What's wrong with this 2D array initializing code? - c#

I am trying to take the positions of the cells of a game level and map them to a 2D array. I want to do this so I can make each ground cell (and NOT background cell) collidable with my player character.
Below is the current code that someone created for me:
int tileSize = 20;
int screenSizeInTiles = 30;
// initializing multidimensional array of points
var tilePositions = new System.Drawing.Point[screenSizeInTiles, screenSizeInTiles];
for (int x = 0; x < screenSizeInTiles; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < screenSizeInTiles; y++)
tilePositions[x, y] = new System.Drawing.Point(x * tileSize, y * tileSize);
It can be found here: How can I use a jagged array to record the x and y axes of these tiles?
along with a better description of what I'm trying to do.
So, when I run this code, I get an empty array in tilePositions. Well, the x, and y values are there, but the values are all 0. The values should be the position data for the cells.
Here is what the tilesPosition array looks like:
I'm still working on the collision code though... I need this to work before I can figure that part out.
Thank you all incredibly much, you have been so helpful! I am still a beginner, but am working around the clock to make myself a better programmer.

if you did
int tileSize = 20;
int screenSizeInTiles = 30;
// initializing jagged array of points
var tilePositions = new Point[screenSizeInTiles][screenSizeInTiles];
for (int x = 0; x < screenSizeInTiles; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < screenSizeInTiles; y++)
tilePositions[x][y] = new Point(x * tileSize, y * tileSize);
it would be jagged (an array of arrays.)


why is my marching cubes algorithm so slow?

i have somewhat implemented marching cubes in unity/c# (you dont need to know unity to help me though) and i cant stop feeling like i have made a big mistake in my code because it is so slow. i am already running it on a separate thread but it just takes ages to complete. please help me optimize my code.
private void _UpdateChunk()
lock (this)
// clear the tri, vert and uv lists
// Loop through each "cube" in the terrain.
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < width; z++)
// Create an array of floats representing each corner of a cube and get the value from our terrainMap.
float[] cube = new float[8];
float[] strengths = new float[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
Vector3Int corner = new Vector3Int(x, y, z) + gamedata.CornerTable[i];
cube[i] = terrainMap[corner.x, corner.y, corner.z].BlockType;
strengths[i] = terrainMap[corner.x, corner.y, corner.z].Strength;
// Pass the value into the MarchCube function.
MarchCube(new Vector3(x, y, z), cube, strengths);
void MarchCube(Vector3 position, float[] cube, float[] strengths)
// Get the configuration index of this cube.
int configIndex = GetCubeConfiguration(cube);
// If the configuration of this cube is 0 or 255 (completely inside the terrain or completely outside of it) we don't need to do anything.
if (configIndex == 0 || configIndex == 255)
// Loop through the triangles. There are never more than 5 triangles to a cube and only three vertices to a triangle.
int edgeIndex = 0;
Vector3 vert1 = new Vector3();
Vector3 vert2 = new Vector3();
float vert1sample = 0;
float vert2sample = 0;
float lerp = 0;
int indice = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
// Get the current indice. We increment triangleIndex through each loop.
indice = gamedata.TriangleTable[configIndex, edgeIndex];
// If the current edgeIndex is -1, there are no more indices and we can exit the function.
if (indice == -1)
// Get the vertices for the start and end of this edge.
vert1 = position + gamedata.EdgeTable[indice, 0];
vert2 = position + gamedata.EdgeTable[indice, 1];
vert1sample = strengths[gamedata.EdgeIndexTable[indice, 0]];
vert2sample = strengths[gamedata.EdgeIndexTable[indice, 1]];
// Get the midpoint of this edge.
lerp = Mathf.Abs(vert1sample) / (Mathf.Abs(vert2sample) + Mathf.Abs(vert1sample));
Vector3 vertPosition = Vector3.Lerp(vert1, vert2, lerp);
// Add to our vertices and triangles list and incremement the edgeIndex.
triangles.Add(vertices.Count - 1);
if (getChunkVoxel(vert1 + chunkPosition) != 0)
uvs.Add(new Vector2(getChunkVoxel(vert1 + chunkPosition) - 1, 0));
uvs.Add(new Vector2(getChunkVoxel(vert2 + chunkPosition) - 1, getChunkVoxel(vert2 + chunkPosition) - 1));
int GetCubeConfiguration(float[] cube)
// Starting with a configuration of zero, loop through each point in the cube and check if it is below the terrain surface.
int configurationIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
// If it is, use bit-magic to the set the corresponding bit to 1. So if only the 3rd point in the cube was below
// the surface, the bit would look like 00100000, which represents the integer value 32.
if (cube[i] < terrainSurface)
configurationIndex |= 1 << i;
return configurationIndex;
it appears that this is the part that slows my game down, help would be appreciated
i already made it faster by changing terrainpoint from a class to a struct but it is still very slow.
One main reason it is slow is that there is a lot of allocations in the loop putting a lot of pressure on the garbadge collector. There is currently 11 allocation per "cube" in the terrain in _UpdateChunk and up to 17 in MarchCube (possibly even more if the expressions like position + gamedata.EdgeTable[indice, 0] allocates a new vector). This is not reasonable. Many allocation are not needed. For example cube and strengths can be preallocated once for all the cubes in the beginning of _UpdateChunk. You do not need to allocate the vector in the expression to compute corner: you can just compute the components separately manually (or you can possibly preallocate the vector and reset its component when needed). The same thing applies for the new Vector3(x, y, z) can can be preallocated and set in the loop. Such an algorithm is computationally intensive so you should get away any overhead like virtual method calls and allocations/GC -- only low-level arrays accesses and mathematical operations should remains.
Note that some computations can be optimized. For example GetCubeConfiguration can be modified so to be branchless. Mathf.Abs(vert1sample) can be precomputed so not to compute it twice (though the compiler may already do that). I am also wondering if the expression like vertices.Add are efficient but this is dependent of the type of container which is not provided here.

