I have an asp button:
<asp:ImageButton CssClass="button" ID="ImageButtonLogin" runat="server" Text="Login" OnClick="ImageButtonLogin_Click" ImageUrl="upload.jpg" />
CodeBehind jus creates a new div, adds it to a PlaceHolder and then make some asp controls visible.
I also have jPlayer implemented. The problem is, when I click on above button (or any other button/link), music stops and then I cannot resume playback (like after pausing), it seems that jPlayer unloads the song.
It seems like button click reloads entire site or something, so:
is there a way to force buttons not to reload entire page?, or
can i place my jPlayer in some place, where it will be 'safe' and the other part of my site will not affect it?
Thank You for answers, it's my first asp.net website and I appreciate all the help You can provide :)
My ModalPopupExtender has:
<asp:Button ID="btnClose" runat="server" Text="Close" Width="50px" />
btnClose can not have an OnClick event. System simply does not work if it does.
My popup form has 3 other buttons, Save. Delete and Cancel.
If any of these are used, the Wizard Next button and the Sidebar Links no longer work. They only work if btnClose is used. I assume it does something to tell the system the popup is closed. How do I make my Save / Delete / Cancel buttons do the same thing? cam I trigger a btnClose.Click?
you can close ModelPopupExtender from code behind as well as from java script based up on your requirements.
$find('ModalPopupExtender1').hide(); //keep this in a function an call the same function where ever you want
I hope I can explain this well without having to post scads of source.
I have a page in an online store that lets the user pick a date for a tour. That page has a ConLib which contains a couple of panels. The first is:
<asp:Panel ID="pnl_Grid" runat="server">
<cb:SortedGridView ID="VariantGrid" runat="server"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%"
SkinID="PagedList" DataKeyNames="OptionList">
and then another asp:Panel with other stuff - calendar, buttons, etc. The SortedGridView is supplied by our shopping cart provider and is basically a regular asp:Grid.
When the user says they want 3 tickets I do a
to keep them from changing it after picking a date/time. At various points they can click a reset button that will do many things but one task is to set the value to zero in the gridrow text boxes and enable the Grid since they reset the process and want to pick new things.
I have stepped through the code with breakpoints in place and it seems that the problem I am having is that my reset button click event handler fires after the Grid is rendered with the disabled status in the Page Render stage of life. If that is true then setting the Grid in code behind will never show the enabled grid on the page without a refresh since it's already rendered. If I refresh the page manually it does indeed show as enabled so I think I'm on the right problem.
My question is twofold, if there is enough info here to answer it:
1. Is it likely that what I think I am seeing is true - the page renders the control disabled and then the button handler tries to enable it but it's too late at that point since the control is already rendered?
2. How can I work around this? I would prefer to avoid JQuery if at all possible... it has some unintended side effects with the way our original store software is written.
Further info:
I have a status flag _EventSelected which tells if the calendar event has been selected. On the reset button click I set that to false and on PreRender I check that to see if it is false and enable the Grid. Again, the status doesn't change until the Reset Button Click event handler and that is after the PreRender.
Thanks for your input! I swear, some days ASP.NET makes perfect sense to me and other days it is clear as mud.
I found a working solution. To force the page to refresh after the button enables the Grid, which is not displayed without the refresh, I added this to the btn_Reset_Click handler, found by searching for "cause page reload":
Page.Response.Redirect(Page.Request.Url.ToString(), false);
It's not a bad solution since I'm in a reset / start-over state anyway. Thanks for taking time to read my question! Hopefully this will help someone else some day.
Currently I have a site that loads everything on initial load (when it's not a postback). Then it proceeds to load more data that should be fine to load regardless if it's postback or not. I thought everytime the page is refreshed or the button is pressed there is a postback. What I thought that if the user doesn't go to another page, any action he takes will be a postback.
However I'm getting very inconsistent errors when the site is actually on a server and was curious if perhaps, when clicking a button after a bit of inactivity, will the server possibly forget about the previous activity and treat the action as the person hitting the site for the first time again?
Below is how the button is defined....
<asp:Button CssClass="btn btn-default controls" ID="btnAddAdditionalCom" runat="server" Text="Add Comment" OnClick="btnAddAdditionalCom_Click"/>
Any asp:button click will cause a postback to the server because asp is a server side language so it has to talk to the server to execute the button click. If you want to do button clicks without talking to the server use something like javascript
You cant modify it.
