I have business objects that are stored across two data storages. A part of the object is stored in Azure Table Storage and the other part in Azure SQL. Basically the SQL part is used in queries while the Table Storage is used for properties that take a lot of space.
Most of the times, only the SQL part of the object is used (in SQL queries). The Table Storage properties are only needed when someone explicitly asks for that object. What I am trying to achieve is a design that will hide the fact that there are two data sources behind the business object, lazy load the Storage Table properties (since they are not needed when performing SQL queries) and still make the code testable.
My current design has some POCOs that are created by a unit of work. I don't want to create two POCOs, one for Table Storage and one for SQL, so I was thinking about the following design:
//Make the properties virtual
public class Customer
public virtual string Name {get;set;} //Stored in SQL
public virtual string Age {get;set;} //Stored in SQL
public virtual string Details {get;set;} // This prop is stored in Table Storage
//Create a derived internal POCO that can notify when a property is asked
internal class CustomerWithMultipleStorage
public event EventHandler OnDetailsGet;
public override string Details
get { if (OnDetailsGet!=null) OnDetailsGet( ... ); /* rest of the code */ }
set { /* code */ }
All my data layer code will work with CustomerWithMultipleStorage while all the "external" code, outside the DL, will use Customer and the events will not be exposed. Now, when the unit of work returns a Customer, it will load only the SQL properties and subscribe to the Get events. If someone using the Customer needs the rest of the properties, the event will be triggered and the Table Storage properties will be loaded.
What do you think about this design? Is it the correct approach? Do you know of a better way of doing this?
You could use Lazy<T> with dependency injection. Note this is just to give you some ideas.
internal class CustomerWithMultipleStorage : Customer
private readonly ISqlDataLayer _sqlDataLayer;
private readonly ITableStorageDataLayer _tableStorageDataLayer;
private readonly Lazy<string> _details;
private string _detailsValue;
public CustomerWithMultipleStorage(ISqlDataLayer sqlDataLayer, ITableStorageDataLayer tableStorageDataLayer)
_sqlDataLayer = sqlDataLayer;
_tableStorageDataLayer = tableStorageDataLayer;
_details = new Lazy<string>(() => return (string)_tableStorageDataLayer.GetValue<Customer>(this, "Details"));
public override string Details
return (_detailsValue ?? (_detailsValue = _details.Value));
_detailsValue = value;
_tableStorageDataLayer.SetValue<Customer>(this, _detailsValue);
public interface ITableStorageDataLayer
object GetValue<T>(T item, [CallerMemberName] string property = "");
void SetValue<T>(T item, object value, [CallerMemberName] string property = "");
You could also just use a data layer with mapping data for each object (I will provide examples later).
I am using EF Core and I have a scenario where the user can create a custom field and then creates options for that custom fields.
public class CustomField : Entity<long>
public string Name { get; private set; }
public bool IsRequired { get; private set; }
public List<CustomFieldOption> customFieldOptions;
public virtual IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFieldOption> CustomFieldOptions => customFieldOptions;
protected CustomField()
public CustomField(long id, string name, bool isRequired, List<CustomFieldOption> customFieldOptions)
Id = id;
Name = name;
IsRequired = isRequired;
this.customFieldOptions = customFieldOptions;
public class CustomFieldOption : Entity<long>
public string Text { get; private set; }
protected CustomFieldOption()
public CustomFieldOption(string text)
Text = text;
public class Client : Entity<long>
public Name Name { get; set; }
private List<ClientCustomFieldOptionValue> customFieldOptionValues { get; set; } = new List<ClientCustomFieldOptionValue>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<ClientCustomFieldOptionValue> CustomFieldOptionValues => customFieldOptionValues;
public Client(Name name)
public Result AddCustomFieldOptionValues(List<ClientCustomFieldOptionValue> values)
return Result.Success();
public Result RemoveCustomFieldOptionValues(List<ClientCustomFieldOptionValue> values)
return Result.Success();
public class ClientCustomFieldOptionValue
public CustomFieldOption CustomFieldOption { get; private set; }
protected CustomFieldOptionValue()
public ClientCustomFieldOptionValue(CustomFieldOption customFieldOption)
CustomFieldOption = customFieldOption;
CustomFieldOption seems to be a Value Object as the text it holds is something that doesn't need an Id. But then in terms of store persistency needs an Id to be stored in database on a different table where it can be queries by Id etc...
