[blob.Length - 1] = (char)0;
IList<String> strings = new List<String>();
int cur = 0;
int len = blob.Length;
while (ret == 0 && cur < len)
int nextNull = cur;
while (nextNull < len && blob[nextNull] != (char)0)
if (nextNull < len)
//BCLDebug.Assert(blob[nextNull] == (char)0, "blob[nextNull] should be 0");
if (nextNull - cur > 0)
strings.Add(new String(blob, cur, nextNull - cur));
// we found an empty string. But if we're at the end of the data,
// it's just the extra null terminator.
if (nextNull != len - 1)
strings.Add(new String(blob, cur, len - cur));
cur = nextNull + 1;
data = new String[strings.Count];
strings.CopyTo((String[])data, 0);
case Win32Native.REG_LINK:
return data;
public String[] GetSubKeyNames()
return InternalGetSubKeyNames();
public RegistryKey OpenSubKey(string name, bool writable=false)
name = FixupName(name); // Fixup multiple slashes to a single slash
SafeRegistryHandle result = null;
int ret = Win32Native.RegOpenKeyEx(hkey,
GetRegistryKeyAccess(writable) | (int)regView,
out result);
if (ret == 0 && !result.IsInvalid)
RegistryKey key = new RegistryKey(result, writable, false, remoteKey, false, regView);
key.checkMode = GetSubKeyPermissonCheck(writable);
key.keyName = keyName + "\\" + name;
return key;
// Return null if we didn't find the key.
if (ret == Win32Native.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED || ret == Win32Native.ERROR_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL)
// We need to throw SecurityException here for compatibility reasons,
// although UnauthorizedAccessException will make more sense.
return null;
private const int MaxKeyLength = 255;
internal unsafe String[] InternalGetSubKeyNames()
int subkeys = InternalSubKeyCount();
String[] names = new String[subkeys]; // Returns 0-length array if empty.
if (subkeys > 0)
char[] name = new char[MaxKeyLength + 1];
int namelen;
fixed (char* namePtr = &name[0])
for (int i = 0; i < subkeys; i++)
namelen = name.Length; // Don't remove this. The API's doesn't work if this is not properly initialised.
int ret = Win32Native.RegEnumKeyEx(hkey,
ref namelen,
if (ret != 0)
//Win32Error(ret, null);
names[i] = new String(namePtr);
return names;
internal int InternalSubKeyCount()
int subkeys = 0;
int junk = 0;
int ret = Win32Native.RegQueryInfoKey(hkey,
ref subkeys, // subkeys
ref junk, // values
if (ret != 0)
//Win32Error(ret, null);
return subkeys;
public static RegistryKey OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive hKey, RegistryView view)
return GetBaseKey((IntPtr)((int)hKey), view);
internal static RegistryKey GetBaseKey(IntPtr hKey, RegistryView view)
int index = ((int)hKey) & 0x0FFFFFFF;
//BCLDebug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < hkeyNames.Length, "index is out of range!");
//BCLDebug.Assert((((int)hKey) & 0xFFFFFFF0) == 0x80000000, "Invalid hkey value!");
bool isPerf = hKey == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA;
// only mark the SafeHandle as ownsHandle if the key is HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA.
SafeRegistryHandle srh = new SafeRegistryHandle(hKey, isPerf);
RegistryKey key = new RegistryKey(srh, true, true, false, isPerf, view);
key.checkMode = RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.Default;
key.keyName = hkeyNames[index];
return key;
private volatile SafeRegistryHandle hkey = null;
private volatile int state = 0;
private volatile String keyName;
private volatile bool remoteKey = false;
private volatile RegistryKeyPermissionCheck checkMode;
private volatile RegistryView regView = RegistryView.Default;
private const int STATE_DIRTY = 0x0001;
// SystemKey indicates that this is a "SYSTEMKEY" and shouldn't be "opened"
// or "closed".
