I want to write text to the currently selected application but its writing junk and causing weird things to happen.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace i_allbwn
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
class ActionWithChance
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, int dwFlags, int dwExtraInfo);
public const int KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY = 0x0001; //Key down flag
public const int KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x0002; //Key up flag
public static void brif_allbwn()
argraffu(new String[] {
public static void allbwn(Byte[] Name)
for (int i = 0; i < Name.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Writing " + (Char)Name[i]);
keybd_event((Byte)Name[i], 0, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY, 0);
keybd_event((Byte)Name[i], 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
public static void argraffu(String[] text)
foreach (String s in text)
keybd_event((Byte)'\r', 0, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY, 0);
keybd_event((Byte)'\r', 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
public static Byte[] ToByteArray(String StringToConvert)
Char[] CharArray = StringToConvert.ToCharArray();
Byte[] ByteArray = new Byte[CharArray.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < CharArray.Length; i++)
ByteArray[i] = Convert.ToByte(CharArray[i]);
return ByteArray;
My functions for doing it are like this:
public const Int32 WM_CHAR = 0x0102;
public void SendKeys(string message)
foreach (char c in message)
int charValue = c;
IntPtr val = new IntPtr((Int32)c);
SendMessage(WindowHandle, WM_CHAR, val, new IntPtr(0));
Basically what I'm doing is getting the handle of the application, e.g:
Process proc = Process.GetProcessesByName("Notepad")[0];
Then getting the handle with proc.MainModule.Handle()
The Autoit library makes it really easy to interact with external windows.
Install the nuget package called AutoItX.Dotnet
Then it's just a matter of:
using AutoIt;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AutoItX.Run("notepad.exe", null);
AutoItX.WinWait("Untitled - Notepad");
AutoItX.ControlSend("Untitled - Notepad", "", "[CLASSNN:Edit1]", "testing");
//ControlSend is the ideal way to send text, but you can also pretend text was typed into the keyboard:
AutoItX.Send("howdy pilgrim");
SDK link: https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/innovation/developer-lab.html
It can create a profile in the LGS, but if I debug in GkeySDKCallback() it can't enter it when I pressed my mouse button.
I sent an email to Logitech Dev Support regarding this, but have not received anything back at this time.
Here is my code [2 files]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Logitceh
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
bool usingCallback = false;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.TransparencyKey = Color.Red;
this.BackColor = Color.Red;
private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
void Start()
usingCallback = true;
if (usingCallback)
LogitechGSDK.logiGkeyCB cbInstance = new
void OnUpdate()
if (!usingCallback)
for (int index = 6; index <= LogitechGSDK.LOGITECH_MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS; index++)
if (LogitechGSDK.LogiGkeyIsMouseButtonPressed(index) == 1)
// Code to handle what happens on gkey pressed on mouse
for (int index = 1; index <= LogitechGSDK.LOGITECH_MAX_GKEYS; index++)
for (int mKeyIndex = 1; mKeyIndex <= LogitechGSDK.LOGITECH_MAX_M_STATES;
if (LogitechGSDK.LogiGkeyIsKeyboardGkeyPressed(index, mKeyIndex) == 1)
// Code to handle what happens on gkey pressed on keyboard/headset
void GkeySDKCallback(LogitechGSDK.GkeyCode gKeyCode, String gKeyOrButtonString, IntPtr context)
if (gKeyCode.keyDown == 1)
if (gKeyCode.mouse == 1)
// Code to handle what happens on gkey released on mouse
// Code to handle what happens on gkey released on keyboard/headset
if (gKeyCode.mouse == 1)
// Code to handle what happens on gkey pressed on mouse
// Code to handle what happens on gkey pressed on keyboard
void OnDestroy()
//Free G-Keys SDKs before quitting the game
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System;
public class LogitechGSDK
public const int LOGITECH_MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS = 20;
public const int LOGITECH_MAX_GKEYS = 29;
public const int LOGITECH_MAX_M_STATES = 3;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
public struct GkeyCode
public ushort complete;
// index of the G key or mouse button, for example, 6 for G6 or Button 6
public int keyIdx
return complete & 255;
// key up or down, 1 is down, 0 is up
public int keyDown
return (complete >> 8) & 1;
// mState (1, 2 or 3 for M1, M2 and M3)
public int mState
return (complete >> 9) & 3;
// indicate if the Event comes from a mouse, 1 is yes, 0 is no.
public int mouse
return (complete >> 11) & 15;
// reserved1
public int reserved1
return (complete >> 15) & 1;
// reserved2
public int reserved2
return (complete >> 16) & 131071;
public delegate void logiGkeyCB(GkeyCode gkeyCode,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]String gkeyOrButtonString, IntPtr context); // ??
