I am pulling some data from database by this line below:
IQueryable<user> UserList = DatabaseContext.Users.GetAll();
I want to seach something in UserList such as:
foreach (var User in UserList)
if (User.type == (int)UserType.SuperUser)
IsRecordFound = true;
Then i do something according to the state of flag:
if (!IsRecordFound)
AesCrypto aesCrypto = new AesCrypto();
user newuser = new user();
newuser.username = DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_NAME;
newuser.password = aesCrypto.Encrypt(DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_PASSWORD);
newuser.type = (int)UserType.SuperUser;
newuser.create_date = DateTime.Now;
newuser.last_login = newuser.create_date;
newuser.email_address = DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_EMAIL_ADDR;
newuser.login_count = 1;
if (!DatabaseContext.Save())
return false;
Is there any easy or practical way to seach in IQueryable interface by using LINQ or something else?
if (!UserList.Any(x => x.Type == (int)UserType.SuperUser))
AesCrypto aesCrypto = new AesCrypto();
user newuser = new user();
newuser.username = DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_NAME;
newuser.password = aesCrypto.Encrypt(DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_PASSWORD);
newuser.type = (int)UserType.SuperUser;
newuser.create_date = DateTime.Now;
newuser.last_login = newuser.create_date;
newuser.email_address = DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_EMAIL_ADDR;
newuser.login_count = 1;
if (!DatabaseContext.Save())
return false;
You can do it like
bool isSuperUser = UserList.Any(a=>a.type==a.SuperUser)
to search an IQueryable, use where
var foundUsers = UserList.Where( usr => usr.Type == (int)UserTypes.SuperUser );
if( foundUsers == null && foundUsers.Count() == 0 ) // only one of these is required.. I forget which though :s
AesCrypto aesCrypto = new AesCrypto();
user newuser = new user();
newuser.username = DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_NAME;
newuser.password = aesCrypto.Encrypt(DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_PASSWORD);
newuser.type = (int)UserType.SuperUser;
newuser.create_date = DateTime.Now;
newuser.last_login = newuser.create_date;
newuser.email_address = DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_EMAIL_ADDR;
newuser.login_count = 1;
if (!DatabaseContext.Save())
return false;
UserList .Where(user => user.Type== (int)UserType.SuperUser);
I have a large List of objects (over 100k rows in a txt file). I have to do some data work with each item in the list I save the object to the database if it doesnt exist and if it does I increase a number column in the for the item and then update the database while saving the updated item.
If I use a regular foreach loop everything works out fine but it takes over 24 hours to finish.
The issue is that when I use a parallel loop the records do not match and sometimes I will get an error on the .Save() method that the item ID was changed.
public List<SreckaIsplacena> UpisiUTabeleSerijski (List<SreckaTemp>srt)
_srecke = _glavniRepository.UcitajSamoaktivneSrecke().OrderByDescending(item => item.ID).ToList<Srecka>();
List<SreckaIsplacena> pomList = new List<SreckaIsplacena>();
SreckaIsplacena _isplacena;
foreach (SreckaTemp lt in srt)
string beznula = lt.sreIspBroj.TrimStart('0');
SreckeDobici srd = new SreckeDobici();
Srecka sr = (from s in _srecke
where s.Sifra == lt.sreSif && s.Serija == lt.sreSerija
select s).First();
List<SreckeDobici> srDob = _glavniRepository.DohvatiSreckeDobiciZaIsplatniBroj(sr, beznula);
if (srDob.Count == 1)
srd = srDob.ElementAt(0);
List<SreckaNagrade> sreckaNagrade = new List<SreckaNagrade>(_glavniRepository.DohvatiNagradeZaSrecku(sr.ID).OrderBy(item => item.SifraFox));
double iznos = lt.sreIznDob / lt.sreBrDob;
SreckaNagrade nag = (from sn in sreckaNagrade
where sn.Iznos == lt.sreIznDob