private const int STATE_SYSTEMKEY = 0x0002;
// Access
private const int STATE_WRITEACCESS = 0x0004;
// Indicates if this key is for HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA
private const int STATE_PERF_DATA = 0x0008;
private RegistryKey(SafeRegistryHandle hkey, bool writable, bool systemkey, bool remoteKey, bool isPerfData, RegistryView view)
this.hkey = hkey;
this.keyName = "";
this.remoteKey = remoteKey;
this.regView = view;
if (systemkey)
this.state |= STATE_SYSTEMKEY;
if (writable)
this.state |= STATE_WRITEACCESS;
if (isPerfData)
this.state |= STATE_PERF_DATA;
private RegistryKeyPermissionCheck GetSubKeyPermissonCheck(bool subkeyWritable)
if (checkMode == RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.Default)
return checkMode;
if (subkeyWritable)
return RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree;
return RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree;
static int GetRegistryKeyAccess(bool isWritable)
int winAccess;
if (!isWritable)
winAccess = Win32Native.KEY_READ;
winAccess = Win32Native.KEY_READ | Win32Native.KEY_WRITE;
return winAccess;
internal static String FixupName(String name)
if (name.IndexOf('\\') == -1)
return name;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(name);
int temp = sb.Length - 1;
if (temp >= 0 && sb[temp] == '\\') // Remove trailing slash
sb.Length = temp;
return sb.ToString();
private static void FixupPath(StringBuilder path)
//Contract.Requires(path != null);
int length = path.Length;
bool fixup = false;
char markerChar = (char)0xFFFF;
int i = 1;
while (i < length - 1)
if (path[i] == '\\')
while (i < length)
if (path[i] == '\\')
path[i] = markerChar;
fixup = true;
if (fixup)
i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (i < length)
if (path[i] == markerChar)
path[j] = path[i];
path.Length += j - i;
#region IDisposable Support
private bool disposedValue = false; // 要检测冗余调用
public void Close()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (hkey != null)
if (!IsSystemKey())
catch (IOException)
// we don't really care if the handle is invalid at this point
hkey = null;
else if (disposing && IsPerfDataKey())
// System keys should never be closed. However, we want to call RegCloseKey
// on HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA when called from PerformanceCounter.CloseSharedResources
// (i.e. when disposing is true) so that we release the PERFLIB cache and cause it
// to be refreshed (by re-reading the registry) when accessed subsequently.
// This is the only way we can see the just installed perf counter.
// NOTE: since HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA is process wide, there is inherent race condition in closing
// the key asynchronously. While Vista is smart enough to rebuild the PERFLIB resources
// in this situation the down level OSes are not. We have a small window between
// the dispose below and usage elsewhere (other threads). This is By Design.
// This is less of an issue when OS > NT5 (i.e Vista & higher), we can close the perfkey
// (to release & refresh PERFLIB resources) and the OS will rebuild PERFLIB as necessary.
private bool IsPerfDataKey()
return (this.state & STATE_PERF_DATA) != 0;
private bool IsSystemKey()
return (this.state & STATE_SYSTEMKEY) != 0;
public void Dispose()
public sealed class SafeRegistryHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
internal SafeRegistryHandle() : base(true) { }
public SafeRegistryHandle(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle) : base(ownsHandle)
override protected bool ReleaseHandle()
return (RegCloseKey(handle) == Win32Native.ERROR_SUCCESS);
internal static extern int RegCloseKey(IntPtr hKey);
public enum RegistryHive
ClassesRoot = unchecked((int)0x80000000),
CurrentUser = unchecked((int)0x80000001),
LocalMachine = unchecked((int)0x80000002),
Users = unchecked((int)0x80000003),
PerformanceData = unchecked((int)0x80000004),
CurrentConfig = unchecked((int)0x80000005),
public enum RegistryView
Default = 0, // 0x0000 operate on the default registry view
Registry64 = Win32Native.KEY_WOW64_64KEY, // 0x0100 operate on the 64-bit registry view
Registry32 = Win32Native.KEY_WOW64_32KEY, // 0x0200 operate on the 32-bit registry view
public enum RegistryKeyPermissionCheck
Default = 0,
ReadSubTree = 1,
ReadWriteSubTree = 2
public static class Win32Native
internal const String ADVAPI32 = "advapi32.dll";
internal const int KEY_WOW64_64KEY = 0x0100; //
internal const int KEY_WOW64_32KEY = 0x0200; //
internal const int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0x0;
internal const int READ_CONTROL = 0x00020000;
internal const int SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000;
internal const int KEY_QUERY_VALUE = 0x0001;
internal const int KEY_SET_VALUE = 0x0002;
internal const int KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = 0x0004;