Generating Lookup Table For 3D Noise

I'm having trouble understanding why my lookup table is not working. I currently have one that generates a table for 2D noise, which works fine.
int xOffset = chunk.Pos.x;
int zOffset = chunk.Pos.z;
// Generate a lookup table
int i = 0;
for (int z = 0; z<ni.noiseGen.Size; z++)
float zf = (z<<ni.noiseGen.Step)+zOffset;
for (int x = 0; x<ni.noiseGen.Size; x++)
float xf = (x<<ni.noiseGen.Step)+xOffset;
ni.lookupTable[i++] = NoiseUtils.GetNoise(noise.Noise, xf, 0f, zf, 75f, 100, noise.Gain);
When I try to iterate over a y axis, it does not work. An index out of range exception is thrown. Below is the attempted 3D lookup table.
int xOffset = chunk.Pos.x;
int yOffset = chunk.Pos.y;
int zOffset = chunk.Pos.z;
// Generate a lookup table
int i = 0;
for (int z = 0; z<ni.noiseGen.Size; z++)
float zf = (z<<ni.noiseGen.Step)+zOffset;
for (int y = 0; y<ni.noiseGen.Size; y++)
float yf = (y<<ni.noiseGen.Step)+yOffset;
for (int x = 0; x<ni.noiseGen.Size; x++)
float xf = (x<<ni.noiseGen.Step)+xOffset;
ni.lookupTable[i++] = NoiseUtils.GetNoise(noise.Noise, xf, yf, zf, 75f, 100, noise.Gain);
I'd assume it'd be as easy as that, but I was wrong and do not understand why. Any enlightenment would be appreciated, thanks!
Ah, after looking over how ni.lookupTable was declared I realized I forgot to multiply by the size one more time for 3D. It is now declared like this,
ni.lookupTable = pools.FloatArrayPool.Pop(ni.noiseGen.Size*ni.noiseGen.Size*ni.noiseGen.Size);
My apologies!

How would I subdivide an arbitrary cube into smaller cubes?

