artefacts during heightmap generation using plasma style fractal - c#

I've spent a few hours today researching how random terrain generation tends to be done and after reading about the plasma fractal (midpoint displacement and diamond square algo's) I decided to try and have a go at implementing one. My result was actually not terriable, but I have these horrible square/line/grid type artefacts that I just can not seem to get rid of!
When rendered as a gray scale image my height map looks something like:
height map
Obviously there is a fair amount of code involved in this but I will try to post what is only relevant. I've not not posted the code that turns it into a texture for example, but do not worry I have already tried just filling my height array with a smooth gradient and the texture comes out fine :)
I begin by setting the four corners of the map to random values between 0 and 1 and then start the recursive displacement algo:
public void GenerateTerrainLayer()
//set the four corners of the map to have random values
TerrainData[0, 0] = (float)RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
TerrainData[GenSize, 0] = (float)RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
TerrainData[0, GenSize] = (float)RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
TerrainData[GenSize, GenSize] = (float)RandomGenerator.NextDouble();
//begin midpoint displacement algorithm...
MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(0, 0), new Vector2_I(GenSize, 0), new Vector2_I(0, GenSize), new Vector2_I(GenSize, GenSize));
TerrainData is simply a 2D array of floats*. Vector2_I is just my own integer vector class. The last four functions are MidPointDisplace which is the recursive function, CalculateTerrainPointData which averages 2 data values and adds some noise, CalculateTerrainPointData2 which averages 4 data values and adds some noise and has a slightly higher scale value (its only used for center points) and finally my noise function which atm is just some random noise and not a real noise like perlin etc. They look like this:
private void MidPointDisplace(Vector2_I topleft, Vector2_I topright, Vector2_I bottomleft, Vector2_I bottomright)
//check size of square working on.. if its shorter than a certain amount stop the algo, we've done enough
if (topright.X - topleft.X < DisplacementMaxLOD)
//calculate the positions of all the middle points for the square that has been passed to the function
Vector2_I MidLeft, MidRight, MidTop, MidBottom, Center;
MidLeft.X = topleft.X;
MidLeft.Y = topleft.Y + ((bottomleft.Y - topleft.Y) / 2);
MidRight.X = topright.X;
MidRight.Y = topright.Y + ((bottomright.Y - topright.Y) / 2);
MidTop.X = topleft.X + ((topright.X - topleft.X) / 2);
MidTop.Y = topleft.Y;
MidBottom.X = bottomleft.X + ((bottomright.X - bottomleft.X) / 2);
MidBottom.Y = bottomleft.Y;
Center.X = MidTop.X;
Center.Y = MidLeft.Y;
//collect the existing data from the corners of the area passed to algo
float TopLeftDat, TopRightDat, BottomLeftDat, BottomRightDat;
TopLeftDat = GetTerrainData(topleft.X, topleft.Y);
TopRightDat = GetTerrainData(topright.X, topright.Y);
BottomLeftDat = GetTerrainData(bottomleft.X, bottomleft.Y);
BottomRightDat = GetTerrainData(bottomright.X, bottomright.Y);
//and the center
//adverage data and insert for midpoints..