internal const int KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = 0x0008;
internal const int KEY_NOTIFY = 0x0010;
internal const int KEY_CREATE_LINK = 0x0020;
internal const int KEY_READ = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ |
internal const int KEY_WRITE = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE |
internal const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x5;
internal const int ERROR_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL = 0x542;
[DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)]
internal static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, String lpSubKey,
int ulOptions, int samDesired, out SafeRegistryHandle hkResult);
[DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)]
internal static extern int RegQueryInfoKey(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, [Out]StringBuilder lpClass,
int[] lpcbClass, IntPtr lpReserved_MustBeZero, ref int lpcSubKeys,
int[] lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, int[] lpcbMaxClassLen,
ref int lpcValues, int[] lpcbMaxValueNameLen,
int[] lpcbMaxValueLen, int[] lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
int[] lpftLastWriteTime);
[DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)]
internal unsafe static extern int RegEnumKeyEx(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, int dwIndex,
char* lpName, ref int lpcbName, int[] lpReserved,
[Out]StringBuilder lpClass, int[] lpcbClass,
long[] lpftLastWriteTime);
internal const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 0xEA;
internal const int REG_NONE = 0; // No value type
internal const int REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = 5; // 32-bit number
internal const int REG_BINARY = 3; // Free form binary
internal const int REG_QWORD = 11; // 64-bit number
internal const int REG_DWORD = 4; // 32-bit number
internal const int REG_SZ = 1; // Unicode nul terminated string
internal const int REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2; // Unicode nul terminated string
internal const int REG_MULTI_SZ = 7; // Multiple Unicode strings
internal const int REG_LINK = 6; // Symbolic Link (unicode)
[DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)]
internal static extern int RegQueryValueEx(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, String lpValueName,
int[] lpReserved, ref int lpType, [Out] byte[] lpData,
ref int lpcbData);
[DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)]
internal static extern int RegQueryValueEx(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, String lpValueName,
int[] lpReserved, ref int lpType, ref int lpData,
ref int lpcbData);
[DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)]
internal static extern int RegQueryValueEx(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, String lpValueName,
int[] lpReserved, ref int lpType, ref long lpData,
ref int lpcbData);
[DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)]
internal static extern int RegQueryValueEx(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, String lpValueName,
int[] lpReserved, ref int lpType, [Out] char[] lpData,
ref int lpcbData);
[DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, BestFitMapping = false)]
internal static extern int RegQueryValueEx(SafeRegistryHandle hKey, String lpValueName,
int[] lpReserved, ref int lpType, [Out]StringBuilder lpData,
ref int lpcbData);
I have been banging my head against a problem for days now. I would like your help.
I am trying to interface to I2C from a board running Windows CE7. The board is a Boundary Devices Nitrogen6X.
I am trying to code this in C#.
After a lot of googling and trial and error I can now do almost everything with the I2C (by that I mean I wrapped most commands in methods that work). Of course, the one thing that I cannot do yet is Reading/Writing. I have been trying a few different implementations, porting C and C++ code that supposedly worked. To no avail. Currently I am putting more effort in the two implementations I will copy here.
Neither of these implementations work for me. Both enter the error management portion, and both report error number 87 (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER).
Does anyone have experience on these kind of issues? could someone point out what I am doing wrong?
Edit 1: I should probably mention that I am trying to "see" some signals on the SDA and SCL pins of I2C3: of the board by simply plugging an oscilloscope to them. There is no actual device connected on the I2C bus. I would expect this to give me some sort of error after the first byte (addres+Read/Write) has been sent, because no acknowledge bit would be received. However, I see that error 87 in my code, and no change on the signals as seen from the scope (both remain high on idle).
