I have a class that has a dictionary that stores string values and a list that stores unsigned 64-bit integers. This class is considered equal to another class of the same type if their dictionaries contain the same keys and values.
I also have a static list containing several instances of this class. I want to check if there are duplicate items in this list. If there are duplicates, I want to merge their lists.
Here's a pseudo-code I thought:
foreach (var item in StaticList)
if (item.Equals(anotherItem)) // i.e., dictionaries are equal
How can I accomplish this without resorting to features added by the latest frameworks (my target framework is .NET 2.0, so there's no fancy Union, Intersect, etc.)?
Note: I have already figured out how to check if two dictionaries are equal, I want to find duplicates and merge them.
You have to compare all the items against each other.
for (int i = 0; i < StaticList.Length-1; i++)
var item = StaticList[i];
for (int j = i+1; j < StaticList.Length;)
var anotherItem = StaticList[j];
if (item.Equals(anotherItem)) // i.e., dictionaries are equal
StaticList.RemoveAt(j); // it has better performance compared to `StaticList.Remove(anotherItem);`
I do not recommend using a foreach loop, because you cannot modify the list during iteration and you have to put items in another list and remove them later, which imposes a lot of performance penalty to store items and to search later to remove.
there's an exercise i need to do, given a List i need to sort the content using ONLY recursive methods (no while, do while, for, foreach).
So... i'm struggling (for over 2 hours now) and i dont know how to even begin.
The function must be
List<int> SortHighestToLowest (List<int> list) {
I THINK i should check if the previous number is greater than the actual number and so on but what if the last number is greater than the first number on the list?, that's why im having a headache.
I appreciate your help, thanks a lot.
I delivered the exercise but then teacher said i shouldn't use external variables like i did here:
List<int> _tempList2 = new List<int>();
int _actualListIndex = 0;
int _actualMaxNumber = 0;
int _actualMaxNumberIndex = 0;
List<int> SortHighestToLowest(List<int> list)
if (list.Count == 0)
return _tempList2;
if (_actualListIndex == 0)
_actualMaxNumber = list[0];
if (_actualListIndex < list.Count -1)
if (list[_actualListIndex] > _actualMaxNumber)
_actualMaxNumberIndex = _actualListIndex;
_actualMaxNumber = list[_actualListIndex];
return SortHighestToLowest(list);
_actualListIndex = 0;
_actualMaxNumberIndex = 0;
return SortHighestToLowest(list);
Exercise is done and i approved (thanks to other exercises as well) but i was wondering if there's a way of doing this without external variables and without using System.Linq like String.Empty's response (im just curious, the community helped me to solve my issue and im thankful).
I am taking your instructions to the letter here.
Only recursive methods
No while, do while, for, foreach
Signature must be List<int> SortHighestToLowest(List<int> list)
Now, I do assume you may use at least the built-in properties and methods of the List<T> type. If not, you would have a hard time even reading the elements of your list.
That said, any calls to Sort or OrderBy methods would be beyond the point here, since they would render any recursive method useless.
I also assume it is okay to use other lists in the process, since you didn't mention anything in regards to that.
With all that in mind, I came to this piece below, making use of Max and Remove methods from List<T> class, and a new list of integers for each recursive call:
public static List<int> SortHighestToLowest(List<int> list)
// recursivity breaker
if (list.Count <= 1)
return list;
// remove highest item
var max = list.Max();
// append highest item to recursive call for the remainder of the list
return new List<int>(SortHighestToLowest(list)) { max };
For solving this problem, try to solve smaller subsets. Consider the following list
Let's take the last element out of list, and consider the rest as sorted which will be [1,3,5] and 2. Now the problem reduces to another problem of inserting this 2 in its correct position. If we can insert it in correct position then the array becomes sorted. This can be applied recursively.
For every recursive problem there should be a base condition w.r.t the hypothesis we make. For the first problem the base condition is array with single element. A single element array is always sorted.
For the second insert problem the base condition will be an empty array or the last element in array is less than the element to be inserted. In both cases the element is inserted at the end.
temp = last element of list
temp_list = list with last element removed
Insert(temp_list, temp)
Insert(list, temp)
if(list.count ==0 || list[n-1] <= temp)
insert_temp = last element of list
insert_temp_list = list with last element removed
Insert(insert_temo_list, insert_temp)
For Insert after base condition its calling recursively till it find the correct position for the last element which is removed.
I know for sure that at a particular point in my program a HashSet I've constructed will only contain a single element. I know I can get the element by doing this:
foreach (int num in myHashSet)
return num;
But I don't like the idea of using a for loop when I'm certain that the HashSet only contains a single item. I know HashSets are unordered and understand why using, say, an array-style index won't work. Are there any solutions that will make it clear that only a single element exists in the HashSet? I feel that with a loop this property isn't clear.
HashSet<int> ihs = new HashSet<int>();
if (ihs.Count() == 1)
int x = ihs.First();
I'm trying to obtain the last 10 objects within an arraylist.
Case: Arraylist full of objects[ChartObjectsInt] and [ChartObjectsReal] with indexes from 0-N, i want to obtain the last 10 persons (N-10), and with these last 10 objects I want to call functions from that object; like ChartObjectsInt.getLabelName();
Can anyone help?
Code I've reached so far:
private void getLastTenObjects()
foreach (ChartObjectsInt chartRecords in arraylistMonitor)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Why don't you use List rather than ArrayList, if you do so it will be more easy to get last 10 element from list.
var lastTenProducts = products.OrderByDescending(p => p.ProductDate).Take(10);
//here products is the List
If you don't want to use LINQ at all
for (var i = Math.Max(arraylistMonitor.Count - 10, 0); i < arraylistMonitor.Count; i++)
The above code will loop through the last 10 items of the ArrayList by setting i to the appropriate starting index - the Math.Max call there is in case the ArrayList has 9 or fewer elements in it.