select sn).FirstOrDefault();
Odobrenje odo = new Odobrenje();
odo = odo.DohvatiOdobrenje(valutaGlavna.ID, lt.sreIsplatio).FirstOrDefault();
List<PorezSrecka> listaPoreza = _glavniRepository.UcitajPorezSrecka(valutaGlavna, odo, sr, nag.NagradaId);
List<SreckaIsplacena> sveIsplacene = _glavniRepository.DohvatiIsplaceneSreckeZaValutuIProdavacaSreckuNagraduNovo(valutaGlavna.ID, sr.ID, nag.NagradaId, lt.sreIsplatio);
if (sveIsplacene.Count > 1)
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Greska, ista srecka s istim dobitkom kod istog prodavaca u istoj valuti 2 put nadjena u bazi");
else if (sveIsplacene.Count == 1)
_isplacena = sveIsplacene.ElementAt(0);
_isplacena.BrojDobitaka = _isplacena.BrojDobitaka + lt.sreBrDob;
var index = pomList.FindIndex(r => r.ID == _isplacena.ID);
if (index != -1)
pomList[index] = _isplacena;
else if (sveIsplacene.Count==0)
_isplacena = new SreckaIsplacena();
decimal iz = Convert.ToDecimal(lt.sreIznDob);
_isplacena.BrojDobitaka = lt.sreBrDob;
_isplacena.Iznos = iz;
_isplacena.Nagrada = nag;
_isplacena.Prodavac = lt.sreIsplatio;
_isplacena.Valuta = valutaGlavna;
_isplacena.Srecka = sr;
_isplacena.Cijena = Convert.ToDecimal(sr.Cijena);
if (listaPoreza.Count == 1)
PorezSrecka ps = listaPoreza.ElementAt(0);
_isplacena.SreckaPorez = ps;
int ispID = _isplacena.ID;
if (ispID != 0)
srd.Sre_isplatio = lt.sreIsplatio;
srd.Sre_valuta = valutaGlavna;
return pomList;
public List<SreckaIsplacena> UpisiSamoUTabele(ConcurrentBag<SreckaTemp> srt)
_srecke = _glavniRepository.UcitajSamoaktivneSrecke().OrderByDescending(item => item.ID).ToList<Srecka>();
List<SreckaIsplacena> pomList = new List<SreckaIsplacena>();
SreckaIsplacena _isplacena;
Parallel.ForEach(srt, (lt) =>
string beznula = lt.sreIspBroj.TrimStart('0');
SreckeDobici srd = new SreckeDobici();
Srecka sr = (from s in _srecke
where s.Sifra == lt.sreSif && s.Serija == lt.sreSerija
select s).First();
List<SreckeDobici> srDob = _glavniRepository.DohvatiSreckeDobiciZaIsplatniBroj(sr, beznula);
if (srDob.Count == 1)
srd = srDob.ElementAt(0);
List<SreckaNagrade> sreckaNagrade = new List<SreckaNagrade>(_glavniRepository.DohvatiNagradeZaSrecku(sr.ID).OrderBy(item => item.SifraFox));
SreckaNagrade nag = (from sn in sreckaNagrade
where sn.Iznos == lt.sreIznDob
select sn).FirstOrDefault();
Odobrenje odo = new Odobrenje();
odo = odo.DohvatiOdobrenje(valutaGlavna.ID, lt.sreIsplatio).FirstOrDefault();
List<PorezSrecka> listaPoreza = _glavniRepository.UcitajPorezSrecka(valutaGlavna, odo, sr, nag.NagradaId);
List<SreckaIsplacena> sveIsplacene = _glavniRepository.DohvatiIsplaceneSreckeZaValutuIProdavacaSreckuNagraduNovo(valutaGlavna.ID, sr.ID, nag.NagradaId, lt.sreIsplatio);
if (sveIsplacene.Count == 1)
_isplacena = sveIsplacene.ElementAt(0);
lock (_isplacena)
_isplacena.BrojDobitaka = _isplacena.BrojDobitaka + lt.sreBrDob;
var index = pomList.FindIndex(r => r.ID == _isplacena.ID);
if (index != -1)
pomList[index] = _isplacena;
else if (sveIsplacene.Count==0)
_isplacena = new SreckaIsplacena();
decimal iz = Convert.ToDecimal(lt.sreIznDob);
_isplacena.BrojDobitaka = lt.sreBrDob;
_isplacena.Iznos = iz;
_isplacena.Nagrada = nag;
_isplacena.Prodavac = lt.sreIsplatio;
_isplacena.Valuta = valutaGlavna;
_isplacena.Srecka = sr;
_isplacena.Cijena = Convert.ToDecimal(sr.Cijena);
if (listaPoreza.Count == 1)
PorezSrecka ps = listaPoreza.ElementAt(0);
_isplacena.SreckaPorez = ps;
int ispID = _isplacena.ID;
if (ispID != 0)
srd.Sre_isplatio = lt.sreIsplatio;
srd.Sre_valuta = valutaGlavna;
return pomList;
I tried using ConcurrentBag instead of List but ran into an issue because ConcurrentBag does not have the FindIndex method (var index = pomList.FindIndex(r => r.ID == _isplacena.ID);). I know there is some way to take out the object and put back in but not sure how to do that and from what I read Lists should be ok if you use locking which I am.
Please help.