SetTerrainData(MidLeft.X, MidLeft.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData(TopLeftDat, BottomLeftDat, MidLeft.X, MidLeft.Y));
SetTerrainData(MidRight.X, MidRight.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData(TopRightDat, BottomRightDat, MidRight.X, MidRight.Y));
SetTerrainData(MidTop.X, MidTop.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData(TopLeftDat, TopRightDat, MidTop.X, MidTop.Y));
SetTerrainData(MidBottom.X, MidBottom.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData(BottomLeftDat, BottomRightDat, MidBottom.X, MidBottom.Y));
SetTerrainData(Center.X, Center.Y, CalculateTerrainPointData2(TopLeftDat, TopRightDat, BottomLeftDat, BottomRightDat, Center.X, Center.Y));
//and recursively fire off new calls to the function to do the smaller squares
Rectangle NewTopLeft = new Rectangle(topleft.X, topleft.Y, Center.X - topleft.X, Center.Y - topleft.Y);
Rectangle NewTopRight = new Rectangle(Center.X, topright.Y, topright.X - Center.X, Center.Y - topright.Y);
Rectangle NewBottomLeft = new Rectangle(bottomleft.X, Center.Y, Center.X - bottomleft.X, bottomleft.Y - Center.Y);
Rectangle NewBottomRight = new Rectangle(Center.X , Center.Y, bottomright.X - Center.X, bottomright.Y - Center.Y);
MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(NewTopLeft.Left, NewTopLeft.Top), new Vector2_I(NewTopLeft.Right, NewTopLeft.Top), new Vector2_I(NewTopLeft.Left, NewTopLeft.Bottom), new Vector2_I(NewTopLeft.Right, NewTopLeft.Bottom));
MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(NewTopRight.Left, NewTopRight.Top), new Vector2_I(NewTopRight.Right, NewTopRight.Top), new Vector2_I(NewTopRight.Left, NewTopRight.Bottom), new Vector2_I(NewTopRight.Right, NewTopRight.Bottom));
MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(NewBottomLeft.Left, NewBottomLeft.Top), new Vector2_I(NewBottomLeft.Right, NewBottomLeft.Top), new Vector2_I(NewBottomLeft.Left, NewBottomLeft.Bottom), new Vector2_I(NewBottomLeft.Right, NewBottomLeft.Bottom));
MidPointDisplace(new Vector2_I(NewBottomRight.Left, NewBottomRight.Top), new Vector2_I(NewBottomRight.Right, NewBottomRight.Top), new Vector2_I(NewBottomRight.Left, NewBottomRight.Bottom), new Vector2_I(NewBottomRight.Right, NewBottomRight.Bottom));
//helper function to return a data value adveraged from two inputs, noise value added for randomness and result clamped to ensure a good value
private float CalculateTerrainPointData(float DataA, float DataB, int NoiseX, int NoiseY)
return MathHelper.Clamp(((DataA + DataB) / 2.0f) + NoiseFunction(NoiseX, NoiseY), 0.0f, 1.0f) * 1.0f;
//helper function to return a data value adveraged from four inputs, noise value added for randomness and result clamped to ensure a good value
private float CalculateTerrainPointData2(float DataA, float DataB, float DataC, float DataD, int NoiseX, int NoiseY)
return MathHelper.Clamp(((DataA + DataB + DataC + DataD) / 4.0f) + NoiseFunction(NoiseX, NoiseY), 0.0f, 1.0f) * 1.5f;
private float NoiseFunction(int x, int y)
return (float)(RandomGenerator.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 0.5f;
Ok thanks for taking the time to look - hopefully someone knows where this grid-like pattern is appearing from :)
*edit - accidently wrote ints, corrected to floats

I identified 3 problems in your code. (2 of which are related)
You don't scale down the randomness in each step. There must be a reduction of the randomness in each step. Otherwise you get white(-ish) noise. You choose a factor (0.5-0.7 worked fine for my purposes) and multiply the reduction by alpha in each recursion and scale the generated random number by that factor.
You swapped the diamond and square step. First the diamonds, then the squares. The other way round is impossible (see next).
Your square step uses only points in one direction. This one probably causes the rectangular structures you are talking about. The squares must average the values to all four sides. This means that the square step depends on the point generated by the diamond step. And not only the diamond step of the rectangle you are currently looking at, also of the rectangles next to it. For values outside of the map, you can either wrap, use a fixed value or only average 3 values.

I see a problem in your CalculateTerrainPointData implementation: you're not scaling down the result of NoiseFunction with each iteration.
See this description of the Midpoint Displacement algorithm:
Start with a single horizontal line segment.
Repeat for a sufficiently large number of times:
Repeat over each line segment in the scene:
Find the midpoint of the line segment.
Displace the midpoint in Y by a random amount.
Reduce the range for random numbers.
