How to match / connect / pair integers from a List <T> - c#

I have a list, with even number of nodes (always even). My task is to "match" all the nodes in the least costly way.
So I could have listDegree(1,4,5,6), which represents all the odd-degree nodes in my graph. How can I pair the nodes in the listDegree, and save the least costly combination to a variable, say int totalCost.
Something like this, and I return the least totalCost amount.
totalCost = (1,4) + (5,6)
totalCost = (1,5) + (4,6)
totalCost = (1,6) + (4,5)
--------------- More details (or a rewriting of the upper) ---------------
I have a class, that read my input-file and store all the information I need, like the costMatrix for the graph, the edges, number of edges and nodes.
Next i have a DijkstrasShortestPath algorithm, which computes the shortest path in my graph (costMatrix) from a given start node to a given end node.
I also have a method that examines the graph (costMatrix) and store all the odd-degree nodes in a list.
So what I was looking for, was some hints to how I can pair all the odd-degree nodes in the least costly way (shortest path). To use the data I have is easy, when I know how to combine all the nodes in the list.
I dont need a solution, and this is not homework.
I just need a hint to know, when you have a list with lets say integers, how you can combine all the integers pairwise.
Hope this explenation is better... :D

List<int> totalCosts = listDegree
.Select((num,index) => new{num,index})
.GroupBy(x => x.index / 2)
.Select(g => g.Sum(x => x.num))
After you've edited your question i understand your requirement. You need a total-sum of all (pairwise) combinations of all elements in a list. I would use this combinatorics project which is quite efficient and informative.
var listDegree = new[] { 1, 4, 5, 6 };
int lowerIndex = 2;
var combinations = new Facet.Combinatorics.Combinations<int>(
// get total costs overall
int totalCosts = combinations.Sum(c => c.Sum());
// get a List<List<int>> of all combination (the inner list count is 2=lowerIndex since you want pairs)
List<List<int>> allLists = combinations.Select(c => c.ToList()).ToList();
// output the result for demo purposes
foreach (IList<int> combis in combinations)
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", combis));

(Without more details on the cost, I am going to assume cost(1,5) = 1-5, and you want the sum to get as closest as possible to 0.)
You are describing the even partition problem, which is NP-Complete.
The problem says: Given a list L, find two lists A,B such that sum(A) = sum(B) and #elements(A) = #elements(B), with each element from L must be in A or B (and never both).
The reduction to your problem is simple, each left element in the pair will go to A, and each right element in each pair will go to B.
Thus, there is no known polynomial solution to the problem, but you might want to try exponential exhaustive search approaches (search all possible pairs, there are Choose(2n,n) = (2n!)/(n!*n!) of those).
An alternative is pseudo-polynomial DP based solutions (feasible for small integers).


Merge (add values together, reduce to single element) all pairs in List (except for first and last pair)

Reduce the total length of a list by merging pairs in the list (except the first and last pair) into single elements.
Visual Example
I have a single dimension list, which looks somewhat like this:
Pair (A)
Pair (B)
Pair (C)
Pair (D)
An example of what I would like the list (or a new list) to look like instead:
Pair (A)
Pair (B)
Pair (C)
Still a single dimension list but the total length has been reduced by merging pairs of elements (ignoring the first and last pair) into a single element (instead of a pair of elements), with a new value calculated by adding the former pairs values together.
Using some combination of GetRange, Select, Aggregate and Where to either alter the original list, or return a new list somehow.
I'd like to apologise for the dodgy wording, and formatting of my question: I'm obviously out of my depth in what I'm trying to achieve - any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds fairly simple to do with a loop
var outList = new List<int>();
for(int x = 2; x < inList.Count -2;x+=2){
outList.Add(inList[x] + inList[x+1]);
You take the first two elements unchanged, you then run a loop that skips in twos summing a pair of elements together and Adding the result to the outList, stopping short of processing the last 2 entries, then add those verbatim to the outList
If the intent was to modify the original list, work backwards in twos between the end and the start
for(int x = list.Count - 4; x >= 2;x-=2){
list[x] += list[x+1];
By working backwards, our manipulations (removing from the list) doesn't affect future elements we have yet to process as the list shortens, which makes the logic a bit easier
LINQ's a hammer; not every problem is a nail.. If you can only accept LINQ then it could look like:
.Select((e, i) => new { E = e, N = i/2 })
.GroupBy(x => x.N, x => x.E)
.Select(g => g.Sum())
Or with ranges:
.Select((e, i) => new { E = e, N = i/2 })
.GroupBy(x => x.N, x => x.E)
.Select(g => g.Sum())
Take the first 2, add on the result of taking the middle N values, projecting them including their index and grouping on index/2 then summing the resulting group, then Concat on the last 2. I don't like it as much as the loops. I can think of other linq ways too, but none I really like.