I'm trying to build realtime chat through Realtime Database Firebase and Xamarin. However there is a problem like this, hope someone can help:
protected async void LoadChat()
string userid = "123456789";
var getroom = (await fc.Child("RecordsChat").OnceAsync<GetRoomChats>()).Select(x =>
new GetRoomChats
RoomID = x.Key
List<GetRoomChats> listroomuser = new List<GetRoomChats>();
foreach (var room in getroom)
string str = null;
string[] strArr = null;
string roomget = room.RoomID;
str = roomget + "_";
char[] splitchar = { '_' };
strArr = str.Split(splitchar);
var getroomuser = strArr.Distinct().ToList();
foreach (var item in getroomuser)
if (item == userid)
var roomgetuser = new GetRoomChats()
RoomID = roomget
if (listroomuser.Count() > 0)
var FirebaseClient = fc
.Subscribe(async(dbevent) =>
foreach (var room in listroomuser)
if (dbevent.Key == room.RoomID)
var lst = (await fc.Child("RecordsChat").Child(dbevent.Key).OrderByKey().LimitToLast(1).OnceAsync<MyDatabaseRecord>()).Select(x =>
new MyDatabaseRecord
NameUser = x.Object.NameUser,
Content = x.Object.Content,
RoomID = x.Object.RoomID,
DayCreate = x.Object.DayCreate,
AvatarUser = x.Object.AvatarUser,
sender_uid = x.Object.sender_uid,
receiver_uid = x.Object.receiver_uid,
receiver_read = x.Object.receiver_read
bool unread = false;
foreach (var i in lst)
if(i.sender_uid == userid)
i.Content = "You: " + i.Content;
var customerList = await apiServiceUserinfo.GetCustomersInfo(i.receiver_uid);
string nameget = customerList.NameStore;
string avatarget = customerList.AvatarStore;
i.NameUser = nameget;
i.AvatarUser = avatarget;
if (i.sender_read == true)
unread = false;
if (i.receiver_read == false)
i.BackgroundUser = "#f5f4f4";
unread = true;
var last = new GetRoomChats()
NameLast = i.NameUser,
ContentLast = i.Content,
RoomID = i.RoomID,
DayCreateLast = i.DayCreate,
AvatarLast = i.AvatarUser,
BackgroundUnread = i.BackgroundUser,
DotUnread = unread
BindingContext = this;
In my example above, it actually gets the data. I try to check in the loop, to get the last content of the message. However, the displayed results are duplicated
Looking forward to everyone's help. Thank you!
Using TweetSharp I am counting the list of followers. How can I withdraw it to the ListBox?
Here is the code:
var options = new ListFollowerIdsOfOptions() { ScreenName = "PutinRF" };
if (cursor != null)
options.Cursor = cursor;
var followersList = ts.ListFollowerIdsOf(options);
cursor = followersList.NextCursor;
} while (cursor != 0);
Try to use DataSource property:
listBox1.DataSource = followersList;
or look at following implementation:
var allIds = new List<long>();
var options = new ListFollowerIdsOfOptions() { ScreenName = "PutinRF" };
var followersIds = ts.ListFollowerIdsOf(options);
while (followersIds.NextCursor != 0)
options.Cursor = followersIds.NextCursor;
listBox1.DataSource = allIds;
My decision:
var options = new ListFollowerIdsOfOptions { ScreenName = "PutinRF" };
List<long> All_ods = new List<long>();
TwitterCursorList<long> followerIDS = ts.ListFollowerIdsOf(options);
options.Cursor = followerIDS.NextCursor;
listBox1.DataSource = All_ods;
label1.Text = "Получено: " + listBox1.Items.Count.ToString();
i am trying the linq to sql query using button but the change does not commit.
here is the code which i am using:
using (Property_dbDataContext context = new Property_dbDataContext())
var user = (from a in context.User_profiles
where a.user_id == Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["user_id"])
select a).FirstOrDefault();
user.email = _Email.Text;
user.first_name = _FirstName.Text;
user.last_name = _LastName.Text;
user.phone = _Phone.Text;
user.cell = _Cell.Text;
user.fax = _Fax.Text;
user.address = _Address.Text;
user.zip_code = _ZipCode.Text;
user.country = _Country.SelectedItem.Text;
Your code seems correct. I think you are missing something else. So i suggest you should try some debugging;
First make sure to wrap your code inside null check always;
if(user !=null)
user.email = _Email.Text;
user.first_name = _FirstName.Text;
user.last_name = _LastName.Text;
user.phone = _Phone.Text;
user.cell = _Cell.Text;
user.fax = _Fax.Text;
user.address = _Address.Text;
user.zip_code = _ZipCode.Text;
user.country = _Country.SelectedItem.Text;
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(user, EntityState.Modified);
Secondly, for debugging purposes, write some const string values to see if really you are posting data like this;
user.email = _Email.Text;
user.first_name = "test1";
user.last_name = _LastName.Text;
And third, don't forget, debugger is your best friend :)
Did you try this?