Because this is a essential concepts in asp.net.
Even you cant change the value of IsPostback Property (It has no setter).
If you want to treat Postback as page load then u forgot the need of IsPostback
in my application i have the playvideo page where video will play, below that i have the option for sharing the video like adding to favorite ,playlist and sending mail.
when i click on any of the link the page is postbacking and video will start from the first.
i place update panel for link button even though it is not working (video is playing from the first i.e., page is postbacking. can u help me. thank you
Actually, the part of page that is within the UpdatePanel does the postback. Make sure you have only those controls(for instance, your links) inside the UpdatePanel.
Alternatively, you can use multiple UpdatePanels; for instance one for your video and one for the links. In this case note that, when one UpdatePanel gets updated other UpdatePanels also gets updated, which you may not want; so all you have to do then is to mark the UpdateMode property to Conditional and call YourDesiredUpdatePanel.Update() method manually - whenever required.
Btw, updating selected portions of the page also reduces the load on the server
Or you may want to look into using client callbacks instead of a postback. But since client callback uses XMLHTTP, which means Microsoft implementation of AJAX, therefore callbacks are just awesome as long as your are working with IE.
You might want to try taking advantage of Page Methods to do the work you need done server side.
Also, if you want to prevent a control from posting back, you can add return false to the end of your javascript onclick event on the control.
For example, if you had an asp button you were using you could do this:
<asp:Button ID="myButton" runat="server" OnClientClick="DoThingsInJavascript(); return false;" />
Or if you were just using a standard button you could say:
<input type="button" onclick="DoThingsInJavascript(); return false;" />
I've never really liked the update panel and I have sometimes found it's behaviour awful. Have you thought of trying something like a proper ajax call from Javascript
Is this typical behavior of the UpdateProgress for an ASP.Net UpdatePanel? I have an update panel with the UpdateProgress control inside of a user control window on a page.
If I then make the page in the background do some loading and click a button in the user control update panel the UpdateProgress does not show up at all. It's like the UpdatePanels refresh request is not even registered until after the actual page is done doing it's business. It's worth noting that it will show up if nothing is happening in the background.
The functionality I want is what you would expect. I want to loader to show up if it has to wait for anything to get it's refresh done when after the button is clicked.
I know I can get this functionality if I just use jquery ajax with a static web method, but you can't have static web methods inside of a user control. I could have it in the page but it really doesn't belong there. A full-blown wcf wouldn't really be worth it in this case either. I'm trying to compromise with an UpdatePanel but these things always seem to cause me some kind of trouble.
Maybe this is just the way it works?
Edit:So I'll clarify a bit what I'm doing.
What's happening is I have a page and all it has on it are some tools on the side and a big map. When the page initially loads it takes some time to load the map. Now if while it's loading I open up the tool (a user control) that has the update panel in question in it and click the button on this user control that should refresh the update panel with new data and show the loading sign (in the updateprogress) then the UpdateProgress loading image does not show up. However, the code run by the button click does run after the page is done loading (as expected) and The UpdateProgress will show up if nothing on the page containing the user control is loading.
I just want the loader to show up while the page is loading.
I thought my problem was that perhaps the map loading is in an update panel and my UpdateProgress was only being associated with the update panel for the user control's update panel. Hence, I would get no loading icon when the map was loading. This is not the case though.
I'm not completely following exactly what you're doing here, but I'm assuming you've taken what's in your user control and verified that it works correctly if placed directly in the page?
As a side note, I'm personally ripping out UpdatePanels and replacing with jQuery replacements due to the significant performance savings in addition to the fact that it's way more time-effective to figuring out jQuery et al. quirks instead of ASP.NET AJAX quirks. To be honest, I wish I could claw back the time I did invest in UpdatePanels/ASP.NET AJAX.
I believe I understand your issue after reading your OP several times. I have run into this situation myself with difficulty getting an UpdateProgress to work on Page_Load. The solution? Don't fire the server-side event initially on Page_Load. Add an AJAX Timer that is inside an UpdatePanel like below:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:Timer ID="ajxTmr1" runat="server" Interval="1000" OnTick="ajxTmr1_Tick" />
The on the timer tick event, do your server code as required. If you have an Update Progress wired up to the UpdatePanel above, everything should work properly.
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server" DisplayAfter="0" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="UpdatePanel1" Visible="false">
<%--Panel or whatever goes here--%>