NTILE function equivalent in C#

I need to implement the following SQL in C# Linq:
SELECT NTILE (3) OVER (ORDER BY TransactionCount DESC) AS A...
I couldn't find any answer to a similar problem except this. However I don't think that is what I am looking for.
I don't even know where to start, if anyone could please give me at least a starting point I'd appreciated.
-- EDIT --
Trying to explain a little better.
I have one Store X with Transactions, Items, Units and other data that I retrieve from SQL and store in a object in C#.
I have a list of all stores with the same data but in this case I retrieve it from Analysis Services due to the large amount of data retrieved (and other reasons) and I store all of it in another object in C#.
So what I need is to order the list and find out if store X is in the top quartile of that list or second or third...
I hope that helps to clarify what I am trying to achieve.
Thank you
I believe that there is no simple LINQ equivalent of NTILE(n). Anyway, depending on your needs it's not that hard to write one.
The T-SQL documentation says
Distributes the rows in an ordered partition into a specified number of groups. The groups are numbered, starting at one. For each row, NTILE returns the number of the group to which the row belongs.
(see here)
For a very crude implementation of NTILE you can use GroupBy. The following example uses an int[] for sake of simplicity, but of course you are not restricted to
int n = 4;
int[] data = { 5, 2, 8, 2, 3, 8, 3, 2, 9, 5 };
var ntile = data.OrderBy(value => value)
.Select((value,index) => new {Value = value, Index = index})
.GroupBy(c => Math.Floor(c.Index / (data.Count() / (double)n)), c => c.Value);
First, our data is ordered ascending by it's values. If you are not using simple ints this could be something like store => store.Revenue (given you'd like to get the quantiles by revenue of the stores). Futhermore we are selecting the ordered data to an anonymous type, to include the indices. This is necessary since the indices are necessary for grouping, but it seems as GroupBy does not support lambdas with indices, as Select does.
The third line is a bit less intuitive, but I'll try and explain: The NTILE function assigns groups, the rows are assigned to. To create n groups, we devide N (number of items) by n to get the items per group and then device the current index by that, to determine in which group the current item is. To get the number of groups right I had to make the number of items per group fractional and floor the calculated group number, but admittedly, this is rather empirical.
ntile will contain n groups, each one having Key equal to the group number. Each group is enumerable. If you'd like to determine, if an element is in the second quartile, you can check if groups.Where(g => g.Key == 1) contains the element.
Remarks: The method I've used to determine the group may need some fine adjustment.
You can do it using GroupBy function by grouping based on index of the object. Consider a list of integers like this:-
List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
You can first project the Index of all elements using Select and finally group by their resp. index. While calculating the Index we can divide it by NTILE value (3 in this case):-
var result = numbers.Select((v, i) => new { Value = v, Index = i / 3 })
.GroupBy(x => x.Index)
.Select(x => x.Select(z => z.Value).ToList());

