C# PHP Connection Flood Protection - c#

So let's say I created a feedback form in C#.
It sens the feedback to my PHP Page and my PHP Page adds it to my MySQL Database.
private void PostFeed(string Params)
using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
wc.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
wc.Headers["Accept"] = #"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8";
wc.Headers["Accept-Language"] = #"en-US,en;q=0.5";
string HtmlResult = wc.UploadString("http://website/feedtest.php", "POST", Params);
On my PHP I have a code that looks similar to:
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$desc = $_REQUEST['description'];
post result...
close connection
The question I have is: is there a way to protect against flood ? I understand anyone can just spam/flood it by sending feedback continuously or even creating a third party app that sends like 1000 post request per second. I was thinking of implementing some sort of check on the PHP side, for example: if the connection password from the c# app matches, then continue if not, exit.
Basically, I dont want people to take advantage of the feedback method and spam me.
Can anyone suggest a method ? or Should I not even worry about this ?
Any help is appreciated.

A typical technique is to have some kind of submissions per X unit of time limit where you have a last_submitted_at column in a table associated with some kind of identifier. For example, you might associate it with a user if you have a fairly robust user registration system, or you might associate it with an IP if you don't.
This is the system that Stack Overflow uses if you try and vote, post, or as questions too often. Each of these has a separate timer which probably translates to a separate last_X_at column in the database somewhere.
If the last time is less than some threshold, present an error instead of accepting the submission.


Simplified LDAP/AD Server on C#

I've searched without much success to the simplest (and yet working) example of an LDAP/AD Server for C#. Many libraries exist to connect to LDAP servers, but not the LDAP Server by itself (on C#).
I found however some information about it and even a post requesting a simple LDAP server that was answered "LDAP isn't simple"; and yet i read a lot of the RFC4511 and this sample code at GitHub Flexinet LDAP Server, but unfortunatly i don't have yet the knowledge to complete it's code.
My goal is not to make a fully functional LDAP server, but one that can at least do:
Serve as a login pool for softwares that allow it's users to be
registered and log on a AD/LDAP server (just check for login and
password for authentication).
Allow softwares like Outlook and Thunderbird to get a list of users (without passwords) with first and last name, e-mail address, phone number and department for contact list model.
No delete, add (or create), move, and other
functions are required since the main software that i aim to
integrate it with will do all the user and group management.
I'm trying to implement the Flexinet sample and adjust to that functionalities; as form of a question what should i do to change this function to prevent it from causing an exception (on the "var filter = searchRequest.ChildAttributes[6];" line it always breaks) when i call from a LDAP client software:
private void HandleSearchRequest(NetworkStream stream, LdapPacket requestPacket)
var searchRequest = requestPacket.ChildAttributes.SingleOrDefault(o => o.LdapOperation == LdapOperation.SearchRequest);
var filter = searchRequest.ChildAttributes[6];
if ((LdapFilterChoice)filter.ContextType == LdapFilterChoice.equalityMatch && filter.ChildAttributes[0].GetValue<String>() == "sAMAccountName" && filter.ChildAttributes[1].GetValue<String>() == "testuser") // equalityMatch
var responseEntryPacket = new LdapPacket(requestPacket.MessageId);
var searchResultEntry = new LdapAttribute(LdapOperation.SearchResultEntry);
searchResultEntry.ChildAttributes.Add(new LdapAttribute(UniversalDataType.OctetString, "cn=testuser,cn=Users,dc=dev,dc=company,dc=com"));
searchResultEntry.ChildAttributes.Add(new LdapAttribute(UniversalDataType.Sequence));
var responsEntryBytes = responseEntryPacket.GetBytes();
stream.Write(responsEntryBytes, 0, responsEntryBytes.Length);
var responseDonePacket = new LdapPacket(requestPacket.MessageId);
responseDonePacket.ChildAttributes.Add(new LdapResultAttribute(LdapOperation.SearchResultDone, LdapResult.success));
var responseDoneBytes = responseDonePacket.GetBytes();
stream.Write(responseDoneBytes, 0, responseDoneBytes.Length);
The code is on the github link.
Finally i made a fork of the Flexinet LDAP Server on #Sammuel-Miranda/LdapServerLib and with the author's support and some changes and adaptations i completed this implementation. It responds to the bind and search calls and works perfectly for Outlook and Thunderbird to use as a shared address book.
I did not implemente however any ADD/MODIFY/DELETE request (but would not be hard to do) since i don't need then.
I found on the RFC4511 the explanation on how the search works ... and i'm "kind" of understanding it, not very well - and i see that the method implemented on the GitHub from Flexinet LDAP Server only answer to bind and search requests of one single user (since it's only a example implementation).
The client is requesting diferent calls to verify capabilities, structure and other info before making the search request itself. So i'll implement it all, one by one.
Still, if any other lib (in C#) exists, and anyone know about, would be better than writing a hole new server. If my implementation works, i'll fork it on github and share.