A fast way to do it in your code without changing too much is by adding some scale parameter to MidPointDisplace (with default set to 1.0f) and CalculateTerrainPointData; use it in CalculateTerrainPointData to multiply result of NoiseFunction; and reduce it with each recursive call to MidPointDisplace(..., 0.5f * scale).
Not sure though if that is the only cause to your image looking wrong or there are other problems.

According to Wikipedia's summary of midpoint displacement, only the average for the center most point get noise added to it - try only adding noise via CalculateTerrainPointData2 & removing the noise in CalculateTerrainPointData.


Making a Pen's LineCap go more into the drawn Line/Curve

Currently I have the following code:
AdjustableArrowCap arrow = new AdjustableArrowCap(10, 15, false);
penStateOutline.CustomEndCap = arrow;
And it draws this:
I have tried all day to make the arrow point to the ellipse itself rather than the center of it..
Update (I was wrong about the cap extending the line; it doesn't!)
To let the line and its cap end at the cirlce's outside you need to make the line shorter by the radius of the circle.
There are two approaches:
You can find a new endpoint that sits on the circle by calculating it, either with Pythagoras or by trigonometry. Then replace the endpoint, i.e. the circle's center, when drawing the line or curve by that new point.
Or put the other way round: You need to calculate a point on the circle as the new endpoint of the line.
It requires a little math, unless the line is horizontal or vertical...
This will work well for straight lines but for curves it may cause considerable changes in the shape, depending on how close the points get and how curved the shape is.
This may or may not be a problem.
To avoid it you can replace the curve points by a series of line points that are close enough to look like a curve when drawn. From the list of points we subtract all those that do not lie inside the circle.
This sounds more complicated than it is as there is a nice class called GraphicsPath that will allow you to add a curve and then flatten it. The result is a more or less large number of points. The same class also allows you to determine whether a point lies inside a shape, i.e. our case inside the circle.
To implement the latter approach, here is a routine that transforms a list of curve points to a list of line points that will end close to the circle..:
void FlattenCurveOutside(List<Point> points, float radius)//, int count)
using (GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath())
using (GraphicsPath gpc = new GraphicsPath())
// firt create a path that looks like our circle:
PointF l = points.Last();
gpc.AddEllipse(l.X - radius, l.Y - radius, radius * 2, radius* 2);
// next one that holds the curve:
// now we flatten it to a not too large number of line segments:
Matrix m = new Matrix(); // dummy matrix
gp.Flatten(m, 0.75f); // <== play with this param!!
// now we test the pathpoints from bach to front until we have left the circle:
int k = -1;
for (int i = gp.PathPoints.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if ( !gpc.IsVisible(gp.PathPoints[i])) k = i;
if (k > 0) break;
// now we know how many pathpoints we want to retain:
for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++)
Note that when the last part of the curve is too straight the result may look a little jagged..
Update 2
To implement the former approach here is a function that returns a PointF on a circle of radius r and a line connecting a Point b with the circle center c:
PointF Intersect(Point c, Point a, int rad)
float dx = c.X - a.X;
float dy = c.Y - a.Y;
var radians = Math.Atan2(dy, dx);
var angle = 180 - radians * (180 / Math.PI);
float alpha = (float)(angle * Math.PI / 180f);
float ry = (float)(Math.Sin(alpha) * rad );
float rx = (float)(Math.Cos(alpha) * rad );
return new PointF(c.X + rx, c.Y - ry);
The result thankfully looks rather similar:
The math can be simplified a little..
To apply it you can get the new endpoint and replace the old one:
PointF I = Intersect(c, b, r);
points2[points2.Count - 1] = Point.Round(I);
Thank you so much to #TaW for helping.
Unfortunately the answer he provided did not match my stupid OCD..