(Code snippets follow)
The first one uses pointers and stuff, and is probably closer to C++ code:
unsafe public struct UNSAFE_I2C_PACKET
public byte byAddr; //I2C slave device address
public byte byRw; //Read = I2C_Read or Write = I2C_Write
public byte* pbyBuf; //Message Buffer
public Int16 wLen; //Message Buffer Length
public int* lpiResult; //Contain the result of last operation
unsafe public struct UNSAFE_I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK
//public I2C_PACKET pI2CPackets;
public UNSAFE_I2C_PACKET* pI2CPackets;
public Int32 iNumPackets;
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
unsafe internal static extern int DeviceIoControlCE(
IntPtr hDevice, //file handle to driver
uint dwIoControlCode, //a correct call to CTL_CODE
[In, Out]byte* lpInBuffer,
uint nInBufferSize,
byte* lpOutBuffer,
uint nOutBufferSize,
uint* lpBytesReturned,
int* lpOverlapped);
unsafe public void ReadI2C(byte* pBuf, int count)
int ret;
int iResult;
//fixed (byte* p = pBuf)
i2cPckt.pbyBuf = pBuf;// p;
i2cPckt.wLen = (Int16)count;
i2cPckt.byRw = I2C_READ;
i2cPckt.byAddr = BASE;
i2cPckt.lpiResult = &iResult;
I2CXferBlock.iNumPackets = 1;
//fixed (I2C_PACKET* pck = &i2cPckt)
I2CXferBlock.pI2CPackets = &i2cPckt; // pck;
//fixed (I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK* tBlock = &I2CXferBlock)
if (DeviceIoControlCE(_i2cFile,
null) == 0)
int error = GetLastError();
diag("Errore nella TRANSFER");
The second option I am working on marshals stuff around between managed and unmanaged:
public struct I2C_PACKET
//public class I2C_PACKET
public Byte byAddr; //I2C slave device address
public Byte byRw; //Read = I2C_Read or Write = I2C_Write
public IntPtr pbyBuf; //Message Buffer
public Int16 wLen; //Message Buffer Length
public IntPtr lpiResult; //Contain the result of last operation
public struct I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK
//public I2C_PACKET pI2CPackets;
public IntPtr pI2CPackets;
public Int32 iNumPackets;
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int DeviceIoControlCE(
IntPtr hDevice, //file handle to driver
uint dwIoControlCode, //a correct call to CTL_CODE
[In] IntPtr lpInBuffer,
uint nInBufferSize,
[Out] IntPtr lpOutBuffer,
uint nOutBufferSize,
out uint lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
unsafe public void ReadI2C(byte[] buffer)
int count = buffer.Length;
I2C_PACKET I2CPckt = new I2C_PACKET();
I2CPckt.byAddr = BASE;
I2CPckt.byRw = I2C_READ;
I2CPckt.wLen = (Int16)count;
I2CPckt.lpiResult = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(int));
I2CPckt.pbyBuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(count);
//GCHandle packet = GCHandle.Alloc(I2CPckt, GCHandleType.Pinned);
I2CXFerBlock.iNumPackets = 1;
I2CXFerBlock.pI2CPackets = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(I2CPckt)); //(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(I2C_PACKET)));// //(sizeof(I2C_PACKET));//
Marshal.StructureToPtr(I2CPckt, I2CXFerBlock.pI2CPackets, false);
//I2CXFerBlock.pI2CPackets = packet.AddrOfPinnedObject();
//GCHandle xferBlock = GCHandle.Alloc(I2CXFerBlock, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr xfer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(I2CXFerBlock)); //(sizeof(I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK)); //
Marshal.StructureToPtr(I2CXFerBlock, xfer, false);
//IntPtr xfer = xferBlock.AddrOfPinnedObject();
uint size = (uint)sizeof(I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK);//Marshal.SizeOf(I2CXFerBlock);
uint getCnt = 0;
if ((DeviceIoControlCE(_i2cFile,
xfer, //IntPtr.Zero,
size, //0,
out getCnt,
IntPtr.Zero)) == 0)
int error = GetLastError();
diag("Errore nella TRANSFER.");
I2CXFerBlock = (I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK)Marshal.PtrToStructure(xfer, typeof(I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK));
I2CPckt = (I2C_PACKET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(I2CXFerBlock.pI2CPackets, typeof(I2C_PACKET));
Marshal.Copy(I2CPckt.pbyBuf, buffer, 0, count);
diag("Success in TRANSFER: " + buffer[0].ToString());
Edit 2: The (supposedly) working code I have (which I am unable to run) comes from drivers I have been given, which might be partially proprietary (hence I cannot share). However I found online the header for an I2C bus, that contains the following definition:
#define I2C_MACRO_TRANSFER(hDev, pI2CTransferBlock) \
(DeviceIoControl(hDev, I2C_IOCTL_TRANSFER, (PBYTE) pI2CTransferBlock, sizeof(I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL))
I initially tried giving "null" to parameters as it's done here, but I still got the same error code.