Getting all combinations of K and less elements in List of N elements with big K

I want to have all combination of elements in a list for a result like this:
List: {1,2,3}
My problem is that I have 180 elements, and I want to have all combinations up to 5 elements. With my tests with 4 elements, it took a long time (2 minutes) but all went well. But with 5 elements, I get a run out of memory exception.
My code presently is this:
public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Rondin>> getPossibilites(List<Rondin> rondins)
var combin5 = rondins.Combinations(5);
var combin4 = rondins.Combinations(4);
var combin3 = rondins.Combinations(3);
var combin2 = rondins.Combinations(2);
var combin1 = rondins.Combinations(1);
return combin5.Concat(combin4).Concat(combin3).Concat(combin2).Concat(combin1).ToList();
With the fonction: (taken from this question: Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n)
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
return k == 0 ? new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((e, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(k - 1).Select(c => (new[] { e }).Concat(c)));
I need to search in the list for a combination where each element added up is near (with a certain precision) to a value, this for each element in an other list. There is all my code for this part:
var possibilites = getPossibilites(opt.rondins);
possibilites = possibilites.Where(p => p.Sum(r => r.longueur + traitScie) < 144);
foreach(BilleOptimisee b in opt.billesOptimisees)
var proches = possibilites.Where(p => p.Sum(r => (r.longueur + traitScie)) < b.chute && Math.Abs(b.chute - p.Sum(r => r.longueur)) - (p.Count() * 0.22) < 0.01).OrderByDescending(p => p.Sum(r => r.longueur)).ElementAt(0);
if(proches != null)
foreach (Rondin r in proches)
possibilites = possibilites.Where(p => !p.Contains(r));
With the code I have, how can I limit the memory taken by my list ? Or is there a better solution to search in a very big set of combinations ?
Please, if my question is not good, tell me why and I will do my best to learn and ask better questions next time ;)
Your output list for combinations of 5 elements will have ~1.5*10^9 (that's billion with b) sublists of size 5. If you use 32bit integers, even neglecting lists overhead and assuming you have a perfect list with 0b overhead - that will be ~200GB!
You should reconsider if you actually need to generate the list like you do, some alternative might be: streaming the list of elements - i.e. generating them on the fly.
That can be done by creating a function, which gets the last combination as an argument - and outputs the next. (to think how it is done, think about increasing by one a number. you go from last to first, remembering a "carry over" until you are done)
A streaming example for choosing 2 out of 4:
start: {4,3}
curr = start {4, 3}
curr = next(curr) {4, 2} // reduce last by one
curr = next(curr) {4, 1} // reduce last by one
curr = next(curr) {3, 2} // cannot reduce more, reduce the first by one, and set the follower to maximal possible value
curr = next(curr) {3, 1} // reduce last by one
curr = next(curr) {2, 1} // similar to {3,2}
Now, you need to figure how to do it for lists of size 2, then generalize it for arbitrary size - and program your streaming combination generator.
Good Luck!
Let your precision be defined in the imaginary spectrum.
Use a real index to access the leaf and then traverse the leaf with the required precision.
See PrecisLise #
While the implementation is not 100% complete as linked you can find where I used a similar concept here:
Using this concept I was able to re-order h.264 Access Units and their underlying Network Access Layer Components in what I consider a very interesting way... outside of interesting it also has the potential to be more efficient using close the same amount of memory.
et al, e.g, 0 can be proceeded by 0.1 or 0.01 or 0.001, depending on the type of the key in the list (double, float, Vector, inter alia) you may have the added benefit of using the FPU or even possibly Intrinsics if supported by your processor, thus making sorting and indexing much faster than would be possible on normal sets regardless of the underlying storage mechanism.
Using this concept allows for very interesting ordering... especially if you provide a mechanism to filter the precision.
I was also able to find several bugs in the bit-stream parser of quite a few well known media libraries using this methodology...
I found my solution, I'm writing it here so that other people that has a similar problem than me can have something to work with...
I made a recursive fonction that check for a fixed amount of possibilities that fit the conditions. When the amount of possibilities is found, I return the list of possibilities, do some calculations with the results, and I can restart the process. I added a timer to stop the research when it takes too long. Since my condition is based on the sum of the elements, I do every possibilities with distinct values, and search for a small amount of possibilities each time (like 1).
So the fonction return a possibility with a very high precision, I do what I need to do with this possibility, I remove the elements of the original list, and recall the fontion with the same precision, until there is nothing returned, so I can continue with an other precision. When many precisions are done, there is only about 30 elements in my list, so I can call for all the possibilities (that still fits the maximum sum), and this part is much easier than the beginning.
There is my code:
public List<IEnumerable<Rondin>> getPossibilites(IEnumerable<Rondin> rondins, int nbElements, double minimum, double maximum, int instance = 0, double longueur = 0)
if(instance == 0)
timer = DateTime.Now;
List<IEnumerable<Rondin>> liste = new List<IEnumerable<Rondin>>();
//Get all distinct rondins that can fit into the maximal length
foreach (Rondin r in rondins.Where(r => r.longueur < (maximum - longueur)).DistinctBy(r => r.longueur).OrderBy(r => r.longueur))
//Check the current length
double longueur2 = longueur + r.longueur + traitScie;
//If the current length is under the maximal length
if (longueur2 < maximum)
//Get all the possibilities with all rondins except the current one, and add them to the list
foreach (IEnumerable<Rondin> poss in getPossibilites(rondins.Where(rondin => !=, nbElements - liste.Count, minimum, maximum, instance + 1, longueur2).Select(possibilite => possibilite.Concat(new Rondin[] { r })))
if (liste.Count >= nbElements && nbElements > 0)
//If this the current length in higher than the minimum, add it to the list
if (longueur2 >= minimum)
liste.Add(new Rondin[] { r });
//If we have enough possibilities, we stop the research
if (liste.Count >= nbElements && nbElements > 0)
//If the research is taking too long, stop the research and return the list;
if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(timer).TotalSeconds > 30)
return liste;

How to improve performance of this algorithm?