You made me think about the problem from a different perspective and I now have found a solution that I'll share if anyone else needs, note that the solution is not perfect.
public static Point ClosestPointOnCircle(int rad, PointF circle, PointF other)
if (other.X == circle.X && other.Y == circle.Y) // dealing with division by 0
return new Point((int)Math.Floor(circle.X + rad * ((other.X - circle.X) / (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(other.X - circle.X, 2) + Math.Pow(other.Y - circle.Y, 2))))), (int)Math.Floor(circle.Y + rad * ((other.Y - circle.Y) / (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(other.X - circle.X, 2) + Math.Pow(other.Y - circle.Y, 2))))));
What the code does is return a point on the circle that is the closest to the another point, then, I used the curve middle point as the other point to change the end point of the curve.
Then I used the arrow cap as normal and got this:image
Which is good enough for my project.

Formula For Calculating Length Of Line In BMP Image using c#

I want to calculate the length of some lines in this BMP Image.
I do not know the formula how to calculate these type of lines ? Or there is any other formula to calculate length in image processing.
By searching I came to know that we have to +1 in length if line if it go 1 pixel long vertically or horizontally. What if length is increasing diagonally ?
If any one can provide a mathematical formula that would be great.
The length when the direction is 1 pixel in diagonal is 1.4142135623730950488016887242097.
The math behind this factor is plain vector math, let me explain. According to vector math we can compute the length of a 2D vector as Math.Sqrt(Vector.X * Vector.X + Vector.Y * Vector.Y)). If we take as origin (0,0) and as target (1,1) we know the distance vector between origin and target is (1,1). So, if we compute the length of this vector we get: sqrt(1 * 1 + 1 * 1) what reduced is sqrt(2) and yields a result of 1.4142135623730950488016887242097.
You can use vector math to calculate a bunch of pixels instead of adding this factor to achieve a better precission, to do this just apply the previous math:
distanceVector = targetVector - originVector
distance = sqrt(distanceVector.X * distanceVector.X + distanceVector.Y * distanceVector.Y)
If you use the System.Numeric package then you can use the integrated functions:
Vector2 origin = new Vector2(originPixelX, originPixelY);
Vector2 target = new Vector2(targetPixelX, targetPixelY);
Vector2 distanceVector = target - origin;
float length = distanceVector.Length();
To simplify your problem there is a very easy solution which will give you the best precission.
If you sum the total of straight pixels and diagonal pixels in two variables, let's name those straightPixels and diagonalPixels you can do this:
var length = straightPixels + (new Vector2(diagonalPixels, diagonalPixels)).Length();
If you don't want to use the System.Numeric you can do:
var length = straightPixels + Math.Sqrt(diagonalPixels * diagonalPixels + diagonalPixels * diagonalPixels);
Very simple and effective.
If you want only lenght of diagonal for 1 pixel up and right, then it is very simple.
So it will be square of two.

Approximating an ellipse with a polygon

I am working with geographic information, and recently I needed to draw an ellipse. For compatibility with the OGC convention, I cannot use the ellipse as it is; instead, I use an approximation of the ellipse using a polygon, by taking a polygon which is contained by the ellipse and using arbitrarily many points.
The process I used to generate the ellipse for a given number of point N is the following (using C# and a fictional Polygon class):
Polygon CreateEllipsePolygon(Coordinate center, double radiusX, double radiusY, int numberOfPoints)
Polygon result = new Polygon();
for (int i=0;i<numberOfPoints;i++)
double percentDone = ((double)i)/((double)numberOfPoints);
double currentEllipseAngle = percentDone * 2 * Math.PI;
Point newPoint = CalculatePointOnEllipseForAngle(currentEllipseAngle, center, radiusX, radiusY);
return result;
This has served me quite while so far, but I've noticed a problem with it: if my ellipse is 'stocky', that is, radiusX is much larger than radiusY, the number of points on the top part of the ellipse is the same as the number of points on the left part of the ellipse.
That is a wasteful use of points! Adding a point on the upper part of the ellipse would hardly affect the precision of my polygon approximation, but adding a point to the left part of the ellipse can have a major effect.