Edit 3: From the same driver, the struct definitions:
// I2C Packet
typedef struct
BYTE byAddr; // I2C slave device address for this I2C operation
BYTE byRW; // Read = I2C_READ or Write = I2C_WRITE
PBYTE pbyBuf; // Message Buffer
WORD wLen; // Message Buffer Length
LPINT lpiResult; // Contains the result of last operation
// I2C Transfer Block
typedef struct
I2C_PACKET *pI2CPackets;
INT32 iNumPackets;
Edit 4: I tried implementing version passing a ref to my structures, as #ctacke suggested in his comment. I still get the same error, so I guess I must have done womthing different from the way he thought it. Here is the snippet:
public struct REF_I2C_PACKET //public class REF_I2C_PACKET //
public Byte byAddr; //I2C slave device address
public Byte byRw; //Read = I2C_Read or Write = I2C_Write
public IntPtr pbyBuf; //Message Buffer
public Int16 wLen; //Message Buffer Length
public IntPtr lpiResult; //Contain the result of last operation
public struct REF_I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK //public class REF_I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK //
//public I2C_PACKET pI2CPackets;
public IntPtr pI2CPackets;
public Int32 iNumPackets;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStruct, SizeConst = 2)]
//public REF_I2C_PACKET[] pI2CPackets;
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
unsafe internal static extern int DeviceIoControlCE(
IntPtr hDevice, //file handle to driver
uint dwIoControlCode, //a correct call to CTL_CODE
//[In] object lpInBuffer, //
uint nInBufferSize,
byte* lpOutBuffer, //ref REF_I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK lpOutBuffer,
uint nOutBufferSize,
out uint lpBytesReturned, //uint* lpBytesReturned,
int* lpOverlapped);
unsafe public void RefReadI2C(byte[] buffer)
int count = buffer.Length;
I2CPckt[0] = new REF_I2C_PACKET();
I2CPckt[1] = new REF_I2C_PACKET();
I2CPckt[0].byAddr = BASE;
I2CPckt[0].byRw = I2C_READ;
I2CPckt[0].wLen = (Int16)count;
I2CPckt[0].lpiResult = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(int));
I2CPckt[0].pbyBuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(count);
Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, I2CPckt[0].pbyBuf, count);
I2CPckt[1].byAddr = BASE;
I2CPckt[1].byRw = I2C_READ;
I2CPckt[1].wLen = (Int16)count;
I2CPckt[1].lpiResult = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(int));
I2CPckt[1].pbyBuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(count);
Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, I2CPckt[0].pbyBuf, count);
I2CXFerBlock.iNumPackets = 2;
I2CXFerBlock.pI2CPackets = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(I2CPckt[0])*I2CPckt.Length);
uint size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(I2CXFerBlock); //sizeof(REF_I2C_TRANSFER_BLOCK);//Marshal.SizeOf(I2CXFerBlock);
//size += (uint)(Marshal.SizeOf(I2CPckt[0]) * I2CPckt.Length);
uint getCnt = 0;
if ((DeviceIoControlCE(_i2cFile,
ref I2CXFerBlock,
null, //IntPtr.Zero,
0, //0,
out getCnt,
null)) == 0)
int error = GetLastError();
diag("Errore nella TRANSFER.");
I2CPckt = (REF_I2C_PACKET[])Marshal.PtrToStructure(I2CXFerBlock.pI2CPackets, typeof(REF_I2C_PACKET[]));
Marshal.Copy(I2CPckt[0].pbyBuf, buffer, 0, count);
diag("Success in TRANSFER: " + buffer[0].ToString());
Edit 5:
I found online ( The following code:
BOOL I2C_IOControl(DWORD hOpenContext, DWORD dwCode, PBYTE pBufIn,
DWORD dwLenIn, PBYTE pBufOut, DWORD dwLenOut,
PDWORD pdwActualOut)
#define MARSHAL 1
DuplicatedBuffer_t Marshalled_pInBuf(pBufIn, dwLenIn, ARG_I_PTR);
pBufIn = reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>( Marshalled_pInBuf.ptr() );
if( (dwLenIn > 0) && (NULL == pBufIn) )
return FALSE;
if (pXferBlock->iNumPackets<=0)
return FALSE;
MarshalledBuffer_t Marshalled_pPackets(pXferBlock->pI2CPackets,
I2C_PACKET *pPackets = reinterpret_cast<I2C_PACKET *>(Marshalled_pPackets.ptr());
if( (NULL == pPackets) )
return FALSE;
I2C_PACKET *pPackets = pXferBlock->pI2CPackets;
struct Marshalled_I2C_PACKET
MarshalledBuffer_t *pbyBuf;
MarshalledBuffer_t *lpiResult;
} *Marshalled_of_pPackets;
Marshalled_of_pPackets = new Marshalled_I2C_PACKET[pXferBlock->iNumPackets];
if (Marshalled_of_pPackets==0)
return FALSE;
MarshalledBuffer_t *pMarshalled_ptr;