[DllImport(#"C:/DLL/LogitechGkeyEnginesWrapper", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode,
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int LogiGkeyInitWithoutCallback();
[DllImport(#"C:/DLL/LogitechGkeyEnginesWrapper", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode,
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int LogiGkeyInitWithoutContext(logiGkeyCB gkeyCB);
[DllImport(#"C:/DLL/LogitechGkeyEnginesWrapper", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode,
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int LogiGkeyIsMouseButtonPressed(int buttonNumber);
[DllImport(#"C:/DLL/LogitechGkeyEnginesWrapper", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode,
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern IntPtr LogiGkeyGetMouseButtonString(int buttonNumber);
public static String LogiGkeyGetMouseButtonStr(int buttonNumber)
String str =
return str;
[DllImport(#"C:/DLL/LogitechGkeyEnginesWrapper", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode,
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int LogiGkeyIsKeyboardGkeyPressed(int gkeyNumber, int
private static extern IntPtr LogiGkeyGetKeyboardGkeyString(int gkeyNumber, int
public static String LogiGkeyGetKeyboardGkeyStr(int gkeyNumber, int modeNumber)
String str =
Marshal.PtrToStringUni(LogiGkeyGetKeyboardGkeyString(gkeyNumber, modeNumber));
return str;
[DllImport(#"C:/DLL/LogitechGkeyEnginesWrapper", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode,
CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void LogiGkeyShutdown();
I'm new to coding and have decided to start with C#. I've decided to write a simple console program that will detect key press and if only Enter is pressed, it will show number. The problem is that you can just hold down key and it will continue to show numbers. What should I add to my code so program will detect only SINGLE presses and ignore if user is HOLDING the key?
(I didn't find anything about this issue for CONSOLE C#, only for Forms one. Neither on this forum, nor in Web at all)
Thanks in advance
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to play!");
int num = 0;
void WaitForKey(ConsoleKey key)
while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != key)
{ }
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.Write("{0} ", num);
If your task is to count amount of changes of typed/holded keys you can do it with just remembering of last key
var lastChar = char.MaxValue;
var index = 0;
var x = Console.ReadKey();
if (lastChar != x.KeyChar)
lastChar = x.KeyChar;
} while (index < 10);
If you need to define single key you can use StopWatch class to check time lapsed from previous key had come (in the example 300 is only for testing, I would suggest to research it deeply if that is fit your goal)
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var x = Console.ReadKey();
if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 300)
} while (index < 10);
or combine both of the ways
Yes, you cant use ReadKey here. I would recommend to use ReadConsoleInput WinApi function. You can write wrapper class for this purpose, for example:
internal class KeyboardInput
private readonly short _exitKey;
private readonly uint[] _keyStates = new uint[short.MaxValue];
public KeyboardInput(ConsoleKey exitKey)
_exitKey = (short) exitKey;
// subscribe with empty delegates to prevent null reference check before call
OnKeyDown += delegate { };
OnKeyUp += delegate { };
public event Action<char, short> OnKeyDown;
public event Action<char, short> OnKeyUp;
public void Run()
var exitKeyPressed = false;
var nRead = 0;
var records = new INPUT_RECORD[10];
var handle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
while (!exitKeyPressed)
ReadConsoleInputW(handle, records, records.Length, ref nRead);
for (var i = 0; i < nRead; i++)
// process only Key events
if (records[i].EventType != KEY_EVENT) continue;
// process key state
ProcessKey(records[i].KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode, records[i].KeyEvent.bKeyDown,
// check for exit key press
if ((exitKeyPressed = records[i].KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == _exitKey) == true) break;
private void ProcessKey(short virtualKeyCode, uint keyState, char key)
if (_keyStates[virtualKeyCode] != keyState)
if (keyState == 1) OnKeyDown(key, virtualKeyCode);
else OnKeyUp(key, virtualKeyCode);
_keyStates[virtualKeyCode] = keyState;
#region Native methods
private const short KEY_EVENT = 0x0001;
private const int STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10;
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetStdHandle(int nStdHandle);
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool ReadConsoleInputW(IntPtr hConsoleInput, [Out] INPUT_RECORD[] lpBuffer, int nLength,
ref int lpNumberOfEventsRead);