I am not sure if I shall add it as an Entity because ValueObjects do not have Id.
One other problem I have is validation. If it is an Entity how can I validate Text property. I know validation on constructor is a bad idea. If I validate it in the ApplicationLayer then wherever I create a new object I have to validate that is not empty and the length.
If I forget to add validation in one of the application services and pass null Text then I create an inconsistent state.
Update #1
A Client can select one or many options of a custom field. I suppose these needed to be stored on a separate table ClientCustomFieldOptionValue. In that case is this an entity or a valueobject? And what about CustomFieldOption. Does it become an Entity? I am quite confused when to use Entity or ValueObjects
Try not to think of persistency details while designing domain model.
According to your description, CustomFieldOption expresses an individual property with no business relations to any other structure, thus:
it should not hold a business identifier
it should encapsulate its own validations
Meaning it fits the concept of a value-object (validation inside ctor).
When it comes to persistency, your repository model should be capable of storing CustomFieldOption objects in a child table (with DB identifier) referencing the parent table (CustomField objects)
On the query side, repository should be capable of aggregating data from these two tables into a single CustomField entity.
(How exactly you implement such DB capabilities depends on the ORM you choose to work with, EF in your case)
Just one observation, if you will use Ef Core and the containing entity has a one to many relationship with the value objects, you will have this limitation:
Owned Entity types, Ef Core
Owned types need a primary key. If there are no good candidates properties on the .NET type, EF Core can try to create one. However, when owned types are defined through a collection, it isn't enough to just create a shadow property to act as both the foreign key into the owner and the primary key of the owned instance
If you are mapping your entities and value objects using DbContext, you usually define an owned entity type for a value object or use a record type.
For owned entities, this creates a column in your table like this: EntityName_ValueObject (i.e. Person_Address) but this works for a single value object not a collection when you don't know in advance the number of items in the collection.
It is correct that you should not concern with persistence when designing your domain, but is also correct to think that having a value object with an identity does not make sense.
Most important, you should be aware of this potential issue early on.
I'm trying to create a way to make an unique search into the database and build the right object for my needs. I mean, I use a SQL query that returns me a lot of rows and then I build the collections based on that database rows. E.g.:
We have a table called People and another table called Phones.
Let's suppose that this is my SQL query and will return the following below:
P.[Id], P.[Name], PH.[PhoneNumber]
[dbo].[People] P
[dbo].[Phones] PH ON PH.[Person] = P.[Id]
And that's the results returned:
1 NICOLAS (123)123-1234
1 NICOLAS (235)235-2356
So, my class will be:
public interface IModel {
void CastFromReader(IDataReader reader);
public class PhoneModel : IModel {
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public PhoneModel() { }
public PhoneModel(IDataReader reader) : this() {
public void CastFromReader(IDataReader reader) {
PhoneNumber = (string) reader["PhoneNumber"];
public class PersonModel : IModel {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public IList<PhoneModel> Phones { get; set; }
public PersonModel() {
Phones = new List<PhoneModel>();
public PersonModel(IDataReader reader) : this() {
public void CastFromReader(IDataReader reader) {
Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]);
Name = (string) reader["Name"];
var phone = new PhoneModel();
// or
Phones.Add(new PhoneModel {
PhoneNumber = (string) reader["PhomeNumber"]
This code will generate a PersonModel object with two phone numbers. That's good so far.
However, I'm struggling to make some good way to deal when I want to manage more tables with this process.
Let's suppose, then, I have a new table called Appointments. It stores the user's appointments to the schedule.
So, adding this table to the query, the result will be:
1 NICOLAS (123)123-1234 17/09/2014
1 NICOLAS (123)123-1234 19/09/2014
1 NICOLAS (123)123-1234 27/09/2014
1 NICOLAS (235)235-2356 17/09/2014
1 NICOLAS (235)235-2356 19/09/2014
1 NICOLAS (235)235-2356 17/09/2014
As you guys can see, the problem is to manage the phones and the appointments this way. Do you can think in anything that could solve this issue?
Thank you all for the opinions!
You cannot transfer your query result to strongly typed objects without first defining these objects' types. If you want to keep query data in memory, I recommend that you transfer it into objects of a previously defined type at some point.