If you are willing to use LINQ
var last10 = arraylistMonitor.Cast<object>().Reverse().Take(10);
will do what you want. You may also wish to add ToList after Take(10), depending on how you wish to consume last10.
Firstly it casts it to an IEnumerable<object> then goes through the IEnumerable backwards until it has (up to) 10 items.
If you specifically want last10 to be an ArrayList (which I wouldn't recommend) then use:
var last10 = new ArrayList(arraylistMonitor.Cast<object>().Reverse().Take(10).ToList());
As others have already said, I would use List<T> as ArrayList is effectively deprecated for that as it exists from a time when C# didn't have generics.
With that said, you could write a function that would work for a list of any size and take however many like so
public List<T> GetLastX<T>(List<T> list, int amountToTake)
return list.Skip(list.Count - amountToTake).ToList();
This is my first question here so I hope I'm doing right.
I have to create a List of array of integer:
List<int[]> finalList = new List<int[]>();
in order to store all the combinations of K elements with N numbers.
For example:
N=5, K=2 => {1,2},{1,3},{1,4},...
Everything is all right but I want to avoid the repetitions of the same combination in the list({1,2} and {2,1} for example). So before adding the tmpArray (where I temporally store the new combination) in the list, I want to check if it's already stored.
Here it's what I'm doing:
create the tmpArray with the next combination (OK)
sort tmpArray (OK)
check if the List already contains tmpArray with the following code:
if (!finalList.Contains(tmpArray))
but it doesn't work. Can anyone help me with this issue?
Array is a reference type - your Contains query will not do what you want (compare all members in order).
You may use something like this:
if (!finalList.Any(x => x.SequenceEqual(tmpArray))
(Make sure you add a using System.Linq to the top of your file)
I suggest you learn more about value vs. reference types, Linq and C# data structure fundamentals. While above query should work it will be slow - O(n*m) where n = number of arrays in finalList and m length of each array.
For larger arrays some precomputing (e.g. a hashcode for each of the arrays) that allows you a faster comparison might be beneficial.
If I remember correctly, contains will either check the value for value data types or it will check the address for object types. An array is an object type, so the contains is only checking if the address in memory is stored in your list. You'll have to check each item in this list and perform some type of algorithm to check that the values of the array are in the list.
Linq, Lambda, or brute force checking comes to mind.
BrokenGlass gives a good suggestion with Linq and Lambda.
Brute Force:
bool itemExists = true;
foreach (int[] ints in finalList)
if (ints.Length != tmpArray.Length)
itemExists = false;
// Compare each element
for (int i = 0; i < tmpArray.Length; i++)
if (ints[i] != tmpArray[i])
itemExists = false;
// Have to check to break from the foreach loop
if (itemExists == false)
if (itemExists == false)
I have made a method that eliminates any replicates of the same string in a List.
now, the problem is that it gives me this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
I read in the internet, and i think that the problem is the i am removing an object from the list inside the foreach loop of the list.
foreach (string r in list)
int numberOfAppearance=0;
foreach (string rs in list)
if (r == rs && numberOfAppearance> 0)
How can i fix the method? Thanks for the help
Firstly, as noted in comments, LINQ has got you covered here:
list = list.Distinct().ToList();
It's well worth looking into LINQ for data operations - it can make things much simpler.
As for what's wrong with your current code - there are a couple of things:
Firstly, you're removing by item rather than by index, which will remove the first occurrence of that item, not the one you're actually looking at
Secondly, if you modify a list while you're iterating over it, you will get precisely the exception you've seen. From the docs for List<T>.GetEnumerator:
An enumerator remains valid as long as the collection remains unchanged. If changes are made to the collection, such as adding, modifying, or deleting elements, the enumerator is irrecoverably invalidated and its behavior is undefined.
You can get around this by iterating by index rather than using a foreach loop, but if you're removing an item you need to remember that everything below that will move up one element. So either you need to iterate backwards to remove items, or you need to remember to decrement the index.
Here's an approach which uses iterating by index forwards in terms of what we're looking at, but backwards in terms of looking for duplicates - stopping when we get to the index we're looking at. Note that this is still O(N2) - it's not as efficient as using Distinct:
// We're looking for duplicates *after* list[i], so we don't need to go as far
// as i being the very last element: there aren't any elements after it to be
// duplicates. (We could easily still just use list.Count, and the loop for j
// would just have 0 iterations.)
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count - 1; i++)
// Go backwards from the end, looking for duplicates of list[i]
for (int j = list.Count - 1; j > i; j--)
if (list[j] == list[i])
(For more details on Distinct, see my Edulinq post on it.)
As many people point out, you can use the Distinct method for your particular problem.
However, the problem you are actually having is that you are trying to modify the list when you iterate over it, which will not end well.
//This will not work.
foreach (string rs in list)
if (some_test)
list.Remove(rs); //Because of this line.
If you want do do something similar to this you need to find a way around this problem. Often it involves making a new array.
For this examle you can do the following
List newList = new ArrayList();
foreach (string rs in list)
if (!some_test)
If you really want to create a "remove duplicates" method I would have done it in this fashion (pseudocode):
Hash cache_hash = new Hash(default false)
List new_list = new List
foreach string s in list
if not cache_hash[s]
cache_hash[s] = true
list = new_list
This method is Ω(N) , so it is fairly fast on even large lists.