Dynamically generate predicate at runtime - c#

Not sure if this is entirely possible; I've found some stuff about expression and predicate builders, but so far nothing that lets you run arbitrary queries without knowing them in advance.
Basically, I have a collection of objects from a large SQL database, and I'm building a webpage (ASP.NET MVC 4) to allow a user to display and filter these objects. The queries the users will be entering will vary in complexity. The simplest and neatest way to let them enter these queries is something like the way the Visual Studio TFS plugin lets you search work items: a table of conditions, where you can keep adding rows. You select "and" or "or" for the join condition, then select a field, enter a value, and select whether you want things that do or do not match it:
1. show items where [Field] [is|is not] [value]
2. [and|or] [Field] [is|is not] [value]
3. [and|or] [Field] [is|is not] [value]
What's the simplest way to turn that into something LINQ-ish that I can stick a .ToList() on the end of? The only solution I've come up with so far has involved a rather large and ugly switch block with cases to match the various fields and tack on a .Where(), but to allow the user to select "or" for a condition then I end up doing something like this:
While condition is AND:
use big switch to match the field
query = query.Where(ThisField == value);
When you hit a condition that is OR:
append current results to temporary list
new query from full unfiltered list
use big switch to match the field
query = fullList.Where(ThisField == value);
continue as before
When you run out of conditions, append your current result set to the temporary list you've been using all along, and return that list.
This seems less elegant than I'd like.

You can do it like this:
class Program
public enum Operator
public class Condition
public Operator Operator { get; set; }
public string FieldName { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
public class DatabaseRow
public int A { get; set; }
public string B { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
var conditions = new List<Condition>
new Condition { Operator = Operator.And, FieldName = "A", Value = 1 },
new Condition { Operator = Operator.And, FieldName = "B", Value = "Asger" },
new Condition { Operator = Operator.Or, FieldName = "A", Value = 2 },
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof (DatabaseRow), "x");
var currentExpr = MakeExpression(conditions.First(), parameter);
foreach (var condition in conditions.Skip(1))
var nextExpr = MakeExpression(condition, parameter);
switch (condition.Operator)
case Operator.And:
currentExpr = Expression.And(currentExpr, nextExpr);
case Operator.Or:
currentExpr = Expression.Or(currentExpr, nextExpr);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<DatabaseRow, bool>>(currentExpr, parameter).Compile();
var input = new[]
new DatabaseRow {A = 1, B = "Asger"},
new DatabaseRow {A = 2, B = "Hans"},
new DatabaseRow {A = 3, B = "Grethe"}
var results = input.Where(predicate).ToList();
static BinaryExpression MakeExpression(Condition condition, ParameterExpression parameter)
return Expression.Equal(
Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, typeof (DatabaseRow).GetMember(condition.FieldName)[0]),
This assumes you have a class as a model of the database row with the correct types. You can then parse your conditions into a list of the typed condition shown above via regex and the provided code can convert that to an expression tree. The resulting expression can either be compiled and run (as shown) or converted to SQL (just stuffing the predicate into the IQueryable.Where instead).

You can use PredicateBuilder from LINQKit to do this. Using its And() and Or() extension methods, you can build an expression tree for your query. Then you can use that expression tree as the condition of your Where(). You will also need to either call AsExpandable() or your query, or call Expand() on the created expression.

You can use Dynamic Linq to dynamically add criteria.
See http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/01/07/dynamic-linq-part-1-using-the-linq-dynamic-query-library.aspx

I have modified #asgerhallas answer to use child properties denoted with . and to convert to appropriate types as necessary
static BinaryExpression MakeExpression(Condition condition, ParameterExpression parameter)
var memberPath = condition.FieldName.Split(".");
var left = Expression.Property(parameter, memberPath[0]);
foreach (var mp in memberPath.Skip(1))
left = Expression.Property(left, ((PropertyInfo)left.Member).PropertyType.GetProperty(mp));
var rightType = ((PropertyInfo)left.Member).PropertyType;
var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(rightType);
if (!converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string))) throw new NotSupportedException();
var rightValue = converter.ConvertFrom(condition.Value);
return Expression.Equal(
Then you can use "SomeProperty.SomeThing" and "anystring" and it'll create an expression based on child contents and, if it can be, convert a string to the appropriate value type.