I'm trying to write an algorithm that will split an arbitrary quad into smaller quads that all have the same x, y, and z scales (so, cubes). Right now I have code that splits quads into scaled down versions of themselves, but I'd like the ratio to be 1:1:1. How would I modify the code below to do that?
for (int x=0; x < 2; x++) {
for (int y=0; y < 2; y++) {
for (int z=0; z < 2; z++) {
GameObject newCube = Instantiate(gameObject);
newCube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(
newCube.transform.position = new Vector3(
newCube.transform.position.x + ((x-0.5f) * newCube.transform.localScale.x),
newCube.transform.position.y + ((y-0.5f) * newCube.transform.localScale.y),
newCube.transform.position.z + ((z-0.5f) * newCube.transform.localScale.z)
If I understood you correctly, you want to make squares from a rectangle (actually the 3D equivalent of those, but whatever).
So your inner squares must have a side, at most, half of the SMALLER side of the rectangle. And, since they are squares, all the sides must have the same size. So, you must find which is the smaller side of x, y and z, and create your cubes with all sides set to half of that value.
Putting that into your code:
for (int x=0; x < 2; x++) {
for (int y=0; y < 2; y++) {
for (int z=0; z < 2; z++) {
GameObject newCube = Instantiate(gameObject);
var cubeSize = Math.Min(oldQuad.x, Math.Min(oldQuad.y, oldQuad.z)) / 2;
newCube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(
newCube.transform.position = new Vector3(
newCube.transform.position.x + ((x-0.5f) * newCube.transform.localScale.x),
newCube.transform.position.y + ((y-0.5f) * newCube.transform.localScale.y),
newCube.transform.position.z + ((z-0.5f) * newCube.transform.localScale.z)
Since you told nothing about how you want to position them, I keep that part the same.

Using perlin noise field, to get random positions for objects to spawn

I am trying to make a system that uses a perlin noise field to generate random positions that are then saved, or saved as the are generated, to a list. Then using that list the game will use those positions to spawn in objects within the level. I think that I might be on the right track, but I might have a few things in the wrong places.
Here is a link to an image of all the things that I think are relevant:
the blue dots should be the saved locations that are added to the list. But i am only getting one position 5 times, which is the correct number of positions but they are all the same position that is the problem.
// --- Random Generation of Objects --- //
Color[] colourMap = new Color[mapWidth * mapHeight];
for(int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++) {
float currentHeight = noiseMap[x, y];
for(int i = 0; i < regions.Length; i++) {
// --- Random Gen of Asteroids --- //
if(currentHeight <= regions[i].height) {
colourMap[y * mapWidth + x] = regions[i].colour;
Vector3 ping = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
Anyway thank you for the help and reading this far, please let me know if you need anything more.

Generating terrain in C# using perlin noise

I'm working on civilization game in C# and XNA. I use a two dimensional integer array, populated with a loop, to generate tiles, I've done a ton research and have been unable to find a way to generate earth like terrain. Can anyone explain how to do this or at least give me code that could do it, though I would prefer and explanation? Thank you.
I use an algorithm similar to this to make my terrain. Basicly it generates some random numbers and uses a sine wave to generate hills, when combined they give a nice hilly landscape. Note that you can add a loop and array of values if you want more than just 3 passes.
private void GenerateTerrain()
terrainContour = new int[Width*Height];
//Make Random Numbers
double rand1 = randomizer.NextDouble() + 1;
double rand2 = randomizer.NextDouble() + 2;
double rand3 = randomizer.NextDouble() + 3;
//Variables, Play with these for unique results!
float peakheight = 20
float flatness = 50
int offset = 30;
//Generate basic terrain sine
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
double height = peakheight / rand1 * Math.Sin((float)x / flatness * rand1 + rand1);
height += peakheight / rand2 * Math.Sin((float)x / flatness * rand2 + rand2);
height += peakheight / rand3 * Math.Sin((float)x / flatness * rand3 + rand3);
height += offset;
terrainContour[x] = (int)height;
Then to fill the heightmap just loop through the values and check if it is above the threshold or not.
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
if (y > terrainContour[x])
tiles[x, y] = Solid Tile
tiles[x, y] = Blank Tile
Theres much more you can add to it, I've added more randomness and indenting some tiles by 1 up or down for better terrain. And adding more sine waves will make it more realistic.
Try using 2D Perlin Noise algorithms, and selecting certain heights to make caves and more advanced terrain, as this is now what I do, but this code here is a good start.