private struct INPUT_RECORD
[FieldOffset(0)] public readonly short EventType;
//union {
[FieldOffset(4)] public KEY_EVENT_RECORD KeyEvent;
//public MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD MouseEvent;
//public WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_RECORD WindowBufferSizeEvent;
//public MENU_EVENT_RECORD MenuEvent;
//public FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD FocusEvent;
private struct KEY_EVENT_RECORD
public readonly uint bKeyDown;
public readonly short wRepeatCount;
public readonly short wVirtualKeyCode;
public readonly short wVirtualScanCode;
public readonly char UnicodeChar;
public readonly int dwControlKeyState;
Example of usage:
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var kbInput = new KeyboardInput(ConsoleKey.Escape);
kbInput.OnKeyDown += OnKeyDown;
kbInput.OnKeyUp += OnKeyUp;
private static void OnKeyDown(char key, short code)
Console.WriteLine($"Key pressed: {key} (virtual code: 0x{code:X})");
private static void OnKeyUp(char key, short code)
Console.WriteLine($"Key released: {key} (virtual code: 0x{code:X})");
Did you try to add a method keyRelease like that in your loop for after num++ :
And in your method : while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == key)
You wait until the key pressed is not enter so it's like a key release.
You can check if "enter" is inputted by doing something like this:
string input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input == "") {
//do stuff
I would like to use the numlock button for something other than numlock. So basically I would like to turn off numlock when it is pressed and keep it off. I can capture the button press but it still toggles on/off. I want it off, always. Any suggestions?
Not sure WHY anyone would like to know WHY I want this to be done but here is the reason: I have a bluetooth numeric keypad that I want to use to control a machine. Does that justify the question?
After a couple hours of research I came across the following code which did the trick:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class SetNumlockKeyOn
public struct INPUT
internal int type;
internal short wVk;
internal short wScan;
internal int dwFlags;
internal int time;
internal IntPtr dwExtraInfo;
int dummy1;
int dummy2;
internal int type1;
internal short wVk1;
internal short wScan1;
internal int dwFlags1;
internal int time1;
internal IntPtr dwExtraInfo1;
int dummy3;
int dummy4;
static extern int SendInput(uint nInputs, IntPtr pInputs, int cbSize);
public static void SetNumlockOn()
if (Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.NumLock)) return;
const int mouseInpSize = 28;//Hardcoded size of the MOUSEINPUT tag !!!
INPUT input = new INPUT();
input.type = 0x01; //INPUT_KEYBOARD
input.wVk = 0x90; //VK_NUMLOCK
input.wScan = 0;
input.dwFlags = 0; //key-down
input.time = 0;
input.dwExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
input.type1 = 0x01;
input.wVk1 = 0x90;
input.wScan1 = 0;
input.dwFlags1 = 2; //key-up
input.time1 = 0;
input.dwExtraInfo1 = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr pI = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(mouseInpSize * 2);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(input, pI, false);
int result = SendInput(2, pI, mouseInpSize); //Hardcoded size of the MOUSEINPUT tag !!!
//if (result == 0 || Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != 0)
// Console.WriteLine(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
Here's an example:
public static class NativeMethods
public const byte VK_NUMLOCK = 0x90;
public const uint KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY = 1;
public const int KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x2;
public static extern void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, int dwExtraInfo);
public static void SimulateKeyPress(byte keyCode)
public partial class Form1 : Form
private bool protectKeys; // To protect from inifite keypress chain reactions
public Form1()
private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (protectKeys)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumLock &&
!(new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Keyboard().NumLock))
protectKeys = true;
protectKeys = false;
I am uploading a cab file from a web form, and want to unpack it in memory. I've tried tackling the issue with a CabInfo file, but without success. I do know how to unpack a cab file to my local disk, but do not know how to apply this in memory.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
If using another library is possible, take a look at this. The description clearly states the library will allow you to extract into memoty.
WIX is an open source project. You could always ask for this feature, ask for a better solution on their forum or simply modify the code for your need.