Invoking OrderBy (System.Linq.Enumerable) with Reflection

I am working with an open-source system and have been given the requirement to sort a set of entities by relevance to a term.
The set needs be ordered with exact matches first, then the "startswith" matches, then the "contains" matches.
The lambda expression I came up with to achieve this is:
var results = products.OrderBy(p => p.Name.StartsWith(searchTerm) ? Convert.ToString((char)0) : p.Name);
At present, the pre-written system works such that it invokes an OrderBy method with an instance of a lambda expression with reflection, in order to sort the results.
To minimise the amount of time spent on this task, I would like to conform to this convention. I've tried to create an instance of a lambda expression and pass it in as a parameter to MethodInfo.Invoke() but because it's got a variable in it, it throws an exception.
The code for the sort method of this system is:
private IOrderedQueryable<ReferenceProduct> OrderProducts(IQueryable<ReferenceProduct> filteredProducts, String sortExpression, String sortDirection, out String checkedSortExpression, out String checkedSortedDescending)
ProductListManager.SortExpression correspondingSortExpression = this.SortExpressions.OrderByDescending(se => String.Equals(se.Code, sortExpression, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
.DefaultIfEmpty(new SortExpression<Guid> { Code = String.Empty, Expression = rp => rp.ProductId })
checkedSortExpression = correspondingSortExpression.Code;
checkedSortedDescending = String.Equals("desc", sortDirection, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "desc" : "asc";
MethodInfo orderMethod = (checkedSortedDescending.Equals("desc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? (Queryable.OrderByDescending) : new Func<IQueryable<Object>, Expression<Func<Object, Object>>, IOrderedQueryable<Object>>(Queryable.OrderBy)).Method.GetGenericMethodDefinition().MakeGenericMethod(typeof(ReferenceProduct), correspondingSortExpression.Expression.ReturnType);
IOrderedQueryable<ReferenceProduct> orderedProducts = orderMethod.Invoke(null, new Object[] { filteredProducts, correspondingSortExpression.Expression }) as IOrderedQueryable<ReferenceProduct>;
return orderedProducts;
Has anyone got any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
This is about as short as I can make it, using dynamic to do some of the obscure method resolution (an evil hack, but very worthwhile here - doing it manually adds nothing useful). Rather than rely on the undefined scope of the "test class" that has the searchTerm, I've hoisted that up to the top level - but you may need something different (hence my continuing questions in comments about the scope of searchTerm):
class ReferenceProduct {
public string Name { get; set; }
static readonly Dictionary<string, Func<string, LambdaExpression>> knownSortFactories =
new Dictionary<string, Func<string,LambdaExpression>> {
{"name", searchTerm =>(Expression<Func<ReferenceProduct, string>>)(p => p.Name.StartsWith(searchTerm) ? Convert.ToString((char)0) : p.Name) }
// ... more here
public static IOrderedQueryable<ReferenceProduct> OrderProducts(IQueryable<ReferenceProduct> filteredProducts, string sortExpression, string sortDirection, string queryTerm)
Func<string, LambdaExpression> factory;
if (!knownSortFactories.TryGetValue(sortExpression, out factory))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown sort expression: " + sortExpression);
dynamic lambda = factory(queryTerm); // evil happens here ;p
case "asc":
return Queryable.OrderBy(filteredProducts, lambda);
case "desc":
return Queryable.OrderByDescending(filteredProducts, lambda);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown sort direction: " + sortDirection);
With example usage (here using LINQ-to-Objects as a facade):
static void Main()
var source = new[] {
new ReferenceProduct { Name = "def" },
new ReferenceProduct { Name = "fooghi" },
new ReferenceProduct { Name = "abc" }
var sorted = ReferenceProduct.OrderProducts(source, "name", "asc", "foo");
var arr = sorted.ToArray();
foreach(var item in arr) {
which outputs:
What you want to achieve is possible entirely without the reflection invoke call.
Instead of
var orderedProducts = orderMethod.Invoke(null, new Object[] { filteredProducts, correspondingSortExpression.Expression }) as IOrderedQueryable<ReferenceProduct>;
just use the Query Provider:
var orderedProducts = filteresProducts.Provider.CreateQuery<ReferenceProduct>(Expression.Call(null, orderMethod, Expression.Constant(correspondingSortExpression.Expression)));