What I'd really like, is a better algorithm to approximate the ellipse with a polygon. What I need from this algorithm:
It must accept the number of points as a parameter; it's OK to accept the number of points in every quadrant (I could iteratively add points in the 'problematic' places, but I need good control on how many points I'm using)
It must be bounded by the ellipse
It must contain the points straight above, straight below, straight to the left and straight to the right of the ellipse's center
Its area should be as close as possible to the area of the ellipse, with preference to optimal for the given number of points of course (See Jaan's answer - appearantly this solution is already optimal)
The minimal internal angle in the polygon is maximal
What I've had in mind is finding a polygon in which the angle between every two lines is always the same - but not only I couldn't find out how to produce such a polygon, I'm not even sure one exists, even if I remove the restrictions!
Does anybody have an idea about how I can find such a polygon?
finding a polygon in which the angle between every two lines is
always the same
Yes, it is possible. We want to find such points of (the first) ellipse quadrant, that angles of tangents in these points form equidistant (the same angle difference) sequence. It is not hard to find that tangent in point
dx=-a*Sin(Fi), dy=b*Cos(Fi)
Derivative y' describes tangent, this tangent has angular coefficient
Fi = ArcCotangent(a/b*Tg(Theta)) = Pi/2-ArcTan(a/b*Tg(Theta))
due to relation for complementary angles
where Fi varies from 0 to Pi/2, and Theta - from Pi/2 to 0.
So code for finding N + 1 points (including extremal ones) per quadrant may look like (this is Delphi code producing attached picture)
for i := 0 to N - 1 do begin
Theta := Pi/2 * i / N;
Fi := Pi/2 - ArcTan(Tan(Theta) * a/b);
x := CenterX + Round(a * Cos(Fi));
y := CenterY + Round(b * Sin(Fi));
// I've removed Nth point calculation, that involves indefinite Tan(Pi/2)
// It would better to assign known value 0 to Fi in this point
Sketch for perfect-angle polygon:
One way to achieve adaptive discretisations for closed contours (like ellipses) is to run the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm in reverse:
1. Start with a coarse description of the contour C, in this case 4
points located at the left, right, top and bottom of the ellipse.
2. Push the initial 4 edges onto a queue Q.
while (N < Nmax && Q not empty)
3. Pop an edge [pi,pj] <- Q, where pi,pj are the endpoints.
4. Project a midpoint pk onto the contour C. (I expect that
simply bisecting the theta endpoint values will suffice
for an ellipse).
5. Calculate distance D between point pk and edge [pi,pj].
if (D > TOL)
6. Replace edge [pi,pj] with sub-edges [pi,pk], [pk,pj].
7. Push new edges onto Q.
8. N = N+1
This algorithm iteratively refines an initial discretisation of the contour C, clustering points in areas of high curvature. It terminates when, either (i) a user defined error tolerance TOL is satisfied, or (ii) the maximum allowable number of points Nmax is used.
I'm sure that it's possible to find an alternative that's optimised specifically for the case of an ellipse, but the generality of this method is, I think, pretty handy.
I assume that in the OP's question, CalculatePointOnEllipseForAngle returns a point whose coordinates are as follows.
newPoint.x = radiusX*cos(currentEllipseAngle) + center.x
newPoint.y = radiusY*sin(currentEllipseAngle) + center.y
Then, if the goal is to minimize the difference of the areas of the ellipse and the inscribed polygon (i.e., to find an inscribed polygon with maximal area), the OP's original solution is already an optimal one. See Ivan Niven, "Maxima and Minima Without Calculus", Theorem 7.3b. (There are infinitely many optimal solutions: one can get another polygon with the same area by adding an arbitrary constant to currentEllipseAngle in the formulae above; these are the only optimal solutions. The proof idea is quite simple: first one proves that these are the optimal solutions in case of a circle, i.e. if radiusX=radiusY; secondly one observes that under a linear transformation that transforms a circle into our ellipse, e.g. a transformation of multiplying the x-coordinate by some constant, all areas are multiplied by a constant and therefore a maximal-area inscribed polygon of the circle is transformed into a maximal-area inscribed polygon of the ellipse.)