What follows is therefore not something that I would actually recommend doing. But I want to demonstrate to you a possibility. Judge for yourself.
As I suggested in a previous comment, you can mimick strongly typed DTOs using the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR), which has become available with .NET 4.
Here is an example for a custom DynamicObject type that provides a seemingly strongly-typed façade for a IDataReader.
using System.Data;
using System.Dynamic; // needs assembly references to System.Core & Microsoft.CSharp
using System.Linq;
public static class DataReaderExtensions
public static dynamic AsDynamic(this IDataReader reader)
return new DynamicDataReader(reader);
private sealed class DynamicDataReader : DynamicObject
public DynamicDataReader(IDataReader reader)
this.reader = reader;
private readonly IDataReader reader;
// this method gets called for late-bound member (e.g. property) access
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
int index = reader.GetOrdinal(binder.Name);
result = index >= 0 ? reader.GetValue(index) : null;
return index >= 0;
Then you can use it like this:
using (IDataReader reader = someSqlCommand.ExecuteReader(…))
dynamic current = reader.AsDynamic(); // façade representing the current record
while (reader.Read())
// the magic will happen in the following two lines:
int id = current.Id; // = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("Id"))
string name = current.Name; // = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("Name"))
But beware, with this implementation, all you get is a façade for the current record. If you want to keep data of several records in memory, this implementation won't help a lot. For that purpose, you could look into several further possibilities:
Use anonymous objects: cachedRecords.Add(new { current.Id, current.Name });. This is only any good if you access the cachedRecords in the same method where you build it, because the anonymous type used will not be usable outside of the method.
Cache current's data in an ExpandoObject.
If you want to manually write a data type for each combination of columns resulting from your queries, then you have a lot of work to do, and you will end up with lots of very similar, but slightly different classes that are hard to name. Note also that these data types should not be treated as something more than what they are: Data Transfer Objects (DTOs). They are not real domain objects with domain-specific behaviour; they should just contain and transport data, nothing else.
What follows are two suggestions, or ideas. I will only scratch at the surface here and not go into too many details; since you haven't asked a very specific question, I won't provide a very specific answer.
1. A better approach might be to determine what domain entity types you've got (e.g. Person, Appointment) and what domain value types you have (e.g. Phone Number), and then build an object model from that:
struct PhoneNumber { … }
partial interface Person
int Id { get; }
string Name { get; }
PhoneNumber PhoneNumber { get; }
partial interface Appointment
DateTime Date { get; }
Person[] Participants { get; }
and then have your database code map to these. If, for example, some query returns a Person Id, Person Name, Phone Number, and an Appointment Date, then each attribute will have to be put into the correct entity type, and they will have to be linked together (e.g. via Participants) correctly. Quite a bit of work. Look into LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework, NHibernate or any other ORM if you don't want to do this manually. If your database model and your domain model are too different, even these tools might not be able to make the translation.
2. If you want to hand-code your data query layer that transforms data into a domain model, you might want to set up your queries in such a way that if they return one attribute A of entity X, and entity X has other attributes B, C, and D, then the query should also return these, such that you can always build a complete domain object from the query result. For example, if a query returned a Person Id and a Person Phone Number, but not the Person Name, you could not build Person objects (as defined above) from the query because the name is missing.
This second suggestion will at least partially save you from having to define lots of very similar DTO types (one per attribute combination). This way, you can have a DTO for a Person record, another for a Phone Number record, another for an Appointment record, perhaps (if needed) another for a combination of Person and Phone Number; but you won't need to distinguish between types such as PersonWithAllAttributes, PersonWithIdButWithoutNameOrPhoneNumber, PersonWithoutIdButWithPhoneNumber, etc. You'll just have Person containing all attributes.
After watching NDC12 presentation "Crafting Wicked Domain Models" from Jimmy Bogard (http://ndcoslo.oktaset.com/Agenda), I was wandering how to persist that kind of domain model.
This is sample class from presentation:
public class Member
List<Offer> _offers;
public Member(string firstName, string lastName)
FirstName = firstName;
LastName = lastName;
_offers = new List<Offer>();
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Offer> AssignedOffers {
get { return _offers; }
public int NumberOfOffers { get; private set; }
public Offer AssignOffer(OfferType offerType, IOfferValueCalc valueCalc)
var value = valueCalc.CalculateValue(this, offerType);
var expiration = offerType.CalculateExpiration();
var offer = new Offer(this, offerType, expiration, value);
return offer;
so there are some rules contained in this domain model:
- Member must have first and last name
- Number of offers can't be changed outside
- Member is responsible for creating new offer, calculating its value and assignment
If if try to map this to some ORM like Entity Framework or NHibernate, it will not work.