Get parameters from lambda Expression

I am not very familiar with lambda expressions. So I have the following expression:
EnabledPropertySelector = l => l.FranchiseInfo.ExternalSystemType == ExternalSystemTypes.Master
And two properties:
public string VisibilityPropertyName { get; set; }
public object VisibilityPropertyValue { get; set; }
I want to extract some data from the expression so in the end I can get the values of the two properties:
VisibilityPropertyName == 'FranchiseInfo.ExternalSystemType';
VisibilityPropertyValue == ExternalSystemTypes.Master;
VisibilityPropertyName is always a string. This is the name of the property.
VisibilityPropertyValue can be of any type.
I have a lot of properties. Some of them are dependent on other properties. For every single property I have to manually write the name and the value of the parent property:
{ VisibilityPropertyName = 'FranchiseInfo.ExternalSystemType', VisibilityPropertyValue = ExternalSystemTypes.Master, EnabledPropertySelector = l => l.FranchiseInfo.ExternalSystemType == ExternalSystemTypes.Master}
Instead of writing all this I want to write only the expression and populate the properties from it.
This is the declaration of the expresion:
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool?>> EnabledPropertySelector
First off all, you need an Expression. What's the type of EnabledPropertySelector? It'll need to be something like Expression<Func<T, bool>> where T is whatever the type of "l" in your example is.
If you already have an Expression then you can use the Expression API to extract whatever you need:-
var body = EnabledPropertySelector.Body as BinaryExpression;
var left = body.Left as PropertyExpression;
var outerMemberName = left.Member.Name;
var innerMemberName = (left.Expression as PropertyExpression).Member.Name
VisibilityPropertyName = innerMemberName + "." + outerMemberName;
var right = body.Right as PropertyExpression;
var rightValueDelegate = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(right).Compile();
VisibilityPropertyValue = rightValueDelegate();
I really recommend doing some reading to properly grok the expression API before diving in though; there are a lot of corner cases depending on how flexible you need to be. E.g. is the expression always of the form parameter.Property.Property == constant? It gets really complicated really quickly, so you'll want a solid understanding of the fundamentals before trying to handle any real-world cases.
There's a reasonable introduction to expression trees on MSDN, but some focused googling might get you a better understanding quicker.
You can use Funciton and Action class, I'm not very sure of what you want be able to do, but I can give an tip.
Functions returns a value:
Function<InputType1,InputType2,ResultType> functionVariableName;
functionVariableName = (param1, param2) => {
//...process both params
return result;
Actions, do not return values:
Action<InputType1,InputType2> actionVariableName;
actionVariableName= (param1, param2) => {
//...process both params
If the lambda expression is simple (one line, with out if expression) you can make the lambda with out {}:
functionVariableName = (param1, param2) => //process values and result;
Hope this helps...
if you want to create an IEnumerable where the two properties are equal:
var results = EnabledPropertySelector.Where(l => l.FranchiseInfo.ExternalSystemType ==

Dude, where's my object? or, Why does Linq not return my object?