I have a text file with 100000 pairs: word and frequency. file with words:
1 line - total count of all word-frequency pairs
2 line to ~100 001 - word-frequency pairs
100 002 line - total count of user input words
from 100 003 to the end - user input words
I parse this file and put the words in
Dictionary<string,double> dictionary;
And I want to execute some search + order logic in the following code:
for(int i=0;i<15000;i++)
tempInputWord = //take data from file(or other sources)
var adviceWords = dictionary
.Where(p => p.Key.StartsWith(searchWord, StringComparison.Ordinal))
.OrderByDescending(ks => ks.Value)
.ThenBy(ks => ks.Key,StringComparer.Ordinal)
//some output
The problem: This code must run in less than 10 seconds.
On my computer (core i5 2400, 8gb RAM) with Parallel.For() - about 91 sec.
Can you give me some advice how to increase performance?
Hooray! We did it!
Thank you #CodesInChaos, #usr, #T_D and everyone who was involved in solving the problem.
The final code:
var kvList = dictionary.OrderBy(ks => ks.Key, StringComparer.Ordinal).ToList();
var strComparer = new MyStringComparer();
var intComparer = new MyIntComparer();
var kvListSize = kvList.Count;
var allUserWords = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < userWordQuantity; i++)
var searchWord = Console.ReadLine();
var result = allUserWords
.Select(searchWord =>
int startIndex = kvList.BinarySearch(new KeyValuePair<string, int>(searchWord, 0), strComparer);
if (startIndex < 0)
startIndex = ~startIndex;
var matches = new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>();
bool isNotEnd = true;
for (int j = startIndex; j < kvListSize ; j++)
isNotEnd = kvList[j].Key.StartsWith(searchWord, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (isNotEnd) matches.Add(kvList[j]);
else break;
var res = matches.Select(s => s.Key).Take(10).ToList();
return res;
foreach (var adviceWords in result)
foreach (var adviceWord in adviceWords)
6 sec (9 sec without manual loop (with linq)))
You are not at all using any algorithmic strength of the dictionary. Ideally, you'd use a tree structure so that you can perform prefix lookups. On the other hand you are within 3.7x of your performance goal. I think you can reach that by just optimizing the constant factor in your algorithm.
Don't use LINQ in perf-critical code. Manually loop over all collections and collect results into a List<T>. That turns out to give a major speed-up in practice.
Don't use a dictionary at all. Just use a KeyValuePair<T1, T2>[] and run through it using a foreach loop. This is the fastest possible way to traverse a set of pairs.
Could look like this:
KeyValuePair<T1, T2>[] items;
List<KeyValuePair<T1, T2>> matches = new ...(); //Consider pre-sizing this.
//This could be a parallel loop as well.
//Make sure to not synchronize too much on matches.
//If there tend to be few matches a lock will be fine.
foreach (var item in items) {
if (IsMatch(item)) {
matches.Sort(...); //Sort in-place
return matches.Take(10); //Maybe matches.RemoveRange(10, matches.Count - 10) is better
That should exceed a 3.7x speedup.
If you need more, try stuffing the items into a dictionary keyed on the first char of Key. That way you can look up all items matching tempInputWord[0]. That should reduce search times by the selectivity that is in the first char of tempInputWord. For English text that would be on the order of 26 or 52. This is a primitive form of prefix lookup that has one level of lookup. Not pretty but maybe it is enough.
I think the best way would be to use a Trie data structure instead of a dictionary. A Trie data structure saves all the words in a tree structure. A node can represent all the words that start with the same letters. So if you look for your search word tempInputWord in a Trie you will get a node that represents all the words starting with tempInputWord and you just have to traverse through all the child nodes. So you just have one search operation. The link to the Wikipedia article also mentions some other advantages over hash tables (that's what an Dictionary is basically):
Looking up data in a trie is faster in the worst case, O(m) time
(where m is the length of a search string), compared to an imperfect
hash table. An imperfect hash table can have key collisions. A key
collision is the hash function mapping of different keys to the same
position in a hash table. The worst-case lookup speed in an imperfect
hash table is O(N) time, but far more typically is O(1), with O(m)
time spent evaluating the hash.
There are no collisions of different keys in a trie.
Buckets in a trie, which are analogous to hash table buckets that store key collisions, are necessary only if a single key is
associated with more than one value.
There is no need to provide a hash function or to change hash functions as more keys are added to a trie.
A trie can provide an alphabetical ordering of the entries by key.
And here are some ideas for creating a trie in C#.
This should at least speed up the lookup, however, building the Trie might be slower.
Ok, I tested it myself using a file with frequencies of english words that uses the same format as yours. This is my code which uses the Trie class that you also tried to use.
static void Main(string[] args)
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
var trie = new Trie<KeyValuePair<string,int>>();
//build trie with your value pairs
var lines = File.ReadLines("en.txt");
foreach(var line in lines.Take(100000))
var split = line.Split(' ');
trie.Add(split[0], new KeyValuePair<string,int>(split[0], int.Parse(split[1])));
Console.WriteLine("Time needed to read file and build Trie with 100000 words: " + sw.Elapsed);
//test with 10000 search words
foreach (string line in lines.Take(10000))
var searchWord = line.Split(' ')[0];
var allPairs = trie.Retrieve(searchWord);
var bestWords = allPairs.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value).ThenBy(kv => kv.Key).Select(kv => kv.Key).Take(10);
var output = bestWords.Aggregate("", (s1, s2) => s1 + ", " + s2);
Console.WriteLine("Time to process 10000 different searchWords: " + sw.Elapsed);
My results on a pretty similar machine:
Time needed to read file and build Trie with 100000 words: 00:00:00.7397839
Time to process 10000 different searchWords: 00:00:03.0181700
So I think you are doing something wrong that we cannot see. For example the way you measure the time or the way you read the file. As my results show this stuff should be really fast. The 3 seconds are mainly due to the Console output in the loop which I needed so that the bestWords variable is used. Otherwise the variable would have been optimized away.
Replace the dictionary by a List<KeyValuePair<string, decimal>>, sorted by the key.
For the search I use that a substring sorts directly before its prefixes with ordinal comparisons. So I can use a binary search to find the first candidate. Since the candidates are contiguous I can replace Where with TakeWhile.
int startIndex = dictionary.BinarySearch(searchWord, comparer);
if(startIndex < 0)
startIndex = ~startIndex;
var adviceWords = dictionary
.TakeWhile(p => p.Key.StartsWith(searchWord, StringComparison.Ordinal))
.OrderByDescending(ks => ks.Value)
.ThenBy(ks => ks.Key)
.Select(s => s.Key)
Make sure to use ordinal comparison for all operations, including the initial sort, the binary search and the StartsWith check.
I would call Console.ReadLine outside the parallel loop. Probably using AsParallel().Select(...) on the collection of search words instead of Parallel.For.
If you want profiling, separate the reading of the file and see how long that takes.
Also data calculation, collection, presentation could be different steps.
If you want concurrence AND a dictionary, look at the ConcurrentDictionary, maybe even more for reliability than for performance, but probably for both:
Assuming the 10 is constant, then why is everyone storing the entire data set? Memory is not free. The fastest solution is to store the first 10 entries into a list, sort it. Then, maintain the 10-element-sorted-list as you traverse through the rest of the data set, removing the 11th element every time you insert an element.
The above method works best for small values. If you had to take the first 5000 objects, consider using a binary heap instead of a list.