Your initial question seems to indicate that you are allowed to use the Microsoft.Deployment.Compression DLL. If true, the code below should get you close to what you want:
CabEngine engine = new CabEngine();
foreach (ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo in engine.GetFileInfo(fileStream))
Stream stream = engine.Unpack(fileStream, archiveFileInfo.Name);
byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
//The (int) below is a dirty trick for demonstration purposes only;
//re-work for production code
stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)stream.Length);
Later answers from you seem to indicate that you are not allowed to use 3rd party DLLs in which case you will want to use the FDI* API. This link has some code that you will be able to modify from using hard-coded paths to (memory) streams: Extract .cab file in C#
There is a ready to use project that you can download: Cabinet File (*.CAB) Compression and Extraction
According to version history since Sep 2008 "..you can extract directly to memory."
Here is a utility class that should work in memory (it supports x86 or x64 compilation). Here is out you would use it, if we suppose a .CAB file has been uploaded into ASP.NET using the standard upload protocol:
using (CabFile file = new CabFile(HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0].InputStream))
file.EntryExtract += CabEntryExtract;
static void CabEntryExtract(object sender, CabEntryExtractEventArgs e)
// e.Entry.Name contains the entry name
// e.Entry.Data contains a byte[] with the entry data
// e.Entry.LastWriteTime contains the entry last write time
// e.Entry.Size contains the entry uncompressed size
And here is the utility and associated classes:
public sealed class CabFile : IDisposable
private IntPtr _hfdi;
private ERF _erf;
private GCHandle _erfHandle;
private byte[] _data;
private Dictionary<IntPtr, object> _handles = new Dictionary<IntPtr, object>();
private MemoryStream _currentEntryData;
private FNALLOC _alloc;
private FNCLOSE _close;
private FNFREE _free;
private FNOPEN _open;
private FNREAD _read;
private FNWRITE _write;
private FNSEEK _seek;
private FNFDINOTIFY _extract;
public event EventHandler<CabEntryExtractEventArgs> EntryExtract;
public CabFile(string filePath)
: this(GetStream(filePath))
private static Stream GetStream(string filePath)
if (filePath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");
return new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
public CabFile(Stream stream)
if (stream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
using (MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream())
_data = data.ToArray();
_erf = new ERF();
_alloc = new FNALLOC(FnAlloc);
_free = new FNFREE(FnFree);
_close = new FNCLOSE(FnClose);
_open = new FNOPEN(FnOpen);
_read = new FNREAD(FnRead);
_write = new FNWRITE(FnWrite);
_seek = new FNSEEK(FnSeek);
_extract = new FNFDINOTIFY(FnNotifyExtract);
_erfHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(_erf, GCHandleType.Pinned);
_hfdi = FDICreate(
, -1, _erfHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject());
public void ExtractEntries()
FDICopy(_hfdi, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_extract), IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
public void Dispose()
if (_hfdi != IntPtr.Zero)
_hfdi = IntPtr.Zero;
private void OnEntryExtract(CabEntry entry)
EventHandler<CabEntryExtractEventArgs> handler = EntryExtract;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new CabEntryExtractEventArgs(entry));
private IntPtr FnAlloc(int cb)
return Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cb);
private void FnFree(IntPtr pv)
private IntPtr FnOpen(string pszFile, int oflag, int pmode)
// only used for reading archive
IntPtr h = new IntPtr(_handles.Count + 1);
_handles.Add(h, 0);
return h;
private int FnRead(IntPtr hf, byte[] pv, int cb)
// only used for reading archive
int pos = (int)_handles[hf];