Once I have the results of my Linq query, I am not always happy. There could be a result that I was expecting to be there but wasn't. For example, my client was expecting that a customer was in a customer list, but it wasn't. It is my client saying "Dude, where's my customer?", not me. I am the Dude, and to remain a dude, I have to give my client the reason.
Is there a simple way to take a given object instance and a Linq query and determine which expressions within the query excluded that instance?
Edit Ok, here is a better example
Output should be something along the lines:
Your Customer was excluded for 2 reasons:
Customer FirstName is Carl but it should be Daniel
Customer Age is 18 but it should be > 20
public class Customer
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public void Dude_wheres_my_object_test1()
var daniel = new Customer { FirstName = "Daniel", Age = 41 };
var carl = new Customer { FirstName = "Carl", Age= 18 };
var Customers = new List<Customer>() { daniel, carl };
// AsQueryable() to convert IEnumerable<T> to IQueryable<T> in
//the case of LinqtoObjects - only needed for this test, not
//production code where queies written for LinqToSql etc normally
//return IQueryable<T>
var query = from c in Customers.AsQueryable()
where c.Age > 20
where c.FirstName == "Daniel"
select c;
//query would return Daniel as you'd expect, but not executed here.
//However I want to explain why Carl was not in the results
string[] r = DudeWheresMyObject(query, carl);
Assert.AreEqual("Age is 18 but it should be > 20", r[0]);
Assert.AreEqual("FirstName is Carl but it should be Daniel", r[1]);
//Should even work for a Customer who is not
//in the original Customers collection...
var ficticiousCustomer = new Customer { FirstName = "Other", Age = 19};
string[] r2= DudeWheresMyObject(query,
Assert.AreEqual("Age is 19 but it should be > 20", r2[0]);
Assert.AreEqual("FirstName is Other but it should be Daniel", r2[1]);
public string[] DudeWheresMyObject<T>(IQueryable<T> query, T instance)
//Do something here with the query.Expression and the instance
First of all, before I attempt to write some fancy Fluent framework, Has anyone done this already?
So far, I have considered navigating the expression tree and executing each branch against an IQueryable that only contains my object. Now I don't have a great deal of experience using raw expression trees, so I would like those who have to suggest any pitfalls or even explain whether this is a dead end and why.
I am anxious that anything that results from this should:
Be Reusable - Should be applicable to any object compared against a Linq query returning objects of the same class.
Not affect the performance of the original query (this should just be standard Linq).
Should be Linq-implementation agnostic.
If there are multiple property values set on the missing instance that excluded it from the results, then all of those reasons should be reported.
I am not suggesting that I keep executing LinqToSql against the database multiple times with different permutations of the query and comparing the results. Rather, I am looking for a way to take a single instance and compare it to the expression tree (without executing the query directly again)
Also, I would like an indication of whether others might find this useful. If so, I would consider starting an open source project to solve it.
I think you'd have to re-create the query as linq-to-objects and deal with the subtle differences between linq-to-sql/entities/whatever and linq-to-objects, accepting that some providers just won't work realistically.
You have your object you want to find in an in memory IEnumerable<T> or something.
You'd have to walk the expression tree somehow and snip out the leaves, so say you had:
where obj.foo == true && obj.bar == "yes"
you'd have to figure out that obj.foo == true and obj.bar == "yes" are leaves and start there. It'd be a sort of depth first search of the expression tree.
So, construct linq to objects queries that only had those leaves. See if the object is included in the results. If not then we've found out why it's excluded, if not then go up the tree (i.e. make the where query include more clauses, getting closer to the orignal one until the object disappears from the results).
As I see it the tough parts would be handling the differences between original linq to 'whatever' and link to objects, figuring out where to split the where claues, dealing with things like joins which can also exclude things and dealing with things like SqlMethods.Like that don't work in linq to objects.
For a one-off exploration of what's filtering out the result, it's hard to beat the Dump method in LINQPad. Here's an extract from one of their samples that shows it in action:
// Dump returns exactly what it was given, so you can sneakily inject
// a Dump (or even many Dumps) *within* an expression. This is useful
// for monitoring a query as it progresses:
new[] { 11, 5, 17, 7, 13 } .Dump ("Prime numbers")
.Where (n => n > 10) .Dump ("Prime numbers > 10")
.OrderBy (n => n) .Dump ("Prime numbers > 10 sorted")
.Select (n => n * 10) .Dump ("Prime numbers > 10 sorted, times 10!");
This gives nicely formatted tables of results:
With some fun expression hacking, you can see the results of each stage of the evaluation for each item in the set. Inspect the local result after the breakpoint has been hit to see the results of the evaluation. To actually use the results of the evaluation, just append .Where(x => x.IsIncludedInResult).Select(x => x.EvaluationTarget) to the line where the report is generated.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication4
[DebuggerDisplay("{Condition} on {EvaluationTarget} is {EvaluationResult}")]
public class ReportItem<T>
public string Condition { get; private set; }
public IEnumerable<ReportItem<T>> NestedReports { get; private set; }
public object EvaluationResult { get; private set; }
public T EvaluationTarget { get; private set; }
public ReportItem(Expression condition, IEnumerable<ReportItem<T>> nestedReports, T evaluationTarget, object evaluationResult)
Condition = condition.ToString();