using (Property_dbDataContext context = new Property_dbDataContext())
var user = (from a in context.User_profiles
where a.user_id == Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["user_id"])
select a).FirstOrDefault();
user.email = _Email.Text;
user.first_name = _FirstName.Text;
user.last_name = _LastName.Text;
user.phone = _Phone.Text;
user.cell = _Cell.Text;
user.fax = _Fax.Text;
user.address = _Address.Text;
user.zip_code = _ZipCode.Text;
user.country = _Country.SelectedItem.Text;
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(user, EntityState.Modified);
I am using CRM 4 and the SDK to grab cases like so:
public List<Case> GetCases()
List<Case> cases = new List<Case>();
#region Retrieve Resolved Cases
RetrieveMultipleRequest req = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();
req.ReturnDynamicEntities = true;
//QueryExpression says what entity to retrieve from, what columns we want back and what criteria we use for selection
QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression();
qe.EntityName = EntityName.incident.ToString();
List<string> attributes = new string[] {
"incidentid","title" ,"description", "ticketnumber", "statuscode",
//columns to retireve
ColumnSet AvailabilityColumnSet = new ColumnSet();
AvailabilityColumnSet.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();
qe.ColumnSet = AvailabilityColumnSet;
FilterExpression fe = new FilterExpression();
fe.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
//condtion for filter
ConditionExpression isResolved = new ConditionExpression();
isResolved.AttributeName = "statuscode";
isResolved.Operator = ConditionOperator.NotEqual;
isResolved.Values = new string[] { "5" };
fe.Conditions = new ConditionExpression[] { isResolved }; //Add the conditions to the filter
qe.Criteria = fe; //Tell the query what our filters are
req.Query = qe; //Tell the request the query we want to use
//retrieve entities
RetrieveMultipleResponse resp = svc.Execute(req) as RetrieveMultipleResponse;
if (resp != null)
BusinessEntity[] rawResults = resp.BusinessEntityCollection.BusinessEntities;
List<DynamicEntity> castedResults = rawResults.Select(r => r as DynamicEntity).ToList();
foreach (DynamicEntity result in castedResults)
string id = GetProperty(result, "incidentid");
string title = GetProperty(result, "title");
string description = GetProperty(result, "description");
string ticket = GetProperty(result, "ticketnumber");
string customer = GetProperty(result, "customerid");
int statuscode = -1;
string statusname = "";
double estHours = 0.0;
string casetype = "";
int casetypecode = -1;
Property prop = result.Properties.Where(p => p.Name == "statuscode").FirstOrDefault();
if (prop != null)
StatusProperty status = prop as StatusProperty;
if (status != null)
statuscode = status.Value.Value;
statusname = status.Value.name;
prop = result.Properties.Where(p => p.Name == "kez_allocatedhours").FirstOrDefault();
if (prop != null)
CrmFloatProperty fl = prop as CrmFloatProperty;
if (fl != null)
estHours = fl.Value.Value;
prop = result.Properties.Where(p => p.Name == "casetypecode").FirstOrDefault();
if (prop != null)
PicklistProperty fl = prop as PicklistProperty;
if (fl != null)
casetype = fl.Value.name;
casetypecode = fl.Value.Value;
Case c = new Case();
c.ID = id;
c.Title = title;
c.Description = description;
c.StatusCode = statuscode;
c.StatusName = statusname;
c.TicketNumber = ticket;
c.CustomerName = customer;
c.EstimatedHours = estHours;
c.Type = casetype;
c.TypeCode = casetypecode;
bool allowedThroughStat = true;
bool allowedThroughType = true;
var userStatuses = SettingsManager.Get("CRMUserStatusReasons").Split(';').ToList().Where(p => p.Length > 0).ToList();
var userTypes = SettingsManager.Get("CRMUserCaseTypes").Split(';').ToList().Where(p => p.Length > 0).ToList();
if(userStatuses.Count > 0 && !userStatuses.Contains(c.StatusCode.ToString()))
allowedThroughStat = false;
if (userTypes.Count > 0 && !userTypes.Contains(c.TypeCode.ToString()))
allowedThroughType = false;
if(allowedThroughStat && allowedThroughType)
}// end try
catch (Exception)
return null;
// The variable 'e' can access the exception's information.
// return "Error Message: " + e.Message.ToString() + " | Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace.ToString();
return cases;
However, now I need to be able to change the status and title of a case from C# given its incidentid.
Ive looked at the SDK docs and cannot find an example of this.
Anyone work with this before?
Simply put, above is code to read an incident. Could I get an example of writing an incident field, Just one. Ex: How could I change the title of an incident.
You can call the Update method on the CrmService. Here is the SDK article.
Case c = new Case();
c.ID = id;
c.Title = title;
To change the state of an entity you use the setstaterequest. If you want to do it to a dynamic entity there's a description in this blog