Twitch API Integration into Discord Bot - More efficient way?

I am currently writing a Discord Bot in C#. I have most the bot done but for this next update I am wanting to add on the capability of checking if the Streamer has Gone live. Currently I am polling the Twitch API and Pulling the JSON File that it has and checking whether or not the JSON Stream Object is Null or Not. But this takes 3-5 min after the streamer to go live before it finally sees that Stream is not Null even though I poll the JSON every 5 seconds. Is there anyway to do this more efficiently? My code is Below:
private const string Url = "https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/streamer";
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url);
request.Method = "Get";
request.Timeout = 12000;
request.ContentType = "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json";
request.Headers.Add("Client-ID", "ID");
using (var s = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
using (var sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(s))
var jsonObject = JObject.Parse(sr.ReadToEnd());
var jsonStream = jsonObject["stream"];
// twitch channel is online if stream is not null.
LastTwitchStatus = jsonStream.Type != JTokenType.Null;
Looks like it's intended behavior of Twitch API.
They are definitely more focused on pushing their horsepower to streaming, not immediate data provision through API.
While there might be a limitation like this, you can try scrapping the page if timing is crucial and you don't want to wait 3-5 min for something that already happened.
One idea is to poll page each 5s or so and then query the HTML document for something characteristic that distinguish offline and online channel.
Idea for scrapping in JavaScript (just replicate in .NET):
For example, I have tried to query user pages (https://www.twitch.tv/username) in JavaScript with:
$(".recent-past-broadcast").length > 0
and for user that is not broadcasting it yields true while for broadcasting user it yields false. Problem might be for user with no recent broadcasts history though.
You can try checking videos page (https://www.twitch.tv/username/videos/all) for their live indicator too like:
$(".cn-livestatus__circle").length > 0
It will yield true for streaming user and false for the one that does not stream (even if he/she is online).
Of course that's least efficient way on doing this and requires lots of download as compared to just polling but... still it seems more up to date than asking API every 5s and still getting actual state delayed by 3-5min.
Just replicate querying like above in .NET and you're there.
You could also mix two approaches and if you see that someone started streaming, just disable page scrapping and swap to only API calls for checking if you're up-to-date still.
Useful tooling for scrapping:
For parsing HTML documents use parsers like AngleSharp to do this in .NET:

cXML PunchOutSetupRequest and PunchOutSetupResponse examples in C#

I'm trying to implement punchout catalogs on our eComm site. Honestly, the documentation for cXML is a mess and all the code examples are in javascript and/or VB.Net (I use C# and would rather not have to try and translate). Does anyone out there have examples or samples of how to receive the PunchOutSetupRequest XML and then send out the PunchOutSetupResponse XML using C#? I've been unable to find anything on the interwebs (I've been looking for two days now)...
I'm hoping I can just do this inside an ActionResult (vs. a 'launch page' as suggested).
I'm a complete noob at punchouts and could really use some help here. The bosses are being pretty pushy, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Suggestions as to how to make this work would also be much appreciated.
I apologize to all for the vagueness of the question (request).
This isn't trivial, but this should get you started.
You'll need 3 generic handlers (.ashx): Setup, Start, and Order....
Setup and Order will receive HTTP Post with content-type of "text/xml". Look at HttpRequest.InputStream if needed to get the XML into a string. From there, look at LINQ-to-XML to dig out the data you want. Your HTTP Response to both of these will also be content-type "text/xml" and UTF8 encoded, returning the CXML as documented...use LINQ-to-XML to produce that.
The Setup handler will need to validate credentials and return a URL with a unique QueryString token pointing to the Start handler. Do not expect session persistence between Setup and Start, because they're not from the same caller. This handler will need to create an application object for the token and associated data you extracted from the cXML.
The Start handler will be called as a simple GET, and will need to match the token in the QueryString to the appropriate application object, copy that data to the session, and then do a response.redirect to whatever page in your site you want the buyer to land on.
Once they populate their cart with some things, and are ready to check out, you'll take them to a page that has an embedded form (not to be confused with an ASP.Net form that posts back to your server) and a submit button (again, not an ASP.Net button). From your Setup handler, you captured a URL to point this form's Post, and within the form you'll have a hidden input tag with the UTF8 encoded CXML Punchout Order injected as the value produced with LINQ-to-XML. Highly recommend Base64 encoding that value to avoid ASP.Net messing with the tags it contains during rendering, and naming the hidden input "cxml-base64" per the documentation. The result is the form is client-side POSTed to your customer's server instead of yours, and their server will extract the CXML Punchout Order and that ends your visitor's session.
The Order handler will receive a CXML OrderRequest and just like Setup, you'll dump that to a string and then use LINQ-to-XML to parse it and act upon it. Again you'll get credentials to verify, possibly a credit card to process, and the order items, ship-to, etc. Note that the OrderRequest may not contain all the items that were in the Punchout Order, because the system on your customer's side may remove items or even change item quantities before submitting the final OrderRequest to you. The OrderRequest could come back to you after the Punchout Order is posted to them in a matter of minutes, days, weeks, or never...don't bother storing the cart data in hopes of matching it to the order later.
Last note...the buyer may be experiencing your site in an iframe embedded in their web-based procurement UI, so design accordingly.
If you need more info, reply to this and I'll get back.
Update...Additional considerations:
Discuss with the buyer how they want fault handling to flow, particularly with orders, because you have a choice. 1) exhaustively evaluate everything in the CXML you receive and return response codes other than 200 if anything is wrong, or 2) always return a 200 Success and deal with any issues out of band or by generating a ConfirmationRequest that rejects the order. My experience is that a mix of the two works best. Certainly you should throw a non-200 if the credentials fail, but you may not want (or be able) to run a credit card or validate stock availability inline. Your buyer's system may not be able to cope with dozens of possible faults, and/or may not show your fault messages to the user for them to make corrections. I've seen systems that will flat-out discard any non-200 response code and just blindly retry the submission repeatedly on an interval for hours or days until it gives up on a sanity check, while others will handle response codes within certain ranges differently than others, for example a 4xx invokes a retry, while a 5xx is treated as fatal. Remember that Setup and Order are not coming directly from the user...their procurement system is generating those internally.
Update...answering the comment about how to test things...
You'd use the same method as you will for generating outbound ConfirmationRequest, ShipNoticeRequest, and InvoiceDetailRequest, all of which generally are produced on your side after receiving an OrderRequest from your customer's procurement system.
Start with Linq-To-XML for an example of crafting your outgoing cXML (Creating XML Trees section). Combine that example with this bit of code:
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
XmlWriterSettings objXmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
objXmlWriterSettings.Indent = true;
objXmlWriterSettings.NewLineChars = Environment.NewLine;
objXmlWriterSettings.NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Replace;
objXmlWriterSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = false;
objXmlWriterSettings.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
using (XmlWriter objXmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(output, objXmlWriterSettings)) {
XElement root = new XElement("Root",
new XElement("Child", "child content")
So at this point the StringBuilder (output) has your whole cXML, and you need to POST it someplace. Your Web Application project, started with F5 and a default.aspx page will be listening on localhost and some port (you'll see that in the URL it opens). Separately, perhaps using VS Express for Desktop, you have the above code in a console app that you can run to do the Post using something like this:
Net.HttpWebRequest objRequest = Net.WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:12345/handler.ashx");
objRequest.Method = "POST";
objRequest.UserAgent = "Some User Agent";
objRequest.ContentLength = output.Length;
objRequest.ContentType = "text/xml";
IO.StreamWriter objStreamWriter = new IO.StreamWriter(objRequest.GetRequestStream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);
Net.WebResponse objWebResponse = objRequest.GetResponse();
XmlReaderSettings objXmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
objXmlReaderSettings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
XmlReader objXmlReader = XmlReader.Create(objWebResponse.GetResponseStream, objXmlReaderSettings);
// Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format.
IO.MemoryStream objMemoryStream2 = new IO.MemoryStream();
XmlWriter objXmlWriter2 = XmlWriter.Create(objMemoryStream2, objXmlWriterSettings);
objXmlWriter2.WriteNode(objXmlReader, true);
// Reset current position to the beginning so we can read all below.
objMemoryStream2.Position = 0;
StreamReader objStreamReader = new StreamReader(objMemoryStream2, Encoding.UTF8);
Since your handler should be producing cXML you'll see that spat out in the console. If it pukes, you'll get a big blob of debug mess in the console, which of course will help you fix whatever is broken.
pardon the verbosity in the variable names, done to try to make things clear.