NestedReports = nestedReports;
EvaluationTarget = evaluationTarget;
EvaluationResult = evaluationResult;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0} on {1} is {2}", Condition, EvaluationTarget, EvaluationResult);
[DebuggerDisplay("Included: {IsIncludedInResult} \n{Summary}")]
public class Report<T>
public ReportItem<T> Contents { get; private set; }
public T EvaluationTarget { get; private set; }
public Report(T source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
EvaluationTarget = source;
IsIncludedInResult = predicate.Compile()(source);
Contents = Recurse(predicate.Parameters.Single(), predicate.Body, source);
private object Evaluate(Expression expression, ParameterExpression parameter, T source)
var expr = Expression.Lambda(expression, parameter);
var #delegate = expr.Compile();
var value = #delegate.DynamicInvoke(source);
return value;
private ReportItem<T> Recurse(ParameterExpression parameter, Expression sourceExpression, T source)
var constantExpression = sourceExpression as ConstantExpression;
if(constantExpression != null)
return new ReportItem<T>(sourceExpression, null, source, Evaluate(constantExpression, parameter, source));
var unaryExpression = sourceExpression as UnaryExpression;
if(unaryExpression != null)
var content = Recurse(parameter, unaryExpression.Operand, source);
var result = Evaluate(sourceExpression, parameter, source);
return new ReportItem<T>(sourceExpression, new[]{content}, source, result);
var binaryExpression = sourceExpression as BinaryExpression;
if(binaryExpression != null)
var left = Recurse(parameter, binaryExpression.Left, source);
var right = Recurse(parameter, binaryExpression.Right, source);
var item = new ReportItem<T>(sourceExpression, new[] {left, right}, source, Evaluate(sourceExpression, parameter, source));
return item;
var methodCallExpression = sourceExpression as MethodCallExpression;
if(methodCallExpression != null)
var args = methodCallExpression.Arguments.Select(x => Evaluate(x, parameter, source)).ToArray();
var result = methodCallExpression.Method.Invoke(Expression.Lambda(methodCallExpression.Object, parameter).Compile().DynamicInvoke(source), args);
return new ReportItem<T>(sourceExpression, null, source, result);
throw new Exception("Unhandled expression type " + sourceExpression.NodeType + " encountered");
public bool IsIncludedInResult { get; private set; }
public string Summary
get { return Contents.ToString(); }
public override string ToString()
return Summary;
public static class PredicateRunner
public static IEnumerable<Report<T>> Report<T>(this IEnumerable<T> set, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
return set.Select(x => new Report<T>(x, predicate));
class MyItem
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value % 2;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Name: \"{0}\" Value: {1}", Name, Value);
class Program
static void Main()
var items = new MyItem[3];
items[0] = new MyItem
Name = "Hello",
Value = 1
items[1] = new MyItem
Name = "Hello There",
Value = 2
items[2] = new MyItem
Name = "There",
Value = 3
var result = items.Report(x => !x.Name.Contains("Hello") && x.GetHashCode() == 1).ToList();
It's kind of a tricky one, as in, from your example you could always code something to check for specifics and report 'I searched for term x and the object i returned was not in term x'.
I would have though as others suggested though, that this would have been along the lines for 'return me x' then in code, run a query for 'x where x.property = y' and report non matches.
Following this through, I'd imagine the issue would be that in order to generate the list of non matches, your query or object graph would become pretty massive as you'd need your original object either initially include (or to be expanded via lazy loading to include) many permutations to determine the matches or not.
This is kind of the inverse of running a query on the first place where you'd start with an object and sub select based on conditions, you'd want to select and then selectively super select, catching non conditions.
It's an interesting problem, and one that I'd normally address either client side or code wise before getting to a point where and object was returned or not. But I guess the perfect solution would be to return a single solution and perhaps examine it's associations for links.
The links wouldn't be too hard to find a generic "I've not got one of these" type reason, but to give a 'I've got this link, not that link' response would be harder.
You'd need to maybe provide a method based on some form of predicate builder which took a field and search term and returned an appropriate message if things didn't match. In my mind seems like two slightly different problems.
Slightly rambling now, but would be curious to hear any answers to this!...
I think I follow what you mean. What I think you would want to do is perform two queries, one with selection criteria, and one without, then perform a Linq Except on them to determine which items were excluded, then walk that list and determine what criteria caused them to be excluded.
I can't really think of a better way to do it.
Something like this:
var a = db.Trades.Where(z => z.user == x && z.date == y);
var b = a.Where(z => z.TradeCurrency != null && z.TradeUnderlying.Index != null);
var c = a.Except(b);
List<string> reasons;
foreach(var d in c) {
if (d.TradeCurrency == null)
// add reason
... etc..
This would perform a single query (which would have several sub-queries) and only return the results that were excluded (rather than trying to return all results which could be quite large). Unless of course you have a million excluded records and only a few included ones.
Not sure how efficient this is, though compared to a way I can't think of.
I think you are forgetting that Linq queries do not execute until you call an operation that realizes them. In this example, the database is only hit once, even though there are several linq query objects here. The expression tree is modified without executing the queries.
So in this example, when the foreach() occurs, a single database query (with several sub-queries) is executed.