So, what's best approach for mapping this kind of model to database with ORM?
For example, how do I load AssignedOffers from DB if there's no setter?
Only thing that does make sense for me is using command/query architecture: queries are always done with DTO as result, not domain entities, and commands are done on domain models. Also, event sourcing is perfect fit for behaviours on domain model. But this kind of CQS architecture isn't maybe suitable for every project, specially brownfield. Or not?
I'm aware of similar questions here, but couldn't find concrete example and solution.
This is actually a very good question and something I have contemplated. It is potentially difficult to create proper domain objects that are fully encapsulated (i.e. no property setters) and use an ORM to build the domain objects directly.
In my experience there are 3 ways of solving this issue:
As already mention by Luka, NHibernate supports mapping to private fields, rather than property setters.
If using EF (which I don't think supports the above) you could use the memento pattern to restore state to your domain objects. e.g. you use entity framework to populate 'memento' objects which your domain entities accept to set their private fields.
As you have pointed out, using CQRS with event sourcing eliminates this problem. This is my preferred method of crafting perfectly encapsulated domain objects, that also have all the added benefits of event sourcing.
Old thread. But there's a more recent post (late 2014) by Vaughn Vernon that addresses just this scenario, with particular reference to Entity Framework. Given that I somehow struggled to find such information, maybe it can be helpful to post it here as well.
Basically the post advocates for the Product domain (aggregate) object to wrap the ProductState EF POCO data object for what concerns the "data bag" side of things. Of course the domain object would still add all its rich domain behaviour through domain-specific methods/accessors, but it would resort to inner data object when it has to get/set its properties.
Copying snippet straight from post:
public class Product
public Product(
TenantId tenantId,
ProductId productId,
ProductOwnerId productOwnerId,
string name,
string description)
State = new ProductState();
State.ProductKey = tenantId.Id + ":" + productId.Id;
State.ProductOwnerId = productOwnerId;
State.Name = name;
State.Description = description;
State.BacklogItems = new List<ProductBacklogItem>();
internal Product(ProductState state)
State = state;
private readonly ProductState State;
public class ProductState
public string ProductKey { get; set; }
public ProductOwnerId ProductOwnerId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public List<ProductBacklogItemState> BacklogItems { get; set; }
Repository would use internal constructor in order to instantiate (load) an entity instance from its DB-persisted version.
The one bit I can add myself, is that probably Product domain object should be dirtied with one more accessor just for the purpose of persistence through EF: in the same was as new Product(productState) allows a domain entity to be loaded from database, the opposite way should be allowed through something like:
public class Product
// ...
internal ProductState State
// return this.State as is, if you trust the caller (repository),
// or deep clone it and return it
// inside repository.Add(Product product):
For AssignedOffers : if you look at the code you'll see that AssignedOffers returns value from a field. NHibernate can populate that field like this: Map(x => x.AssignedOffers).Access.Field().
Agree with using CQS.
When doing DDD first thing, you ignore the persistence concerns. THe ORM is tighlty coupled to a RDBMS so it's a persistence concern.
An ORM models persistence structure NOT the domain. Basically the repository must 'convert' the received Aggregate Root to one or many persistence entities. The Bounded Context matters a lot since the Aggregate Root changes according to what are you trying to accomplish as well.
Let's say you want to save the Member in the context of a new offer assigned. Then you'll have something like this (of course this is only one possible scenario)
public interface IAssignOffer
int OwnerId {get;}
Offer AssignOffer(OfferType offerType, IOfferValueCalc valueCalc);
IEnumerable<Offer> NewOffers {get; }
public class Member:IAssignOffer
/* implementation */
public interface IDomainRepository
void Save(IAssignOffer member);
Next the repo will get only the data required in order to change the NH entities and that's all.
About EVent Sourcing, I think that you have to see if it fits your domain and I don't see any problem with using Event Sourcing only for storing domain Aggregate Roots while the rest (mainly infrastructure) can be stored in the ordinary way (relational tables). I think CQRS gives you great flexibility in this matter.