int left = _data.Length - pos;
int read = Math.Min(left, cb);
if (read > 0)
Array.Copy(_data, pos, pv, 0, read);
_handles[hf] = pos + read;
return read;
private int FnWrite(IntPtr hf, byte[] pv, int cb)
// only used for writing entries
_currentEntryData.Write(pv, 0, cb);
return cb;
private int FnClose(IntPtr hf)
object o = _handles[hf];
CabEntry entry = o as CabEntry;
if (entry != null)
entry.Data = _currentEntryData.ToArray();
return 0;
private int FnSeek(IntPtr hf, int dist, SeekOrigin seektype)
// only used for seeking archive
int pos;
switch (seektype)
case SeekOrigin.Begin:
pos = dist;
case SeekOrigin.Current:
pos = (int)_handles[hf] + dist;
//case SeekOrigin.End:
pos = _data.Length + dist;
_handles[hf] = pos;
return pos;
private IntPtr FnNotifyExtract(FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE fdint, FDINOTIFICATION fdin)
CabEntry entry;
switch (fdint)
entry = new CabEntry(fdin);
entry._handle = new IntPtr(_handles.Count + 1);
_handles.Add(entry._handle, entry);
_currentEntryData = new MemoryStream();
return entry._handle;
entry = (CabEntry)_handles[fdin.hf];
return new IntPtr(1);
return IntPtr.Zero;
private struct ERF
public int erfOper;
public int erfType;
public int fError;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
internal class FDINOTIFICATION
public int cb;
public IntPtr psz1;
public IntPtr psz2;
public IntPtr psz3;
public IntPtr pv;
public IntPtr hf;
public ushort date;
public ushort time;
public ushort attribs;
public ushort setID;
public ushort iCabinet;
public ushort iFolder;
public int fdie;
private delegate IntPtr FNALLOC(int cb);
private delegate void FNFREE(IntPtr pv);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private delegate IntPtr FNOPEN(string pszFile, int oflag, int pmode);
private delegate int FNREAD(IntPtr hf, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] byte[] pv, int cb);
private delegate int FNWRITE(IntPtr hf, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] byte[] pv, int cb);
private delegate int FNCLOSE(IntPtr hf);
private delegate int FNSEEK(IntPtr hf, int dist, SeekOrigin seektype);
[DllImport("cabinet.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private static extern IntPtr FDICreate(IntPtr pfnalloc, IntPtr pfnfree, IntPtr pfnopen, IntPtr pfnread, IntPtr pfnwriter, IntPtr pfnclose, IntPtr pfnseek, int cpuType, IntPtr perf);
[DllImport("cabinet.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern IntPtr FDIDestroy(IntPtr hdfi);
[DllImport("cabinet.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private static extern IntPtr FDICopy(IntPtr hdfi, string pszCabinet, string pszCabPath, int flags, IntPtr fnNotify, IntPtr fnDecrypt, IntPtr userData);
public sealed class CabEntry
internal IntPtr _handle;
internal CabEntry(CabFile.FDINOTIFICATION fdin)
Name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fdin.psz1);
Size = fdin.cb;
LastWriteTime = new DateTime(1980 + GetMask(fdin.date, 9, 15), GetMask(fdin.date, 5, 8), GetMask(fdin.date, 0, 4),
GetMask(fdin.time, 11, 15), GetMask(fdin.time, 5, 10), 2 * GetMask(fdin.time, 0, 4));
private static int GetMask(int value, byte startByte, byte endByte)
int final = 0;
int v = 1;
for (byte b = startByte; b <= endByte; b++)
if ((value & (1 << b)) != 0)
final += v;
v = v * 2;
return final;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public int Size { get; private set; }
public DateTime LastWriteTime { get; private set; }
public byte[] Data { get; internal set; }
public sealed class CabEntryExtractEventArgs : EventArgs
public CabEntryExtractEventArgs(CabEntry entry)
if (entry == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("entry");
Entry = entry;
public CabEntry Entry { get; private set; }
NOTE: this code allocates big byte[] chunks so it could be optimized to use things like ChunkedMemoryStream (available for example in this library: CodeFluent Runtime Client) instead of byte[] to avoid impacting the LOH (Large Object Heap) too much.