Dynamic LINQ: Specifying class name in new clause

With Dynamic LINQ, what changes need to be done to have fields of the given class?
For example, how can the following C# query be reproduced in DLinq:
var carsPartial = cars.Select(c => new {c.year, c.name, make = new maker() {name = c.make.name} }).ToList();
I have applied the changes mentioned in this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/1468357/288747 to allow the return type to be the calling type rather than an anonymous type.
With the class definition is as follows (if it helps):
class car
public int vid;
public int odo;
public int year;
public string name;
public maker make;
class maker
public string name;
public int firstYear;
The following doesn't work (but I think is close, but still doesn't work as I don't have the changes necessary to the dynamic linq library, which is what I need):
var carsPartial = cars.Select("new(name, year, new maker() {name = make.name})").ToList();
But it fails at the new maker() { (as expected).
I'm sure I need to change the DynamicLibrary.cs to get this working and could do with some direction on how to alter it to achieve this.
UPDATE: I have turned my answer into a little bit more extensive blog post.
I have not really ever used Dynamic Linq library, but I have taken a look at the DynamicLibrary.cs code and the change to support generating type classes provided in another stackoverflow question you provided link to in your question. Analyzing them all, it seems that the nested new-s should work out of the box in your configuration.
However, it seems your query is not the correct Dynamic Linq's language query. Note, that the query string for DLinq is not equivalent to C# and has its own grammar.
The query should read out, I believe, the following:
var carsPartial = cars.Select("new(name, year, new maker(make.name as name) as make)").ToList();
Rereading this stackoverflow question more carefully, I realizes, that it actually does not extend the Dynamic Linq's language with the possibility for creating new strong-typed classes. They just put the result to the class specified as a generic parameter of Select() instead of specifying it in the query string.
To obtain what you need you will need to revert their changes (get generic DLinq) and apply my changes, I have just verified to work:
Locate the ParseNew method of ExpressionParser class and change it to the following:
Expression ParseNew() {
bool anonymous = true;
Type class_type = null;
if (token.id == TokenId.Identifier)
anonymous = false;
StringBuilder full_type_name = new StringBuilder(GetIdentifier());
while (token.id == TokenId.Dot)
ValidateToken(TokenId.Identifier, Res.IdentifierExpected);
class_type = Type.GetType(full_type_name.ToString(), false);
if (class_type == null)
throw ParseError(Res.TypeNotFound, full_type_name.ToString());
ValidateToken(TokenId.OpenParen, Res.OpenParenExpected);
List<DynamicProperty> properties = new List<DynamicProperty>();
List<Expression> expressions = new List<Expression>();
while (true) {
int exprPos = token.pos;
Expression expr = ParseExpression();
string propName;
if (TokenIdentifierIs("as")) {
propName = GetIdentifier();
else {
MemberExpression me = expr as MemberExpression;
if (me == null) throw ParseError(exprPos, Res.MissingAsClause);
propName = me.Member.Name;
properties.Add(new DynamicProperty(propName, expr.Type));
if (token.id != TokenId.Comma) break;
ValidateToken(TokenId.CloseParen, Res.CloseParenOrCommaExpected);
Type type = anonymous ? DynamicExpression.CreateClass(properties) : class_type;
MemberBinding[] bindings = new MemberBinding[properties.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++)
bindings[i] = Expression.Bind(type.GetProperty(properties[i].Name), expressions[i]);
return Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(type), bindings);
Then, find the class Res and add the following error message:
public const string TypeNotFound = "Type {0} not found";
Et voilĂ , you will be able to construct queries like:
var carsPartial = cars.Select("new(name, year, (new your_namespace.maker(make.name as name)) as make)").ToList();
Make sure, you include the full type name including the whole namespace+class path.
To explain my change, it just checks if there is some identifier between new and opening parenthesis (see the added "if" at the begging). If so we parse full dot-separated class name and try to get its Type through Type.GetType instead of constructing own class in case of anonymous news.
If I've understood you correctly you want to make a plain anonymous class that contains fields from both class car and class maker. If it's the case you can just provide new names in that class, something like the following:
var carsPartial = cars.Select(c => new { year = c.year, name = c.name, make_name = c.make.name });
Or even provide names only to conflicting fields:
var carsPartial = cars.Select(c => new { c.year, c.name, make_name = c.make.name });