One may also regard other goals, as suggested in the other posts: e.g. maximizing the minimal angle of the polygon or minimizing the Hausdorff distance between the boundaries of the polygon and ellipse. (E.g. the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm is a heuristic to approximately solve the latter problem. Instead of approximating a polygonal curve, as in the usual Ramer-Douglas-Peucker implementation, we approximate an ellipse, but it is possible to devise a formula for finding on an ellipse arc the farthest point from a line segment.) With respect to these goals, the OP's solution would usually not be optimal and I don't know if finding an exact solution formula is feasible at all. But the OP's solution is not as bad as the OP's picture shows: it seems that the OP's picture has not been produced using this algorithm, as it has less points in the more sharply curved parts of the ellipse than this algorithm produces.
I suggest you switch to polar coordinates:
Ellipse in polar coord is:
x(t) = XRadius * cos(t)
y(t) = YRadius * sin(t)
for 0 <= t <= 2*pi
The problems arise when Xradius >> YRadius (or Yradius >> Yradius)
Instead of using numberOfPoints you can use an array of angles obviously not all identical.
I.e. with 36 points and dividing equally you get angle = 2*pi*n / 36 radiants for each sector.
When you get around n = 0 (or 36) or n = 18 in a "neighborhood" of these 2 values the approx method doesn't works well cause the ellipse sector is significantly different from the triangle used to approximate it. You can decrease the sector size around this points thus increasing precision. Instead of just increasing the number of points that would also increase segments in other unneeded areas. The sequence of angles should become something like (in degrees ):
angles_array = [5,10,10,10,10.....,5,5,....10,10,...5]
The first 5 deg. sequence is for t = 0 the second for t = pi, and again the last is around 2*pi.
Here is an iterative algorithm I've used.
I didn't look for theoretically-optimal solution, but it works quit well for me.
Notice that this algorithm gets as an input the maximal error of the prime of the polygon agains the ellipse, and not the number of points as you wish.
public static class EllipsePolygonCreator
#region Public static methods
public static IEnumerable<Coordinate> CreateEllipsePoints(
double maxAngleErrorRadians,
double width,
double height)
IEnumerable<double> thetas = CreateEllipseThetas(maxAngleErrorRadians, width, height);
return thetas.Select(theta => GetPointOnEllipse(theta, width, height));
#region Private methods
private static IEnumerable<double> CreateEllipseThetas(
double maxAngleErrorRadians,
double width,
double height)
double firstQuarterStart = 0;
double firstQuarterEnd = Math.PI / 2;
double startPrimeAngle = Math.PI / 2;
double endPrimeAngle = 0;
double[] thetasFirstQuarter = RecursiveCreateEllipsePoints(
width / height,
double[] thetasSecondQuarter = new double[thetasFirstQuarter.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < thetasFirstQuarter.Length; ++i)
thetasSecondQuarter[i] = Math.PI - thetasFirstQuarter[thetasFirstQuarter.Length - i - 1];
IEnumerable<double> thetasFirstHalf = thetasFirstQuarter.Concat(thetasSecondQuarter);
IEnumerable<double> thetasSecondHalf = thetasFirstHalf.Select(theta => theta + Math.PI);
IEnumerable<double> thetas = thetasFirstHalf.Concat(thetasSecondHalf);
return thetas;
private static IEnumerable<double> RecursiveCreateEllipsePoints(
double startTheta,
double endTheta,
double maxAngleError,
double widthHeightRatio,
double startPrimeAngle,
double endPrimeAngle)
double yDelta = Math.Sin(endTheta) - Math.Sin(startTheta);