Select items from List of structs

I've got List of sctructs. In struct there is field x. I would like to select those of structs, which are rather close to each other by parameter x. In other words, I'd like to clusterise them by x.
I guess, there should be one-line solution.
Thanks in advance.
If I understood correctly what you want, then you might need to sort your list by the structure's field X.
Look at the GroupBy extension method:
var items = mylist.GroupBy(c => c.X);
This article gives a lot of examples using group by.
If you're doing graph-style clustering, the easiest way to do it is by building up a list of clusters which is initially empty. Then loop over the input and, for each value, find all of the clusters which have at least one element which is close to the current value. All those clusters should then be merged together with the value. If there aren't any, then the value goes into a cluster all by itself.
Here is some sample code for how to do it with a simple list of integers.
IEnumerable<int> input;
int threshold;
List<List<int>> clusters = new List<List<int>>();
foreach(var current in input)
// Search the current list of clusters for ones which contain at least one
// entry such that the difference between it and x is less than the threshold
var matchingClusters =
cluster => cluster.Any(
val => Math.Abs(current - val) <= threshold)
// Merge all the clusters that were found, plus x, into a new cluster.
// Replace all the existing clusters with this new one.
IEnumerable<int> newCluster = new List<int>(new[] { current });
foreach (var match in matchingClusters)
newCluster = newCluster.Concat(match);