So I will call a repository to retrieve the root object of a complex object graph, using FluentNHibernate. But for some sub-level objects I don't want to retrieve all elements, but only those where a date parameter equals certain condition. In below code, I want the lower level Order object to be filtered in this way by the OrderTime field.
Meaning I want to retrieve all UserGroups, with all Users, but the Orders object of each User shall only contain orders from a specific date or date range.
So what are my options on how to retrieve this object graph? I don't want lazy loading, I just want to specify a handful of different retrieval conditions, which will never change. So they can be separate functions of the repository, like suggested at the end. But how would I go about coding those methods, how to specify these conditions?
public class UserGroup
public int Id;
public IList<User> Users;
public class User
public int Id;
public string Name;
public IList<Order> Orders;
public class Order
public int Id;
public decimal Price;
public System.DateTime OrderTime;
public class UserGroupRepository
public List<UserGroup> GetAll()
using (ISession session = FNH_Manager.OpenSession()) {
dynamic obj = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(UserGroup)).List<UserGroup>();
return obj;
Potential new Repository methods: ?
public List<UserGroup> GetAll_FilterOrderDate(System.DateTime _date)
public List<UserGroup> GetAll_FilterOrderDate(List<System.DateTime> _dates)
It really depends on what you want to do with the orders.
Is there a reason you need to query on the aggregate root? Would it make sense to query over the actual orders by date instead? So you'd end up with:
session.QueryOver<Order>().Where(t => t.OrderDate > ...);
If your associations are set up correctly you'll still be able to navigate to the user.
Personally I find the repository pattern to be a bit restrictive and would rather use query objects, so you'd end up with something like:
queryService.FindAll<UserGroup>(new GetAllByFilterOrderDate(DateTime.Now));
However if the concept of a repository works for you then by all means stick to it, but it means you'll try to force your object model into this 'UserGroup' centric view.
In my application, I've got a few different types of entities that I have a requirement to do field-level change tracking on. I've googled for this and only can come up with examples on doing simple "Date Inserted" and "Date Updated" audit tracking where you just modify fields on the entity being persisted already. My requirements are more complex because:
I need to create new entities representing the changes not just modify fields on the entity being saved (as with the Date Inserted, Date Updated examples I've found)
I need to save these new entities to the DB in the same transaction updating the tracked entity
I need to track changes to collections of ValueObjects attached to the tracked entity
I don't want to have to write seperate logging code for every tracked entity
Example code:
public interface ITrackChanges {}
public class Account : ITrackChanges
public int Id;
public string AccountNumber;
public string CustomerName;
public string CustomerAddress;
public class Computer : ITrackChanges
public int Id;
public string AssetTag;
public string SerialNumber;
public IEnumerable<IPAddress> IPAddresses;
public class IPAddress : ValueObject
public string Address;
Whenever any of the values of an Account or Computer object changes or the list of IPAddresses associated with a Computer object changes, I need to create and save these entity change records:
public class EntityChange
public string EntityType;
public string EntityId;
public string PropertyName;
public string OldValue;
public string NewValue;
Each tracked entity implements the ITrackChanges marker interface and each value object inherits from the ValueObject base class. The value objects are mapped as components in NHibernate.
As an example of what I'm looking to get as the end result, if I update the Computer object with Id 1 and change the AssetTag from "ABC123" to "ABC124" and change the list of IP addresses from { "" } to { "" , "" }, I should get 2 EntityChange records:
EntityChange #1
EntityType = "Computer"
EntityId = 1
PropertyName = "AssetTag"
OldValue = "ABC123"
NewValue = "ABC124"
EntityChange #2
EntityType = "Computer"
EntityId = 1
PropertyName = "IPAddresses"
OldValue = ""
NewValue = ","
Any ideas on the best way to implement this? From my reading of the docs, it looks like I need to write an interceptor and/or event listener but I haven't been able to find any examples beyond some that just modify the entity being updated. Example code is definitely welcome in any answers.
Am I wrong in assuming that this should be something supported by NHibernate? I was able to implement this in a previous application that used LLBLGen as the ORM but this is the first time I've had to implement this in an application using NHibernate.
What you want is to use a session Iinterceptor.
you can find a sample of using this for Auditing here
Also you will probably get more of a response from the NHibernate mail list.