double xDelta = Math.Cos(startTheta) - Math.Cos(endTheta);
double averageAngle = Math.Atan2(yDelta, xDelta * widthHeightRatio);
if (Math.Abs(averageAngle - startPrimeAngle) < maxAngleError &&
Math.Abs(averageAngle - endPrimeAngle) < maxAngleError)
return new double[] { endTheta };
double middleTheta = (startTheta + endTheta) / 2;
double middlePrimeAngle = GetPrimeAngle(middleTheta, widthHeightRatio);
IEnumerable<double> firstPoints = RecursiveCreateEllipsePoints(
IEnumerable<double> lastPoints = RecursiveCreateEllipsePoints(
return firstPoints.Concat(lastPoints);
private static double GetPrimeAngle(double theta, double widthHeightRatio)
return Math.Atan(1 / (Math.Tan(theta) * widthHeightRatio)); // Prime of an ellipse
private static Coordinate GetPointOnEllipse(double theta, double width, double height)
double x = width * Math.Cos(theta);
double y = height * Math.Sin(theta);
return new Coordinate(x, y);

Relationship between projected and unprojected Z-Values in Direct3D

I've been trying to figure this relationship out but I can't, maybe I'm just not searching for the right thing. If I project a world-space coordinate to clip space using Vector3.Project, the X and Y coordinates make sense but I can't figure out how it's computing the Z (0..1) coordinate. For instance, if my nearplane is 1 and farplane is 1000, I project a Vector3 of (0,0,500) (camera center, 50% of distance to far plane) to screen space I get (1050, 500, .9994785)
The resulting X and Y coordinates make perfect sense but I don't understand where it's getting the resulting Z-value.
I need this because I'm actually trying to UNPROJECT screen-space coordinates and I need to be able to pick a Z-value to tell it the distance from the camera I want the world-space coordinate to be, but I don't understand the relationship between clip space Z (0-1) and world-space Z (nearplane-farplane).
In case this helps, my transformation matrices are:
World = Matrix.Identity;
//basically centered at 0,0,0 looking into the screen
View = Matrix.LookAtLH(
new Vector3(0,0,0), //camera position
new Vector3(0,0,1), //look target
new Vector3(0,1,0)); //up vector
Projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(
(float)(Math.PI / 4), //FieldOfViewY
1.6f, // AspectRatio
1, //NearPlane
1000); //FarPlane
Standard perspective projection creates a reciprocal relationship between the scene depth and the depth buffer value, not a linear one. This causes a higher percentage of buffer precision to be applied to objects closer to the near plane than those closer to the far plane, which is typically desired. As for the actual math, here's the breakdown:
The bottom-right 2x2 elements (corresponding to z and w) of the projection matrix are:
[far / (far - near) ] [1]
[-far * near / (far - near)] [0]
This means that after multiplying, z' = z * far / (far - near) - far * near / (far - near) and w' = z. After this step, there is the perspective divide, z'' = z' / w'.
In your specific case, the math works out to the value you got:
z = 500
z' = z * 1000 / (1000 - 999) - 1000 / (1000 - 999) = 499.499499499...
w' = z = 500
z'' = z' / w' = 0.998998998...
To recover the original depth, simply reverse the operations:
z = (far / (far - near)) / ((far / (far - near)) - z'')

Drawing an envelope around a curve

In my C# WinForms application I have a picturebox that hosts 2 curves (Resulted from a voltage/current measurement). The X axis is voltage and Y axis is current. The voltage axis is ranged from -5 to 5 but the current axis is a much smaller scale ranged from -10 uA to 10 uA. The task is to see if the second curve is within 10% of the first curve.