I have built an adapter DS9097E and connected to it DS18B20 digital thermometer. On the internet you can find examples of applications in Delphi and C that reads the temperature from this device. I'm trying to write it in C#. At the beginning I was relying on .NET but it didn't work. I had problems with RESET AND PRESENCE PULSES, so I tried with kernel32.dll. Yesterday I found this library: OpenNETCF. Unfortunately there is no documentation for it. In the meantime, I tried to write my own library:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Activities;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO.Ports;
namespace COMAPI
public class COMutils
private int hCOM = -1;
private DCB dcb = new DCB();
private COMMTIMEOUTS commtime = new COMMTIMEOUTS();
private int bufferSize = 128;
private byte[] ReceiveBytes;
#region STALE
private const int PURGE_TXABORT = 0x01;
private const int PURGE_RXABORT = 0x02;
private const int PURGE_TXCLEAR = 0x04;
private const int PURGE_RXCLEAR = 0x08;
private const int INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1;
private const uint GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000;
private const uint GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000;
#region KERNEL32
static extern bool PurgeComm(int hFile, int dwFlags);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool CloseHandle(int hObject);
static extern bool FlushFileBuffers(int hFile);
static extern bool TransmitCommChar(int hFile, char cChar);
static extern bool WriteFile(int hFile, byte [] lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToWrite, ref int lpNumberOfBytesWritten, int lpOverlapped);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool ReadFile(int hFile, [Out] byte[] lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead, ref int lpNumberOfBytesRead, int lpOverlapped);
static extern bool GetCommState(int hFile, ref DCB lpDCB);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool GetCommTimeouts(int hFile, ref COMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts);
static extern bool SetCommState(int hFile, [In] ref DCB lpDCB);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern int CreateFile(
string lpFileName,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] uint dwDesiredAccess,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] int dwShareMode,
int lpSecurityAttributes,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] int dwCreationDisposition,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] int dwFlagsAndAttributes,
int hTemplateFile);
static extern int GetTickCount();
#region DCB
internal struct DCB
internal uint DCBLength;
internal uint BaudRate;
private BitVector32 Flags;
private ushort wReserved; // not currently used
internal ushort XonLim; // transmit XON threshold
internal ushort XoffLim; // transmit XOFF threshold
internal byte ByteSize;
internal Parity Parity;
internal StopBits StopBits;
internal sbyte XonChar; // Tx and Rx XON character
internal sbyte XoffChar; // Tx and Rx XOFF character
internal sbyte ErrorChar; // error replacement character
internal sbyte EofChar; // end of input character
internal sbyte EvtChar; // received event character
private ushort wReserved1; // reserved; do not use
private static readonly int fBinary;
private static readonly int fParity;
private static readonly int fOutxCtsFlow;
private static readonly int fOutxDsrFlow;
private static readonly BitVector32.Section fDtrControl;
private static readonly int fDsrSensitivity;
private static readonly int fTXContinueOnXoff;
private static readonly int fOutX;
private static readonly int fInX;
private static readonly int fErrorChar;
private static readonly int fNull;
private static readonly BitVector32.Section fRtsControl;
private static readonly int fAbortOnError;
static DCB()
// Create Boolean Mask
int previousMask;
fBinary = BitVector32.CreateMask();
fParity = BitVector32.CreateMask(fBinary);
fOutxCtsFlow = BitVector32.CreateMask(fParity);
fOutxDsrFlow = BitVector32.CreateMask(fOutxCtsFlow);
previousMask = BitVector32.CreateMask(fOutxDsrFlow);
previousMask = BitVector32.CreateMask(previousMask);
fDsrSensitivity = BitVector32.CreateMask(previousMask);
fTXContinueOnXoff = BitVector32.CreateMask(fDsrSensitivity);
fOutX = BitVector32.CreateMask(fTXContinueOnXoff);
fInX = BitVector32.CreateMask(fOutX);
fErrorChar = BitVector32.CreateMask(fInX);
fNull = BitVector32.CreateMask(fErrorChar);
previousMask = BitVector32.CreateMask(fNull);
previousMask = BitVector32.CreateMask(previousMask);
fAbortOnError = BitVector32.CreateMask(previousMask);