GridView ObjectDataSource LINQ Paging and Sorting using multiple table query

I am trying to create a pageing and sorting object data source that before execution returns all results, then sorts on these results before filtering and then using the take and skip methods with the aim of retrieving just a subset of results from the database (saving on database traffic). this is based on the following article:
Now I have managed to get this working even creating lambda expressions to reflect the sort expression returned from the grid even finding out the data type to sort for DateTime and Decimal.
public static string GetReturnType<TInput>(string value)
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TInput), "o");
Expression a = Expression.Property(param, "DisplayPriceType");
Expression b = Expression.Property(a, "Name");
Expression converted = Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(param, value), typeof(object));
Expression<Func<TInput, object>> mySortExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TInput, object>>(converted, param);
UnaryExpression member = (UnaryExpression)mySortExpression.Body;
return member.Operand.Type.FullName;
Now the problem I have is that many of the Queries return joined tables and I would like to sort on fields from the other tables.
So when executing a query you can create a function that will assign the properties from other tables to properties created in the partial class.
public static Account InitAccount(Account account)
account.CurrencyName = account.Currency.Name;
account.PriceTypeName = account.DisplayPriceType.Name;
return account;
So my question is, is there a way to assign the value from the joined table to the property of the current table partial class? i have tried using.
from a in dc.Accounts
where a.CompanyID == companyID
&& a.Archived == null
select new {
PriceTypeName = a.DisplayPriceType.Name})
but this seems to mess up my SortExpression.
Any help on this would be much appreciated, I do understand that this is complex stuff.
This is a functional programming thing. Mutating Account by doing an assignment is out. New-ing up a new instance of the shape you want is in.
Step 1: declare a class that has the shape of the result you want:
public class QueryResult
public int CompanyID {get;set;}
public string CurrencyName {get;set;}
public string PriceTypeName {get;set;}
Step 2: project into that class in your query
from ...
where ...
select new QueryResult()
CompanyID = a.CompanyID,
CurrencyName = a.Currency.Name,
PriceTypeName = a.PriceType.Name
Step 3: Profit! (order by that)
The query generator will use the details of your QueryResult type to generate a select clause with that shape.