For visual inspection I am trying to draw an envelope around the first curve (Blue one). The curve is just a PointF array. At the moment since I have no idea how to draw a correct envelope around the blue curve, I just draw two other curves that are result of X points of the actual curve added and subtracted by 10% of the original curve. Of course this is a bad approach, but atleast for the section of the curve that is noticably vertical, it works. But as soon as the curve is on its non vertical section, this trick does not work anymore, as you can see in the picture below:
Here is the code that I am using to draw the envelope:
public Bitmap DrawEnvelope(double[,] pinData, float vLimit, float iLimit)
g = Graphics.FromImage(box);
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
PointF[] u = new PointF[pinData.GetLength(0)]; //Up line
PointF[] d = new PointF[pinData.GetLength(0)]; //Down Line
List<PointF> joinedCurves = new List<PointF>();
float posX = xMaxValue * (vLimit / 100);
float minX = posX * -1;
for (int i = 0; i < pinData.GetLength(0); i++)
u[i] = new PointF(400 * (1 + (((float)pinData[i, 0]) + minX) / (xMaxValue + vExpand)), 400 * (1 - ((float)pinData[i, 1] * GetInvers((yMaxValue + iExpand)))));
for (int i = 0; i < pinData.GetLength(0); i++)
d[i] = new PointF(400 * (1 + (((float)pinData[i, 0]) + posX) / (xMaxValue + vExpand)), 400 * (1 - ((float)pinData[i, 1] * GetInvers((yMaxValue + iExpand)))));
Pen pengraph = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(50, 0 ,0 ,200), 1F);
pengraph.Alignment = PenAlignment.Center;
PointF[] fillPoints = joinedCurves.ToArray();
SolidBrush fillBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(40, 0, 0, 250));
FillMode newFillMode = FillMode.Alternate;
g.FillClosedCurve(fillBrush, fillPoints, newFillMode, 0);
return box;
The green circles are added by myself, and they indicate the region that the second curve (Red one) is potentially has a difference bigger than 10% from the orginal curve.
Would be nice if someone put me in the right way, what should I look to to achive a nice envelope around original curve?
Because I am so noob I cant find a way to implement the answers given to this question until now, So put a bounty to see if somone can kindly show me atleast a coding approach to this problem.
You could try finding the gradient between each pair of points and calculating two points either side that are on the orthogonal that passes through the midpoint.
You would then have two more lines defined as a set of points that you could use to draw the envelope.
Your best bet is to iterate your point array and to calculate a perpendicular vector to two consecutive points each time (see Calculating a 2D Vector's Cross Product for implementation clues). Project in either direction along these perpendicular vectors to generate the two point arrays of your envelope.
This function generates them roughly using segment midpoints (as long as the point count is high and your offset is not too small it should look ok when plotted):
private void GetEnvelope(PointF[] curve, out PointF[] left, out PointF[] right, float offset)
left = new PointF[curve.Length - 1];
right = new PointF[curve.Length - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < curve.Length; i++)
PointF normal = new PointF(curve[i].Y - curve[i - 1].Y, curve[i - 1].X - curve[i].X);
float length = (float)Math.Sqrt(normal.X * normal.X + normal.Y * normal.Y);
normal.X /= length;
normal.Y /= length;
PointF midpoint = new PointF((curve[i - 1].X + curve[i].X) / 2F, (curve[i - 1].Y + curve[i].Y) / 2F);
left[i - 1] = new PointF(midpoint.X - (normal.X * offset), midpoint.Y - (normal.Y * offset));
right[i - 1] = new PointF(midpoint.X + (normal.X * offset), midpoint.Y + (normal.Y * offset));
It all depends on the way you want the envelop to be sized.
You could calculate/guestimate the slope of the curve in each point by calculating the slope to the next point and the slope to the previous point, average these and then calculate a perpendicular vector to the slope.
Add this vector to the point of the curve; this gives you the right-hand edge of the envelop.
Subtract this vector from the point of the curve; this gives you the left-hand edge of the envelop.
This method will fail if the points are too far apart or very sudden changes in the points appear.
This is probably a dumb suggestion. Perhaps instead of drawing the envelope yourself, maybe you could let winforms do it for you. Try drawing the envelope as a line with a pen that has a larger width. Perhaps it might work.
If you look at this msdn example on varying the pen width, you might see what I mean.
2 (probably incorrect) possibilities.
Do what you did originally to get the pale blue wide area, but also do it in the vertical direction (not just the horizontal)
Do what Dan suggested with a REALLY thick line (in pale blue) then draw it again, then draw the original (thin) line on top of it.