public UInt32 ReadIntervalTimeout;
public UInt32 ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier;
public UInt32 ReadTotalTimeoutConstant;
public UInt32 WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier;
public UInt32 WriteTotalTimeoutConstant;
#region METODY
public bool openCOM(int numer)
hCOM = CreateFile("COM" + numer, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0);
return false;
if (!GetCommState(hCOM, ref dcb))
return false;
if (!GetCommTimeouts(hCOM, ref commtime))
return false;
return true;
public bool closeCOM()
return CloseHandle(hCOM);
public bool setCOM(int baud, byte bsize, Parity par, StopBits sbits)
dcb.BaudRate = (uint)baud;
dcb.ByteSize = bsize;
dcb.Parity = par;
dcb.StopBits = sbits;
return SetCommState(hCOM, ref dcb);
public bool cleanCOM()
public bool flushCOM()
return FlushFileBuffers(hCOM);
public bool TxByteCOM(byte dane)
return TransmitCommChar(hCOM, (char)dane);
public bool TxDataCOM(byte[] daneW)
int byteZap = 0;
return WriteFile(hCOM, daneW, daneW.Length, ref byteZap, 0);
public byte[] RxDataCOM(byte[] odebraneBytes, int ilosc, int odczytane)
if(ilosc == 0)
ilosc = bufferSize;
odczytane = 0;
bool stanOdczytu = true;
odebraneBytes = new byte[ilosc];
stanOdczytu = ReadFile (hCOM, odebraneBytes, ilosc, ref odczytane, 0);
if(stanOdczytu == false)
throw new ApplicationException("Błąd odczytu");
return odebraneBytes;
throw new ApplicationException ("Port nie został otwarty");
public int returnTime()
return GetTickCount();
private bool IsOdd(int value)
return value % 2 != 0;
public int sendByte(int X)
int D = 0;
int czas, temp;
byte[] B = new byte[1];
temp = X;
setCOM(115200, 8, Parity.None, StopBits.One);
czas = returnTime() + 50;
for (int n = 1; n <= 8; n++)
if (IsOdd(temp)) TxByteCOM(0xFF);
else TxByteCOM(0x00);
temp = temp << 1;
RxDataCOM(B, 1, D);
} while ((D > 1) | (czas < returnTime()));
if (D != 1) break;
if (IsOdd(B[0])) temp = (temp | 0x80);
return temp;
public bool sendCOM(byte[] WrByt)
int BytesWritten = 0;
bool writeState = false;
writeState = WriteFile(hCOM, WrByt, WrByt.Length, ref BytesWritten, 0);
if (writeState == false)
throw new ApplicationException("Błąd zapisu do portu ");
throw new ApplicationException("Port nie został otwarty");
return writeState;
public byte[] receiveCOM (int NumBytes)
if(NumBytes == 0)
NumBytes = bufferSize;
int BytesRead = 0;
bool readState = true;
ReceiveBytes = new byte[NumBytes];
readState = ReadFile(hCOM, ReceiveBytes, NumBytes, ref BytesRead, 0);
if (readState == false)
throw new ApplicationException("Błąd odczytu");
return ReceiveBytes;
throw new ApplicationException("Port nie został otwarty");
public bool resetCOM()
int czasOd;
int D = 0;
byte[] baju = new byte[1];
byte[] lista = new byte[1];
setCOM(9600, 8, Parity.None, StopBits.One);
lista[0] = 0xF0;
czasOd = returnTime() + 50;
RxDataCOM(baju, 1, D);
while ((D == 1) | czasOd < returnTime());
if (D == 1)
return (baju[0] != 0xF0);
return true;
This is code of my application:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using COMAPI;
namespace temp_3
class Program
static private COMutils util = new COMutils();
static void Main(string[] args)
int TH,TL;
double TEMP;
byte[] lista = new byte[1];
bool czy = util.resetCOM();
lista[0] = 0xCC;
czy = util.sendCOM(lista);
lista[0] = 0x44;
czy = util.sendCOM(lista);
czy = util.resetCOM();
lista[0] = 0xCC;
czy = util.sendCOM(lista);
lista[0] = 0xBE;
czy = util.sendCOM(lista);
TL = util.sendByte(0xFF);
TH = util.sendByte(0xFF);
czy = util.resetCOM();
TEMP_READ = TL + 256 * TH;
TEMP = TEMP_READ / 16.0;
Unfortunately, based on this code, it reads the temperature of over 8000 degrees Celsius. Could someone point out where is the mistake? Any hint will be appreciated. Here are functions wrote in Delphi:
function Reset_COM:boolean;
var B:Byte;
Result := False;
//ustawienie portu RS232
//czyszczenie RS232
Result := Czysc_COM;
until (D=1) or (time<GetTickCount);
if D=1 then
function send_Bajt(X:Byte):Byte;
for n:=1 to 8 do
if Odd(X) then TransmitCommChar(hCom,Chr($FF)) else TransmitCommChar(hCom,Chr($00));
X:=X shr 1;
repeat ReadFile(hCom,B,1,D,nil)
until (D=1) or (time<GetTickCount);
if D<>1 then exit;
if Odd(B) then X:=X or $80;
if Odd(B xor CRC)
then CRC:=((CRC xor $18) shr 1) or $80
else CRC:=CRC shr 1;
function Odczytaj_TEMP:real;
var TH,TL:Byte;
TEMP_READ: Smallint;
Temp: double;
send_Bajt($CC); //Skip ROM
send_Bajt($44); //Start T Convert
send_Bajt($CC); //Skip ROM
send_Bajt($BE); //Read Scratchpad
TEMP_READ := TL + 256 * TH;
Temp := TEMP_READ / 16.0;
Result := Temp;