int i;
// Map pointers for each packet in the array
for (i = 0; i < pXferBlock->iNumPackets; i++)
switch( pPackets[i].byRW & I2C_METHOD_MASK )
case I2C_RW_WRITE:
pMarshalled_ptr = new MarshalledBuffer_t(
if (pMarshalled_ptr ==0)
bRet = FALSE;
goto cleanupPass1;
if (pMarshalled_ptr->ptr()==0)
bRet = FALSE;
delete pMarshalled_ptr;
goto cleanupPass1;
case I2C_RW_READ:
pMarshalled_ptr = new MarshalledBuffer_t(
if (pMarshalled_ptr ==0)
bRet = FALSE;
goto cleanupPass1;
if (pMarshalled_ptr->ptr()==0)
bRet = FALSE;
delete pMarshalled_ptr;
goto cleanupPass1;
bRet = FALSE;
goto cleanupPass1;
pPackets[i].pbyBuf = reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>(pMarshalled_ptr->ptr());
Marshalled_of_pPackets[i].pbyBuf = pMarshalled_ptr;
for (i = 0; i < pXferBlock->iNumPackets; i++)
pMarshalled_ptr = new MarshalledBuffer_t(
pPackets[i].lpiResult, sizeof(INT),
if (pMarshalled_ptr ==0)
bRet = FALSE;
goto cleanupPass2;
if (pMarshalled_ptr->ptr()==0)
bRet = FALSE;
delete pMarshalled_ptr;
goto cleanupPass2;
pPackets[i].lpiResult = reinterpret_cast<LPINT>(pMarshalled_ptr->ptr());
Marshalled_of_pPackets[i].lpiResult = pMarshalled_ptr;
bRet = pI2C->ProcessPackets(pPackets, pXferBlock->iNumPackets);
i = pXferBlock->iNumPackets;
for (--i; i>=0; --i)
delete Marshalled_of_pPackets[i].lpiResult;
i = pXferBlock->iNumPackets;
for (--i; i>=0; --i)
delete Marshalled_of_pPackets[i].pbyBuf;
delete[] Marshalled_of_pPackets;
I cannot claim to understand 100% of it, but from the Windows naming conventions ( it would appear that the size parameter I should send is the total number of bytes of my transfer, including everything. I have tried to figure that number out myself, but I have so far not been able to. Alternatively, I guess it would be possible to try and do something to the structures I have to turn them into a byte array. Only I guess that it would need to have a specific order of the bytes in it for the system to understand it.
Can anyone pitch in on that?
I'm banging my head about how to properly call sysctlbyname from C# directly. I've read the man page and I think what I'm doing is very close, just something is messed up with marshalling.
internal static extern int sysctlbyname( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string property, IntPtr output, IntPtr oldLen, IntPtr newp, uint newlen);
//only works on sysctls that return strings
public static string SystemStringInfo(string property)
GCHandle? lenh = null, valh = null;
object len = 0L;
lenh=GCHandle.Alloc(len, GCHandleType.Pinned);
byte[] val;
int status = sysctlbyname(property, IntPtr.Zero, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(lenh.Value), IntPtr.Zero, 0); //crash here
if (status == 0)
val = new byte[(Int64)len];
valh=GCHandle.Alloc(val, GCHandleType.Pinned);
status = sysctlbyname(property, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(valh.Value), GCHandle.ToIntPtr(lenh.Value), IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if (status == 0)
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(val);
return null;
if (lenh.HasValue)
if (valh.HasValue)
It will properly return from sysctlbyname (with -1) when I give it a bogus sysctl property name, like "foobar". However, when I give it a proper name like kern.osrelease, it'll hit that line and freeze and/or crash.
What is wrong and how do I get this to work!?
I know it's not "complete" (I'm sure newp and newlen still need to be modified, but I don't use them anyway), but here is what I did to finally get this to work
internal static extern int sysctlbyname( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string property, byte[] output, ref Int64 oldLen, IntPtr newp, uint newlen);
public static string SystemStringInfo(string property)
GCHandle? lenh = null, valh = null;
Int64 len = 0L;
byte[] val;
int status = sysctlbyname(property, null, ref len, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if (status == 0)
val = new byte[(Int64) len];
status = sysctlbyname(property, val, ref len, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if (status == 0)
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(val);
return null;
Check out my answer here: I called sysctlbyname to get the UIDevice information.