Minecraft 1.6.2 Custom Launcher

I am making a launcher for Minecraft. 1.6.2 changed a lot, so the way you login is different. If any of you have any knowledge of logging into minecraft using C#, I would appreciate it.
wClient.DownloadString("http://login.minecraft.net/?user=" + strUsername + "&password=" + strPassword + "&version=13");
I believe this used to be a valid way of doing it, but I am not quite sure anymore. Help is appreciated, thanks.
In reply to TheUnrealMegashark's comments to Rhys Towey's Answer. I have been working really hard to get it to launch, but. Its throwing me off a bit. The very next update will include a 1.6 fix. Just got to figure it out.
The proper answer to your question is that the web link that fetches the Session is still currently in use. Nothing new there.
Beware! You must know that your
"http://login.minecraft.net/?user=" + strUsername + "&password=" +
strPassword + "&version=13"
Is unsafe. It sends the password of the user through the internet in plain text. it can be subject to "Man in the Middle" attacks.
One of the proper ways to encrypt the connection is to use HTTPS with POST. Using POST, I avoid sending all of the data in the request URL and send the data through POST. Using HTTPS, I encrypt any data sent after the request URL returns. HTTPS makes POST encrypted, thus removing "Man in the Middle" attacks.
You can use GET with HTTPS and it still be secure (from what i have read). But, it is considered an unsafe practice. Although it is safe in all accounts between your computer and the connected device, anywhere else it might be seen and be subject to "Man behind you Attack". What I mean is that when you send this URL, it is possible for your computer to record the URL in some sort of history, or, display it in an address bar in plain text. Although, sense your not making a web browser and the URL is not displayed, this could possibly all be forgotten.
But, If it were me, I would still play it safe and just use the safer strategy.
To use HTTPS with POST.
Here is a sample of code i use in my "AtomLauncher." This code will send the POST data to the URL and return a string. Goto http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Minecraft.net to get more info on the string that is returned.
string mcURLData = "Error";
using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) // Get Data from Minecraft with username and password
// This a Text control for my Program, ignore this commented line if you wish.
// this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { homeLabelTop.Text = "Connecting to Minecraft.net..."; }));
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection urlData = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
urlData.Add("user", "UserName");
urlData.Add("password", "MYPa22w0rd");
urlData.Add("version", "13");
byte[] responsebytes = client.UploadValues("https://login.minecraft.net", "POST", urlData);
mcURLData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responsebytes);
if (!System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
mcURLData = "Internet Disconnected.";
mcURLData = "Can't connect to login.minecraft.net.";
To use HTTPS with GET
just simply change the
in your code to
In other news.
I have fixed my code. Feel free (when its uploaded) to use it.
For your information, you need to know that when 1.6.X launches it creates a natives folder of which it starts using immediately. What I have done to fix this was to run 1.6.2 and copy the natives folder it created and removed the number.
Created "version/1.6.2/1.6.2-natives-###"
Copied it to "version/1.6.2/1.6.2.natives"
Point my program to "natives" folder I created.
What I'll end up doing in the future is automatically checking for the natives folder and if it doesn't exist, I'll have it download natives from the internet.
(I would love to know where minecraft is getting its current natives so i can essentially do the same thing. Unless, what it does is download it from the internet every time it launches. If true, that's kind of ugly. Seeing as I have bandwidth usage limits.)

Detect/estimate country of a http-request in ASP.NET

I'm looking for ways to detect/estimate the country from which a http-request is coming in ASP.NET.
I know there are some solutions with services/country lookups but I never used one.
I'm looking for small/clean solutions.
It's for helping someone filling out a form so it does not have to be 100% accurate.
Thanks in advance..
You can make a simple HTTP request to this URL:
using the value of the REMOTE_ADDR server variable. That will return the country and city like this:
City: New York, NY
I use that service for a web form just as you describe. Occasionally it doesn't know the answer, but usually it's very good (and it's free and simple 8-)
In C#, you can use System.Net.WebRequest.Create to read from the URL.
You can use one of available web services to match an incoming request to a country.
Otherwise you may decide to grab the MaxMind database file (GeoLite Country), read from this file in your application and perform a match. Thus you will be independent from a third-party service, only pulling regularly updates for the database file.
Also check out similar questions:
Geolocation web service recommendations
Know a good IP address Geolocation Service?
If you choose to use the REMOTE_ADDR server variable, you can be fairly certain that the IP that you recover accurately represents the nation of origin of that user. It is fairly uncommon for a user to be accessing the Internet from outside of the country that he is currently in, with a few notable exceptions, such as those who choose to surf though an anonymous proxy server, such as is discussed below. If, however, you want to get the state that a user is coming from, or authenticate the identity of a user, you're out of luck as far as any even remotely reliable method is concerned.
More info here.
This is what I've used:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
'url': 'http://www.freegeoip.net/json/#(HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress)',
'type': 'GET',
'success': function(data) {
// for example
if (data.country_code === "GB") {
... further logic here
Simple, and it works.
I just had to do this so here's a working example (specific to France) which may be of use to someone:
string userIP = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
string localeAPIURL = "http://api.hostip.info/get_html.php?ip=" + userIP;
HttpWebRequest r = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(localeAPIURL);
r.Method = "Get";
HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)r.GetResponse();
Stream sr = res.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader sre = new StreamReader(sr);
// check response for FRANCE
string s = sre.ReadToEnd();
string sub = s.Substring(9, 6);
if (sub == "FRANCE")

